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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1884, p. 3

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m i 1 i r i cf at imxttmsxz- vjp j iri j ggr t f v wfmwllw mp r railway time table 9rand trotw railwa lolna kat ootxo west mixol 517 jo ksrress tjo em pv nuait 1000 ul ttnrchfxai5pm slvil fts un nxr orasixa ituls cuij west 4u m cui tsxtulsamandsjopju lsliti iuj rom at las aln on thursday ripnn 11 ejn expre ua ls s5u siln special sjt nm geo iiynds tuc leading store iu acton tor school ivxik hibles albums envelopes kotc rajvr tons ink pass boob toys dolls purser- vase pocket knives razors conih hair brushes kail and tooth rrusiic woddine and birthday presents berlin wool zephyr wools all shades cruets tabic spoons tea spoons- butter knives table knives and forte watches clvks jewellery and spectacles a larro stock call in goo hynda jewellery riikv goods store vctou ont seeds seeds al kirdt ginlca od rower seeds by uc ixicag or iu hulk chop at j e mccarvins 9ns suttoasry start actoa tumip msnrold xiillethuogariao rape etc etc etc good fresh beliable it loves market prices y til graham ijs surgeok dextist hunns ont will visii tprofessiomjw acton on mon ti y deicti week rook anewshotel all wort pranti lo pvtiatisfactiou gtctonnt gnss tucijoix ilcesixg atkil 3 lt64 bits of brevity eil and iktrwfte prepare t f ave r he n a seisurs far readers at the free preaa council meeting nexttuffiday eveu- read kelson i ilcraes bi advertise ment r h ilcnair shoemaker of milton has fsied gceiph easter fair held yesterday 3as airly attended yesterdays probabilities promised finer weather uwiar sow for cenlle april showers and pretty spring flowers eon g c mckindsey has our thanks r a budget of senate debates- r peter campbell of milton has left the grist mill and pone farming again j w frazer jeweller milton has compromise for 40c oh the dollar the- town bell will ring at six am frcm now henceforth for six months regular monthly meeting of the public school trustees next monday evening chocolate sociils are the latest addi- uo to the already lare and novel list rty mr mcdonald of toronto preached in the baptist chapel en san- dsy ywve foar weeks yet in which to get your those who neglect to advertise in tho iarb piiksashouldnt be annoyod if they teas their natural share of trade a number of armors in kramoaa have formed themselves into a society pledginj to btalu from the aw ot tobacco some of the veteran smokers of oio township nave thus given up tho labll a free exhibition was given iu tho hoa vena last friday night a light cloud belt extended from the southeast to tho northwest the variegations of which sur prised and delighted all who saw it acloii glee club sang at a georgetown blue ribbon coucert last friday evening and were well received miss liuuo camp bell also rendered a number of recitations very acceptably on the same occasion the indications of tho past few days have been that winter still has designs upon the lap of spring this statement is made because every wellregulated paper is expected to say something of the kind it is said that tho salvation army in tend to open fire in acton next eunday hut there is no official announcement to that effect that we are aware of their nuinbers are daily incrcasingin guelplt the average citizen wants the chim neys in his house plastered inside and out to make them fire proof and yet he empties ashes iutoa barrel in tho woodshed and expects providence- to douse on the water in case of fire mr j e mcgarvin has been appoint ed local ticket agent for the ontario and quebec railway jwhich includes the to ronto grey and bruce and credit valley railways call and see him when you think of going on a trip over any of these rofds at this season of year it becomes neces sary for householders to clean up their back yards aud remove the filth which lias accumulated during the winter months if every person would attend to this impor tant matter a large amount of sickness would be avoided at a public banquet given ly the clin ton oddfellows the ouier night there was not a drop of liquor drank nor a cigar or pipe smoked while the affair was in pro gress it would be a raost commendable proceeding if all oddfellows and other lodges were to follow the worthy example of the clinton brethren in their suppers and banquets village varieties 4 colleetlaaer laral wi aid atker utters at special taterest ta aar leaders ushii2 tackle ready for operations boy i ten union methodist chnrch k to i bail in bnunptrti shortly on a grand scal- the organization of base ball cricket and lacrosse dubs are talked about among the young men mr geo leslie of erin is building a fine brick