Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1884, p. 4

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s v ticnegmrm tnkwsmyso jut 5 ibm- mysterious the tsitvo tjndoow hat it 8weplng awy so manywhat wellknown cacssmes havo to say h i aa ur iuolioniblo tiot loll thottt- mis c loi today enduring the me iuo lrrc or ere afflicted by th rool unvrcwnuke syniptoms for which they cm iss no reason whatever they have friiaait hulacbes are stranly lanrij ivo a raveuooc appetite one day and roao whatever hie neat and feel dull paos invirioa parti ot the body but they im- it is only a cold or some pass ing m j disorder inioel few peopl n th pro caw o serious dacrcr cud ticy are upon them thc folioxii ciprci ot wellknown peoplo in the ioucc re t jnely and valuable rvv wuiiiji j niueron pastorot tho mcthoiistepiscopd chorch of prsscott ouur syi for a number of years acl ui recently i hai bn gradually bat sltilily dccliniaj iu health t was anbje to severe pains iu various parts of my holy siors ct breath palpitation o the heart and a distressing haciinj coah i ccralted physicians one of whom isf onne i se that i had beca carry inc looiaiiiy pouuof 6team another state that i was on th eve of a general ooasuttitiosal breakup another pro- poaacea rac s bea fargono in liver com plaint sal eiia that- the last one had hit it i coiaavucel a coarse of his treat meat ffiihaa however any bjuefit fee ing that i was goaj dora hill very fast i grew soacwhst deipcadeit and finally re- aitrjcltayiclt to an early death at this juactarc i resolved to try warners safe care aad aov 1 aai nearly as well as ever i was ia ray whole life ily cough has disapreiva lary and i seldom feel any of rav eld syaiiams i have always been semewhu disposed to prejadica against proprietary aedaiacs bat i feel it to be an ac af ae to inaie this etateineal for tie i of others jcha v aa rcidiag at 139 king street loa5oa av fcr two years i have been ireal vriaa travel s ny kaaaeye and hat safered aatold agony the t passage i te ravtxjfrom the kidneys into the llaactt threw rae into paroxysms of pain and coaial- tely broke me down upon d coaial- tely broke me down the riccaiaieadatioa of a friend i began the as- o vtaraers safe gure which seera- edto diolvotaa aravel and it passed from me in uic icrai of dast i recommend wsraars safe care to everybody who is eaateraa at all si1 have sarlefed hr- il lsaioa residing at 05 victoria aveaae hamian says fortera or ru- teea vearsi have saiiered from female oamaaiati ad liver disease i have coa- niized ai rae fromiaeat dictoi in ham- haba aaa- were able to care me sir maatiis ca ci err year i was laid up in bed ircm lcavcas arotrstioa and debdity and ireaaatjy while woriia about the house i weald filat aad remain unconsci ous fcr m than half an hoar hearing of yzrzti safe care i began its use and am now ia jood health all previous troabies have kfr me- it has wortfid won ders ia my cac- and i can recommend it to ail the lad is in the coaatry lr caaaie 11 syme foreman in w h smiths saw factory st satharines said five ears zzo i beran to be asicted thi star dyoi am uocioellod for ohcap ueuand brilliant fateulor 10 from the livtrnud kidooya triao fully lrit tin- ickuru dr cartona 8toonch bittc imulatoi both liver nad kidueyi and lire oue ftgaiult dtacate it ll dot an roeoholic itimnusu in largr bottlei kt s0cnt 80- aew u trtat weak uan a1yi utoatbo vhrough the rat kep- lug tho mouth otojd u ran oh u ptnlblc walk and ul erpol eiorclm in thi open lr kep ttia skiu bctapulootly clean and and lake hpyurd pectoral balsaiu for ooughi colds aud bronchial iroublh 26 avers samparilla beins highly con- centrated requires a imallri dosa aod in mora effective doaa tor dose than miy other blood medicine it the chupctt because the beat quality and not quantity ahonld be conilderod if a few grains ot commou knae could be iltfaied into the thick noddles of thoe who uorpetnally and alternately irritate and weaken their ktoucna aid bowels with drastic purgative they woojjf use tho highly accredited and