Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1884, p. 4

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3 mton4frer8 tncasaait moastso hit i 1884 thf orux vxd wife sow tiliuk it calmly over john then- let your ooaseicncc say if it was reaii to speak to mc as tfoothave done today wboolwas it thalio had to wail for any meal before jvhoa was it that 1 met you john witt cross words at the door i caunos take it kindly john to be called a thriftleea shirk when with unflagging steps all day ii y feet have aliased my work dont think im heedless of your wants 1 see vour looks of care and sadly mark the silver threads fast coniiog in yoar hair ive soisst to smooth your path dear john throajih all onr married life and tried to be every way a gentle helping wife not evento a hireling john who had wrought as faithfully youd speak each harsh ungrateful words a you have used to me perhaps twas as yon say john a hastv thoughtless speech bat words that stab a loving heart have little way to reach no john i do not make too much of such a little thing the wound a husband gives like this eer leaves a cruel sting english church changes at litchfield england the diooesan con ference of the frnplish church recently ap- pointed a committee to report upon the salvation armyr- the causes of their suc cess and if any ox their methods could be properly introduced into the church the committee recommended 1 greater liberty in holding meetings suited to various classes of people 2 the use of hymns and tones of a more popular kind s afore services out of doors and in mis- slon or other hired rooms 4 the use of godly laymen whose hearts god has touched to speak at the meetings 5 collections at the meetings 6 the use of godly women to hold wo- mens meetings 7 the organization of all the lay helpers under superior officers the above are all the leading and dis tinguishing methods of thesslvatioa army altskamaavavml are you troubled with salt rheum bough skin pimplasor casket sores i if so to at once to j e mooervins drug store and gel a package of gelvette oarboiio oerate price twentyfive ceata if was novel known to fail 47 theasaaea ray mr t tv atkins j girard km writes i uovcr hesitate to recommend your eloo- i trie bitters lo my customers they give j entire sauilaclioa and are rapid sellers electric bitters are the purest and but ihedlcioe known and will positively owe kidney and liver ootnplsinu purify the blood and regulate the bowels no family can afford to he without them they will sayc hundreds of dollars in doctors bills every year sold si fifty cents a iwttlc by j e ucgarylu i laid ltfktauc there are bat few thai have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache keuralgis or like acute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is in untold blessing in time of trouble xe disgusting offensive medicines te be taken for days one implication of fluid llghl- uiog cures sold at j e xicqarvini drag store 28 like all sterling remedies northrop t lymans vegetable discovery and cyspep- tic cure dtserres a trial tl mould be absurd to suppose that this or any other medicine of kindred nature could produce instantaneous effects for the thorough removal of chronic dyspepsia constipation liver complaint and other ailments to which it is adopted its use should be con tinued some time even after the chief sym- ptoms arc relieved that it then effects complete euros is a fsct established by ample and respectable evidence ertt prttei dollar upon dollar it frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure you arc not asked to parchase it until its merits sre proven call at j e megarvina drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and i bottles see testimon ials from persons in your own town 39 goods selling at the right house for while lu karone last winter mr wm t wstkius took so extra long lime to liu the inr besfcraluas that eonm b bought forjoeeh down and amosf j extra ohean bargains besnoeoeded in tatting was a portion of very nceilv inanufeeiurua stock which evorohaaed at st pereent leavthan toe rentier prtoee basis one- third ofttha net iovolee prices and those goodsvlth several other lots that lis succeeded in talpiia irt great radnctinos fro th m prloware nw nffsrtiwat uaa aav wholesale houie in canada would sell tlie ana anode for jnst rend the prices an nail si d see tpvgonds and jos will tr astorjsbad eslbeir ejwmmees i naelltlos bsasty of rtesifn and ohsrmlng oolort a lew lot of handsome parasols at about hi if ihalr jsetoal value in a great variety of prices atxkjt 7w pairs of cent lace curtains at all prior from 80o up to very rich 8wlu new designs at 16 plies of t sealw lace curtains are selllngtat one third leas than the kj eennoo yunama p jr 0 rij style of dress goods salung for sbc which would be eisap at jo- pur belter and lariter towels which would be ohasp at iso are offering at only loc