Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1884, p. 4

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i r-i- l jftntfmgrm tacmdat mo fm 7 1884 a modern resurreotioil a mlrmcle that took plate ia our mwit un- known to the pubilpthe details in full ikttvti frre prtu one et the most wmirkalile occnrwncca ever uivet to the public which took plaoo hero iu our midstrhu just came to our knoxrfedio and wil undoubtedly awaken u much surprise and attract as pret it tentiou as it has already in nespapor cir- cles the facta are briefly as follows mr william a cronibie a young man formerly residing at birmingham a suburb of detroit aud now living at 237 michigan avenue in this city can truthfully say that be has looked into the tutor world and yet return to this a re present alive of this paper has interviewed him upon this im portant subject audihis experiences are given tothcpablic for the first time he said i had been having most poculiareusil- tiona for a lon while my head felt dull and hevy my eyesight did not seem toj clear as formerly my appetite was uncer tain aud i ww unaccountably tired i it waa au effort to arise in the moruiug and yet i coald uot deep at night my mouth tutedbaaly i had u faint allgone socsa- tion in the pit of my stomach that fooddd not satisfy veile my dandsand feet felt cold and clammy fvr nervous ani irtitahle and lost all enthasiatm- at tinges my head would teem to whiruand mf heart palpitated terribly i had no energjv no ambition and i seemed indiffer ent of the present and ihoaghtless for the futnre i tried to shake the feeling off an persuade myself it was simply a cold or a little malaria but it wooid not go 1 was determined not to give up and so time jmltsed along and jl the while i wis getting worse it was about this time that i no ticed i hid begun to bloat fearfully my limbs were swollen so that by pressing mv fingers upon them deep depressions would be made- my face also began to enlarge and continued to until i could scarcely see out of my eyes one of my friends de scribing my appearance at thai time said is an animated tjiaethimg but i should like to irnow what in this condition i passed several weeks of the greatest agony finally one saturday night the misery culminated- xatare could endure no more i became irrational and apparently in sensible cold sweat gathered on my fore head mv eyes became glazad and my throat rattled iscesaoitobe in another sphere aal with ether sarroaudisss i knew notiung of what occurred arooal me although i have since learned it was con sidered as death by those who stood by it was to me a quiet state and yet one of great agony i was helpless hopeless and pain was my only companion i remember trying to sec what was behind me bat the mist before my eyes was too great i tried to reason but i had lost ail power i felt that it was death and realiied bow terrible it was at last the strain upon my mind gave way and all was a hlaixk how long this continued i do not know but at last i realized the presence of friends and re- cognized my mother i then thought it was earth but was not certain i gradn- afiytegained consciousness however and the pain lessened i found that my friends had daring my unconsciousness been gjymgtne a preparation i bad never taken i rfaefore and the next day under theinflu- ence of this treatment the bloating began to disajpear and from that time on i stead- 1 fly improved until today i am as well as ever before in my life have no traces of the terrible acute brighta disease which so nearly killed me and ail through the won derfully instrumentality of warners safe cure the remedy that brought me to life alter i was virtually in another world toa have had an unusual experience mr combie said the writer who had been breathlessly listening to the recital yes i think i have was the reply and it has been a valuable lesson to me i am certiin thoaghj there are thousands of men and women at this very moment who have the same ailment which cameso near killiiff me and they do not know it i believe kidney disease ia the most de ceptive trouble in the world it come like r a thief in the night- it has no certain symptoms but sterna to attack each one differently it is quiet treacherous and all the more dangeroust it is killing more people today than any other one com plaint if i hid the