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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1884, p. 2

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mr vzm i i m i tfotimru snuba taxiwtioi mvmno atril 8 1884 public school attendanoe the tnuteet of oar public school have gone to comidcrnblc trouble in- preparing complete lit of all the children of 6chool tc residing in the niuuicipality and mtoud henceforth to enforce the uw rwpocliiij their attendance m school the lift com prises the name and yc of every child in town between the of fieand twenty- oae year and of the trustees will insist that all betveeli uie agos of seven and thirteen inclusive attend school for at least 55 uy in each half year our citizens arc paying a comparatively heavy ui to sustain their public schools and all who have children of school ace should see that they tave advantage of the excellent opportunities offered for their eda cation acton has always occupied a fairly satis factory position among the municipalities o the province in the mutter of echool attendance hut still there is room for ad vancement if the parents and guardians ol the school children do their duty towards them the ratio of attendance this year iwill be very materially increased let iss1 i a model vear fdr acton in this respect haltons representatives it has been very gratifying to notice the firm stand taken by our representatives in both houses of parliament on the temper ance question tcuener this matter has been presented in either house during the session of the presentyear the subject has been up for discussion in both dominiou and provincial parliaments and mr mc- craney ilp and mr keircs slpp both rtcodnp nobly for the cause shovdng very practically and satisfactorily that they are most deserving of the confidence reposed in them by the electors of the count- would that there were more members of parlia ment as worthy if a majority of the con- btitutiencies of the dominiou woold follow haltons example and send only those men to represent them in parliament who have the cause jif temperance at heart and who ire willing to pledge themselves to support and vote for total prohibition what a favor- ably transformed condition of affairs can ada would present in a few years but until the good people of our country will conclude to vole and work as they pray we will to a considerable extent be at the mercy of the whiskey traffic and its pro- moters prince leopold dead his royal highness expires suddenly at cannes france london march 28th prinoe leopold youngest son of quocn victoria died this morning at cannes franco death wai due to the effects of fall his royal hlghnes suffered last evening the queen is profoundly affoctod by the death of prince leopold the prince died in a fit as lie was tar ting for darmstadt to attctu iho wedding of his nitcc princess victoria of hesse the body will be embalmed and brought to england at the end of next week to be buried at frogmore the cause of the dukes death was effusion of blood into the stomach and lungs there were no unus ual premonifiotir but the symptoms have ion been threatening the announcement of the death of prince leopold will be receivod with profoand feelings of sorrow by all loyal subjects of our queen- the world over her majesty has over shown a deep interest in every thing that concerns the welfare of her peo ple and the death of her youngest son under circumstances so bad will draw forth their spontaneous expressions of sor row for her in tins deep afflction prince leopold the fourth son of her majesty was boru on arugftfth 1s53 and if he had lived ten djioro would con- soqueutly haveroaciieds slst year ho was the most intelligent the most earnest the moat highly cultured of the sons of the prince consort and bo is iaid to have re sembled his father in many of his char acteristics i it notes and comments a leading mercantile agency reports matters improving on both sides of the lines in canada last week there were five failures less than the week previous a convention at cobourg last weefcdeci- ded on the immediate submission of the sootf act to the electors of korthnmber- t and dnrham the celebrated case of caxdwell vs mc laren was heard before the judical com mittee of the privy council in london on saturday 15th inst- their lordships re served judgment the telegraph brings the frightful news that seventyfive people were killed in riofa at cincinnati last saturday and sunday altof this has happened because a murder or insteadof being hanged as he deserved was sentenced to twenty years imprison- ment- the temperance demonstration in the hortjcultmal pavilion last monday evening was one of the most successful and most encouraging meetings of the kind ever held in this city not only was this so in regard to the numbers attending but also in regard to the class of