Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1884, p. 3

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mm anmmmiwta mmmtmwmmm railway time tablb orahd trunk rahwa otciixast ooim whit uitm rcxpr rwimattt 4 it aav j0 u 1000 throuh kxso un special umd rpecii 4 un bxprats uo un spatial v tjriun nire or cloanra muls ooiag wort- sli am ioinc efeslu5 ajnafid mo pjn kntiljh uuul closes at us w oa thursday bo byns tho leading more in actoo or school books bible albums envelopes koto paper in ink pw book tot dolls parw vases pocket knives rators combs uair brushes nail ud tooth brushes wedding and birthday presents berlin wool bephrr wools all shades cruets table spoonsj tebpoon batter knifes tablettnives and forks watches clocks jewellery and spectacles a lane flock call in goo hyoov jewellery aery goods store actont6nt m h graham ld8 sf rgkok la xvextistbaaxrton0kt tvitl visit professionally acton on mon day oi each week rooms agnews hotel all work guaranteed to give satisfaction citintgmgress tiirasrit moaxtvo aran jo isst bits of brevity eat sad slherwlte prepare oj ke c sf lase pea aa4 ieiar tar reader af tfce free fre tinr uj yom rubbish acr cards this week tomorrows good friday ecs win go down this week rthc seels are petting dry again xtxt scnday is easter eggsactly the weather has been more congenial dsrig the past week eueoae a taste or music vocal and instmrrtktahjin the home hard ic beat a carpet bal the wo- meu siy its got to lie done the imolic schools close tonight and rtoper next tnesday morning j the prospects for a cricket dab here this season are at present very slim gaeiph central exhibition will be held ths week after the provincial exhibition ho cross boas will be the predominat- rt diet for breakfast tomorrow morning numerous holes in the sidewalks are noticeable sew that the snow has vanish ed r- an eclipse of the moon took place this morning at 230 oclock it was visible hsre- the fc k w ry watertank engine house at georgetown has been destroyed bynre georgetown brass band discourses sweet inasic in pablic places on saturday eveninr- 3ir vtm- watson and family of xaa- sagaweya left on monday for carlyle x w territory bei hr lamb of mcllaster hall toronto preached in the baptist chapel last sunday at 11 oclock most of the farmers in this vicinity who have any maple trees are engaged in mannfactnrins syrup and sugar tbe waherton tclacopc published by dion c sullivan ll3- has suspended publication owing to financial troubles his lordship the bishop of xiagara has licensed mr w e bradley of milton formerly of this village as a lay reader for the first time easter monday wili tins year be observed as a legal holiday and the banks will consequently be dosed guelph council is in communication with manager van horne to endeavor to get connection with the credit valley rail way fresh hot x buns for breakfast fri day morning leave youx orders at the excelsior bakery today e xicklin i son the masons have commenced opera tions on messrs- w h storey sons new shop quite a gang of workmen are en gaged the amount of charity arid courtesy manifested by the georploiat hmld to ward its contemporaries iia certainly meagre owing to the want of a quorum there was no council meeting tattueaday even ing a meeting will be held next tnesday evening- limbs of cherry and plum trees aneet- ed with black knot should be carefnlly cut off andbamed the uw requires thtthii be done services will be held in st albanf church tomorrowat 10joamand7jop st holy commarjien on sunday morning ti half past ten j are your cellars free from decaying vegetables are you aura there is no of fensive odor arising from any other cause o ffensive odors are dangerous david son of john webb of eden mills was cutting saplings in the bash the other day when one of the saplings struck him in the eye destroying the sight to the pertinent criticism that one of the cm portraits of the bribers was not a suceesa the owbt tetorto that it is hard todepict a red now in black ink messrs e kicklin 4 son bakprs de serve credit for the exoeltont sample of bread they are now supplying to their customers it is certainly very satisfac tory 4an ottawa merchant on retiring from bonnesa thoa acknowledges the value of adwrtisingjtxtothe pre of ottawa ius4 say that their hejpwias invaluable aid for every dollar spent in informing the jmbue ofti new jin of good brought forward or tbe change lonrieibeont ukmrfold to the advertiser many acton mettfaaots eta bbsx shnflat ttlia9y the arangiton timt has en tared upon iu 80th year ot publication the kurt uods ita g t11 aud is as hearty and vigorous as would be expected from one in the prime life mr james a selwood who has been engaged in manufacturing brick far the new shop of tho canada glove works daring the peat year or so has removed to hen- fryn where he has secured a good brick yard the millinery opemugs wore