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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1884, p. 3

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iswttiibv it a y t n llailway twsta qonwrstr baprsis sau ik am lttp m 543 pun 8jt run a rand trunk gorca kist uadjjt sjn essies tjo sjb- pass maivi lam stf- thromhei iu pjfc special- ab goiw wom4ls ajb- enssilliws l t t m ruundi v i n just arrived atlhe actori fruit depot to- day gocoanut hgs baiwnas dates apples e l riisdin ut or choice house plants cheat er parties desiring ay tkil plants or holland bolts i npplv tt leesonahlc rates give mi all ae matthews tlf graham lds- surgeok destetbmtox0xti will visit professiooiuyl acton on mon de v of each week boaagnwi hotel all warknsnnteed to give satisfaction cton4ntgre88 tsrisiiv iiokxeu jc it i8si bits of brevity ual sad iktrwlk trn4 kr r tte p tad tciaaats rr readers f keir f streets very dastv havis will commence in matter week is here to be ua public entertainment oftnv kind is acton on dominion day a crop of ocean ieamahip ticket sgen- cy bulletin boards is fringing up in town ilr tt d bcsrdtiore hii pnt a neat fasnlr ail bolt of sod size on xicklins pond yesterdays sorter wis w accept able bat wt5 tod limited to be of mncb value a letter from spevside wifli nosignt- tnre attached is consigned to the waste basket- owin tj low inter irout fishing i not very enticing in tins section the pres ent season the orangemen innopace i big cel ebration to be heiu boektvood on the ijthof jcly peei arricakirnl society his derided to pve a prize of at their annual fill show for the best bind the dite of the hilton county fill show his been filed for thursday andfri- diy odobersth and 10th a present thstwoald be appreciated seed yo3r friid the fete pnos for the balance of the year for fifty cents warm weather is here ajain the thermometer is ffp in the nineties tees- day was an nacomfortahy hot day ilr h swacihanuner has received his the lectin lu the msthoditt church luttbmtuy evening by mr tbemaa mcmorfiy lecturer forthabhristientem- peraaoi society at toronto on the sobjoot of teoipetauoe and prohibitioam of s very interesting character a urunber of excellent points were very clearly brought ouu the bcturet u well receivw healthy potato patches arc now being talked about and we know of one r two irishmen in town who claim the best in these peru mr thomas somerviue feels ooufident that he can take the wind out of their sails and sends a potato stalkto this office uicasuriug two feet four inches and a quarter aud in bloom can this showing be beaten we have received from mr john t mofte alauagiug director of the saskatch ewan laud and homestead company to ronto a copy of a very interesting pam phlet entitled the settlers pocket guide to homesteads in the canadian xorth west this little volume contains much information of value to intending settlers and should be read by sneh secure a copy for the information of those lown and cities that are being so terribly anuoy cd by the goingson of the salvation jinny it may be said that the thirteenth battal ion active militia of canada marched through the streets of hamilton last even ing blowing brass horns pounding big drums and singing aud nobody was an noyed ifeither did anybody kick ilam- ito spectator go up head brojopec youve made oue point this week anyhow in some places a brokendown front gate produced in court furnishes ill the evidence a pretty giti needs to insure a favorable verdict in a breach of promise suit we would advise oar young friend who so frequently visits his fair lady at her home on main street to treat that new front gate with more deference and respect than he accorded the old one- serious re sults may otherwise follow this advice is tendered with kindliest feelings you know brother village varieties x calleefiak r beal aewi am ker sutlers rrelal latereit sir ruufe eran buislaryatjcrln the store and post office of h i twood were broken into on thursday night and the safe blown open about gm was taken of which 363 belonged to the post office the harness shop bf georgewalker was visited and 133 taken from the till there is no clue to the burg the apple crop h nothing occurs between ripening the apple crop of this be large on all the trees the set in sufficient quantities to ens yield- it was thought that the frostvf the 19th may would injure the blossom othe earlier kinds but such does not ap have teea the case after two years of scarcity a full average crop will be ap preciated the scott act in wellington a circular has been received from the bex 3 e black secretary of the minis terial association of centre wellington stating that a convention to consider the question