Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1884, p. 3

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3hwa ttttb table 1 h j f i l oaakd tstnht kuti ju t the acton ffutt depot todayt iis dttes apite c t aruscnrs wt choice house punts cieak ffpihm pairing any special plants or holland bulbs leu supply at reasonable rates give me a call aematthews at geo hyads 4cta fusing tackle rod books a good assortment at geo hynds acton robber balls base bafls childrens express waggons tot dolls etc- geo ilyllds the tgaiting store in acton for school book envelope note papeirteos ink ac cali dv rp h grj x de i fl graham 11ds- stjbgeok dektjst baucmx ost will visit professionally acton on mou- dar of each veck room agnesr s hotel ah work guaranteed to give aatisf action lan survevok j davis provincial land surveyor civif eapscer a- dnochtsman j q0elfh ontario stqrilers by mail- or telegraph promptly attended to- ttoriru brtss i taxasnai iloiioic jtit is 1881 bits of brevity r lk pea al idmn fr kitten f ihc ftw rmi council meeting next tuesday cven- three trmps lodged in the corporation bordio hooae on tuesday night veaettoa nox shows everorbere the good effects of the four diys nia at last week tfce hay teasicd g the division coart ws held here yesterday jadge miller pre- gid the leader for building sidevaiks will be opened next taesdayerening at coun cil meeting pgaelph street between kill street and bower 3 venae has been properly tornpiked and graded the roaghsstill continue to disturb the salratica meetings are oar police afraid to molest them ldaircitft ttdtpatdau the work on the new factory of the canada glove works is progressing the bock wprk of the first two stories is almost completed the oorporaiion street cleaners are hard at w on our thoroughfares and anton is in conseqaence assuming a more attractive appearance we hare now on hand the prettiest and latest designs of wedding cards and tnvi- tfonw aliwho intend marrying should call and examine them a urge and successful soott act meet ing wu hm last week at brampton kes- oltrtioos to submit the act in feel and- to organize for the contest were unanimously carried- shfilbarne was the victim of a 25000 conflagration last- week boys with fire crackers caused it our little town is safe in this respect as nzecrackers are profi hifrrfrd articles r 5 11 goelph is to have a splendid 12000 drinking fountain on 6t georges so hr s b armstrong presents the city with the fountain and the city erects the base and othernecessary work owing to the absence of mr thos i score principal of the public school at the funeral of a friend in york the senior department has been closed this week work will be resumed this morning the brampton conservator merits great praise for the excellent tricolor three- sheet poster isened for the queens birth- day celebratknt in that town the con- tervaurreicou in that line of printing j now is the time to use paint freely too much cannot be osedon buildings and fences it will beautify improve and ud to the lasting qualities otao woodwork spring is the best time to use paint on oot- door work the town council of palmeraton have decried to advertise that they will sid person building a soaring mill in that town to the extent of 12000 by way of boons and exemption from taxation for five years said rtn to be of a capacity of 100 barrels per days general ptgw hickaon has issued a circular containing the extracts from mr knlocks railway bill which prohibit trains- standing on a c more than two con- secative minutes mr hickaon warns all employees tear this regulation muk be strictly carried out f3 have received from rev lucas ata- of montreal a copy of his ex- ceuam pamphlet railway sermons and another all about canadaj these little vrurmes are well written and very interesting and do ample justice to the weuenownpen of the talented author j baisti chickens y- if yoa have a nice little garden by all means raise chickens tonr neighbors hens are the best ones to raise though ton will sad them from 6jw cm until j0 pm on your lettuse onion radish and flower beds yon can raise them higher with a ahotgon than anything else village varieties ctlcu r 1ml aewsad aikrr saalter f speelal lairmt le ear vtuatr lrt oouarbonedialooated ou monday morning briggs u-year- old son of mr edward nioklin raot with an accident by which his collar bone was dislocated briggshad gone to hii brothers ro for a wagon and iu changing the ahafurfor pole it was necessary to take off the front wheels when the wheels were replaced one of the axle nuts waa forgotten and soou after starting away the wheel came oft this frightened the hones and they became unmanageable and briggs was in some way injured as above stated doings in oxford county rev w a mckay ba of woodstock writes ni that a blue ribbon association hat been organised among the