sb ji m n rcaushxd livkba tbcrutjay mobxrq free press power mnffllftq house htllsthbet actosont lies resits tue fast pirns will be sent to i sabsenbors postage pad for ii 08 per u aum in advance l 50 i not ad paid ko speper discontinued till all arrears are pud a xeept at the option of the publisher aovcarisrxo rim cuul advertise meat 8 cents pet line for the first inser tiou anf t cents per hue for each subse queu insertion oath professional cards 10 lines or less u00 per annum i square 13 lines 500 per annum parable in g months from date of insertion any special kotioe the object ot which is to promote th pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to be considered ah advertise mentj the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a seal of solid nonpareil coxteact utxs one columuonexear 60 00 bait eolama one year as od 4 lakeieolamuooe year m in uu column six months ss 00 salfeulaoiaslx months 30 00 starter oolaainslxnioauis u 06- j is onlama three months u on saueolamatunemonuis tjeo iiarler colamo thrae months too directions iii its inwrtwiuilforblaaailelnrfwlacconl in o1orr advertisements mutee paid la sl ranee caaniesforeontracladverusementsmust lelutbeomeeorga m on uiooays olber- wlie the jwitt be left oter uu the lollowln- set bt moore kduora proprietor rtggr mtvjrtl a vtef tvjrcuirr tocitixkkw oajsr business directory wh lowbz m b jic f s graduate of trnuty college stem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fred ones st acton he webster mj cm- member of the college of physicians and surgeons of ontario physician surgeon a ccouchettx orocetstillst reshjctce cucpseixs hotel actor n b special attention given to the dis eases of women and children- l bennett dentist i nownont george john lawson gradtate of ok tikio trrrancxat carisei tosokto veterinary surgeon acton ont office m kenney fc son s boot and shoe- store res idence m the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend edto terms easv ch riggs- lds of the firm of bigo t ivoar toaoxro will be at campbell s hote on the first if onlav of every month in the practice of his professioa ah work executed ni tfaa latest and most improved style of the denial art no charge for consultation t m owat or mclean barristers solicitors notaries gonve sneers 4c t3tmofzy to loii orcicx towfi hall acton j a hosr vt a- mclcit g s goodwtllie barrister solicitor notary public geobgetowx 4 actok tr acton office in mrs secord 8 block tohj dat architect auaxpii ontario omce quean hotel block market sajuare jliyrxgston ll b bismsrni sortrrrob coxtetasceh tr omcr ivext door to hynds jeeuey storc hill street acton baik laidlaw fc co babeistees 4 solicitobs orras over imperial bank u we hngton street east entrance eichsnge alley toronto jotsbaet q c c ajte wouik lmwif geoeoe kitfoi tit b bbagg practical millweiget eearrangms of flour mills a specialty p 0 addres boi 103 kocnroon patents secured fobivvemiohs hekbx gbi6t oiixsi cfsim- 20 tears practice ko patsat ho pay irtraxcis kgnas successor tol j chapman books kdeb at gesrge s sotiare guelph account books of all kinds made to order periodicals- of every description carefully bottad buiink neatly and promptly done ttttl hemstbeet bioenaed anotioneer 5 for the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fbee pb office acton or at my residence in acton vail be promptly attended to terms reasonable ej- u la also money to loan on the most favorable terms and at the lowest rates of interest n sums of 1500 and upwards t hie foe sale lime can be had at the canada lime works in small fcr large quantities at any time apply at the kiln near toltons mill or to cb smith may ut 1882 801 172 aero ttaklak babbeb shop j pjvvoboev hai opened a aber rftop j uie premises utdyoecieabyfirtrnedai wfflucondnetedinfiwwamrtyla gits june mth 1w i-i- uff terms 910o in advance the newspaper a map of busy lite its fluctuation b and sis0 if not so paid stifawsvhsjnt tct volume x no 4 aoton ont thursday july 24 1884 whole no 473 acton banking coy toret qhristic k 00 bavkers ccton ontario j general bankikg blsi aess transacted i 2c0hx7 iaaxss os 12t3ays2 notes notes disftounted and interest allowed on deposits ctan mrtt muss acton fruit depot business change j m fern ley has purchased the stock and business of a e matthevyg and will here after keep constantly on hand in season a full line of cho ce confectionery fruit canned coods choice cigars c and everything kept in a firstclass estab lishment of tins kind ice oeealsd and oool smamet driaju always fresh and pure kindly sohating a continuance of the patronage heretofore given the aoton fruit depot i an