better asm as t rire linen towellings at imly 5c just fee ralne a isrgetot of itilibons going at less than half tliolr actual value linen vowels closely woven and good etaee going at only tc worth 8c lsjc which are good value for lto the 15c towels jrs well wurili 30c on each dollar of original- cost i uels nf extrt g h value in all prictv op ut 715c 4w i wt l 7a ka tmr wmr jf iww n o- a them at all prioes they esu revising good value the table dma-k- and tali napkins jnglit direct mm the lrmi makera for cash are mlranrdjpary apoo vain good heaty table damask worth s7jc selling for 80o just iuinfine the ao 62 snd 7c am on up lo fi for very tine wide bleached table damask the table napwi are very handsome new patterns which are sura to please the ladles please exumlue ihem jallwnol french dress goods ntooly ujo black and oolowd iwmii u- wool dross goods si ucl which would be eheap at me an immense assortment of very stylish mskes and newest shades la dress ooodi at extrtordit p snob good qualities the right house king street esst close lo hughsuii street the name i hamilton msy 1 1884 thoma c watkins hamilton ayeffs pills a large proportion of uia diseaks lick eause human suffering result from derangs- dent ot the iteasaohi bowels ant liver- anas oaniurno pliu act direetly ai- taeseoffans assvare tateelallt daalaued i ears ins dlaeaase eaaaad by their deni stent ukludlng ooasatpatloxu xndlgck- uon oysewhta beadadse orscntrrt sad a host of other ailments for all ci which they are a safe sure prompt u pleasant remedy lbs extensive use of tlie piu by eeuaeat phrsldsni in regular ira ike shows aunanakably the estimation i ituoh key are hail by the msdloal prole some very coxioasly worded advertise- meats creep intethe newspapers now and then here for instance axe three amus ing examples of composition- which an fnglith traveller says he read in one- issue of a london paper lost a camera brooch representing venus and adonis whilst walking in sandy mount on sunday last wanted a nurse for an infant between twentyfive ot thirty a member of the church of england t without follow- ers mrs- and miss may have leftoff clothing of every description- an inspec tion is invited corns u4e intolerable pain wolloways corn cure removes the trouble the star dyes are unexcelled for cheap nsss and brilliant fast colors 10 the superforuy of mother graves worm exterminator is shown by rtfi good effects on the children if vou have a faded cloak or mantle make it cew br using a package of the triangle dyes all the popular colors always certain 10c by j e itcgarvin 37 ayers cathartic pais are the best medi- ciae that can be employed to correct irregu- uritim of the stomach and bowels gentle yet thoroogh in their action they cure constipation stimulate the digestive organe and the appetite and cleanse baud up acd strengthen the spstem the most incredulous sre foreed to sdmit that for perfection la colon the triangle dyes haye no equal ask for three corner ed package and 6ee that you get it 10c at j e mcgarvins drugstore 33 the unutamlliiundoiil feeling so often experienced is the result of unporet iahed blood and canceaoent enfeebled tiiaiity ayers sarsapariqa feeds and en- riches the blood increases the appetite and promotes dgelion of the food aud the assimilation of its strengthening quali ties the system being thus invigorated the feeling rapidly changes to grateful senses of strength and energy the navy blue seal brown olive green and other rich dark colon of the triangle dtcs are as perfect as bright shades they neter disappoint the user 10c at j e mcgarvins drug store 33 a wme awake rauxalst mr j e mcgsrrin la always wide awake in his business and spans no pains to secure the best of every srticle in his line he lias secured the agency for the celebrated dr kings new discovery for consumption the only certain cure known for consumption coughs colds hoarse ness asthma hay fever bronchitis or any affection of the throat and lungs sold on positive guarantee vul give yon a trial bottle free begnlar size loo pectoris pectoria pectoris 1 the great remedy forcoughs colds bronchitis sore throat influenza horseness snd all affec tions or the lungs sad throes or chest pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give up until you hare tried pectoria all bruggiste and general storekeepers sell it 23 houoxaft ointment cad p2 counsel for the delicate those to whom seasons dfchangeabletemperaturesare protracted periods of trial should seek the earliest opportunity of removing all obstacles to good health this cooling ointment per- eevejwly rubbed opon the skin is the mar l reliable reoiedv for overcoming all diseases m the throat and cheat qmnaey relaied tonstla core throat swollen glands ordi taryrxatarrh and broaomras usually prev lilioj ni tilsi season may bearrested as on as discovered and ery symptom osnl ihedby rjauowaysaimnbandenecflve