children in that town and the number enlisted a- raouuts t nearly 1000 a veritable army of temperance workers for future years ou dotninipn day a grand temperance picnic has been arranged to be held in woodstock hon g ross hont h beak bishop baldwinaud others are ex pected to be present 000 persons are expected to be present low railway fares have been secured oxford is apparently alive to the question at issue in that county edition exhausted the demand for extra copies of the fexe passs of the 1st msjvtbntainim the report of the working of the scott act iu halton during the past two years has been much larger than we anticipated and notwith standing the fact that we issued au unusu ally large edition the whole of it has been disposed of and orders are still pouring iu we are sorry that we are uuablc to accom modate all bat we hare uo doubt the oak- rilk itdtpcudaiu which last week contained the whole of the report as appeared in the fsxr pkrss is prepared to fill all future orders address mr c r orr litjein- oakville ont- the present seasoc- the present growth in vegetation shows that the season is as far advanced as can be reasonably expected- in this latitude taking a succession of years iu this part of canada whatever the winter may have been the trees bud forth and seed time comes about the same time if anything we are this spring ahead of average years in the advancement of fsrn work the seeding is over with nearly every farmer the spring grain tu beeu got in in fine condition there being just the requisite moisture and heat for srminatioh and not too much wet that would prevent clay soil front working well good average crops may be looked for at the coming harvest how she proposed i dont believe in this tomfoolery about leap year eaid one of actons fiir maid- ens the other ereuiu to her lover it is all nonsense ko girl could be so immodest as to make a downright proposal of mar riage to her beau you are undoubtedly riht assented the young man the young ladies are not near so anxious to get married as tle- young men oh as to that rejoined the maiden it ink youre mistaken the girls are anxious enough to get married- few of them would refuse an offer i would jump at the chance my- self would you really try me and see he did try her and there is an- other added to the list of marriages to take place about christmas time the last sad hues the funerals of mrs donald mann on monday and miss julia moore yesterday afternoon were two of the most largely at- tended that have ever taken place in acton in connection with the former elder 0 g hertzog of suspension bridge preached one of the beet sermons that have ever been heard by our citizens ou the subject of death and resurrection and very iu- terestihg and most impressive service was conducted in the methodist church yester- day by rev w bryers and captain webb of the lords army afier the interment of the remains of miss moore in both of the above cases the bereaved friends have the comforting assurance that their loved ones have joined the happy compiny in that better aad brighter home improvements the acton faxr psiss is indefatigable i in the way of urging the inhabitants of that village to make its general appearance more attractive fay beautifying their own homes particularly by tree planting and judging from its frequent reports of im provements of various kinds small and great it is tolerably successful- there is little use in advocating tree planting here on arbor day if we had one or any other day while cows are allowed to run at large let all who have any ambition that milton may compare favorably with neighboring towns insist on the passing of that cow by law- millm champion use your influence in electing a council next year friend champion the memfcersof which will show some desire to beautify your town and possess sufficient backbone to pass and en force a stringent cow bylaw in jhe mean time fcducate your citizens to this end v p1r80nalb miss anna black is visiting friends in rockwocd mr c c speight visited markham friends during the week mr wm smyth 8r of lake viow muskoka ii visiting his acton friends mr fred bryan of toronto it visiting hit friends at the methodist parsonage mist r dryden of bookwood made her friends in acton a short visit last week mr will smith left for denver col ou monday last where he will engage in the drug business mr george matthew of moutreal was in town during the week george intends removing to toronto mrs janiot ryder of pctrolia was in town this week attending the funeral of her titter mrs donald mann mr and mrs thomas t moore went to king on monday to attend the funeral of mrs john riss mother of mrs moore we are pleased to learn that miss augusta kicklin has a far recovered as to be able to resume her instructions on the piano and organ rev t a moore saltord mrs l 8 butliu st clair