Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1884, p. 4

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eiimyii i wfcto ticumt jtossivo jest 6 1884 -t- tfib da1b httokd recall glad son otaummer atiiuing tjpon a thousand fields bctnath thy rayuie critmoti rose ita swoetest perfunie yields but oltte other roses that woomed in yean roue by war sweeter in their blnah of life and fairer to the eye la the daya beyond recalling the old loved days pine by 1 sad heart with memories thruling- sadeyea despairing wet 1 but idle an these foolish tears and vain the food regret for 0 1 those other roeee that bloomed in yean gouo by han faded to an unknown grave beneath a foreign aky 1 la the daya beyond recalling the old loved daya gone by us fits m- a mnle does not commit snioide when it blowa oat its brajjns the star dyea are unexcelled tor cheap neaa and brilliant fast colors 10 worms oanae feterishneas moaning and restlessness during sleep mother graves worm exterminator ia pleasant sure and effectual the success with which the triangle dyea have met proves them the most re markable dyes ef the put or present they are attracting attentioir from all claoec of soejetv 10c at i e kcgarrine 49 a trying moment when yonr new coat oomea home from the tailors mr j e hcgarvin yonr druggist aaya funt s tooth powder the peerless denti- frioe anrpasaea any dentifrice he has ever offered for bale try it best in the world wee 8a cents the mead of merit for promoting person al eathetica ia due to j g ayer a co whose incomparable hair vigor ia a univer sal beautifier of the hair harmlesa effect- ire agreeable it has taken tank among the- huespenable articles of the toilet to acaaty locks it grres luxuriance and with ered hair it clothes with the hoe of youth a worthless cheek the rein that hitches a hones head too high for coostitntioaal and acrofuldas catarrh and for consumption induced by the acroful- ota taint ayert saraapariua is the true remedy it has cored numberleaa cases it will atop the nauseous catarrhal dis charges aaa remove the sickening odor of the breach which are indicationa of crofal- oucixab anything mon annoying than your corn stepped upon ia there delightful than getting rid hollowaya com core will do it want to find oat whether a man is a bachelor or a man of tfamilyi give him a baby to bold theqoaoaiedjea are aoeh as doe friend can take plunrrr in recommending to mmjthft mark well iiui yon get a three w package for they are the only n- habledyes in thentarket 10c at j e jlctiarrina 49 r oh how tired aad weak i feel idont i 1jkte i wih ever get throogh the spring isowu ilcmiui oh yes you will if you take a bottle or two of dr carsons stom jkmfihaa to purify your blood and toot p the system in large bottles 50 cents baches are ls wealth than is l tor wisdom cinot be stolen or lost it is 1fcewtoreflesttriend- weax ixei ucic flints mandrake f bt rjawlaaa4kidoet diseases reachmg eiery part of the human body ajmijirrving out disease they hare no equal can be obtained of mr j e mcgarvra drnggist price45 eta to he permanently esteemed any article ntast have virtues so marked as to he plsin- lyfpaiebt- the good name of the tri- aagta byes is evidence of merit they prove uiemadtta always reliable 10 at j r hogsmnls drug 8tore- 15 the frnik of liberal e is not learning bat the capacity and desire to learn r not knowledge but power mr pirprtna bofleau ottawa aaya i was rsdieallycuted of piles trotn which i had been aofierhtjr for over two months by the use of thomas eclectric oil x me it both interitally and eitemally taking it in small doaes before meals and on retir- ing fat bed in oae week i was cured and bye bad no triable since i believe it sreanryttfc tbcn are lota of people going around rmwaumg sad half nek at the stomach all the 6bm who might be well end happy if they only used br csrsone stomach bitten occasionally ilia a splendid blood poriser ah draggieta 50 ceiitj 45 an economical gentleman wanting to have has portrait done in nib asked the artist if it woald not come cheaper painted witbptraffine miewmit failure ia not always followed by failure and although yoa may have tried remedial repeatedly without benefit dont dobbt tiatfoa will find the right thing yet pot- oamipainlew corn extractor is a pori tire remedy for coma and once used at once em this fact has been vouched for by honaands who have used it sold by dngajtatat k c polson 4 co king etoa pwptietofa- aisneaa cmfe4 areyoa tronhjad with salt fibeem boaghskin limplea or canker