Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1884, p. 2

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beos 1 tton4gmtm tawaaoai mjuisj fu it 1884 aotona oemetery the question of providing a new came tary lor acton and vicinity ihe necessity lor which baa bean ao freqaenuy referred to in the columns of the fas paisa is again baton the ratepayer of this muulci pality the sobecl was taken np by the council at tha mooting on tuesday evening and tail body attar aoma discussion decided to rater the matter to the electora for their opinion at a public meeting to be held at as early day this qnestion it one which should interest every resident ot acton u wall a many rouduig in the vicinity and tha meeting ahould consequently be largely attended the view held by those interest ed ahonld be presented at the meeting so that the council may have ground for act ing intelligently in the matter and in aceor- dance with the views ot the majority we have in the past said so much upon this abject that there now appears to us to be little more for ul to say different persons hold different opinions however and it would be interesting to all concerned to learn the views ot others with this ob ject in view we take pleasure in inviting correspondence upon the subject throogh the medium of thafaxr pubs 1 w friv motes and comments the manitoba lslature will commence their annual session tomorrow the scott act has beeacaxried in prince eosnty p el by upwards of 1500 major it- the local legislature is likely this session to make changes m the direction of extend ing the franchise a petition is going the rounds of the counties of leeds and grenvilie for the submission of the scott act on monday the 25th inst the citizens of toronto vote on a proposal to stop the sale of liquor in groceries a proclamation is published appointing the election in oxford comity on the scott act thursday 20th slarch dsndas fiuur the senate has adjourn ed for two weeks if they would adjourn for two centuries the country would lose nothing there irtonsiderable taljc just now about the erection of xsw parliament buildings for ontario new buildings are certainly necessary c whatever any particular person may t limit about the expediency of prohibitory legislation there are few thinking men who are not ready to admit that every one is the better for total abstinence from intoxi cating drink toronto world of all kinds of landlord bills those of the taverns are the worst and the heavi st ireland the sum total of rents paid to landlords about which there is such a national disturbance amounts to 56000- 000 while the liquor bills per year are 160- 000000 or n000000 in excess speaking of the nirmberof new torkers risiting montreal last week the the xew york 8 says it is surmised that the great exodus of fashionable men and women to canada is only a new proof of the con- suhttygrowing hold which anglomsnia ha taken on our wealthy classes as an offset to the usual cry that prohi bition would injure business the following fact may be eta cd which is given on good authority in kansas the prohibitory law baa been in force nearly three years and in that time the taxable wealthof the state h been increased thirty million dollars the bitterness of the party warfare that is now going on in toronto is almost un paralleled even in canada where the inter ests of oar country have 60 often been sac- rinced to mere party ambition the col umns of abuse with which the party organs are filled are in themselves a great enough evil but this is supplemented by legal irritation and bitter parliamentary crimin- ation toronto new one ef the greatest if not perhaps the greatest of discoveries which mankind throughout tbe world have made during the last quarter of a century or so is the great benefit flowing from temperance it would seem as if the many scientific dis coveries and inventions which have taken place during that time have given all a much more exalted idea of life and that it was too precious to be wasted in the sottish drunken habits that once prevailed- scott- ith american the way of the liquor seller is made very expensive in nebraska the petitioner for a license most have on his petition the names of thirty residents certifying that tula respectable resident of the state it is published for two weeks in the newspapers baring tbe largest circulation in the country and if any objections are made bis applica tion may be rejected he must give bonds in 16600 and he cannot sell to minors nor on sundays nor election days the liquor dealer must support all paupers widows ox orphans tod pay the expenses of all proseou- tions civil sod