Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1884, p. 4

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simiiim hi i f u d r wfeisii5ie4to r-r-v-v- y esrfcw rw m titer a mv i a aran 8 1884 sweet brier a wilful hulo brier grew beside a wood path sweet the sanshuie flower ud morning dow la at is ver feet rngratoful brier a ud massed all things to hex seemed true and good or she looked not on what the rcur were but what the tried to be she saw the brier forpeuiufi thorns she watched it tr to lift its wayward head and reach up higher toward the skj she stoojed and penth said to it sweet bnorl her word it never cn forcet eath bncht or storm skies and though the thorn cling to it vit still taking heart- it tries to be sweet brier a hundred yard tape worm win hamin tiio recs on rosistroet st thomas for nine or ten months suffered excruciating acorn the snnptoms leading all medical men who examined him to con dude that he had at some period unconsci oath swallowed a lizard while drinking hamm apet to all this ume was of the most voracious character and le thooght nothing of eatiug a pound of raw beetstake at a meal the caue of his miserr was ex plained roceulv howeer when le passed a huge beef tape worm 360 feet in lencth h lime kiln pmdosophy the followijg motoea sas the detroit free pre have been hung on the walls of the lime kiln club pavcash deal on de square sell votr dog u iso man can at on de fence an plant onions time waited am shilling loat oat of a hole in de pocket if it am pourbeks against taters take ae taters an hour wid a sa whack am more valu able dan an hour wid a statesman de man ui debt ani a swimmer wid his bates on canadian salt unequalled professor arnold the eminent american authontt on all questions relating to dairr ing before the immictaifin and colouoa twn commits gave his opinion on the re speetrv e menu of ih different var eties of salt for dairy an purposes he szad that much of tne tak about the salt of different ooontnea for tlu parpose were the ideas worked by dealers and agents he had i carefully conducted a series of experiments with liyerpool and godench salt and the latter produces the better results and in consequent experiments came ont ahead of lrrerpocl salt in short canadian brmear were the best in the world nd the cana dian article was now coming into competi toon with the united states salt for dairj lag purposes m the american home market the navj blue seal brown olive rwcn an i other rlcli lurk colors of the trunclo dvus an aa perfect bright shades tot uevcr jimpponit the uior 10j at j k kmi k drafi store 83 hi w are we e or goiug to get through our spring autl summers work we art all random lire i out before it hegtni sosaj nuu a farmer i fatm weauewer go to our druggists nnd pay five dollars for six bottles of ay cr s strsapanlla this is just the medicine jouueed and will pay com po a nd interest on the investment uu tifamimred are ou troubled with salt rheum hough skin 1implc or tanker sores if so j go it once to j e mcgarvuvfl drug store and get a psckago of caherls carbolic cerate price twenty rm cents it waa never known lo ml 474 huldl then n lui few tw have never suffered altnov lutjunua pain from toothache neuralgia or like iicute palufl ti then such vn matant rvl ef aq fluid lightning is su util id blessing in time of trouble- no dius u g off nc m die uc tt be taken f r dii 0 aj jha i n of fluid liebl mug cures so d at j h mcgaruus drue slon 29 i br ward ofi0 is effervd m good faith for a hard cmcofconsthi have aubboruly rtfuged rvfased o be nleid b the use of ptft am punles cor extractor the grct ecu eitraclor thousands in log und canada ai d the states testify to the cuiqcdcv of this cxltlrated coin curv aud l c i rv r etois an ai noas to hear if there l s mgc case of fa rare address x c pdlsoaco kn ubeputnanib com lxtnttcr rurt fi and pandcas how to mixecivdi tins book gives fall dirtcti as for making all kinds of plain and faccv cand tl t rec pes for making ciramel chocolate drops french mixed and all other kinds of candie contained in lhi book ar the same as used h the lead tag c t confectioners n one am have these can lies a homf at lesj thin ont third the usual coat sent postpaid for 60 centa no stamps taken address