persons attending until this year a temperance rheeting of any size at least under the auspices of the church of england vu something quite unknown it is evident however that this large and tnflnintal church now in tends to fairly do its duty as a church in this great moral refrorn and ite influence will be greatly felt for good in the work the other branches will be stimulated to greater efforts and public opinion will be much strengthened toruuo truth rockwood news from our ova corrttpondent j mr hortop everton started his saw mol this week there is some tlk of the salvation army visiting this village bevtr w fames of ottawa occupied the pnlpit of the presbyterian chaech on sunday morningi the residence of mr smuhorn narrowly eacaped destruction by fire last saturday evening bysome means the roof of the bonding caught fire hot being noticed in good time the fire was extingnished a few minifies more in such a gale as was blowing atthotime would have rendered the de struction of the building inevitable merit fram dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith- of recommendations for article eottraly worthies 2tot so with mc gregors speedy care you are net asked to purchase it astuiu merit are pruveo ciuat j e megarrins drag store and pt a frw trial bottle and if not ooovimwd it will care you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint ate no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing bold in 60c and 1 bottles see teetimoq- mttmsqfetftrbwd halton spring assizes not a criminal case in the docket- the tramp ktjisance the atsiixs opened at milton on tuesday morning hon jcstice oucr presiding the civil docket contain only three cases and the criminal calender was a blank in his charge to the grand jury his lordship referred to the fact of there beiug several persons in gaol charged with vag rancy he thought the goal was not the proper place for men who were unwilling to wont and earn their own living he ap proved of the plan adopted by several of the county councils of purchasing farms and erecting poorhouses where vagrants could be 6ent and compelled to work and whert they would not be a burden upon the county sach an institution his lordship said seemed to be a growing necessity in several counties in the counties of norfolk and waterloo thcyhad these institutions and in the county of york they had recently taken steps to provide such a place the grand jury visited the gaol found everything satisfactory and after making their presentment were discharged cameron v mcdonald an action for slander was the first case taken up the plaintiff and the defendant are both re sidents of this village on the cth october last mr cameron lost a knife after borne discussion the knife was given to plaintiff next day defendant went to the factory where plaintiff was working and told him that if the knife was his he was the man who stole his chickens the night before the knife was found the defendant contended that- he- was acting in good faith and did not intend to charge the plaintiff with stealing the chickens the jury returndd with a verdictor the plaintiff and dama ges to amount of 500 mr johnson gnelph appeared for plain tiff mr laidlaw toronto for defendant peesokal8 mrs john holt of port huron is visit ing acton friends mr- frank arlatt of waterford is visit ing friend in acton mr adam dicksons health is better than for several weeks miss maggie mccolium of milton visit ed her acton friends during the week miss lottie e speight spent a coople of days with friends in guelph this week mr joseph warden left on tuesday for detroit mich where he has secured a good situation councillor smith and mr j c allan left last saturday for denver colorado on a prospecting trip dr n mcgarvin of clifford visited acton friends daring the week the dr is about to remove his business from clif ford to markhara mr grant the genial and obliging a gent of the art publishing co visited acton again yesterday the work of this com pany in this section has been in other hands for about a year but we are glad to welcome mr grants cheerful face again mr will 8haw of poplar vale farm esqueeing and his happy bride nee misb lacy h jarvis daughter of mr paul jarvis of rose cottage this place will please accept our congratulations upon their union in the bonds of holy wedlock may their voyage over lifes ocean be fraught with just enough trouble to render their happiness appreciable to the fullest ex tent what u do if troubled with an an healthy slow- healing sere use mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate you will find it invaluable for healing cleansing aod completely re- moving your trouble if the blood is cat of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy care from j k- mcger- vios drag store 2d a few hints -wanted- fob tbi of of plt dos to nut lis lev- tally hot mill uunfkly 