mich and miss maggie moore st catharines came home this week to attend the funeral of their lister queens birthday la acton the arrangements are progressing most satisfactorily and there are assurances of an immense days sports a large sum has been subscribed for the carrying on of the proceedings of the day numerous ap plications for programmes havo been re ceived from noted athletes throughout the country the committee are doing ex cellent work and all preliminaries are be ing carried out in a thoroughly business like manner the large posters arc out and are distributed all over this and the adjoining counties a grand calithumpian procession at 9 am will prove a very at tractive part of the programme in the exeuiuga concert of no ordinary merit will be given in the town hall under the pat ronage of our excellent cornet band the com is in communication with some excellent talent for this occasion and we trust the hall will be filled to the fullest that our band may recognize the fact that their endeavors to supply the town with firstclass music are highly appreciated lords army notes lieut ross left on friday for palmers- lieuts eodgers and ellis of brampton conducted the meeting on friday eveuing capt carrie has been confined to her bed during the past week with a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs she is mend ing wgftin the army has opened an outport at glen- williams and have good prospects ol success this place will be worked by acton officers and soldiers capt webb was here yesterday and as sisted rev mr bryers in conducting the funeral services in connection with the of hiss julia a- moore all were glad to see the captain back again major gray of toronto and mr will iamson of brampton superintended the meetings on saturday and sunday the services were all full of interest both these gentlemen possess ripened christian ex perienees and are a power in religious ser vices the major occupied the pulpit of the methodist church oh sunday morning his address was fall of earnest exhortation to the sinner to flee from the wrath to come and of encouragement to the christ ian to press forward launch of the uazeppa from the toronto dai glou we lake the fallowing item referring to the launch of the new steamer owned by mr c s smith af acton and mr s simpson of toronto the handsome steamer built by mr melancthoq simpson was launched at the foot of trinity street ou thursday there was a line of flags flying from stem to stern of the new vessel and the usual wiucbottle decorated with ribbons swing ing over her bows the slipping of a few timbers on the skids delayed the launch a short time when all was ready the tug frank jacon took a pull on a line attach ed to the steamer and with a coaple of tarns of the screw started her down the ways as she began to move mrs c s smith of acton broke the bottle of wine over her bows and christened the new craft the ilaztppa a brass band struck up a lively air and the steamer went easily and safely down the ways into the water the uazeppa has already been described in these columns she is a beautifully model led boat and while her lines are fine noth ing has been sacrificed to appearance her construction is firstclass and the iron arches let into theframe make her a very strong boat her length is 101 feet and her beam 20 feet inglis 6c hunter of this city will supply her with a steel boiler and engine of 50 honepower the new steamer is expected to be ready for the ex cursion trade about the end of may her owners are mr c s smith of acton and mr simpson the builder arbor day kotea we commend the following items to the attention of both municipal council and citizens arbor day in mitchell yesterday was a great success something over eight hun dred trees being planted the inspector of schools for wentworth has granted a holiday to all the schools in his county when the children are to turn out and assisted and directed we itrppose ornament their school grounds with trees monday is arbor day it is for the first time a provincial holiday the govern ment of quebec deserves grsaj praise for the heartiness with which it has fallen in with this patriotic movement icontrtal wunta a national arbor day the interest manifested in tree planting this season is as surprising as it is gratifying it is rapid ly becoming general it has been suggested that auother be added to our holidays by having an arbor day for the whole coun try to be specially set apart for tree plant ing ingcrsou chronicle i the st marys argun says for years the council of this town has given s7 j cents for every tree planted and as the re sult of this public spirited policy the town has become a perfect arbour almost every street being lined with beech maple chest nut and other handsome trees which are very attractive to visitors and are the pride and glory of the denizens