Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1884, p. 1

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jvse re p ton mret ffress ii rcausaid gvctt ttuhsfut mornlho 5flbb m powo pwntwq mii srpcttt acton ost lm tho vsci tiuu- will be sent to 1 7 mia advance 1150 if notaopsid no discontinued uu all sroaia ere p y gl st u oion of the publisher tej 4mtttisj rim casusi advertise- gu s cent per line forthe first inser- ttssal 2 cent pet line for each anbso- ntat liaertwu cuh proteaatanal cards jjiinw or lew it a per annum 1 square uhnes joai per annum payable in t j oolhs rem mtcof insertion any special sotic nc object of which it to promote ike pecuniin benefit of any indivtdoal or esupiny lw considered n advertise- ent- hie njmber of line reckoned by space oapkinicasurvlb a seal ol i solid xonpareu cmxtract cxtta mtm r mmm tertt8aim in advance the newspaper- a map of busy life its fluotuationu audits vast concerns 150 if not no paid volume ix no 33 aoton ont thursday feb 14 1884 whole no 450 oat cola b on yer ttikr umn ue year 3acr c0 2000 ssm tooo uq0 moo 1100 700 c iliaaui aiantns gtlf ttl limit ric qvnnu aurut fjlammlituontuii tjjfrl jam uirev mnlb- mifmliain ermooth aniter um ur months tr directions rill be l ted uufirbldandeh td eeord- pahta aira cout rr contract sdrtniwmtnuiuasl lalwofflw ujs raon m tdilaja other vis th y till be left nvsr uh the lot low i nf t fl p moore twhorjfc proprietor bowvu cbi sfwiptppv ad- nrtubc bsrwa i0 srroc tel bcir atfwtuic flestneu kax u tur tt ik kkw yokk 3u3in3s directory we lowry 31 b mcps grid oat of trinity college mem ber ctcoilegi at physicians and surgeons 05e nd residence at the head o fred erick si- acton acton banking goy ttoriy ohristik li 00 bankers actoa onurio i qenera1 hatsklni busi ness transacted 1c0hx7 l0awei os aptotxs s0ts8 notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits l l bennett ont ektist george- j0hs lassos gradtate of ox- takio vcteetsiit cotukjt tobosto teterinirt sorgeon acton ont office is kenaevfr sont book and ahoe store rea- ideaca in the rear hones examined aa to toanlaess and certicats siren all cilis night or diy promptly attend ed- terms easy ch rigg5 l jxs of the firm cf bigos itobt toaoxro wn be at campbell hotel on the rt maliyof erery month in the practice of his nr3foa all wcrk eiecated in tht- latetiad mist tmprored style of the dental irt xo charge for consultation m ovtat 4 mcleax bittitt4 solicitotx kotiries coavcr 12mts c t3ii0xfc to loik crnzz seconis block ilhl sl acton j a ilovit- w a ilctriy school books copy books drawinc books all the new text books w at full stock days bookstore clelpa dat sells cheap jasfkids 10 cent store said cheap cash bazae g sgoodvitllie bittister solicitor koury public geobetok fcactos eacl3e osce in lrs- secords block tohxdat abchitegt jielpli ontario orax qaeeis hold bjock jlrrket square ttt b beagg practical icill weight keirri2in of flonr mius i speciiltt p 0 address box 103 boctroop patents sectjben for ixvektioxs hesbt gbist oixtri ciiim m teirs practice ko patent ko py m osey to loak sut sis 2er 3ent clakke i cakxqt blei4tx ic cnttens bloctgoelpb puaxcis susax sgeor to t f chipman bookblkdeb st georgea bqniregaclph acconat books of ill kinds made to order perioicsjs of every description eirefnlly bound- roling neuy md promptly done uppar wyndham st qtielph bemovfid to ctieaperbat better premises- 7 dincliy oppcite ibc old itorc 10 cent stor and cueap cash bazar jas f kidner ayers pills a uf proportion of the iuhuh wulck turn kua ranvuit result tram dannc set of tke stotucn bowels tnd llrer anal citsiano piua set dlrectlj pou mum orfisi and are esptetallj dsalcneu i- ean the dlswtes earned bj tbelt dertn beat bulatlsf ooastlpulem indljrct tloa jjispela heads djsenlrr and a host of ouier ailnenta for all li wnle they an a safe isrit proaipl fl twtj the wwusite oss ol iht flui ij aalaeai nujslclsnj la regular pra- tie soon taatistakablr the estlmsuon vkka the an held by the awdleal prci i- atea lasmfou are eonpoandsd of refeuui nbstanees only and are sbsolotsly tree lr ealosnlor any other lajorlooi lafrtiknt a saffbrar oram headache srhtes i anas pius sm intslaabls to me r i are my constant fompanloa i uste beu a sstera saffersr from ueadaebe anil vur pills an the only thine 1 conlj u for relief one doss ill gtuckly mn bowels and fns my head from pslii uj are tbstmost