Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1884, p. 3

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tlpiwwtimlul w uowa ttjoj itablt oraho trunk eatflwa i vaonnn utai ajn- kfprws 0 vm jwnnani tanajn tshh ktm tun spteitl wj pja tike or txitmm staila- goinj vais vm nglnh mall daw uiuu ttamd 1u0 aju fruit depot to day cowaants rgs bautus datk apphs e stlaxsm lot or- choice house punts twal mwrtim desiring any special planuor holla bulb i da ropplj- at reasonable rats give me a call f a e matthews t h graham lj5s scrgeox dentist toutrns oxt will vsit professionally acton on mon day o each week rooks ajjnews hotel all workrurmntei to give satisfaction land surveyor j davis rtorincialland sunevor ciril ncaeer draachtsmaa- guela ontario torders by mail or telegraph promptly- attended to sittonritgtw tarasrjlt tfoaxixg mir 2i 1ss bits of brevity eat a atfcerwlse prefre t ike f ter ke ma aat4 elttr far re4er t ike free rreta j the tree are budding wiliflowers are uaw plentiful the pi am tree arc in full uocm court o rvisioe tuesday ltth ol jane ilr a- ei jlatthews is improving his ice cream parlor mr j h burtcfc itilton is giriug up the lotel business j secure a copy of tee ptrss on queens birthday morning all the crops now present- a very en- cooraonf appearance act3n crickt ciab hadnt been beard from as yet this reason all the sporting men in toxen are prac ticing fer the twenty -fourth- mr willie king has a new- bicycle he seems quite proud of his pet xeir fences seem to he the order of the day trith our ctuens this spring come to acton ifyn want to thor oughly enjot yourself on the 2lth teas far ilay has been a pretty wet month- this will insure good meadows fresh butter soli for 15 to 16 cents per pound on guelph marfcet on satnrday according to the assessment roll there were only four deaths in acton dnring the year 193 first prize seed potatoes beauty of hebron and burbank seedungat sirs s a seeords ioak oat for the calithnmpian parade von saturday morning it will be a very imusing spectacle the wet weather of the past week has been rather tri to the work of masons and bricklayers ereparatiohs are being made for the erection of messrs stephenson bros new blacksmith shop on main street tenement houses are in demand in acton but the supply is entirely eihanst- ed build more houses capitalists mrs win emmett of lot ib con i esquewng has sold her farm of 100 acres to mr james moore of the next farm for 5s0o it is rumored that another doctor in tends to settle here and that he will con duct a- drug store in connection with his practice snow fell here last thursday night the oldest residents will make a note in their diaries that it snowed here on may 15th imt 7 the sliltai and georgetown junior cricket clubs played a match at milton last eek the miltonians winning by one ran score 72 to 73 ltne northern and northwestern rail way talks of amalgamating with the credit valley railway in bnihing a new onion station at milton some disloyal towns intend celebrating queens birthday on monday 2gth inst tbi great majority however will observe satnrday 24th hut the owner of a horse was fined four dollars in clinton became the animal had been permitted to nip the bark off a shade tree a word to the wise ac the foundation is being fugior a new donbhj ressdeoce to be erected by mr john mattiews and mia a m brown oh wb- itreet opposite st albani chdrch we regret to announce the sudden death of mrs craig wife of the editor of the fergus xaubiarrd which occurred in fergus on tuesday morning 13th inat our citizens in all jiarta of fownvson- tinne to make unprowmento in and about their home acton is always advancing in the matter ef attractire appearance bev george robertson has resigned uispositim as paatw of the congregational church georgetown and intenda letiag shortly for the province of quebec to enter a new field of labor t rentare tie opinion that the re- moral oc the fence in front of the meth- odictcnnrch wonm arjr materially improve theapjearnce of shepremisea hte the tnutm thought of thiit 0r municipal csoudl appneiato the ftmai of au officiant musical band in wwtt at the last meeting a grant was made to acufii cornet baud iu recognition of uioir aerviom both uw ottomfm vtand london fnt pnu have put on uow spring salt of a verj- becoming deaigu the appearanoo of the daily and weekly journals of tho province is rapidly improving by the uow statute respecting public health it it rendered compulsory that all persona owning hogs ahall after the present mouth keep the tame at a specific length of seventy feet or more from auv habita tion wonder how mr campbell of tho cwwmi like that old cow bylaw nor he caught the dfiot coustabic the other night driving uisjjwjo the roundif ton acw vooll hato set a better example friend