mi sscs ftri ubijiwmfcwjw w ft l a k cton ru jjtess tvcmmx monvrio mit 1881 teostbar8 wheat crop beportt received torn over eu hundred oorwpondenta at the 3ureau at industries show thai the ooodiuon o fell wheat in the province is much more eatitactorj it m in stay of lut year yet it is not uniformly good and hen arc some du tncta in which the outlook 8s somewhat gloomy this is noticeably the can in the extreme end of the province westward of the meridian of kingston for the large middle district the accounts are on the whole f avonrable and the weather of this month haa caused a marked improvement to take place everywhere complete re turns of the acreage under crop have not vet been received but as far as they have been obtained they indicate an area twenty per cent less than last year motes and comments including both cheese and butter factor ies there are now 400 establishments of that kind in ontario the late prince leopold duke of albony and that dnnk was the only terrible enemy that the british nation had to encounter i the union of the methodist bodies throughout canada will becommemorated in all the churches concerned in the move ment nert bondav in referring to the scoit act campaign m brace the ptairtoh jlcrald says there are but few among u so doll to all sense of what u right as not to hail with pleasure anv measure the effect of which worid be to curtail in any degree the crying evil nf lntemperace qussit8 birthday how it waa celebrated ux our little town a pleasant holiday the sixty fifth anniversary of the birth- da of our beloved queen was ushered in bj our eituens with repeated volleys of cannon there were indications of rain in the morning but no rain came te hinder the proceedings aud the day was conse quently all that could be desired by those bent on enjoying themselves an unusually large number of visitors were present bom the surrounding country and all appeared to spend the day pleasantly ictov coaxtt blid plated a number of popular airs on the principal streets early in the forenoon at 91k a large band of cahthumpians headed by the cornet band and the long named general paraded the town and then pro ceeded to the g t r to meet the trains from east and west the appearance of the queer looking fellows was most amus ing and their antics as ridiculous as could be wished for by auy one this part of the programme was certainlj a success at is jo o clock the ourcs iso sfots commenced m the driving park it is estimated that about 1200 persons were present the following is a list of games in which competition took place and the names of the winners in each standing jump 1st a brothers 2nd g king running jump 1st c slartin 2nd a brothers running hopstep and jump 1st c martin 2nd k brothers standing high jump ut brothers 2nd f smvth 10o rant foot rice lit c martin 2d j lawrence 300 yard foot race 1st r f smith 2nd g- king 300 tard hurdle raoc 1st r f smith 2nd j worthington half mile race lit j lambert 2nd c corcoran 3rd r f smith boys 100 tard race 1st t king 2nd a smith 3rd s moore there is apparently to be no affl season i blc half hilclst j far- in ontario this tear s in those months when the political thermometer touches bottom the scou act agnation will be at the height of its fror the plan whereby a systematic campaigfa embracing groups of constataencies a entered upon is a wise one and will be productive of more good to the temperance cause than any desultory or irregular local contests the census report shtrsrs the canons fact that there are now onlv nine distilleries in ontario wnereas in itwl there trere 102 or more than ten tunes as may this re- j dnction in the number does not however indicate a reduction in the production for the- inland revenue returns of last year show that the quantity of liquor produced had increased to over four million gallons half of which was made at one distillery gooderham fc tt arts and nearly three- fourths of the remainder at a second one some opponents of- the scott act say that theejis no use of passing it he it would not he enforced the same argn meat would apply with equal farce to the croaks act it is no secret that m all places men about town and those whom they introduce can produce all the liquor they desire bat everyone knows that the amount of saturday night drinking is greatly reduced and that many people paid on that day go home with their wages in stead of squandering their money m sa loons london advertir judge boyd of toronto one of the do minion tiypih connnissaoners remarks the tendency m the public n to prohibition and declares that if the temperance wave keeps on rolling as at present for a fetr years the total abolition of the liquor traffic would be the result judge boyd is quite right as every one can see for him self it is to be hoped that as officials with some infiaencc and authority in this mat ter judge boyd ind his colleague will be found actang as well as speaking on the right side m tmtrtat ititaw whisky causes another death a milton mail falls prom a railway bridge t annls wtttetf wra- boyd a mhion laborer went to treefcbtille last friday for a supply of liquor as is the practice of some bibulous 3htonians who owing to the operation of the scott act cannot ootsxn it except by