Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1884, p. 2

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the u pceusekb kvnar tsbohsday hoama free nsm towbrnmrrow house mba tkrt actok ont tsairs tuernuapjahswiubesout to subscribers postage paid or w00 per n- uam in advance 1150 if not eo paid no paper diacontinaed till all arrears ere paid except at the option of the publisher aernxncie rirts oaeoel edveruse- ments 8 cents per line for the first inser tion end 3 conta per line for each subse quent insertiou cash professional cords 10 linos or lew m00 per annnm i square u lines jouqper annum payable in 6 mouths from date ofineertiou anyspocial notice the object of which ii to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a seal of solid xoaparcu cnxtract ejltts out oolamn one rear 6000 hall column one rear osoa 4 tirter column one year 2000 on column alxmonuia j00 aair eolamn six months tooo tliarureolamnslxmontas 1 00 o le eolamn three months 8000 sahoolansa tbreemontns 1s00 oiarlereolama three months 700 v4veiusemeouvibatieiluo directions vlubetnaertedilursrmdandehaitedaeeord inilt traomtorr adtertlaemenis munbe paid in advaqu chances for oohtmct adve rtlsemrnismusl hela theooce oy sa moa miodays other wise they will be irr over uh the loltowtnt week h p moore tdllor proprietor tuift udcdmarbofoondoaflleuoop i hro rrtrcll bowel v kmnxr jlh- rartlstbcbttraanloa9rttcail vbfn mtoch ooatneta marb acton bankihc coy torey omtlttik v oo bankers acton ontario business directory wh lowry it b ii c p s- oraduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fred erick st- acton i llbl low besxett dextist george- unt john lawsox gbadtate of ox- uaio vetcbtjuu collegi toaturro veterinary surgeon acton ont office in sbnney sonb boot and shoe store res idence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to- terms easv chi biggs l ds of the firm of bioos ixobt toboirro will be at campbell hotel on the first monday of every month in the practice of his profession all work executed in the 1 atest and most improved style of the d art no charge for consultation vfowat a mcleas barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers c tsh0xrt to loix omd secords block mril st acton j a moiii w a hceeov g s goodwttjtt barrister solicitor notary puhhc georgetown 4 acton sbacton fnce in mrs- secoris block john dat i architect gaelph ontanol orncr queens hotel block market square ttt b bragg practical millwright rearranging of floor trills a specialty p o address box 103 rocnrooo patents secured for intentions henry grist oiiiwi cixui jo tears practice- no patent no pay m vney to loan peivitz rusi jsjt fiitr ex 3ent i clarke pa2ntff basbxstexs dc cattens block guelph a general banking busi ness transacted x0hx7 l0a1tss ok aws0vm hotss notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits school books copy books drawinc book8 all the new text books full stock at days bookstore guelph day sells cheap jasfkidtfer 10 cent store and cheat cash baa8 upper wyndham 8t gt7elph bemoved to cheaper but better premises- direclly oppositethe old store 10 cent store and vbcan cash bazar jas f ktdneb- guelph cloth hall f ibancis ncnan successor to t f chapsian i bookbinpeb pt georges square guelph x j aoconnt books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every deacripfion carefnlly bound ruling neatly and promptly done ftcth hemstbeet liioenbed auctioneer- for the comities of wellington and halton orders left at thefaex pbiss office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly atnded to terms reasonable aerm vmm also money to loan on the most favorable terms and at the lowest rates at interest in snms of 1500 and upwards t ime fob sale lime can be had at the canada lime works in small or large quantities at any time apply at the kiln near toltons mill or to c s sjhth itay 1st 1882 box 172 acros tanlan barber shop 3 p wokdek has opened a barber shop in the premises lately oecapied by dr forster as a medical office and aolicita a share of the patronage of this vicinity every department of the buineas will be conducted mbrstclass style geosll p wq j 2srd 1883 lf wnmtuuirtrxart trwtawiteinbr thefarm are fence tout tw i f h ba auiimtet plenty ojfamber und good mshooli4tiwbli c4mttots only8 jriae 5p fihvbyter4 mi y pnncnf utlmomti muia pleaaant eoeiia jnfottoaneif ta be oontineei i am erwawtwis team ad arriage to tk wtsiw tfenatreejof sharge 4 v jiv hribwirm hdnwoft w scotch tweed suitings shaw grundy mehchant tailors ouelph aware established f848 savages watchfi clock jewelry spectacle house large stock prices special attention to pine watcn repairing- b savage near petrieg mew lrif storje crirektb favorite