Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1884, p. 4

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rj ss if iii r i hi i i hasr r y sslk ywoexnit moaytta mat at 1964 1 byoonml whan we mot bilbrry picking on th hilleid yon aid i la th flolden nminec weather hong a bomvaoaoted heather reath th blue just cloudfieckd aky how at oumord and made merry when oar fingers purple stained met abon dewy berry fought or it till nooe remained we then ever anch heart laughter in thoaa happy assunar day oar apirita loosed to madneaa with wild unthinking gladnoee that oaa never come hereafter in litea wtndaweot wildrtng ways onoe again ioiimo the hill top sink my kneea among the tern bee the yellow tinted wheatcrop in the golden euneet born other boy and girla are roaming thro the buvrryboabes by pinching barrier with staind fingers whilst the dying ennlight lingers j oat aa we did yon and i oomea their laughter from the distance watted to me where i stand thinking of a put existence in my boyhoods tairy land gently gliding oomea the twilight blinks a star bom oat the blue ah heir bounded is my insight here an i bat where are yon ready beforehand u what are yon doing now i nevexsaw a girl that was so continually finding aome- thing to do i im only going to sew a butten on my glove i why you are not going out are you on no i only like to get things ready before hand thats all and this little thing out had been per sisted in by boae hammond until it had become a fixed habit sand her more trouble than she herself ever had any ides of more time too beady beforehand tryit as surely aa yon do faithfully you will never relinquish it for the slip-shod-time- eooughwhenitswanted way of doing 4 ise the star dyes if yon want brilliant and faat colors 8 mother graves worm exterminator hss no equal for destroying worms in children and adults thoa sabin of eglingtou says i hive removed ten corns from my feet with hol- lowaya com cure bails blotches pimples ind ill skin dis eases are quickest cured by r the blood with ayers sarsaparilla mr we boyd hill coboarg writes having used dr thomas eclectric 01 for some yean i have much pleasure in testifying to its efficacy in relieving pains in the biok and shoulders i hare also used it in case of croup in children and hare found- it to be all that you claim it to be t there are lots of people going around grumbling and half sick at the stomach all the time who might be well aud happy if they only used dr canons stomach bitten occasionally ilia a splendid blood pnriser ah druggists 50 cents o the opinion of the general public in re gard to ayrs cherry pectoral is confirmed by clergymen lawyers public speakers and actors all say it is the best remedy ihat can be procured for all affections of the tosaj organs throat and lungs not another pill shall go down my throat again said s citizen when i can get such a prompt and pleasant cure for my bilious attacks as or carsons stomsch bitters it renders the blood pare and cool and makes a splendid spring modi cine large bottles 50 cents 45 the beat way to repair strength and in crease the bodily substance is to invigorate the stomach snd improve the circulation with varthrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptic cure simultaneous ly with the disappearance of indigestion it relieves that morbid despondency and the nervousness which are as much the product of dyspepsia as the weakness of the stom ach and loss of vigor and flesh which pro- oeed from it ss a blood purifier it hss no equal r tbe triangle dyes have attained a ppa- larity unprecedented in the history of dye staff ifo wonder for they are pertect in alltheir shades 10c at j e slcgsr- vins drug store 45 dnurlaiaas aad el eras have long plied their vocation on the suffer ing pedals of the people the knife has pared to the quick caustic applications have tormented the victim of comsuutil the conviction shaped itself theres no core putnams painless corn extractor proves ouwhat s slender basis public opin ion often restf if yon suffer from corns get the extractor and you will be satisfied sold everywhere h c polsojc co kingston- proprietors sail kaeam cared are yon troubled with salt eheam rough skin pimples or canker sores if ie go at once to j e mcgarvins drug store and gets package of- calverfs carbolic cerate price twentyfire cents it was aeverfcnowo to fail 47 la aaswer wasted can any one bring tn a case of kidney or liver complsint that electric bitten wo not speedily core we ssy they can not as thousa of cases already permanently cured snd who ore daily recommending electric bitten will prove blights dis- ease tria betes weak back or sny urinary complaint quickly cured they purify the blood regulste the bowels sad set directly on the diseased parts every bottle guaranteed for tile at 50c a bottle by j emcgarvin haullfhlmfm therearebntfewthai have never suffered almost intolerable pam from toothache xeoralgia or like fcote pains to ihem such as inafaut relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for ffijrs one application of fluid light max eare sold at j hegarruvi uragstora 29 oh 1 how tired and week i feel i dont believe i will ever gat through the spring hmeaeaajngl oh yea yon will if you take a battle or two of dr cartons stom ich bilterato purity your wood and tone up the system in large bottles so cents ia to be pennaoeully esteemed any arliole molt have virtues so marked aa to he plain ly apparent the goad nunt of the tri- ingle dyes is evidence ot merit tbey prove themselves always reliable 10 at j k ntcoarvlns drag stars 45 k lawywt binua at ulcatal te all i a tawuey esq a leading attorney of ivinoua uiuu writes after using it or more than three yean i take great pleasure in stating that iregard dr kings new discovery for consumption aa the beet remedy in the world tor coughs and colds it has nevor failed to cure the most severe colds i hive had aud invariably re- lieres the pain in the chest trial bottles of this lure cure for ail throit tud lung diseases tfuv be had free at j e jicqsxvms drug store large sire 100 arc you tcoublwl witu salt hbeuin lieugh hinds or old sores of any kind that ciuuol be healed even though it be of years tundiag mcgregor parkas car bolic ceritc will cure it beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever known boils festerings frost bites burns or any skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e mc- garvin druggist si if a few grains of common tense could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and slternitely irritate and weaken their stomachs snd bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly sccredited snd heslthfullsxative snd tonic northrop t lymans vegetable dis covery anil dytpepticcure which causes good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 23 ffoflbicur oiiumnl and puuoia wounds sores ind ulcers daily eipcci ence confirms the fict which his triumphed over all opposition for forty years viz that no maana are known equal to holloways remedies for curing bid lees sores wounds diseases of the akin ernipelu abaecsaes burns scalds and in truth all maladies where the sain i broken to cure these iafinnities quickly is of primary importance as compulsory confiaemeut adoon weakeni the general health the readv means of cure are found in holloways ointment and pills which heal the sores snd expel their cause in the very wont cases the oint ment hu succeeded in effecting a perfect cure after every other means had failed in giving any relief deapenfe diseases lest diiplsy its virtuen- estam4caaaarte tueluflettne browns household psnacea has no equal for relieving pun both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbsgo snd sny kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household psn- 1061 being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strencth of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for aje when winted ss it really is the best remedy in the world for cnmps iu the stomich snd pains snd aches of all kinds end is for sale by ill druggists at 25 cents a bottle bnclltems irmci siitc the best salre in the world for cuts braises soros ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and ill skin eruptions and posi tively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect aatisfactiou or money refunded price 25 ceats per box forsslebyj e mcgarrin 31 goods selling at the right house for 66ic on each dollar of ot tal cost while in europe lul winter mr wo t yvmkloi look an extra long time to lmt i the wry bfttvnet tbateoflu be bought for jag m ji 1 extra oheapbajralni he succeeded in aatung excellency ot negniu- j u was a portion of wry needy ttunnfaoturei hook which hejprchawd ti ss par cwt im ibl wjl lftjus third o the aft iavoiee pnoea and these goods with mvrlother lota that be noowded fl obtaining rt great redactions i from tbeptt 1 aitlen toy wholeaale house to canada would sell the same goods for just read he prices am call and sea the goods ud yon will 5e eatonlsbed thdrj fswjlrtf a quilltles beauty of deaian and obarmlng oolora a large lotof baudomo parasou at about half their aotual valno in a great variety of prloe abon t7 pal cent loe curtalaa at all prion from 80o up to veryrioh swlu ww designs at 110 pile of excellent lace curtains are i selling at onathlrd leas than the prioaa a large lot of ribbons going at leae than half their actual value very fashionable new styles of drew goods selling for 28c which wonw be oheap mjw run tinea towela closely woven aud good uses going it only co worth 8c bolter nd liraer towelm which would be cheap at 15o sre offering at only 1u0 x v lile whioh are good value for lo tha ijo towela are well worlh 20c towels of extra good value in all pncea op to 75e pure unen towelltop k them at all prioet they are surprising good value the table damasks and table kapkina bought direot from tha irlah tniken for oaah are trwlar gooa vm good heavy table damaak worth jtie aeqiag for 80o just imagine the 