4 o s pliu eljxribtct tcilt iltcut fas prtfier dw in wk com et erst tkersl silken it are 70a disturbed at night aiid broken of your rest by a sick child suffering ud crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth if to go at once and get a bottle of mrs windows soothing syntp it will relieve the poor little anflerer immediately depend upon it tbere u no mistake about it there it sot a mother on earth who bas ever nied it who will not tell rot at once that it will regulate the bowels and gire rest to the mother and reliflf and health to the operating like mia it u perfect safe to oae in all ease and pleuaot to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest sod bat fsmaje physicians and nurses to the united states jstfiifffbrprltemiaqiitmhiiwmit tor conitlpation or coitlrnitii no remedy u so effeeun as avers riixs tbfly insure regular dally action and ro llors the bowels to a hcnltuy condition for indigestion or dyiixpiia avmi tills are lnvaluablo and a luro cars heartburn loss of appcllh tool stomach flatulency stulneta ii tad- ache numbness nausea are all relieved aad eursd by atmts pills in uvwcomplalnt bilious cliorders and jaundice avins tills rliould bs lira in dotes uc suough to excite the liver ud bovels and remoro coiietfpatlon as a oleaulug medicine in die spring these fills are unequalled itorms caused by a morbid condition of the boielt art ezpellcd b tlieie tills eropuoni skin diseases and files the result of ludlgettiou or conitlpation are cured by the use of a vrne tills for colds lake avzas tills to open the pores remove inflammatory secretions and allay the fever for dtaxthabti and dysentery caused by tudden colds indigestible food etc arms pills are the true remedy rheumatism gout meuralgta aad sclatka often result from digestive derange ment or colds snd disappear on removing the cause by the use of areas pills tumors dropsy kidney complaints anu other disorders caused by debility or obstruction sre cured by anas pills suppression snd painful menstrua tion bare a safe snd ready remedy in ayers pills full direction id tiricas languages ao- itrrii i uv j cayercvco lowell mass sombralldrogftits scotch euflish and cunidian suiting a uret vtritty at the est end clothintt store j fyfe acton fee torn pectoria pretoria the great remedy furcuughs culda bronchitis sore throat influenza uoreenesj id all affec- liona of the lungi and throat or chest pecloria lonficns the phlegm jend breaks up the cough 25 reulp pr battle uaut give op dqui you have tiled pecloria all dnigcifta md gtnera kirrckwuera tell it t this leason oftbe year tluto tiroald be a boltlcof pectoria iu tcry house it it unequalled fn- cocght coms met hoarseness is pleaeiol equally safe for children price io cents at all drugcist wife whats the matter now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wiferby dont you go to j e mc garvins drue store and eel a bottle of fluid lightning vou know it cares all 6ach thingyas toothache neuralgia read- ache lumbago earache sore tluoal etc ft rive ioslant relief 33 if a few trains of common aense could be infned into the thick noddles of thoe who perpetually and alternately irritate asd weaken their stomachs and bowela with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited addhealthlal uxitive and tonic ftoithrop it lymans vegetable dis covery an 1 dyspeptic care which causes good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 23 llcjklajt rile srnplomi and care the aymptoms are moiatare like perspir ation intense itching iocreaaed by scratch ing very distressing particularly at light seems u if pinworms were aavliug in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected- ii allowed to conlinae eery serious result may foflow swayxes orstmext is a pleasant sure care also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail fcr 50 cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad dress dr suayxe sox pbeudelphia pa 8old by druggists 50 a three cornered weapon thr triftngu lr shape of the triangle dye pannage added to their andoubted supexioriiy have won the day and driven all others from toe field 30 colors 10c at j e mcgarvins drug store acton 37 yq let an tho people of tbis vicinity know that the largest aud best selected stock of boots and shoes 18 kept at tuk- peekaboo shoe store and also that prices there aro far bolow any otlier establishment in town j3call and see for yourselves womens boots from 80 cents a pair upwards hens boots irom 8100 a pair upwards h b mcarthy the watch clock house grtjblph o still ahead with a- new stock which can be sold at 0 loalfoksale the onderfligned intends keepinit constantly on hand a stock of hard and soft stove coal of all kinds which will be delivered to any part of the village parties desiring coal should give him a call c 8 bmtth wantedthiros sew atd su7ikiob oanada maps it 0hart8 