respectfauj m ferkley post office bttlldlue acton tuctsdiv mouvixci jcit u 1881 p oetry lardine machine oil x akdixe has beea awarded cold and silver medals whebxvm zxhibttld farmers threshers mill men save moket bt usikg l a rd ike tiwill outwear bard or seal oil and warranted nof to ocif manufactured only by mccoll bros toromto gfor stile in acton at j e mcaarvtns drug store wall paper wimoow shades baby oarriaoes baskets big- stock at days bookstore guelph day sells cheap established 848 savages watch clock jewelry spectacle house large stock pricesuiglit special attention to flue ffatcli repairing b savace hear petrles stew 0wg store only only a word for the master lovingly quietly said only a word i yet the master heard and some fainting heafts ere fed only a look of remonstrance sorrowful gentle and deep only a look yet the strong man shook and he went alone to weep only one act of devotion w illingly joyfully done surely twas nought so the prood world thought yet souls for christ were won 1 only an hour with the children pleasantly cheerfully given yet the seed was town in that hour alone which would bring forth fruit for hflfcven only but jesus is looking constantly tenderly down to earth and sees those who are btnvmg to please and their love he loves to crown p toty mbs bulls spring sott sow said lire mxlifl is ahe took her semi annual dividend from the envelope now i will have a spring suit it s high tune too and i mean to have it made by furbelow once in my life i want a dress that will fit like a glove and look stylish i m dead tired of being dowdy and running about in ready made gowns that hang on me like a bag and ravel apart if one looks at them i think i will have a gray heunettacloth and gray velvet i saw one at an opening that was too lovelj for anything but a wedding im so sick of buckcaslinere and black silks it leems to me ive never warn anything else to be sore black is more economical your next neighbor can t be certain whether you had your black gown tbw gprmgnr last and it s becoming and lady like i shouldnt care to have sirs brown say there goes mrs mills m her everlasting gray gown when shall we see the last ot it v perhaps i should get to be known as the woman in gray and the gray spots so easily and then isn t all that fancy painted it to be sure it would dye and shrink brown u a durable color and not so pretentions i could neier wear a gray gown except on fete days still the gray gown has haunted my imagination its like a poem like the first sight of the diver catkin the first sound of the robin however i u go in to town and get patterns and see furbelow so mrs mills went in to town and ol- tauned ptvtteras at the best snap patterns of velvet of henrietta- cloth of cashmere of armure of bonrette of bisoncloth and what not patterns of gray of london smoke of ashes of roses of clover red then she proceeded to furbelow s and looked at fashion platen and asked ques tions here s a gray we have just finish edforlfre hyson of mount yernon street it s thought to be very catc said the a- bistant- our price for making is forty five dollars only mrs mills sighed it was plain she could not have a gown mads by furbelow fit her never so wisely her check was but for fifty dollars when she reached home with her patterns in rather a pleasant frame of mind for even the selection of patterns is a kind of ehoppjig which exhilerates the feminine heart more or less she found mrs armstrong waiting for her you see explained mrs armstrong we are getting up a testimonial for dear mr glucose his thirtieth anniversary and ws knew you would wish to add some thing all of our best people have given miss clapp gave fifty dollars nobody has given less than five excepted mrs blunt and ou know how stingy ahe is she gave a dollar mrs mills gave five dollars she could not do less said mrs arm strong afterward i was determined she shouldnt get off with a dollar that rather cuts into my spring suit said she but i can have it made without the velvet i suppose m she returned to her patterns next day and meditated upon them it was so hard to decide if gray shouldnt happen to be come her brown might look old woman ish black was the safer of course she consulted with her friends and with several of her feminine relatives she made up hmt mind in favor of gray on monday and chose brown on tuesday she lound her attention wandering m church from the preachers text to the parishioners toilettes the woman who hesitates is lost we are told and mrs mills was still debating the subject when a letter arrived from her dearest friend you will be glad to hear she wrote that my wedding day is net