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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1884, p. 2

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it fi 95 if tetetpa mtlj6 byiiaw to money lor the purchase ot landior a publio qwqtokf for the vlhige tf atfspoj held last mondsyi resulted in a defeat jtf the bylaw y a majority of fifteen ijhe fol- lowing are the votes polled tor and agaisst the bylawin the two pouing subdivisions a i vmlwixosjl v j not8 and oomments thjjf boptt 1 act will be voted upon iu jbrilniuntyonuiehoideo 1 thursday inovember 87 ha beeu ap pointed by pijaeideut arthur ab thanksgiv ing day the democrat are giving llh- orders for turkey lhit season they appear to be in a more thinkf ul mood than their republican neighbors i 3jtfspl for the by lam against the byjlaw v majority for ward so 2 bylaw bt the bylaw i minority against 1 36 17 37 2q i r total majority against li 15 inoonsdering the result of the tote on this quest ion we are forced to conclude that the defeat was due to the united efforts of two classes of citizens the one including those who were alarmed forlfear thebuooess of the bylaw might increase the rate of taxation to wine more or less extent and consequently ovejroanie their better feelings and sympathies in their desire to save the fancied expenditure of a few additional cents the other and inuch larger class was evidently andj we might j say concltf sively the party which was so sadly disap- jointed in the result of the recent irote on jthje soott act inthj ftinnicipaliiy we would willingly look elsewhere thaii to the latter class for reasons for the result of mondays election but matters point so clearly and unmistakably in this direction that no other conclusion can possibly be reached early in the day a firey and vuv lainous handbill whose unnamed authors were evidently ashanied of their contempt- production was circulated by this jparty the sheet in question slandered our srorthy and respected reeve in unmeasured terms it falsifyed his position and actions in this matter and his connection with the municipality in general and it also insintf- ated that two other members of the council messrs henderson and smith were irresponsible and scheming it was of a character generally beneath the notice of any citizen claiming selfrespect without the shadow of a doubt this scurrilous sheet emanated from the source above referred to its very style ahdiompokitianl projring beyond question who frere the real lesjders and agitators in the opposition to this im- jthe rights of labor in hamilton have begun ail agitation for the abolition of liquor selling in grocery stores and pledge themselves to vote at the muuioipal eleo- tiona in januaryjor only ithose candidates who will support a bylaw to that effect the following advertisement appeared a few daygo in a toronto contemporary hotel to rent bbtib lioense and lease ot hotel port colborne county wellaud best stand in the town no salvation army here soott aot defeated hereby 900 three years ajo reasons for selling going roto other basinesa good opening for livery in connection with house box port col borne i whafa tribute to payj to the soott act and the salvation xrnjy if as mr e sing dodds aays mon liquor is sold tinder the soott act than is being sold hinder the license system wh f should the defeat of the scott act be a troumstance adding vaiueto hotel property there is a alight inopnaistenoy bomewhere i the salvation army upholdbtemperance and total abstin ence as a cardinal prinoiple there is no salvation army here runs the advertise- iment what a oommentory it is favorable to a much abused institution therell wkere the ikeelinehc corns are aoapitalindioati ir th iy iell to a hairs breadth whether yoir shoe palter has madeallowanoe for their limens bm i or hot corns will require an ja icident pol ioy at ohoe for putnams painlsss corn jx traotor removes them in a few day e no pain ho diboorofort and permanent beni fiif tyy lit sold by druggists eyjrywhere n c polsor co kingsjikpropriet rs terestitig flf vouantanobhy durable and o iea w j vjwt is the plao p jo give holloways corncpre a rial it removes ten oorua from one pair o feet without iany pain what ithas done onoe itwu14iagalnf- n j stop paring and haoking a way at your oorns trythesenslfale remedy dr si arrs corn solvent the wonderful com ret lover and be happy sold by j e moqryin diruggist price 26c 1 flints tooth powder the pierlesf i lentl- a ffice tenders the pearl y yjhititiie breath sweet removes tsitifom the teith without- injuring tbi enamel ejold by ji e mcqarvin druggiflt pride 5 ota pwoi m if a lawyers oplaltn of iatret kiail j a tawper esq a leading allpjrne f of iwinona minn writes i after using i for imore than three years- 1 take great plea tire inptjaiting iy in tie iwrld orcdughs and coids j v t m mm ll oompfre our priced ith gut otie towner lojmlcei sell bootg communioations j while ire are willing at all timeb to open our colunfflsforthepubucitionofcommunfcatiom on alsqbectaoi interest to the general public we wish it to be distinctly understood that we will not hold ourselves responsible