Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1884, p. 2

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i i m 1 1 f i fj- i if ijf 8wss viiifesifesf i fill i ctonrecms tupunvt mosiso aria 0 is 4 tree planting tb question of planting twos on the wioan streets nd uncs of thh iianfoptl- ity is one jschich hta njfettcdly been brought prominently before our reader thonfih themlcoltimn and we are pleased tony vithldost wtifactory results a wtlk throogh the streets of oar little town will prove that the people of acton have from time to time responded nobly tr the invitation of the free phes to put forth extra exertions in planting bailable trees on the streets as a result of these peri odical efforts acton is supplied with a larger number of fine hoalthy cheerful looking trees on her streets than any town of itt rite with which we are acquainted the effect produced is at the same time pleasing to our citizens attractive to strangers visiting the place and profitable tothe property holders of the municipality we feel confident that all who have interest ed themselvea in this good work feel that ttey are now amply repajd for their trouble by the results already attained much of the success attending the plant ing of trees on the streets in acton is due to the excellent cow bylaw passed a few i ynrs ago by our municipal coancil and the admirable manner in which it has been enforced before the council passed this stringent bylaw referring to animals run- aing atjirce it was found impossible to grow trees successfully on the greets as j they were ilmot invariably destroyed by j cows or other auirrils before they attained j sufficient prowth to resist the attacks of these auimsjs willi the bylawreferred to j this evil his beta very eectuilly remedied j considering whit satisfactory results j hare beti accomplished in former- years by a utile individuil efort wc feel satisfied that much more can be done by some organized method of going into the matter to this end we would suggest that the council be asked to set apart some day about the end of the present month pro claim it a public holiday and request the citizens to unite in planting trees on the streets if every ratepayer woald on this day plant or cause to be planted one tree for each member of his family the result would be most surprising and the effort cost him ccmpslratively little labor or ex pense in seme of the western states arbor day is now a great institution- it is an anniversary devoted to treeplantiug and of late years the practice of setting apart a day for that purpose by proclamation has bffm widely observed- it would be a cood deal more sensible and useful way of spend ing time and money than either a winter carnrral a queens birthday celebration or a twelfth of july procession wiil the council and citizens fall in with as in this scheme and assist in making acton a place of beauty forever and by bo doing leave mementos for which they will receive the praise and gratitude of generations yet anbom evidently got things omewhtfc mixed and has credited acton with that which has oc curred id the lower portion of uro oouuty j e mcckntth acton april tod 1884 the mlowih from the bmmqton banker commends tuelf to our notice the fact that whisky can be got so easily at drug stores in hal ton county should not be charged against the scott act because there aro doctors so degraded that they will prostitute their calling by giving certificates for liquor under any pretense does not prove that the scott act ii a fail ure the late legislature has done some thing to stop this as far as legislation can by imposing a fitio of 20 on any physician who signs a certificate on bogus pretexts one thine at least regarding the working of the tfcott act in halton cannot be de nied that the amount of liquor consumod in halton today is nothing compared to that disposod of under the old system the ohfk in an editorial on this subject says those doctors in halton who are said to have been so lost to decency as to write systematically liesunder their names and seals in the shape of prescriptions ought to have their medical diplomas taken from them on account of their thus acting in a manner unworthy of their standing as gentlemen and physicians so prominently has this matter of physi cians certificates for liquor been brought forward that wo fesl satisfied no time will be lost by the authorities in making all necessary provision for the discontinuance of this evil i physicians certificates poe liquor a return showing the quantityof spiritu ous liquors sold by druggists in this county under the scott act during the past year which was brought down in the senate last week is being used in every conceivable way by opponents of the act to show that the set is a failure the return which