effectite and the esslell tiyile 1 bar srer found it is a plessnn to u to speak in thslr praise and 1 always do when occasion offers on hand at ear home and i pleasant safe and reliable family medicine kit dvspsps1a they a wlpsoaof w l peje bro franklin sl blelunondva june 3 iso 1 usee asod arias pills in nuaber- kes instances as recommended by yon and ban nerer known them to fall to aecempliah the desired result we constantly keep them prise them el a b family medii r an intaloabls j 1 1uvis llezia texas jonelt us the rrr nunas b hxalott triunu from ilaatd ga ssyi for eoiue yexn past i hare been subjeet to eotutitatlon iiom which in sfiite of the wd ef niclj eines of rsrtoos kiutis 1 suffered increasing incoureuleuee nulll some months sro i began taking aims pills tuey hsvt entirely corrected hie cosure liabil sw nare raslly linprored niy general health atzas catnaetlc ptlls correct irrecn isriuei of the bowels sumoiate the sppe ute eui lisestion and by heir prompt snd thorooti aetjon gre tone ud rigor to the whole jiyileal economy rarpaazn bt drjc1crcouwelj soubyeii drnggista mm old am hlooii- au ezperlenee the wonde beneneial effeeti of ayers sarsaparilla children with son eyes sore ancu esn or sny serofdloni or typo- taint amy c made healthy and strong fitm leadbyalldrngglstt 11 ill bottles fcrm cuelph cloth hall 1 i vhl h25isteeet liioensed 4nctionaer fo tue conaties of welliagton and halton orderileft at tba fbei pbess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable hey i lea abo mmey to loan on the most farorable terms and at the lowest rates of interest in sums of 1500 and upwards t me fob sale lime can be had at the canada lime worka in small or large quantities at any tiiie apply at the jtjln near toltons nriti or co c s smith may 1st 18s2 bo 172 actow ti as lax babbeb shop p woboes has opeoed a birber ship in the premires lately occupied by llr foriter as a medical ofiee sod wlicili a share of the patronage of this vicinity erery department of tne bnsiueu will be eondocted in firstclaaa style gireneaeali wosdeir so 23rd i8s3 tuw4rkfabiwpor 8ale mj rralfmrr4et beoisess deoamnuw tiewfaxmsbimptotedrhhbnildings tanees fruit tree and banks of all kinds v food vaser plenty of amber land fjood ot4 schools and eharohaa oood markata faly 95 miles iroro wttlarvlnsilai planty at otstera sodgame prj prodaettw aai curaite niildaod nladtooin and aafor yourself and be confine i am jpwjirei rkh team and cacriaffd to take j wjaitors to see the farms freeflfol our scotch tweed fall 8uitinc8 eave now all arrived and ordeos for baits are respectfully solicited shaw grundy jlebchaxt tailoes ouelpn wellington marble works quebec st qdelph john h hamilton propbietor formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work received first prizes at provincial ex hibition goelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship tour orders are solicited the oldest drug store in guelph established 1848 savages watch clock jewelry spectacle house largs stock prices right special attention to fine watch repairing b8avace jar wttruft kewdnir stor ctanreeffress turaint ilnnvika fib 11 1384 p0etry id bewotjldnt totjp two litoo foot ruiintug ap tvud joini two chubby hands iialling my fjovn two lituo bloe yea ptwpng it mc bloer no ttro tittl oyet cooid ba who woojiiul be matam to two httlo foot uammi to two cbabbr hands so swoet uuima to two ihue ot no bluo id be mainma to them wouldnt yon a sweet rod moulb and ooo littla uoto tea plomp finfar and ten httlo too two waning dimoa tint play bopocp with tbe tmilfs thai rouid the corners cnxp vbo wonldni ba icimtn to mouth and note 1 ifunmi to ten little flngen tvad tocsf ilxmm to dear little dim pies too f id be minms to them wouldnt you oat in tbe morn fug merry snd bold trrinij to prfc ap the laubeam- gold pinching the dop uid palling the cac hiding away aader granpai hal who wonldnt be mamma to such a boy 1 mamma to inch a dear household joy mamma to one so precioos and true f id be mamma to him wouldnt yon duf story best canadian goal oil only 20c a gallon now is the time to buy your uoal oil hicinbothams condition powders bare gitn universal satisfaction and all who have used ibein for horsos and cattle lestify to their ex cellence prepared only by w g smith co ffjqtcr t lata an elegant prepare- hon for roughness of the skin chapped hands sore lips frost bites oto- pro