Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1884, p. 3

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railway time table orand tstot railway oodta wiit express jin am express 9j0 ul express uo p in hid sispju special sji pja x- ss ts ostxaiait hind mt ua express mo tun putrfmail- hud aju through fix us pjn spooiij 5s pjn ma or clottxa uiu going wesutus am ooinj bastus ajn ud sjo ji ja english tnifl dotes at mi ajn on thursday at geo hykd8 acton school soda stun sttlgpw hoti pp aooout seeks hat ink alttfibteek at targe etal aetoa vittbu ffloekt jmaay speetm- 1m eniro spoeei ti tetkt ptum plpn prjekrt saivw ooahi niu tooti ml sail brushes v4- u7ittt sec rscll ia and see mr large stock ns s jkfort ree f tffcesdir morxdco oct 1 30 1884 bits of brevity brev1 ercal tkerwffe brtpsrtifl by ibe e r fc ffeaa4- 4 for acnrt tedi to the fore jckof ianu- ide mr thostaa eastonhas our thinks for a number of beautiful white fish caught in lake huron the morning he came home they proved to be very fine hah indeed rev a j fitzpatrici pastor or the united presbyterian church scotch block was last week made the recipient of a splendid cutter one of thosowhich secured nrst priza at the county show at the bands of his congregation as usual the fire last week started another general talk about the necessity for fire protection in actou a good hook and ladder company properly organized and supplied with 9150 or woo worth of equip ments would be adequate and would be a great satisfaction to cituem generally if half a dozen of the men who use the methodist ohurcn shed would bring spades with them some day and spend half au hour in levelling the earth their horses have pawed up with their front feet the horses would stand there in future with considerable more comfort than they do at present f parties who use coal stoves cannot be too careful in seeing that they are properly adjusted before retiring the back damper which- leads to the stovepipe should be turned down sufficient to allow of the escape of gas and of a gentle draught several serious accidents have already been announced in the daily papers caused by neglecting to observe this precaution sent friee 0 25 0 30- f 0 35 i 0 s 0 10 0 12 0 15 017 0 20 3 00 3 50 i oo- 50- ia- 00 6 00 0 it 0 37t 0 75 0 so 0 so t 00 im 1 60 1 20 2 io i 50 aw t6s 0 so 1 co sweeping re- nprrt but ire oztv business jk t8 rs 3 ad are batter is up to 19 to 20 cmls here r take ia your pamplans and cabbages ifoddr crossings ire uoyt predominant chatters and orcrcoath are now being ordered j ovsters in balk are again n tovn wet weather will influenza man when nothing else wtu this seems to be monng time or quite number of our citizens j election on the- cemetery bylaw a week from next monday j hot beef tea will be the favorite ber- erage in halton this winter were had some ommstakable winter r irether daring the past week wheat is from 22c to 25c lower now than it was this time last year ieonlcipal candidates will soon ptesent thaxselves who will they be special services are in progress at the methodist church crewaons corner acton will be well supplied with school teachers during the remainder o the weed there is no time like the present to sub6crf6e for your local paper the feee parss expect surprises tomorrow night halloween pranks will no doubt be in order our citizens are cordially invited to attemtany session of the teachers goa- vcntiori the new telephone line seems to have hung fire the wire men haven t reach ed acton yet the annual provincial fat stock know will be held in guelph on the 17th sndlsth of december dont carry your halloween jokes too far bovt remember how would i like it myself you know gates signboards tc will perhaps hare a tendency for straying into out of the way places tomorrow after dark eerc a cook of toronto will d v evening o thanisgitingdat at 730 oclock farmers lose a great deal in not feed ing stock in mfld or cool weather instead of waiting until cold weather to begin to fatten the practice of sealing letters with wax s again coming into fashion kamerons nrettydesigns in initial stamps are already in the market the formation cla tobogganing clab in acton is mooted j it is considered thai cobble kill possesses unusual facilities for a toboggan elide last weeks snow storm found the greater part of the root- cropstill in the j ground- the farmers are bost with their turnips this week hon j b finch of kebraska the j greatest prolitionoratoronthecontinent j has been engaged to speak in gaelpii in the course of a few weeks the first snowstorm of the season took place last thursday and was most berere for so early in the season the first mow last year fell on kov 15th- the semiannual convention of halton teachers association opens in the public school this morning