Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1884, p. 3

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-r- m e- ssessssgasmbmrnsstii railway tims tabui e osasd tbuhx barfwa oorxaun hlltd gxprsea- mo eje ptslttntiu- uun am tnroagb exas5 pju gpectat in jijb nai o cloenta man doinf west sas eis v kmv418 fcni and mo pjn h aall etomt at las ajn on thursday gpw hit u bipnsa sj0ajl 5awssiu0pm iyft us pjn bpwuirfcz tar pjn 2ls ras is at eo ykb8 act9n seheel 8ooln jlmn lattlepm sot fu aoeeut booki 9ms ink alugtstook atowtfsetaiastoa wte oaeki ftnunr- bpeeue- in saitn bpeeu u toxjh fwtss plpss fookst ssitm own xml toott im sui srukm wt- tiag rrtsats an recall la and m my larse stock jjrfmt 4fre jfrm thtbht scomtcco sot 18 1681 rkew is for i f i laristee ies les far ea bits of brevity lseal ena etnerwtse rvfr- r lk ue f tkt k ui seiasers fr kt4n tke free press have yonrbeen to the fur bread ia down to twelve cents the holiday season is about over shorter days and oooler nights now the ioe cream days have nearly van ished when did georgetown become town dear champion 1 the stove and coal dealers begin to war benign smile acton give ns your hand were proud i of you m26n foot thistledown is sow marking out busi nessfar farmers next season large numbers of our citizens hare visited toronto exhibition this week the next sitting of the fourth division court will be heldon friday 19th inst acton needs twentyfive more dwelling booses forthwith capitalists to wort a block of threestory brick stores would add greatly to actons appearance bevw j kgott will dv officiate at all saint church erin next sunday people are sotting down to business again as the election excitement subsides sportsmen teport game very scarce this fall- there are very few black squir rels the season for trout fishmp closed ou monday 16th september bear this fact in mind boys 1 it is reported that mr james barber jr of georgetown was drowned at toronto on tnesdav evening the civic holiday yesterday was very generally observed keariy all ourcitizens graced toronto with their presence leap year is fast slipping away girls youll have to put in good solid work now or many of you wul be left single a four years are yon a subcriber to th feez puss if not become one the fszz puss to end of 1884 for 25 cents send it to your absent friends if any wnwta liave strayed into your premises advertise theminthefszzfaass at once and avoid gettinglnto any trouble by detaining them- the liuaaiuriflsxral has celebrated it3 seventh birthday- the liberal is an interesting local sheet sod is in every way wortht of liberal supportand we believe receives it a grand temperance convention will be beldinuuton today a mass meeting will beheld in he evening to celebrate the glorious victory of the 9th a large attend ance is anticipated an obituary referringto the late adam xicson sq and letters from messrs j f k guelph and b b lynd ft credit respecting the scott act- are unavoidably crowded out this week i the farm of the- lateiadam conboy west half lot no 29 con 6 township of kaaaagaweya will be sold by public auction atttgnews hotel acton next monday 22nd sept at one oclock p ml merchant who desire a large fall trade shomd advertise in the fees fazss kow is the time for people will aoon be doing their fall and winter buying if you have thegoods let the people know is time the free frews extends its congratu lations to mr d e bastedo editor of the georgetown fferazdt upon his accession to the ranks of the benedicts may the future of the newly wedded pair be bright and full of happiness this is the happy time ibf the year when a man gettetupon a stepladder to put up a stovepipe and the stepladder kicketh up behind and standeth him upon his ear and falleth over upon him and filleth him with much woe i messrs msleod anderson co georgetown have just received a new and complete stock of fall goods from foreign and domestic markets and are offering special inducements to purchasers bead ibetr new advertisement next week the actoi fbei fezss says it is pre pared to prove that antiscott orator j c bed stated alt colllngwood meeting that eaflbnwas the most godforsaken hole he ever saw the free press need not troubleilaelf ever since the evening of sept 9 mrbellis folly prepared to admit the charge spectator an fvripi tells the story of a boy who was sent to market with a sack full of toasting ear after lingering about town all day be came home without aehing them open your sack and keep shunting the marl t of your stock in trad through ttta oolumna of the put pun a paper beyond doubt the 6eaf advertising medium the mar chants of