healthful isatire and tonic ixotthrop t lymans vegetable dis covery anl dyspeptic cure which causes good digeation to wait an appetite and health on both m btfhly ifneable ouevert valuable feature of dr lows pleawnt worm syrup ia that it ia highly agreeable to take and all varieties of wormi tape worms included can be safely expelled by it without recouite to harah and aick- eaing drugs 26 a m hamilton writes for weeks i ru troubled with a swelled ankle which etuscd me much paiu and auuoyance mr lavbee of this place recommended dr themas eclectric oil for it i trioi it md licfore one bottle was used i was cured 1 is an article of ereat value beware of electric or electron oils aa they are imita tions of dr thotnaa eclectric oil s3 liluxrwiilfil can any oue bringas a caae of kidney or liir comidaint that electric bitura will not speedily cure we aay they can not ai ibouaauds of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recommending electric bitters will prove rrighli dis ease diabetes weak back or any urinary coaiplaint quickly cared they purify the blood reuitc the bowels and act dirwtlt nn the diseased parts every bottle guar anteed for aale at 50c a bottle by j k uctlarrin ats bkewaa crei ire yon troubled with salt rheum rough skin firapleaor canker sorea if 10 so at once to j e mcgarvins drujt store and eel a package of calvetts carbolic cerate price twentyfive cents it was never known to fail 7 pecoria pcctoria pictoria the great remedyiturcoaghs colds bronchitis sore turoat jtnfiaenta horseaess and all affec tions of the langs and throat or cheat fecloria loosens the phlegoa and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont aire up notd you have tried pectoris all dnigguts aad general storekeepers sell it the triangle package dyes hare won their way to public favor solely on their own merits and are now to be found in every section of the country so colors all perfect 10c at j e ilcgarvins unit store 3 a- baxkees tcrmtosr for acough cold or anv bronchial affection pcctoria success of the cre4t sale at cost at the right house ifaillton eductions which this immense stock ot sbont ono bnudre aod iwenlyflve tbnussnd uaamls of lidiet to these immense mores th manuevljolnians unera 8bawls this favorite hnuso h ss usual tho cream ot tho coalmen in hsmilton the donrnous re dollars worth ot most carefully selected aud decidedly 01 iap goods ate selling off to atir ihoui scarfs clouds squar mauh- and ulster coibs b jkots iw c c- u crimes and mhsios styles and pattorui ladies tlent and childrens uuderfcloihing of uu kinds umwj and olovea m virions quaiiu a an prc wr qlltl deign fathers flowers and oromen millinery and rlbbonk both new and tyhh v rwto w 7 a- or ua prices oompions comline and aereral other nei and superior designs in hi greatly b 0 rjaroet sweemrs vtctar all offering at prices so low as to sorprfs l 8100k 10 as to make room fr the larj sprin stock wh ch william t wtksu purchasing nnw been minj otttsst this week they are- pnl down so very low the mnlle and ulsior cloths and 1 and regatta grey cottona dnsks denims ticking canton quilts blankets carpets etc are nil exceedingly choap the lluul house king street close to hnghson street the oains is hamilton jan 94th 1884 thomas c watkins hamilton kixh ct ci5tre2 trozbltk which in- m my opinion is jost the thine i hy zaca ic in my family for coagha and colds for the past foar years with the most un tried succcm aad todj my opinion of i is that i continue to think still mora of that which i tepsn thinking well of g eo keek ilaniger ontario bank pickering prire 25 cents at all drnggists 30 crexti izi viciccs until i wiis compelled to reniiii hi bed- oly symptoms rera terrible ijd i lcpt cttc worn and tror all h rhile tix doctors coold not agree t3 to tie mzre of my disease and i finally lost tilihjw cf everttiia well le3xn- ix of cie c39s similax to my own that had beet hepel bj wirners safe cere i beiu iu ns sji1 commenced to improve frozi the rt day and i am happy to say that i si now ss sand as a dollar and cin