for any opinions which may be expressed by our oor- respondentb i i that band competition to tte editor of the frte prtss owing to the fact tha mr bayley the bandmaster of the queens own toronto awarded the btrfeetsvilla rand first prize at the hand competition at britdiptanfair an october 8th and that the orsngevilleband did not recieve a prize the orangeville bjandi a few days ago senttae streetsville banf challange calling npon them to play in con ipetitipn for a purse t of 9300 and askipje that the competition lake place withii ten days from the date of the chal lenge iiat i regard pr eingls hew overy for constipation as the pest 1 r itjhas never failed to oure the most severe colds i have had and injyariably rolisves thjs pain in tlie chest i f i imiss mary campbell elm prates after taking four bottles of jnorijhk p lyjnans vegetable discovery tod dybpep tic cure i feel as if i were a new peison 1 have been troubled with dyspepsia far a number of years and tried many rekne lies but of no avail until i used this celebi atjed dyspepticcur porrall impurities o hthe blood siole headache liver and ikilney complaints costiveness etc it is tile best medicine known if a tew grams ot common sense col id be infused into the thick noddles of tuosi who perpetually and ilterntelv irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with dristic purgatives they would iusi the ihighly aocrediied and healthful luxabv e and jtoart morthrop lymansivecetsjble dis foveryand dyspeptic are which ciuses goojd digestion to wai t au appetite and rii wrvli te m portant and very necessary addition for the institutions of our municipality it is certainly most discreditable that blatters of a purely local interest should be fought ith such riiean and treacherens weapotcs but this party though tempor- v arily successful has grasped more than it can hold and if everything pertaining to the municipality is to be rim on these lii es j it is haped that before many months have passed they will find eir trie position ahdi learn that they no longer cbntrol matters ill oiis mnnicipality the actions of the worthy mepbers of the council who tire slandersfl by the ownerless shaet set afloat wiubear tpie closestjscrutryl they are men whb have always worked forhe truest aodbesi interests- oc the town and their position will undoubtedly be vindicated to the satisfaction pf all concerned i i t j the eeiatiori between buyer and seller i merchants- are a class of people that are often looked npon as abet df bandits wagi ing war against the pocket books of the people and therefore fij prey for the special police m1heycan mejhod bcinj dnced jtof sell ai less than ttieir regular iraies by plausible speebh by an old cry it js naught it is naught it is considered a great f eatof genius on the part of the buyer buying at cash rates the good hatnre pf the merchant is often taxed by those ominous words please to charge it and when payment is offered a year later and the poor seller adds six per cent inter est be is looked npdnwjth holyj horror as little better than a thief or an assassih now we give a few ruls thatif heeded will 08086811 era of good feeling lsevetl try to beat down go toj honest jnen and then pay what they ask vjtiththe competition now existing mail banchefl of business there is npeanger of paying more than afi article is orit 1 ifjpn buyt iashirateaand gej trust ed do complain because j interest is charged on your bill the merchant who btjys for cashannot afford to wait pay- payment for gbods without an j equivalent lib baj in your own town bojrar a8 sible and patronize those who help build your schoolhouses make your roads ana fhoisre expected to respond to all calls qf j jsbjuity or jor pubkc improvements 14 settle all old accounts before the new year commences like honest men v heed these simple rales and iddto your own peacp of conscience and the good nature rf bur business nwnjsr i 1 1- 4- m v1ctors continue to be won for the side of god and home f u4mfaup t a jh i i y renfrew ani norfolk qarry th 8wfctab 1 1 i i 1- y i- dj the scott aci in renfrew resulted in the a4optii of the jority of 76u a inoit sai- m ifl3ijitmandid all the urge iowrj of the llviili hb reiiilsjl bskiaipat a the challenge containedj unreasonable terms one condition was that each band deposits its share of the purse within five days of its date f whereas the letter con taining the challenge did not arrive at the post office atstreksville until the five days had expired indeed the letter bore the orange vule post mark of the day previous the streetsville band is willing to meet the orangevtlle band in a musical compe tition ion the following conditions the competitionto take place im toronto on a day tojbe mutually agreed upon thejndes appointed to be professiorial musicians of undoubted musical talents each band to consist of the same men and the same num ber of men as were in the respective bands at this brampton competition on the 8tb october each hand to deposit 8100 in tie dominion bank either at brampton or to ronto two weeks previous to competition the programme to consist of a quickstep aa overture a set of waltzes