for the 890i you most come and stop hen it will be a quiet affair without much dress malcolm partner has sent roe such alov ly necklace in haster rxxi that means a wedding present thought mrs mills she gave me such a beautiful vinaigrette when i wm married ar t dolurs is all i can fro wall i suppose i can get my gown for thirty live and have a dress maker come to the house that will be cheaper of course it wont fit like furbelows and she went to look up a wedding present for ten dollars and as she couldnt find anything for just ten dollars that suited the circumstances of her friend and as ahe had the money in hand she paid fifteen for the lovehestpieoe of bricabrac that had just been marked down from twenty dollars i need not give so much for die material lor my own gown she reflected as ahe counted her re maimng ducats have you decided about jour spring suit yet asked a friend later is it to begraj or brown i don t know answered mrs mills i have been obliged to spend some of my money and that makes it difficult to de cide it was a few days afterward when she had happened in at a neighbor s in the evening for game at whist that the con versation fell upon the cincinnati sufferers ever body expressed great commiseration yes said mr salem one of the guests present we are all verj sorrj bat it doesnt keep us awake nights and we don t like to abridge our own material comforts for their sake we are sorry in a poetical immaterial waj iow who of us would give our personal adornments for their benefit i mean to pass round the hat and see who is in earnest about this harness here goes my seal ring my intaglio for an example it came from borne and was blessed by the pope and here go my ear rings said a lady present i alwavs disliked them and here s my locket cned the hostess lockets have gone oat of fash ion i have no ornaments to gi e said mrs mills you have a tiny gold chain about your neck mrs will whispered her neighbor do you wear it for a charm mrs mills has charms euoagh without it said mrs langworthy aside at her elbow hash returned mrs mills i ha e my pocket book perhaps ten dollars will answer quite as well it is the smallest bul in it oh give him the chain he only asked for ornaments and sate oor monev advised a fnend bat mrs mills only replied with a flush and threw in the tendollar bill mentally calculating the shrinkage of ber spring suit perhaps twenty dollars is rather a small a mount for a spring suit she reflected ater let me see ten yards at a dollar a yard its no use to buy cheaper for the elbows will be out in no time if i do that leaves ten dollarsfor the dressmaker un ings buttons and extras 111 ask how much miss slasher has a day three dollars a day is my price madame reported slasher and i might have it done in three days if you are m a hurry i suppose you have a machine ko i could bring mine but that s dollar extra and nothing left for linings and extras thought mrs mhu- i must give up slasher too she went home lost in thought her spring suit was a problem which would have vexed newtons ingenu ity to solve the laws of gravitation were trifling m comparison and while she worked over its solution an acquaintance who had seen better diva nmg her bell you can t guess what i came for she said colouring furiousl and unfolded a lace fichu you know i got into debt when the children had tne measles and just now i want ten dollars desperately now here s this fischu what earthly good is it to me a poor widow doing her own house- work i haven t worn it for ten years i see theyre coming in again and i thought maybe you could give me ten dollars for it and not feel cheated bat mrs knowles its worth fifty at least i couldnt think of giving you fen dollars for it it would be like grinding the face of the poor ill lend you the money gladly but why dont you raffle it 7 i dont want to publish my poverty that s all i doivt miod an old friend like you knowing it its patent enough any way but when yoa raffle anything people always feel aslf they were conferring an everlasting favor upon you and those who dont draw the prise think they ve mads you a present i don t care if its worth a fortune i want ten dollars now more than i ever shall again r but i will lend it to you i will give it you i have ten dollars that i don t exact ly know what to do with dp let me have the rare happiness of making a present so let me pawn the fichu to you that s a dear and maybe 111 be able to redeem it some day and if i cant maybe you u be able to pay me what ypn think it s worth now is it a bargain and mrs knowles vent home with her money and mrs mills laid the fichu in the drawer and