of commencing an agitation with view to the submission of the scott act simultaneously in the three hidings new portable steam emgbe he has it in of wellington will he held in standrews operation and it is doing food work kiss me as i fall asleep is the title of a new song it might vork all right with some men but would take us right up it wooid aire pireale a great deal of future trouble if they- wmld see that their children are not npoa thi streets at night basineso is now hxaniug with the i cicada glove works two new travellers tiave been put ou the road during the past week oar especial thanks are due to friend hale of the orjlia pacfcr for a budget of the c e t k clmikk and other church of kngisnd temperance publications tb6 project of erecong a union station at milam has been abanscnect- the h fc x weauway company wal erect a new- etatiou on the site of theone burned- a large excursion will risit the agri cultural coljege guelpivtoday under the auspices of ihe korih6onth and west simcoe and xorth greydivision granges ajargely attended 9rden party under the auspices of the methodist church georgetown was held en the spacious grounds of ur samuel bobiuson last even ing to mrs s asecord we are indebted for a basket of exceiles asparagus and lettuce mrs secord seens to be an adept in the vegetable as well si the flower gar den fairview cemetery stick is being taken up at a very encouraging late there still remains stock however kor many in this section who should natutipy eel consider- aine interest in the scbetn at a bam raising oufhe farm of mr warren near ospringehirt vfeek waller campbell sustained a fiatore of the leg and wroi griffin was serijaaly hurt inter nalir both fell from thilailding sunday boating u bejomingaltogether too general here thoil who indulge in this recreation should u contented with the pleasure afforded darig the week and not daecrafe the sanctityof the sabbath in theabsence of bet w bryera at conference last sunua a prayer and praise service of unusual faterest was held ia the morning and herj b cameron o knoi church preacjed an exnellent sermon in the evening icumi eflicient corset fiand serenad ed dor citizens last thursday evening rendering a number of esjeuent selections in their usual creditable manner these ppen air concerts are ejpecislea by our tosraspeople we hdpehey will be fre- qnently given mr j s uoffatt g telph who has the contract for painting the teenic curtain for aston town hail iuforn as that he will have the work completed in the course of two or three weeks the 4ely has beea mbsbut promises a cur- attractilji in appearance oodsrmatton the bishop of niagara held oouflrmatiou tt miltou aud hornby last sunday at the former place he confirmed 17 at the utter 16 on monday the new st johns church stewarttown was consecrated be ing free from all incumbrance and a con firmation wu alto held when liicandldatee received that apostolic rite the bevs mackeniie of milton pigott of acton and caswell of georgetown took part in the service aud archdeacon dixon of guelph preached the aertnou bwer avenue sidewalk bower avenue sidewalk hat beeu laid from elgin to wilbur stracl this lido- walk will be much appreciated by the resi dent of the north side the walk hu uot tie permanent appearance it should have we think ilia committee ou streets and sidewalks should not only supply the con tractor with cedar sleepers but also with cedar posts for support and for levelling up wedged up as it is with narrow- pieces of planks aud pine chips the sidewalk will bo out of shape altogether after the first heavy rain send in the items the man who furnishes items to a uews- paper is the greatest frieud the newipaper has not excepting the promptpaying sub scriber for if the newspaper didnt have the items it wouldnt have the prompt- pay ing subscribers there is a great deal of false modesty and affectation in this mitter of furnishing news items many people hesitate in particular ahont tending per sonal notes to a newspaper regarding the movements of themselves and friends least the newipaper man may think them anx ious to see their name in print he will think nothing of the kind but on the con trary is always ready to receive such notes immigrant children mr john t middleuiare the founder of the orphan childrens emigration charity london out left liverpool on the 12th inst in the s s parisian with a party of 30 girls and 100 boys between the ages of 3 and 15 reuisrbo arc brought out to this country for adoption or hire chiefly among farmers they are expected to arrive at the guthrie home near the city ou or about the zfth inst this will be mr middjernorcs twelfth annual visit to these shares with juvenile emigrants from