c3 a days vrork withoat its hurting tne dxtcr sanizel xeodier of chathara say iljvessenivarcerssaiecnre ciel rery etely and hare heard of the most -rsx-iyi- rcinlts i am convinced that it is a u27iiiied medicine for dia- ordtri c tli kidneyi and nrinarr organs tod i cczity recomceqd it- 3tr kl z lcblii clerk of crawford hoxe windsor tiy- for several years i traa ailccd with kilney difncnlty and dd ne to whit it ws3 to be free from eicrcitil plni which at times were so bjrl th i cjli neither stind nor remove my clcsres it that time i was condnctor on the deiivtr ni eio grande railroid and no cobt the conitit jolting ara- vated the ui kcticin an advertise ment of warners eife cure i procured th raiiics ad from the firjt it acted like tjiz zui it his completely and per- maiej- cured me- i cannot too highly rccomreiid t asi know what it has done for me- the ioe statements axe from man of unquestionable veracity and sach as merit the cretet coneidsration- kb one who is snserln irsm iny form of physical dis order cn diord to neglect even the slight est symijiai which can be ao readily cootrcled a jkn in time and which are so daceroij if permitted to continue bs capful whit ton eaf- the let ttuiuiue autourittta declare that wfrms j ti ijuumu tyttca are often io- dncd uy qui ug too freely of uncocked fruit and too nicch meat cteese etc vtlstcr may ije the cauie freeoifna worm powdereareepeedy anisafe tocarej ther destroy ibe warms and conuin their own cathirtfc expel tbein ig jaaies briyley hamilton siv i readibe leitinimiialfifor mcorerori speedy curt pur that i bad not tn go u tw yyrk philadelphia ixjaisiana or txu tn tin i living wiuieeaes itf value we la ye ijteniy uf ptrnona right bara to proro its merits i got totui tiad ii balptd me right away i wm to bad -ith- 0iuma fever and lodifieition ai i think any oys could be i hare uktra three botiles and am a early wol and can eat any kind of food withoat it barting tse i msyuv that i am ijeturr than i erer expoctftd t to s ires tam umks at 4 b jtogurins sfe- 1 iraralyuemmiie w h howard o geoeta k suffer ed with palsy and general debility and spent a small ortunein advertised remedies kithout arail until he tried burdock blood bitter it porifil and revitalised the blood caused it to circulate freely aud quickly restored him to health 26 s chadwick o arcadia wayne co writes i have had severe attacks of asth- rat for several years i commenced takiojr dr thomas eclectric oil the first dose relieved me in one hour i coutinued tak ing it iu tcisjoouful doses for a few days indiive not bead an attack of it sicce now nearly one year 23 whv whats the matter lady with face enveloped in roll of hot cloths oh im craiy with that xcuralgia that continually troubles me well how foolish why dont yen go to jfcgarvina drug store and get a bottle of floid lightnin i itcurcd me in less than one miiute i always keep a bottle iu the house it only costs 25 ceuts 80 tke bs prefthi olosx i sell more bnrdock biood bitters than i do of any other preparation in stock says b jackes druggist toronto it the read sr will ask any drujrjrist in the city he will grt a imilar aniwer tohis query a proof bat it is the most popular medicine for the blood liver and kidneys known 26 el era helherstl batters i are you disturbed at night and broken if your rest by a sick child eusering and crying with the excraclalinifpaia of cutting teeth if so go at once and get a bottle of lre winslowe soothing syrnp it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will dot tail you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother sad relief as health to the child operating like magic it is perfecty safe to use in all oases and pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of tho oldest and beat female physicians awl nones in the united stetca hold everywhere 25 cents a bottle thhrgrtbjndvrosjsfabwtasftwib selling toukln iseric immenw itow to agent all intelligent people wnt it any one can become a eoooessfal agent vegetable sicilian haie renefee sit ih flrtt preparation