residence which is to be com pleted this summer tlctcncfal songs of the birds are now heard in the trees and buds are forming rtidy to spring forth- mr j3 vt kicklin haa opened a flour and feed store in the bu recently oc cupied by bh taylor as a butcher shop from present indications- it wont be safe to pnt away your snow shovel in camphor and old newspapers for a few days yet j the fuzz press job office has a large qoantity of new type and can turn out work unsurpassed by city offices get your work done here a numoer of townspeople talk about pulling the bellringers ears tor fooling them so badly with his six oclock ring on tuesday mor c tbe olympic lacrosse cluli milton has reorganized with w l p eager honorary president and c tv martin secretarytreasurer j the village lamplightevdeservcredit for keeping the street lamps so bright and dean the kghts should be turned up a little higher yet though the judicious parent of marriageable daughters will now take time by the f ore- lock and base the front gate strengthened in readiness for the summer an amateor punster informs us that some houses have wings and be has often seen a house fly we thought no part of a house save the chimney floe it will not bfc long until the cheap summer excursions are resumed the opportunities they afford people to visit their distant friends are appreciated it will soon lie time for our ex cornet bind to resume their interesting out door codeerts wjth which they always favor onr dtiz4os daring the summer months oar citizens were eonsiderairy sur prised upon waking on tqtsdsy morning to find the ground completely covered with eoowfwu- pp intended for a first of april joke the hens o rfeognto ttw t proach of easter sslm mating great efforts to supply thedeamwds of the nv- ket 0w clmbipto it w ris sre sow mag daily nw auction sals mx denis hescraan will hold an auction saje of farm stock impleaienla ac at the farm of jeremiah eeeclmor lot 29 con g eraniosa en tuesday 8th april- sale to coniincnce at cue oclock wmhenistreet anctionecr acton iriving park association acton driving park associatian are mak ing preparations far a lively year tim track which was pat into snch excellent condition last year will be still further im proved said the horsemen of this vicinity promise themselves a good time this season sacramental serrioes- the regular quarterly sacramental ser vices in connection with knox chnrch took place daring the week on friday the tkol bcott act trult fiytj cakes wore up for trial at milton last foofc via goo gibbs jr goo ciiluj m goorftotown alex johnsou mrs alox jobnsou glouwiluams and g morrow arupght georgetown the first our asm wore dismissed iu tho latter xa tho court rcaorvocdocision new skating and ourllng rink at tho meeting held somo timo since to discing the advisability of erecting a new skating aud curling rink the project was favorably mot a committco was appoint ed to confer with the shareholders of the old rink for purchasing the same and they now all another general mooting of all interested parties to be held in the council chamber this thursday evening at 8 oclock sharp when a stock book will be opened and committees appointed to carry tho proposal into execution local new if you know the facta of a local item al ways report it dout wait till the paper is publihed and then express surprise that the ttorn does not appear editors and re porter caunot bo tu every place at the fame time and must gather n great deal of news from others let each one think it a pleasure to famish an item for tho paper when they can aud not wait for somebody else to report what they know the re- portera of this paper cau thus be assisted and tho interest of the paper greatly in creased newly equippect gqlph city band has just received a complete oqtfit of new silver instruments from the celebrated manufacturers of band instruments at elkhoru 111 the follow ing i a list of the set one eb cornet four bb fluegel cornets two bb clarionets one eb clariooet one bb tenor taxa phone two tenor valve trombones two bb tenor horui three eb alto horns one solo lib euphonium one bb bass one bbb baas one kb tjos drums and cymbals we will now look for all sorts- of ajrs musical and otherwise from gaelpha excellent city bond and it would be pleasing to see them take first place iu the several band tourna ments which will take place during the nnmittg summer actons population while engaged in enumerating the census of the school population of this municipal ity we took the trouble to compile a census of the general population with the follow ing result k umber of persons in acon exclusive of servant girls and members of families under 2 1 who are away from home 10g7 including