Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1884, p. 4

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l cton ree 0f4s tarmpii morxixq utx 15 1884 if- old rye speech- 1 ns made to be eaten t ajid not to bo drank tojte threshed in a bam k3t soalrtd ioa tank i come as a blessing when put uujouph a mtu as a blight and a curse when put through still- make rac into loaves aud your children arc tod bat if into drink l will starve them instead tn broad im a servant the cater shall rule in druk i am master the drinker a col theu reraeiubcr the warning my strength ill employ if eaten to strengthen if drunk to destroy licenced to sell tte are growing weary of the meaningless sign licensed to retail spiritooi liquors would cot the rumscller five as true idea of what bis license grants him and what the true nitnreof his business to help him towards this end i would suggest the following as a correct translation q the common and seemingly harmless inscription which we sec over the doors of u our tamtly vaults licensed to hash the voice of tight licensed to bid all honor floe licensed to make a sin seem light licensed to make lives disagree licensed to kill the maidens blush licensed to dull the fear ot shame licensed to hid her conscience hush licensed to give a tarnished name licensed to lead our ycuth astray licensed to coax him from his toil licensed to give his passions away licensed to leadhim pto brawl licensed to take the workmans hoard licensed to make his arm grow weak licensed to rob the childrens board licensed to blanch the mothers cheek licensed to make as need the police licensed to tax oar houses and land licensed to bid all crime increase licensed o form the robbers band licensed to crush the drunkard tow licensed to bid his mad talk flow licensed to set his train on fire licensed to nil a drunkards grave 7ifarmwj to bring a widow woe licensed to make a woman a slave liiynsrd to be the children e foe licensed to give a prison life licensed to bid a felon lark licensed to whet assassins knife licensed to give the hangman work licensed to work in sin like leaven licensed to live a neerdo well licensed to shut men out pf heaven licensed to shut men up in hell 1lba thank heaven the license corse has been banished we trust forever from within the elands of oar noble county halton put this in your scrap book the bible cantains3536189 letters 773- 692 words 3l173 verses 1189 chapters and 96 books the word and occurs 46 277 tunes the word lord occurs 1855 times the word reverend occurs but once which is in the 9th verse o the 111th psalm- the nrhdle verse is the 8th verse of the llstc esahn- the 21st verse of the 7th chapter of ezra contains all the letters in the alphabet except the letter j the 19th chapter otl king and the 37th chapter of isaiah are alike the longest terse is the 9th verse of the 8th chapter of ester the shortest- verse is the 35th verse olthe 11th chapter of stl john the 8th 25th 21st and 31st verses of the 107th psalm are alike all the verses of the 136th psalm end alike x y x the handiest package dyea to nee are the star dyes beaatif al and lasting colors 9 use the safe pleasant and effectual worm killer mother graves worm exterminator nothing equals it j gall nexaccaxetf are yon troubled- with salt rheum- roughskin pimples or canker sorea iio gpat once to j e- mcgarvinvdrug store and net a package of calverts carbolic cerate price twentyfiye centa it was never known to fail 47 haye yon tried holioways cora core 1 it has no equal fdr removing these trouble- aome excrescences the triangle dye haye attained a popu larity unprecedented in the history of dye stuffs i kb wonder for they are perfect in all their shades 10c at j e megar- vins drug store 45 ayert saraaparill has inch concent rated curative power that it ii by far the best cheapest and surest bloodpurifier known oh bow tired and weak i feel i dont believe i will ever get through the spring hcnsecleauingi oh yes you will if you take a bottle or two of dr carsons stout aoh bitters to purify your blood and tone up the system 14 huge bottles 60 centa joseph hasan percy write i was induced to try dr thomas eclecscic oft fcr a lameness which troubled me for three orfonr years and i found it the beat article i ever used it has been a great blessing to me frauds may imitate dr thomas e 03 in appearance and name bat in everything else they are dead failures there are lots of people going around grumbling and half nek at the stomach all the time who might be well and happy if they only used dr caraooa 8tomach bitten occasionally it la a splendid blood pnriser all druggists 50 cents f if great results are speedily accomplished by the leading alterative northrop ly sestfetegettjme discovery and dyspeptic cure indigestion ceases buiotumeaa disappears constipation gives place to re gularity of the bowels in consequence of taking it ladies suffering from complaints peculiar to