as pajrlsg as soy agency la the world for par- ticolars fou and free addroe a c tcvuos su aueksasad st laadam 0l delaware faitms for sale fran 1 t tm rer acre j 0 hehdbick w estate ajeat houston psumn these farms are improved with hoil4iiigs fences fruit trees and berries of ail funds good water plenty of timber land good roads sohools and ohorcbee good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of fish oysters and game very productive land climate mild and pleasant oome and see for yourself and be convinced i am prepared with team and carriage io take visitors to see the farms free of charge j d hairsnoxs honston delaware for the ladies mbs b obeeoh desires to hereby intimate to the ladles of acton and snrroandipk country that she will open a foil assortment of ladies and childrens vhiesweae bout the second week in april in the shop formerly need by mr cresoh asja bar ncmbop thepatrooafeof jlls i ir peiotoirdiisk r hayikg leased better rooms for 11y repairing department -icax- oiveyo0 better satisfaction thak ever wm s smith guelph eollee flour under tbo care of an exirt the clen roller mill is humming the flour made is second to none and caal liil to please the most j- tidiau lousewifu rtuienibr this is none of your half roiler mills bat is roller en tire grists eicluroyed highest price tor good wheat joseph williams levuliahk okt in acton roller v flour ceorcetown mill8 i saving spared no expense io repairing my milt iind having put in the latest aad most improved machinery i am now pitparvd to tupi out i a ao 1 roller flour equal to any made in canada we chop everyday give us a trial we guarantee t tatiafaction j d t rose oaorcatewn carriage painting co speight- oabties debibing their buggies waggons cutters etc kepeinted or revarniahed and made eqhal to new on shortest possible notiosi and at low est price shonld leave their orders at once with mr j a speight undertaker and carriage bnilderjjr with j 0 jo sfktcrbpt v- u5- s w v marshall edmondson is ave now on hand a full stock -of- crrooeries orookory glassware wall paper provibioae c in the store next to the post office we have hought our good8 for cash and cunseqaeiitly secured good bargains una intend to give thoe favoring us with their patronage the beuefit of good and cheap goods for cash i or trade au kinds of produce taken in exchange hoping to secure s fair share of the trade of acton and vicinity yours c marshall st edmondson he fbee press pawer printing boose executes job work of ill descriptions in itery satisfactory manner at moderate rates ith de spatch in the tune promised bu8ihes8 cibculars litter beads bill heads letter c1scdlaes note circular3 bu8ihe88 cards viaitiho cards pamphlets hakdb1lls posters etc em partleular atttntlon riren to fdte wobk aaansr ear bestowed with a tlsw to ascnrlng orders tromtu county srtender to with ds- ayassb aad work leawriwiwmavhatalybyinail is twmtswtnjoboaoslocptmung 1884 1884 ilri glasgow house nelson iffobae w e respectffjllt invite attention to oue im mense stock of spring goods every department replete with all the nevest and most j fasliouajrie goods i our dress goods are the most complete we have yet offered comprising all shades in ottoman cords nans cloth uashmetes and spring suit- o j ings really beautiful goods in onr pkint department we show over 400 patterns ranging lrom 5c to 25c per yard in white and grey cottons we are giving some very close quotations as we have been enabled to secaresome special alues we have bd immense stock of shirt ings cottonades etc etc at all prices r millinery 3d b f a e t 3vc e jcst t saturday 5th april will be our opening day this department is under the supervision of miss tilany a firtrt class jiilliner as we have a magnificent stodt of millinery goods we feel satisfied that we can furnish firstclass millinery at as reasoa- r able prices as any house in the trade remember our opening dav j a ordered clothing this department is as usual first class parries requirine perfect fitting well made and cheap suits should give us a call we have a splendid line of geiits furnishings hats and capjfcc ijij 1tbw goods boots and shoes we are showing this season the most complete and attractive m- stock we have ever shown in ladies gents aud childrens wear i special value groceries m we are giving special values in 60 cent teas in sugars we t are satisfied that we can furnish a better article for less money than a can be had in the town tbakking ottr ntjwfeeoxib frtbnds and cd8jomkbs fofe their qener0u8 support we sspeotrxju 80u0itacxntintjani3eoivtoirr esteemed favor8 and 1 wb peel confident that we can givr you better value for your money than any other house in the trade our motto small pboflfe and quick returns yours reapeqffully i nelson fc mcrae l s-i- remember our pi fei iiillp sssfii

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