Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1884, p. 1

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j0 t v j v s- n rfo r 1 mumo- evkky thursoa moruiko it tax free mess pow mramm houu ullu 8tbbkt actok oct tmuy tbe fais pun will be sent vo subscribers postage paid for 81 00 por n- nan tn advance ii 50 il not ao pud ko per liicontiuodtill all imm an paid e vcept at the option ol the publisher anvssrorve rit casual advertise ments sccoti pet line tor the first inser tion and 3 cents por line tor oaeh subse quent insertion oath professional cards 10 lines or law 84 00 per annum 1 square is hoes 8300 per annum payable in 6 months from date of insertion an special soticc the object ol which to promote the pecuniar benefit ot any individual or csmpanv to be considered an advertise mnt the number ot lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a seal of solid nonpareil wrtact rat1s oat eolam n on rear ifalt column ne rtar i trier o tlqmaone year a a hu i lx a muii tlauc damn ls nt mhs i4trcoluaiotlxnlontit 1 1 e it jinn three nonths tttlfeilamn ihremonihs 3 itur vlmin thr months v r ttianirlliinalieclflq direction ul i c-lrtuurirbldandehrfdpccnl- lurlr transitory advertisement mmibe pat 1 n atrunc c tit ores mr entrt trfvertuerafnuinctti be lot ennv qj tt m oa t ijajrsoiher- wlte thej will be lrt over tll the lollowtng week it p moore kduori proprietor 60 m si 00 so oo xsoo toco 1100 jo in 11 ao 7 oo g term8st00 in advance the newspaper- a map of buey life its ptaotuationu and ltd vastocmoerna 8150 if not so paid volume ix no 38 aoton ont thursday march 20 1884 whole no 455 acton banking coy storey 0hri8tie 00 bankers jlcton- ontario i mo rarxh rowell a ci ewtrer ad nntflttc barwa 410 sprue bx l where arfrtltli r oatnett slut safe t ii 1 kat tobk business directory wh lowry st b mcps graduate ot tnmty college hem ber ot college ot physicians and burgeons o see and residence at toe head of fred erick st acton ll bl bevett ont dextist george- jjhs lawsox gradtate of ox tiajo vctzxctast coixcoz tuaofro vetiuary surgeon acton ont office in eeouey sou s boot and shoe store res- id ne in the rear hones examined as to soaniaesa and certificates given all cuv night or dty promptly attend ed to terms easy ch- eiggs lj3 s of the firm of rlgos ivost toboxto w 11 be at ijampbeu hotel on the first monuvof every month in the practice of hi poftsion all work executed in the latest and most lmoroted stvle of the dental art vo charge for consultation a rowat 4 mcleak barrister solicitors xotanesf convey ancers tc tllovrr to lois orau seoords block kill st acton j ajioiit w a mcleix oekeral bakkikg busl- sksi transacted k01te7 l0ass oh appiw7s0 m0ts3 notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits school books copy book8 drawing book8 all the new text books at full stock days bookstore gcelph cent store and cheap a6h bazab r s goodwiiire bamstr solicitor notary public georgetown i actox w acton ofece m sirs secord s block toh5 dat architect gaalph ontano- omcx queen s hotel blockr slazket square tt b bragg practical sullaktught re artacgm of flour hills a speaaltv po address box 103 rocnrood day selis cheap jasfkidner 10 upper wyndham 8t auelph rcmovnd to cheaper but better premises- direcllj opposl the old ttor 0 cent store and cheap cash baxar jab p kidnbb- patexts secured for ixyextioxb hehrtgriat orwi cutirji jo tears practice ko patent ko pay cuelph cloth hall m 0ey to loak ruiriir rrsdsj t siy fer 33qt 1 clarsftcakmff j bleiates c cutten t block guelph scotch tweed suitings the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews u 10w kkckimto bilu frjbh oysters finnan haddes canned fuh and fruits lemons ornntch tirnpes cofktiomby and all olber goods in his line biscuate the largest asbortraeol ot plain and fancy biscuit in lonn and from tlie best manu acloreriv m custom rs will find nil mj ash nud in esery wa satisfacturj nodi the oy8ter parlor 0rter uprviyi in an atle danng ihe htfcwn or mill lx uilcd by the can qtuu or riutm good cooking applei alviri no hand aematthews wellington marble works quebec st gdelph john h hamilton propfiletor formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite and eerything pertaining to cemeten york received first puses at provincial ex hibition guelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship lour orders are solicited the oldest drug store 1 in ouelph f bakc1s xtjxax successor to t f lhapman bookbexdeb 3t george s square guelph account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound holing neatly and promptly done i3haw grundy uerchakttailqbs ouelpm vtpl sjistbeet laoensed aactioneer for the counties of weuigton and halton orders left at the fbex prus office acton or at my residence im acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable mrr i lam also money to loan on the most favorable