rochester publishing co 32 33 1 il 2 orburn block rohesttr n v i 3s quick tnnu fn m a state of iwbleoess itodilv langiur and nenoua imtabthtj induced b dvfpepsia to a condition of yior and phjsical comfort follows the use of the standard nulatm tcmc and stoma ache ivorthrop and l man s vegetable dicoyej and dsvep c cure which s etdili coaqucra iudiffvs ion codstipatton bihoi compam- an female com plain is purines thcbi k and lemforcea the ltal baekleas aracasalve tlc bc sahc ia the world for cats brut es r ulcers hlt ream fever vires t t r chipptd haod chlfblsins corn tnd all fekia eraptiona and poai urelycure piles or n pay required it is guiranleed to gire perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 2o cents per hor for sale by j e if cgimn 31 some wise maxims on the tombstone of john donough of new orleans the following maxims are en grayed as the merchant s guide to young men on their war through life remember always that labor is one of the conditions of our existence time is gold throw not one ininute away but place each one to account do unto all men as you would be done by neyer put off till tomorrow what can be done today ivever bid another do whatixda can do yourseli keyer coyet what u not your own- ivever think- any matter so trifling as not tadeserye notice- never hive out what does not come in do not spend hut produce let the greatest order regulat the ac toons of your life study in your course of life to do the greatesfamount of good deprive yourself of nothing that is neces sary to our comfort but liv e in honorable simplicity and frugality labor then to the last moment of vour enstence holloways corn cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts root and branch tbe handiest packageffyes to use are the star dyes beaatlfal and lasting colors 9 koch distress and sickness in children is caused by worms mother graves vtorm extermsator gives relief by removing the cause if von fue a faded cloak or mantle make it new by amg a package of the triangle dyes all the popular colors always certain 10c by j e mcgarvin 37 that shght cold yoa ihink so little of may prove the forerunner of a complaint that may- be fatal avoid this result by taking ayer s cherry pectoral the beat of known remedies for colds coughs catarrhs bron chitos incipient consumption and all other throat and long ciseaaes the most incredulous are forced to admit that for perfection in colors the tnanrle dyes have no equal ask for three corner ed package and 6ee that yon pet it 10c at j e mcoamns drugstore 33 what t do if troubled with an unhealthy slow healing sore oae mcgrecor parkes car bolic cerate yoa will find it invaluable for healing cleansing and completely re- moving your trouble it the blood is cut of order take with it a few doses of mo grefiorb speedy cure from j e mcgar vins drag store 3fl the housewtte a popular domestic journal for american fadmes will be jseat for one jfear fru to every lady who will send at onu the names sad address of 10 married ladies jwd 60 cente no stamps taken best paper for either young or old hoosekeepers in exist- enoo this offer is nude only io secure names to whoa to seed jampls copies u we know every ufly who once sees tax horjmwir b trfb avferfo for u regular price ftl00 per year address at once a fturtlusc oiftcsretr mr vtm johnson of huron dak writes that his wife had been troubled with acute bronchitis for many years and tbat all remedies tried gave no permanent relief unul he procured a bottle of dr king t vew discoyery for consumption coughs and colds which had no magical effect and produced a permanent cure it is guaran teed to care all diseases of throai lungs of bronchical tabes i trial bottles free at j e mcgarvins dnh store large sue si 00 new carpets new drees go flew sllksju arrived at the right house watkioa and his atuet of mxr so i shutnule hvo boon very luy tbiv wvek recloivlnc nmouu o vow gooda direct from tno uianofaoturera marking them off and lim ihom ai ibet im a very cliuip ihut im bin orovdaof tiuitouers dully u lu cijifras un i inoajiro at tm obonpnna gooilnom aoil ucintr of tha eaormoiia vtktv of w ar arrlula llio lul kw ilaja he bu uwued uu lu oalat and lialoa of now iood tlm apring iilroidj onil ibcru an large qnuntltiea