largely patronized by admiring ladies on saturday many were the expressions of praise be stowed upon the milliucrs for the beauty exhibited in the various styles o hats and bonnets shown v moffat ornameutal painter has secured the contract for painting a drop curtain for tho stage of the acton town hall he will no doubt make a good job the curtain in the guolph city hall gives evidence of his handiwork jftrcary mr alex johnston cf glenwilliams has leased the hotel formerly kept by mr mckenxie hillsburg tho scott act is getting tee warm down in ualtoo erin advocate yes its getting too warm alto gether for those who violate the act its a good sign too theacme and etna lacrosse dubs of georgetown have been organized with the following officers acme president chas clarke vicepresident john gane cap tain j hearne- sectrees david pirrite tna presideut wm mclood vice- president geo reid captain geo wat- sou sectreas godfrey thomas messrs speight a- son of this village lately refitted their saw mill aud it is now turning out hardwood lumber of a superior qualily the messrs- speight are paying special attention to the manufacture of maph sloucboau these mot necessary farm implements are sawed with an up right saw and re coosequently much bet ter than those cut with a circular saw farmers saould leave their orders with tic above tirm vi ince village varieties a tvueciua r lcl csri aid ker malr of plal iatctr t r villacv kra4fr- pflrsonal fr jiuiie t hanjl sah francisco cuisitedhis brother ifr g hivill of this village last vcek mr hiiil is a nerspapci- mtva and of coarse didnt go pit the fkle ves offici withoat cillii real kslte sale tlie three lots ko- 51 2 and 53 ou hill strtvt tloanfitt sarvoy in this ulliire will le sol1 br tm hemstr at public auction next saturday afternooii at five ocljck tlitr are nrstclas buijdicg lota aud should command a ready saje- school enmlnatloi- tho quarterly eiaminttioni a the pub lic schools rommeacod yesterday in the nior department the eiaminations will be continued iu hss grauti deirtment thi forenoon and in stifs mortons this afternoon the ijorents of the pnpils and the public generally are cordially invited to j be preut educational meeting- rev p s xellce dd trwidcnt of vicwria college cobocrt tiddrefised a congregation in the methodist charch last itonday eienin he explained the wort of the college in the edacation of young men for the ministry and referred in a very interesting manner to higher educa tion in connection ritli the prcachiiiji of the goertel scott act trials in the scott act trials last week r s henderson of oakviue was lined on two charges 5100 and coats in each case john doherty of the same place was also fined 100 and costs in the case of g e mor row druggist georgetown the magistrate has fined him 50 and costs for first offence it is said that r fi henderson of oakviue has absconded sudden death a very melancholy affair occurred in georgetown on tnesday afternoon in the sadden and unexpected death of mr jaa robertson of esqnesing mrs- robertson was engaged in making purchase- in the store of mr hugh mckay wlieu ehe sud denly became insensible and fell to the floor expiring in a few minutes cause of death unknown high school entrance exaniinatf ons the next examination for the admission of pupils to the oakville high school will be held dvj on thursday and friday the 2filh and 27th days of june beginning at 9 am of each day candidates should notify the head master nj well wood esq oakrille po not later than the 22nd day of may of their intention to pre sent themselves for examination cleaiing auction sale an unreserved sale of organs piano sew ing machines horses ac ac will be held at tbe premises of mr r craine main street actoo on saturday afternoon next at one oclock sharp a new piano and a urge number of new organs and sewing jnmfojnftg are offered and bargains in these articles will no doubt be received for fortber particnlars aee posters wm hem- fftreet auctioneer batton spring show tbe annual spring abow of entire horses will be held kuqton on tuesday 18th april when prizes will be awarded as fol lows draughts first prize 120 2nd 10 percheron 1st 20 2nd 10 tboroogh- breds 1st 120 2nd 0 boadsters 1st 810 2nd 5 carriage 1st 10 2nd 16 agricul tural 1st 10 2nd 95 entdes to be made before lliwn judges to commence in- spection at 1 oclock show open to the province anothtr feuufeotory i the majority of oar cititoni kro preb ably not aware that we have hi oar miuit k proprietary medicine manufacturing m- ubltihment of oontiderablo compaas but fi they noticed the dally ulpmonu of the caacara bitters co tome idea of the ex tent of the basinen tranaaoted would be wrivod t the firm of whlob mr j e mcoarvin oar cuter prising druggist is tho manager is specially engaged in the man ufacture of caaeara bitten caacara pills and demerara bitten for which remedies a large