power i would warn the entire world against it and urje them joremove it from the- system before it is too late one of the members of the firm of white- bead t kitcheh proprietors of the birm ingham eccentric paid a fraternal visit to this office yestorday and in the course of conversation mr crombies name was mentioned i knew about his sickness said the editor and his remarkable recovery i had his obituary all in type and announced in the eccentric that he could not live until its next issue it a was certainly a most wonderful case- bev a- b bartlett formerly pastor of the il e church at birmingham and now of schoolcraft mich in response to a telegram replied mr w a crombie was a member of my congregation at the time of his sick ness the prayers of the church were re quested for him on two different occrsiona i was with him the day he was reported by hia physiciana as dying and consider his recofery almost a miracle sot one person in a million ever comes so near death as did mr crombie and then recover bulthe men and women who are drifting toward the same end are- legion to note the slightest symptoms to realize their significenoe and to meet them in time by the remedy which has been shown to be the most efficient is a duty ttomvhich there can bo no escape they ate fortunate who do this they are on tue aura road to death who neglect it use he 8utdvmit you w brilliant and fast colors i 8 itlfiuing boots nod shoes cause oorns ifohawtys corn cure is the article to me a m hamilton writes- for weeks i was troubled wtihn swelled ankle which caused me much pain aud annoyance mr mavtae nt this place recommended dr thomas eclectric oil f it i tried it aud tteforo one bottle was wed 1 wsscared it is an article of urvat value beware of electric or electron oils as they an i raits tiuns of dr thomas ecleclrlo oil m if your children at troubled with worms give tb cm mother graved worm e x terrain- auir safe sure and effrctual from the liver and kidney arise fully half urn lickikh dr carsons stomach qtttervstiiuulatei both liver and kidneys utd insum one sgaiuit discuss it ji nol ui alcoholic knmilol in lart bottle at 50 cas 30 among the wanncvt udyocalca to tbr use krtirp a lymiivs vcjrstume disco v rv and dysicptc curt are ladies formerly id ddicae hiulli whose vignr and bodih cgiilarity hav-i- uvn nlcircd by it csccr if debility floci tiudiut chronic bilious es wcikucsj of ike back and kidney i urmiiiiae ailaiuli aud ouslioata lyoca of nervous luditiuq aieovcrcome bv il bljhlr igrtf ahl one very valuable feature of dr low nraint worm syrup i ihat it is highly agreeable to take and all varieties of worma tac worms included co bo safely expelled liy it wit bout recoaiac to barxh and sick- tririnjlr a nfde awak drattlit mr j mcoarviu ia idnnya wide awake in uis luiues i ad spares on pains to securt tbesiof every article iu bisjliue lie ha secured the agency for the eekbrafeel dr kings xew divtivery for cooamnptiou 1bc oulj ceruin cure kaowu for coosump- uiu guirhc cids litarseuess asthma day fever bronchitis or any affection jof the throat aud lafi sold ou positive 0 will rc you a trial bottle f ree regu ur site 1 00 if a few craias of cimmba sense could be iiifafed tuto the thick noddies of thoe who perpetually and autrnatcly irritate and weaken their aomachs and bowpla with drastic purgttives they would use the highly accrevlited and healthful hxalite and wcie utilirop k lymans vegetable dis covery ad dyfpuciere which causes good digestion to wait au sppetite and health on both 33 halls vcgelauie sicilian hair renewer impirtsa sue glo and freshens the hair cd i highly recti mm ended by phvsicuaa cif men nd scientiu as a preparation icciaiilijfhitis woudcrfal results it u a certain remedy for remeving dandruff mating the scap while and clean aud re- slciriug gray hair to iu youthful color nid iichlauas fluid lishuiitg is lie only cure for toothache headache earace and keural tfa it dtes not take a day or as fcour to cure il bulla leas than a mfefou all pain is good thoasauds have tested its merit within the last year fluid lightoing i klsoa positive cure for bheumatism the worit possible cases have been permanently cured in one week price 25 cents at mc- garvins drue store 31 t i u t dr cirnqi pulmooary oanh drops tie prwerijilioo tf n old otntdiit prac uboobt lie bait