itill samtt and to lie abiitpad ycl honneta u lad w ploaae remembartllat bonmt d uharbin ro two of iu brttiab and qermin makora jcw mantlea matillo clothi ulaten and ulitcr slotba jut to band in very handsome deaigna new dree bnttona 10 the ty latoat pre and oerroan styles more of ibatoelobrated 0inob 8jo qroy cotton in thu wetk jnt aee the yard wide 8jc and 5jo grey cottons they utoniib cnslomera now white cottons selhim at a great reduction under laat reasons prlcca dlankcta ladloa w inter mantlea and other winter goods arc still selling off tt ao enormous reduction in prices the new prlnu new caihmeres new mcrinocs and now rlaok crapea never were so very cheap before and baie an amazing aale uemember tbe rbibt hoose is on king street east cloae to hughtooatreol tbc name ia on each of the fourwiudowa lo white lass letters hamillun march 27 1884 thomas c watkins hamilton warren leland tbora ererybody knors u the moeenful manager of the largest hotel enterprises of america uyi that while a peieenjer from ke york os board a ship joli anand cape horn in the early days of ealfreuon to oal- itomla he learned that one of the offloers of the vessel had cored himself during the voy age of ao obstinate disease by the use of ayer s sarsaparilla slnoe then ur lixixd has reoommended ami sibjipiiilli is many similar eases and he has never yet heard of its fall- ore to effect a radical cure 8ome years ago one of mr lsuurns farm laborers bruised his leg orlug to the bad state of his blood an ugly lerof ulous mulng or tump appeared os the injured limb hor rible itching ef the akin nth burning and darting pains through the lump made life simon intolerable the leg became enor mously uuarged sad running ulcers formed discharging great quantities of extremely offenslte matter ko treatment ras of any avail until the wi by mr lsxaroa direc tion vas supplied tua anas bxuapa- lll l thleh auayed the pain and irrlutlos healed the sons removed the srelllng and eompletely restored the limb to use air rtiwn till personally used ayers sarsaparilla for rheumatism vltb entire success snd after careful observation declares that is bis belief there is no uelicine in the world equal to it for the cure of xjver dlaordexit goat the effects of high living gait rheum gone eruptions sad all the varloni forms of bloo diseases we have mr lzijunspenuusion to invito all who may desire further evidence in regard to the extraordinary curative powers of areas suisamsilu to see bim person ally either at bis mammoth ocean hotel long brfteb or at the popular leland hot et broadway jtth and sib streets sew york mr lxlursi extensive knowledge of the good done by this unequalled cradicator of blood poisons enables him to give inquirers mach valuable information nzraazsbt dr jc ayer co lowell mass gold by au druggists gl six bottles for g speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c arc prepared to furnish everj thing in their line from the be8t casket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest notieo aud at lowest terras kfau calli citi er night or 1b promptly attended lo satis faction guiranleed in even cie a firstclass hearse for hire serue arc fn a position lo astufactoril fill orders for wafigooi carnages c of every icscnptlon in rcaonalje lime good workmanship mid firstclass material always used we 1 ie also a fplc lot or furnitnre bnlb comint n and extra quality cheap sstif yoo il pa us cash e will sell yoa anything in oar line cheap j a speight manager co to the old reliable clothing store for your s h business brevities some facta about our buslneaa acea suid houses of benefit to our keneral readers you will find a etill increased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the turning seaon at prices suitable to the hard times do not fail to see my sll 12 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every waj guaranteed at the east end clothing store j fyfe aa fad u be knplitt edward bhepherd of hsunebarg hi mvs hinag received so much benefit from elec re bitters i feci it my duty to 3e suffering baminily know it hre had a runn ag sofe oa my leg for eifiht icars mr doctor told me i would hare to hve the bone scraped or leg ampatated i used instead three bottles of flectnc bitten and beren