50 031 and 75c and on up to 2 for very fine wide bleached table umbmk jjj wff are very haodiotaa now patterua which are sure to please the ladies please examine them allwool french dress goods at only wo bjaekmu eolotm rreoon u wool dreaa goods it uc which would be oheap at soe an immeuse sesortmeut oi very stylish makes and newest shades in drees good at exfctoraluarrjow pnoes iov soon good qualities the right house king street east close to hughaon street the name is hamilton may 11884 thomas c watkins hamilton prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it has affect ed ifegreoors ajaeerfy cure leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical tnilysii it his been found to contain one of those injurious iogredienta characterizing the worthless jpecilies daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses i pecul iar adiptability to the virions complaints for which it his been compounded and its emcicy is being esttblished by testimonials hourly received- we are therefore confi dent that we have a prepiratiau which we cm offer to the pablic with the assannce that it will be fonad not only a ttluf but luawofe cure for drspepsia liver com- pliint indigestion- constipation and im pure blood free trill bottles it j e jtcgiitins drug store 33 wkatie o if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore use mcgregor parkes csr- bobc certte you will find it invalaalle for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trooble it the blood is cut of order take with it s few doses of kfo- gregors speedy cure from s e vtcgar- vins drugstore 29 idvl e te iitatn are yoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth 1 if ao send at ouceand get a bottle of jfrs ffffl- jfourr soothing syrup for children teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend apou it mothers there is no mistake about it it cores dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach snd bowels cures wind colic softens the gains reduces in- nammtioo and gives tooe and energy to the whole system ifrt wimkrfi soothing syrup for children teething ia pleasant to the tsjete and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and phy sicians in the united states and is for bale by all druggists throughout the world price 25 cents a bottle u ayers cherry peotoral nootlwr oanpuinti an to intidlou in their tuavek u ifaosm affecting lk uirotl tnd lungi wat to trifled ttth by lie majority of raffer- aca 1tb ardlnarr xigli or comiuuiiif partiapa from truung or tuieouciotu ex- ponra li often bat the beginiiiug oi a faul akkaom avuii cautxr pcctcoal luu vu proven it efficacy in a forty years fight i th ihwat and lung diaeamt and ikoold be taken in an oaaet vitnonl delay a terrible ooagh cured m ust i took aactere cold which affected by lunga 1 had a terrible coaghjuid paaed klght after night vstbout aleeti tbe docton gatn op i tried aykai cnxmty pico tosxl voleh rellervd my long indoetsj ileep and afforded me the rect ue tor the reoottry of my ttresgtlt by the eoatinned om of the pkctorau m nna- nent ewe vma effected i am now fix ytara old hale and warty and am ttisfied joor ckkult pcctoiul aaved me hobick fxiebaotuntu rocuaghazn vu july 15 1682 croup a xotheri tribnte while to the country lait winter ray utile boy three yean old rti taken til villi cttu it teemed u if he voald die trow itnuiju- utioa one of the family ogcetd the om of avncti caoajir prcroiul a bottle ct which wu alvayi kept in th ltoo thu iu tried id small and frvqaeut doac ai4 to out delight in lee than half an hoar the little patient vaa breath log eaiily lhe doe- tor aaid that the curnav pzctoial had aared tnr daxliaga hfe can yoa uoudcr at oaxgrautnde sincere iyroun mu ekka ocrnetv ub welt lisoi st kev york may 1g ifsl bare uted ats crttv pktoral in my family for mteral yean and to not hetuue to pronooaee it the moat rffectuai remedy for ooogha and coldi hate tvet tried a jckjlxe lue cryttaj winn uarch u iss i fullered tor eight yean from bronehitti and after trying many remedfea eiih no lac- eaei i m eund by the oao o a vcai choi- by pxctohau joatvh waiaoc3l byhalia mi april 5 1b8s m cannot say enough in praiee of attsi csxjuit ptctoiul iteuettng ai i do that but for iu ue i anould longiioce hare died from itaif troublea buodox faketine texaa april 22 ukl ko eaae of an affection of the throat ot tungi exifta uieh cannot be gteauyreliered by the uae at arzxa ctnaur p toaii and it tth ovoy emt vlxn the jdieeaae ta not already beyond the control of mediein rmxrajtxs by drjcayerco soid by all druggiata speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the best casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest kotiee and at lowest terms e5alt calls cither night or day promptly attended tip satis faction guaranteed iu every caae a firstclass hearse for hire ssfte ire in position to astisfactorily fill orueri for sveggoni carriages c oi every deicriptlon in reasonshle time good workmanship ood firstclais material alweve used