remedy forth imngi is ljetouliaaljocnt pecloria pretoria pectoria i the great remedy for goqjhs colds bronchitis sore throat inflaecxar qorseness and all affec tions of the lungs and throat or chest pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up tiie cough 25 csus per bottle dont gnve np antil you hare tiied pectoris all druggist ana general slureteepen sell it tt i crpeliy hardered in the province of ontario eterj- year ihnaaods are icing slowly murdered by taking nrvsnitilje qotried nostrums for ueh complimu as cotivenf indigestion ult complaint kidney troubles etc who might easily regaia lost strength and energy by using hcrregor speedy cure to convincethem that such u the case we will give ihra a frc trial wtile at j z mcgarvins drugstore price 50c and 1 see testitniuial from persaaa n your own twn 31 bccartfol uhat to ea the bet mediciue authorititis declare that worms a the human system ars often iu dqced by eatug too frtely of uncooked fruit aud too mach meat jbbcese etc whatever may be the cauie freeroroi vnrm powders ere gpiedy andsafe to cure thev destroy the worms aod contain their ywn cathartic to expel them 26 success of the creat sale at cost this fatoritt huuu bn u aiul chu cream of the cuitoiuff in htiniltod tha anarm i reilactloni which ttfl imwnim itoelftif bpm mi hondrj od tweilla thouaand dollara worth o inuit oaralully eeleciad add deoidedly oiiup ondi tin aalliag off to txinn luuumnda at ifdiaa to tuaaalnmanm turn tha maotlea tolmn ulttari sbawlt scats cloud squiitu muuilr and uliter cloiha bliuatu qailu 0imirwr oottaa aid uneua kimnilw in kraat variety print drrm gftodt aid silki in tboiiaweit lylaiaud liaticrtu liiidiu itmtkaud childrtua unuerelotliliix u nil kind luaiury aad ulurhi iu barium qualitiua anl priota bilk handkarcblah crotonaea aud miulina futhw flowan and ornanmuu milliuery and blbliuui uulh ouw nud ntyllib x miqilaniily ol maurniag ududii oflbft jiewmi nylea la a law rariely of qualllle dcilgn and prima ctoinpioria ouralina and aoveralothit now aud aupiriiir daaieiiajii blf greatly calibrated uoneta wijh au alrooat emllaaa variatf of fancy oooda laltabujor orna- mtnllug ladirt nllel t bleu ohimney pleoea etc ourpett mnu mutlnjkui llihjleaun floor ouolnibi carpet swnpera etn are all oseriag aiprleaaaelowaaliorpriae cuiloniun brldiiuts but silk hpuuli only 8c beldlngl beat 10 yuril mmola of tnilun silk teviat oiuly 2c watalna kaa deelded to nuke a clearaooe of lili enormona winlor slock to ni to innke room fur the large 8rinj 8took wlncu william t watkina i purahaalui mow fjr the iprlug nd aoiomer trada the mantlet dulmana aud ulatvra tave been uiug ofltfnat i bit vritk ihry are pui down an very low thi mnuile iiml uuier cloiut and twtedaare trall redcoed in prioea and are inoch aoojbt alter tbcrobaa lmn a good le of millinery aud millinery onoda and velvoicoua they are ao verj clieap the mnuniintr oxuda priota and undaralnthilig hate a lively aale they are lock eitravr- liuarv tol value- a onnaiiomonl o llouillnnt finn choice four bultounl fruuoll kid glotet dtrvot from the inakera jut received theae glovea and croaptpna cjrtets an nncquallml in thla market ory cottona duaka dcnima ticking caalnn fliqnele in bleiohed uiiweaolifd and dyed hheetingt shtrtioge in bleached oheckel ntriped and regatta i jailtt blanket carpeu etc arc all exceeliugly cheap the kighl llouae kini ttreet oloae to hnghaon ttreet u vstrfifar hamilton the name is hemiltou januvla8 thomafe c watkins hamilton vegetable sicilian hair renewer to tho first preparation perfectly adapted to core diseases ofhe scalp sod the am suc cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to lit uuaral color trowth and youtliful bcauiy it has had many imitators but nous lm to fully met all tho requirement ticculul fo ihs proper treatment ot tho hair and k iulls lum ecxnwu has sttalilyt u is fator anj spnaj iu fame aud aw liu to etcryqaarter of tus globe its u-i-r-1- leled success can bo atlrlbated to but c3 cause lkcnlirtutttnctuqf iujiromttzt las ptoprlotors bare often been lururikti at tbe rtoeipt of orders from remote euun- tries wbsre they had ocrtx made an effort for lu introduction lbs use for a short time of iulli hah hcunrrb wonderfuity improves tb per sonal sppearance it cleanses uie scalp from all impurities cures ail humors fever aud dryness and thus