acton could employ r lankin hotel keeper at lome fark wu fined laat week jor selling liquor on sonday why dont the people of feel agitate iorarepeal of the crooki aotf hotel keepen violate i provisions then- fore the law is a failure this will be their argument as soon as the scott act comes into operation in peellf utoi jfnu a very suooeasful oonoart wu held in grin last thursday evening under the auspices of all baihta church acton talent provided the most of the programme they rendered their part admirably and were very kindly reoeivea by the audience rev george b boll is the missionary in charge of the parish of erin and hillsburg village varieties a celleeuem er ieeel news and ether alters ef special interest teeu tulae testers eaiattog agricultural exhibition our annual township fair will be held this year ia the village of georgetown on friday 3rd oct after the impetus given it by the unusual success with which it was attended at acton last fall we win expect a firstclass show at georgetown this year let the residents of the whole township assist to make the exhibition this year worthy the excellent township represented exhibition printing merchants and others who require print ed matter for circulation atthe county and township fairs in this vicinity should leave their orders early at the fuz fuss office our facilities for the execution of firstclass work are unsurpassed and as we never allow inferior work to leave the office our customers may depend apozx neat clean and satisfactory work every time foot injured wnile boarding a train in motion at the g t r depot on monday evening mr charlie moore of limehouse eldest son of mr john moore met with a severe snd painful accident by some means he slip- pedandhis right foot coming in contact with the car wheel was badly crushed dr lowry dressed the injured foot and under his siilhal care mr moore is pro- gresaingfavorahly and will we hope soon be able to be about again under peculiar circumstances a lady travelling by the midnight g t r train last thursday morning was taken suddenly ill and at acton station was re moved to the residence of mr bae g t r agent dr lowry was at once sum moned and in fifteen minutes the lady was delivered of a daughter premature her first child- through the kind nursing of mrs rae and several neighbors both mother sndfdaaghter are doing well the lady is a mrs taylor of belleville and was en route ito join her husband in st pauls vinnr whence he had removed several months ago mrs taylor is a highly respectable lady and fully expected to have maenad the end of her jobmey be fore the occurrence of this interesting event hymeneal- one of those happy incidents which are always interesting and particularly to the fair sex occurred at the residence of mr richard newton evergreen home kor- wioh road woodstock on tuesdav after noon this event was the union in the bonds of holy matrimony of miss lissa third daughter of mr richard kewton and tev t a moore pastor of drumbo circuit of the methodist church brother of mr h- p moore editor of the free peess- the oeremony was performed by rev w williams chairman woodstock district assisted by revs r hobbs mount fleas- ant and hugh mclean salford miss maggie moore acton sister of the groom acted as bridesmaid and mr thomas l kewton of salford brother of the bride as groomsman- a large company of guests were present from various points in onta rio michigan ohio and manitoba the bride vas the recipient of many costly elegant and useful presents the happy couple left on the evdning train by gtr for a two weeks visit to friends in hamil ton toronto and belleville the best wishes of all accompany them as they enter upon their voyage over the sea of time and we join in bespeaking for them every hap piness and comfort and a long and joyous life together what was and what might have been the mlilon nact reports the proceedings after the scott act election in milton as they were intended and as they really oc curred as follows souad the loud timbrel oer whiceri dark sea the soott act has triumphed oer dodds bu and lee the above couplet is adapted from the original to suit the gravity of the situation the antts hada special train chartered which was to have left toronto as soon as word was sent from here that the repeal vote was carried on board was to be the wiknp brewers distillers whiskey sellers and their host of admirers and at streets- vqle the brass band was engaged to join the party on landing in milton a funeral prooession was to be formed and revds- d l brethour and m c cameron boried in effigy by the pala light of the september moon after th4 