treaimeot this oibtnient and pills are high y cornknended- for the faefuty with whh h they ueartroqiir iimoiai theyjallar in ao incanlioly short time the rfetwatafewdgeoiijih cerms t ceras tender corns painful corns soft corns bleeding corns hard corns corns of all kinds and of all sizes are alike removed in a few days by the use of putnams painless corn extractor neter fails to eure never causes pain- never leaves deep spots that are more annoying than ihe original dis comfort give putnams painlesr corn extractor a trial beware of substitutes sold by druggists everywhere- u c polsox co kingston proprietors are you troubled with salt ulteutu rough hands or old sores of any kind that cannot be hcakd even though it be of years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will cure it bevoud the shadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever known boils festerings frost bites bums or anv skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e mc- garvin dmggisti 33 if a few grainsof common sense couldbe infused into the thick noddies of thoe who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited and heal thiol laxative and touio northrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspepticcure which causes good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 23 best anal ctaefa rt lie setierlaa browns household panacea baa no oqnai for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sare throat rheomatsin toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderfal browns household pan- scea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other -elixir- or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for se when wanted as it really is the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach snd pains snd acbes of all kinds and is for sale br all druggists st 25 cents a bottle wsuucw s if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore use mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate ton will find it invariable for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trouble ifiihe blood ii cut of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy cure from s e mcgar- tins drug store 28 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it has affect ed ucqrtgori spady cure leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it bss been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaint for which it has been compounded snd its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be fonnd not only a relief but an obibluie cart for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgaiyms drug store 38 advice ts hatters are you disturbed st night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of catting teeth t if so send at once and get a bottle of afn rvln- doate sobuung syrup for children teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it motben there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces in flammation and giro tone and energy to the whole system atrs wintumfi sooching suripftr children tteing in pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female nurses and phy jteiani in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world priced centa bottle u those pills are oosuponadad of vegetal tahttanees only and are absolutely free 1 ealooel or any oilier injurious ingredient a 8aoenr from rtaedartia writes anas pills un invaluable tomen i an my constant companion i nave becu a severe sufferer from headache and vour fills are the only tuna 1 could lock to for nllet one dose will oulekly more u bowels snd res my head from pain luy ara the moat affeeuva end the easiest rdiytle i have aver found- ltisa pleasure to me to speak in their praise and 1 always do w when occasion offers w l paaa of w l page at bro rranklln sl bkhmotdva june 8 18fct i have used arams pills in nuaser- toss instances ss recommended by yon and have never known them to tall to eeeompliau ths deslrad result we constantly keep ikem on hand at oar home and rise them as a pleasant safe and reliable tamily fou dispkpsia they an invalua j t alexia texas june 17 usx the bar faaxcss b haalowi from atlanta col saji for m past i have bean subject to eon tram which la spite ot the saw elnes of various kinds i suffered i i invaluable jtiutls alexia texas june 17 ms the rev faaxcxs b hablowi writine from atlanta col says for some yean i have bean subject to constipation inereastae inconvenience until tome months ago 1 bean taking avxas fills tlier hate easrely eorraeted the costive habit and bars rutly improved my gesiexal health anas caraumc pnxs eareet imgu larltfes of the bowels stunulste the appe als and digestion snd by their prompt snd thoronxlt action pn tone aad vigor to the whole physical economy rnnraazo st drjcaybrcouweumil sold by all drnxzistt speight son acton jndertakers carriage makers c are propared t famish everything in their