criminal that may be just- l attributed to tha trail bars must be in fall new of tbe street and patting np any obstruction such as blinds or screens is pumshable with jum imprisonment or nwodmiod of bag to rtnng rf tbf bttoisrnwbshorskssdlsnriatolbgac 7 je os men come to realise tha rain he armwigwbynulflwtyofsitlon the dgtjmosiehes when the dreadful trafflc x a petitioning for his return the antiscott act organs may not be pleased to learn that rv d l brethour ot this town haa received a unanimous call to remainon hilton olrcuit a third ysar some time ago it waa hinted by mttral sutisooit aot papers that thi rev gentle man devoted too much time to the ditoui- sion of the scott act and enquired too minutely into the practical operation ot the law in this county to the neglect of bis puiptt and pastoral duties it is with no small degree ot pleasure that we find the subjoined resolution passed at the regular february meeting ot the quarterly board ot hilton methodist church which was carried unanimously the following is the resolution moved by a willmott seconded by johnson harrison thai we the members of the quarterly boaxj of mtltoa circuit take this opportunity ot expressing oar hearty appreciation ot tha aiuiis- mrlel labors of tbe iter d l brethour we cannot bet mark tbe providence p ood in send tog a man not only earnest in the discharge of his putplt and pastoral duties but one at tbli critical slid tcetlnl time wben this ooonty hu taken step in advenes of tbe rest of the pro vince on ue question of temperance who is fearless in denouncing wrong and indefatigable in the support of right and we therefore do earnesuy request that be mar return to us for a third yeer will the deiuuet scott act retritv just take a tu rn over in its premature grave and read the above and will the champion be kind enough to do likewise f villon nnct newmagulne acton municipal council council met in council chamber on tuesday evening lh inst present mr w h storey reeve and messrs d hen- dersonanm- l and donald cameron minuw of last meeting read and con firmed in answer to advertisement in last issue of tbe fair pbxss eight tenders for office of caretaker and lamplighter were laid before the council the finance committee presented their 3rd report recommending payment of the following accounts luther lyman balance of account 95103 thos easton halfyear salary 4760 do for wood 1006 110869 report adopted- bylaw to appoint assessor for 1884 was read the third time council went into committee of the whole rose and reported the name of ycr a a seoord sr being in serted as assessor for the year bylaw adopted moved by d henderson seconded by wm iimond that the tenders for offices of caretaker and lamp lighter be referred to a special committee of the whole coun cil with instructions to report to the coun cil such recommendation as they deem best at its next meetingarried moved by d henderson seconded by w ismond that the reeve be requested to call a public meeting of the ratepayers at an early date to consider tha propriety of this council procuring more suitable and larger grounds for apablic cemetery and that an invitation be extended to persons residing beyond tbe limits of acton inter ested in the matter to attend such meeting carried- council then adjourned halton teachers association the regular halfyearly convention of halton teachers association will be held in the georgetown public school on thurs day friday and saturday gth 7th and 8th march from the programme present ed we would judge that his cenvention will prove one of practical benefit to the teach- ers of the county who attend georgetown is a point which may be conveniently reached by the majority of the teachers in the county and the officers will be pleased to see sn unusually large attendance good music has been secured for the evening sessions and arrangemnits are in progress for engaging several popular lecturers for these sessions further particulars of which will be given in these columns in due time hot content with being the best whatevermay be said in regard to the neverfailing propensity of- the manage ment of great railway lines to provide for the public only what is actually demanded in the way of accommodations and oomiort can in no way apply to the management of the chicago rock island 4 pacific bail- way or as it is more familiarly known the great rock island route this line has for years been recognized as the best and most comfortable route between- chicago and kansas city and the south west and has been abundantly able on this account to successfully cope with it com petitors bnt not satisfied with this sac- cess and