their sex experience long wished for relief from ft and impurities in the aajrwilahon no longer troubled those who ao sought its aid giro it a trial and jitftrffl not regret it not another pill shall go down my throat again said cititen wheu i can get such a prompt and pleasant ouro for my bilious attacks u dr carsjine btomtoh bitters it renders the blood pure and cool and makes a splendidspring medi cine large botllea 60 cents 46 by land or at tea out on the prairie or in the crowded city aycra carthic puis are the heal for purgative purpoics everywhere alito convenient efficacious and safe for sluggish bowel lorpid liver iuditcitlou had breath jlatulcucy and sick headache they arc a sure remedy tlaldllimlnlaf there are but fcwlhal have never suffered almost- intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an iustael relief as fluid lightning is an uulold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicinoa to be taken tor dsvs ono application of fluid light ning cures sold at j e ilcgarvins drug store 29 joaal doabt it fsilure is not always followed by failure and although vou may have tried retnodies repeatedly without benefit dont doubt that you will find the right thing yet putnams painless corn extractor is a pos itive remedy for corns and once used at once cured this fact has been vouched for by thousands who hare uel it sold by druggiu x c polsox i co kingston proprietors to be permanently esteemed any article must have virtues so marked aa to he plain ly apparent tha good name of the tri angle dyes is- evidence of merit they prove themsclyca always tellable 10 al j e iiegarvini drugstore 5 i slarulac dlseevery mr win johnson ofhuron dak writes that his wife had been troubled with acute bronchitis for many years and that all re medies tried gave no permanent relief until he procured a bottle of dr kingt new discovery for consumption- coughs and colds which had a magical effect and pro dnoed a permiuent cure it is guaranteed to cure all diseases of throat lanes or brouc hial tubes trial bottlesfree at j e ucgarvins druj store large sire u0 are you troubled with salt rheum bough rlands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it be of yean standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate wijlcure it beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever known boils feeteriugs frost bites burns or any skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 5 cents by j e hc- garvin druggist 32 if a few grains of commonsense could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly sccredited and healthful uxative and tonic xorthropfc lymans vegetable dis covery anl dyspeptic cure which causes good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 23 a cad ta base xraplauc- edward shepherd of harrisburg i1l sayi having received so much benefit from electric bitters i feel itmy duty to let sufierinc humanity know it have had s running gore on my leg for ciht years my doctors told mc i would have to have the booe scraped or leg amputated i used instead three battles of electric bitters and seven boxes bucfclcns arnica salve and my legs is now soucd and well electric bitters are sold at fifty aenta a bottle and bucklens arnica salve at 25c per box by j e ilcgarvin est amd caaeifc r a ike sajierlaa browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan aeea being acknowledged as thegreat pain reliever tnd of double the strength of any other elixir or llaiment in the world should be in even family handy for use when wanted aa it really is the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the etoinach and pains and aches of all kmda and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle h68atat ointment sons- wounds tncerations snd other diseases affectinj the skin are capahle of speedy amendment by this cooling and healing unguent which has called forth the loudest praise from per sons who had suffered for years from bad legs abscesses and chronic nlcers after every hope of cure had long passed awsy kone but those who have experienced the soothing effect of thia ointmeat can fornl an idea of the comfort it bestows by rel straining inflammation and allaying pain whenever hotloways ointment baa been once used it has established its own worth and has again been eagerly sought for as the easiest and safest remedy for all ulcer ous complaints in neuralgia rheumatism and gout the same application properly used gives wonderful relief wkall t if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore use afogregor parses car bolic cerate you will find it invaluable for hea cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cnt of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy cure from j e mcgsr- vins drug store 29 advice to alodierai are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth j if so send at once and get a bottle of mn win- dmft soothing syrup for chudra tathing it