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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1884, p. 1

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vuxr tu cton4jttinma 7 i rususara thursday uoiuvrso free press power pmntmq house uhlstrpbtjactosost tors the fiu fun will be sent to avcribert- postage paid lor 1100 per n- ain ia idvanoc 1150 it nojsopeid no paper discontinued till ill ureal are paid e xccpt at tuc option of the publisher iptttsiko rires- casual advertise ments cents pet line or the first inser tion and 2 cents pet line tor each subse quent inscrtiou cath profestionsl cards 10 lines or loss 400 per annum 1 square la line 500 per annum payable in 6 mouths frindat of insertion any special notice the object ot which it to promote the pecuniary benefit ot any individual or company to be considered aa advertise ment the number ot lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a seal ot tolid sonpareil cnxtract kates jut eouojuone rear 6000 fall column one year so 00 4 wiritatnaaue year 2000 a e llama all monuia sa00 aalfolamn six months 5000 garter eolumnslx monies 12 00 u i eotama three mouths 3000 ttlfcolumnttireetnontht 1200 4 i three months 00 liveriueaieau vlthoutiipeclflo directions ctutje inserted uiuirbliianiiehtd accord- iacl trmanttorr advertisement mnilbe paid la advance coances tor contract advertisement most oe in la offlee or 9 a moo mondays other he they inn bjeft over utl the tollowtnj week k p moore kdltori proprietor termssioft in adymnce the newspaper- a map of busy life its pluotuatioab and ita vast oonoerna 150 if not no paid volume ix no at aoton ont thursday april 10 1884 whole no 458 business directory wh lowpy ub mcfs graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons 05ee and residence at the head of fred erick st acton acton bankihc coy torey christie it oo bankers acton ontario l besxett awn out dextist george- johs lawson gradtate qf on- tiuo vetxxtsabt collsgx tosoxto veterinary surgeon acton ont office in kenney sons boot and shoe store res idence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to- terms easy ch biggs lds of the firm of bioos 4 ivot tobosto vfill be at campbells hotel on the first monday of every month in the practice of his profession all work executed in the latest and most improved style of the dental art ko charge for consultation a fieseal banking busi ness transacted h0hz7 loaotd on appsotsb sotes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits wall paper window shades baby oarriaoes baskets big- stock at days bookstore glelpu day sells cheap m owat a mcleax coavet- barristers solicitors notaries ancers 4c 13hoxit to loix ottici scccrds block mlilst acton- ja 5ioii w a mclejv a s- goodwiltle banister solicitor kotary public georgetown acton 6j- acton office in mrssecords block gcoue and see our new store crowded to the ceilixg with istew goods feoii gennany england new york ssllins cheap for cash 10 xohn dat architect gaaiph ontario orncr queens hotel block market square i j livingston llb bujostix soucrroa costetjuiceb- ac orno xeit door to hyiids jewellery store mill street acton bals latdlaw a- co bareistees solicitobs orrces over imperial bank w wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto joasbirrqc c if llafro wnixuc luri gsamiiinat cent store ajad cheap case bazab directly opposite old sued hizletons block upper wyndham 8t gr tj ie l i si jasfkidner y 17v b bragg practical milleight- resrrangin of flonr kills a specialty p o aldress tjol 103 roccirood atekts secured forisvestioks hexrt gpist oiniri cisipi tears eractice- so pstsnt ko pay w oker to loax fstvite rrxi at six 2pei sent- clabxe 4- cakkiff bjlssistebs 4c cnttens block gnelph guelph goth hau our spring stock is now fully assorted comprising all the newest shades in main and fancy worsteds west of england trouser ings and scotch and canadian suitings awe can assure our custovers and the general public that we hare this season the choicest selection of goods we have ever been able to puce before them and iu con sequence of the low prices prevailing io the wholesale markets we are able to sell clothing at verow figures shaw fccrundy mlblhast tahobb gnelph the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews 19 sow keckiyinl daily fiiesh j oysters finnan laddies canned fish and fruits lemons oranges urnpes confkctionery aud all other goods in his lioc j rblacuits the largest assortment of philn and fancy biscuitk in tdwq and from the best manu facturers my customers will fiod all toy goods fresh slid iu ever- way satisfactory the oy8ter parlor oysters serrad in any style daring the scisoaj or will be mpphcd by the csil qairt or gsllon stgood cooking apples alutya on hand a e matthews wellington marble works quebec st guelph john h