bores bacrjeno arnica salve and mv leg i now sound and well i e bitlcrs are sold at fifty ccuti a bottle and bucklca 6 arnica salve at 25c per bor brj e mcgama herit protev dollar apon dollar it freqaeolly gpeot on the faulh of recomtneniation for articles entirely worthless vot ao with mc gregors speedy cure yoa are not asked la purchase it until lu menta are proven call at j f megarvinn draff itore and get a free trial botk and if not convinced lfwill care yoa of the worstfonns of dye pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long atandiog it costs yoa nothing bold in 50c and 1 bo ties see testimon lalflfrom persons in yonr ova town 29 hollouayg ptu and omlirunl rheum atism sind goot these punffin and oouufljf remedies desene the feareat attention of all persons liable to gout sraaxica or other painful affection of the muscles nenesor joints the ointment should be applied after the affected parts have been patiently fomented with warm water when the ungueot ehoald be dill gently rubbed apon the adjacent skiaanless friction causes pain houownys pills should be cimaltaneoasly taken o dimfniw pain reduce inflammation and ipanfy the blofkl this treatment abates tlje violence ana lessen the frequency of goat rheuma tism and all spasmodic diseases which spring from hereditary predisposition or fjom soy accidental weakness of constitn faon the ointment checks the local mal ady while the pills restore vital power hats from 75 cents to 250 at j fjfea if vpn want a nobb durable and cheap suit j fyfe is the placj to go the largest and cheapest stock of boots shoes to select from u at velson i mcuas th larjcs stock of gents furnuhina hats and cap blirts and drawert at el son kr mcbae s the bea vaiae in taccj cottons wince6 flannels and domestic goods at nelson i mcrae s the urcesl and cheapest stock ot ready made clothing in the town is at kelson 4 mcrat e the rao t perfect fitting jjuiu asd overcoats and the best fclection of gooda at the lowest prices at elson k motlae s suits and overcoats al extremely lo rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see them j fvfe ctou for beaats an i darabiliti of cnlor the tnangu package dyes beat the world f j ou never used djes befcre do so now and be convinced 10 18 tbs womaks phtsicuit a common sense medical work for ladte only folly answers all questions which modesty prevents asking a mxle physician gives caosej and symptoms of all diseases of the sex with positive cure for each in plain language written by ladles who have made these diseases a life stndy a plain talk ia delicate language which every worn an young and old should read it is rec ommended by many eminent lady physioi- aas aaia guldt for fates iabdaomely boondaod illustrated sens p tpid tor lo0 addrewthe bocbienb pobutsxhtico 343313 0sbi4nbuck t u frnyces k an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for presents photocraphs the latest style taken by the new process no long sittuurs c brine your pictures of deceased friends and have them edn enlarged in firstclass style c w hill acton cd fbames ocaweekathome 95 00oolfit free pay vooabsoiutelysure no risk capital not required reader if yoa want business at which persons of either sei young or old can make greaf pay all the tune tber work with absolute certainty write forparticu lars to h hjlllett co portland maine 1amam who 18 unacquainted with thi tmoobaphv ot this coumthy will kb by exajshanmo tmwmap that the bes fauily newspaper im canada sing- of weeklies weekly free press larg 1 faper 8 bagea cut ft pasted by new machinery codtaiss all the news special market department agricultural department capital story always rudmug ingenious puzzle column funny humonsms jut the tiiaj for the funily tsrsendslqo and ihe paperwflllwfotvfardeq i to yoa to january 1st 1865 h 811000 in premiums the most liberal inducements ever offered in canada to parties getting up clubs for tbe week ly free press bend for premium list weekly fkee rkeh flbbee8 advocate seat 1st january lags for 9175 address free press office london onf tbe ohaupws op the homes against the saloons a masterly prohibition paper the lever the leading temperance journal cf the united states opposed to license in all it forms the fearless advocate of the