pared only by w 0 8mith co tborlevs horse and cattle food bold in any quanaity to suit pnrobaser dlabmnd vjtf lae belt nd obcapest in the markei f w g flfith a co dispensing chemibtb good cause for thanks the last week in october xt i general thing katare is not boan- tifal with htsr smiles these short dreary dayi when tbe world stand ah adds ring 6q the threshold of winter bat this par ticular monday was fall of balm and sun shine tho air sweet with the indescribable perfume of the colored leaves which were drifted apalon the roadside and collected in ra5llm layers under the stoao-foanda- tioqs of exmouth jail overhead the tky was bine as a sapphire and here and there alotj this woodpath a stray wildflower lifted its purple eye the last lingering relic of the golden september glow doctor fitch rode along the lonely bridle path the soond of his horses hobfs on the dead leaves reminding him vaguely of the days long long ago wheo be was a boy aud scoured these very woods in search of nats and htm ted sqnirreld and chipmunks with a delight which moose and red doer would not give him now if one cooid only be boy forever said royal fitch hallo whos that as his horse shied slightly at sight of a slender figure sitting on a fallen log a few feet back of the road oh its you mary trefoil yoa got your discharge this morn ing mary trefoil looked up a darkeyed pallidfaced woman of two or three and twenty doctor fitch knew her very well she had been in exmouth prison three months for theft and during these three months she had loin nearly at the point of death in the hospital ward with a low lingering fever doctor fitch was rather proad of the skill which had rescued her from the jaws of death he stopped his horse and looked at her yes sir said mary trefoil spiritless ly ive got my discharge and where are you going now i dont know sir iwhere are your friends he asked not unkindly i have none sir bat this- wont do said doctor fitch noting the troubled light in the girls ere the deadly whiteness of her brow and cheeks look here you must go some where you know you cant sit here cant you think of any place where they would give you food and shelter for a few days until you get strong mary trefoil shook her head she did not seem to be at all interested in the question doctor fitchs hone reached up his head and browsed on the still green leaves of a wild grapevine which the boughs of a cedar hod sheltered from the early frost doctor fitch himself sat like a statae and looked at mary trefoil a social problem he said inwardly and she must be solved somehow mary he spoke aloud can yoa walk a mile i suppose so sir then walic along by my horses side i know a good old lady who wants a girl perhaps youd suit her she need not know who you are or wiienee you came i didnt put myself in eimouth jail sullenly retorted mary and i have told one story from the binningthat i had nothing to do with the silver i dont know bow it came into my trunk i didnt know it was there until the officer dragged it out before my eyes the law thought differently said doctor fitch who aa prison physician had beard these protestations of innooenoy from scores of lips before however that is not the question we art discussing just at present will yoa try to deserve my reoommeudation if i give you one heaven helping me sir i will 1 said mary trefoil evidently affected by his kindnnu qhewauked boside tho tor to some little duitefloe until dawns t which seemed rjaiidireoly into the woodsy tijdjum to mi7tjfod boose all mahoed witiipreepers with jtj3ni and the whir of a grist mill sounding some where in tbe background like the ceaseless hum of some gigantio insect good afternoon mrs glover i said doctor fitch have yon suited yourself yet with a girl mr glover an applofaced woman of sixty looked at them through a pair of round nilver trimmed spectacles ko sir nor i aint like to said she betsey eeene she has gone in the mil linery trade and lacey loveyshe well ive brought yoa one said doctor royal fitch come here mary this is mary trefoil with a quick glance at tho silent girl i know who she is and i can answer that she will do her best to please you and make herself useful indeed i will maam said mary in a low voice folks live about here said mrs glover i have no relatives vald mary i come from the northern part of the coun ty all the better said the old lady briskly you