hamilton j proprietor formeriymcquiljanhamilton dssjer in sirbie gnvnite and everything i pertaining to cemetery work beccived first priies at provincial ex hibition gnelph the western fair and all local exhibitions or exoehenoc of material and anperiority of workmanship yoor order are solicited the oldest dru6 store in guelph f rakcis kdkak successor to tf chap bookbikder st georges banare gne accoant books of all kinds mide to order periodicals of every descriptiim carefnuy boand ralinsneatlyand promptly done rstll hemstbeet j ijioenaed iaotionser- fomlie counties of wedington and halton orders left at the fnra pmsb office arton or at- my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable rnnet las also moneyto loan on the most favorable termsr and at the lowest rates of interest in snms of s00 an4 upwards don mm mn tiicmoit mohsiva april 10 188f poetiy an episode in the life of far mer ch1tty to the city farmer chitly plain bat gritty came one day and he wandered and he pondered on his way thus while razing at amaiing sights and praising all he saw he was taken hand was shaken by mistaken mr shaw who to right it and requite it him invited to a smile f and the farmer to the former grew a warmer j friend the while soon elated and inflated chitty watted for the deal 7hen some aoes showed their faccs two hard cases made him squeal in the city stood the gritty i farmer chitty cursing all not a penny of the many had he any more to call home retamiuc through the burning sand and learning how to trsmp spouse she took him and she shook him grit forsook him and she wouldnt believe a blamed word he said in explanation ouj story t 1mb for8ale lime can be had at the canada lime ffbrksin small or urgaqnantitieif a any time apply at the kiln near ovkon s mill or to c s smith may ut 1882 box 172 acrox tt aulas barbeb shop j p wobdbs eas opened a barber rhop in the premises- buuasa williw condncted in nrstelaas atflfc- gi c ip wordejf e8tabli8hed 1848 savages watch clock jewelry spectacle house urge stock prices special attention to fine watch i eepatruc b savage best canadian goal oil only 20c a gallon now is the time to boy your coal oil- hicinbotham8 condition powders have given universal satisfaction and all who have used them for homos j andcatlle testify to their ex- celleoce prepaied ooly by i w g smith co jul 2jrd 1880 hear petritv8 hewdnw store gvelph winter ilnld anolcgant prtpara- tioj for roughness of the skin chapped hands sore lips frost bites c- pre pared only by w 0 smith co tliorleyi horse and cattle food lold in any quanalty lo suit purchaser v amend urea the best and obeapest a the market iwcsmithaco dupensingi obemista aqejohlotli deo 88 herbeet dextees ordeal a lady entered a large drygoods store in the city and inquired for thibet she was directed to the lower end of the storewhere a young clerk awaited her order he was a boy of fifteen with a frank handsome face that inspired instant confidence j he at once displayed a variety of goods one particular pieoe appeared to pleaae the customer are the colors fast 7 she inquired herbert dexter looked at it carefully m i am afraid not he ansnered a lady came in a day or two since and com- plained that it bad faded thank yon said the lady then i must look elsewhere as you havb nothing else with a small figure to my taste the proprietor of the establishment was near enough tohear this conversation the lady had scarcely left thn store when be advanced toward herbert and said harsh ly what made you tell the lady that the cloth would not wash because said herbert looking up in surprise she asked me- well you simpleton why conldut you tell her it did because it wouldnt have been the truth roplied herbert simply then you could at least have told her that yon didnt know but i did sir it seems you have a tender conscience sneered his employer since that is the case i cant afford to have you here it wont do to pay for sending customers away when your week is out you may leave my employ herberts heart sunk within him to him the loss of the situation was a very serioos matter his mother was a poor widow dependent upon her own exertions for a livelihood and the three dollars waa of great consequence to her he had only been in his place a month it having been procured by the influence of his unele john a man of property who might have put his hand into his poekot and assisted his brothers son without feeling it but john dexter was not a man of that sort his money was dearer to him than his nearest friend he seemed to feel that in obtaining a situation for his nephew in the retail store ot messrs smith dj co he had placed him under a great 104 f obliga tion in the midst oi herberts sorrow he did not for an instant donbt that be had done right nor would he have acta t differently it the