line from the be8t ca8ket to the plainest coffin ou the shortest ifotiee and at lowest terms satig- an experience the wonderful beneficial effects of rouufi old wd m100u- hueo ears or biyscnamousct rph- oltte taint assy so raaoe healthy acd ctrong y its see ohbyalirinirit rtcttlest k ayers sareaparilla chlldran with 8ora eyes sen 1all callscitler uightor day promptly attended to action guaranteed in every case r a firstclass hearse for hire a3vve arc in a potirion lo aatlifactoriiy fill orders for waggons carriages tc of every description in reasonable time good workmanship ood finvclass msterislslways used webave suo a fplendid lot or fnniitare both common and extra quality cheap arlf you will pay u ca8h we will sell you anything in onr line cheap il a speioht manacar co to the old reliable clothing 8tore for your spring glothing eollbbj flour j uadcr the cure of an expert the clen roller mill is humming the flour made is second to none and cant fail to please the most fak- tidiou housewife remember this is none of your halt roller mills got is roller en tire grists exchsoged hiehest price for good wheat joseph williams glewvilliams ost you will find a still increased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the coming season at prices saitable to the hard times do not fail to see my 811 1s and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing store j fyfe roller flour l ceorcetown mill3 hiving spared no erpeose in repairing my millahd baving pat io the ialct md moii impxitod rnxcliiflerj i am now prepared lo tan oat k ko i roller flonr equal to any made in caaidia we chop erery day gire oa lrial we guarantee utiafaction j t rose oaorgatown rsdles- h 4 ft an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for presents j photographs the latest style taken by the new process no long sittings bring yoar pictures of deceased friends sad have them edu enlarged in first class style- c whill acton 4 03 fa 1vees for the ladies mes r creech desires to hereby intimate to the ladies of acton aad surrounding country ihst she will open a fall sssortment of ladies and childrens cirtferwear about the second week in april in the shop formerly used by mr creech as a har ness shop the patronage of all is respectf oily sociited mes h cbeech rphe fbee pees8 power printine house exsentes job w0bk of all deserlpttons la a vary itttffactory msnner at moderate rates vlth de spatch in the time promised bc8ises8 ciacclaes letter heads bill heads letter cibculars kote cibculabs bc8ihes3 cakd8 tisitiso caeds l pamphlets bastjbills postebs etc etc particnlar attentlas given to fxne wobk and extra care bestowedsrith a vieir to seeariag orders from the country attended to with de spatch and work lonrsrafd immediately by mail orelptaaa ry the faaa paass jol hvb forprintlna chicago rock island a pacific ry br rsaseon ot its jnrtraled eo- the teat northeast ana are an of the prlnolpal una being the oreat central una affiarda to araphloal pberaon the shorteet and beet aotitheaatakkl the vest morthweat and it la uterany and airletty rrusv that its ooni of road between the jwanuo and the poflo y ita main line and bnsnohea it reaohee objoaso 4afla la salle oeneeeo mollne and koek iaismd in iidooki davenport muecavtlne waahlngton keokuk knonule owalabea alrfteldaea holnee west uberty iowa otty attsmtjo avoosy audubon hartaa o oia oounon klufle in iowa oanatln trenton oameren and kanaaa otty js- leee nit and leaven worth andatohlson in kanaaa and the hundrede of otuae elltaaea aad towna in the i great rock island route ae re la fawiunutr catted offera to trsnref inomant to a smooth traoa aafe brldsjee uhton- stt a eossneo pomta wku fast bqmwwtralna nonnoaert ot oomi hsuttsxtonv uaouttesntoand i war suoisimotarr hotttotr atotisniio lateet deenand handaomnet ralaoi tfnst wv ttfknowfedssd by preae road in thk ooorrhy and m amjeh aupertor thelowrsmbyasvnrrynvioaitabsorl tmstu tttains each way b ohioaqo l twotiia4lteaohwartwsmwsluwti vtatheramoue albert lea route a hew and pirept line vasaeneesi a st between t mtwnwontfiioraopnattij and smansiwma msmi wnnnastposeahdl acjt6 aucll i wtbepresidenuoftheu8 the largest handsomest beet boolteter sold for less than twice oar prioo the faeteat sellion fibok in america immense profile to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a suooessfnl agent- terms free haiirrrbooi co portland maine the bennett churn tlii ktnratt artiou la tislorlmtl ohvlac kid i tllmsm lattttd ofkatnpimmnttuk ramshawsohactoi have secured the sole control of the eale of the famoss bennett chora this cburn is maaafaetnred apoo ike most practical and commonsense principle ex tant and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased amember at the above firm ill call upon yoa with a sample chora bajcsbav ft sov acton jan is 84 carnage painting c c 8peicht oibties deqiblng thetp buggess waggons cutters etc repainted