Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1884, p. 3

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fm rnw mmmmm railway tiki table ooiqkast ast utf tj un pus msm ujoo ul i kxutm ms pa utpm uapja sjtiun bpecul- tnatorcucrsoiuiu gols wlu3 iia sutjejskaaillopjii mn closes uui u on tiunday th graham ld3 stjbgeon d6ktchtbaucptor0jt witt visit lvofejsfcmslly aetna on moo- awotetchveefc bomnagnewihotel ail work guaranteed to give satisfaction yk ttt mtm thtiait mosxiso im 11 lg84 bits of brevity i ctsjerwue nut hr tk k or u sa u setsam fr 13 i i jwsrmjjry mddasty ssnidpal council next tuesday even ing r o mr c 6 smith is getting his it ock of ooal in berry picking expeditions ire dot uo- merbosr willow street at bower avenue hu been considerably improved xew street lamps have been erected on bower avenue and tonge street a few of bar farmer friends have com menced catting their fill wheat mr end mrs junes brown are visit ing friends at penetangnishene this week raspberries are unusually plentiful ther are selling this week for five cents per pound frank sanderson and joseph tamer o milton have been fined for allowing their horses to mi at large and well might the acton fbee phies be complimented it is a neat and spicy sheet gtorgebm kmli- a son ofmr bcorrigan of trafalgar took a second class grade a certificate at the ottawa normal school a good many thistles and burdocks still remain uncut in town give the mat ter your attention citizens r- armstrong while shinning a dam for ilr henry rohiisrm trafalgar fell and broke his arm in two places croquet playing has been considerably revived here lately it is the foremost pastime with many of our citizens mr e kelly says he can beat the town on new potatoes hes been supplying our vegetable dealers since the 12th of july one hundred and fifty german immi grants passed through acton via the g t r on monday on their way to chicago dr freemans horse shied the other day and the doctor was thrown from bis buggy and injured about the iscemillon xetce the dust caused by the high winds of the past week has been most disagreeable not a crack or crevice escaped this search ing nuisancer a burglar got into george laverys bedroom at hilton by means of a ladder but mrsl lavery awoke and the man made his escape in a hurrv j boating on nicklinsondts verv en joyable these warm evenings a more healthful and pleasant body of water than this would be bard to- find- j ffrom some cansc or other-presum- ahly the drouth quite a ntrmbexfof the maple trees planted here during the past two yearsihavelately died f wiihn street sidewalk is completed- vn wtitfnb are asking why it was not built on the same side of the street as that between mill and church streets v acton cornet band gave a free open air torchlight concert on monday evening this was appreciated by our- citizens promenading wis largely indulged in the friends of the late mr c mc- uurray of bockwood have received 11000 from the boysltempisrs of temperance faa having been a member of bock- wood council of that society the proprietors of the gadjik lltrami have put m a new 20horsepower boiler the mercury never takes a backseat when an improvement woold be advanta geous to bnsinetef s more power to ilt the attention of the street and side walk committee is directed to the dilapi dated condition of the street crossing op posite the lords army barracks the limbs of all who cross it are endangered baportsxrom all over the country give assurance of a boontafnl harvest the crops were never looking better farmers say the wheat crop win be excellent it may be rather light in the straw but it is head ing out splendidly other crops afso look weh the feee parts deyotescarefal attend tion to the pnbtte matters which mort directly concerns your locality yonrodnn- cil meetings and all those daily bjlpenings which makeup the history of yoarjoealky are faithfully reported only cts to the end of the year m village yarleties a ceueetum itlmtlicn aaav ether matters t laweld lucml estr mine biwslrn soottactlnouelph a scott act association with a strong executive oommittee has been organised in gaelph at a meeting last week irwis re solved to commence the campaign at once sunday bchoolmenlcs i the church of england 8 b picuic ok thursday and the disciples s s picnic on saturday were well attended and much enjoyed by the children these pleasur able occasions krememorable events in the minds of the little folks a coromendable job the street and sidewalk committee have performed i a good piece of engineering at tne junction of bower aveuae and elgiu- street here a vraterhole has always ex isted iu wet weather the committee made good solid bed of broken bricks and then covered them with a liberal coat of gravel the road is rajsed about a foot