ciampiob v as is usual at this season of the year tho small boy is diligently engaged in gath ering iu and hoarding all available pennies hoping by vigorouifinancuig to provida a snug little fund for the purchase of a jolly good time on tho twentyfourth it is said that mr tlios statham baker georgetown has received liooo for services he rendered in the americac arniy aome years ago besides that amount it is understood he receives 1 a mouth during life and a free grant of 1g0 acres of govern ment land the jfait newspaper advertising a- geney of toronto has issned a canadian newspaper directory iu which full particu lars are given as to every periodical pub lished in the dominion the work is beautifully gotten up and will be of great advantage to advertisers it is a credit to the agency druggists liquor hccuvs have beeu granted by the dominion license commis sioners of this county to messrs j e mc- garvin acton t ruston georgetown and r balmer oakviue milton and burlington have no licenses those who takeout licenses will it u eipected be obliged to v both dominion and provin- cial fees village varieties 1 ciiiik r leal kcws aid elker aaalhrs af teelal lalerest lt lltlacelraslrn boararofhealtb in compliance with the provisions of the ontario public health act of ism the fol lowing gentlemen were appointed a board of health messrs w h storev reeve j e mcgarvii clerk gabriel wells h p moore and drlojvry evening classes evening clashes have commenced in the public school under the supervision of mr thos t moore principal the daises will be held on tuesday and friday even- ins from 730 to 930 the attendance is very satisfactory and includes pupils of varied ages a bankrupts lament had i known all that i know now had i sown that which i sow now had my better sense controlled me had i heeded what it told me had the future condescended an horizon more extended to have granted poor and ailing i had scaped the pangs cf failing had i been a good deal wiser id have been an advertiser court of revision in a short time court for the revision of the assessment roll will be held in the municipalities and it becomes the duty of every individual to see that his assessment is correct now and not raise objections at other periods or the year when errors can not be rectified u there are no appeals or alterations made at a court of revision the assessment must be accepted as correct- proud dan scott the following birth is from the glasgow scotland keening tlsiu scorr at 7 bumside on sunday morning the wife of dan scott was safe- ly delivered of triplets two boys and one girl all doing well this making seven of a family in a years and 7 months having gived birth twice to twins aug 20 1879 twins october 21 1881 twins april 29 188i triplets stratfords arbor day- stratfords fet arbor day wednesday last was very successful as far as the tree planting was concerned about 1500 trees having been pat in at the new park and along the thoroughfares it would also have been better had the day been set apart a little earlier hut we will know what to do next year much praise is due the com mittee for the business like manner in which they carried out the details of the programme kcraldl thnradays wind storm the high wind of last thursday after- noen did considerable damage throughout the country a violent hurricane struck the bush of mr joel leslie a couple of miles from here and went clean through it clearing down every tree in its path and leaving a scene of gen devastation about 1300 worth of timber was destroyed in the immediate vicinity of acton the wind did not blow so hard and in conse quence very little damage wis done reform rally in quelph a young mens liberal association has been formed in south wellington with mr e f b johnson president and mr j innes mcintosh secretary and the public inauguration of the association will take place in the city hall guelph on the even ing of friday may 30th addresses will be delivered by hon ab hardy provin cial secretary and mr w patterson m p on the political questions of the day the officers of the association extend an invitation to all ahouaaypaper we have received an order for an edition of 1000 copies of a neat little fourpage six teen column newspaper tobe circulated free to all on the morning of queens birth day tlic freu u it has been christened will contain a considerable amount of interesting reading matter and general in formation respecting the celebration the game and sporta and the concert in the evening all of our principal merchants wfl be represented in its columns it will be an interesting and attractive sheet and as it wiu be read by hundreds of visitors to acton on queens birthday it will prove a most profitable advertising med- iom the dog nulaanoe there are tar too many useless oars iu