Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1884, p. 3

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j3fe railway time tablb orajw tbttok baxsyvta oorxeaatt ommitktt tctas kajietttito aja tjoegev tasnta nu kmh ba iu pa ase jupjo jjses isjpjnibpmal 4j5 nnw ctanxn uilv oois wht4it iu qid et4uajtva4sjkin ratjush tnall at ms am c thursday ftcton rtt nus trtosiut moaxixo- frs 7 tfw 3 bitsof brevltfy t cat a4 atktrwiae ititt4 j ike im r tk wb eeteaan far mhn a tk st ru what do you think about it t there it nothing we dinldt store tin d- ting and collecting ad get uisu accessary ta aery ti- 4 tocj mtutrr of patmu an iaowtaf liu ot i nuiu ofdifrrent magnitude tfcv wqorijr o lotosi eosfa pay v ctkwt tat leant fotxmt tnnblr sr iicdn rentence same think that their indettednelu a m ssvsfl that paying ii txmubehardh per- cephbk but thit it a gnat uuttaix as nearl alt tke rccelptt in nanpaper afct art u asttfi th nnxnbcr of them it vial eonxtj r the reader of tku paragraph omlidjadcjlcr lei him out think that he maiuetm rill prevent iu doin any good ajicrhit is rfad tee expert that xmnerotis rr- tpoxtet vill be given irithot flfcy tmny fitl ox be out f j wstpljr n p moorx pre prea offer actor ontario villfqfe yaretl3 csilejun rimdnmtitmmr aatlrtisrastui numtltnr viuaes etm at u lsjrt aweting alnaseahavmya council turns rttiiv 11mjs war voted to residents of the couutv or eheep wiled by ovfl l o l oountv offloers the annual meeting of tlie l odistrlot lodge of the county ot haltou m held 4t georgetown on tuesday ttth 4uhn the lollovriux offlcert wero 4luh goo j pinkiny acton dutrioi mmtcr john f biird jr georgetown deputy muter d bnchnan korrl chp i kobt ann- troda hilton bee juaet lindeey milton fin sec john p roper miltou tree edwin lindeey miltou d of c wn h llndeey horuby lecturer a msllu bat ty palatal wpldeiii oo- onrnd to one of our eitiawki lut week th puilsolart ot wbloh w give id that othen majt not nffor in the unu umaner the rentleonn referred to ni 101471011 very everely with the toothohond an effort to nbdae the pain he took qnui- tlty oi etetaoi ot peppermint into bit month after holding it in the region ot the tooth for a tew mlnntet he romoved the lid from the etora and iplt the pepper- mint into the fire it immediately ignited and the flamee rnthdto hit faoo burning it very uverely being manufaotured from oil ot peppermint and aloohol the eucnee i very inflammable and any one using it for the purpote above referred to hould do to very carefully tjnfcrmentad wine at communion at the monthly meeting of the congrega tional church guolph hcd last weok the following resolution wiu unanimously patted via that when kccording to the word of god it is good ueither to eat fleth nor to drink wine nor anything whereby thy brother ttumbleth or is of fended or it made weak and whereat the appetite for strong drink may be created or tempted by thente of fermented wine at the communion table be it therefore rc- aotved that in future this church shui use unfermented wine for its eommuniin scr- vice jffrckjji j division oourttoltoa vs arthun this can waa tried at the lait sitting ot the division court held at acton and ex cited considerable interest especially a- mongstthefitrminrommunity the action was brouehl hy 3ir george tolton of guolph fonuerly of acton against john arthurs a farmer residing near acton for the sunt c 57300 for keach of an agree ment upoit tho sale of c spio of horses it 0pcars hat mr tolton purohased from mr arthurs a spu of horses for 30000 tad it turned out afterwards that one of tbeui wits jierinancntly lnmc with a spavin it wai contended by mr tolton that both parties knew that ono of the horses was lame and that a reduction was to be made it waa contended on the other hand by mr arthurs that if mr tolton took the hones away ho was to pay the full price agreed upon it waa also contended that the sum of 25 which was retained by mr tolton at tho time of paying over the purchase money was a full settlement of all claims i for lameness the evidence was leugthy womens christian temperance union we have received a copy of the minutes of the sixth annual meeting ot the ontario womens christian temperance union held at ottawa october icth to ibth 1ss3 with the addnsse reports and consutu- r tion of the union from this little volume we learn that the ladies counseled with the ment waa reserved at the trial and on thursday last judgment was given in favor unions throughout the province are doing at mninrt arthurs e f b johnson ft noble and energetic work for the cause of for puintiff w a mclbtu for defendant m m f a more raro weather this week council next tuesday evening the original pickuicker the printer the township council