terms and at the lowest nates of interest m earns of 1500 and upwards t iife fob bale lime can be had tx the canada lame worts m saiiil or large qoantities at any tune apply at the kim near toltons mill or to c 3 siflth may 1st 1882 box 172 acrox w n tbe premises a medical taj lax barber shop i r wobdev has opened a barber shop in tbe lately occupied by dr forster as office and soiiau a share of the patronage of this vicinity ever department of tbe bqtiuen rdl be conducted in bratclass trie give ui a call j p wordex jan mrd 1883 hwtbt rabbs tor sale rrvs wwm er wl- i 0 leifoks these farms an improved with bnfldings fences fruit tree aid berpeof allkiiias good water plenty c timber land good rovjs schools sal eharche good mff only 95 moee from phlladrfphia plenty of nih oysters md gime very jsrodostite land climate mild sail rjeaaaotoonie and eefor yourself m be eosfintjel i am regared with ten and carriate to take sailors to see the farms free of charge jdbomaie8tfastooimwz estabuished 1848 savages h watch clock jewelry spectacle house large stock prices right special attention to fine wateh repalrlnc b savage hear retried sew draft stote cceph cttm4mm8 terauoty moaxnto miaca 90 1881 poetry a liatyiae zfxbodx can i forget that winter night in eighteen eighty four when kelhe charming little sprite came tapping at the door f good evening miss i blushing said for in my heart i know and knowing hang my pretty head- that nellie came to woo she clasped my big red hand and fell adown upon her knees and cried yon know i love you well bo be my husband please i and then she swore shed ever be a tender wife and true ah what delight it was to me that xollie came to woo i i am engaged end proudly wear a gorgeous diamond ring and i ahall wed my lover fair borne time in gentle spring i face my doom without a aigh and so forsooth would yon it yon but loved as fond as i the nellie who came to woo the dottrence there was an old lady all dressed in silk who lived upon lemons and buttermilk and thinking this world was a sour old place she carried its acid all over her face another old lad all dressed in patches lived upon nothing bnt inciter matches so the world it made her itrangle and oough as soon as yon rubbed her you set her off another old lad all snnnv and neat who lived upon sugar and every thing sweet declared when she heard ot their troubles she never 1 for the world was so nice she could live forever koau now children take your choice of the food your beart shall eat there are soonsh thoughts and brimstone thoughts and thoughts all good and sweet and whatever the heart feeds on dear children trust to me is precisely what this queer old world will seem to you to be oui stojy the cashiers confession best canadian goal oil only 20c a gallon now is the tame to buy your 1 coal oil hicinbotham8 i condition powders frave given universal satisfaction and all who have used them for horses and cattle lentil to their ex- celleuce prepaied ooly by w g smith co winter fluid an elegant prepara tion for rougbotsj of the skio chapped hands sore lips frost bites 4c- pre- rrednly by w a8mtth00 tnorley hone and cattle food sold in any quanaity to enit purchaser viamond dyes the best and oheapeat in tbe market w g 8mith ft co dispensing chemists onalph 10th dec 8s ts i had been wild warrens cashier for some years and i trusted that they bad complete confidence in me when one day i broke a promise i had made to my mother and went on what they called a bpreev with some young men from our town it was my very first and i came home with ebummg head and parched tongue and wma nek all day though i was at ray place ia the office my mother had sent me fifty dollars a a present in one large bill she had had a little legacy and wanted to hire it with me i was going out with my friends the next night and i wanted mall money and as i had a good deal of money in tbe safe in small bills i changed my fifty putting it into a large envelope ao that it might be kept apart from the mall hills i marked itmfty dollars too i waa half tipsy yet bat i thought i was texy caret ol when i went away it was to take sapper with tbe boys and gooff again on what they told me was a very glorious night indeed i awoke in a station- house without money enough in my pocket to fey the fine required tor i had been charged with being drank and disorderly i was sent to prison for ten days in conse quence by this time my friends who bad got off better than i were gone home borne of them had tried to help me and tbe money i had lost or squandered in one night was all i should have until next pay day when they let me oat ifelt as though i had been in purgatory but not indeed aa though i wee prepared for a better life i waa degraded and ashamed and my only hope was that wild a warner did not know of the affair i saw they did however as soon u i got into the atoxe