counted her change well i must have a gown ahe said and before the remaining ten dollars should melt away she went out and bought ten yards of black bunting a black gown is always safe especially for a widow ahe thought and ahe pur chased the last pattern and hired aeewing machine for a week and whilst she pnezled over the paper pattern mr lang worthy dropped m before she married mr langworthy had been a lover of mrs mills and there had been a lovers quarrel and mr mills had stepped into the breach he had helped to make all that had hap pened years ago mrs mills would have told you when ahe was very young and foolish r dressmaking eh said mr lang worthy why is this thus f i dont know why i cant make a gown as well as furbelow is this the gray cashmere and velvet with which joa were to astonish the natives the very same you should not give ave dollars to mr glucose nor fifteen for miss nelliea wed ding gift nor ten to mrs knowles nor ten to the cincinnati how did you know mr langworthy 1 mrs armstrong told me of the first in discretion i assisted you to select the wed ding present mrs knowles confided in me and i saw the ten dollars drop into mr salem s hat for cincinnati let me ask by the waj why you didnt put in the necklace yoa wore that night was it be cause you had forgiven the donor and loved the gift for his sake perhaps so answered mrs mills it was a few days later when an express man left a huge box and a tiny letter at mrs mills door dub cocsrs the letter began tve just lost an uncle in the cincinnati flood a greatuncle whom i never saw and hardly ever heard of bat papa says we must wear black and jiere s my lovely gown that furbelow just sent home going abogging as your gowns used to fit me to a t when i visited at your house in the days of my impecuniosity that word s so big tm not sure of the spelling perhaps you wont mind accepting this from your loving cousin lccu p s i can t bear to part with it but it s no use to me and will be out of stvle before i can wear it it was a gray silk and velvet a perfect symphony of a gown the very shade mrs mills had coveted it will answer for my wedding dress she said with a little blush married weu has mattie married well has he got anything r i did not hear the answer in the passing crowd i only heard the question but as i went on i said to myself has he health and strength and a will to do his best this unknown somebody who has married mattie has he truth and tmrfor ness and a memory of his marriage vow in his soul has be a hate for vice and a love for virtue and the courage of his opin ions has he honor and independence and abov e all has he a heart full of love for the woman he has made his wife so that no other woman can ever be so dear if he has these things mattie whoever she is has surely married well though the expected answer as to dollars and cents should be that he has only as much a week as will buy their dafly bread and butter and nothing else but his strong hands and an honest will to use them but if on the contrary he is a fashionable fool with an elegant array of vices mental powers which he allows to rust vanity that leads him into flirtations which wull break his wifes heart and a contempt for homely old fashioned family affection if he has for the woman he has chosen only a fleeting passion that will die with her bloom then though he has millions in gold and lands mattie poor mattie has married very badly in deed i too literal several pennsylvania legislators were dining at a hamsburgh hotel one of them asked mr d a gentleman who satl opposite can you reach them pertaters sir 1 mr d extending his arm towards the dish aad satisfying himself that he could reach the pertaters answered- yes air the legislator was taken abackj with the unexpected rebuff from the wag but presently recovering himself he asked will ou stick my fork into one of em j then 1 mr d took the fork very coolly plunged it into a finelycooked potato andj left it there the company roared as the4 took the joke and the victim looked more foolish than oefore but suddenly an idea struck him and rising to his feet he ex claimed with an air of conscious triumph j 2ow mr d i will trouble you for thi fork mr d rose to his feet and with the most imperturahle gravity pulled th fork out of the potato and returned it amidst an unconquerable thunderstorm o laughter to the utter discomfiture of th i gentleman from pennsylvania the country boys vacation the country boys do not look forward 1 1 the summer vacation with the same pleas ureable anticipation as the town youtiss t the latter it means one round of pleaanrt picnics berry picking ball matches