r wont have no followers well mary j wont deny that im awful glad to see you for im ptttty nigh tuck ered oat with doing all the chores myself to be sure my son daniel helps me morn ings and evenings before be goes to teach does trick bchool for be s a scholar my son is with conscious pride and father he does what he can bat a man cant do mach beside tendon gristmill in a puce like this yoa look a little white and peaked but oh- shell be all right in this pure air with plenty of your new milk and home made bread 1 said doctor fitch cheer- ily and with a whispered word or two of encouragement to mary trefoil he rode away on thanksgiving uty nearly a month later he came back hello 1 said doctor fitch why mary yon look like a different creature mrs glover had tone to church with hereon daniel and father all undis tnayed by tho occasional flakes of enow which were beginning to flutter through the air and tbe howling of the wind down the glen mary trefoil was tripping around the kitchen with an unwonted tinge of color in her cheeks and her soft brown hair parted from her forehead and a red ribbon tied at the side she stopped with a milk jug in her hand and looked at dr- fitch brightly i am like a different creature sir said she thanks to you so its all going right eh v said the doctor ton like the place lam perfectly happy here said mary but oh doctor i have no one to consult and ive asked myself the question so many times over that everything seems distorted in my eyes i wonder if i might dare to speak ont my mind to yoa what on earth is the girl talking about said doctor fitch if i cooid only see the prison chap lain come ill officiate as prison chaplain for the time being said doctor fitch goodhumoredly out with your trouble i what is it 1 well it it isnt exactly a trouble confessed mary busying herself with polishing the great red apples which were to be the crowning glory of the dessert but i think i am almost certain that daniel glovtr is getting fond of me hal lol said the doctor oh doctor faltered poor mary ought i to tell him all hold your tongue said the doctor brusquely a close month makes a wise bead 1 you say you are innocent of all those charges i was innocent 1 oried mary i am innocent 1 very well said doctor fitch then yoa are aa good aa he is and with a few kindly words he rode on but as mr and mis glover wen com ing leisurely home from anarch wiih daniel sauntering behind a sullenyed tramp alouched up to the former touching his cap be yoa the gristmill man saidi he i em the miller friend said mr glover well then said the dnstyfooted stranger it is my bounden duty to tell yoa that youre harboring a prisonbird in your borne wnat cried old mrs glover i knows it blamed welll asserted the man cos i was in quad at the same time she was theft for she and drank and disorderly for me and i wouldnt hare mowed on her but she refused me a drink of eider and wouldnt let me in to warm my feet i aint no talebearer but theres some things a flesh and blood wqnt bear he stalked oh muttering to himself while mr and mrs glover sad daniel stared at each other in horrified amass ment mother is it true i said daniel it cant be 1 said the oia lady ask herself said the miller grimly mary met them at tbe ooorj with a ra diant smile the dinner was all ready the humble array ol suver and ohlns sparawoosbetjirai thettsijdoioa tasmwaftaitli v- fcrt mlm i5tyotthmitw4r said alone tavtfow wa m uupok jtnalj at me so strangely 7 is anything the mat ter t there is much the matter i said the old miller sternly answer me girl father yon shall not be harsh to her said daniel glover come here mary lean on me nay do not tremble so what is there to ba afraid of 1 we all know that the brute spoke i103 1 is it a lie faltered mrs glover that you you wore in prison j it is no lie i said mary turning death ly white i served a sentence in ex- month prison but but i never was guiltyl circumstances were against me i- then sternly uttered the old man yon must leave this house i if she goes father said daniel glover firmly i go with her for i trust her i believe in nor i daniel are you crazy said bis mother at that moment doctor fitch rode up looking flushed and excited yet pleased withal he sprung off his horse and walk ed into the boae looking keenly about him good peoplo said he u what is all this about we have just heard wailed mrs glover that