and no further trouble is anticipated farmers macnmery farmers ingeiiigxheir- reapers and binders and other machinery ready for use should see that every bolt and not is screw ed up to it place and that all puts fit perfectly better spend an hoar or so be forehand in looking them over than have to stop after work hi commenoed in start ing any iryyti for the season it is econ omy to iuse at least one gallon of kerosene orerude petroleum it will costaoywhere from 10 tos cent if need freely once or twice bifore starting then flie rest of q gallon u the first two or three hours the machine biased it will sofw op and wash out the bid oil and gum that has become settled in the boxes abiii aw wax and save tto temaluur tbooaailds of muil aggregate draft every day as long avit run and to save draft ir to sve jmosde and muscle oats fesd ujawf dooi span tto osraiene 1 i the lards army captains webb and kfasou of brampton conducted the meeting on friday evening capt webb went to stratford on saturday to take charge of the work there capt huon will superintend the meetings in acton and bkwoed capt williamson who his been here lor several weeks has been placed in charge of the army at brampton icatrimonial we omitted to mention last week that mr c r orr editor of the oaiviue fodt- padal was on the 9th inst joined in matrimonial bonds to one of oakvqles fairest maids in the person of- hiss lizzie wright only daughter of the late dr wright of oakville the fur pbxbs ex tends its warmest congratulations to the newlywedded pair may lifes voyage be fraught with continued fair weather bosluesa change mr a e matthews has disposed of his fruit and confectionery business to mr j m femley mr fernley has had con siderable experience in the business and will no doubt be able to meet the require ments of bis customers inevery respect he is courteous and obliging and we be speak for him a successful trade mr matthews has taken a position in the ship ping department of the canada glove works how to grow fine celery we have received a neat little pamphlet bearing above title wherein is described a new method for growing five celery the importance ofcelery as an article of diet and especially its value as specific for nervous diseases makes its successful cul ture of the first importance and the method herein given will enable any one to have it in perfection in his own garden if you desire this pamphlet send 5 cents to mrs h m crider tori pa the methodist church owing to ihe absence of bev j s coll ing at the brick church- last sunday morning there was no sermon in the meth odist church here- an interesting praise and fellowship meeting was held by the members imfmfl some new arrange ment will be made at the coming quarterly official meeting in august whereby regular services will be held both at the brick and crewsons- without interfering with the usual services here wherein success principally lies the acton finn press one of the bright estand best of our exchanges has entered upon its tenth year of 6ubhcation- the people of acton give it their undivided sup port and therein they are wise a good paper merits the entire support of the peo ple in any village or town whose ihhahit- ants do not number more than two or three thousand and the peopie interests are best served by giving it their support hence it- is that the people play a promi nent part in the matter of publishing a good paper they i uruish the back bone and the editor furnishes the brain wai- lacdmrg record bev dbcametons pamphlet- 1 bev d b cameron ofthe presbyterian church acton is strongly opposed to the scott act audhas written and published a pamphlet in which he states his position at length the hotelkeepers are taking advantage of this good mans influence and using it to bolster up their trade it is stated that they contemplate printing thousands of the aforesaid pamphlet for gratmtfous distribution among the people of halton for the purpose of showing that the licensed liquor traffic can not be such a verywicked thing because it receives the commendrioa and approval of a fresirjv teriak minister a large number of the membersof his congregation do not agree with him upon the scott act question and things are said to be approaching crisis wuon jori l oonirilhxtentaxy- i at the last meeting of the georgetown mariftftrirl association the following res- olntionwsa unanimously adopted moved 0t bar b c caswell church of england president seconded by bevw gwallae presbyterian church secretary and re solved that this association sincerely re grets the departure from this village of ber jl s colling to another sphere of niinlkterisl duty- inasmuch as by his earn est christian words and practical experienoe in pastoral work his presence at oar meet ings has been productive