Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1884, p. 4

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nefiress xaruuc moumm birr 18 1881 1tpatb it para to max a smiling face and laugh oar troubles down for all oor troubles wait our laughter or our frown beneath the magic ofa smile oor doabta will fade iway ai metta the froat in early spring beneath the sunny ray it py to make a worthy cause by helping it our own io give the current of oor lives a true and noble tone j it pays to comfort heary hearts opposed with dull despair and leave in sorrow darkened lives oufgleam oi brightneaa there it pays to give a helping hand to eager earnest youth to note with all their waywardness their courage and their trath to strive with sympathy and lore their confidence to win- it pays to open wide the heart and let the sunsbins in axsi e tsxit awjassssssssi few are the remadiea whoa beneficial qsalitiea and real merita hare made loem to popular with the public and inoroaaed from year to you their consumption which whilst possessing us moat valuable re- medical propertlea are yet bo simple in their compound and ao easy to take ai the quinine wine prepared by northrop 4 lyman of toronto this article la pre pared from the pure sulphate of quinine combined with fine sherry wine and choice aromatic which relieiea the quin ine of iu bitter taate and does not impair in the least degree the efficacy of its action opon the patient while small doses fre quently repeatedi strengthen the poise in creases muscular farce aod invigorate the tone of the nervous system and thuaj by thsgcneral vigor which it imparts creates an appetite which gives to the stomach tone and energy and fortifies the system against all infections diseases ask for northrop t lymans quinine wine sold by all druggist 10 iv vrr u 4n ancient incident modernized a certain man journeyed from tha crania to the grave he fell among sioon keep- era who took his money rained his name and destroyed his reason ind then drew him oat in the street a moderate drinker passed by- looked on him and said serv ed him right lie is a fool to get drunk jl christian voter also passing looked on him and said the brute he is not fit to lire he is a disgrace to his family bat a fanatic ao called seeing him had compassion on him raised him upassisted rnm to his hornet ministered to the wants of his family and himself got him to sign the pledge and pointed him to the lamb of god that taketh away the tons of the world left him in comfort andhapplness- who think yon was the greater friend if homanitr the saloon keeper the moderate drinker the christian voter or the fana tic catholic temperance advocate i equal to the emergency i7v mm ls g vv ishauac ray sclrilds haf yoa pet art de reoatshon de plocks ehv arl but two farder vy arl bat two my schilds vot de matter vos mit dem two coatah ic de coatsch is arl righd farder vel pat dem qwetside ras tesxisb put dem owet 4 de poy dniutnys nose vas broke ah his nose ras proke yell it makes noting yoa link derc vas no ieetle poys mit proken noses mein sohn pat htm owet arl de same dose parents of them ieetle poys mit broken noses will see how nice dey woold look in dem jfine over- coatsch aint it v- i arl righdvfarder but whatrshall i do mit de man dummy t pot him owet pat him owettshaac hes got no net farder hes no het got how comes dose tings eh2 i vas loose peoome and some childrens ran away mit it last nighdv 3ein cnunons chimmey some bolices must dem childrens mit de station booses t up bat after a momlnts reflec tion i vonld pat de plock owetnide ia ifihaac 1 iefoat a het v yy not my schud since them merino pants is gone to plazes and dose nomina- iaons for de present is ben settled blenty men my store go py efery day vot lose der hete dont it pat him owet pat owet toevmein solin- dat vas good bhoke py and py i told him to sholo- mons he will pay the lager mewmrilbrmpumaa4cpe the symptoms ire moutare like perbpir- iuon intense itching iacrewedby scratch- im very distresaing pirticnlaily at night sums u if pin- worms were crawling in and about the rectom the private ptuta are sometimes affected if allowed