n 930 oclock a good attendance is expected sow mr- sptc dont be rode you were one of those eounrry editors yourself one time- in fiact youre not very far re- mored from the country yet tcirih send the fair paras free to janoary 1886 to any person sending us the names of five new subscribers and 5 caah send in your names at dnce t ihave yoa advertised those stray cattle yet mr farmer or are you leaving yourself lent aye ever business cordially t n village varieties a collect on or lel aewi and her matter oripdl interest to atr vluaje trader the markets the grain market is no more encourag ing this week tfcan last the prices arc now wheat 63 to 70 barley 45 to 50 peas 55 to 57 other grainsremain about the same j esquesing plowing ma ten the annual plowing match of the e- quesing agricultural society will be held on the farm of mr henry hoffman ash- grove an friday tomorrow unusually lufce prizes are this year offered for com petition collector of taxes coancil met on tuesday evening and ap pointed lr thopias easton collector or the current yearj the appointment was made later this year than usual and in consequence of this the collector will no doubt expect payment of taxes upon his first call 1 the old fooca cbnoert bemember theom folks concert in the town hall on the eveaing of thanksgiving day the programme for the concert has been isssed and if it possesses no other at traction is in itself amusing the antique style of the old folks is rather interesting to the people of today see the programs huttrtrt dry goods house during the past few weeks mr c b crisn has ceeu filling up hi3 store with new goods and he is now prepared to offer unparalleled inducements both as to stock and prices dont go away to other towns far goods until voa hve inspected the- stock offered at the halton dry goods house acton scott act cases iirs ferryman silver creek ilrbrink- erhoff georgetown and p 5l zimmerman burlington were before the police magis trate here yesterday for violation of the scolt act the first two were dismissed decision in one against zimmerman reserv ed and another adjourned to next wedne- i day 5filltz ktk4 wareham edmonoong successor i mr j e howson who has nurehased preach m the baptist chapel on the i the stock and boaness of the above nrm aniiounces in another colamn that he will open on saturday with a splendid stock of new goods he solicits the patronaga of those who dealt with the retiring firm and promises satisfaction to all mr howson is a man of considerable business experi ence and should succeed very well the convention iectnre3 the officers of the teachers association have arranged for an excellent lecture in ths town hall this evening by rev j thompson ayr and another tomorrow evening by j a mclellan esq ldj3 toronto these lectures will no doubt prove interesting to our citizens and inasmuch as they are provided free of charge there should be a large attendance good music provided each evening the lost found and restored miss maggie moore received her trunk which was stolen from a g w b train at london about a month ago yesterday morning the indefatigable efforts of de tective day of hamilton in successfully tracing the lost baggage are appreciated by miss moore and her friends the thief u now a resident of uncle sams domainsi and if he wishes ic escape wellmerited punishment he will remain there mr kickuns puneral the funeral of the late bcnj w nicklin esq- last thursday afternoon was largely attended the bearers were messrs- w h storey james moore w p brown c t hoi w hemstreet and john black eramosa the cortege left the residence shortly after two oclock and proceeded to church hill cemetery where the interment took place bev x s colling preached memorial service in the methodist church on sanaa y to a large and attentive audi ence from the text redeeming the time epfa v 16 the long evenings now that the long evenings are at hand our young folks are naturally enough ask inghow6hallwe spend them that depends upon individual tastes those aeefrous of improving their minds will turn towards good books instructive lectures literary societies while those whose highest aim toi v kill time or drown care generally will turn to such places and companionships as shall most surely bring about these results thsre is much pleasure and profit for present and future to those who will endeavor to cultivate within themselves a healthy literary taste for the gratification of literary minds no small town possesses more advantages than acton the ptfblic library in the town ttv1 containing npwatda of 1500 volumes is free to all anjj while it contains-cpnsid- erable ohaff thejs is also upon its shelves cutting this rails ttheat almdy ths hamilton times says thomas wood 1st concession nsw sarrey trsisl gar finding