oyster parlor a e matthews 18 x0w keceiviso oillv rrcxu oysters finnan haddies canned fish nud fruits lemons oramtes urapesi confectionery and all other goods in bis hue blaciaits the largeat assortment o plain and fancy biscuits in lawn and from the best manu facturers my customers will fiad all my goods fresh aud iu every way satisfactory the oy8ter parlor oysters serted in any style during the season or will be supplied by the can quatt or gallon fgood cooking apples always on hand aematthews wellington marble works quebec st guelph- john h hamilton propfiletor- formerly mcquillan hamilton dajer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work received first prizes at provincial ex hibition guelph the western fair and all local exhibitions or excellence of material and superiority of workmanship your orders are solicited the oldest drub store in ouelph tnckrday morximj marcu 18 1881 poetrj married for love to jack brovu tu a ipjcndid fellow but married far lore vou know i remembor tbo wrl very woll sweet utuo kuty ouffaa pwtty and totlig and good and bright as f fairy elf i wii very njuch tanqited indoovl to marry klttr uiykolf but her frioudf wore airbf thcni poor and kitty bad uot a ceut and i knw t should norer be with love in 1 cottflo content so jack vat thejlucky wooer or unlucky on jiruy tou can see bow shabby bit coat and bit hair it turning gray but rm old bq ihiuki hiinmu rich witl kitty aii homely joyt a cot far away ofcit of town full of noisy xt and boya poor jack im lorry and all that but of courw be very well knew that fellowi who marry for love must drink of the liquor they brew and the bandiomo auguitui uniied ris coat wai in perfect htyle and women itill tpake of his grace and gave him theiraweeteit unlle but be thought that night of jack brown and aaid i ain growing old i think i must really marry 6ome beautirul girl with gold yean passed and the bachelor grew tiresome and stapld and old he had not been able to find the beautirul girl with gold alone with his fancies he dwelt alone in the crowded town till one day he suddenly met the friend of his youth jack brown wbygusr why jack what a meeting jack was so happy and gay the bachelor sighed for content as he followed his friend away to the cot far out of town set deep in its orchard trees scented with lilies and rotes cooled with the ocean breeze why jack what a beautiful place what did it coat r oh it grew there were only three rooms at first then soon the three were too few so we added a riomnow and then and oft in th4 evening hours kitty the children and i planted the trees and lowers hjnd they grewias the children grew jack harry and grace and belle and where arej the youngsters now r all happy and doing well jack went to his own new bouse his road is leel and clear and harrys a lawyer i town making three thousand a year and grace and belle are well married they married for lord aais best but often our birdies ccono back to visit the dear home nest- bo my rweet wife kitty and i from labor and care may cease we have enough and all can bring nothing but leve and peace but over and over again the bachelor thought that night home and wife and children jack brown was after all right ob if in the days of my youth i had honestly loved and wed for now when rhrtrid theres no one cares whether tm living or dead pv topyy best canadian coal oil only 20c a gallon now ig the time to buy your ooal oil hicinbotham8 condition powders bare giten universal satisfaction and ail wbo have used thein for horsos and cattle testify to their ex cellence prepared only by wg smith co winter i laid an elegant prepara tion for bongbneat of the skin chapped hands sore lips frost bites o pre pared only by t w g smith 4 co tbotieys horse and cattle food gold in any qoanahy u bolt purchaser diamond wyes tbe best ind cheapest in the market w c smith a co dispensing chemists gotlpli10tndeo8 r the wishrino a yonng farnier who was very nnlncky sat on his plowja moment to rest and jost then an old woman crept past and cried why do yon go oh drudging day and night without inward walk two days till you come to a fir tree that stands ail alone in the forest and overtoga all other trees if you can hew it down yon will make your fortune not waiting to have the adfioe repeated the farmer shoolderedhis axe and started on his journey sore enough after tramp ing two days be came to the fir tree which he instantly prepared to ut down just as the tree swayed and before it fell with a crash tnerfl dropped out of its branches a nest containing two eggs- the eggs roll ed to the ground and troke end there dart ed ont of one a young eagle and ont of the other rolled a gold ring the eagle