is as yet incomplete shows that the druggists of acton georgetown and oatrille sold daring the year 5270 bottles the great majority of which were pints of liquors on doctors certificates this quantity would in the aggregate amount to about eight or ten barrels even this quantity would eeem- to indicate considerable illhealth in thejcoonty but when it is considered that the amount named supplied looouor 15000 people for a year we ffmt our county has great and just canse for congratulation notwithstanding the fact of the disgraceful abase of their prerogatives by a number of the physicians of the county in granting orders for liquor where liquor was in many cases unnecessary under any pretence the above ts a very satisfactory showing eight or ten barrels of liqmr supply 10000 or 15000 people for a year 1 less thana barrel a thousand what a reversed order of things since license law reigned in hal ton 1 wie venture the opinion that twenty times the above amount would failto represent the consumption before the scott act came into force ahdof course the whole of it was used for the health for un der what other pretext is liquor drank at any time or ander any act the return as presented by one ottawa correspoddent of the toronto jtoci is very misleading and scandlizee acton in a shameful manner it represents c w fierce co of acton as selling three- fourths of the whole amount sold in the three places named however the follow ing letter from our local druggist which appeared in saturdays aviw will tend to correct this erroneous statement ennob krws rir permit me to cor rect some misstatementa appearing in your ottawa correspondence in todays issue of tkc nock tour correspondent eutes that in the returns made to the government by the druggists of acton georgetown and oakville regarding sales of liquor ima the scott act the return of cw pearce co of acton is stated as covering 62 oat of the 80 paes of the report this is in correct as there is no such firm here i hare the license for the current year for this tillage and i venture to assert that my return will take op leas space in the government report than any other return from tins county oar physician will hot cte an order for liquor unless he believes tt to be needed there are other physicians in the oounty who are i believe lets par- notes and comments the scott act advocates are about color ing upon a vigorous campaign in elgin county the ottawa fixt pros was eued for libel by ihe beaver line of steamships the brantfoni ttltgrnui wis sued for libel iby ono j itacecnzie both ucwp papers have come out victorious- it evidentlv doesnt i pay lo sue t newspaper j appropriate resolutions of condolence to her majesty oa the death of prince leo pold were moved in the uooiinion parlia ment last friday by sir john xtacdonald and seconded ly eon edward blake jhe resolutions were adopted and ordered to be engrossed and predated to the jlarquis lansdowne to be forwarded lo her majesty the streams bill the privy council decides in favor of caldwell wioi costs j the case between jlessrs mclaren and caldwell concerning tbe ontario risers and streims bill the merits and demerits of which have been presented before the electors at every pcuic political meeting held during the past two or three years has at last been decided by the privy coun cil in favor of mr caldwell with costs the costs are baid to exceed 530000 this makes four constitutional questions during the past year in which the position taken by the ontario government has been sustained by the privy cruncil viz the insurance case the mercer escheat case the hodge license case and now on the rivers and streams bill- the conspiracy case the toronto poiioa magistrate commits those accused for trial the police magistrate gave his decision hr the conspiracy case on tuesday the court room was crowded intense interest being manifested in the result the magis trate delivered a long and elaborate judg ment and said that owing to the unique nature of the case he liad been careful to give it the most anxious consideration he concluded by holding that there was suffi cient evidence to commit all four defend ants wilkinson bunting meek aadtir- kiand to stand their triri on a charge of conspiracy the defendants were then admitted to bail on the second charge againts them of conspiracy it was agreed the charge should remain in the magistrates books till the other charge was disposed of board of education i the board of trustees of acton piblic school met in the council chamber on monday evening 7th inst- j present mr james moor chairman and messrs j e mcgarvin w p brown dr lowry and tuos c moore j minutes of last meeting read and con firmed i the secretary presented the school census which was taken as instructed by the board a circular was received