performance of these sad rites the party intended to proceed to the town half where jthe funeral sermons we presume would be delivered by messrs dodos bell and lee but alas i circum stances over which they had no control prevented the programme being carried out and early in the evening it was quietly rumored that the celebration would be postponed indefinitely here and there a sad disappointed ahti might have been seen silently stealing away home or biding death the kindly shade of some building or tree while the pale moon looked down with a sort of sickening glare seeming to pity the poor things in their misery but sie temperance people were wild with enthusiasm though tney celebrated the great victory in a manner hwooming the cause they espouse there was no prooes sion no bonfires no exulting over a rooted enemy in the methodist church a company assembled and there by singing priises and making speeches a few hours were spent pleaiantly bev m c cam eron took the ohafr and speeches were made by bev o l brethour lucas pmlkpe earlemorrow couing cookman neil sfbbald and gray and by messrs tbaatarpttngbarrtoa a vary lntntkung thanlusriring isrvio was hdd u tkt methodist ohuroh bid sunday evening the church was un usually well filled rev j s colling preached an exoellent sermon having special referenoe to the victory in the boob act election and very appropriate to the occasion uoanatd whliltrita wort on sonday morning our citizens wen startled with the intelligenoe that timothy wardley was dead on saturday mr wardley who wu employed by mr r creech market gardener went to ospringe with a load of vegetables here he visited the hotel and imbibed freely of intoxicants and thenoontinnad his journey to usher- woods on the guelph road where mors liquor was partaken of a abort time afterwards he ins found by the roadside in an insensible condition and was brought back to the hotel failing to return home in reasonable time mr creech went to look for him and found him still insensible he brought him to his boarding place mr w carrolls on the third line near acton where he wu put to bed on sonday morning mr carroll went to him thinking he would have recovered from his drunken state but wu appalled at finding him dead deceased hu been in this vicinity for several years and during that time hu only occasionally indulged in the intoxicat ing cup he wu 67 years of age ahxgle and friendless but in otmfortahle circum stances had the scott act been in force in wellington county timothy wardley would undoubtedly have been alive today personals mrs edward moore is visiting friends at woodstock and salford mr and mrs thomas kennedy of parry sound are visiting acton friends this week mrs alex kennedy and miss mckiimon spent part of last week with friends in lucknow mr s g ketchum late of the sanorer put is now on he staff of the arthur tcrprue seneca will make the enkrpriie hum mr w i hioklin formerly of this office lately of toronto ia now on the staff of the itontnai tima a new daily just established in that city mrs e mcginniss and family of youngs- town ohio who have been guesta at willow cottage for several weeks left for home last saturday mr f 8 dunn agent g t rockwood hu gone to manitoba for the benefit of his health mr r strickland of mosboro fills the vacancy t tmmmmiaesi v r sfsv v- a pacific ttillwoy ticket age frqy nokaajtellaiiuouameuwesto tleaaaslssasdsoattiomtsmonditvautr toronto ony bruotttvl5oos aeten t tke ou ctustiti onlt 1910 ttaauuluu drugs stationery palflts oils coal bauway steamship ticks asset acton out oh ifcc j e mccarvin8 brag 3tttoat ston afltoti special attention 1 is called to the large 8tock of decorated china and stoneware sets just abrived at 1 whhowells in all the newest designs of the day hare yon seen those new glass tea sets the design la log cabin they are really beautiful goods and are being ad mired by every one that soes them i have on hand another lot of glass fetjit jars that celebrated so cent teajjs the tea of all teas try it once and you will have no other all are welcome w e ho w lull wbon aaked by bis mother why he had not old the earn be aid do one asked wbition harrison iand twillmott and wssmtheaack howmanroiour mar chaataareliketheboy they hare plenty ofgoodftaaelllmtuato tell what lalm tbeiraaok h yon expect tojsajooaia this day nd age of the world yon mpmt tluws j w elliott votes of thanks were paas- ed to mr fee havds brethour and cam- eron the speaktrs and helpers in the oon- teat from other olaoea the w 0 t tjtm sduon hoot actcm tat pans and oak- title inatpadat the battle 07 the polls hurrah for old hilton the pride of