importing it from outside the county he returned oy an afternoon cv b train f very drunk on friday and refusing an offer of a nde down town set out by way of the railway bridge which is about forty feet high when about half way across f fri bcnige sin estxriml f fm cstme upon him too quickly to allow him to get tut otthe way except by going out on the timbers to one side of the track which he did but after the train had passed at tempting to regain the track he missed hi footing and fell into the creek below his head and back striking a large stone on his being taken out of the creek it was found that his head was terribly gashed and his back broken he died in a few hours boyd was a ery decent hard working man but addicted to occasional heavy sprees he and his wife procured a gallon of whisky from 6treetsville last christmas got drunk together the wife dying from the effects of the liquor and boyd having a narrow escape with his life the remains of the deceased were interred in the new cemetery milton on sunday in the absence of the eev w t mackenzie the banal service was read by mr w e bradley rtanlfli victorious bjmlac haa won the sculling match with iycock at sydney k s wv last thurs- ay by half a length rah 2nd will ttmg at 2 oclock a ixcaossn hitch between the acmes of georgetown and the wellington e of toronto was opened to many this was the most attractive fea ture of the day programme foot inter- eating games were played three of which were scored in favor of the toronto boys the wellington a proved themselves con sidcrably superior to the acmes being much better 6cienced in the game- the georgetown hovs are wiry hard working fellow bat it was evidently lack of prac tice on tie part of their team which caused j theat def eit j h0se hictag occup i the afternoon from 330 and no doabt a large number of those present cofa- sjdered thi port the most exciting of the day the pnze- offered were certainlv at tracted ani competition was consequently keen the following is the list open trot parse 560 1st dine 2nd j marvin 3rd brandy bo local trot parse 30 1st xorval maj tinder protest 2nd eramosa girl under protect 3rd bachelor if the protested horsea are thrown out the list will stand 1st bachelor 2nd john b 3rd b lane banning race puxseflj 1st maud 2nd rockwood grev considerable stigma is attached to the proceedings of the afternoon by the trans actions of a number of pool sellers who took a position on the groands and oon- dacted their nefanou and illegal business these men went so car even as to purchase several of the fast races and other sports we understand that no blame can be at tacbed to the committee of management for tnis disgraceful matter as they dis countenanced the thing altogetlier if we cannot hare a few games and sports to amuse our citizens and visitors on a public occasion such as above without attracting j horde of these miserable gamblers it will be better m future to have no public gath enng of tins nature however we think our anthont es have it in their power to control thedisgraceful characters referred to tee cozstt esd cotcekt in theafcwn hall in the evening was only fairl v atnd but the programme present ed was cf a most interesting and accep table character the entertainment was earned through without a tntch and our citizens have reason to feel grateful to the gentlemanly and efficient members of the band for the excellent class of concerts they invariably provide they certainly de serve better and more tangible support and sympathy than they usually receive taken altogethey the prograninie of the day presented many attractive features aod both citizens and visitors no doubt en joyed themselves very satisfactorily matt building ok fire tha tnggnfflwil van ririmfng in toronto pardsjly destroyed tne ltail newspaper bunding was dis covered on fire about 9 oclock last satur day morning the fire was extinguished about noon and the damage will not he to great as it was feared the damage being confined to the top stones the names were kept from spreading to the rear wing and the printing plant m the composing and press rooms is safe the editoral rooms are only a little damaged all the offices in the fort wing were gutted they were efae mail s business office the new- york insurance company the london and lancashire insurance company the medi cal and surgical association edward meek barrister kennedy ganller hoi land architects and the bell telephone company the telephone company are the heaviest losers and it will take fifteen days to right the wires numbering over a thousand the total loss is estimated at between 30- 000 and u0000 tbs ckravb hay in erin on the suh nil sarah blovd wife of robert hay gd 97 yean ayers hair vigor restores vhh the an j iroslueti ot yoatb fajcu vr i irlo i ualural ricli brown color tni c u tck m may 1 deirtd bylu um r rcau annau dnrtencu tula tulr lli joj and balduflu often thouh uot always onrtd it eliocki falling ff tu balr and iuma lat a wwk and tick ty jtotui to vigor t prtteuu and qrm tearf and daudraff auil heals uoarly orery dlatam pcallar to u ealp as a ladlm hair dressing th yioot u unequalled u contains uiluer oil nor dya rauden ui hair soft floaty and silken in anpeatance and import a de ileal afroeablt and lasilng