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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1884, p. 2

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j i m r total investments have inereaaed overttov 00000 daring the year and the total earn ing have boon greater eueillui the board to declare the nsnal dividend and add a yrj hanfleome cam to the rveerve and 1 am very clad to state that repayment of principal sod interest continue to bo ntialartarily made and i have alio to state that the society have no real estate on their hand nor liave they sustained any loss daring the year by the sale ot pro petty in arrears i am slad to call the attention of the stockholders to the chance effected in onr office accommodation this change had be come an actual necessity and the board felt that they xrerelnlly justified in making it i haw mnch pleasure also in bearing testimony to the very efficient manner in which the manager and the clerks have discharged their duties mr a b potrie vicepieaident accond- ed the motion which waa carried unaoi- moosly mr bond expressed hii entire satisfaction with the result of the years business he had full confidence in the efficiency ot the board of director and the management and highly approved of the cautious policy which had hitherto characterised the oper ations of the society in buch institutions safety should always be as he felt it bad been with this society the first considera- tion and to such institutions alone should the care of trust funds be committed mr melrin explained in detail how care fully and economically the business- was conducted and how closely each invest ment waa scrntiniied before being accepted by the board the net result of the past years business he considered second to that of no other similar institution in the proxince mr myers congratulated the manage ment apon the excellent report presented to the meeting he thought perhaps a saving might be effected by reducing the number of members ot the board but in view of the successful business which had been done- in the past he would not press the matter d however this suggestion com mended itself to the board he would be glad to see it acted upon mr james p phin thought it would be a mistake to reduce the number of direc tors as a large board afforded a guarantee tor honest and efficient supervision of the societys affairs and justly gave the public increased confidence in the safety and sta bility of the institution messrs wn hunter and j w kugour were appointed scrutineers and reported that the ballot had resulted in the unani mous reelection of the former directors the board now consists of d stirton president a b petrie ticepresieent r mdvin e- forbes j b armstrong x a srkn h d james p phin john phin george hadden chas mcmillan james innes mp i myhfh ate destroyed out provision ooi tains tome strict regulations s to black knot as this- will soon bo on onr statute book municipal officer should look up it p ovii- ions and see that they are properly forc ed it is an advance stop in tha tight direction and should be fully carried mil it has long been a credited assertion that people uowadayc do not live so long j people did in other ages bnt do they uot the detroit frit prtit tells of a geutioman in that city who was born on st patricks day 1779 and waa consequently 10o years old on mouday the othev day the oldest mason died in michigan at the ago ot 106 and this week an indian man passed away in his 116th year but it remained tor canada to cap the climax at niagara ontario henry brown died on mouday at the age of 121 years at a scott act mooting in oxford last week there were two speakers in favor ot the act and the same number against it one of whom was president of the licens ed victuallers association they all claimed to be temperance men and all in favor ot total prohibition the chairman made a happy hit at the close he suggested that the licensed victuallers association should frame a petition to tho dominion govern ment for entire prohibition and gave the assurance that in this the scott act party would go with them hand in hand we are afraid the victs would forget their prohi bition speeches in that event ctonmrtt sress xaxasnit morjtvo match 20 181 sgjsgr notes and comments the scott act is to be submitted in the imitfil counties of northumberland and durham sir john states that if temperance sen timent continues to grovr- as rapidly as it has done lately we will have prohibition in three years i since onr last issue another great battle has been fought between 6smns farces and the british ihe result was even more decisive than on the previous occa sion the brewers of ontario have asked to have