demand has already been created throughout the dominion stage curtain conoert a ttrong committee has been appointed to prepare ft conoert for the- purpose of raising fundi for the purchase of suitable scenic drop curtain for the stage of the town hall the mem ben of the commit tee are patting forth every effort to present a4intclas programme to tbe public on this occasion and they are meeting with most satisfactory nuccess tho concert will be held on thursday evening next 17th im the following excellent talent has been secured and the committee is in com mauicatiau with others prof brock a moat favorably and widely kuowij musician toronto miss c williams glenwilliams mjrii goodenow georgetown misses swan cameron and campbell hill bros and the memiers of tho aclon glee club in choruses and solos this entertainment promises to be one of unusual interest and merit and as the object is one so worthy we trust our citimus will turnout m utaw as by go doing they will at the same litre enjoy an lxceuent coucert and assist in providingthe town hall with a muchneed ed improvement the county of peels duty j in a most iutervsting and logical letter j to the rriiihjiion raniurr mr j c kucll the extensive and wellknown stock breeder i and deakr of edmoulon urges upon the people of peel the necessity of commencing operation at once for the early submission of the scju act to the electors of that cooaly a paragraph of this letter reads a follows i think we owe it as a duty to oar ueighbors in hal ton who are mak ing a brave struggle for liberty that we should remove what has been one of their greatest difficulties in enforcing the law the grogeries we have licensed to operate on their borders having tpenl two days last week iu halfju 1 was delighted to hear prominent business men who are not abstainer and who voted against the act frecy admit that it waj good for that county snd woald be good for the whole country and that they dn not believe there is any fear of it being repealed in halton ktemal yurilaqce w the price of liberty audio tho friends of temperance and hu manity in peel i commend tbe motto work wttch and pray till this foul blot upon our j civilization and christianity is removed lu seeds seeds i all kinds of garden and flower seeds by tbo package or in bulk cheap at j e mccarvins pru ft butloaiir stom acton i tilralp mangold millethonirariao rapt etc etc elo good fresh reliable at loweit market prices ism f city grocery roau tvoslb twoslt tve 2lo troslb tvomb timtoautouforsoc tlai ijpiei for 30o tins ottta pin or 38o tiai siui for 40o tlai oora or 38o tiai biiibmb or 25e tlu tun for 4sc tvo 2lb tlai fitoati for me ont 3lo tim fu soaiy for mo oae 1lb tia oosti for mo oao 20lb box btiilai fw tlio oat mb dli t for ii oao mb otdlu ouapoirdor tm ii u itamer edsd at eden mills william mcfarlane a fanner living dn the 2nd conoesaibn of ezamosa township near eden hills was so severely injured af a strawcutting bee last wedneeday that be died next morning it appeajrs they were running the strawcotter by horsepower the horses taking bight the driver lost control of them the result being that the txawcotter was driven it such a velocity that the fly wheel burst striking hr mao- silane on the bead and fracturing his skoll he leaves a wife and ave mull children editors table canada illustrated part 27 and 28 of p kriurwfue canada have been delivered to actou subscriber part 27 is devoted to central ontario and contiuns many excellent view part 28 is devoted to eastern ontario and the views- shown are well executed and in our opinion representative of the scenes the publish ers of thi excellent work are riot only maintaining the good quality and artistic beanty of the first numbers bat some of tbe views contained in recent nanfbers isaed are superior to any shown in the earlier parts we take pleasure in con gratulating the art publishing co upon the high character of thin beautiful work pat frodpens poems and pen pictures pat prodpen the perambulating poet and writer o biographies both eologislic atid sarcastic visited tbe sanctum of the faez pbs on monday pat is quite an author and has pobliabed a number of volumes which contain accounts of bis trajvels and descriptions of the variouweharaoters some ctrunent and some obscure with wkonf be has come in contact all you re quire to get into pats good graoea is to be come a purchaser of his amusing little books the more you ipurchase the more hell think of you taken altogether fats not a bad fellow at all he will no doubt receive a better reception in acton when he becomes better acquainted with our citi zens canadian constitutional law mr j travis ll3 of st john nb will shortly add tb canadian law literature a new law book in which be will treat specially the difficult matters connected with the canadian constitntional law questions uow in considerable confusion the past career