total prohibition of the drink traffic ekbtpaob fivttbacoioxjtwiriiy xemsentrsl m per tear iiberal reduction to clnhs ageuta yttya 3mijnt aodreaa tajm lo v- chicago rock island pacific ry amn the oraat oantral una affords to travelers bt reason of its jnrlvaled geo- antpsloal position the shorteet and beat rout b the laat horthaaat and southeast and trie wast norttiwaat and soothiraat it is literally and etrlotty true that its oonneotjonalkra all of the prlnolpal unas of rojad between the atlantlo and the paelfio br its main ttnt and branohaa it raaohea ohloago joltet paorla ottawa la salle oaneeeo molina and rook island in llllnole davenport muaoatlna waahlncton keokuk knonllla oakalo palrflaw da molnaa wast ubartr iowa city atlantlo avooa audubon harlan outhrte oantar and oounotl bluffa in iowa oallatln trenton cameron and kanaas olty in mlaaourl and laavan- worth and atohiaon in kansas and ttta hundreds of owaa vlllaaaa and towns intermediate tm reat rock island route la famlbarr oabad offara to travalera an tha advan and eomforta jnt to a amootn traok aafa brldgea union dapata at ajloonnaevina polnta jaapraaa trains eonpoaad of oomkodmu well vstjitilatsd will tid f1m1ly upholstiwd and bjatuuit bay ooaohis a lino of tha saa au0jin0a3n- hoimm rmuimso c41am buluuh tataet daatmad and handaemaat falaoc lnrasxi oa and duuho oar that are aoknowladsjad by prala and paopla to be tha mnn hum upoal amy map in the ooumtkv and in whtoh aupartor maalaaraasrvad to travalara at tha low rata ef atvustyfjve ccntaoh three train aeum way batwaan ohtoam aivd tha micm sttver two traiht aaoh was batwaan ohtoaoo and mimiwapou and t paul vta trtafamoua i albert lea route aiswandolraetuihstaanaasltvdliitaa batwaan nassport www yohmond ommiaweu fayatta nf immtfvwitd iniawwiamawmsamlatamot m wag ft tmsaaajsatwa isrhitaiwitioaaafbolaisisji of a r utawantedforthelivesofau aucii i otiepreeidentoftheu8 the largest handsomest beat book ever sold for leas than twice our pnoo tha fastest selling book id america immense profit to agents all intelligent people want it any one can becometa sncoesafal agent terms free hiluett tjoos co portland maine free sr i nlti lajyu a guaranteed jure for ktrront debility aid samlalejr- aeuhytruetirljiooavtilaioa and all brain auirserve ironbles caused by self abuse over brain work ac 0a written guarantee of care hi every case or money refunded send 15c for postage on free trial box of 100 pills address da m vt bacos cor clark st and calhoun place chicago ffl the bennett churn pills ointment this incomparable mtdwinb hat secured for uy an wperuhable fame throughout the ivorfyjuruu alleviation and rare of most diseases to whuji humaujiyukcir thf pills punfy reiuaic and improve tbe quality oi tbe blood tbey assut ike digtslve oi urns cleanse tbi 1 siouacu aud bow ilk mcrease the secretory powers of the liver bract tbe nervous system and tbiow into the circulstii u tbe purest elements for sustaining aud repairing the trarne thousands of persons katctistibed that by their use alone they hare been restored lo health and strength afler wrery other means had proved unaucceaaful the itevett article in the ibrkttl oauming male a plomure xutad of as ttapleuant tmii ramshaw son acton have secured the sole control ef tbe sale of the famous bennett chnrn tbu charo is manufactured upon the roost practical and common sense pnodple ex tant and only requires to be soeo at work to be understood appreciated and par chased a member of the above firm a ill call upon yoo with a simple chnrn sakssaw ft s0xt aclon jan is 84 real aad cetafert lelae riacerlaf browns househald panacea has na equal for relieving pain both internal ani external it cures paw in the 8ide back and bowels sore throat bbeamstism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will moat surely qnickeu tbe blood and ileal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and of double the strength of an otler elixir of liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really- is the hest imedy in tbe world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for aale by all druggists at 25 cents bottle ctojr- harnes 9b99t patties keqitiiuxo astth1so ts harriess or trunks to save money should go to r creech acton butcher shop