of much edifica tion and pleasure to his brothermembers and vet whilst regretting his departure from pur midst we cannot but express satisfaction at the cause which has given occasion for his removal namely the fication of the various methodist bodies as an flw we heartily pray that gods blessing will rest upon our friend i in his rjew ministerial sphere and that be will find there the opportunity of doing the lords work with satisfaction to himself and for she good of immortal 80uls during the abort time since mr assumed the pastorate of the ciharch here he has succeeded in winning vary warm plane in the heart of the people of acton hispreaohingisearniat thoughtful scholarly and impressive slid ipembeisbinfeel much encouraged u- u m tm w ftpegatanjaity a timeof prosperity 1 in store far thpn i pbbboruls v miss lunde campbell left aotou yester day for her vacation miss jennie k grant is the guest of mr ae wallace of fingal miss nina gibbons is visiting friends at grimsby and the sixteen mrs w t 8myth is paying her bramp ton rieuds a visit this week mr wc king and family left for to ronto on tuerday afternoon miss lou hostetter of st catharines is the guest of mr c b smith mrs geo wilson and children of allan- dale are visiting acton friends miss carrie dieterle of toronto is visit ing friends in acton and vioihity mrs e jose- of toronto is spending a week with her friends at beaver dell farm mr william cook returned home from a pleasant visit atxaledbnia last saturday mr and mrs s atkins of hamilton were the pnests of mr a a 8ecerd this week- mrs w stuart ol chicago is the guest of her brother bev w j pigott at st albans parsonage mrand mrs john kennedy of guelph spent a couple of- days during the week vith acton friends v mr arthur bach of worcester eng was the guest of mr john perkins several days duringlthe week mr p m mccann has been ill and un able to work for a week past we hope be will soon be convalescent mr john carson bcl of mowat maclennan it downeys office toronto paid his acton friends a visit yesterday we must congratulate mr j w crew- son of milton public school that his mar riage has at last and in very truth been consummated the milton ifao says mr j w crewsou was married yester day to miss mcmaster there is no doubt about this as one of our prominent young lawyers mr elliott officiated as grooms man ssasa footbaoes a threeheat 100 yard foot race between h white and w a storey on the driving park grounds on monday evening was won by storey also 100 and 200 yard races between h f hill and f h smyth took place the same evening resulting in favor of the latter between 130 and soo persons were present to witness these races and considerable interest was manifested foot racing is all the rage among the ypung men at present and a number of them are showing good speed ned our worthy pill compounder is now under training and will exhibit bis neatness as a pedestrian in 100 yard dash with one of the above on the track tonight at 8 oclock great excite ment what milton is doing w lp eager esq takes much pride in improving his handsome grounds on main street and hey are a credit to the town jfifto van glad to hew it friend kua glad to hear it it is so sel dom we hear through the milton journals of any one taking an interest in improving theoounty town that we cannot allow this instance to pass lmriotirwt we often won der i at the apparent neglect in informing the outside world of the improvemenuf which are in continual progress in milton that improvements are being effected is plainly evident to the occasional visitor but why the outside public is kept in ig norance of this fact- we are at a loss to know particularly on the part of ths vruv of course as far as the champion is con cerned we can easily divine the resson for its action for it ostensibly receives a good price for misrepresenting milton and the county generally by depicting everything in a ruined and dilapidated condition the milton merchants business men and citi zens certainly do not appreciate this why dont you do your duty in wwming your town mr stat t always give credit to whom credit is doe and your fellow citizens will give tangible evidence of their appreciation of your endeavors to keep the ball moving ticket agency ncim scrrutnio ui mists ox oredit vallev toronto grey bruce and ontario and quebec branches also to ill knm nc manitoba western states british columbia 4c 4o fare to winnipeg only 7 ib j v-l- h s m i wfflve moheyi p by purchasing ticket from j e mccarvin tour fatroattge i kbii iy solicited by j druggist sljationer acton ontahio drugs due stuffs smiojiety school books jsiblei faixitsj oils coal oh ifc tiussis fancy goods machine oil 4ej o ticket bolitolslw ontario portsij kingston aadkcmtrwtiavrioliilienifc ontaria