that his fall wheat was making too great progress ran the mower through a twelve acre field and cut about a foot off the length this is the first time such a thing has been heard of in this section of the province the action was necessary in consequence of the great growth the wheat being ib inches high an incipient fire on friday forenoon at 11 oclock the fire alarm was sounded for the first time in several years it was soon ascertained that matthews hop kiln on church street was on fire and thither our citizens flocked when the alarm was sounded the fire wu seen breaking through the roof bat the prompt arrival of willing workers and their vigorous welldirected labor soon put the devouring elementf fuuder control mr matthews had been engaged in drying a quantity of hops which had become damp and by some raeaus the hops ignited from the furnace and the place was ablaze in an instant 200 will cover the loss small insurance quarterly serrioos the regular quarterly communion serr ices in connection with acton circuit of the methodist church will be held next sun day in the b rick church about two miles west of here bev wm savage gaelph will assist in the services there will be no morning service in the methodist church here but bev mr savage will preach in the evening the new arrangement for holding the communion services alternately at these two appointments is owing to the recent union of the methodist bodies while the members of acton church are heartily willing that the quarterly serr- ices should occasionally be held at the brick it will be very inconvenient for them to attend as comparatively few have any means of conveyance and consequently must remain at home on he bther hand nearly all the members of the brick church are owners of horses and carriages and can conveniently come to service hew wa think that it would be better for all con cerned for the quarterlyservices to be held regularly inacton as all could then attend and more sacoessf ul meetings be the result purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are inctivldaauy and collectively acquainted mr j dannett of chatham visited acton friends last week mr j h cameron of toronto visited friends in town this week mr j m femley spent several days this week with friends at london mrs geo matthews of toronto visited acton friends during the past week mr and mrs wm ware of thoroldare the guests of ifr abram matthews miss rachel watson left yesterday morning for lucan to visit her sister mrs thomas ferryman of couingwood is visiting friends in acton and vicinity miss finny byera u rioting frfandg her she is oi mute from napanee to ner home ia parkhill messrs w janes and e worsnop left last thursday for a couple of weeks deer hunting back of oriiiia mr- fred becord of the firm of fred secord co johnstown s y paid his old home a flying visit this week mrs john mcbeth left on tuesday eve ning with her family for san francisco cal in which city she intends taking up her residence mr samuel augers who has acted as night watchman for messrs beardmore co for sometime is about to remove to guelph where he has engaged for a similar situation the many friends of mr john cum- mings who has been engaged in business in australia for several years will be pleased to learn that he has arrived safely atsan francisco cal jt route for home he expects to arrive here sometime next week hovsou wants any quantity of good fresh butter and eggs and green apples qahada pacific railway tlolctft agency haiti to manitoba and all wettorn points at lorni bates tioktti i lanud to all polau on credit vauty toronto ony bremtjirtstous steerage bates prom acton to thtf old country only 1910 vli alias line i tstapjily to jemccarvin raflvy steamship ticket ajent acton oat drugs stationery paints oils coal oil tfcc j e mcgarvins stus b stationer stcro acton special attention i is called to the large stock of decorated china and stoneware sets 1- just arrived at w h howells iu all the ucveit designs of the day have you seen those uew glass tea sets the desigii u log cabin they are really beautiful goods and are being ad mired by every one that eoes them i have on hand auotlier lot of glass fruit jabs that celebrated 50 cent tea is the tea of all teas try it once and you vail have rlo other all are weloome w bl howell important notice to the inhabitants of acton and surrounding country j b howson having purchased the stock and business of the firm of marshall edmondson grocersand flour t feed merchants mill street acton will open on saturday november 1st witha large stock of frcst and wellselected groceries c which have been bonght for cash in a most advantageous market 1 and will be sold at prices very reasonable and attractive the new proprietor will do his utmost to please all