the scott act annulled by mnlrink an exception in favor ot beer sir john mac- donald is going to consider the matter he will not we think grant their request we wh the people of oxford abundant success in their struggle for the right in the scott act election today the whiskey business must go sooner or later and we trust oxford will drive a nail into its coffin at the polls today lord lome continues to manifest inter est in canada by publicly mating known the resources of our country and advising farmers to emigrate hither the rumor is revived that the nobleman will succeed lord bipon as viceroy of india tiie american whiskey men who have been trying in every possible way to avoid payment of duty upon whiskey in bond have been again defeated rin the honae of bepreaentatives victory every where rests with the temperance cause the agricultural and arts association asks the dominion government that fur ther importations of cattle sheep and pigs into the dominion be prohibited nnth such time as the foot and mpftr diuap is abated in great britain and the united states r in commi of the local legislature lilt week an amendment was passed with out opposition prohibiting the sale of li quor at agricultural tain the industrial exhibition toronto and other fairs at london kingston and hamilton the li- quer business is getting sicker every day it is said that the cominiasioner of crown lands has christened three ofthe newly arrayed townships in tha kippissing coun try yfflmor wiggins and oates thus ttaillnjstratednamesatriooftheohim fjonruwaiioators of modern times will be fcjeow10 nnofffltiding posterity iie local house giving ijpswjrtp appoint an weed ac astounding conspiracy to purchase the ontario government majority two bribers attested a sdene anparilled in the history of the dominion occurred in the local house lut monday night shortly liter the house opened by order of the government de- tective morrvvy arrested f t eertlnd in the lobby of the house uid took him to the police station about the same time john a wilkinson of cobonrg wu arrested in the walker house and taken to the same place the charge against them is attempt ing to bribe supporters of the government it is stated that mr mcim had been approached by the notorious si a wilkin son and bad been paid no less a sum than 1000 to influence his vote and this money in ten 100 bills mr ilckim enclosed to the speaker a second letter to a similar effect from mr balfour of south essex who had received 300 from one kertland for a similar purpose vras also sent to the speaker members of the opposition disclaim all knowledge of the conspiracy and mr meredith stales they will be glad to assist the government with the fullest investiga tion lynch another of the alleged would- be bribers has not been arrested as yet summonses were served upon mr banting of the mail and mr meek to attend the police court next morning as witness against wilkinson and eertland the standing committee oa prrvilages and elec tions to whom the matter was referred met tuesday morning at ten oclock after irving several witnesses the committee adjourned to meet on friday 9100000 bail was offered for the liberty of the prisoners but was refused i citt firocery rttu gmtmm be carefully used for some time after 1 am imfonned by rellabje authority not mr tolton that she hii uot o been used si she has lurooklataly driven around the city and auoweifcfstanj for hours tied to a post noilfferifcoe hoafwarm the animal was nor how cold the day it would be jnq as returnable if tho animal had sinoe opt to attribute her collapse to rue now mr editor in the faoe of those factswbicb of his statements are we to accept the one he made on oath or thia malicious statement which has no other object in view than to injure my reputation i will here say that whatever reputation i may hare to lose has not boon acquired in a police court be says if my treatment had beou dono for nothing it would have been too dear it is not as dear as it may be as if the amount is not soon remitted the costs of collection will be added i wu rather surprised that he said it was too dear and that he did not use the old plaintive whine that barley has gam down in future i shall notice nft- oftrt of his epistles concerning acton science but will consider where it comes from thanking you mr editor for your space i remain sincerely john lavsos vb acton march 18th 1881 the cradle petbji in guelph on the 16th inst the wife of thos 8 petrie druggist of a daughter rockwood news from our oirii correspondent to meet the growing demand of the stone trade in village it is expected that a new switch will be put in on the north side of the station at once the stone is