grew larger as if to try their strength then soaring upward it cried you have res- cued me tal e as a reward the ring that lay in the otier egg it is a wishring turn it on yoi lt finger twice and whatever your wish is ii shall be fulfilled but re member then is but a single wish in the ting hp opener is that granted than it loses its power and is only an ordinary ring therefore consider well what yon desire bo tint iyon may never hare reason to repent yom jhoice so speaking the eagle soared i igh in the air circled over the fanners head a few times then darted like an arrow toward the easj the farmer tooktheriag plaoediton his finger and turafed on his way home ward towardetenw he reached a town where a jewe ler aat in his ahopbahind a counter oh w lioh lay inany costly rings for sale- the f imer ihowed his own and asked the me rehantiu value- it isnt nth a ftraj the jeweller answered upon that tbe farmer langbed heartily ahd told tb man tbatitwa a wishring andofgreaw rvalnth rings in ttojiojogi fljerij i the jcnm swsw iiiliijuibsa man so he invited tbe farmer to remain as his guest over night for he ex plained only tc shelter a mas who owns a wishring must bring luck bo he treated his guest ii wine ahd fair words and that night as the farmer lay sound asleep the wicked man stole the magic ring from his finger and alippen on in its place a common one which be bad made to resemble tbe wishring the next morning the jeweller was all impatience to have the farmer begone he awakened him at cockcrow and said you had better go for you still have a long journey before you as soon as the farmer had departed the jeweller closed his shop put np the shut- ters so that no one could peep in bolted the door behind biro aud standing in the middle of the room he the ringand cried i wish instantly to possess a mil lion gold pieces 1 mo sooner said than tbe great shining gold pieces came pouring down npon him in a golden torrent over his head shoulders and arms pitifully he cried for mercy and tried to reach and unbar the door but before he succeeded he stnmbled and fell bleeding to the ground at for tbe golden rain it never stopped till the weight of the metal crashed the floor and tbe jeweller and his money sank through to the cellar the gold still poured down till tbe million was complete and the jeweller lay dead in tbe cellar beneath his treasure tbe noise however alarmed the neigh bors who came rushing over to see what was tbe matter when they saw the man dead under his gold they exclaimed doubly unfortunate he whom blessings kill afterward the heirs came and di vided the property in the meantime the farmer reached home in high spirits and showed the ring to bis wife the farmers wife of course proffered advice suppose said she that we wish for that bit of land that lies between onr two fields r that isnt worth while her husband replied if we work hard for a year well earn enough money to buy it so the two worked very hard and at harvest time they had never raised such a crop before they had earned money enough to buy the coveted strip of land and still have a bit to spare see baid the man we have the land and the wish as well the farmers wife then suggested that they had better wish for a cow and a horse but the man replied wife why waste onr wish on such trifles the horse and cow well get anyway sure enough in a years time the money for tbe horse and cow had been earned joyfully the man rubbed his hands tbe wish is saved again this year and yet we have what we desire how lucky we are but now his wife seriously adjured him to wish for something at last now that you have a wish to be granted she said you slave and toil and are content with everything you might be king emperor baroii even a gentleman farmer with chests overflowing with gold bat yon dont know what you want we are yonng anolife is long he answered there is only one wish in the ring and that is easily said who knows but sometime wo may sorely need this wish are we in want of anything have we not prospered to all peoples astonish ment since we possessed this ring be reasonable and patient for awhile in the meantime consider what we really ought to wish for and that was the end of the matter it really seemed as if the ring had brought a blessing into the house gran aries and bams were full to overflowing and in the course of a few years the poor farmer became o rich and portly person who worked with his men afield during the day as if he too had to earn his daily bread bat after supper be liked to sit in his porch contented and comfortable and return tbe kindly greeting of the folk who passed and who wished him a respectful goodevening so the years went by sometimes when