opportunity had been d ran yet it was with i heavy eart that he went home to his supper and nformed his mother that he had been di missed from his place i hope yon have done nithing to de serve dismissal aid hie n other much disturbed herbert thereupon related i is story you did right my sonj i lidkra dex ter emphatically the s tuition wa not worth keeping at the expense of tenth sr i i am glad yon think i d i right mo ther uodherheiaratwhi tibial i dot he inquired i ought to get another sit- nation immediately perhaps you bad better call on your uncle john suggested mrs dexter he will no doubt be able to procure you an other situation ill go tonight mother said herbert for there is no timo to be lost twenty minutes later herbert rang the bell of a handsome house in a fashionable street in the city he was admitted by the servant and ushered into his uncles presenoe mr john dexter was a dignified looking man having apparently a high opinion of himself and comparatively a low opinion of everybody else who chose to oome in con flict with him well herbert said his uncle patron izingly how are you getting on at your place not very well uncle answered her bert rather nervously for he stood a little in awe of his uncle not very well repeated mr dexter aurvoying him through bis glasses with displeasure how does that happen mr smith expects me to do what i dont think is right i dont understand you hereupon herbert entered into the ex planation with which we are already fa miliar at tfte conclusion he looked into his uncles face and saw that it was unfavor able would you like to know my opinion of what yoa have done he demanded in tones of displeasure if you pldasc uncle faltered her bert then i think you have made a fool of yourself what business have you to frighten away customers i think your employer did jubt right i should have done the same in his place bat was it right to deceive the lady asked herbert perjdexed i bavo no disposition to enter into any discussion on that point said his uncle coldly the upshot of it all is that you have lost your situation how do yoa ex pect to get another i thought perhaps yoo might interest yourself for me uncle said herbert his heart sinking within him its no use to help you said mr dexter taking up bis paperand beginning to read youd jose the best situation i could procure yoo in less than a month i cant be at the trouble of continually finding situations for one who doesnt choose to keep them then what shall i do exclaimed herbert much troubled at his refusal you ought to have taken this into con sideration before you chose to throw away your place at smith cos for mv mothers sake ancle i hope you will interest yourself forme i shall be thrown as a burden upon her and she has to work hard enough as it is yery well i am sorry whatever further privations she is subject to will proceed entirely from your perversenees herbert was too manly to plead further his uncles evident injustice mae him in dignant yery well sir said he rising if you choose to deal bo harshly with me because i have done what i still consider to be right i must bear it i dont think god will let me starve mr dexter turned red in the face leave the house and dont let me see yoa here again herbert without another word took his hat and left the bouse with a heavier heart than he had on entering 11 what success asked his mother as he reentered the humble room which he called home none at all mother i am about dis- couxagod dont be downhearted herbert said she tenderly when earthly friends for sake you the lord will take you up and make your cause his own i will try to think so mother answer ed herbert but its hard i must help myself now for my uncle has refused to do anything more he acquainted her with the particulars of his interview with his ancle he has been very unjust said mrs dexter perhaps he will some day see this in the meantime dont be disheart ened i feel aa- if everything kill turnout well if we only have patience the remainder of the week wore away on saturday night herbert received his weeks wages and his riistninaal ott monday he commenced seeking for a situation he looked oyer all the adver tisements in the daily papers which he got a chance to look over in one of the hotels and made applications 4n many quarters but some one had alwayigot the start of him everywhere he wee rmsjiocessfoi so friday name far four days he had been aearoliing fwa situation and search ing in vain should he be more sncoeaefnl today ha teared not he had just made ope gnsnoue sssjl wbmbe chanced to meet w the attest the lady be ha4senedataittjf qoa the recognition waa a mujoal que she- wp ind said fwfra smile are yon not the clerk who waited upon me at smithy asveak ago t teenmdaio itutjwleltltp r itl aaid jaoj iaasapriee how did that gmifyh- si