to continue tery serious rtanlta may follow swaysks ocmcest ia a pleasant aare care also for tetter itch salt rheum all icaly crusty skin diseases sent bymiil for 50 cents 8 boim l25 in lumps ad dress dr svyayne sox philadelphia pa sold by draggiats w f4 -it-j- itm mmm w0 fromineat among the greatest medics discoveries by the many cures it his affect ed mcgregor gpdy care leads the vsh subjected to the minutest chemical analysis ithu been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which- it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received wc are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a rtlief but saz5fcctfreforrvspepaia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgainns drug store 33 wifevthats the matter now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wife vby dont yon go to j e mc- gsrvjns drag store and get a bottle of fluid lightning ton know it cores all such things as toothache neuralgia head ache lumbago earache sore throat etc it gives instant relief 33 llmli llghtmlmf thereare bat few that have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache xearalgie or like acute pains to them soch an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble ko disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for days one application of fluid light ning cures- sold at j e jicgarvins drugstore 29 scax coes kiuee dr starrs com 8plreht the wonderful com eenover it is easily applied cause ho pain aod will positively remove the most obstinate corns in 3 to g days sold in acton by j e hogarvin druggist price 25 cents adrteis armlea salve the best aalve in the- world for cuts braises soros ulcers salt rheom fever sorea tetter chapped hands chilblains coma and all oku eruptions and posi tively ootee piles or no pay required- it u gnaraateed foiive perfect aatisfaotion or money refundedl price 24 ceata per box fcrablr7khocrarrin 31 hollmcaye pillt weak stomach the wisest cannot enumerate one quarter of the distressing s mptons arising from imper fect or disordered digestion all of which can be relieved by these admirable pills they rtmovjrcancefy taste from the mouth flatulency and constipation holloways pills rouse the somach liver and every other organ thereby bringing digestion to tbathealthytone which fully enables it to convert all we eat aud drink to the nourish meut of our bodies hence these pills are the surest strenctheuers and the safest restoratives in nervousness wastim and chronic debility holloways pills are infallible remedies for impaired appetite eructations and a multitude of other dis agreeable symptoms which naider the lives of thousands miserable indeed- these pills are approved by all cluse robert labqcc cedar rapids i have used dr thorns eclectric oil both for myself and family for diptheris with the very best results i regard it as the best remedy for this disease and would use no other when baying dc thomi eclec tric oil see that yon yet the genuine be ware of imitations ilother graves worm exterminator is pleasant to take cure and effectual in destroying worms many had tried it with best results why go limping and whining about your corns when a 25 cent bottle of holloways cort cure will remove them give it a trial and you will not regret it ilr henry marshall keeve of dunn writes some time ago i got a bottle of northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery from ir harrison and i consider it the very best medicine extant for dyspepsia this medicine is making marvehoas cares in liver complaint dyspepsia etc in purifying the blood and restoring manhood to full vigor xo one buys a pig in a poke in other words purchases no mere guesswork who bays for his or her relief northrop b ly mans vevetable discovery and dyspeptic cure the fsct is too well known to leave room for any peradventure that it is a sovereign curative for indigestion costive- nes imparities of the blood kidney and female troubles and other insmiities to se asd iev is to like flints tooth powder the peerless dentifrice a novelty a beauty attractive style compact from superior quality if you want white teeth adda sweet breath