they were alone the farmers wife would remind her husband of the magic ring and suggest many plana but as he always answered that they had plenty of time and that the best thoughts come last she more and more rarely mentioned the ting and at lasf tbe good woman ceased speaking of i altogether to be snrei ie farmer looked at the ring and twirled it about aa many as twenty times a day but he wae very careful never to wish after thirty or forty yean bad passed away and tbe farmer and his wife had grown old and whitehaired and their wish wastill umaaked then was god very good to them and on the same night they died peacefully and happily weeping chili and graridchildreribnr- rounded the two ooffths aud aaone wish ed to remove the ring from the still hand a ramrniawy the eih- jikgu let o latherhake hs ring info the grave tterawaiwjitiiaatry about it refbapsttwss3ijiemembrenoe our motsei wfjmmuat rinlieniyaveiit to hm when ibey wereyioas 2 i r r ii wismringwwaiaiotsiiivfl1 coo5nrfcfvg the lamp of life there ire three wicks to the lamp of a mans lif i brain blood and breath press the brain a little iu life goes oat followed by both t io others stop the heart a min ute and out go all three of tbe wicks choke the air out- of thetungs and pres ently the puid ceases to supply tbo other centres of flame and all is soon stagna tion cold and darkness tie wanderfnl works of 1 creation at a microscopic exhibition in boston lately the sting of a honey bee was thrown upon tbe screen the point of which was so sharp as to be hardly distinguishable at the sameltime the finest of fine needles was shown urider the same power of the micro scope anjlthe needle measured five inches across biid the exhibitor god can make a fine point but man cannot ldc a doable compliment one sunday as a certain scottish min ister waslretnming homewards he was ac costed byj an old woman wbo said oh ir well do 1 like the day when youpre4b tbe minister was aware diat he was not very popular aud he answered my good woman i am glad to hear it there are too few like you and why do you like when i preach 7 oh sir she replied when you preach i always get a good seat 7 nothing so vulgar eudora what in the world do these letters mean on mrs toinkins invita tion m they are b8vp are they not eudora certainly not i know what rsvp mean they stand for rtpondc m tout plait answer if yon please these letters are aly j what under the sun do they stand for usmms i am sure i dont know must be something in french or spanish or possibly italian eudora perhaps aiy j mean ans wer if you please mamma impossible mrs tomkins would never use such a common vulgar language as english on her invitations photographing on linen a detroit photographer who has been experimenting in the direction of printing photographs on linen thinks that there will be quite a rage for photographs on curtains tidies and handkerchiefs when once the fashion now possible sets in the work can be washed aud boiled and will not come out the fact that photo graphs can be printed on linen and like textures was made manifest some time ago and accounts were published of a dinner given in honor of henry irving in london whereat napkins were used on which was photographed a portrait of tbe eminent actor this application of the art might lead to the production of some beautiful designs from nature for dress goods and other articles especially if a process should ever be devised for the representation of colors by means of photography r fear as an ally of disease while tbe plague was raging in bnenos ayres- the grave diggers bore charmed lives of the soomen so employed not one died of the disease it has often been noticed that duriog the prevalence of pestilential diseases physicians undertakers nurses and grave diggers whose business compelled constant liability to infection have usually escaped in far greater ratio than their numbers would warrant the charm of this immunity from the prevailing scourge u very simple they are not scared they are positive to the disease and repel its at tacks fear is a great ally of death whoever is afraid of disease is in a nega tive position and really invites its ap- preach and thus it is the world over the brave died but once while crowds die many times much unnecessary alarm exists in every community in regard to many diseases why he never saved money i see aaid senator frye that a washington paper in a very compliment ary notice beia me down as a poor mant not worth over 125000 thats too much i said mr frye but the fellow who wrote that dees hot know the reason i am bo poor sb came about in this wibe i warf broughtjup m a quaker family end when in my boyhood i got a chance to go up to boston