of mr travis in his con nection with the new brunswick bar and his published opinions upon the several constitutional questions which have come before the privy council for final settle ment during tbe past few years go to show that his analytical mind is eminently adapted to prepare an interesting and in structive work upon the subject the work will contain about 200 pages and will be sold by subscription the mercurys new 8ult the gtufph utrturf is now printed from a bran new dress of type everything from the heading down has been renewed tho change is in every way attractive aud becoming we congratulate the mer cury upon the taste exercized in the selec tion of its new material the mercury certainly deserves and wo believe receives generous support for its continued advance ment sdelph is a growing city and tbe management of the mercury has at all times exhibited a desire and determination to keep pace with the growth of the city which their journal represents until it now occupies a position considerably higher than that generally attained by the jour nals published in the smaller cities the mercury has our best wishes for future prosperity everything else in my line accordingly quality and price8 defy competition w hi howell corsm mill ul kia stwoti aetoa sgtoiposite iialtqv dnv goods holse john t ellis general agent aotoa ontario representing the following firms ontario pump co toronto sarnia agricultural implement co waterous engine works cp brantford wellington aearue works quelpl auy information respecting the articles manufactured by any of tho above will be cheerfully given upon application samples on hand jqhnt ilus a roar from guelph darinjtthe first half of april the lion allowb a straight cash discount of is per cent on ail purchase of carpets oil cloths door hats and hearth bogs and the very large flisot nnt of 25 per oent on the choice of 500 lice curtains headers of the fan pea i wanting any oi these goods will find it profitable to take run to guelph and fee the vi4j d wieijiam tii dominion boot shoe store kenney bros main st actqast are daily receiving their new stock of spring goods which comprises a large and varied assormeut of styles from the best manufacturers of the duminion and at the most reaaouable prices everybody suited both as to quality and price ordered work in this departmeut we are prepared to manufacture all lines and can guarantee satisfaction every time repairing promptly and eatly executed kekftfcy bk6b new harness establishment mlie undersigned begs to orniit that he baa purchased the business of mr u creech leased the sitc of mr p roller and is now prepared ti receive orders for iiight ecea75t sarjstess of snperior hake collars whips trun valises c haviog bad considerable experience in the basinets i feel confident that i can guar antee satisfaction to all repaibikg promptly and ently executed- a call solicited h j morton the best place to buy groceries provisions glassware china and crockery ib at w p brown gos look atonr beantlfnl china tea setts new goods just arrived subsoribe f or the tffilgghif s- our millinery opening saturday 6th of april and followinu week inspection invited newest parisian english and american millinery goods- in the market cheaper than the cheapest under the supervision of mi 88 mccarty who ha8 rad large experience throughout the united states and canada we are prepared to turn out work equal to any in the dominion satisfaction guaranteed f can undersell any one in plumes halton dry goods house c b griffin mes e tbi passs cheap cash millinery store jflr all goods selling at a qreatrednctionj dresm amd halttlt making done in all iu branches jackets cat aad ltted felt beaver and straw hat8 made or- in tbe newest styles 8ee our lovely 8aratoga waves for 100 good switches from 75 cents upwards combings made up hks e h pass st georges ssjaare gaelph spring opening piles of new goods arriving daily at the mahmtsf uotse georgetown star 2ms sorts vnrsuki tftwoufcotm i hiwdmstrisuniajs tfrt01oiubt ifrrkullasry vrrtmtasrt hfvflmrt vv siooes tsw sxuilwuu krv hosiory kit tkores ktvoettesa vrv shrttnjrs itsv ciashjuas jtiwpiints vnrtvmdi ktwsvlttagiofillklaat krrsits x ktv stats ronlulati utawoussti tftwsmtr au olettt- is hit sorts aabaom we beg to remind our patrons and friends that we have large siocks in all departments that in consequence of the depression in the cotton markets we lave extraordinary bargains our ordered clothing department is in the best poesible shape to ttirn out the bst and cheapest garments in the cotmtrj oar millinery and dress making depitaents ncder effiojent and judicious ruaubeement and amf reparedtotarn out alt orders entrttomintebet8tyle tour patronage ipespjeetfuirybolidted call on us wi bnit yon sadyu wittweinwet f ito vvi i x m m sassss mmmsss i if flrwt si safesr mi

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