its already elegant equipment it managers have caused to be turned oat of its shops at chicago a magnificent line of dining cars which go into immediate ser vice on the kansas city line these ears contain all the conveniences of well furnish ed dining rooms are elegant in design nd finish and models of the advanced railway art of the day within them meals are furnished equal to those of any firstclass hotel in the land at the lew rate of seventy five cent travelers on this line sowfind on its trains all the comfort end eomveni encee of firstdas hotels besides tbe best of first and secondclass ooaobes there are parlor chair cars which are free to all passengers holding through firstolaas tick ets pullman palace sleeping cars sod dining can jthis companys linw ill of which an squally well equippedahexteridto3ouhcil bluffs and the west and minneapolis and st paul and the northwest and the de served praises bestowed upon it by returned travelers who speak from experience make it noted throughout theland webpeakfortheovdersandnianars of this magnificent bway nfw wtorn totbekbetousrottitvttoww tftopablioisuhmiltbto jtono by thaafcroat ubauulkfau line quick d qatfoiste tod ptjcotte tbose who prove by their deeds and geotr ous treatment that the timotawdwtssssre we have received the couagt iltaroi for february which contains it usual supply ot interesting stories poems and household matter lucy larooms poem i climb to bast is one of tha finest efforts of this west singer from camp berry to gettysburg is a beautifully illustrated sketch of tho personal experience ot horace lunf of the 17th maine regiment and is remarkable tor its clear vivid description of the sosues ot 1s61 to 1804 joaquin millers home sweet home increases in interest a quaker wedding gives an insight into the private lite of these lit tleknown people whooommeud themselves to as tor their quiet honest lives sea- loving people will be interested in the constitution off cape horn and all the membert ot the family cannot help finding agreeable and strengthening food at the well spread table served beside the genial fire of the coilaoe hearth we would especi ally commend to our young readers the young folks department where they will find puxzlesand games with prise offered for correct solution how to faint on silk and satin is a timely wellwritten article describing this pleasing way of decorating our homes the kitchen flowers music fancy work and fashions receive their usual careful attcution and taking the magazine as a whole wo do not see how a family can got ilong without it monthly visits and we are therefore glad to call onr readers attention to the fact that we offer the collage hearth and the fan puis for the rear 1864 to anyone who will sand us 1200 call at our office and see sample copy of the magaaine what our subscribers say enclosed is 1100 for the fare puss for another year we still eel too much interested in our old friends and neighbors in acton and vicinity to do without it and then dear old halton is doing so nobly in regard to the scott act and we most hear about it through the foxx pnxss which haa always taken a deep interest in it workings yours respectfully 3 c i new lowell ont herewith i send yon a f 100 for the fail puss for 1884 it continues to come regularly and promptly and is certainly a most welcome visitor not to me only bat to other friends here ss well there is so much abouthome etc in it we all wish it and its editor every success yours 4c c a river fslls wis we are in receipt of scores of letters con taining just as encouraging expressions as above personals misses sarah and fanny wclsbof g uclph are visiting acton friends mr and mrs thomas gowdy of guelph visited acton friends yesterday mrs kentner of milton was the guest of mrs charles cameron several days last week mr w e adams and family will re move in a week or so to his farm st drayton mr wm firstbrook of toronto was the guest of mr w h storey several days during the week miss morton assumed charge of the sec ond department of the public school last monday morning mr a e nicklic left yesterday morn ing on a business trip to st thomas and other western points messrs h f hill and alva stafford left last thursday on a trip to cincinnati and other american cities mr j j panton formerly of the afilton champun has been engsged as telegraph editor of the butte montana daily ilinrr messrs henry williams david hartley and john ramsey have been appointed lioense commissioners for halton county for 1884 the beaming countenance of mr edw floody the genial canvasser for the daily mail cheered our sanctum tor an hour or so on friday morning