the above 1211 as it is a number of years since a full census was token the above will be interesting to our citixems the- school population all be tween the ages of five and twentyone years numbers 292 of this number 239 are between the age of five and sixteen in clusive and 145 between seven and twelve the board of trustees will soon be re quired to provide additional school accom modation astounding presumption for some fancied injustice to his im portant self mx geoptoltonof guelph demands that re stop the fare press forthwith the presumption of friend george is at the same time surprising and pulpit was occupied by rev j strachan ofrockwoodandonstindaybyeev llr i wb nu n j i nfllnttr cameron of kincardine- a champions error corrected mb editor deat sib i notice in the hutoa clmmpioni report of the scott act trials in milton a couple of weeks ago that mv came appears as a witness in one of the cases will you kindly inform the public through the eolamns of the fsrr parss that the champion is incorrect i have never been a witness in any of these trials 1 am yours respectfully hour svtebs speyside want to learn farming while on his visit to england last year rev mr pigott of this village was com missioned by the parents of a number of young men residing there to find places among canadian farmers where they could receive a seasons instructions in practical fanning and at the same time have the advantage of home influence and comforts these young men are from 16 to 19 years of age and of good character farmers who wish to secure the services of these young men will receive full particulars from rev mr eigott journalistic improvement we notice with pleasure the greatly im proved appearance of the last issue of the xiagara fall ritkx and tender our con gratnlations to the editor we have al ways enjoyed the perusal of the review but frequently wondered at the most un workmanlike manner in which the me chanical department was attended to however if the high standard at present apparent is maintained full amends will be made for past shortcomings we wish you unbounded success bro anger spring openings our merchants are now busily engaged in opening up piles of new goods for the spring trade among the foremost in the dry goods line are messrsnelbon 4 mcbae of the glasgow house and mr c b griffin of the haitod dry goods house both of whom announce by large advertisements in these columns their millinery opening to take place on saturday next both jhese firms have new forewomen in their millin ery departments this season and promise unusual satisfaction to customers give them a call before going away from acton for yonr millinery requirements drowned is erin two sons aged 12 and 14 years of john lesson of lot 22 5th concession of erin were drowned on sunday afternoon ina pond on their fathers farm the pond was formed in a hollow and filled with water by the recent thaw and having been froaen over on saturday night- the little fellows ran out afjpr dinner to have a slide anotheriad with tbem bad a very narrow escape as he also brokethrough bat con trived to hold on- ta the ice until rescued when they broke through the alarm was given but so much time had elapsed before the bodies were recovsted that resuscitation authority demand that mr tolton lock up that big jumbo mill of his ko george we cannot accommodate you we will with unaffected pleasure discontinue send ing the fszx fazss to your address as soon as the time for which you have paid it has expired but we cannot think of stopping the farx pnzss while it is so admirably pplyin the wujts of oux citizen as a representative local paper and at the same timo paying so fair a dividend to its pub lisher no george not for joseph a remarkable case a case which reflects considerable credit upon the professional skill of mr john lawson vs of this village has just come before our notice about the last of sep tember 1ss3 a horse belonging to mr alex f smith in pasture at the time was frightened by a dog and jumped over a stump fence thereby receiving serious in juries a few days after the accident it was j found that a piece of root had pene trated the sheath and remained imbedded in the flesh a georgetown veterinary surfon removed 8j inches of the root and thinking that was all there- was in the wound prescribed remedies for healingit up the horse failed to improve however and three months afterwards was given into the hands of mr lawson who exam ined him had him cast and succeeded in removing another sliver 5i inches long and in a week or so afterwards a second one 2j inches long and 1 j inches wide the horse which is a valuable one is now through the agency of mr lawsons skill almost as well as ever although