visit ing country cousins and other amusement make the holidays pass too rapidly if any jhing for them the rural youth is let i fortunate the vacation coming as it does m the bustle of harvest the junic members of the family are utilized in man r ways minding gates raking after the wagoi auditrampmg the mow take up much ofjb i ume and if he happens to have a lit a leisure time he n am tisehhiib riding razor baokedold nag in front of awy rak or carrying water half a mile iqtbehn in the jack n afthfiwol ft s family have finished teir labor pejaiajta ertnse himself miliar ffo a dosen mf it is not surprising thtjb reopening of tb sohoojj means at leasa femjorry hard work e she took it for a bustle a very pretty modest young woman came shyly info hawleys yesterday approaching henry jihe pointed to a base ball catcher a mask in the show window and with a demi blush timidly said please let me examine it certainly beamed the gallant henry then he extricated the mask from among the other baseball goods while he whisper ed to a cincinnati commeraalgcxeuc re porter one of the female nine sure as im a sinner didnt know they were m town the lady turned the mask around gin gerly in ber daintilygloved hands exam med it critically and asked with a pert upward glance isnt it rather short r oh no they come in that sue always smiled the blonde chief clerk 1 1 never saw one made exactly like this before new invention i buppose ventur edshe oh my no been in use three years at least said henry indeed how- strange do you think they are better than those made of whale bone 11 undoubtedly was the reply though he mentally asked who ever heard of a whalebone mask t and the strings 1 said she turning it around strings echoed henry in perplexity that is the straps the fasteners- how does one keep tbam on let me show you said henry reach lug for it 1 oh don t trouble yourself said she with a half scream and then ahe turned pale as death while henry took the mask into his hands as he stood loosening the straps prepar story to adjusting the affair the customer seemed paralyzed with deep emotion and on the verge of a dead faint butwften henry pulled the mask over his face the color returned she gasped for breath opened wide her eyes and panted why what in the world is it why a baseball mask to be sure didn t you know smiled henry through the wires fl no that is i thought it was a oh dear 1 isle aweetlv fainted pearls of thought where there is much light the shade is deepest misery travels free through the whole world he who is firm in will molds the world to himself the tongue of a fool is the key of his counsel which in a wise man wisdom hath in keeping often extraordinary excellence not being rightly conceived does rather offend than please not that which men do worthily bnt that they do successfully is what history makes haste to record it is better to have a hon at the head of an army of sheep than a sheep at the head of an army of lions what is called ill nature and what of generosity is very often nothing more th a quick eye for the injustice and unreason ableness of others and a determination not to gratify it not the desire to save ones own money of trouble a sentence cat short oh mamma who do you suppose- 1 saw m the parlor last night cried little johnny crimsonbeak when the family had assembled for the morning meal and the domestic was bringing in the coffee why idon t know johnny who did you see 9 said the matronly mrs crimson- beakv in a calmbeforethestonn sort of way bridget exclaimed the boy eyeing the queen of the rolling pin with a cautious eye well what of that johnny t went on his mother arranging the crockery w front other what of that exclaimed the boy levelling his eye at his fathers electric light 11 why she was on pas arm look here yon young scamp yon ex claimed the enraged parent sjuvrtnifl a fish ball at his offspring who began to seek the open air when johnnie was brought m by the seat of the trousers by theramily watobdog he exclaimed that bridget was in the parlor sitting in pas armohair humorous every one has a right to drop- a line to a fish ttsatag steeped in the uitlwarm summer son theeqoalheirofearfiianasky the uniald bresto that stirs the grain now gold j now brorie now gold again hippies the current of ray blood and stirs dnick fancies in my brain sweet snrqmerecentad wind caress 1 this tend tonoh tbia gentle streak more deeply move than hands that olisg and passiohieversd lips that press my soul flonbtstrong with questionings torn in shadow conflicts wounded worn leaves dreary qneat and longs th share the golden sense of hie new born the seed within the farrow