naylgftuon company wttm rates of passage acton to idverpool4imdanaerry 71 28 s58j284v 91 20 8i8s88 9m88llm8 aooording to location of staterooms intermediate-tolivenpoloadon- darry and glasgow 9wqq v steerage only fgulq trokf acton to iaterixl belfast qtieenstdwn galvay limerick herry london cardiff and bristol jspecial rates to clergymen pb ticket agent acto ontabio iii iii m for tickets and berths and oil in- formajpon apply to agent adton m iiiiiiiii dead no never a fact established that howells is the place to buy your oroceries crockery hassvare axd the fime8t grades of congou gunpowder japan 7onng hyson twb will be found df stock at the c it yc roger y kq old grooda on the shelves but all are good andjfreih lam prepared to give you as good value for your trade or money as any other house in town scbunote the place oppoiitttae7lxehan8 0on kill iadkilnstrtiaeten cs mm dont riad this tnleu ton want to hare jstoser the best place to but groeertm provisions clmssware china n4 crockery ib at w p brown gos look at our beantiiuxjnlna tea setts hew trootts just arriten the hew stagewurtam ifr j s moffatt artist guelph has completed the drop curtain for the stage in the new town hall here and itis now in position the artist in portraying his de sign upon canvss performed the work in a most admirable manner and the effect presented is very fine and most satisfac tory the scene is an eastern one from imagination on the top of a ragged mountain is situated a mosque a good re presentation of the niagnineenoe of these eastern buildings whue around the loot of the hfll a river is aeanhiding and paasmg under a bridge which spans the ifrsr lathe valley on the road leading to the hoeqne above the scene is at eventide and the effect of the sunset on the trees and shrubs by the sideof the river is most ex- ceuently pictured away in the distance are seen lofty huls and a broad expanse of water with a tiny boat on the horizon thai reflection of the hot eastern sky being cart over the whole the curtain is a splen did piece of work and reflects cotishersme skol on the part of the artist to allow our citizens the privilege of seeing the new curtain to advantage the hall will be light ed next tuesday evening when all may call and inspect it the gtuph iterewry says this curtain leaves fiieone paint ed far the city hah far in the shade and the painter may well be congratulated on his work acton town hall is now eom- plete aodsaperior to many of the city ba- dominion boot shoe store w are peep abed to fttenlhh families with goods a the following wholesale prices ok od grey cottons one yard wirie by the webat pijie heavy allwool grey flannels at 25c by the web i tie best shirtings in canada atjl4c by the web 01 oice prints from 6 to 10 gents l r drjess goods ducks cdttonadejs and all other kinds of dry goods sold at wholesale prices and cut in lengths to buitpxirchaser black silks j bea french make lor 90c 110 155 150 200 acknowl edged by our customers better value than any other house can ahoir is loots shoes womens firstclassriveted shank boots for 80c womens fine blippers for 75c childrens and mejas boots at 15 per cent lebs than you can purchase elsethere superior bright muscovado sugar at 6c er lb by the barrel in bmallef quantities at 5 per cent adyance a good cooking sugar 18 lbs for one dollar- we guarantee to give theibest hyson tea in canada for 50 cents per pound cheapness and good value is our motte 4t the halton drjr goods house c b griffin in s1 kenney bros maut st otolit are dairy reoeivinn tjilr new stock of spring goods which comprises a large and varied assorment of styles from the beat manutaeturere of the dominion and at the most reasonable prices ilrerybody suited both as to quality and price ordered w0rk ih this department we are prepared to manufecture all lines and oan guarantee satisfaction every time bepalrink froaptlr u ifeatly executed kennkt bsds jdii t ellis aeaaral ageat ikai ontario bbpebsbntinohk folilowing fibms ontario ait i1kese special sale at lcleod anderson i cos geo r get own tolet thit desirable offios so mrs 8 ai 8c- oords sooth comer bkx recently oceopisd by messrs mows a mclean barristers if fcir xrioof wpmon seow ooold be infnsed into the thloinoddlos of those who pcrpetosuy sna slternswj- irritte snd weaken their stojnsclu ad bowsh with drastic pmrref tte the iiiyaytalshjfalisjilltsnd epvatymkovjtaefiiebtci whion 0 gojgntvmfte helthot6 a 1j a imsmb m y v jw- any infennatiod respecting the artii by anyoftbaabove wu0bech r c mpjidns daometfon ivj wsisiriit-s- ails frtii k a car load of mntt tobvsimghti an 120crwre4to i jpdftsvtjrslecliificent tesjryiiibf uinonxjai 26wwelavqan immense stockrjiipbta in h z mrdjirtiw4bni8el s m yv ic wsi i

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