sores ifso oaeooe toi e mcgsrvins orug btore getf bscb oi cverta crbolic issrk jsksanfirintyiste oenta it a wffainmfj0u v 47 miitmfm began the lectmer i iun j ba5rgvftar fcr featv the dtiiens o joiag to open a grocery i ij- f 0 built tan malcolm ontario writes i i have been selling dr thomu ealactrio oil tor acme years and bare so heaitalkm in aayiu that it has given bettor satisfac tion tlmu any othct medicini irharo over sold i consider it the only intent modi- ctoc that cures more than it it recommend cd to cure uupriaciplqd persons arc telling imitations of dr thomas eclectric oil do uot be deceived haldltcklauf there are but few that have never luflered almost intolerable pain from toothache keuralgia or like acute palus to them such an imtant relief as fluid lightning i an untold blasting in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for days our application of fluid light ning cures sold at j e ifegarrini drug store 23 a crest dbeovery mrwm thomaa of kewtbn la aafr my wife has been aerioualr affected with a cough for tweotyfive yean and this spring more icrcrely than ever before she had used many remedies without relief and being urged to try dr kings sow iiit- cavery did bo with ntost gratifying results the first bottle relieved her very much and the second bottle has absolutely cured her she has not had o good health for thirty years are you troubled with salt kheum bough hands or old sores of any kind that xannot be healed even though it be of years ataading mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will qure it beyond the shadow of a doubt it ia thehest healing compound ever known boilr festerings froat bites burnt or any skin trouble areiike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e ife gsrrin pruggist 33 hiffl mary campbell elm writes after taking four bottles of jcorfhrop t lymans vegetable discovery and dyspep tic cure i feel as if i were a now person i had been troubled with dyspepsia for a number of years and tried many remedies but of no avail until i used this celebrated dyspepsia cure for all imparities of the blood sick headache liver and kid- ney complaints costivenear etc it is the best medicine known if a few grains of common tense could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives j they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonic northrop i lymans vegetable dii- coyeryand dyspeptic cure which castes good digestion to trait an appetite and health on both sever clrecp if you are suffering with low and depresa- ed spirits loss of tppetite general debility disordered blood wi ache or any diseaae all means procure a ters- tou will rapid improvement ik constitution head- rf a bilious nature by 3ie of electric bit- surprised ic sec the it will follow you will be inspired wiih new life strength and activity will return pain and- misery will cease and hencefbrtn you will rejoice in the praise of elekric bitters sold at flftr cents a bottle by j e mcgarvin best aadcftrt the smffertaa browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal aud eiteraal it cures ain in the side back or bowels sore throat rhewtavisui toothache lumbago and any kind of a painorache itjwill mast aurely quick en the blood and hjil as its acting power ia wonderf ul fltowus household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and f double the strength of any other eliii or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the beat remedy in the wor d for cramps in the 8tomach and pains ind aches of all kinds and is for sale by al druggists at 25 cents a bottle 44 advice matters are you disturbec at night and broken of your rest by a sidk child suffering and crying with pain oj cutting teeth if to send at once and gei a bottle of uri ilin- ano soothing synrj or chxldnu teething its value ia incalculable ft will relieve the poor little enffeier immediately de pend upon it mothers there is ho mistake about it it cares dysentery and diarrhoea regulatea the stomj ch and bowels cures windrcolic softens the gums reduces in flammation entlgir ss tone and energy to the whole system lira wuulmftsootluiiij sjrpfor ciildrrx teething ia pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the 61dtand best eraale ounce and phy ncians in the cnile states and ia for sale by all druggists t iraoghout the world price 25 cents a hot le 44 peotoria pectot a pectoria the great remedy for coughs 3olcs bronchitis sore throat influenta i orsenesa and all affec tions of the longs and throat or chest pectoria