r holmes ooltl respect foil inform the people of acton aad vtcmit tbat he has purchased the baioesa aod property of mr w c robinson and is prepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kinds aud poultry and game season a meat delivered to u partoftovn at any time 3 havidk practicnl expenence id the botchermn basin ess 1 feel confident thst i cao suit all a call kindly solicited r qolmes hills tin i stove depot good assortment on stovlis cheap for oash tinware oe all kjnds at bottom prices a and put up on shobtesrt sjv first classmaterlal onlj used i a 0aikioii015fh owtwavrwy fc 1 livw rfi worth tselrt jleluht in cold hollow the ointment will befound invaluable in cer household in the cure of optn sons hard tumors bail lest old vfoulds coughs colds sore throats bronth tis and all disorders of the throat and chest as also gout rheumatism scrofula irad every kind of skin disease manufactured oni at pnfieeor hollo- way a establishment 533 oxfokd street london and sold at is ljd 2s 9d is 6d 22i and 33s each box and pol aod in canada at 36 cente 00 cents and 1 60 and the larger sues in proportion t3catmor i have no agent in the united stales nor are my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pots and boies if the address is dot s33 oxford btrcet lmdoo tbe are spinous the trade mark of my said medicines is registered at ottawa aud aifo at wash ington otaiied thomas hollow a bs oxford strt london the key to health tjnlooks all tha clogged aremies at tha bowels kidneys and iiiver carry ing off gradually without weakening tha system all the impurities and foul humors of tbe secretions af the same tune coxrectuio acidity of tbt 8toidatch curing sfhousnbs dys pepsia haadachbb xizzizisss bjusicuuiu cuiisupstion tjxyubbb of tbe skin dwpay simness of vision jaundice salt rhsmn brtshtebs berofbla ftatteridgoi the heart harvtraaness and gen eral debility all these and many other i complaints yield to the happy i cf btjedock decncees kfjsr t sj1bchi 00k prof rt s1 aqee send sii cents for post r nlacawtage and receive free a costly box of goods which wjll help you to more money right away than anything else in this world all of either sex succeed fronyalrst hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely aure at once address terr 4 co augusta maine before yo place as dollar worth of ifewspsper ftdituaia- lias te oar prices the exact eosrvof any paper or bst of p c itarxiiahetl t u ajppucaoon 76end tor txvw catalogne j c hough adrertising aot h0tj8h slocx detroit 3hch the family welcome this is one of the- largest apdbeslstor pa pers published in america it istnll of sterr aad baasaaee wit aad haasar aaeedetraaal tdreatare iu fact tbere will net be a single line of dnll reading in it published the 1st 15lh of every month terms one dollar per annum lu advance ageuls waited ewry- wbere samples free addressi- the family weloome london oat aai rt the vforbeg class send 10 llulifoentsfor postage and we will mail you free a royal valuable box oti sample goods that will put ypu in the way of making more money in a few days than i you ever thought possible at anybusiness capital not required we will start yoa you can work all the tune or in toot spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to both sexes young and old yoo oar easily earn from 60 cents to 15 every even log that all who want work may test the business we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we vtil send tl to pay for the trouble of writing ios full particulars directions etc sent free fortunes will be made by those who gjve their whole time to the work groat suc cess absolutely snre dont delay start niw address sttkros cz co portland maine manhgolv ow lost notruestoateaf webavereeentlpubllabedanew edition of etr tatvtrweils tr- krated cstay on tni rahqsl and t vftlhont rnedl- elnejorkertomdebllltyjiei taiaaiiphysle- aussnaaulbpedlmentaxriaitlaeeur- raaaltisffrofflazeesses- jaabrlealn aaaaied envelope onto a ela ortwopoataca aurnpp tnecc orated uthor in this i bseay ciarly damonatraies tearasucoesafqlpraelteataats aacmaneea may f radleallr ou tne daateltnu iottatattwiik4 thenseortbenlfepolaiiiuiost onreatoneelmpta majnadde ssaaoa of afwmi f

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