acton and stringent steps should be taken at ouco lu rid tho community of a largo uutnber of them humorous complaints are niado by armors adjacent to town ol the depredations of acton dogs the flocks of messrs g a mcdonald alex mann joseph lasoy j tgwnscnd aud rev d b cameron havo been molested during the past week and a number of ahoep and lambs killed a couple of tho dogs wore traced homo and their owners promised to end their existence actons clean streets kow that the street and sidewalk com mittee have had tho streets thoroughly cleaned let every citizen tako an interost iu maintaining tho presont neat aud satis factory appearance sonic ot our merchants deposit their sweepings on tho street this should be discontinued a few ob structions still remain in prohibited posi tions tho coustahlo will see that they are removed the benefits resulting from au effective and well euforced cow bylaw j are plainly recoguizablo iu acton and no time during tho three years the bylaw has beeu iii force have the good resulta been more apparent than uow a debt of grati tude it due the municipal council by the citizens tor this mr turnbulls ago the miuoa xac iu attempting to ex plain the strange fact that mr john turn- bulls first birthday anniversary did not occur until he was eight years of age re ferred to by the faix prxss a couple of weeks ago says he was born in 1795 the ycim is wrong if he was born in that year what was to hinder him having a birthday anniversary the next year the aewr apparently forgets that leap years arc always divisible by four mr thurbull was born iu the year 179g and iu accord ance with the arrangement effected when the gregorian system of computing time was introduced 1800 was not a leap year mr turnbulls first birthday auniversary consequently did not occur uutil 29tu feb 180i whetr h was eight years of age canada pacific railway ticket agency tiokau to manitoba aud all western poiuu at lowest rates tleksts laraad to all points on credit vtlley a- toronto om ft druoa dlvtilotn utoorsn katm to kngland only mao from acton via allan una urippiy to jemccarvin bulimy a steamship ticket ajenl acton out 71 seeds seeds i i all kinds of garden and flower seeds by the package or in bulk cheap at j e mccarvins oruf fc bt ttojwry fltort ao turnip midijoid millet huoctxian iupe etc etc etc good fresh reliable t lowest mtrket priori seuonble hints the sanitary journal give some seafiou- ible hints which arc worthy of attention la new of the netr approh of the bathing season oar contemporary advise be not too ready to get into cold water oat of doors better to lathe at home until the weather and water get decidedly warm go not into cold water when overheated nor when cooliug off nor when cold uor remain in too long at first fatal cramps are earned by each indiscretions dry oil quickly and dress as soon as possible on leaving the water referring to the too common habit of itaving off anderfliiinehi on the first warm day the journal sys that in discretion has been the prime cause of many a death better to be uncomfort ably warm than fatally cold it is a good plan to wear lighter flanneia for a few weefci before leaving off altogether although many do not they might be left all at night if so worn at almost any time dead no never i a fact established that howells is the place to buy your groceries crockery glassware axdthe fimest grades op congou gtmpoyrder japaa young hyson teaa will pe found ix stock at the c i t yg rocer y our milunery openings 1 1 saturday 5th of april and following week inspection invited lords army koteso captain carrie is convalescent and is now superintending the work here lieuts rodger and dean are her coworkers the meetings of tho lords army con tinue to be as largely attended as ever on sunday evening tho church was dense packed and scores were obliged to stand during the service a great gathering of officers and soldiers will take place in toronto on friday sat urday and sunday an enthusiastic time is anticipated a number of the members of the army here wul attend captain webb came up from bramp ton on saturday afternoon and conducted the meetings on saturday evening and sunday the captain has a very warm place in the hearts of many of oar citizens and the desire eeemsto be general that he should be reappointed to the command of the army here queens birthday notes the committee are using every effort to make matters enjoyable to every one- all the games and sports will be held in the new driving park at the foot of jhh street- the half mile track is in fine condition and is admirably adapted for the days sports the programme of the days sports is a most interesting one something in it to please every person the concert by acton cornet band in the evening will be of firstclass character an