value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dyaentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels enres wind colic softens the gums rednoes in flammation and gives tone and energy o the whole system ifr wimumfi soottiaj syrupor children teething a pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses sod phy sicians in the united states snd is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price m cotis a hottls u goods selling at the right house for 0c on each dollar of original coat ithfmebba while in europalaat winter lr wm t watkios took an ultra long time to hunt u very bast values that oould be bought for cash down and among djiabsrs of extra ohiap bargains he moeceded in salting was a portion of very needy manufacturers oek whloh he purchased it 88 per cnt lass than the regular prices thst is one- third off tho net invoice prices and these foods with tetenl other lots thai he succeeded in oblainlugat greet reductions from the net prices ere now offering at iaaa wan any wholesale house in canada would sell the same goods for just read the prices en i call and see the goods and you will be aatonlsbed st tbeir ebespsese excellency ot qualities beauty of designs and ohnrmlng colors a large lofof hrtudaomo parasols al about half their actual value in a great variety of prices aboouoo pairs of rnagnin- cent lace curtoins at all prices rom 80c tipto very rich swiss uew dceigna at tlo files of excellent lace onrtaina are selling atonethird leas than the manufacturer price a large lot of ribbons going at less than half their actual value very fashionable new styles of drew goods selling for 28c which would be cheap at 37ic pur linen towels closely woven and good sues going al only 6c worth 8c belter and larger towels which would be cheap al 16o are offering st only loo better till at ljjo which are good value for 17c the 16c towels aro well worth joc towels of extra good value in all prices up to 76c pure linen towellings at only 5c just se them t all prices they are surprising good value tho tablo damasks mid table napkins bought direct from the irish makers for cash are extraordinary good value good heavy tehle damask worth 87c selling for 80c just imagine tbo 60 03 and 75o and on up to 12 for vary una wide bleached table damaak the table napkins are very handsome new patterns which are sure to plcaso the ladies plcuee exiftnlne them allwool french dress goods at only 130 black and colored french all wool dress goods st 15c wblci would be cheap at 85c an immerse assortment of very stylish makes and newest shades in dress good at extraordinary lowpneea tor such good qualities the right ilouso king street east close to hughion street the name is hamilton may 1 1884 thoma c watkins hamilton a few hints roa ox ui or 0 doaatb sue tin e- iti tnllf ioi wlii ikonrntkli 4 to 6 ihiu ezperinei kultteeide as proper dote in mca com for constipation or cosureties so remedy is so effective aa avua piua thay insure regular daily action and re store tha bowels to a healthy condition for isdlfeatlon or dyspepsia avxas fuu are invaluahle and a sure cure heartburn loss of appetite root stomach flatulency dualneea need ache kwnboeee manses an all relieved and anted by anns piux u lrro complaint bilious disorders and jaundice areas titu auould be given is doses large enouaii to excite the urer and bowels asid remove eoostlpauoo aa a eleanslog medicine in the spring these ttllm are unequalled worms caused by a morbid condition ot the bowels are expelled bj these piua breptloaa skin diseases and fttss the result of indtgeitlon or couitipauon are cured by lie use ot avcas pius for colds take anas rrua to open the pons remove inflammatory secretions and allay tha fever for dlarrhm and dysentery caused by sudden colds lndteastoile toat tic arms pills sn the tree remedy khamxnatism gout kasralgta and sciatica rflea result troui digestive derange- meet or colds snd d on removtaf the cause by the use ot arias fills tumors dropsy kidney oocaptalnts and other disorders caned by debility or obstruction sn cured by atxts pius guppreasloii and painful xeaatnaw una have a eats and ready remedy is aye rs pills full directions tn ndou lbtati e- oomptiiy txch piduge fncriret ht of jcayertco lowell miw som try ih drrigjtiu speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything iu their liuo from the best ca8ket to the plaine8t coffin ou tho shortest notice and at lowest terms all culls citler night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire nrwcarc in a poiilion to astlifactorily fill order for waggons carriages ic of every description in reasonable time good workmanship ond firstclass material always used we hare also a fplerdld lot or furciturc both common and eitra quality cheap trl you will pay us cash we will sell you anything in our line cheap j a 3pei0ht manager co to the old reliable clothing store for your spring clothing eollbe flour under the