and endeavor to keep in stock sucha class of goods as the people of acton tvill appreciate and enjoy in consideration of this he feels pleasure ia soliciting the liberal patronage accorded the jate firm and will wel come all who desire good goods cheap for cash tsthe highest prices paid for all kinds of farm produce j e howson remember our grancl millinery opening on saturday 27th sept we will show a beautiful assort- ment of new fall millinery in all the latest styles inspection is invited nelson mcrae go to the glasgow house for cheap shirtings cheap cottons cheap winceys j cheap flannels cheap dress goods cheap hats and caps cheap gents furnishing cheap white shirts in black cashmeres we claim to show the best- 50 cent line in thi market liable by retaining them without advertis ing for their owner adrertiee them in- the fmep bees the steam thresher engines striker terror into moat horses while being griven past them seteral serious accidents have ooenrred throughout the country from this source during the past weeic -1- the item in tbi estimates of expendi ture of the tillage of acton for the current year tinder the heading streets and side- waffis should hare been 710 and not 5410 a appeared in the report in oar but issue ifr h b mccarthy has workmen engaged in bonding a front 2sx30 to his livery stable on will street all the old bnddingsercept the stable wfli be torn away and improvements generally will be effected t the vacant lot at the sooth east comer of 1011 and elgin streets presents a sum- ctently bideons appearance without the gddion of such a conglomeration of old wagons 4c as are now upon it they ahoald be removed an ample supply of the wheat of good read ing improve your privileges young folks i cbadlz kait in acton on the liih lust the wife of mr patrick kelly of a son allut in erin on tne 21st inst the wife of 5f r jos allan of a daughter 1tclhollod in esquesing on the 22nd inst the wife of hr geo jtuiholland of a daughter mcgregor- in kassagaweya on the 23rd inst the wife of mr duncan mcgregor of a daughter the grave hsdpinr in kassagaweya on 24th iuat the wife of john eedpath esq sged 75 years business brevities some raota about oar business ken and booms or btnemto ear ksnarasi raaders 4tiie largest anch cheapest stock of boots shoes u aelecl from is at k elsna mcess scotch haslish and canadian suiting n reit variety at the east end clothing store j fvfe acton hats from 73 cents to j250 at j fyfos if voa was t a noliby durable and cheap snit j fyfes is the plaos to go suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see them j fvf acton just opened today a fall range oi knitted shawls tor every wear special valaes every lady should seenre one a splendid selection of fall tweeds very cheap remember we make clothing to order and guarantee perfect fitting clothing every time and cheaper than any other noise in the trade menial rileibjssptosai aid care the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pinworms were crawling in and about the rsctnm the private parts aro sometimes affected ii allowed to continue rerv serious results may fallow swathes oistmest is a pleasant sore core also for tetter uch at bheum all scaly crusty 8kui diseases sent by mail for 0 cents 8 ibbxas lsi in stamps ad- dieiathsrvaynei son philadelphia pi soja by druggists new gents scarfs and ties a choice selection new hats the latest styles fhxj 1884 1 we have pleasure in announcing to our friends pjid the public generally that we re ceived a new fresh and complete stock in all the departments our poallon in buying foods ehesn both in foreign and home markets is unequalled and oor customers may epend on getting the full benefit of the great bargains whicnwe have secured our dress goods department la complete in silks and all the new fancy dress goods and we remind utepablloihat we have a department w have the material ttau thorite mveweathh work- is right in price and style we have a superb stock of mrtery f the getup and style of which is unsarpassed and the prioes are right a large stock of mantles mantle cloths and ulster material wovx ootton gosds are perfect wdnder for cheapness winceys in plain and twills ia all the leading colors n immense variety our clbtmxigdepartmettt iaaugbjgsc grants fornibhlngb complete beadymade clothing boys and mepa overooati bccte 9hpaxpet the above ennomereted departmonu are complete and grot bargains wtyi b ghram in thsro the public may deponrron gekgoods at oicrirltiitjcaa ssuoim mcleod anderschsl qq mammoth house qoijim special values is boots and shos special values in bxwii sugar wb have just rbcelvei another liot ofthat ryfir rrjfel ivli 1 si i rvviv avv- r ii-im-r- i ti rrv itstj iitjii v 5 lts xkctifsifrt h-

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