loosens th phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give up antil yoa have tried pectoria all draggista and general storekeepers sell it erii rravei dollar upon dotfac is frequently spent on the faith of recommends ioat for articles entirely worthiest kot so with mo- gregors speedy jcijre j m are not asked to purchase it untibitayn rita are proven call at j h warvin drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the wo at forms of dys pepaia liver oompalt etc no matter of how long ataading ii costs you nothing sold in 90s and i jbotues see testimon- ialsf rom persons iif yfur own town 29 teaching of eiperlence ijr of thonsahds et- forty yean moat ids thaw piiu at the aperients and they never prove y temporary relief of the stomach loflgs hjaart haadjand bowels in the oily safrmd deparatlntthf tho exceeding low pricea which the goods arc now telling o at atlruot the great sale at the right house is an immense success s of cuttomcts who throng these cuormoni stores so that freobently there it aoaros- ag is crowded daily tliu great tale has been got up bo the prfkilple of giving evctv i 11 i ipio of dapandlng ou the wheel of lent of tbwii lv room at the counters for them all and the whole length of both itordt 275 feet in cuttomor extra good value in all they buy whilo tome hold lotteries lu which only one in pernapt 6uuu wiu g anyuiing r fortune for our wants baa an immoral influence ou all who do and h ritinoua to both the public and private welfare some defend this lieked l wtung oa tnair goods by abualng their competitors who would not ttoop to tuch a degrading mode of procedure and make itatemeutt about them which have dotthertlgmait foundation in truth irslead of resorting to cowardly modes of defence lot torn show by moral law that lotteries are harmless and give up their quibbling their abuse and their falae in sinuations just see a tew of oor pricea white quilta marked down to twothirds their value white qoilu from 1j to 4 yafdt long french crepe ah wool dress oooos at tin whioh is good value lor 87 jo allwool french twllla- well worth 8fc are soiling off at 35o prlnu which would be cheap at 12ic are telling off at jc other prinu worth 16c am marked down to loo winooy shlrtlngt down irom 20o to 16c and from 80e to 25o handtome colored uuki to haw8hades are put dowu from 78c to 65c from 0c to 76c and from l2a to ii table deraaalu marked down from 50c to 40c and from 40o to 80c heavy cotton 8hwags down from 25c to 18c from 36c to 80c lace curuiut greatly reduoed in prices beautiful 8i not curtains very oheap black silks velvets reduced 24o per yard a great novelty in em broidered swlta muslb robes juat arrived direct from switierland sixteen dozen of childreot new styles of collars nuns veuings buatings silk orenadlnea and vel veteens lu black and the nowett colon all very cheap now ttyloa of table oil cloths iu illuminated marble granite and fancy patterns at 12tc per yard leas than old prioet a big reduction off last toaaoui prices in carpets bole agents here for the wiloor unequalled carpet sweeper king ttreet eeet close to hughaeo street the name is i hamiftou june 12 1884 thomas c watkitfs hamilton ayers hair vigor rttor rritli ito t mj fhaliucw of yoalu fstlm op gni iwir lo a irthinl ricli lirotu coin or jci lti-i- ns may acflmlj bylu ai ifjijttir r t iuirmaytwiurtcueil tula ititrtlhcetitxl ajui baldu often uioau not ainy cunj it cbeckl fallliiff of lh luir and stlmii- late a weak- and ilekly growth lo tior it pwtinu aud carta krf and daudraff and licala uiry rcty ducxio ialiar lo ui ktlp a a ladlea hair diraainif uia ylcoalstteaallm it eoataloi ucluiflroll nor dye rcudcra lh bilr toft slotry and lilitxu lu fxarance aid lmiartj a delicate arecaue and laaiinj trfoaie ldftcp dkicticb wtilea front kijr oj jifx 2 lart fall mvuairoonuncneea filliiis am jiul lu a tuort tuu i beeaaio uearly lull i vsck lart of a boula ct avrttn ilaitc viciiltutcu flopped tue fall- iflj oc the hair aud f anl a new grah t uare nor a full lnadtit lialrgniuiugrtgop oalv and am contittced tlcjit lut for ui um of yaur ireparaliou i taouiu hare bu eulirtly bald t t botctv proprietor of th uc riitr oiiv etfjvinr wu avrus tl uv hitt is a utoat escrurat itvieuatjoti fr llic liar ifpratof ft from my ont cxprrictioc lta nte iinimile ik pntwth f w uatr and niafces tglv uil tt tii vnmit u avo a for cure ir diilrutt not vitbin my knall4f ux lic prctaratkiu enrf failsid w jtro eutirc ikitiilactitttt me asit flria radcc of tbd celbraiadtairhairu