prevents baldness it stimulates tha weakened grands sod ecablcs them to posh forward a new aud rtgoioos growth tbs affects of this artlels an not transient like those of alcoholic prepara tions but remain a lonf urn which wakes us use a matter ol economy buckinghams dye toarac whiskers will change tbe beard to a natural brown or black as desired it produces a permanent color that will not wash away consisting of s singls preparation it ii applied without trouble prepared dt b p hall co haslma h h bold by all dealers in medicines i0s all tee f0bm8 or serofulon mrcnrlal and blood iior1rr the best rnd- lerow tha bloodporiflcr is ayers 8arsapariila bold by all draqijta j 1 1 alz bottlm r speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their hue from the best casket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest noiieo and at lowest terms a1i calls eitier night or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire satis- ajve are in a positing to uteafactorily fill onlers for wagcnna carriagea 4c of orery lcacnpton in reasonalile time god workmanahipoudfir8tciaaa material alwaya naed we bavc alsn a ptoilid lot or fumtiore both common and extra quality cheap uk you nll pay us cash e will if 11 yon anything in oor line cheap j a 3peioht hanagtr east end clothing store while tendering my sincere thanks to my numerous customers for the liberal patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my pulrons and the public that i have now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season business brevities some facta about oor buaiaeaa men i tad booaee of benefit lo oor keneral reader at in lie pnt to alio in tbe futnre i propose togivr my ens rirtrf tl ctt ralae that can lie litd in the lrrde good flnond material foall the newest patterns aod prfect- titilng parmrnk i uivtst pnuiue price hal and caps in all the leading shapes for fall wear call and see them j fyfe i feames hits from 75 cents to 2w at j fyfva if u want a nobhy doralile and cheap init j fyfes is the pucj to go th huresl aod cheapest stock of boots shots to select from u ill nelson mcsass tbv largest stock of gents furnishings hals aud capsuirts aud draweri at kel son t mchaes the beat value in factory ottons winceyjanncu aod domestic goods at kclaon t jlcbass the larst nd chtapest stock ot ready made clothing in the town w at kelson k uceai the moft perfect fitting suits add overcoals and the best selection nf goods al the lowest prices at nelson mciwi suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see thttn j fyfe acton for beaut and durability of color the triangle package dye beat the world if you never used djea before do so now and be cicvinctd 10 18 ffi r a 4 an endle8s variety of plus andiother ficture frames suitable for pre8ent8 photocraphs tha latest style token by the new process n o long sittings- bring your pictures of deoeased friends and have them enlarged in first class style- cwhill acton fb a tvtes what m da if troubled with an unhealthy alow- healia sore dse md 1 recor parkea car- loiic cerite you will find itlotnlnable up healing cleansing aud completely re- rauving yoar troulile if the blood is cot nt order take with it a few doaea of mc gregors speedy cure from j k mcgar- via a drugstore 29 dot era satlura hatkerast arc yon disturbed m uight and brokeu of your rest by a nick ctitld saffering and crying with the excruciating pain of catling lectn if so 0 at once and get a bottle of lire winslowt soothing syrnp it will relieve the poor little aafferer immediately depend upon it there u no mistake abont it- there ia not a mother on earth who has crer need it who will not tell yon at once tliat it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and bcalth to the child operating like magic it is perfecty safe to nte in all euet and pleasant to the taste and it the presorip uon of one of the oldest aod best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle merit prarea dollar upon dollar it feijoently pent on the faith of recommendationa for articles entirely worthiest not to with lis- gredors speedy core j yon are dot asked to psrohaie it until ita merits are proven call at j k ueoarrins drag store and get a free trisl bottle and if ant ewirlneed it will cure you of the worst formj jof ojlj pepsia lretcmplalntift nairtstar o how bug stmdiog