the clerks looked at me in a way to show how the wind blew and there was a strange face at my desk from beside the register where he waa warming himself and keeping a bright lookout on everything aa usual stepped mr wild his eye looking as hard as some blue stone mr smith he said will you step into our office wed uke a little talk with you i foiwed him 1 saw mr warren who always seemed to like me and who jud known my mother when she was a girl sitting there very dttoonk4wv with his heedoahis hand i mr warren i began i have been wrong i know bnt i wae unaccustomed to liquor and it ia not exactly about your having been intoxicated that we wish to speak answered mr wild though 1 had not spoken to him mr warren made no reply st all jvicoobtinaea mr wdd more cold- 1 than ever about the money pifty idollars nave disappeared from the sate and ilnterrtiptednim indtbey have not said l the bill is in a large yellow envelope i placed it there myself my mother sent- me fifty dollars and i ohauged it for small notes you will find it there then mr warren spoke my boy said he do yon think i would leave any means untried to prove yon honest i have searched tbe sate well there is oo envelope there and the account is fifty dollars short you never thought i tad taken it f i cried i r how oonld we think otherwise ask ed mr wild coldly no no i feel sure of yoa said xr warren bat yoa were not in your sober mind yoa have made tome mistake i had tbe letter my mother sent tbe money in in my pocket and i handed it to mr wild he looked at it through his eye glasses and said well mr btnith this proves only that you bad fifty dollars of your own a career of dissipation i was never dissipated before i said i never drank too much before 1 nev er very well said mr wild mr warren believes yoa i see thanks yoa benest i reserve my opinion for your mothers sake we will take no action bnt naturally we feel that a dissolute young man who has lost fifty dollars is not re liable cashier nor can we recommend him to others good morning j he stalked away i stood writhing in misery mr warren i said where is finney finney was here when i locked up the safe he may know something finney was an honest fellow who swept up the store lighted tbe gas ran errands did anything he was told to do in fact we called him tbe porter poor finney said mr warren has been run over on the steam railroad what be was doing there no one can guess but be is dying in tbe hospital you dont believe me a thief i cried oh mr warren say that 1 indeed i am not you drank too much and yoor mind did not guide yoa anght you have made a terrible mistake had it been possible i would have saved yon from its conse quences bnt mr wild first discovered the deficit what are yon going to do lad f can 1 1 help yoa if i could only search for tbe envelope i said perhaps sighed mr warren you unoonaciously spent it with the rest of the money when a man puts a thief into his monto to steal away his brains there is never any knowingwhat may happen can it be so i groaned it may now my boyletmebelpyon come to me tonight and let oa talk said mr warren i said i would but i did not utterly heartbroken and despairing i shipped that day as a common sailor on a whaler i was ashamed to see any one i knew and glad to be with rough men who only jeered at me as a green hand i made a voyage or two and was ship wrecked at last i tried to get something to do and failed 1 found myself at last homeless and penniless wandering along a country road with that blot upon my name i would not go home to my mother i thought she also might believe me a thief i was sibk and sorry and when at the to n of the road 1 saw the great iron rails running into a tunnel and tbe warning sign look out for tbe cars and heanlthe tram thunder lng towards the spot though yet far away i said to myself i will end it all here i will he down on those rails and let the great iron monster crush the life oat at me it will only be one tramp the more ont of the way and mother thinks me dead already i hope i walked forward and laid myself down and with tbe thunder in my ears i tried to say a prayer and now the red light glared over me i heard a shout and with a jerk was dragged over upon tbe roadside and a man waa sitting npon my ohest waving a wnito flag and the txain had gone past a pretty one yoa are said a voieje that seemed to me familiar look at the hat of ye in the road maehed to smithereens and let it be a warninto ye for its that way yed be only for me bare its well i caught the tails of yer ooat whin i did and that i thought of sitting on ye for i oouldnt hould ye wid wan arm that 1 have left and wave the flag as was my duty at the same toime git up7 ye villain and explain yourself and he rose i staggered to my feet and looked at him why its finney said i thatb me name good lord above us its our cashier 1 cried the man