faiuilr of scotljb voodtfu tu from finm mats fl iss0 erer tiace roy hair hu to fue il- rry erldetma of lha chango which tbklluf time proeartih i ht al avtal iuie goe and no hurm tout abla to maintain au appeanuice of ynulutuhiess a mailer of eoatideralisc enuwitkiieo to mtitirtets ora tor actor ami lu fart cyery oaa wbo lite lu lha eye of the inibllc jtaa x a rextt wrtlinc from 1 et ckarcfifork lfu april u ino rays tro year ag about twothird of inr hair exmeoff it thinned tory rapidly and i ra fart crowiuc inm on wdng avkjta if am yiajk tba u11iirttdaiidauw coaunenl l iu jmt a month my bel vmm eotupmiy civ tl ith rltort hair it his continue i- r ivrwas pood before it fell i th t ii4 bat oue llllc of the vioik bii ii tuj occasionally as a dressing t har httndrei f fiitetlmrtnials lo the effl3cr cf av- i 1 iu vkik it ncru hit a ril to coitrkice the oiott tkcpli- calof ivii tmrr6rr fy d- -rco-lowehmas- speight son acton undertakers carriage makers ssc arp prepared to famish everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plainest coffin- i f on the shortest xotiee and at lowest terras 11 calls either night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed iu erery case a firstclass hearse for hire trwc are in a poiitionlo satisfactorily ill orjert for uaggont carriages 4c of every description in reasonable lime good workmanship oud firstclass material alwaya used wc have auo a splendid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheap if you will pay us ca8i wc will icll you anything iu our line cheap j a 3pei0ht managar co to the olid reliable clothing store for your spring clothing you will fiud a still i icreased stock of goods iu all lines adapted for the coming season nt prices suitable to the hard times dd not fail to see my and s13 suits 811 812 made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting eollee t- flour under tbe cmih of an expert the clen roller mill is humming the flour made is second w none and cant fall to please the most fas tidious housewife remember thisis uouc of your half roller mills but ia roller en- lire grists exchanged highest price for good wheat joseph williams j tlie finest stock of hpu scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfactioniii every way guaranteed at the east etfd clothing store j fyfe feames b roller flour georgetown mill8 having fparetl no expense in repalrinj ray mill and having pat la the uleat and moat improred macbioerj 1 aoi noir prepared to tun oat a ivo i holler flonr equal to any made in canada ce chop every day gire ns a trial we guarantee satisfaction 4 t rose rtorfcsown j an endle8s variety of plu8h and other picture frames suitable for presents photocraph8 tha latest style taken by the new- process no long sittings- briwryoiir pictures of deceased friends and nave them cwhillactpn r p enlarked in firstclass style fb a tvrts jmaoquaihtisi vvitm tmb oaoomtmit of this ooumt who umaoqui no thm smp that tub ooumtky wiu hottoimftpul thennitedteai tending orer mors t stmngly est purifiers tbfl j the surest rtstoi jelnsite orte but stuck su underclotiiiiig j mr8 r creech has a tall asborthienij of ladies j and childrens underwear apd solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity scashmere net sow in rn4rclotunha4e to order mbs b obbboh acton may 7th 1884 e88 mhe fsee power printing house executes job wobkof audeachpuonalnatary aatlsfactorjr mannar at moderato ratea with da- paten in the tine promised bu8ixes8 cibcdtam letter heaps i ifitii hiw lbtteb c1uculab8 note cibculabs busi jtes8 oaxds vtsitwocailos pamphxet8 sikpbuib poctees j uk bio earuculsi smsnuon ghren to fthb wobk wteztn eaieatowad vttut yiftmbf chicago rock island a pacinc r l to um w wsaon o h anrtwlsd c- wtulmjtooi itostntecmloiloom vmrqsm dm hoim wmt ubart fwwtryii mien hamsssiootf not oounoa lntsxfjsimtthsi n m y a wanted for the lives of all all en i otbepresidentaoftheu8 the largest hsndsomest beat book ever sold for leas than twice our price the fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a successful agent terms free hiixsttboox co portland maine the bennett churn tii ffnrtft artlels ia tu xukit ctbuaiac ludt t pumu lutiad of ui vaplmmat ttak1 ram8haw son acton have lecured the sole control of the aale of the famous bennett churn xhia churn is manufactured upon the moat practical and commonaense principle ex tant and oulv requires to be leeo at work to be understeod appreciated aod pur chased a member of the above firm a ill call upon too with a aample churn