perfccuj idapted ar dltcakt of the scalp and um first too ecfal rattortr of fadea or gray hair to iu calural color stotth and jpuuifttl beauty it hai had mauj laiiutors bat uont iut to tvuj tut all tho requirtineuti ueedlol for the proper trtaumul of the ualr and icalp iulli luin hestma hai itcadilj grown in fatoftanj ipread iti fame and wefalaen w jrcrj qoarter of the tlobe iti unparil- klod meceai can be attributed to bat ou cau tkt tiltin julneut 0 iu promise tn proprieton lure often bcea inrprtoed at tha rcotfiil of orden from rtniou oooo- jf rid thare ihey had never made au eflorl for iti lulrodacliou tue um for a abort um of hillt hair kkmwer tcmlerfuilr luiprorw th per tonal appwrauce ll deaiitetuiptcalptroiu all linporitjet cure all hunion fetfr and djtowi and that prevenu balduoia ii ttftntflitc uic weakened gida and enable ihem 10 path forward a ncn and tljoroot jroviii tha efftcu of uiii artfcla ara not vniaiit like thota of aleobolie rcpara- uombut remain t iarg lime vlilcli liaiet lj um a matter ot otfcixnit j buoeufghams die s tol tux whiskers tui chat5j the bartt o a naioral brom or black a dealred 1 1 pnxl ucea ennanenl eoioribal will not vuhavny coinwngol t ringle preparation it if applied wiuiuat trouble ntepalled bt bp halls co rastohh sold by all dealer in medicine for all the fobilb or scrofulous mercurial aad blood pi lord cn m bett reniedr beca uia tnosrt marchiiie aad tiicnacb bloodparlflcr u ayers sarsaparilla loid by all dmgslsti 1 fix bottle speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything iiitlieir liue from the be8t casket to the puaine8t coffin on the shortest notieennd at lowest terms faction allcalls eitier night or day promptly attended to satis- uarunteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire hweareina position to aatisfactorily fill orders for vaggnns carriage ic o every dcscripllon in reasonable lime good workmanship ond firstclass material always used we have also a splendid lot or furcilore bolh common and extra quality cheap iwif ybc nill pay us ca8h we i e t anything iu our line cheap j a speight manazr east end clothing store whilejteudenng my sincere thanks to my numerous customers for the liberal patrouage heretofore accorded ne i would an- uouuce to my patrons and the puhlic that i have now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season as in the past ao also in the future i propose to give my customers tletst value that can be had iu ihc trade good sound material in all the newest patterns and perfect- fitting gnrments it lowest possible prices hats and caps lit all the leading a week at home i00 outfit free eay j shapes for fall wear call aad see then j fyfe ejubabsolatelysoro koriik capital not j required reader if you want business at j whach parsons of aither sex young or old can make great pay ad the time they work j with absolute certainty write forparticu- 1 lars to h hjjuti 4 co portland maine firles aereal fontil nurseries i sis i ierea j the largest in the dominion 8ilesmexv4vttd j steady emebymeut at filed salaries to all willing to work men and voiibn i can have pleasant woek the tear bound good ageota aie earning from 40 to 75 per mouth aud expenses swtermf and oulfi t free address stose welxijigtox toronto ont ifr family newspaper ih canada kiho of tvuhwttna weekly free press lshtfje 1 paper 8 pages cut 4 eaated by new machinery contains all the newt special ilarket department agricultural department capital story always running ingenious puzzle column funny humorisms jut the tung for the family tstsend cl00 and toe paper trill iw forwarded to yoa to january 1st 1885 11000 in premiums the most liberal inducements ever offered in canada to parties getting up clubs far the week- it free press send for premium list weeklt feee pbe1s t fibheus autocatk sent le 1st jaaaary 185 ter 115 address fbet pbesh office london ont an endless variety of plus andiotherj picture frames suitable for presents ph otocr aphs the latest style taken by the new process no long sittings brink your pictures of