excellent programme has been pre pared the acme lacrosse club georgetown and the wellingtons of toronto will play a game of lacrosse here on queens birthday at 2 p m the celithumpian parade at 930 am headed by general skiddamadinkbherrudl- ley bum jum- gortschkoflingphunnypheuow will be one of the most interesting features of the day patronize home industry chatham is evidently a poor place for printers as the publishers of some of the papers there have been compelled to send canvassers out of their legitimate field for work one of these door to door men called upon mr bosebrugh last week but that gentleman informed him that there was a printing office in town and he gave his work to the office in the town where he lived which be thought was the duty of every citizen who had the welfare of the place at heart if business men or others send their money away out of town they cannot expect the town to prosper they are building up outside phiees at the ex pense of the town they live in bo says the bolhadl tmu mr eose- brughs head was level he knew that the way to benefit his town was by keeping his orders for printing and placing them hi the hands of the home publisher instead of sending them abroad to build op rival towns we are pleased to be able to say that our merchants business men and citizens generally are most loyal to each other and it is rarely that a purchase is made oat of town that could be nude ait home concerning orders for printing we have no fault to find whatever a we be lieve we exeonte nearly erery job of print ing that is used in acton no old goods oa the shelves but all arc good and freih lam prepared to give you aa good value forjyour trade or money as any other house in town qlnote the place onoitto thi eoyaj hxahuifa corner 1cui ui vila strwu actcs john t ellis gsaral agent aoton ontario rbpresbnting the following fiems ontario pump co toronto sarnia agricultural implement co watorous engine works co brantfbrl wellington marble works guelph auy iuforniattou respecting the articles manufactured by any of the above will be cheerfully given upon application samples on hand j0kntilus dominion boot shoe store kenney bros imiaiit st aotoit are daily receiving their new stock of spring goods which comprises a large and varied assortnent of styles from the best manufacturers of the dominion and at the most reasonable prices everybody suited both as to quality and price ordered work in this department we are prepared to manufacture all lines and can guarantee satisfaction every time repalrihk promptly and xeally executed kenkk bios new harness establishment rnhe undebsioned begs toxnnouuee that he has purchased the business of mr g creech leased the store of jlr pkalioy and is now prepared to receive orders for lrghit hbayy starjet ess ol superior hake collars whips trun valises kc having had considerable experience in the business i feel confident that i can guar antee satisfaction to all repairing promptly and neatly executed a call sollcuted h j morton the best place to bdy groceries provisions glassware china and crockery is at w p brown gos look at our beantlfal china tea setts jfew goods jast arrived subscribe for the newest parisian english and american millinbbt goods in the market cheaper than the cheapest under the supervision of miss mccarty who hashad large experience throughout the united states and canada we are prepared to turn out work equal to any in the dominion satisfaction guaranteed can undersell any one in plumes halton dry coods house c b griffin 4 co to the old reliable clothing store for j your spring clothing you will find a still increased stock of goods in ail lines adapted for the coming season at prices suitable to the hard times do not fall to see my 11 12 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock of hata scarfs collars and ail things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end cl0thujg store j fyfe kr a2t immense special sale at mcleod anderson cos georgetown a car load of prints to be slaughtered at 10c a yard worm 15c and 20c the greatest bargains ever offered special sale of carpets a magnificent tapestry carpet at 85c a union carpet at 25c we have an immense stock or carpets in hemp union allwool tapestry and brussels they have got to be sold regardless of cost special sale of ordered clothing we are belling suits at 14 and jig original price 920 and 824 great drives in readymade clothing 25 yards splendid factory cotton for 100 a yard wide factory qotsou for 6c per yard a magnificent cotton for 25c worth 85c nov i kw tiaw por stjffftiai ail oor other departments are in a class working order and goods are feeing sold ebeql weaasnreithe phwie that this is sl ibity ija tern it will auwfcftj i 53l

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