use it sold iu acton by j e mcgarvin druggist 25 cts as good xs sew if ydutate bilious appetite is poor stomach needs cleansing a few doses of flints jfandrske pills will make you feel a good as new sold by j e mcgarvin druggist 25 cts the ceeit crme for catarrh dr starrs catarrh conqueror a speedy and certria antidote for catarrh innoenra bronchitis hay fever and cold in the head gives im- mediate relief sold in acton by j e mc garvin druggists drice x cts crjan torn corks by using the wonder ful corn eemorar dr starrs corn solvent no pain no trouble brash attached to cork for applying sold by j e ifcgarvin druggist 25c vever give tp it yoa are suffering with low and depres- aed spirits ipsa of appetite general debility disordered blood weak eoostita tioo head ache or any disease of a bfljons nature by alt means procure a bottle of electric bit ters yoa will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow you will be inspired with new life strength- and activity win return pain and misery will cease aud henceforth you- will rejoice in the praise of electric bitters sold at fifty cents a bottle by j e mcgaryin he du job went pretty heavfly into the boil busi ness and the venture was a complete suc cess this reminds us that pntnams pain less com extractor is another success and that it gives more comfort to the world than jobs boils did emember the name then for the little playful corn cometh and the remedy therefor will gladden the heart positively sold by alldrnggists s c pol sou k co klnsston proprietors de- seaebs 00 es sorrzxt win positively do all that is claimed for it there is not a com in the world that it will not remoye if used according to directions sold in acton by i e hcgarrin druggist price 25cts the largest and cheapest stock o boots t shoes to select from is at nelson moraes new fall pry goods at the right house r r new foreign dry qjoda and honae rvnlahlngi i are arriving at the eight house almost daily the followim lias embnom a few lines required tat the early autumn trade a large assortment of kid gloves shown io i clasp corset and button makes hi the new colore auo io black the lataafrnovelty u taffeta ulorm known aa changeable ahadea shown is jerteya sand 8 button length new buok and brilliant lule seraey giovoa now black and colored hibbon velvets in all the prindpal widths new jet and fanoy metal buttons a snperb assortment of swiaa mnalin embroideries marked at vary low prloca cashmere hosiery in childrens and ladies eisea naw french twill flannels auitable tor making morning dresses new black cashmeres uoraen crapes and other blank dress goods new colorad drase goods a lot of new embroidered table covers at 1250 eaeh worth more money lao curtains aod lambrequins in cream and white ia choice designs naw fall 8traw mflllnery is latest americas shapes- new ostrich tips also many other line of new goods too numerous to be mentioned here velveteens hare grown in favor and promise to be more fashionable the coming season than ever special attention is celled to tha new fast pile velveteens in colored and black an immense took of vtlveteen at yarioni prioe a large stock of wool damask imported specially for church few coverings the clearing sale of summer dry goods has been attended by thousand of pnrobaaera the cash aale for the last two weeks have been very larje customers are surprised at the low prices which goods hare been marked down to the celebrated health preaervlnncouad wire section corset are selling very fast hundreds of pairs hav been disposed of ask to see them oromptonl faouma corset in various makes an sold at thia esubliihmant every pair of cromptons corsets are guaranteed to wear well be sure aod call at noa 80 and 32 king atreet east to aee the naw goods also the bargains offered fa efery de partment the name la hamilton aug 21 1884 thomas c watkists hamilton pectoris i peotoria i pectoria i the great remedy torcoughs colds bronchitis sore throat influenza horseuesa snd all affec tions of the lungs andtbroat or chest pectoria loosens che phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give up autd you have tried pectoria all