when the accident occurred it was considered maimed for life a boar from guelph during the first half of april the lion allows a straight cash discount of is per ant on all purchases of carpets oil cloths door mats and hearth rugs and the very large discount of 25 per cent on the choice of 600 lace curtains readers of the fees pzss wanting any of these goods will find it profitable to take a run to guelph and see the lion j d w 80n 4 co tee altar hoiaox hiu at the residence of the brides father on the 29th march by rev mr blank mr john a howson to orpha youngest daughter of robert hall esq all of esqueamg shaw jinns at the residence of the brides father bythebev hectorcarrie ha brotherin law of the bride on thursday march 27tb william shaw poplar vale farm esquestag to luoy hannah third daughter of mr paul jjirris rose cotiageaetonkjnt thbobavi hulmson in georgetown on the stth of 1 arch alwyn ethol son of mr j e e arrison aged 8 years 6 months and 7 1 oasoara bitters cures all diseases nrisiug from the blood liver and kidneys price 100 per bottle j e latogarvias drug store aotoa city grocery tvo ali tiai tosutoii for 90s tvo 3lb tiu applet tot 30e tvo 3lb tuts orn ftu for 36c two 3lb tim souu for ioo two 3lb tii oorn for 3so tvo 3 lb xlai sittbarb for 25c tto 8lb tin ptari for 45c tto 3lb tiai ptiolui for 50c one 3lb tint mm hoaryfor soo one 1lb tin coffee for soo one 33lb box raliliu for 1140 oae mb qidiitm for ii out 5lb oaddit ounpo wttr tu ii 35 everything else in my line accordingly quality and prices defy competition w si howell ocrrtr 2011 aad ifaia streets acton sstopfosite haltox dry goods hoise john t ellis general agent acton ontario representing the following firms ontario pump co toronto sarnia agricultural implement co waterous engine tftorks co srantford wellington marble works guelpl auy iuformatiou respecting the articles manufactured by any of the above will be cheerfully given upon application samples on hand dominion boot shoe store kenney bros ifcdlallsr st acton are daily receiving their new stock of spring goods which comprises a large aud varied assorment of styles from the best manufacturers of the dominion and at the most reasonable prices everybody 6nited both as to quality and price ordered work in this department we are prepared to manufacture all lines and can guarantee satisfaction every time eepnirinjc promptly and neatly executed kesnfci bros new harness establishment rphe undersigned begs to announce that he has purchased the business of mr 8 creech leased the ore of mr p kslley and is now prepared to receive orders for light sc hbaythaenbss ot superior hake collars whips trunks valises ac having had considerable experience in the business i feel confident that i can guar antee satisfaction to all repairing promptly and neatly executed a call solicited h j morton the best place to buy groceries provisions glassware china and crockery is at w p brown gos look at our beautiful china tea setts new goods just arrived 1 subscribe for the acton jiijuv our millinery opening saturday 5th of april and following week inspection invited newest parisian english and american miluneey goods in the market cheaper than the cheapest l under the supervision of miss mccarty who has had large experience throughout the united states and canada we are prepared to turn out work equal to any in the dominion satisfaction guaranteed can undersell any one in plumes halton dry goods house c b griffin imiirs e hi passs cheap cash millinery store all goods selling at a great reduction dress and hastlkjiaialxg done in all its branches jaceets cut and atted felt beaver and straw hat8 made over in the newest styles i i see our lovely saratoga waves for 100 j good switches from 75 centsupwards combings made up t mrs e h pass st georges square guelph 1 i spring opening piles of new goods aruiving daily at the bukamrth house georgetown jkiajshil 7 tfrv drew ooou hnr silks knr oaahaurts tfnrmis trlamisg srtr 01otoir hovlcllliwry stw fmtiun stnrtloirsri nwreibbons hrraasuwtm nwr hosiery itew criers ktwootteu now bmrungf new qfciffbuu sowprljiti vtwtntit xrtv9ititukiaai jwstjbiarfliottl- itvir sootstttlflkmi vje beg to remind onr patrons and fnenla that wehiye lpav6 stocks in all departments that in conseque ce of ihe depirmitn the optton marvetbe have extreorfituiiy jlariu clothing department is in the best possible atojie to turn out the bist anaqheapest grarmeijts in itjbjb cpnjjr t r oar millinery and dress mfckin depart tents are under ffinent and judicious mafiageroeniondreiirepjart to tnrn ottloj orders entnfedttt y i tourpiifamtusb- flail ou us 3cati 7 0i00m fei sliifevoofe 3s45 kw3

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