prin cipally for the harbor improvements in toronto and a large quantity t be re quired- messrs harris brothers are getting in a large supply of logs- mr hortop of everton has now the new roller process machines at work and istuming out a good flour all who have tried it are wel satisfied- he has now a large staff of workmen to meet the growing demands of the trade- great improve ments have been made in his mill both outside and inside we had an early thunder storm last week and the present indications are that spring is not iar distant correspondence we wish it to be distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opin ions or expressions of anv correspondents the tolton vs arthurs case to the editor of the free preu dxia sm with your permission l should like these few remarks made public in your last issue under the above bead ing a savage attack waa made upon me it would have been more consistent to have titled the article tolton vs lawson la but as inconsistency is a most prominent feature in the writers actions u well as statements i will merely give it a passing notice considering it the outgrowth of ig nornce why does mr tolton complete ly abandon solid facts for fancies as an analysis of bis statements will prove his first remark concerning myself is a deliberate untruth he says i claim sci ence to be better in acton than in guelph the readers of your paper can judge in bis second remark he says the animal is four bines as lame now as before operated upon i will as brief as possible state the facts of the ease when asked to treat the animal she showed lameness when walking which increased when trotted and the l did not disappear with exeroiae as mr tolton said she was lame all the way from acton to guelph after she had been three weeks under treatment she had so improved that she showed no lumnnn when walking and only slight ly when first started to trot and this disap peared with a short drije also the enlarge ment had beai considerably reduced when on my third visit mr tolton acknowledged to me that he was well utiafied with the result of the treatment so far he adso said when upon oath here in acton about tan waks liter operation thai she wu only line lor a short disunoe when first started to trot is4viiedtsattiwiaimtl sail atheana cared i are you troubled with silt rheum rough sktu pimples or uankei sores if so go at once to j e mcgarvins drag store and gel a package of calveits carbolic cerate price twentyfive cents it was never known to fail 47 the navy blue seal brown olive green and other rich dark colors of the triansle dves ore as perfect bright bhsdes they never disappoint the user 10c at i e mcgarvins drag store 33 nix wojuxs physicux a common icnse medical work for ladies only fully answers all questions which modesty prevents asking a male physician gives causes and symptoms of all diseases of the sex with potiiire curt for each in plain language written by ladies who have made these diseases a life study a plain talk in delicate language which every worn an young and oil shbold read it is rec ommended by many eminent lady physici ans as a ic guide for the sex handftomely bound and illustrated sent postpaid for j loo address tho rochester pcmipuivi co 32 83 4 s3 ii osburn black 38 rotlister x v if vou have a faded cloak or mantle make it new by using a package of the triangle dyes all the popular color always certain 10c by j e mcgarviu 37 bwekleaa araea salve the best salve in the world for cats bruises soros ulcers bait ilhenm kcver sores tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price so cests per ox for sale by j e mcgarvin 31 are you troubled with salt uheum rough hands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it be of years standing mcregor parkes car bolic cerate will cure it beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the best bealiug compound ever known boils festerings frost bites burns or anv skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e mc garvin druggist 33 how to make cisnv this book gives fall directions for making all kinds of plain and fancy candy the recipes for making caramels chocolate drops french mixed and all other kinds of candies contained in this book are the same as ased by the lead ing city confectioners any one can have these candies at home st less than oik third the usual cost sent postpaid for 50 cents no stamps taken address rochester publishing co 32 33 i 83 12 osbnrn block rochester n y 38 prominent among iat greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it has affect ed mcgregor speedy cure leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterising the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it