druggists and general storekeepers sell it 23 ayers cherry pectoral ko btfwr complaint bo baiiiiew in thdr ttuck u those ffetinf tin uixott and hmp bona so trild xiih by the majority of roller- en toe ordinary oougn or cold resulting perhaps from a trifling or nnoonsciooi ex- pcsirt if often but uo bogloiini of a fatal ifcfcneu aunf canilt pxctoeil naf tcii protenitt efleaerln a forty yeaa flght vfch throat and long dlmaiwf and ilioald be uttn in all catol without dolaf- a tarribla cougti cnmd m my lucgx i had a terrible eoujlvand passed uiht alwr night withont aleep tha docton ptt ma ap triad atxxi csinutr pec- toux thich riitod my longs induced ileep and afforded me the ran uecessary for the rtcorery of my itwngth by tha continued use of tha pectoux a perma- nat core tu effected i am now ei jeart old hale aud hearty and am aatisned your caxur pecwbal hted me hokice fubmzotsxl bocilngham vu ojy 15 1582 crotrp a mother i trfbttte while in the fmnntry lut tinter my utufl boy throe yean old va taken 111 with eroupf it hemed u if ha toold die from ftnngu- lauon one of the family tnggefted the ma of arcs ceexar pscrobaia a bottle of thieh t altsyi kept in the bomve thia vu tried in small andreqnent doiea and to oor delight in wt t half an hour tha little patient tu breathing easily the doe- tor uid that the cbtcssy prctojul had mrmmydarlirtrt life can you tonder at our graataia sincerelyrourt mas apex gedxtt 153 wert i2slh st ner tort may 15 iso i hare used atena cirauit pictoull in my family for ererxl yen aod do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for cough and colds va ha erer triad ajcuxi uka crystal hiim march u 1ss2 r nffend for eight yean from bronchllia and after trying many remedies with no sne- cess aw cured by the ms of avcti caxa- kv rrrottiu jorrnwijjex liyoalia wa april 6 1882 lcxjinot rresongh fn praim of attxg cffcaav pectoral beuering u i do that but for iu use i should iongilnee hare died from lung troubiee bxxcpoy palestine teia- april 2 1882 ko ca of an ruction of the throat or hmgi exiita hicli aiixr be greatly rtliered by the use of ams ctnatr prcroaix and it till dwyi core then the disease if not already beyond the control of medicine aput axed bt drjcayercvcoowellmaso sou by au drngsiats speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to fnrniah everything in their line from the best ca8ket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest itotiee and at lowest terms y all calls either night or day promptly atteuded to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hirev etue are iu a position to satisfactorily gil orders for vagsons carriages c of every description in reasonable time good warkmsnship ond firstclass material siivaya nsed wc have also a splecdid lot or famttcre both common and extra quality cheap 3lf yon will pay us cash we will sell yoa anything in oar line cheap- j a speioht manacer trade marfc golden cream the becpnpajation known to adencetotbcanurtms the complexion one 81gle appucation u warranted to beautify the face and give to the faded or sallow com plexion a perfectly healthy katsral and youthful appearance it conceal wrinkles freckles crows feet and the evidence of age leering the fildn soft smooth and wnltc pbicejocenta sent to any address postage stamps t aken address all letters to crebe d or drtwer 2678 toroafo po aak ronr druggist for 1l wtiolesale by all whoto- aalo dragglsta fr iwfilf mm jem cfrlfcdjw ifcrjsibtasier i ism dosing utrjmsss ckotx rat atsncxs oirni dniled states gateranibat 1300000 appropriitj by the garu guiuuacatt 500000 ccatzibzted by the cllixeu of ktrotkaas 200000 appropriaied by kczfea 100000 arisoprialeil by the state of lo9 100000 arrf by the oly of kew orleaat from 5000 to 25000 appro br lannmerahle states cltief and bctdn coainirie ettrysuii v4 ttjiy in tha urjo prmataa courtr of th fvtxtl ntsfjsest erhailuiebibjot btnmtof ifld thj ciggett luiasffot eient la tht wortif i hufory irrucmain nt txaiarrs iijuuoy ifcarto c7ttajtdbxkrictiit0ifleaita tuuctt or sscautcts tixk thdst op ixt ixfosmoja ma utxa tha cheapest rate of itetsi ercr btown fa he mnala of uuupertitioa teamd