and whats oome to ye mr smith that yoa are loike this the day come into me shanty i went in with him there would be no more trains for ao hour he said- and he sat looking at me and my rood angel prompted me to teuliimtlw tenth ashe listened i saw the manseyes glitter when i was through he jumped q hj est confound ha dsink said he and qpnf oftud that fiftydolls bul- only for that i wonldnt be bereat all mjsalt mr smith nor you wouldnt be there aeithen the day yoa osme inyoor jproerd yellow envelope under the safe and what should i do being thickheaded bat cast it into the stove and ss i did so i saw a bank bill fly ont of it into tbe red ooals and in tbe flash before it was a- tinder i read fifty on it and saw 60 in the figures and i went crazy i knew mr wild hes say i stole it and even it be belaved me it would be years before i could pay it back and i knew id be turned ont if i wasnt sent to jail and i said to myself no nse living now finney end it and away i ran to this railroad you mind we oonld see the oars where they pass through the turn from the shop steps tbe tram was coming and sore nobody polled me off and i thought i was dead bat i waked up in the hospital with bnt the wan arm and i wailed and moaned that i was no good to meself any more and wan of the sistbers went to the railroad men and got me this job but now mr smith ill do my duty ill go wid you and clear your character asient will be tor mr wild is dead and mr war ren is a daoedt gentleman we went together to the old place finney told ha story kind old mr war- ren believed hjm and we are both there to gether now i know 1 deserve the con fldence bestowed upon me and neither finney nor i ever drink now as for my dear mother i had turned ber hair gray but she bad never ceased to loe me and she forgave me from her sool a temperance cyolone an inwnw temperanoe meeting was held in new york a few days since which the metropolitan journals oonmder remark able for that city its object was to sup port state senator roosevelts high license bill the meeting was not only remarkable for its sue and enthusiasm bat it bad a broader deeper more sigmnoeat meaning by reason of the largely spontaneous ex pression ot the sentiments of men of varied views ss to temperanoe policies the rev henry ward beecher made a characteristic and the telling speech of the occasion there are said he some bad consequences attending almost every business i do not doubt tbe blacksmith throws some cinders id the peoples eyes bakers do not always distribute bread that is digestible there is a good deal of bad batter sold the cheese is not much bet ter- there is a good deal ol socalled cider that is not good tbe generaldnft of all kinds of business is beneficial and only in cidentally mischievous but the sale of honor is only incidentally beneficial sd generally bad if i were to bpak not of liquordealers bat of liquor itself i would charge it with almost every iniquity known to hums experience i would declare that liquor is a demoralizer a monster a thief a murderer a poor house builder some of the new york journals axe so jahilant over this monster meeting tnat in their enthusiasm they are serving notices on the twin products and producers of modern barbarism that they believe the temperance people might easily rouse such a cyclone of long pent up indignation as wookl sweep the rum sellers and their in fernal traffic to wreck and ruin indeed the mail and bxprtu fairly boils over with fervor as it watches the ominous ly promising signs of the times and ex claims we are daily getting more and more oertain that the temperance issues are sure soon to swamp all others as a great ohio valley flood covers tbe usual river courses with a blending sea of whirl- ing waters it adds that the tempest that is getting ready to take by the throat the traffic that is evil from beginning to end and that is infinitely a direr curse to the go 000000 or more whites ot this conn- i try than ever slavery was to the negroes can only oe oompared to the antislavery agitation and that waa to it nothing but a wild intermittent and scattered epidemic of hnman excitement gems of thonght to be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance good the more communicated more abundant grows what is defeat nothing but education nothing bat the first step to something better if yon hit the mark yoa mast aim a little above it every arrow that flies feels tbe attraction of the earth philanthropy like chanty most begin at home from this centre our sympathies may extend m an everextending circle a loving set does more good than a fiery exhortation what mankind needs isnot more good talkers bnt more good samari tans there collection of a deep and trne affec tion istaiber a divine nourishment tor a soul to grow strong npon than a poison to destroy it the man whose soul is in hi work finds us