our mary is a convict pshaw said doctor fitch so it has got around to your ears has it well i have just heard that she isnt i have oome from the hospjtal ward a man was was brought in fatally wounded in a liquor saloon fray i exai lined his harts my man said i if 3 on have any affairs to settle they had be tier be settled at once for you have not six hoars to live said he if i am dying theres one or two things i would likft to say and then in solemn confession he said among other one of the burglars in thejamons chartens case that he hid the silver in mary tre foils trunk when at the last he found himself nnable to carry it all away she being seamstress in the chartens family and entirely ignorant of the whole thing tbat he was too closely tracaed to contrive toreturn and so she was convictsd through circumstantial evidence being to use the wretchs own words as innocent as a baby all the time he is a dying man now under the care of the chaplain but he has done his best to right yon mary tre foil in the eyes of tho world mary said the miller i was wrong just now when i spoke up so sudden will you forgive me mary dont look so pale soothed mrs glover here drink some of this cold water i mary dearest whispered daniel as he stole his arm around her waist 1 knew all along thai you were innocent 1 i knew you were too good and pure to be aught else 1 and the last wordsrevived her most of sill doctor fitch stayed to help them eat the thanksgiving dinner which mary had prepared so daintily the brown and oleaginoas turkey the cinnamonflavored applepies the baked potatoes and mince- tarte with the nuts and apples and spark ling cider afterwards and when he rojo to go he said laughing well and when is the wedding to be at christmas plcae god daniel uttered bravely while mary trefoil cried ont oh daniel i never said so but i say so and mother says so chimed in mr glover 8r and bo the matter is settled by a vote of the major ity and i shall claim the privilege of giv ing away the bride said doctor fitch merrily and so he went out into the snow and darkness whistling gaily as he vanished and mary looking earnestly up into her lovers eyes said softly ob daniel i think i never knew be fore the true meaning of the name thanks gmngt it does seem providential said old mrs glover tenderly stroking down the bright hair of her daughterinlaw elect that all this should have happened on thanksgiving day i as if all things were not providential when providence is over us all tbi totjwo ladhs hatrttaubs toiliit fayhovledgttht btehaiing mirror tats eortog glass win bring your faults to baas and make your virtu shin both strong sad bright j caaummtnl watk to smooth wrlidtloi a daily portion of this eassno use twill smooth the brow sad trsaqnunesslnrase trua fiu up salve t use dally far jour lip this precious dye tneyilreuaen and breath sweeter melodr- prajermhcturt giving svutxtu to tin volet at morning noon sad algbt this mixture take tour tones improved will rlehsroasb maka compaubnbutbyt water these drops win add gnat lustre to the eye when more you need tbe poor will you supply wisdom solution to prtvaa eniylkmt it calm tbe ttmper beaotiflef lh and gives to woman dignity and grace atttttion and obedience matchlaa pair cf jiarringt with inose clear drops appended to t ear attentive lessons you will gladly hear u jfeatneu and jmltuiry induvenjibk pair of bracelet clasp them oa carefully fteeh day yoa lire to good designs tby emcsy giva l patinict an elastic girdle the more yoa use tho brigbtarwih it glow tboajb its least merit is external show principle the binq f tried gold tiel 1 not this golden bracelet wbii yoa lire twill oa reitrdin and paeof djuaaee grra baignationyeetlna 0 purest pearl this ornament embellishes the fair and teaches all tne ills of life jo bear lnoediaiti ttd brraetnin adorn yonr bosom wth thispre pin it sbibm without anj wnn the beirt within piuueneua graxful bandeau- tbe lonbead neatly drrlod with this band will gdmiratioo and respect command qoud temper- universal beautiicr with this choice liquid gently toacb the mouth it rprsds oer an tbe face the charm ot youth pietjra preaohi diadem wboaer thi precious dlsdem shall own bocares benelf an everlasting crown and let not thy soul spare for his oryiog black and wicked revelations that he wasjjfror xix 18 viy m a parents responsibility a c03ouxb11ext w1tb proxzsk