strewn from blade to ear from ear to oorn one life evolves distinct and clear forever climbing never higher o heart be still at nature s feat 0 prisoned wings that ceaseless beat stir me no- more with tender pain bat lea me to her influence sweet tooohedwith thy fire celestial son my tangling poises swifter ran i flasavdilow with ardor filled and dream once more the oontest won i the ten commandments a gentleman who waa well known for hu bberahty waa bemeged by many childxen who were selling ticket for a fair a dozen filed into his office at once and many more wonld come he could not be expected to bay of all yet he hesitated to ref ose any without good cause said he i will bay tickets of all who can say the ten commandments of the twelve not ens could make the re quired recitation and all belonged to the same sundayschool class another energetic yoong saleswoman made her appearance how many vmimnniftitfl shoold yon say there were ahe was asked sixteen ton place the figure rather high bat lets hear what yoa know well she said slowly i dont know but four say the four for me then a moments pause i dont believe i know bat two we will hear the two then if you please tve forgot them said the vendor of tickets a member of the same sunday school and the same class fafore mention ed well then i guess i cant deal with you and she waa dismissed as many as fifty applied at the time yet none ooold aay the ooramandments except i one little girl of whom tickets were bought if ovr sunday school scholars were pat upon the stand how many could repeat the ten commandments just a little too premature it is soberly related that a youthful mar nod couple at buckingham whose apart ments have recently been glorified by the addition of a facsimile of the beaatif al little mother decided to have the christen ing service m the hotel a venerable meth odist minister was called tq officiate he took the babe m his arms very affectaoxtate- ly and addressed m a paternal fashion a few words of advice to thesyoong parents i bee that yoa train np this child in the way that he should go i that yoa sarroand him with the best influences and that you give him a good example jf yoa do so who knows bat he may become a john wesley or a george whitfield what is his name f i nellie sir replied the mother i a smart newsboy i at a railway station the other day a geatleman from the oountry yielded to thei pressing solicitation of a persistent news boy and bought a paper bit hers was a difficulty a shilling lto change and the tram about to start the bargain was about to be relaxed when the boy volun teered to get the shilling changerl into pence bat says the geatleman per haps yoa will not return with the eleven pence if you are afraid of that ex claimed the preoooioos youth yoa ma have eleven papers in aeamnty the boy went bat did not return the whistle sounded away went tfae tram and it ear ned one man supplied for once with the news of the day a popular chord out west is the one the crowd does the lynchingwrth breeches of promise those th tsilor said lie would have finished on saturday the too solid fieeh which so bothered hamlet was probably a lough beefstjesk it sounds paradoxical but a sick jindian can be at the same tune a well readman no matter how old the attmettes of a meneierte may be yon art justified w ex pecting to find uetfitni a jg at es thing thatis gnu 1 irref 4i bromiarfithe 3 a new remedy aboat ten oclock one morning tvpo met met and began threatening apd calling eacl ether names one called the other a bar and the two were aboat to grapple when i r woman opened the door and said gentle men are yea aboat to fight wearel they answered together then have the k to wait a moment she cantmoeov my husband has been sick for weeks ani is now just able to sit up he is very hearted this morning and if youll onl wait till i can draw him np to the i know hell feel very grateful to both you she disappearedin the house after one look into eaoh others face men smiled shook hands and gather asobjictwnnro sod disgust thj fetid odnrj o a catharrbal breath whicj renders the lufortunste too disgusting companionship sr stafrs catarrh oo queroi will remove toe cause and give you k sweet breath sold- by j druggist price sooents bouoxaifi puurtie greatest wood of modem ttmeajtms lmcomparab medieioo ucreeaes tbe appetite strang the stomach cleabapsthe liver oorrecto binoasueo prevents bitalenoy parinei tt system inyfjririies fhe aerres aid lsgwtanealth tivomcaemj for tteifl ftacmihwtjtie tfobs est ishes e aejefieslijjjj tinoe the nwawpt eel out p equals hotftsajs fphj in v more all eooplaintax raoe tbet anav of vj