mr james brown and family have re moved from brampton and have taken up their residence in the house formerly occu pied by them on main street it is with considerable pleasure that we learn that miss augusta nicklin baa so far recovered from her long and painful illness as to be able to take a drive again miss nicklin has been confined to her room for nearly a year and a half owing to some severe affection of the knee capbut through tbe untiring and careful attendance of ber friends and the professional skill of dr lowry she is gradually recovering and on sunday waa out for a short drive the first time is sixteen long months we join the friends of miss nicklin in the wish that her complete recovery will be speedy and that her cheerful countenance will soon be seen again among friends and companions thh altar swicxhaiom axnsasos in esquesing on the 13th inst at the rssideooe of the brides father by rev d b cameron mr wm swackhammer eon of mr christopher swackhammer to eliza jane daughter of mr benjamin ander son all of esquesing scotch english and canadian suiting in grest variety at tie east end clothing store j fyfs aoton tbe best assortment of black and col ored velvets ladies mantles woollen and knitted goods in the town at nelson t ucbms ilehl- rileasrapusu sad care the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems at if plawnrnit wersciaw hog in and about the rscfain the private parts are tometim effe ft afloweoj to continue trr artownwiluojsy follow 8wtme ryhtfot pm ntt mm it a few grains nf common sens could in lututed into tho tliiek noddles ot tbie wbu perpetually and alternately- irritate and weaken their slomacht nnd bowels with drastic purgatives they would ale the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonio motthrop i lymans vegetable dis covery anil dyspeptic onre which causes good digestion to wait au appetite and health on both 23 tsltrkcum cared are you troubled with salt rheum rough skin pimples or oankei sores if m go at once to j e mcgarvius drug btore and get a package of calvetts carbolie cerate prico tweutyftyo cents it was never knowu to fail 47 at this tosson of tbe year there should bo bottle of pretoria in every house it is uurquallcd fo- coughs colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally sate or children prlccsjs oents st all druggists 80 the bsi rreer rns olohi 1 sell more barduck blood bitters than i doof any other preparation in etock says b jackes druggist toronto iftberesd rr will ask any druggist in lew city he will gta siralur answer to his ovfry a proof that it is the most popular mffilciue for the blood liver and kidneys known 26 atallwar aeemeat frank spluk wilton avcooe toronto some time ligo received a bad injary by an accident on tho o t r the severe con tasions were quickly lieuled by the use of hatyard yellow oili 26 low te treat weak lass always bresthe through the nose keep log the mouth closed as much as possible walk and sit erect sxcrcise in the opeo sir keep the skin sctupalously clean and and take hgyrd pectoral balsam for coughs colds and bronchial troublrs 26 be tareral wkil vats eat the best medicine authorities declare that worms in the humnu ytera are often in daced by cntng too freely of uncooked fruit aud too much meat cheese etc whatever may be the cause freemans worm powder ere speedy and safe to cure they destroy the worms sod contain their own cathartic to expel them 26 barklcas jtraca salve the but take in the world for cuts bruises soros ulcers bait rheum rever sores tctur chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 2o coats per box for sale by j e mcgarvin 31 are you troubled with salt hheum tluugh hands or old sores of any kind that cannot le bealtd even though it be of year standing mcgregor fc parkes car bolic cemte will cure it beyond thesbadow of a doubt it is the bct tealiog compound ever known bo- fcelering frost bites burns or any skin trouble are alike cured by it sold st 25 ccuts by j e mc garvin druggist 33 i the most incredulous are fjreed la admit that tor perfection in colors tbe triarurje dyes have no equal ask for three corner ed paekageand see that yon gel it loo ut j e mooarvlns drugstore 391 10al folt hale the undersigned intends keeping constantly on hand a stock at hard aud soft stove coal ot sll kinds which will be delivered to apy part of the village parties desiring coal should give hrm a eell c 8 smith wanteorkiro hew axd buruuob oanada maps lc oharts at paying at any agency in the world for par ticulars full and free address b c tcihox mllehaseadt leidtaoat patents avt fcrom j irs fur in fur umvi tarfsi k 00 of ow bonnrnoasfntcair