tar tk people ttwflim 1 for iaf ormktiaa sdtiram k a busks zkncte ratarti w l a c c e kanroaxahjfltatw a ai fo wothogclius send 10 uulijoeatbfor pbsuge and we will mq yoa frtt coral vajoble box of uample goods that will pot yoa in the way of malting mote money in a few days than yoa ever thought possible at any business capital not roired we will start yoa yoa can work all the time or in your spare time only the work is unitersauy adapt ed to both sexes yoong and old yoa can easily earn from 0 cents to 15 every even ing that all who want work mar test the bosiness we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send 1 to pay for the trouble of writing as fall particulars directions etc sent free fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work great sue- oem absolutely sore dont delay start now addrtiistnawitac poruai maine fbames an endless variety of plu8h and other picture frames suitable for presents photocraphs tha latest jtyle taken by the new process no long sittings- briiur your pictures of deceasedfrienda and have them edii enlarged in firstclass style cwhill acton fb a tvtes ilvmam who is uha09uaintco with tni oiooraphy of this oouamiy wiu til brxxamininq tmw map that tim chicago rock island pacific ry bmnc th omt oatrtral una afford to tnrr br rauon of its jnrtnkd gto- sraphloal poaiaon th ahortmt ana bt rout banrmn tft last nortriat and awuthaan and th wt nartmrmt and outhmst it i ntaraltr and tr1or tru that its ooniraotlon an all of tha pnnolpal lln of road b th attantlo and tax paomo br its main on and brenoh it reaohas omoago joint peoria ottawa la salle 0no moun and hock latond in itllnokt daranport muaoatln washlnajton ktokuk knosrfu oskaleont palrlteld 0 molrm wan llbartr iowa otty attantle aaooa audubon harlan outhft 0ntr and opunon bluff in kxra qaaatln tranton oanwron and kansas ottr in salaaoun and ln worth and atofuaon in kanaa and th hundnad of sttamt rhlaaja and town great rock island route a it i famlrarr ossmd oftar totnmatr all th adr and oomtort jnotajt to a twooth traofc aaf h union ptpot at all oonrwotlna point jipt oo of oommooioub will vaottuattd wiu hmtlt piiiny uptmsrattm aad ueoaiit dat ooaohmi a uiiaof tha orr bmohirtocirr hointmrloumiiio oham oam m built puluianb ktwt dmcrwd and handaomwt pauoi iktlpilw out and dudno oam gy sraa 1d pmpk to b th fmnt hum upon akt mad uithi oouhtaiv and in whioh superior mu an tmd to tiwttar at th tow rat of uvdstyf1vi odftb kaoh jmntkaim aeh war bnwam ohioaoo and th hibsouirj ravta two tbaihb oh war btww ohioaoo and shmbbapoi ib and it paul tin th famou albert lea route a hw and mnot ua tla bnoa and buitaka haa rsntrr os btwn newport news blefunond anohniatl ladlanapotl and 1 and ooanoll bluffa at paul ulnoeapou and lntrntdlata point carried on aapand nfi mulll i wthelwidabtsofumus the largest bandaomeat beat bosk aret sold or lea than twice oui prise the lastesl selling book in ajneriea imtnen profit to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become aoooewal agent terms bee killth bsoi co foruand maine the bennett churn tha tfmit artiali la tht loxktt i ouurniaj ictda pltftfu uttd of in t7npuuat twkl ramshaw son acton hare secured the sole control of the aale of the famous bennett cbnrn this cbarais manufactured opoa the moat practical and oommoosenae priociple ex tant aod loaly require to be aeen at work to be understood appreciated and par chased a member of the shore firm ill call opon yoa with a sample churn ajcszav ft son acton jan 15 84 c c speicht pieties desifilxg their buggies waggons cutters etc kpaioted or revarniahed aod made equal to new on shortest possible notice and at low est prices should leave their orders at once with ilr j a speight undertaker aod carriage builder or with o o sfeiabt actoo march 20th 1bl ltcwibl ins jintr aitftrftlla 171 gom medtl si pivtumiu e2ttlbluontonbtti isis blse awarta tt ladt lrssdtl baa the latitat and meat complete factory in uu domlukmlsuslu biat earn sitr ittrm ts say xsisr is ft teu dal sat btplams it i luontonbta uns exjjbiuon ttmnilo ws sa sow mismctrairo square and upright pianos ban or ths luaxxt ormpoodeaoe soudtce send