birm- ingham england since 1872 already many applications accompanied with good references have been made for the child ren expected to arrive but more are re quired further particulars may be ob tained by adririirring mrts m gibbons manager of the guthrie hamet canada pacific railway ticket agency lieaeta to manitoba aud au western points at lowest bats tloksts issued to all points on credit valley 4- toronto drey bruce divisions steerage bates from aeton to he old country t big bargains bic bargains 05l paris oreen turnip deed uraptlyto jemocarvin ktiltrir l htoauiiblp ticket ajoul acton out aoo4ti aadflubli it j e mccarvins sruf ft btttloairt stor aetoa church fergus on thursday june 26th at i pjn qwlyh ilefcurij infringement of cow bylaw two cases of violation of the cow by-law- came op for trial before his worship the beeve yesterday morning mr thomas speight was fined 1 for damages to mr allan manns garden 50 cents and costs for violation of the bylaw mr samuel laird was fined 50 cents and costs cow owners should take warning the author ities of this municipality are determined that this law shall be respected an outside root race a 100 yard foot race in three heats be tween tracy of brampton and martin of streetavtlle took place on the driving eark here on monday martin won first heat by four inches bui tracy took the last two heated the second by two yards and the last by three inches the race was for 25 a side it had very much the appear ance of a giveaway game b at acton boys were not green enough to bite at the bait laid for them a practical suggestion the corporation haymakers should he set to work on the streets in front of the premises those citizens who havent sufficient energy or from some cause or other have failed to have the grass neatly mwon themselves if every resident who can do so would turn out and mowthe grass in front ofmiis property it would add con siderably to the appearance of the same as veil as to the general netiiesh and beauty of the whole town death of guelph a car treasurer mr john harvey clerk and treasurer of guelph died on sunday evening of bron- chitis and heart disease mr- harve wa respected by all ee was one of the first mayors of the town of guelph for thirty years he held an official position there thirtyeight years ago mr harvey in partnership with mr g l beardmore father of mr w d beardmore of the large sole leather tannery here conducted a large tanning business in hamilton sub sequently he removed to guelph to man age a tannery here for mr beardmore mr harvey enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew him i scott act in brampton the brampton trmu says a large and enthusiastic antiscottact meeting took place in the agricultural hall last friday evening the meeting was called by mr dodos in the tavern keepers inter est but as discussion was in vited those for and against the scott act tnmed out in large numbers the majority judging from the applause to mr spenoe the advocate of the scott act were largely in favor of prohibition both were good speakers the only difference mr spenoes cause bad the elevation of men while mr dodos toe degradation of man mr dodos if paid f 1000 a month for advocating their cause therefore be does the bat be con for them in a money point of view mr dodds madenoeonteroj- peesokals mr alfred boomer of linwood visited acton friends yesterday mr richard xwklin of pilkiugtou visit ed acton friends during the week messrs wju storey and harry white left on saturday morning on a trip to new totk mrs p mcgregor and miss jennie mc gregor of gait are visiting friends in kcton and vicinity mr asa hall is attending the guelph conference at clinton as lay representa tive of acton circuit mr a a- farmer a former actou boy has beenappointed to superintend the in terests of the detroit mylrin- and mar quette r b at isbpeming mich mr jeremiah smith of xassagaweya left last week tia g t rand allan line of steamships for glasgow he purchased his tickets from mr j e mcgarvin ticket agent here georgetown news our band is ia great demand the baptist congregation of this place has secured a talented young pastor a number of aldous cos employees struck for better pay on monday last rev walter dean preached a very thooghtfal discourse in the c m church last sabbath mr l l bennett oar enterprising den tist rejoices in the addition of a little daughter to his family the band garden party held at uncle josephs wis fairly successful although the evening was damp the ladies aid societies of the two methodist churches of this place hare united and will hold a grand festival on dominion iisy ifcleod anderson 6c co and a d thompson can show figures which prove conclusively that business