from the minister of education respecting authorized i text books the finance committee presented their fourth report recommending payment of the following accounts thomas moore salary mirch us a3 mias a morton do 2703 miss j grant do 12083 mrs adams do 625 h p ilodre taking census 600 v www wuo are i neueve lets par- ttoalwm this respect and who derive eon- il rereana from this spattm by fnj- jhh99 jlovod by j e mogarrin seconded by w v brown that the report al ths fi nance committee jost read be adopted carried hoved by j b alcgarrio seoondfta- by thomas moore that the secretary b and is hereby instructed to publish in actok fbzz fbzss an abstract of the financial statement for the year 1883 as required by law carried board then adjourned thi cradu cniunat walkerton on the 7th lost the wile of mr thomas christie mar- chant of a daughter the altar sllwikt botn on the jnd inst by iter wo bryers at the resldonoe of the brides brother bower atcnae acton adam stewart of georgetown to mrs ellen boyd of aoton the oravx robutson at georgetown on the 8th inst the wife of mr james robertson aged ci years abstract of the annual report or mi boxxn or- public school trustees or acton school divi8i0n for the year 1483 rectirts balance from 1882 758 si error in transcribing choq no 10 17 government grant us 0u school ffai per village treas 850 00 s173us1 fltjiist teachers salaries j 11 13 80 caretaker and sectytreas loi 00 repairs 800 28 school apparatus 11 60 fnel interest 4c h9 m balance on hand m9 93 173051 hllijueg paid thomas t moore ftiocipil j5s0 00 miss jennie grant 2nd asst 2o0 00 b a gordon 1st ast 234 01 j fraser do hi 2o j bastedo do 25 00 ilra j adams caretaker 75 00 h p moore scctytrcaa so 00 n2lb86 h p moore secretary james moore chairman acton airil 7th ir34 business brevities some facta about our business ken and hooaes of benefit w ear koaaral roaders hst from 75 csuls to f250 at j fytva if you wsnl nouiiy durablu and cheap ut j fyfen i the phe to co tue urpesl sod oljcpel tock of boots i shoes to elect frin i at xtlsou meraev salts and overcoats a ctlteuick in rstea and made in i teat style be sure to call and see them j fve actt for beauty aal darabilily nf cki ibe triangle package dyes beat the world if you neter uied dje before do w uow aad be convinced 10 16 scotch iljguih nd canidiau ijnittok a it ret t varitty it tiieeait eudclothini itore j fffeactou l at uiii leaioqof tbe year t litre iboaid be a bottle of pretoria in every boase it i unequalled fo coagbg cotda uid hoirseuess 19 pleasant equilly afe for children price 25 cent it nil druggists 30 wife wfaatfl the matter now johu huflbaed 0b that neuralgia and tooth ache near kill me wife vby- dout you go to j e jtc- garvinsi drug store aad eet n bottle of fluid lightning you know it cures ll sach things as toothache kcorjgia hud- ache lumbago earache sore throat etc it gfvea instant relief 3 if a few grains of cam moo tease could be tufutcd into the thick noddles of thie who perpetually and alurnately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives ihey would use tiie highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonic northrop t lymans vegetable dis covery ami dyspeptic jure which causes good digestion lo wait an appetite and health on bath 23 wbal to de if troubled with an unhealthy slo healing sore dso mcgrecor parkcs car bolic cente voa will find it invaluable for healing cleansing aud completely re moving your trouble iftbe blood is cat of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy cure from j k mcgar- vins drag store 29 a three cornered weapon the triaogu- lar shape of the triangle dye package added to their undoubted superiority have won the day and driven all others from tbe field 30 colors 10c at j e mcgarrini drag store acton 87 v loalfoitsle rockwood news from our own corrupondait i on tbe evening of the day of the mar riage of hi stephenson senior who uvea between here anf crewsons corners the youth of ibe community manifested their disapproval of the signal event by serenad ing the newlywedded pair the firing of gout and pistols and the ringing at now bells and tin pans was continued nntil mid night j on sunday while on the way to evprton to attend ehorch tbe team attached to a vehicle containing bev james blaoaybev mrpowler and wife and vt hugh black and wife in some way beoame frightened and onmadlgeahle to avoid a rtumway they were swerved into the fenoe which action overturned the rig siveral 01 tttt nkwuhjiliv totqtatlhctt the sndersigned intends keepinc constantly on hand a stock of bard and soft store coal of all kinds which will b delivered to any part of tbe village parties desiripg coal should give him a call 0 s bmtth for the ladies mbs r obeeoh deires to hereby intimate to the ladies of acton and surrounding