my quaker grandfather gave me 5 to spend i did not know any boys in boston and i could think of no way to hare 4aorth of fun without boys so i ktpt tbe money in my pocket whenlgpt home my grandfather asked- me- how i- spent the 5 and i with the air of one who ha done a virtuoas action aaid i did no apena it at all grandfather i saveditj and have itin my pocket whare- nnonm grandfather aaid you may give mefcecjjtlhe money william 1 gave you that mraeytoapena at boston ever iaoe that aaid the senator i hve knoirribetter tbm to lave money ajarebataadiirmbclaoeitwmri if the other hid uufatenemosti where wee urdi all impatient waft to- hear tin toifias jtt ejwmk- mfjtiahutwotowbwiliarsha naahrietoaedhlekrbsaei or moans npon tbefcxailr manh whet totes eoafa4rniiad4 cries and atonfuinoeks ana moaas oer bin add forest aaid and ten r jjejlnrtitit rfimis thalfoto-hunwtamtcbulttwd- iteouiatolmli voadroos met andfonvjmetloetraanlatrajt tettirneomflbotiamngtottiafefv andautnsjwriahtesfcitntoattag j march has twdfaoea one looks forb- acroai a soundless sea of snow 1 v wieranitbetoroeudstoimrtiqrtfa prlsmaite imfcerp uaa and jiloir but olufeoihet tee is fair i thmk that i can ase it newi with paestaa fattenid in the her tfiatfiames its hlan maiastle brow around h neck the graatesclux there robins bufld tbilr nests r 3d atng a song to weloeme back the spiing important to foreigners the following lines are commended to foreigners studying the english language a pretty deer is dear tome a hare with downy hair a hart i love with all my heart but barely bear a bear- tis plain that not one takes a plane to have a pair of pears although a rake may take a rake to tear away the tarea v bols rays raise thyme time razee all and through the whole hole wears a scribe in writing right may write to wright and still be wrong for write and rite are never right and dont to right belong robertson is not boberts son nor did he rob butts son yet boberts nm is robins sun ahd everybodys bun j beer often brings a bier to man coughing a coffin brings and toomueh ale will make ns ail as well as other things f the person lies who says he lies when he is not reclining and when consumptive folks decline they all decline declining quails do not quail before a storm abough will bow betore it i we cannot rein tbe rain at alx no earthly powerreigns oer it the dyer dyee awhile then diesr to dye hes always trying until npon his dying bed be thinks no more of dyeing a eon of mars mars many a bob alldeys mnst have their days and every knight should pray each night to him who weighs his ways tis meet that man shonldmete out meat to feed one fortunes aim the fair should fare on love alone else one jjnnot be won a lass alas is sometimes false of faults a maid is made herwaist is but a barrel waste though stayed she is not staid the springe shoot forth each spring and shoots shoot forward one and all x though summer mis the flowers it baaves- the leaves to fallin fall i would a story here commence but you might find it stale v so well suppose that we have reached the tailend of onr tale ii m 1 a clinrcli member who was pro- nonncednotonaty a member of a church congregation in wisconsin wae last month charged with gam in stocks and bronght np before a oommittee for investigation the trial began by a deacon asking vv brother smith the charge is garnhlrng iri stocks yes sir f and yon plead not guilty f u no sir i plead guilty then you do buy and sell f late hvwheat andoats and sell fnrerin pork lldogir didnt i give 4000 in caabj help to bnildthib cbnrch yea v that was part of my profit on aapeo in oatk didnt i foot a defidenoyef stto 5 m the fcoinisters salary this year yes vv that came from arise in stocks tmdnl i chip in 700 towards the paraonager yes 1 that came from a comer in pat havent i whacked op on the orphan inm the new bridge the park and enginer i s6uhave js- iil well that nieans more oorpwand holding on till i felt my hair growmlrejwfe gentlemen i will step out for a and let yon reach a verdict v ii he stepped but it was only thirty before be was called in and txmfjidilmktx on the verdict of 1 not 111 in a reoent iwadiji aj laa nllnana sltilrtine aeelaaietfiftaakibaaaafe peared the following wanted abbioht qood neemmeiidatfonf pioyer j ntthatrad pretarredv i approiebing the advertjso headed man reporter iosity athhe advertibernentbjiijaa asked if he might learn lility of redhaired b well sir said the mi i have always fonntl are theamartestand ttii are proud aacfr- like the ordinary errand and yon tlnnk it ia aeit4iit v tlmt hat jtjw iavema0bt hair and rsraeaeeieaxelob3p iwojatatyo- jajsji bjfuifeirmiijteir mkf

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