best reward in ther work itself jthe joy dt reward he that does not know those things which are of use and ne far bam to know iabut an ignorant maai whatever he may know besides cf- generosity never be sorry tot any generons thing that yod ever did even if it was betrayed 34ei be sorry tot jon were mtgnsninv t qii ll ihaj nsrsnsi irss t sf ii i admytllm t5rww 1l ctayiit and outiblo firtwtmiftrt tbesmaalrnsssingritlmpt was held at tbe office ot tb bodety oa wednesday the 90th february at lociook pm the president mr v beirtob in the chair among those present wart m a b fettle b melvtn john il boodb forbes j b armstrong tames f pain john phin james pnin a j brewster hespeler andrew bums rookwoodj 1 a keating mj geo haddon b bur- rows a davidson t 1 day g a bomervule wo hunter h morton 0 myers jaa forrest geo hirst jss xfl goar j w kilgonr m 0 8chofleldoha momillan erin eto eto the following report and ins icislstsia- ments were read by the secret- ry mro a somerville sjcron tbe directors beg to submit heir eighth annual report to the shareholojrs for the year ending 81st december 18 3 the profits tor the year after deducting all costs of management interest on de posits and debentures ic- are h58m18 which have been disposed of as follows j dividend no 14 paid july 1883 im9sm dividend no is payable 2nd jan uary 1884 941193 carried to reserve fund 7137419 m w 2s86ou8 this result must be highly satisfactory to the shareholders the rest now amoonts to the very hand some sum of 12585957 and the company have no property on their hands notwithstanding the partial failure of the crops hut year and the con sequent de pression in trade the interest on loans has been well met and the debenture and de posit branch of oar business largely in creased in consequence of the increase in busi ness it wa found necessary to remove to more commodious premises which have been fitted np in snob a manner ae will meet all the requirements of the company for many years the manager and his assistants continue to perform their duties to the entire satis faction ot the board all of which is respectfully submitted dsmxos president financial statement cash account i ncuvau balance 1st january 1883 i 258769 repayments on loans 10679510 interest on arrears- t 157861 savings bank deposits 44498715 permanent stock 1l85000 accumulating special stock 698197 general interest 1jmu8 debentures 1914s9j6 1 j 871789186 rim loans on mortgages a i161998j8 savings bank withdrawals 499688js7 interest on savings bank de posits lmbus dividends nos 13 and 14 184jos3 expense account 468516 accumulating special stock capitalized 1185000 valuators few a commission 61966 general interest r 4jjj1 debentures 6668488 interest on debentures 889691 cash balance u 1677810 r 871789186 profit anlj loss n dividends nos 14 and 15 11871788 interest on deposits 1109106 interest on debentures 689691 valuation fees 4 commission 51966 cost ot management and fitting up and furnishing new office 469516 added to reserve fond 719783 s5m9885 interest on loans h76s51 interest on arrears 157651 general intei est 126717 s3et3- 85049883 as3bts amd iubtiiitixs thb assets are as follows loans 872249785 cash 1577310 t7s807a46 the liabilities are as fallows savings bans de posits 4 int 824718600 debentures 18660779 843379179 1 4 surplus assets 88012766 the surplos assets are oom- posed of permanent stock i2614i000 paid on accumula ting 8pl stock with interest permanent stock dividend payable 2nd jan 1884 reserve fund 833702 913197- 2585357 880427666 g a boimrnu sec we have audited the books and accounts j of the guelph asd ontario investment sad savings society examined and valued each mortgage represented in tbe foregoing balance sheet and certify to their oorreot- ness j guelph 1st feb 1884 j in moving the adoption of thsbetjorttao president said i will take the liberty of i making a few remarks in regard to jbe operations of the booiety forj the past year and also in mi ml in tiul flilfiiil pfaiwll and future pr r in the first place i claim twhebe- li rrtoriinattesolonngiwlsmoo8otnsi shareholders inasmuch as it shojisjlhatj ae net earnings of the oompany jwn jt oeeded those of any pretioos yswtaoot history then the inoreaseintba htfaut and debenture eoocranu proves that the society and its msnagjnwbeilmne- to hold a firstclass positioo at tlsemtaa- tion of thepubuc the fcqsinaeacomfee oompsny has now assume a sssjdjller- ent shapefrom tb which existed n ash 1 early history then it waa ingr mess- v ore carefully to invest thetnnds paid mm stock new the oiamsi ooojasss in the flrst place in obtaining fundsirom thenoh- llo andin the sxaidvntaosi hi isjshsg thciw funds when obtsjiiad tjudesmtea s ciroumstancea tt wju bsjeajfly t am very- giad ti have every ressonfci course hasgw to bath buitu tsnoovssjryji lvnm sfs

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