formostratcd cur slesne sufled free address doxt510i 0bga5 ast puso oouiaxt botnlumixa orr b craine agent aotoh trort their welrbt in gold rphe free press power printing house eiecntes job wohk of ill descriptions in a rery sujsfscwry manner st moderate rates with de spatch in the lime promised ecsikess ciecclaks letter heads j bill heads letter circulars sote ciecclaks uusisess cakds 1 visitihc cards paxphlet8 haxdbills posters etc etc particular mention given to fixe work sod extra care bestowed with s riew to setmring correctness orders from the country attended to with de spatch and work forwsrdedltniaaliately by mail or express try the fins paass job offlce lor printing np moore proprietor hills tin stove depot good assortment on stoves cheap for oa8h tinware of all kinds at bottom prices ah throuagi pti tmrrled on rtmi tet nwrotajidlnfonrwtfcnatapendrolor a tmwt at m prlnorpsu ttoket flflo lnthlitfrfittaj0 if r cabu 1 tvnii muuf ohioaao mvt omhtvti fmft oral at s and put up on shortest notice fiesfclass material only used a call solicited j 0 hill mwf hollo way s the pills purifr reifajale tnd improye the qnality of the blood they auut the digestive orieaufr cieaom tie stomach and bowels iocrewe the secretcny powers o the liver brace the nervous system aod throw into the circulation the purest ejementa for sastajiudg tad repairiog the frame thooaandb of persons have testified that by their use alone they have been atored 10 heailh aod atreogth after e very i other meaua hxd proved ddauccesatal the ointment will befonnd invsluiwe in etery honmbld in the core of open sores hard tnmorsj b4 lew 014 wounds oonjis colds sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the threat and chest as also gout- rheamatsm bcrofala and etery kind oi skin disease kannfactared only at professor hollo- ways eeublishment 533 oxfohd 8teeet loxdon and sold at is ljd 2s 9d 4s 6d 22s and 33s each box aid pot and in canada at 36 cents 80 cents and 1 50 and the larcer sizes in proportion tacirnox i hatc no agent in the united stales nor are my medicines sold there porchaeen should therefore look to the label on the pota and boies if the sddress is not 533 oxford street london they are spnrioas the trade mark of mj said afedicine ia registrered st ottawa snd also at wash ington signal thomas hollow av s33 oiford street lourlno addi7c se siaeent for post- rlllatfciee said receire free a costly boa of goods which will help yoa to more money right sway than anything else in this world all of either sea succeed from first hour the broad roa4 to fortune opena before the workers absolutely snre at once address tnce 4- co angosta itaine i i na plw dollars worth of newrpeper adrertls- lnjr get oor prlea the exaet east of sat peper or ust oj ppers ebeerftdlt feznlabed xreejrpon applieetldai avsead tor kew catalogue j c hough adtertjslns agent swob txoei jmtrelt kids telawark farms for sale j rraitiie4reraen 7tbt j qhendricks bulettetiatmt houmob relwre theae farms are improved with buildings fences fmit trees and berries of ell kinds good water planty of timber land good roads a and ehnrchee good market only 95 milea from philadelphia plentyol fish oysters sind game very productive land climate mild and pleasant come and see for yooreelf and be convinced i am prepared wittf team and carriage to tale visitors to see the farms free of charge j dhimaicis houston delaware 3i j- uun mcjttl av the p ment the a solid dsee raui w y ba taasy inmt pills ointment this incomparable msdicise ha tfcurfd or itself an imperishable fame throughout the world for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to tchtek humanity is heir u edl i r- 1 h 7 manhood how tost how aestbb olnt of harrotuoeblrmj manuluubtuaie rw5lox italn theoetebrateaaathor in ibis admlratjle i t i7noiiatietja from ihlro ymrssricsfnlprmumijibioo mnatm m7 lie radlemllr eaiect wltheeil the danaeroosiseof internal oedletmdr uinolthluftp annatoneealmpl crtanrmfl4lknf y what ma condition may eantalaeilst esjpt rltulyjidraiej ra toowmtrramlthib4 tfce tltmrell btaita y vhmmmi ut ii w v 4 u cjj t i

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