met last mon day pitch holes are numerous in the coun try road- look aloft the projecting icicle is onoe oiare earning danger the hamilton dail tribal hl been purchased by the spectator- the assessor wql be appointed a tha next meeting ot the council mr w w ball of nasaagaweya has sold his farm to mr hugh husband of kirhol for 45800 jn the township of sassigaweya there were registered list year g births llmar riagea and 22 deaths sir wm mccraney mp has oui thanks far eesaional and other parliament ary papers of interest the decadence of the bang is announce ed it it said to be out of date and hav ing served its purpose must go mr b h taylor has given up his butchering business here and removed to a farnrin the vicinity of milton bev d l brethour of milton waa list week elected grand chaplain for the grand division sons of temperance- miss anna morton will assume her position ai tefecher of the second depart- ment of tht public school next monday bev w w dawley of the gueiph baptist church was presented by his con- gregarion with a gold watch and chain hwt week gueiph h inviting an invasion of the salvation army we trust if barracks are opened there the goelph reporters will be induced to enlist the quarterly meeting of tho rural deanery of halton and wentworth waa held in the church of england george town on tuesday and wednesday the subject for debate at the meeting of the debating society in the town hall this evening is resolvied that influence has raised more men to position than abfluw mr james f kidner of the ten cent store gueiph has removed to cheaper but better premises directly op- nosite the old store bead his advertise ment next week i hr john easierbrook clerkof kassir- gawrya township cooncil has kindly sent ut a copy of the minutes of last meeting owing to vt space however we are unable to insert it this week the carnival in the georgetown rink last thursday evening was largely attend ed a number of acton akaurr attended actons- champion skater will- speight lost his laurels in a race there the regular quarterly commnnion ser vices were bm in the methodist church list sunday bev w bryers pastor of the church administered the sacrament at the close of the morning service the acton reptftrotatives to the county sabbath school convention at miltaw last weak were bev w bryers messrs jas moore w h howell h p moon mis edward moore and hiss mary brown the port elgin buy timet evidently thinks the editor of the banater pott is in peril he says oh seneca gl yon mav get aroond the libel suit all right but leal year and those acton girls will fix yon messrs beskdmore 4 co arereeeiting large quantities oflisnjlock balk from the northern peninsula ten or fifteen ears par week are being received there are about looo cords of bark piled in the gt i yard printed billheads look businesslike and cost little more than the blank paper tney make the workof gsttiagoot aecoonto easier too the for pass has a good and cheap line on hand call and ex- aamnosamriltaidlesm prices baadcsmrral mr fredrick manager of the skating rink has decided to five faaejrlr 3anntraliiextmiibltetlebeoe- m attod cgottt stoi a 4 w kf god and humanity we would urge upon the good ladies of acton the advisability of reorganizing their union and we feel con fident that they are capable of accomplish ing much good fine imported slock while in milton last week we had the pleasure of a visit to the stock stables- of messrs johnson harrison a sons where we were shown a number of fine specimens ot importectpercheron horses the la test addition to the stock ariau arrived last week and is one of the finest looking stallions ever brought to the county he was foaled in 1880 is almost black in color and weighs 1850 pounds count of perch and rival have been in the possession of messrs harrison son for several years the former travelled through acton last year and the latter will be put on this route during the coming season pebsonals mr percy secord is spending s few days at home rev g a bull left ou saturday for his home in hamiltout mr jos gowdy of g eclph visited acton friends during the week mr james warren pls of kincar dine is visiting acton friends a talented lady lecturer mr3 susannah evans pech the well- known temperance lecturer will deliver an address under the auspices of the grand division sons of temperance in the meth odist church acton on wednesday even ing 13th inst commencing at eight oclock the friends of temperance and the public generally are cordially invited to attend and hear this talented lady speak on the great question of temperance and pro hibition she has lectured in toronto and several of our larger towns receiving en thusiastic receptions her meetings being largely