care of an expert the clen roller mill is humming the flour made is second to none and cant fail to please the moat fas tidious housewife remember this is none of your half roller mills bul is roller en tire grists exchanged highest price for good wheat joseph williams gleswilliamfi ont you will find a still iucreased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the coming season at prices suitable to the hard times do not fall to see my 811 812 and 813 suits k made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the liuest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at tho east end clothing store j fyfe roller flour ceorcetown mills hmng spared no expense m repairing m7 mill and having pat la the litest and moet improved machinery i am now prepared to tarn oat r a jfo 1 roller flour equal to any made in canada we chop every day give as a trial we guarantee tilactlon j t rose qeorgatown wjeijmltts h s an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for presents photographs the latest style taken by the new processno long sittings brinx your pictures oeceased friends and nave them enlarged in firstclass style 4 c w hill acton 14 i gd feames ia mxm who is umaoquaimtto with thf ofooraphv ot thm ooohtv wtu ii by xamlmnq this map that tm underclothing mr8 rcreech has a full assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity acashmere set kow in underclothing made to order me8 r orbeoh acton may 7th 184 rphe fhee peess r fower printing house eiaentasjob wobx of an descriptions in a very gtuoactory manner at moderate rates with de spatch in the tuipiornlaed busises8 cpcclam lettebheads bilt heads ietter cibctjlabs kote cibcclabs bdsntegs casus tisltiko cabd8 pahpexets iukdb1ix8 postebs etc etc particular attention given to fine woks and extra ears bestowed with a view to securing oo orders from the country attended to with it- saeteh and work lorwarded immediately by mall or evpieas try the fare pbibs job office lor printing h p mooee psorainob chicago rock island pacific ry stelnar ttie oraat oentral line afford to tran by reeteon of tta jnrlvaledteo- graphical poeiuon trie aborteat and beet route between the isurt nortneaet arte swrthet and the weet nortrrareet am authweet it ie literaitr and errtottr true that it oonneotton are allot ttieprlnolpal line ot road between the atlantla and the paejrle ay tt main line and branetma it reaorie ohloaie jellet peoria ottawa la wile oeneeeo monna and oea laland in iiunoml damnportmueoatln waehlrujton keokuk knoxvole oekalooea palrnetd fee molnee weet ubartr lowaortr attantle avooa audubon harlan quthrte oentar and oounoh hrffe in low i oanatln trenton oauneron and kama oki in mlaaourl and leaven worth and atohleon in kanaae and the hundred oil owee vllasra and town intermediate the route and comfort l atteonnecvtlnai point vvrrtiatto will ooaohmf a line o the tullt pullmaiis and dimino oars rr mw upon ant i ayo eeweejd to iravelera at the innoum mvn great rock isi a it le famlluuly eaned offer to tre afl incident to a smooth traofc eafemdaae union c fast fapreee trains eoopoeod of ooaemootoos hmtio ftntly upfmutnto and ilioaist leott maowrwiart hofttoh mpuhiho m latest deennetfand nandeomast palam suipi jhatareaoknewllkd by press and people to be road in the oovarnrr and tn mkjwprtor the low rats ot atortttvl ostnts abh thru trains each way barrween omloaoo and two twuhs eaoh way between owoaooand wb wvpou jind st paul rta ths famous albert iea route a hew and direct luvs via weneoa and ksmkakew jaaas reoenttr been opened between alewport wewe richmond fsiiorniwtl sfflilslp for mere lie ta we astiobatieulswiiialfsdtk r k oatmat kakrriic 0 jut u rsryette mwbsobtalnedae wfhmtm y to wanted lor the lives ot all auiaill i otheprcaidenuoltheus the largest handsomest best book ever sold for less than twice our price the fastest selling book in america immense profit to agents all intelligent people west it any one can become a sucoeeaiul agent terms free haujitt booi co portland maine the bennett churn tlu htvwt artiolt la tot kukst churning lt4 s fuwu xnttsaa of ta tapltmnt zuki ram3haws0nact0h have secured the sole control of the sale of the famous bennett churn this churn is manufactured upon the moet practical and commonsense principle ex tant and only requires to be teen at work to be understood appreciated add pur chased a memberof the above firm a ill call upon you with a sample churn aujcsssw k boh acton jan 15 84 c c peicht tarties defiifiing their buggies waggons cutters etc kepsinledor revarnisbed and made eqaal to uew on shortest possible notice and at low est pricer should leave their orders at once with mr j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or with c c sfbiqht acton uarch 20th 1884 cca week at home looo outfit free pay afuuabaolntelysure no risk capital not required reader if yon want businesa at which persona of either aex yooiuj