ocraotry that she will open a fall assortment of ladies an cmmrejsi vrderweaftv about tbe second week in ppril in tbe stop formerly used by urt creech as a bar- neu shop the patron tge of all is kspeotfniiy sociitad mrs b cbkech 3s acres sssaeres fonthill nurseries th lrftit lavbu sealnltm salesmen wanted to begin work at onceon fall sales steady employment at fixed salaries to all willing to work men and women oan bare pleasant work tfce year boand good sgeousre earning from m0tof7 tr month and expense terms and out- tires address stent wrtlloften fmvsvmfowi -wanted- yq let l p of this vicinity know that tho lurgest and bobt selected stock of boots and shoes j 18 mpt at the peekaboo shoe store and also that prices there are far below any other establishment in town jy call and see for yonreelves womens boots from 50 cents a pair upwards mens- boots iroui si 00 a pair upwards h b jvcarhy the watch clock house still ahead with a- new stock which can be sold at prices lower than ever havikg leiseu better kooms for my r e pa i r i n g department i oak ciye you- better satisfaction ililak ever wm s smith 1884 1884 glasgow house nelson hoaz w e respectfully invjte attention to odr im mense stock of spring goods every departmeut replete with all the newest and most fashionable goods our dress goods are the most complete we have yet offered comprising all shades in ottomau6ords nuns cloth cashmeres and spridgbmt- inga really beautiful goods in oar pkint department we show over 400 patterns rangiug trom 5c to 25 per yard in white and grey co tton8 we are giving some very close quotations as we have been enabled to secare some special valaes we have an immense stock ol sbiit- ings cottonaips etc etc at all prices li i guelpfl eolleb flour under the care o au crptrt ihe clen roller mill is humming tbe flour tnadu is second to none lud exai f ju to plctue the moil fa- tidiua- liotijewitv bcmem1r thisift nm nf your balf rojier nulls ba i roller en tire grists exchanged uuhest price tor good wheat joseph williams glesft ilmahfi ont new co store in acton roller flour ceorcetown mill8 hiving spared 110 expense in repairing my mill and bating put in the latest and most improved mnclrioery 1 am now prepared to turn oat a ko i roller flour equal to uoy made infrcaujida we chop every day give as a irial we guarantee satiaiaction j t rose georgetown c c speight pahties debibing their buggies waggons gutters etc kepalntsdjor nrarnislied and mad equal to new oa bortast possibu notloe and at low- eft prioaf sboold leave tbeir ordtrtat once with mr i a speight uudsrtaker and carriage builder br with o o bfbiqht mi marshall edmondson 1 ave now on band a full itook -of- grooeries orookery glasarware wall paper provisions o in the store neat to tbe post office we have bought onr goods for cash and consequently secured good bargains aria intend to give those favoring ui with thfir patronage the benefit of millinery idezpaetimiidint saturday 5th april will be our openinc day this department is ander the supervision of miss tilany a first claas milliner as we have a magnificent stok of millinery goods we feel satisfied that we can tarnish firstclass millinery at as reason able prices as any house in the trade bememberonr opening day t ordered clothing n tn3 de u as usual first class parties reqmrinjrj perfect fitting well made and cheap 6uits fhonldgive nsacall we have a splendid line of geuts furnishings eats and caps c all astew goods a gofl and cheap goods for cash or trade au kinds of produce taken in exchange hoping to secure a fair share of the trade of acton and ricinity yours c- marshall edmondson free pbess mhe rower printing house eaeostes job work of all descriptions la a very satisfactory manner at moderate rates with de spatch in he time promised bc81ses8 cibculam letter heaps bill he1ds letter clscxtlajts note cibcclaes bdsnt ess cards visiwho cards pamphlets havdbills postebs etc etc peruoolar attention gtren to fine wobk and extra care bestowed titos view to seenrinf orders from tlie eosntrr attsnded to wi de spatch aad work forwarded inurtediatsljr by mall trjtbafiopjtusotjomoetorprtntinj hpj60rb boots and shoes we are shown this season the most complete and attractive stock we have ever shown in ladies gents ans children tear special value groceries wo are giving special values in 50 cent tna i a sffffatsr f iaf assrat thanking our numerous friends and customers for their generous support we respectfully solicit continuance of tour esteemed favors j tand we feel confident that we oan give you better value for your muney thaniny other house in the trade our motto small profm and quick returns yours respectfull nelson mcrae ii i ff remember bur famous aon april liv 1884 wgent 1 h-

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