jt oe jon nothhlg tat sale etertvj kmd in foe and rboli 8e majhaojf coa week at home 500 oatfit free pay i t wuibsolately bare no risk capital not required reader if ydq want business at which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay a l the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h hiixitr co portland maine be8 family newspaper is canada kino of weeklies weekly free press large 1 faper 1 8 fagescut fasted by new machinery v contains all tlie news special market department agricultural department capital story always euotithg- isgenious jpnzzle column fnmiy hnmorisms just tht tilag foe tlit ipamily espsend 8lo0 and the papar will 1 forwarded to you to january let 1885 811000 in premium the inoat liberal lndneementa ever offered la canada to parties getttoft np clnbs for the week ly free press send for premium list weekly feee pbeab a flkhekt autocatb aeal la ut jaaaary isas far l addreas free press office london ont thbohauplosof the pomes against tbe saloons a mterly prohibition paper the lever the leading temperance journal cf tbe united states opposed to license in alt its forma the fearless advoente ot the total prohibition of the drink trsffle bflfat paok fwrrsa orttrta wwttt terssseysly atljii per tear strlibiral reduetion ip eight agett wiansod staple free addfast pacific ry chicago rock islai etnj the great oentral line affords to travelers b reason or its jnrlvalacl to sraphlcal position the shortest and best rout b the last northeast and outhaaat and tht west northwest and 8outhwet it i literally and strictly true that its oonneotjons art alt of the prlnolgal lines of road between the atjantlo and the paoiflo by its main him ami branohts tt reaohes ohloaao jollot peoria ottawa la salle oenasso fdollno and hoc island inlltinoisi oannport muaoatlne washington keokuk knoarme oakaloosa furfield dm nolnes west liberty iowa city atlantic araea audubon harlan bathrk center and oounalt hulls in iowa gallatin trenton cameron mid kansas ottj in mlsaourl and leaven worth and atohlson in kansas and the hgnpreda ot oftfee vblasae and towns intermediate the creat rock island route tvelere athdinwot fine oo a it i fmlhary oahed offers to trtivitlere i w inoment to a smooth traok aant brmses unk n de6e at att oonneottrsj points fast bpraajstralns eonposed of oohmod ouejwail vtirtilatktj will hiat1d rlluly upholsttreo and cuo tut wl ooaohaat aline of the ost magkifkjdat hoattoh moumino ot air oabosnw built 1 pullman- tatsst deelsned ud handaomeet palaoc i etping gabs and dimimo oam trmtareacnowtededbypraaand ptople be the flnmt hn c any hoad in thi ooimtswand in hio sup km- meaus are aerred to nwvelsrs at thslcoreoivnatyrv0otira0h thru tluimettoh way between ohio 10 and tits watuum rtvcfl two tmim wash wv tmween orlloaoo and mimkapolwarid tt paul vta tiw fasnous a fail ito autll i othepresldenteofthets tbe lamest handaomeet beat book ever sold forleeethen twice our price the fattest selling book in america immense profits toagents all intelligent people want it any one can become a successful agent terms free iiallstt book co portland maine ai wrtli tsrtfl welftsi si soldi hollo ways riltti ijlaa a gnirantetd jure for fftttnibtauitr wd eealailweak- asaskytrineiirileuofla7tililoiij and all brain aud nerve irouurs caused by self sbute oyer brain work ac ata written gusrnutee nf cure in every case or money refunded send 15c for pnstsge on free trial box of 100 pilla address da m w bacoii oor clark st and calhoun place chicago iii the bennett churn til huttit article in tlu hukoil oaumiae ioi rimnn instead of aa ttaplotmt tuk ramshaw son acton uavs teenred tbe tnle oootrd of the aale of tbe famous bennett churn this chum is manufactured upon the most practical anil eommontense principle ex tant and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of tbe above firm ill call npon yon with a sample churn xssvw sow acton jan 15 si real and cessfert tetae aasterlac browns hoosthald panacea haa no equal for relieving pnin both internal and external il cures pain in the siox back and bowels bore ibroat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most tnrely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as tbe great pain reliever and of double tbe strength of any other elixir of lioiment in the world should be iu