attended and proving of great benefit to the cause she so ably advocates ad- mission free collection at close of meet ing in lid of grand division lecture fund the slippery sidewalks onr reporter was placidly pursuing his way down mill street yesterday when his feet suddenly shot out from under him and down he went on the slippery sidewalk with vastly more velocity than grace- there were three ladies just behind him and their subdued giggles as ke painfully gathered himself up and brushed the show from the subsequent section of his pants tended to increase his discomfiture but it was a street urchin who put tha climax to his misery by yelling out shrilly hi yi you noospaper feller air yer goin to put that in the thee pezss to chate tire little wretch and put the proper punctua tion marks upon him was out of the ques tion just then so the reporter reluctantly swallowed his animosity and slowly limped on his way st johns church bockwood 1 we are pleased to be able to announce that the fine new and imposing edifice which bas been in course of construction by the congregation of st johns church eoekwood during the past two or three years will be opened on sunday 24th inst for divine service the people of bockwood and vicinity in connection with tho congspgation are moving in the matter of che purchase of a bell for the new church and we understand they will probably be successful in their endeavors now that the church is about to be opened for public worship it would be gratifying to see tha ground shout the church cleared of stone and other obstructions so that the appear ance of the smtpnndingsmsy be as pleas ing and attractive as the church itself at present the contrast is too striking in this particular nevcamptugn journal the initial number of the appeal and comity of norfolk temperance advocate a four page semimonthly journal published atwaterforibybet t l wilkinson la to hand tlu appeal is neatly printed from new type contains a huge amount of interesting instructive and explanatory matter concerning ths soott act its work- ingstevc and will be a valuable auxiliary in the scott act campaign just opened in norfolk county the fact that bev il wilkinson is at the helm of the concern will be a satisfactory guarantee to the sac- eats of the jonrnal there is every reason to believe that the campaign in norfolk will have a most sueassifnl termination the very best wishes of the people of haltonrwhere tbesoou act is inaosatls- fatcit4tioora with those btsor- f ttwir j7- board of education the- board of trustees of acton public school met in the council chamber on monday 4th februay members present mr james moore chairman and messrs w h lowry j e mcgarvin thos c moore and w p brown minatesof last meeting read and con firmed the finance committee presented their second report recommending payment of the following accounts thoax moore salarv whgrant miss jennie kjgrant mrs adams ua83 t000 3083 g23 h112d1 the committee also recommended that the sum of two dollars be refunded to mr thos t moore said sum having been paid by him as taxes on teachers resi dence moved by dr lowry seconded by j e mcgarvin that the report of the finance committee just read be adopted carried upon motion the board adjourned- thbgbavi wauhe in burlington on the 22nd jan the beloved wife of mr john waldio aged ii years do not wear faded clothes when a 10c package of the triangle pye will make them look bright as new all the popular colors 10c at j e mcgarvius drug store 23 almost every pill contains calomel and otbrr mineral compounds dr carsoni stomach bitten is purely vegetable and takes the place of all other purgatives in large bottles at 50 cents 30 at this season of the ycar there should be a bottle of pectoris in every bouse it is unequalled for coughs colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally safe for children price 25 cents at all druggists 80 the triangle package dyet hare won their war to public favor solely on their own merits snd are now to be found in every lection of the country 80 colors all perfect 10c at j b mcgsrvlnt drug8tore 8 saubhesua carat are you troubled with salt rheum bough skin pimples or caakei sores if to go at once to j e mcgarvius drug store and get a package of calverts carbolic cerate price twentyfive cents it wai never known to fail 47 1 raraljtle tlreke w h howard of geneva31 y suffer- ed with palsy and general debility and spent a small fortune in advertised remedies without avail until he tried burdock blood bitters it penned and revitalised the blood caused it to circulate freely and quickly restored bim to health 26 s cbadwtck of arcadia wayne co writes i have had severe attacks of asth ma tor several years i commenced