irfume ma c p naicncit writes from atrtr 0 v x iwj ait fall my lulr eomiuuu4 fallluf oat aud tu a short utu 1 boani uaarty jail i uit part of a bnttls o ave a luut 10 in wuicli hopped the tilu lnjof tu ualr and itartmla tww t0ttlu i lure anv a uu tiad of bt r ctovlna tp oosly and am convinced thai bat tor ui um ot yoar preparation 1 tbould uare been auiirely bald j t bowcv proprietor of tlte mcardur okto rqirvr ya av tk xia laoa if a most excallflut preparal on fur liie ua r ltpealc of it from my own cxierene lis um promotes the rrotth of new hair and auaes it lovy and ecft tlie icoa ii alm a aare cure foe dandruff ct vuhln my auotledf hai tn i ttwratyh eter failed to irs entire aiutfaclion ma asncs fiiaaxiax leader of ih wlebraied palrlnm ram ly of scottuh ocalata wnws from iwex atut ct0 1b0 eteriaoe rayliair began to gjre ait- very rldenc of the cnaitfe vutah oectlng tlme procareui lute used avui haia taoa an i to hte been able to malnialn aninpearxtc ct yonthf ulne a matter of eaujweta la m a xic mm to rolusaten orv tax acxarx wl 1 1 fl etery one who lives 1 la lire eye of lite pubuc urso i prtzscotrtrllinfromlsx su ckartetfaru uast april u iss wvt two yean ara about twouurdi of my hair tame off it limned rery rajildly and i ci aat frowci bald on ufa aca lulit viooa the lull nritinpedajidanewfroila eomcieuc 1 i im alwnt a nonlu my utftd irts e4i t v eotcnjd wit abort hair it hai coil 1 1 s t r ifl i ivnr nt pd ft be rt t 1 i ir t u ut out bolt e of ue is tu- n w um it oaaionajiy aa aiireasnf vte lire hcndh c rrwr lttmmlau to uio efficacy of a ru ukir viggs u 6di vit jurw a eoutiuce lh moat sfptf- cal of ijni i srrnro it d- co ujadurofitistsa feame8 1884 an indle88 varibty c- plush and othir pictube frames suitable for prc8int0 photographs the latest style taken by the new process no long sittings bring your clotures of deoessed friends and have them edu ealarred in nrstolass style cwhill acton fransates the watch clock house ob gublph the triangle dyes hare attained a popu larity unprecedented in the history of dyt staffs ko wonder for tbey arc perfect u author shades 10c at j e mcoar tins drug store is business brevities some fact aboat our 3ttslnsa ken and hooaaa of benofitco our keneral roaders if ov wantaooljj durable inibcap tait s tj fea is the place to t tiic larfcat aud cheuptm ftock of boots t saoes to select from it ni tlt n ilcras bcjtcli lut tub cd cjnictitn citmc a ncett vartttj st lbc f- act kq clot hint atone j fife vcton salts and overcoat at cilretnelv low rates and made in latest atvfes b sare to call and see thcau j fvfe actoa lz this seasoa of the ear ufa t re alioald be a boule of pectona in every boasi it ts uucqaalled fo coughs colds ind hoarseness is pleiwnt eqaally tafe for cbildrea price 35 ceats at all druggists 30 ifcrae cbrijgc writes i live sold large qnontilirs of dr tunmas eclec trie oi it is used for colds sore throat croup c sad ir fact for anv affection of the throat it works like magic it is a sure care far liarns wounds and bruues sucfaiac riles s rwpm aad cvrc the aj inptoms are moutnre like persptr alion intense ttchlqg loereaaed bv icratch- mg very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin worm wereciarlinginand a bo at the rectum the pnratc parts ate aomeumes affected it allowed to coolioae very senoas rtsalt may fallow swav ke oirrcevtisapieaaaot sore care alio for tetter flch alt rheum all acaly cmat slm ihscafca vnt b mil far so cents 3 borel2o in stamps ad dress dr swayseisox philadelphia pa sold by drnggists 50 fan ad it laat i an article that will gire eattsfactioo hotvard s pare concentrated alkali or cleaning and scrubbing purposes printm ok sheep wahmg before sheanng and alto for makxnjr hard and soft soap a single trial is hut necessary to convince tbe moat skeptical of its great value it will make the flooring as bnbt as new does not crack the handa everybody who has used it likes it it is pat ap n tm bores with fall directions and sold by onr special agents only through tbe dominion stand ard chemical cj sole proprietors toronto ont j e mcgamn sole agent for actoa sad vicinity 45 baekleas armcaaarre the best aahe in the world far cats braises soros ulcers saltroeam kever sores tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and posi lively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per hox for sale by j e mcgamn 31 promment among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it has afft- ed ucgrtgort bpctdy curt leada the van subjected to the mmatest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injonous ingredieats characterizing the xorthless specifics daily offered to the pnblic every ingredient possesses a pecnl lar adaptability to the vanona complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can oiler to tbe pablic with the assarance that it will be found not only a rezw bat an a 3iw cure for dvspepaia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles it j e mcgainns drag store 38 wkatla a if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore use mcorecor parkes car bolic cerate yon will find it inyalaahle for healing cleannng aod completely re moving yoor trouble if the blood if cat of order take with it a few dotes of mc gregor speedy cats from j