the west of all our brave counties his helton is best it is foremost in morals snd temperance and right tis the first in the field and the last in the fight king dodds and his oolleaguos came thun dering in he waved his big fist and he wagged his big chin he spouted and spluttered he threatened and raved but hurrah hurrah since hilton is saved there is woe in the camp of the antis to day there is weeping and wailing there is grief and dismay the right is triumphant they are humbled and low the decree has been spoken snd whiskey must go too long have they feasted and fattened andfed too long has the widow and orphan bees bled too lodg have fond fathers by liquor en slaved resisted in vain the vile poison they craved but hurrah onoe again the time draweth near when the bar roomsattractionsno longer will cheer when husbands snd fathers and kind brothers too to their homes and their kindred will ever prove true then heres to the county where this vic- trys been won and heres to the heroes by whom it wu dope to one and to all loud pans are due and what hilton has done may our prov ince do too t aitiv atobmok toronto sept 10 1s84 4t business brevities some racta about our buslaeustes and houses ef benefltto our general readers eats from 75 cents to ii 50 at j fyfe scotch english snd canadian suiting n great variety at the eut end clothing itore suits and svercoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see them j fvfe acton the largest and cheapest stock of boots t shoes to select from is at kelson mcraei bneklems antes salve the best salve in the world for cots bruises soros ulcers halt rheum fever sores tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect utisfaction or money refunded prioe 25 cents per box forsalebvj e mcgarvin 81 feb esi j- for reaping mowlfig machines vse lardine machine oil no cum no crlt and will wear longer than any other machine ou r0r sale at j je mgaftvins drug store gnli the east end clothing store has a complete assortment 0 fall tweed suitings also a large variety of worsted coatings f ia plain and fancy oeetid miliiiisreer oebisriisrq- ant i display of fall and winter c00d8 i saturday sep 27th at the halton de7 goods house great bargains in every line of goods ijtsfectioh ih7tt8d c b griffin vr j i i -t- dominion boot shoe store beautiful panting in ail shades and fateras sats oafs and qents ptjanishings to this department the stock is well assorted before pnrchnjing your fall outfit call and examine the stock fit v- and workmanshib cruaranteed jfyfe and workmanship guaranteed the ceadlx sioth in aoton on the 17th inst the wife of hr moses smith of a son haasnra in acton on the ltth inst the wife of mr thomas h harding mer chant of a son uofazaaon in aoton on the isth inst th wife of mr arch mophersob of twins daughters one still born sheawab mooas niwat evergriken borne norwieh boad woodstooky on tuosdar 16th inst by bev w vfflliams wbod- stook aodsted by ben b hobbs mount pleasant and hngh molesai salford bev t a moon pmt methodist choroh draabo to lis third dangh- ter of mr biohard mowton bisxxmoitm at the methedistohoroh braosbridge on the 8rd tost ybv h 8 matuwws imimttbfwfain brown and lot lb d x ml i formerly dessmbng kenney bros calt st act03st fall goods v e are now receiving a very large stock of new fall goods of every description oar boots and shoes are pnrohaasd from the best manufacturers and we are consequently prepared t guarantee all lines we have a large assortment and can suit everyone requir ing boots and shoes as tar as quality style or price are ooncerneid ordered work in this department we are in a position to mannfaeture all classes of work and will guarantee satisfacjion to every customer v call and see our coodtt ii- acton aug 28tb 1884 f an hcmense special sale at mcleop anjderson gos grbogjlown patintbustpr60p case for sale by ws smith the watch clock house o greiliih extra facilities for bepairing thepin8t and best a ear load of prints to be slaughtered at 10c a yard worth 15c and20e the greatest bargains ever offered special sale of carpets 4 magnificent yapeetxy rpei 86a a union carpet at 26c we have an immense stock of oarpeto in j hemp union allwool tapestry and brussels v they haw got to be sold regardless of cost special sale of ordered olothin we aw selhng bote 14 and 916 original price 20 and 24 great drives tt beadyvsiiade clothing j 26 yards splendid factory c cotton for 6c per yard a mi koviitwtim for all our otlier departinijrsiby goods arelnkold on for 1100 ayardwidejtaelimy iificent cotton for s5aortk36c tv w tipv4 i- faf

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