taking drthomaa eclectrie oil the first dote relieved oie in one hour i cootinaed tak ing it in tesspoonful doses for a few days and hare not htsd an attack of it aloes now nearly one year 23 bmcfelnsanesitalve the beat salve in tbe world for outs braises soros ulcers bait rheum fever tores tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and all 8ku eruptions and posi tively cures piles or so pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 2s cents per box foraaleby tiucqntrin 81 j seilnjcrfborttocjt blood bitters than i dneyany othwiitflhoma b jeokedri toroalo u the read sr wmakaayslh 1 will gilrabitii curt 1 alldiieasei ariaiug from the blood iver and price 100 per bottle -at- j e mofjarrins drug store i oton dney8 proclamation i r v just the thing tha people want cheap cobde and cood goods and the very best value for their money here in the best valve in the hikliet loout this list of 500 lot 0 0 id ttoo 15 lbs sugar 6 lbs go cent tta 1175 lamp 40 cent pitchai for 6 lbs 25c tea 1 toilet sett pieces 1 dor tea plates 6 lbs currants new 6 lbs baisins new 1 covered dish f r 500 12 lbs sugar 1 sett dishes 70c platter 80c pitcher 1 lbs si tea for 1500 1 toilet sett 9 pieces 55c fruit dish 1150 lamp ilb 50c tta nsc5b2a ofsraops r 1 doz breakfast plates 1125 glass sett 2 lbs 75c tea 2 lbs 40c coffee el cop and saucer 8 lbs biscuits for 5 lbs 40c tea 10 lbs granulated sugar 1 doz goblets 75c glass pitcher 1 doz dinner plates for j i doz china cups saucers tl25 cake basket 90c fruit diah 1 lb 75c tea black or green for 1 dor cups a saucers soe platter 30c scollop 40c pitcher 75c fruit diah 9125 glass sett broom 15 lbs bice tor tilbe sugar 2 lbs 50c tea 1 lb coffee 4 packages cornstarch 10 lbs bice and a 60c lamp 8 15s bowls 2 covered dishes 1 pickle diah 60c for 1 lb tobacco 1 large tub wash board scrub brush 1 sett color ed dishes blue for dos kickelsilvel forks doz nickel silver dessert spooas 1800 lamp 6 large cakes toilet soap for bbl herrings 50c lamp pitcher 2 gallons cos oil for strictly cash sale for 161 at w p brown cos um 4500 600 r km 0 4600 500 1500 1800 dats store 1 e o- u b 8 p h o a n 8 at x o n 0 m n i x 2af f h b x o pi eo 13- y a 3 it 1lil 5 a g s o z o cvo i s rb cs d 5 1 egs ee glasgow house nelson mcrae clearing sale we have decided for the next 80 days to offer onr large tock of winter goods consisting ot overcoats readyraade clothing mantles mantle cloths knitted goods in shawls clouds hoods 4c at less than cost price we are offering no 1 value in gentlemans lamb caps felt hata and caps a firstclass stylish hat from 50 cents up speaiar value in ladies muffl in mink seal coney at less than cost price i in ordered clottong wt are giving no 1 value iu tweed suitings ship and perfect fits guaranteed every boots and shoes in endless variety at less than r qood workmarj time oturera price i in grocpb we are giving the beat values to befiid in tfaecotii gi be sure and secure a box of those layer raisins we are claas ttuit at 10 lr iox we have the rapsttsomplete stock of 60 cent teas in japan blao l h jplandid irr irtsj mhmm ring urst- 8tock takinc jiat the mammotf house qbollgetown xeleoo amdestsohe co m clearing sale clearing sale ofkemnants of every description clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale of ladies furs mens fur caps buffalo bobet and becky mountain wolf 1 a of dress goods cloakings mantlet millinery and shawls of ilesdrmsde clothini and overcoats in mens and boys of carpels oil cloths and uats of winter tweeds snd winter goods ot all kinds including clouds squares etc great bargains will be given our dress making mantle and millinery departments are in full working okdkr our tailoring department 18 a 1 ctoive u3 a call and see the bargains moleod anderson c6 they must all go l overcoats faira maauea isheetlbjes towels ciodcis flannels shawls ttemms winceys skirts ducks j cashmeres deauaaa bratwers collars boots hkeea leaps t etc y the entire balance of our winter stock of dry goods and boots fc shoes we have just the goods yon want and you cannot buy them 1 cbeaper elsewhere nor as cheap i believe by 20 per cent as i will sell for cash m order to clear out my stock by the first of april will sell you teas sugars and other crcrsaries cheaper than any other house in town keep this fact in your memory ard tell all your friends to go to t grifflnrs with their cash for his motto is not to let the ii nimble sixpence slip in hope of the futtjbb shillinu8 i will not 0ary- qveb aht winterstock if thara toffleefcu it at half price i m ilj mm i- ic sjjjtaiseuingat tqreat uiorp mkwaks jw wantus mak17i6 dome in tin its ipiefei slmrsssitslsssswwsvn 0mm

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