k megsr- yin drag store 90 still ahead with stock which can be 0ijj at sprim i glasgow house nelson ft mobae tjjeespectfully invite attention to 0ui v men8e stock of spring goods every department replete with all tbe newest and most fashionable goods our 1m- havi1cg leased better rooms for mv repairing department i jax give ou- better satisfaction iuan l ek wm s snth guelph hats from fyfe to cent to t2 50 at j merit pnnen dollar upon dollar u frcincmly epent on the faith of re iiumen laions for articles entire worthk i t so with mc gregors spixii cure jou are not asked to parchase it natil its mcnu are proven call at j k mcoirvma drug itore and get a free trial battle and if n t convinced it rill cure uuof tb vrorl fonns of dys pepaia laer c mipuiut etc no matter of how ioog standing it coats jou nothing bold in 50c and 1 bo uls see testimon ials from persons m ur town t 29 lastrtctionh i nrsic mis adgusxa mckxrx is pre palied la resume fnatrutionft on the ptano and organ cll at the residence main street for particalax l u mckld icton sfayhth tt a plants for svle m pebsox iseing i choice arfety of green hoasc plants of all kinds womd call at the residence of the ondenf j nd see the flee aeietioa also all lam cardea planu rachu cal celery 4t 4c lorn tola cheap hi- istli 18sl c 6 s1uth icton ont notice wite a new to increasing the stock of treat in the pood on pari west half lot 23 in 2nd eon adjacent to g te trespass ing on premises adjotmnj pond or fishing therefrom will be strict prohibited daring the season by order d henderson acton april 30 u new cash store wellington marble work quebec st guelph john h hamilton psopfllbtob formerly cqniuan hamilton dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work received first pmes at provincial ex hibition guelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for exoellence ot material and snpenonty of workmanship yoor orders are solicited court of revision the conrtof bension for the municipal ity of the villaqe acont will hold ita ont sitting for bearing and determining appeals against the assess ment of 1864 m the town hall aoton ox tuesdayttie i7tti of june 1884 at eight oclock p m t jb mcoabyin 1 vilbuttoatk cwoaceliiy0 marshall edmondson it ave alvaya on hand a fall stock -of- groceries crockery glasaware wall paper pro7l6ioa8 c in the store next to the post office flour and feed hanog purchased tbe floor and feed baameaa of mr l g mattbewi we will be pleased to sopplr all bis old enstotnerf and s07 new ones requiring gpod in thta line good and cheap goods for cash or trade all kinds of produce taken 10 ei change hoping to secure a fair share cf the trad of actoa and viciaity yours c marshall 6c edmondson our dres goods 1 are the most complete we have yet offeree comprising all alludes lb ottomau cord naus cloth cashmet eg and bprhig bon gs really beautiful goods j in our pliifft department we show over 400 patterns rai ging troni 5c in 25i per yard iu white aud grey col loks ue ure giving some very cloje quotatiuus us ne have been euabkd to secure some special values we have au inituense stock oi shitt- iugs cottonades etc etc at all prices millinery jd b f a b t im ie in t saturday 5th april will be our openinc day this department is under the supervision of miss tilany a first class milliner as we have a magnificent stovk oi millinery goods we feel satisfied that we can furnish firstclass millinery at as reason able prices as any house in the trade remember onr opening day ordered clothing this department is as usnal first class parries requiring perfect fitting well made and cheap suits thonldgive os a call we have a splendid line of ueuts furnishings eat and gape c i atizi itew goods 2000 cords hemlock bark wanted tbe subscribers nill pa 550 per cord for all prime quality hemlock bark de livered at their taanory in actoa before november 1st 1884 bark mast be briffht on flesli flsl arid fall four feet long curled or damaged bark odly received at a proportionate re duction we wish it distinctly under stood no bark will be received afteauhe first of november with out special contract any other information will be gladly furnished npon application at the tannery to me o r wilson beardmore k co aoton april 1s84 feetorw pectoris 1 pectona i the great remedy lor uoaghs colds broocbitis sore throat influenza horaeneaa and all aseo- tions of the longs and throat or chest pectoris looema the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont jive up dotal you ban tried peotorla all druggists and geoeral d tonknpen soil is r- c t i 1 p boots atfd shoes we are showing this seasoo the most complete and attractive stock we have ever shown in ladies gents and childrens wear special value groceries we are giving special values in 50 cent teas in sugars we are satisfied that we can furnish a better article for less money than can be had in the town trlankingouk numekous friends and cdstomebs fok their generous support we respectfully soliojt a continuance of tour esteemeb favors sand we feel confident that we can give you better value for your muney than any other house in the trade our motto small pb0fit8 and quick returns yours respectfully nelson mcrae remember our famous 5p cent tea 4 aoton april lbfettim i 4 4 i