every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cnimpa in the stomaoh tnd paint and achea of all kinds and it for tale by all druggists st 85 cents bottle pillisolntmekt tiiih incoupaiiablk ifedicixx has terurctl for iuaf an imperishable famt uiroughovt the world far tht nuehalior and furtofmostduttulojchiehhitmauityukeir the pills purify rcuoluie and improve the quality of tbeoioud tliev utsuiuiydigcmiit uihdv tocleone the sccroiory pdtrcrs f liie liver brace tbo uvtvuus systtriu ami tlirinf ioo the drculaliiti l be purcet eltmtult for saslsiniiit sini rrpninnj the jraie 1 tiiousuutlb uf persun5 biu tcipied list by their use afoot ibev bnve irttv resfqrtd to health and slntnxth after cvvty ofhr meaaisliad proved uluucccssfol harnes trunk putttcs bxqcibixo sxtthcrc rjt harness or trunks to save money should go to r creech acton butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform tbe peeple of acton and vicinity that he has purchased tbe bntiness and property of mr wc robinson and it piepared to supply all with firtolass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in season ist meat delivered to soy part of town at any time awliavinu practical experience in the butchering business i feel coc6dent thst i can suit all a call kindly solicited r holmes the ointment will befuund iutaluable in every household in tbe cure of open surea hard tumors 24 itfgf old woimdi oonehi colds sure throats branch tis snd all disordertof tbe throat aud chest as also gout rheumatism sorofiria and every kind of akin disease uannfactored ouiy at professor hollo- waya etublishment 533 oxford street london and sold at it 1 jd 2s 9d if 6d 22il aud 33s each box and pot aod in canada at 38 ants 90 cents and 150 and the largendzea in proportion t3catmox i have no agent in the ceiled states nor are mjr miicinet sold there pnrcbssrrs thould therefore look tbe label on the pats and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford street london they are spurious tbo trade mark of nry aaid ifedicines is registrered at ottawa and niont wash ington j sigud thomas holioway s oxford street tydnn the key to health ttnldhta all the dogged a of bse boweilb kidnsyb and xdret oaefj ing off gradnidy trithont vreakening the systeto all the iiiiuuriti and fool hnmoxsof the eooretmaxsrat iba same timo correcting acidity of fbt flloinnnh curing slhotizia88 tev axtatrtblitvi coitstlviftliflst jslbbbi of tsts kktrijl pitjaaty tittrrmfrl of vision jaj imtehennv xtdpenwv fl nulf ox timssasflet seafyonfmftiin acil oeaip era debility all these and many other similar gmplaintbyiew to the hsppy i of klood jjlllkrfi zkuhirh a cok rvoprkiars torcssk a prize send six cents for poat- age and receive free a costly box of goods which willhelp yon to more money right away than anythuigelse in this world all of either aex- sneosed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the worfcersr absolutely- sare at once address tbce a co augusta maine u will cure oh relieve i biu0ushes3 dy8kpsia ihdwe8ti0h jaundice erysipeu8 salt rheum heartburn headache hills tin klm good a8sortm ent on stxvk8 cbeav for cash tinware of i all kinds at botjom prices and every- pecks uf sjlserdsred uveh x101 bowels or bl silburru co d1zzwe8- dr0p8k- flutterm of the item acidjtr-of- wfotowonv brthess j tf mum for tho working dass send 10 oentsifor postage and we will mail you ree i xmti r valoable bpx of sample goode thavwiupotjonin the way js of making more money m a few days than jj e thotrght possfble at ajiy busineae capital not reqiiredr wo will start 3s toacsmwotkaolthewmo orihyovaaaaii tune only theworkisimrvsasaaj ed to both sexes yodng aid old tonean easily earn from so cents to 5 every avek- js ing that all who want workmayteatthe i wahaeas we make mpsiajtleieovoffer ia toanwhoarotjotivell satisfied werwill and 1 to pay torthotamhle olwritiagas jortanwluhejmaae by thoso tflx gr their whole fame to the work great -a- 3 ltelysnte startnow aoreeastraiioxaco portisrtdhfsibft v taill and put up on saortbst 1t4r8j class material mjg 4jllqc ii3lg 4 t imstmmm fi lost bolf bqstobsav wehtwreeeotlj pinlsietlaw j edlilonoi yv clteryrsnt mfrj waieet isaayot tvrearami ivliheat reedl- linages ij tnrexlvbltuv3ei iweajpwatease iialan povale- k it loaauol j-tsageml- epredwtumwl v n qsrsj

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