or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write forpartiouj lara to h hilltt 4 co portland maine butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the people of acton and vicinity that he baa purchaaed the buaineaa and property of mr v c robinson and it prepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kiods and poultry and game in season s3- meat delivered to any part of town at any time r having practical experience in the butchering business i feel confident that i can suit all a call kindly solicited r holmes x- hills tin stove ipot good assobts1knt on stoves cheap foe oa8h tinware of all kinds at bottom prices wavrtsvthelr mil- k hollo way pils hot kcuredfor staav ot liaperisaaife fame throughout ike world for the aiferwioa and cure of mail dutasu to ktta aamaiiity u heir v purifji resaleie stad improve the qaslity of thebijod ttiey asaist the digestive oi hos cleanse the htojafach mod bowtlis increase lie secretory powers a tie liver braee the oervooa syatem and thmw into tha circulation toe purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of person have testified that by their use alone tbey bate been restored to health sad strength after every other mesne had rjroved unsuccessful the ointment will be found invaluable in every household in the cure of open soree hard tumor 84 19 old vonndi 0rasbv colds bon throats broochitia and all disorders of the throat and cheat aa also gout bheunutum scrofula and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hsflo- ways establishment ss3 oxford street london and sold at ia ud 2a td as 6d 22a and 33a each boaf and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cents and f 150 and the larger sites in proportion aopno i have no afcem in lh united states nor are my medieihea aold there purchaser ahonld therefore look to the label on the pots and boaee if the- sddreu is not s33 oxford street london thev are apuriooa the trade mark of my said iledicinea is registrered at ottawa and also at waab- itrcton signed th0m4s hollo wai 533 oxford street lnndnn m dditc sead six ents for post- m r hlfccnie ind reoeive five a oostly box f goods which will help yon to more money right away than anything else in this world ail of either aex succeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before tho workers absolutely sore at once address tbtje co augusta maine kowosflwr adttjrtit- tag get our prleea vie exact cost of any paper or bst of ja llhauuj iftittj- fnziiishsbai frwmon appucssvikm tvbend for new csisdofae al c houch advertlama agent bbqtkao detroit mich f delaware farms for sale rresa tit per acre 1 0 hemtjbicicrbal eitato asmt honalon delaware these f arm are improved with bnildunga fence fruit trees and berries of aukinds good water plenty of timber land good roads schools and churches good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of fish oysters and garnet very productive land climate mild and pleasant come and aee for yourself and be oonrinoed i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors tobee the farmsfree of onarge jtj haxpaicxr houston delaware 3 acres 325 acres fonthill nurseries tie largest la the dcminloa salesmen wanted tobegiuworkatooceonfallsales steady employment at fixed salaries to all willing to work men and women can hare pleasant jvork the year bound good agents are earning from 140 to 175 per month and expenses terms and out- htfree address v swai ttelliartoii r i ttjronto ont a and put up on 8hobtest nqti0e first 0lass hatekial qbfly u8ed f a uaivt bquqrrei v- vm aa for the working class send 10 uylucentsfor postage and we will mail yon free a royal valnable box of sample goods that will pot yon in the way of making more money in a few daya than you ever thought possible at any businesa capital riot required we will start yon ton can work all the timtv or in your spare time only the work u universally adapt ed to both aexee young and old yon can easily earn from 50 cent to to every even ing that all who want work may test the buaineea we make atua unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will jend 1 to pay for thetroutle of writing ns full particulare directions etsi sentse fortuneawill be made by those who give their whose time to the work great auc- oeasabaolntelysure dont delay startnow address srnrsox co portland itaine ii manhqqd bow lost ihow bej8tob0 m we havereoebtli pnbiiaheci a nee ttraled essay on tli raalealaei permanent core wlihont ms etnoorervomrewlliyeaulabu allpaoltylwedlmenuoialarrla reaoltlbstroaaeaeeaaea ajsvfrtetnsa4eaie4 envelope oalia eta ortwnoataureaampa the oelebrated author in thla adm rabla baaarolearly demonstrate tnm i yesnaneeeiaiu praetteethataliottili fsm aequenoaa may be radleally eared ttoii tha daumeroria naecjletoriwimidlmf the naeoilbeknifej pnitloi si nreatoaeemmpleeesutnieaoissis -rslw- 1 rifctd aboild bvltheai d vitoiiaw irvf i s is j v j 1 v a

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