thursday last was tilsonbnrgs first arbor day and was a grand success con siderably over three hundred maple and walnut trees were planted the council took the best means for having the tree- planting part carried out they employed men for two days before to select trees for the citizens to plant rows and doable rows of neatly planted trees can be seen on almost every street and in a few years the town will be like one grand forest that is if every tom dick and harry does not go tying their horses to the trees and the boys do not poll them up but as a fine of 120 can be imposed upon any person doing this there is some hopes of their being left untouched tutonlmy obtervtr canada pacific railway ticket agoncy tickets to manitoba and all western poluti it lowest bates tickets isntd to all points on credit valley 4 hir bmtran kates w england only m10 from aotou tfa allan tans toronto qrft brace dl visions smanie bates w itou vis alls birapiiryto jerttccarvin railway a steamship tiekst agtft actou oat seeds seeds all kinds of garden and mower seeds by the package or in balk obeap at j e mcgarvins druf ft attttontrz stan aoton turnip msngold millet hungarian rapt etc etc etc oood pbbshft bhuabljd at lowest market prists deadl no never a pact established that howells is the place to buy your groceries crockery glassware and the fimest grades op congou gunpowder japan toung syeoa teas will be fouxd in stock at the c i t yc r 0 c e r y po old goods on the shelves but all are good and freli lam prepared to give yoa as good value for yoar trade or money as any other house in town flfnote the placed ovpotit tlit soyal sxohattge oorair kill u ictun stnoti ietea john t ellis general agent aoton ontario representing the following firms ontario pump co toronto sarnia agricultural implement co waterous engine works co srantford wellington marble works ouelpl any information respecting the articles manafectared by any of the above will be cheerfully given upon application samples on hand dominion boot shoe store kenney bros macn- st acton are daily receiving their new stock of spring goods which comprises a large and varied assormeut of styles from the dest manntacturers of the dominion aud at the most reasonable prices everybody suited both as to quality and price ordered work in this department wa are prepared to manufacture au lines and can guarantee satisfaction every time kepalrlnk promptly and jteatlr executed kenmrtbbos new harness establishment fthe undersigned begs to muouote thsfrac has purchased the busiaesa of mr r creech leased the store of mr p kslley and is now prepared to receive orders for light bcecwz hzairjsress ol superior hake collars whips trunks valises ac having had considerable experience in the business i feel confident that i can guar antee satisfaction to all repairing promptly aud neatly executed a call solicited h j morton at tlii season of the year thaw shoold be a bottle of pectoris in every hooae it is unequalled for coughs colds tad hoarseness it pleisant squallf safe tor children price 88 oenu at all drojgftta the best place to buy groceries provisions glassirare china and i crockery 1 18 at w p brown gos look at out beautiful china tea bette sfew tioods i just arrived n our millinery opening saturday 5th of april and following week inspection invited newest parisian english and american millinery goods in the mauket cheaper than the cheapest under the supervision of miss mccarty who hais had large experience throughout the united 8tates and canada we are prepared to turn out work equal to any in the dominion i h satisfaction guaranteed can undersell any one in plumes halton dry goods house c b griffin mes e hi passs cheap cash millinery store fall goods selling at a great reductiond dbe88 amd mastll hakhg done in all its branches jackets cut and fitted felt beaver and straw hats made o in the newest styles see our lovely saratoga waves for 8100 good stvitches from 75 cents upwards combings made up mes e h pass st georges square guelpk spring opening piles of new oods abbif1ng dailt at the makmtth douse georgetown v ssl it j- hrvdmsqoodj xftfbukr momhp yrrnffwifiiniiiiuga khrl wtmi srrelhooai vsv small wait wry seturr krr alma ntv cottons hv shirttnfs vct ginghams jtorfxlatt vhrttnda srresvltlftsytfijlklasi uttw onts furnishings ktaroatptts n stw ay mad flletu in- r ssv boots sal som j h- m we beto remind our patrons and friends that we have hree i stocks in all departments that in consequence of the depression in th cotton markets we have extraordinary bargains our ordered department is in the best possible shape to torn out the obapest garments hi the cbuntiy iy aihress making departments are under effloient management and are prepared tcrturn out all orders usinbestleatnjibh 7 tejl 0all on usf we can ijwllx

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