we hive olso a tpleodldlot orvurnitore both common and extra quality cheap rlf you will pay us cash i ell vou anything in our line cheap j a 3pbi0ht manafsr co to the old reliable clothing store for your spring clothing rollbe flour under the care of an crpert the clen roller mill is hammiui the flour made is second to none and cant ill to please the most fas- tidious housewife remember this ii oooe of your half roller mills but u roller en tire grists exchanged highest price for good wheat joseph williams gleswiiliahs ost you wilt find a still increased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the coming season af prices suitable to the hardtiroes do not fail to see my 811 12 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting roller flour ceorcetown mill8 having spared no expense in repairing my mill and uving put la the ult and moat improved machinery i am now prepared lo turn oat l no 1 boiler flonr equal to any nude in canada we chop eery day gire u a trial we guarantee satufactlon 1 t rose oaorgetown uaderolotliiiig mr3 r creech has a lull assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity aacashmere net now in underclothing hade to order mbs b oebbch acton may th 188i the finest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing store j fyfe fzr-ijbaciels- an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for pre8ent8 photocraph8 the latest style token by the new process no long sittings- briwr your pictures of deceased friends and have them enlarged in firstclass style- cwhill acton 4 gd feames who iff umacouamtid with the csocmfmv op thssooul ms bycouillutso tms hp that tht ar ajxowanuxjforholivoaolall allbll i 0iepreaiaouofthtus tin largest haadsomart boat book aver sold for less than twk our prioo tha ustost ouldk book in america immense profits toagenu all intelligent people want it any one ean become a snoceaatol scent terms free hxixttr boos co portland maine the bennett churn tbt stmt artifiu la th xtfktt raupaiaj iodi plmfut laiuad of in tjapiwiut twk ram8haw80h acton have secared the aole control of the sale of the famoos bennett chum this chora is manoiaotared opoo the most practical and commonsente principle ex tant and onlv requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of the above firm ill call upon yoo with a sample cbnrn ajubaw soar acloo jan 15 84 carriage painting c c speicht pieties desiring their buggies waggons cutters etc repainted or revanfiahed and made equal 10 aew oa shortest possible notice snd at low est price should leave their orders at once with mr j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or with c o sfbight acton march 20th ism cc week at home tsooontfitfree pay uuabeolotelybure no risk capital not required reader if vou want bnsinees at which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h hitittt a co portland maine butcher shop ouommiv op twtoouhtity wu tim bmp that tm wife whats the matter now john 1 husband ob that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wife v7by dont yon go to j js mc garvins drug store and gel a bottle of fluid lightning 1 foo know it cores all i j tit tha fan paxss job office for brlnun such things aa toothaebe neoraigiaheadf y- ache umbago earache sore throat etc it gives instant relief 83 mhe fbee pees8 power printlna house ixecotes 30- wobk of lu descriptions in a vary iitiifactory manner at moderate rite villi de- ipatch in the tune promised bc8ises8 ciecdlaks lettke heats bill heads letter cibculabs kote c1hcclabs bc8i2ie88 cakcs tisitiitg cabdb pamphlets uakdbills postebs etc etc famcnlar attention tven to p dte wobe and extn care bestowed with a view to ecming corasctneaa orders from toe country attended to with de- r a ftwlih or pbohuboi chicago rock island pacific r amng tfta oresit central line affords to travelers br reason of its jnriraled ceo- raptilol position the ahortest ami beet route between th last nenhwat and ovtheost kid th west northwest and aoutnweet it la uterallr and strlotht true that its connections are all of the prlnolpal unas of road between the atlantla and the paoffie r its main una and branehsa it rsaoties ohioaao jdlet peoria ottawa la all oenssao molina and rook island in ffllnolsi davenport museatlne washington keokuk knoivble oskalooaa falrnmd das moines west liberty iowa olty atlantio avooa audubon harlan chithits osntar and ooiinon muffs in iowa i oattatln trenton cameron and kansas otty in missouri and leaven worth- and atehlson in kansas and tha hundreds ot omee vniasea and towns intermediate the great rqck island route as it h tamluartr ososd offers to travaiera an th ad and oonvlorts inotdent to a smooth traok safe brldcat union depots at aa oonnmtjns point pastbprass trains oo of oommodkhw will vkktilatii will hmtip timly uphotrribio and suoawt day ooaakni a line of the mot maoumolkt hofttotl iiiouamiommm oam wrartbulft rvumupi lataet deekned and handeonwn alaoi auvpo qam and dtmmo oam zitmlesyx2 ist imila upflnvaky slil vzsesijm