saicsbav k son aclou jan 15 8i carriage painting c c speight pirties desibdcg theiu buggies waggons cutters etc kcpainlcd or revsrnished aod made equal to new ou shortest poeaible notice and at low est prices iliould leave their orders at once with mr j a speight uoderuker and carriage builder or with c c speight acton march 20th 1884 jfjrsweekathome 1500 ootfit free pay uuabeolutely sure no risk capital not required reader if you want business at which persons ot either sex young or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute oertainty write for particu lars to h hiixett 4 co portland maine butcher shop yp r holmes would respectfully inform the peeple ol acton and nciuily that he has purchased the buaineaa aod property of mr vv c hobioion aud ie prepared lo upply xll with firstclass meat of all kinds and puiillnj auri game in ieumai tf meat delivered to any part of town at any time having practical experience in the butchcrioc bonoess i feel eotlident that i cauaoitall a call kiodly tohcited a r0la1es wrtk tftelr elbt in c pills ointment m 1sc0mpaiublk uedicisk l itcurej tlf is impruhahu fame throughout the fvrulfurihe alienation and eureomo4tlikaloitluchhumanitltr pills i purify regulate iiid improve the quality of theblood tbeyswiatlhedigesttve orcan cleanae the stomach and bowtls increaae the becrefcry poweri of the liver brscetle nervoua ytm and throw into the circulallyn the purmt elcmeoli far sustaining and rtpainng the frame thousands of persons bate testified that by their use alooe tbey have been reatored to health and itrenglh after evcxy oher meaua had proved unsuccessful the ointment will befouod uvaluable in every household in the cure of open sores hard tumors 84 log old wounds enfhs colds sore throata bronchitis and ail dlwrden of the thtoat and cheat aa also gout khenmatiia scrofula and every kind of akin disease f manufactured ooly at professor hollo- wayi eiublishment 533 oxfouu street loxdok and old at li ljd 2s 9d 4s 6j tii and 33s each liol and pot and iu canada t 36 cents 90 cents and 150 aod thf urgersizcs in proportion s3cirnos i kave no acect to the united stales ucr ire my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pots and boxes if flu- address is not 533 oxford trcel londoo they are spariooc the trade mark of riy sfjl medicines is registrered at ottawa aod aio at wash ington soned thomas hollowa7 533 oxford slet undttn a01p stnu 6xcentforpcft- rilljstlmme aiid receiveirec a costly box of ccods whicii will help you to more money risbt away than any thing elfce 1 in this world all ofcitlier sex succeed i from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely- gurc at once address tnru a- co airjit i maine l rusers stec a doners mewiiper dtm-tu- tncsfetkmrpziceb tba exact u cot of mnjr psmt or lut ot gbpov cheerfollj tarnished frwnpw application t7sendjor kw ctlt-iic- a c houch adtertbmj aent ens sucz detroit slick telawarjt kalims for sale frnsias4rrr acre 0 4 0 hendricks real ertits ast houatan deuwre j these farms are improred with buildings fences fruit trcei and bries of all kixs good water ploty cf timber land qooa toads schools aiij cuuruics good mirketaji only 95 mucs froa flulllphia r fish outers and bsei vtry producttife land chmate mua and ijcaiant come aafc see for yourseu and be convinced i as prepared with team ad curiae to u3 visitors to see thotinn iroe of charse5 j 11 haxicr nonndelawsiis hills tin stove depot good assortment on stoves cheap for cash tinware of alf kinds at bottom pbigbsr and put up on noiiab 8hoktest ngbsttfrm wmuh only tjbxb has the istieat nioat conqoete factory h ts r raw tt say sate ttoavtri itenblwa aianiia on puito ibs b toronti j hasusacruitse bquarkaj luprict pianos 3owo itn4ls2itasr dohnnojt 01 1 ajtd ptluto oojipajtt b kaivtui qxt i ma hood how los wel rei edllli of tali ci irm an itm fci bnt otutofnerrou aliaeaeiic4ty reaoltlairrom price in ortwo ppauiaje thecalebrmte ntho a msj baaiy narl yearasuccei ssqqencck n the danseroua the use di thea oureatoueri maauia r ww whattilaoonan ehhpjv thu 1 tsrjrj utu addraa the postuijis r r cetare i r now hbstoksits ree uiij pnbllsiedanew j dr rwlrerwefls csltj kajaj ot int raolml a tjt cure wlinoovjwawi u- khiiulanansli i edlmenuoimarrmvelfv sisa envelope osutel npa i id this atlpti issooatn 0uew radically ouredwn otlnlersa medkla lrpolbuneot alncj erinandelr very tullerer n i mayoennyeurte tn0radlemiy kbw be ir tbe i man in the s rsr c sibu lebo 4 ilaaiatm

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