or revamisbed and made equal to uew oo shortest possible notice and at low est price should leave tbeir orders at once with mr a speioht undertaker and carriage builder or with o o sfhioht aeton march 80th us4 hoilovvay o itbik mcoiiibabiutibdmss kuittmtdormfa hnttdame am ikrongknton obrefaffoa and eartqfmotdittamiloifluehhtnianiuhdr- pnrift ratrolate aad improyejtfc qaality of tkauioed toeyasaletbwdlgeatitemast cleanse the ftmialph al bow1sl8 increase the secretory powers of the lirer brace tae nervous system and throw into the cireajatkra the pare t klemenle for saitaieing snd ipaizingthe f line tbooaandeof persons aavo testified w bj theii use alone tbey have been reetoreo to heallh snd strength f ter every other asieaiie ad prord e ww will befoond invaluable in eyery hooaehold in the cure of open sores hard tomors lualrfsoldtaabafloiieis l colds bore throats bronflhitia and all disorders of the throat and chest as also goat bheumstinn scrofula and every kind of skin disease manufactured oaly at professor bello- rsys eetabushrarnt 533 oxtokd jteeet london and sold at la ljd 2a 9d 4a 6d- 22s and s3a each box and pot and in canada at 36 cents ml cents aad lf0 and the larger sizes in proportion aacaono i bare no agent in the united states nor are my medicineesold there pnrchaaers should therefore look td the label on the pots and boies if the address is not 533 oxford 8 treet london they are spurious the trade liark of my said medicinea is regiatrered at ottawa aad also at wash ington- signed thomas hollo way s33 oxford street london cds week at home tooooutfitfroe fay ooabaolntelysare no risk ospitalnot required header if yoa want bnainesa at which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute oertainty write for particu lars to h ftirtrn 4 co portland maine butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the people of acton aad vicinity that he baa purchased the business and property of mr wc robinson and ie prepared to aupply sll witb firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in seatou meat delivered to any part of town at any time having practical experience in the batcheriug business i feel confident thst i can mil all a call kindly solicited s h0lme8 hills stove depot good a890etm bnt on 8tovk8 oheafc for- 3a8h tinware 6f all ktndsat bpttom prices ea8tnwwfl a vsnsritprliietmtkttaovatweta at i ir82ii anakptjt up on 8h0btb8t notice llxlritolajffimatbbue onl roaitr wsrrili tksir f ctartii noivc send auoenu for poat- ff rtssataeaod receive free a ooatly bo of goods which will help yoa to more money right away than anything else in this world all of either sex 40joeeed from first hour the broad road to toetnne opens before the workers absolutely aare at onoe address tacx 4 x angaata feswbs0r ebet of asor aaswr nr bet of aims saarbaltr iwisslieil frwnanosl epijliwlsiai jssd jbr hew catalogs jc hough afinttiting apbsttt bovattos detrok well tkelawasls farmrl far sale fraastlsu ta per acre j ohudbicksamsaats assnt rt pelawwre theeefarmaare improved with bnildingb fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads schools and ohurchea good markets j only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of fish oysters and game very productive land climate mild and pleaaant come and see for yourself and be convinced i am prepared witb team and carriage to take visitors to see the farms free of charge tj d haxaaicxa houston delaware v s2 acres 85 atres fonthill nurseries th laitttvlatiu bdnlnion saje8men wanted to begin work at onee on fall sales steady empldyment at fixed salaries to all willing to work men and women can have pleasant work the tear kanaa good agents are earning from 40 to 175 per mouth and expenses terms and oat- fit free address stent vsluajtoft toronto oat am for the working claaa send 10 uuliicents for postage and we will mail you free a royal valuable box ot sample goods that will potgron in theway of making more money in a few days than yoa ever thought poseible at any bnsineaa capital not required we will start ion yoa can work all the tone brin yoar spare time only the work isuniverbally adapt ed to both sexea young and old yon oast easily earn from 50 cents to ii every even- ing that all who want work may teat the bnatneaa wemake thia unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we wfll send vi to pay tor the trouble of writing ua r partieilars directiona eto eentlree fcainjieawm rrnide by those who give their whole time to the ork oreat sno- oeeeabeolutely sure donhdelay 8tartnow xddrees brricsos 4 c portland main 1 1 u ill maislwoq wxotif how kesxke websvereeeetljrpiiblrahedaaew jedlllai or str ratrerwelra cele krated etaay oi kh rauiealksv aaaftimtaammedehtcloponhj3 ortwoooatage stamps tvta aaanedteea saaylsa uo daneroos nre rt laltenral thenaeoltuekwlfejnalauiitioat sjnreatone- a j i u m

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