sapar meats aratoned to traveler at thalowaatsof mvaonrnv obarts iaou thmi trains each way between ohioaoo and th mimoum wlvslt two tiiaim eaoh tray batwaan ohn3aoo and maawaravsa ot mul nath famous albert vasjasniy basvi opanadi pons and la ayatta a hew and olreot una via i bstwasn wewport naev wonmosid olnolnnatl hiotanapolli i and oounoll hitfthah paul imsaaoh and latsrmsdlata pourts v an throusli r on fst isnvamfralni for mora detailed information saa map and aeidanialmaabaobtalnedas msmtioktauul lalnrisstlti r holmes would respectfully inform the people of acton aad vicinity that be haspnrchaaed the boainew and property of mr w c robinson and it prepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in season s3 meat delivered to sny part ot town at any time ahavie practical experience in the butchering business i feel confident ihsti can suit all a call kindly solicited s bolkss hills tin i stove depot oood a8soetmenton3tovk8 cheap foe oash tinwabe of all kikd8 at bottom pbioe8 wrta ttelr wetj tclwbbfaa aa8amamamti gj l wrhlh jfcqitpaxaaljilfsdioiltb hat tecureior uttf an trnptrukoe fatu tkroughmtthe world fir ou alutiatton and eureofmttlliteiuattteluchlmamittueir purify regnjat snd improve ther quality of the blood xhey aeslattlwdlgeetive nissna cleanse the stobach all bovrtlb increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous system ind throw into the clrculstlon the purest hemenls for sustaining snd repairing the frame thousand of persons havo testified thai by their use alone tbey have been reatored to health snd strength sfter every otbar means had prbved onsocoeaaful ointmen will be found vavsloable in eyery hptaehold in the cur of open sores hard ttkors bu llct 014 wtrnnim ootagtt colds bore tbroate bronchitis amtll disorders of the tbrost and cheat kadao goat eheaautvm scrofnla and every kind of skin disease uanniactnred only at professor hollo- way establishment 533 oxfobd street london snd sold at 1 ijd 2s 9d la 6d 22 and 33a each bdxand fot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cent id 150 and the larger sires in proportion jcicnon i have no afrentun tbe united states nor are my medicine sold there purchasers should therefore look to tbe label on the pots and boxes if the address is not 5s3 oxford street loudon they are spurious the trade mark of my aaid medicine ia registrar at ottawa and also at wash ington j signed thomas hollowa 633 oxford atreet ixmdne aqditc send six cent for post- f hlstacare and receive free a costly box ot goods which will help yoa to more money right awsythsn any 1m in this world all of either sex snowed from first hour the broad road tofortnne opens before the worker absolutely sure at once address tics co augusta heine v taccetonrprioa theoact aa es- asnr swper or net of ayara caiflu f oee apoa arnirvatt i frtxmiorvem- datalnfa- j c houch t advertaana agent mnsxuai xtnitkidi i1 fkelawabk faaths for sale fralt gat per acre j 0hendricks rmliettg astait sonston dajawar these farms are improved with buildings f enoes fruit trees and berriea of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads schools and churches good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of nah oysters sod game very pnxhwtive land climate mild and pleasant come and aeefor yonrseli and be oontinced i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to see tle farms free ofbbarge j d rtkxdrirxs honston delaware l it 3 acres 325 acres fonthilt nurseries the litmat in tie senialoa salesmenwanted to begin work at once oq fallsalea steady employment at fixed salaries to all willing to work mex and women can ban pleasant work the year hound oood agents are earning from ho to its per month and expenses terms and oat tit free address stone fe wlirtoxv toronto oat a and i namr sj put ijpon 8h0bte8t kbtiojs jnasr class matbbial oitly u8bd a oall sollctm wohilkyhrlm a for the workingclasa send 10 uw llfoenta for pottage and will mail you fret a royal valuable box of sample goods that wul pot you in the way of making more money id a few days than yon ever thought possible at any busine capital not required we will start yon ton can work all the time or in your spar time only the rork isuniveraally adapt ed to both sexea young and old ton can easily earn from 60 oants to lo even even ing tliatau who want wriramsyiestaw business we make this unparalleled offer to all who an not well satisfied i win md 1 to pay for she trouble of wrhingus foil particulars directions etc aenfl fortunes will be made by these who sija their whole time to the work 6reat sol oesiabexlntelyinn dontdelay bt addreaabtixaos co portland ml u3 manhood how mst 9ni btamveraebiiy inn edition or st cainvweirasb ajwpaeloimpedlaeiilormajtlsj resnluntromxoeaaet ik i v rated unhor in ttus adaalrmji mmmen mtji rwdl strasero natoue f auraatoaarvi means of wble what uls condition enewu5rlyui tws wtlrt anoate mir tsha8baamlfeauii tiv4laiferli vssisiv s j 4 v a q

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