deceased friends and have them idii enlarged in firstclaas styiei cwhill acton gb a ivtes- r ia mam who is unacquainted with the oeoobaphy of this country wilt 8ee by examining m map that the the champion of the homes against the saloons a masterly prohibition paper the lever the leading temperance jonrual cf the united states opposed to license in all its forms the fearless advocate of the total prohibition of the drink trsfflo eightpage ftqtsix cotncswaixlv tersms0lfl per tear j yliberalradpction to olubs ajents wanted samples free address vanfleet i looms 87 wamngtmst cueajo iu af for the working class send 10 uulucenis for postage and we will mail yon fnt a royal valuable box of sample goods that will pot you in the way of making more money in few days than yon ever thought possible at any business capital not regnlred we trill start yoa tea on work all the time or in yopr spare ttmeooiy the work is universally adapt ed to both sum young and old yon ow syefrotnomttowrflryvn tag that all who want wdrtr test tb vasinesjs wo mata this tinpssaejed offer tosol wlw sctjioi wtuaarisfled ws will mai it to pay for the trouble of writing u pl partieulars direotiona etc sent free fortunes will be nude by those who give tbeir whole time to the work great sno- txtftdflay8tartnbw r cs o shicaco rock island pacific ry is te oreat central line afforde to travelers t reason of its jnrlvaled geo- traphieal position the shortest and beat route between the ust northeast and euthasut aid th t west northwest nnd southwest t it literally and atrlouy true that its oonneotion ore all of the prtnolpal llnee of load between the atiantlo and the pooino br its main line and branches it reaohef ohloasro jollot peoria ottawa ka salle oeneeeo mollne and roolt island in illinois davenport muscatine washington keokuk knoivllle oekaloeea fairfield oea moines west llbertf ipwaoirr atiantlo avooa audubon harlan guthrie center and oounoil blufrs in towai oallatln trenton cameron und kansas otty in missouri and leaven worth and atohlson in kansas and the hundreds of oltlee irlltana and towns intermediate the great rock island route as it ts rsmlllartj stalled offers to travelers nn the advantages smd comforts moident to si smooth track safe bridges union depots at ah oonneotirg points fast lapress trains composed 0 oommooious will vihtilatko will hiatib finuvjiraoutirid and txttunt oav 0oaohbs line of the mst ataonirtowt houton smolinino chair oars ever built i faullmasts tatet designed and handsomest falaoi slixpinq oars smd dinino oars at are aoknowledced by press and people to be the finest rum upon any iadln thi ooutftry and in whloh siiperlor iwoalo are eerved to tnwslste at kratert8twiarnrfivoisrrseaoh i thru trams each way between ohioaoo and the missouri rivtr jtwojrrauts eaeh war between ohkmoo and minniafous and st paul aliiert lea route iffaalsersa r jasiraott wnja ftwisasassa sjhiejuiihua sashsjigptjbt aujsi ssftsabsaala x ilrniroaisehpaamilseinsutmw i mirnwadmlitforirtss sfa tasetasraalllirimsmtic r r cable 8tifmrl- mtsiwtommmsmagr tmurk4pawraifa l niiiraiinfa vseissffejsjvafv hills tin stove depot good a980rtm ent on stovk8 cheap for cash tinware of all ktnds bottom prices at eavetroughlng a specialty and put up on notice shortest first class material only dsed a call solicited j o hill mill st butcher shop r holmes woald reipeclioily infonn the petple of acton uid vicinity tbit be bupnrchuad the baiiness aud propefty of mr w c robiapan and it prepared to apply all with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and gamein seaton aa meat delivered to any part of town at any time au having practical experience in the butchering easiness i feel con6dent that i can snit all a call kindly solicited fl holmes santos imn co r toss st tsmmss see worth their weight in gold liiiiv7vifel pills ointment this ipcojlpabablzmbdlc1e luu soared for iitelf m impcriikotle fame tknvghout tkt world for the alternation aad care onoattfutastttoufccaauiaaauarir the pills purify reitalste snd improve the quality of the