you inquired about would not wash indeed i exclaimed the lady indig nantly if that is their way of doing business i shall bay nothing of them here after then yoa are without a place yes madam i havejjeen trying for several days to obtain one but i find it very difficult come home with me said the lady my husband isa commission merchant and i think he can find room for you in his countingroom if not he shall find you a place herbert began to express his gratitude but the lady stopped him it is only right she said since i was the occasion of your losing your place that 1 should supply you with another what did you re ceive at yoar former place three dollars a week herbert went home with mrs fairbanks for such proved to be her name luckily her husband had come home on an errand no sooner had his wife explained the cir cumstances than be promptly engaged herbert as an additional clerk in the count ingroom at a salary of five dollars per week with a promise of more at the end of the year show the same integrity and fidelity in my employ that you exhibited in jour former situation he said kindly and you may always count me your friend herberts face was fairly radiant when he reached home and told his mother of bis good fortune henceforward his coarse was onward andupward at present he is head clerk in the extensive firm of fair banks it co his old employer smith after a few years became bankrupt and is now living in poverty and obscurity his illgotten gains have not prospered votsaflxwhut te temperance hypocrites weighting the cause misle and going astray a series of yean we most labor and wait because yon wont vote as you pray youre praying for drunkards and voting for ram and how can you possibly think to make a poor drunkard man sober by prayer when constantly tempted to drink your prayers may be fervent arid made in the faith that drundenness cant long prevail hat faith without works in the temperance cense as elsewhere can little avail t perhaps you deplore all the crimo and the sin that alcohol leaves in its train r but unless yoa will vote the ssvoe as yon yoar prayer will be useless and vain for voting for license and open aloons offsets all your prayers in enec a sentiment lacking the strength of the law saloomsts will never respect if you know a things wrong why not vote it down 1 if right why then pray it may cease jthis voting and praying in opposite ways the trouble is sore to increase what is wanted is good honest effort whole sonled to rush the good cause right along and sweep from our land this bold traffio in drink bytemperance sentiment strong then vote as you pray gainst the evils of rum casting old party shackles away to speed upon the earth the millenium morn keep praying ash votz as loo rut p j bad writing the fact that collections of famous mens autographs contain so few specimens of good penmanship suggests that greatness and legible writing are not oh friendly terms a genins osaally writes a chinese scrawl and thus demoralizes scores of men wbo have little tajent and no genius horace greeleys wellknown advice to young men to go west has not had more followers than his illegible bandwriting has had imitators among them seems to have been the gentleman of whom this story is told a lawyer had written a letter to a friend in a neighboring city on a matter of busi ness having occasion a day or two after ward to go himself to the city he called at his friends office before he had time to mention his business the friend said i have a curiosity in the way of hand writing to show you it msy be cipher or it may be anything else for all 1 can make out the date and signature are about all i can read of it ah lets see j said the lawyer eyeing his own letter with interest well said he the man who wrote that must be a schoolcommitteeman in a country dis trict what dont you recognize it ex claimed the friend look at that signa ture how why that that looks familiar i my signature 1 why how stupid 1 whats it about i cant read it but it does look like my writing 1 how do i know what its about i puzzled over it until my head ached and then laid it away until i could get a key to its translation i guess you must have been writing about that land title of mine thompsons land you know thompson thompson i oh yes now i have it i of course its as plain as print i any man that cant read that had better go to school awhile im ashamed of you actually ashamed of yoa i here is yoar translation 1 and having recalled what he had written about he read the letter aloud without any difficulty horrors of the battlefield the london daily newt correspondent writes of the battle of teb in egypt on feb 29th our line of march coincided with the path of retreat of- the 4th of feb ruary beginnin near the fort skeletons half covered with flesh dertted