baa been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the asanranoe that it will be found not only a relic but an abtoiiile aire for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgainns drug store 33 the hoobiwiri a popular domestic journal for american home will be sent for one year free to every lady who will sand a once the nanies and address of it married ladies and 60 cents no stamps taken- best paper ior either yotmjr or old hoosekeepers in axiat- enccr this offer is made only to secure names to whom to send sample conies as ire know every lady who once sees tm hocsavrur mil nbtanbe for u begafer price 1100 per year address at onoe thi hoiraiwrnc rochester n y 88 erst others stotkers are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a slok child suffering and orying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth if so go st onoe and get a bottle flf mrs winalowe soothing byrnp it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it thero is no mistake about ii there is not a mother on earth who has ever uied it who will hot tell yon at once that it wliltegnlate the bowels and giro rest to ihe mother and relief and health to uie alld operating like mslo it is perfecty safe to lee in as eases and pleasant to the uate and is uie prescrip tion it one of tho oldest and p0t1 anuile physimans nndnurswin urt ttiritostates kings mk wu the name formerly gircn to bentaat because of t superstition that itwmldbe ctrrtd by kings touch the world is tftsmuow indlawws that scrofula v the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation among ri earlier symptomatic developments are bateau cuuneons eruptions tu- mon bolls carbuncles bryilpeus pirulentljlcets nervous and phy sical collapse etc if allowed to con tinue bheumatlsai scrofolotui ca tarrh kidney and liver diseases tubercular consumption and vsil- oui other dangerous or fatal maladies are produced by it ayers sarsaparilla itoieonlytmrerftiland alacnt nliablt btoodpvrmln nudmne it is so effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system horedltary scrofula and the kindred poisons ot contagious disease and mercury at the same tunc it en riches and vitalises tho blood restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system this groat regenerative medicine is composed of the genuine bonifumi sanapariua with jeaoio dock 8w- linota the iodides of potaulum and iron and other ingredients of great po tency carefully and scientifically com pounded its formula is generally known to the medical profession and the best physicians constantly prescribe ayssvs aisurxbilli as an absolute cure for all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood it is concentrated to tho high est practacablo degree far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed and is therefore the cheapest as well as the best blood purifying medi cine in the world ayers sarsaparilla prefaced dt dr j c aer co lowell mat analytical chemists sold by dl druggists price 1 j six bottles for ii scotch euphsu and tanadisn suiting u gret variety st the east end clothing store j fyfe acton the best assortment of black and col- oreantelveu ladies mantles woollen and knitted goods in the town at kelson i mcllacs pcctoria pretoria 1ectoria the great remedy for coulis colds bronchitis sore throat luflutnia horsenesa and all affec tions of ibe lungs and tbroat or chest pectoris loosens the phlegm and breaks up tho cough lo cenls per bottle dont give up until you luve tried pectoris all drugeit3 and general slorcfceepers sell it 23 liehlna rile erasptons aaal cwre the 3viitous are moisture like perspir ation iuleuse itching increased by scrstch- tug very dislriiii pirticulurly at night sccois as if pinwaoj were ctavling in and abont the rectum the private parts ore sometimes nrtccted 11 auowed to continue very serious results may follow swatkxs olsraevr isa pleaoanl sure core alto for tetter itch salt rhoum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for so cents 3 botes 125 ia stamps ad dress dr s wayne 44 sox philadelphia pa sold by druggists so at this season of tbe year there should be a bottle- of pectoris in every house it is unequalled fn- coaglis colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally safe for children price 20 cents at all druggists 30 tviie whats the matter now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wife vvby dont you go to j e mc garvins drug storeand get a bottle of floid lightning you know it cures all sach things as toothache neuralgia head acbe lumbago earache sore throat etc it gives instant relief s3 if a few grains of common sense could be iofused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use