train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it prov xxil 6 foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child but the rod of correction will drive it far from him prov xxil 15 the rod and reproof give wisdom but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to 6hame prov xxix 15 correct thy son and he shall give thee rest yea he shall give delight nnto thy soul prov xxix 17 chasten thy son while there is hope these words which i command thee this day shall be in thine heart and thon ehalt teach them diligently onto thy child ren or whet or sharpen them margin deut vi 7 the words of tbe wise parents are as goada as nails fastened in a sore place- by the masters of assemblies tbat thy trust may be in the lord i have made known to thee this day trust thou also margin prov xxil 19 i have written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge that i might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth from a child thon hast known the holy scriptures wnich are able to to maka thee wise unto salvation an oddity showing a law in optica here is a very singular luastrationof the optical delusionsvbich a change of position will sometimes effect take d row of ordinary capital letters and figures 1 sdss8sxxxxxx33s333s83888 they are such as axe made op of two parts of equal shapes xook carefully at these and you will perceive that the upper halves of the charao era are a very little smaller than the lower halves so little toat an ordinary eye declares them to be of equal size now turn the paper upside down and without any careful looking yon will see that this difference in size is very moeh exaggerated that 111 real half top of the letter is very much smaller than the bot tom half it will be seen from this that there is a tendency in the eye to enlarge the upper part of any objeot npon which it looks x whose boy am i p tdjost like to know whose boy i am every m when- the postman comes hesayshallo whose little boy are yoa then i have to say papas an mam mas an grandpas an grandmas an uncle charlies an aunty lous anannty mays an j i but when i aint throughraes gone an he always laughs when he is going i like bo be some iolkaj boy but not- everybodys when i do things papa likes such as pick up chips and dont dry when im hurt then im papas boy an when im hurt an do cry then im mammas boy an when any of my grandmas pome they say when im right there before em ah wberes garanmas boy today an oook says be myood riitle boy en las night a jpianoaaeoh our steps an be said my sitttultinsiswahbusraawb ijialsjaa5rsyoy sjgtiajfchn satwtolniiny sjojbv sstfwejav iaon nteythitlmtefhe the tallest tree in the world it seems that america after all is nn able to make good her claim to the posses sion of the tallest and largest trees in the world every one has read of the marvels of the yosemite valley and yellowstone park the huge national sporting ground of the united states but what are the giants of california in comparison with a tree which has lately been discovered in australia it has long been known that in tasmania there are eucalypti measuring 800 feet f romtueground to tneflrst branch and more than s50 feet in total height and there is or lately was on mount w-d- lington near hobartjtown a tree of this species the trunk ot which was eightysix feet in circumference bat a still more gigantic monarch of the woods hu been recently discovered in viotoria it is a wellproportioned specimen of fiwoljfpfai aroyodduiovand its topis nearer to the sky than the cross ot st pauls cathedral fat it is no less than 30 feet above the ground m nadslivlafttals fluid lightning is the only care for toothache ueadaebe earace and neural gia it does not take a day or anheni to cure it but in less than a minute all pain is gond thousands have tested its merits within the last year fluid lightning is also a poaitivacure for rheumatism tb worst poseibleuaaes have been permanently cured tn one week pnoe 24 cents sit me- garvins drug store si tsismbteue j mogrego rtrkes oarbolle derate will cure any case of pimple on tbe tsce or bough fjsjib on either hands or face aad- 4eae themaohas sfjfc it wiu also heal any sore when all other preparatiotia failj thousands jiatetas it aikyohidrig tota6frikhssis thing el owntedtomii oeiuperhbxatjifc1 btoni itia si a 1 a it mm wmmm- mh

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