either side of the line- of advance for miles on the scene of the massacre of bakerasquareitwaa- strewn literally with hundreds numbers of them in the most extraordinary attitndes and with fleahlesa fingers olatching into the sand i noticed most of them lay on their faces and showed one or morespear throste in the back head and neck it was a hideoas pictare those grinning halfde composed skeletons in their position so signifioent of abject despair and it would have horrified the most hardened against such sights reasons for insuring ones life 1 because it is every ones duty to pro- vide for those dependent upon him 2 because this canbe done more easily and certainly through life insurance than by any other means 3 becanse life insurance fosters habite of frugality and economy 4 because the insurance of ones life creates an immediate capital at a trifling outlay which will be available to his family when they moat need it 5 because the man whose life is insured is relieved from harassing cares in regard to the future of those whom he leaves be- hind him 6 because life insurance is the most potent preventive of pauperism and the surest indemnity to society against the snpport of a helpless widow and children 7 becaose life insurance counteracts the tendency towards centralization of wealth and effects its distribution among those whose necessities are the greatest 8 because if a man be poor his familys entire support may be removed by his death unless by the practice of a little selfdenial daring his life he secures them a compe tency through life insurance 9 because if a man be rich the pay ment of the nnii1 premiams will fall lightly upon him and by insuring his life be provides effectually against all possible reverses of fortune 10 because life insurance regarded from a business point of view isemphatio- ally a good investment it being the direct product of the cardinal business principles of produce and economy and securing ithe formation of a valuable aggregate oat of small and unimportant savings 11 becanse the insurance of ones life creates a fond upon which he is not reqnir- ed to pay a tax which needs not to be in- sored against loss cannot be taken for the debts of insured and is jiaid directly to the beneficiaries without the delays and expenses of administaation a is sow wendell phillips lectured among the many incidents in the life of the ato wendell phillips that will now oome to light none will better illustratetbe earnestness withwhich be fought slavery in antebellum days than his stereotyped replies made to those- who aooght his ser vices as a leotorer they ran about as follows i will oome and lecture on a literary subject for 1100 a night and my expenses on slavery for nothing ind payinyown the condiwm of sdxcejaswe these j tfntt b1nfi wait till the end alexander dumas was one day the guest oi dn gistal a leading practitioner in marseilles after dinner while the coffee was being handed ronnd the host request ed the great novelist to enrich his albiyn with one of his witty hnprotisains u certainly replied dumas with ft smile and drawing out his pencil he wrote under the eyes of his entertainer the following j lines since dr gistal came to our town to onre diseases casual and hereditary the hospital has been pulled down tou flatterer 1 here fltmaimftri the doc tor mightily pleased hat the poet went on and we have made a large cemetery m s m other people from the lowest to the highest all of us in oar way spendmoney and dressand eat amd drink and generally order oar lives on a scale we should not think coadopting if it wee not for other people the great balk of oar money troubles and nearly all the cheating and lying and wickedness in the world connected with money fwhieh has been described as the root of all evil may be traced to the love and desire of auniding well in the estimation- of other people of being- thought richer than we ars and of being credited with the posses sion of property c resources whieh dosot as a matter of tact belong to us praise for queenviotoria bey bobert collyer spoke in the ohnrchj of the messiah new york on sunday even- ing on the subject twenty years in iha life of a queen he described the life of queen yictoriaven in the book just published by her- the piotore it presented was that of a loving we good mother and a simple and tiehesrted womanwho delistedmoeein quietbotlife han the pomp and sjjendora of the palace and the tinsel of royalty heraffectiohforber servants was one ot lisr highest traits mr oouysrssid the oftenet her life wasread ihetst wst tte reide ehsiuisstwiwtasiii i i- r v tv those whomake it a rule to get the test lot liqoor cftnd oefore- ifou a towuedeversltoi toiswnd5iwrlywrag sbawayxjstw ssslxvliasswtf sr vst sy

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