tbe highly accredited and healthfnluxative and tonio morthrop t lymans vevetahle dis covery and dyspeptic cure which causes good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 23 joal fob sale the undersigned intends keeping constantly on hand a stpok of hard and soft stove coal of all kinds which will be delivered to any part of the village parties desiring coal should give him a call c s batim ftqur under the can of ai expert the clin holter mill is hamming the flour faide is second to none and cant fall to please tbe most fas- tldlouboumwife remember this is done or your half roller mills but is roller en tire grists exchanged higatest price for flood wheat joseph williams 6lenwilliaus ont roller flour ceorcetown mills having spared no expense in repairing my mill and having put in the latest and most improved machinery i am now prepared to tarn out a no 1 roller flour equal to any made in canada we chop every day give bl a trial we guarantee satisfaction- at t rose oaorgotown c c speight pabties desiiirxg theik buggies waggons cutters etc kepainted or revarnished and made equal to new on shortest possible notice and at low est prices sbncld leave their orders at once with mr j a speight uoderuker and carriage builder or with c c sf bight acton march 20th 18s4 mhe free press oeed aball fob hale tbe undersigned have for sale a quantity of egyptian vkhlla oats weighing 4fi pounds to the bushel auitabls for seed these baits give larger returns for the seed sown than any other variety of oisti now in use in this section alabaqushtltvofeeed peas enicioiis4 80n aoton march 6th 1884 wahteoks oanao maps fc hajttt as periojos anr agency to the rail ctpsr- ucnlarsrnl andxree address si tiljstall amaeawaalaalasa fower printing house exaeutes job wobe ol all descriptions in a very sotistactory manner at moderate rates witn de- spatch in the tune promised bg8ot88 ctbcclaks lkttkk bbad8 bill heads letter cibcrjlabs hotk c1hcclaes busnrias cards tibrfiac cabd8 faxtbleis haetbills fosteb8 etc etc attention given to fine wobk withaviewto securing oremxeahcntjsarattsnaed to with ae- ajaliai aavl wcgatarwarrladirnmedlattilybymafl tiy tha fan paxos job offlee for printms h pmooee profbietob in aoton mwit siil the noderaigned has been irtstrooted fy mrwohnxennfts to seu by prjilio anotlon ait 167oon v -i- tieftillotrlng property i v erravflsnaral rmpose horae 0 years old asedmorsi tteowoow rfiiiuj s year old s staars peroantdiaaoanttdr salsibeabimeneilaxli marshall edmondson ttxayg now on hand a foil stock -of- in ftisvteeitt the post offiee wv tavvfo iwflgbt our goods for 1 id oflttfteqaently 8aour4 fiva intend to t tioee fcvoridk hi xyith patonitgetlie benefit of 0 bttoreffioftb wfnsttem for met tin mti nu ipplm tor 30c t two sva tuti ortca pom for 85o two 4v1b tlu um ferioe tt08lb tlhloorfcrdso two fllb tis ahnowb fox 38o two 3lb tlu iu for 4so two8lotlarmlm0for8oo oat mb wm tvtt boaiy for soe oat wo wn oofto for soe oao asxb sox bdtini for 1140 oawmboadoiotuforll oat mb otddif oaapowdor let 1 u everything else in my line accordingly quality and prices defy competition t hi hiolellixi connwai1ciabtthujutm jtopposite haltov dbx goods flbust dominion boot shoe store kenney bros imaiin st aot03st are daily receiving their new stock of spring goods which comprises a large and varied assorment of styfes from the best raanutacturors of the dominion and at the most 4 reasonable prices everybody baited both a to quality and price j ordered work in this department we are prepared to manufacture all ljnes and can guarantee satisfaction every tifng bepalrinit- promptly and neiuir exectitett kesbfuy bros john t ellis general agent aoton ontario representing the poiilowina irms ontario pump qo toronto sarnia arioultural implement co waterous engine works co brantford wellington martle works duelpn any information respecting tho articles manufactured by any of tbe above will be cheerfully given upon application tellils x b s o o x h a e s 3 0 a n 0 o o o p b o n m s s to x o n cd o 8 s- iff is ssrsspig c p a p x pro- 1 b v r rc gs p-s- o 2 s r fg g t 0 e 3 a i c3 go c9 co bigger bargains than ever a t for this month i an ottcrlnz niy wnole stok of v watches r yeweueby m atkdae4iiir y shop is rilled with new r- t4-j- the low price of my flue cold setts lawlles wmelies chtuiu biecuets irooehes earrbucs ttc mt- rte teryobi tou ecrlr anftiniteroiircsioleeaaid calmautve tow oetlg properlrencrated ib thauking the people of abtou i vicinity for tbe liberal patron- age in the pjtst isolicitacon- tinnance of the same and 3rscfofheitv alfc a mrtry fhblt3tmas and a i xslvi i m k- m i imsm im ri- 11

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