eoo- tofd wsolloiliiri fur julrfiia carealj tn4 uwlimtm blilm ouufa in j xo hind book about l -iitiobutowlttimai-limnn- eximrtstoca anaottoeq irttmafi i innrttptc ampxicax tut wtae- widil r ditrolsvual mleotlflfl paper wo a jmr waektr nlafttald enjnartnn and lntrrudir lo- loan ami fire amnmuvkv voo- bcuranc ovens i too puee a dodafi wortb off zfewtpftper drertu- tnc t onr price tbe exact eot of ajt7 paper or list of paspen iieerfull ftmtfahed pap u amplication svsend lor xev catalogue j c hough adrertiiioff ajjent booth slocx detroit mich twxse free press power printing house zoiitet job woke of all deacripuoas la a vary latiflaetory manner at moderate rates with dtv tpatch in tbe time promised business cibculaea letteb heads bill heads letcer circulars note circulars business carls yiejtlkg cards paxphlets handbills posters etc etc particular attention gwen to fine woke and extra care befltoved with view to wearing mrrtktneca orders bom tbe coantrj attend i to with de spatch and work forwarded immediately by mail or expreaa try tbe fbx putts job office for printing h p moore proprietor met ertl heuersli thcri are yon disturbed al night and broken of your rest by a sick ciiiid basering and crying with the excrucialing pain of cutting teetb t if to co it once nod get a bo l tie of mrs winslowb smaliing syrup it will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immedtalelj depend upon it there u no mistake abcat it tbe re is not a mother on earth who has ever otcd it who will not tell von at once that it will regulate tbe bowela and give rest to tbe mother and relief and health to the child operating like mac it is per feet y safe 10 ue io all cases and pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states snld everywhere t 25 cents a bottle prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cares it has affect ed afegrtgori speedy cure leads ihe van bubject to tbe mioatest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of thce iojurious ingredients characlerixinp the xorthlfii specifics dally offered to the public every mcredientpoftacasesspecal- ur adaptability to tbe various complaints for which it hu been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hnorly received we fire therefore osnfl dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be foand not only a rtuef but an absolute cure for dyspepsia lirer com plaint indigestion constipation and im pore blood free trial bottles at j e mcgainus druir store s8 auction sale in tht village of rockwood monday 25th feb at 12 oclock tho fojiowitig prdpertj- belciig- ing to 8t johnf church jngrmiod bockwootl will be offered for8ale lot ltbeowthawehbnlittliif 2large box stov 3lo of store plplog 4 rii6 clay cluaaiie flunet 8hmone basanert tekusu500 add under oaiah pyertfiat amount ted per cent at tinje ojf sale balance 80 days on appromdeoitrity v irpwtoulawoffpf to the people of acton and surrounding com munity i desire to thank roa for the many favors i have received at your hands during tbe put year and ask that the same maybe continued in the future ltis my intention to offer greater bargains in ray lioe than has yet been done in the past and as i am to take stock during the next month i will offer a liberal discount to any one porcliaaing from me thanking my many customers for put favors i am yours truly w h howell the city grocery will offer during tbe uezt thirty dsyi a discount of io per cent on all cash purchases sugars excepted we bare sow on hand another large 1st of 20 lbs raisins jorl which are beiog sold rapidly au are in vited tojsjive us a call both great and small now is the time to buy crockery cheap acton jan loss 1864 the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews is low kxcbtlse dailt rezmj- oysters ri hadoles fjaniieti ftahpd fruits leaons qraavget tarapea c9nhctieiutt and all other goods in his line bleoult3 ttia lsrgsst sssortmrat of plain aud ancy bisooit in town and from tbe best msno- isetnrsrs i f uy customers will and sll my good fresh sad lu erery way satisfactory tht oyster parlor oyslwienastjn tylduril tj bs4trjpits applied tiy th can pzy ii leave your ordefts for j at nelson m ebljable establishment mill street acton tvo bigger bargains than iver for thia month i an oaterfnt 7 whole stock of watches l jewellery m ff at kedneett prlsc y shop u filled with ioods nevr tes in ljiiy m- thelwaofm udjw watehw tll hrckleu brtvochtm kstrrtw prim oteryoh cau ituti dlt uaawaasiat-i- vropwlte sssf thanking the people of actoa andtioiuity for tlw liberal patrofei ageiin uieprisjiehitf a- lilivsfr a hst m swiii sss3ste

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