blood they assist tha digestive organs cleanse tho stohac11 and bowels increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous system snd throw inlo the circulation the purest elements for sustaining aud repairing the frame thouaands of persons have testified that hy their use alone they have been restored to health and strength alter every other means had proved unsuccessful the ointment every household hard turners will be found invaluable ia in the care ot open sorea bad ltffs 014 wouit qoueiis colds sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and chest aa also gout kheamatirn seroiuu and every kiad of skin disease manufactured only at professor hollo- w oxpobd old at to ljfl 22s and sis each box and waya bstabliahment street losdon and s9d 4s f pot aud in lanada at 36 and l an the larger sixjaa in proportrob agent in the medicines sold- lerefore look to the label on the pots anil boxes if the aucatmof i hat united stales nor ara my there purchaarra should t ikal nn tt address is not tbf v aresrmi the tridel registrered tngton v- sit m rsmotford cents to cents btroet londobj irk of my i aid mdlelnes ottawa p i also at w mabholpvat t fititattiaafrsr fair wa whil no ritaf oe cure effected your money win 1 ritx jijo sold br bi rtfunded dsrrosnsts t ire4ueu cyrrjwliert amount required to core as ruixos ox to 8ix itottlia wilt purify the blood eradicutinf all liuuurs frou ihe cquod pimple blotch orojil to the most malig nant form ot acrutuloue nicer out til six burma by cicanhtnj the bhod hll puniy tbe cnipjrxicu from 8allowness suiooth out the aniajis retnll ing from inlerfect nourishmenlof the udy sweeten foul breath aud renovate the entire sytein oxt to two bottus will cure ordinary constipation or uosliruem ther ix unoving hhaiachc piles biliousuera and jaundice and all diseases resulting liotn tor iu liver oxt to six bottus by cleaning the blood improving the general bfulb and fortiiyiot the system again t taking fresh colds williu all cases relieve and iu most cases cure hat cnojintn loalhsuiue and dangerous disease catakbb oxt to tursm burrus will regulate all deraugements of the kidneys curing nrinary difficulties prostration gratel dialietes etc ost to poue bottlta will reinvigorate the entire avstem curing oenoua and gen- era debility female weakness and all its attendant miseries the key to heaim tjrjooka alltba dtogged eveejuee of the bowels kidneys aodlivar oarrr- ing off gradnslly wrtboira weejusning the system ah tho imrmritiwi and foul bnmora of the secretiorjs at the same time correcting acidity of thi btomadh coring buiousitebs tjys- pepeia h tictitiaigi beartbarc constipation dryneas of tas ektn dropsy tjtnmeas of vision jaundice salt tha erysipelas scrofula fluttering of tho heart harvtmsnees and gem- bral dabhity alt these and many other similar complaints yield to tho happy influence of biiedock bloonetteeha t hetmt a ca preprtou- tenets harnes trunk rirtrrs asqumig aktthig is 1 harness or trunks to save money should go to r creech acton dr feli le brnas gtiergt ctji agobranteedcuxetorvenelal llesses bare plmssdi an i rellntile jivind eoecls fronjluu noniunlri with hrs bla a- 1 rbxortl boaea i tiv pvery 1rf 1si lo rcrub j sjinit 11 pjz sv r a jjy e bbun co a m kin east t hoi proirleiors ontario burdoofc l o o itters- u cure orreueve mf 3 v f v j 1 1 oyipema ihdibestiom jaundice brwpeu8 8alt rheum heartburh headache ajdlyery apeclea of dumeae wmraraduvcu kinnsys bowels ok blood f iidbofim eo p dmp8y fulttemi i n f of thejhemf p aoidltrof the stomach j i dryness t of tjie m a ss h toboktq t manhocs bow 48t hjw kestjbe pi- wohrvnreeentljpnhushidauew edllton i br cattcrwelis celf r kotetl cssay on th runlet and snrelopeono i cts orlwo notne urap tneeikorated uthor in ilita adrolrablr ivhurassiulnriksrthsjsjsralbfeab s f weee wsatwbt fefcl whsl h i coomitosjaiaj i ebeiijsbew oheapivrlvatsanfruiely r tftvtepsw atwiold tatus eyf tsrtonthbtetriaeldtlielebi vi vadresa f ihe cnlterwrtl brtflrb to rv ii

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