has increased under the scott act revs abbs and colling and messrs g h kennedy and j a bean left here to attend the methodist conference at clin ton on tuesday morning a grand temperance meeting was held in the town hall on friday night last the temperance men of georgetown are re- sol ved that the scott act must not go we regret to learn that mr robert hall of hornby fell from a load of straw on saturday night and was instantly killed mr hall was one of the most respected resident of esqnesing the lords army attacked the town on saturday night the devils army threw stones through the windows of the building in which the meeting was held it is be hoved tha the latter were inspired by the whisky party horsrvl c dead no never a fact established that howells is the place to buy your r groceries crockery glassware axd tee fimest grades of congou gunpcwdox japan young eyeon tea will betocsd ix stock at the gitycr0c er y no old goods on the shelves hat all arc good and fresh i am prepared to give you as good value for your trade or money as any other house in town bulnote the place otjoiit tin soyl ixouft oorair mil u xtla stmti acta canadian fwsa aaaooiation a meeting of the executive committee of this association was held at toronto on tuesday last it was decided that the annual meeting be held at toronto follow ed by an excursion to yellowstone park the route to be via grand trunk tosarnli steamer from barnia to duluth and horthj ern pacific from dilutn to the park s total distance of about 2400 miles this will be a trip of the greatest possible inter- est as the sail on these inland seas is known to be most delightful mi tt while the out of the northern facdfic is entirely new to members of ouisryiftiini and abounds with use s th park ragionjbuig appropriately entitled won derland from th novelty and grandesa- of its many objepta of interest john t ellis chaual agent aoton ontario eepbesenting thk following firms ontario pump co toronto saraia aarioultural implement co wateroua engine works co srantfbrd wellington marble works chxelpjh any information respecting the articles manufactured by any of the above will be cheerfully given upon application samples on hand imn t illis the groceries provision best place to buy glassware china and crockery hiu iu uurinst wbtfm w p is- at- brown look at our beautiful china tea setts new goods jnsl arrived dominion boot shoe store kenney bros aoton new stock of spring goods which comprises a largeand vt ried assorment of styles from the maxosr st lire daily receiving their impnsea a large and vt best manotacturers of the dominion and at die most reasonable prices everybody suited both as to quality and price ordired work in tills departmeat we are can guarantee rcpairine promptly and wet tly executed tt creech leased the ston to igstagjrrin v ei superior sake new laoes and millin ery goods one case white cottons at mill prices one case hoop skirts bustles all our goods are marked down ten per cent for the balance of the season new goods arriving daily sols at job prices mens boys straw eats at less than half the original price any of our regular customers can be served from 7 oclock pm until 8 oclock pm notwith standing the early closing movement which i signed conditionally c b griffin il co to the old reliable clothing store for your spring clothing you will find a still increased stock oi goods id all lines adapt for the coming season at prices suitable to the hard times 1 1 do not fail to eee my r 11 12 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things neceesary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing stobje jfyfe m 1 r3 ifl 1 2 i u gm jl m as immense special sals at mcleod anderson cos gbobabtown prepared to manufacture all lines and satisfaction every time kbihtist bk08 new harnes establishment mhb undee81qned begito amoonce that ho has purchased the buainsee of jar fc of mr f kalley and is sow prepated l eceive orders for jhavi atei collars whlpi trun valises kc ving badontidrable ezperiena in the bualueas i feel confident that j jsl-bttr- isatasfactian toau s5st bepauhmfiprmtitly ant neatly exeeated s 1 kim mm a oar load of prints to be slanghtered at 10a ayard worth 15e and 20o the greatest bargains werofiered special sale of carpets a magnificent tapestry oartoei at 860 a union oarpett 25c we have to immedse stoclf or carpeta ia hemti union auttooi tapestryanrfsrussels jtieyiaye got to be sold reirardless of cost rvi ir j- j special 8lef0iderftd caothinii wo are telnur nd 16rifm prioe 2nd w- gmtiiifrwrs clofliinf- fy v cjpkmm 26yards splendidfaotory gottpn forflooi ail cotton for 60 per yard r aaiflosijttph m m sfij

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