and god save the queen each band to select its own mnsio sfabjectto the above conditions 3 jpl kisjj ibandmaster stieeltbvilleband j avoid the harsh irritating griping com pounds so often sold as purging medi sines and correct the irregularities of the b iwels by the tife of ayers cathartic pills vhich are mild and gentle thorough and jsi arch icg in their action health on both t warning and comfort i4 shoei pelt boots cheapest ji ia m itoto ii t 14 ri- the only i v iii w- 23 h gladden west shefford o rites for n number of years i have been- at iicted with rheumatism two lyearsago was attached very severely i suffered a great deal of pain from which i was not fr e for a day until last spring when i bejan to use dr thomas ejcieotricqil and irajoice to say it has cured me for which j am thankful r t oit proyeevers wqil r j i he oheifeit allwool fljrmelryeu cshf u inguelphor toronto ai jlidoarae and only 25 lnones wide for wa while wejell nil etter auwoolflanne x jiinchevfide foi 24pf and 26o hi vefpellthe beat fiire ei g r r flannel i foj 27 cents f- we sell the best chamb y flannel tor 35c and- 40c the same flan 5el is sold hi gnelphfor 45o i we sell shirts ahd draweiia t 8607- 1 thesaielgoodsbold at their wasted oheap stores in isuelpbat 87d i i 4 we sell alf wool blanketi jfor 45ca l2k guelph prioesf or same goods 65o good libeils at 9c a yard canton flannel for 9o and ladles fine shetland gurnieys and pants fpr i i 1 wo keep a full line olladi ui underwear in fine scotch goods 1 r boys and mens lndenrear in every duality and size and apdiai trge kiacs for fat men j jj r ladies anichildrcnstjls airs msntles and walking coats in great v uidiyjat prices that defy ooffipetitibn tipl ladies fine mantles made t d order overcoats and readymade c overy jman and boy m b alto t t pumpkins cjoeks washes donke f sv v c ll i sknl il u hx v m fvoji rifi f 2 u f wmm villir il h ww yvv wl s ciothiog for l yi ihayie oqpkins uockb watches donkey carts and cheap organs toe jalile us to sell our cloth ngl oui clothing is all made by experienced tailorsjaod fits ery timci we sell ni shiddy butlbrstclass toods cheap when a ma eah get ago wline tweed overcoat fo and we can jive it you hex should 8arpthing about the low price of wheat ml- ttari ners if som kinds or produce is low qrajers are a fir pnjjei and almost everyi notedy bo let for th jia better times coming 0sif3 f sells the bes 40c aiid 50c tea tn it and lje fanviwed we can famish oyer 800 name who will testify 1 this fact laj53cb5 you need hot co ts other towns to find dress goods ve h tve as fine a range of 3ostume clot is at 5 ocj and 25c a yd cas itneres serf es ii eps ottoman cords lustres c aiyolcanflnd in tfuy one store of the large wnsir small cities our prices are 10per ce it lows than city prices that we know for a fact fr we hive taken pains tonlttirei i j wbclaltn to have the test uh pt french silks in the market from 75 o fnts a j aid upwaicdb velveteens all colore ai id shas ssjcheapi hats caps furs and a 1 klndf ot wool j goods to suit both old andyott ig 42rpatrjoniio home me rchant and let ua build up our own town wn keep largo and well- assorted stoolcb and sell neap wlay lot encour age us to maintain the si tone v j i buy and beh very close for cash we want bdi to try ours we at congratulated e very day oh tjbe excellei it good s i brampton assizes the iollowengjjase from this locality was entered for trial at the brampton assizes held on the 3rd inst l i mcleaac v ttahn action of seduction brought by john mclsaac against donald mann 3rd pon- the parties reside near acton settled by defendant paying the plaintiff 250 and full costs mr guthrie q c aridmr vstatt for plaintiff mr e it b johhstoni for defendant oudph mercury x biishessbrevites some faou abont our bnalesii ken and houses of henefltto pari general readiirs hats from 75 cents to 3251 at j fyfes l v f cakes of ail descriptions fresh at the ejjcelsio bakery h jx how wn wants aijy quantity of good fresh but grand eggs and green apples orders for cakes bunt tc fijled on shortest notice at the exce sior bakery coal oil coal oill t ieplace itorbuy it the cheapest in aoton is at howsonb t v the largest land cheapest stoek of boots shoes to select from is atnelsnn mokafes j 7 ycotch enlibh and canadian suiting n reat variety at the east end cijothiag atore j fyfeaoton v remember howson vill pay 20c per pound for noj 1 butter and 20c per dozen for any quantity of fresh eggs suits and overcoats it extremlely low rates and jt iade in latest styles 0ftllabo7eethed j l frpslj oatmeal for si 8ior 3kwue niqklin t- dont forget howson of splendid bright sugar brandsisaimon 12jc per i patronize home qentlemien if youare fectifityrigbuitorbyelreo omgoodtfj we have an lelefrp4uflr stjdjah ci apd hbto timet we know it lbesure yfe acton the excel jjland the best i iv0e andpect orknngnip swis kip whiitlede if troubled with an unhealthy biowl healing sorb use mcgregor parle car bolicclente you will find it lnyiluable for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a few doses t f mc gregors speedy cure from j e i cgar vins drug store 29 teeth and a acton ijyj tojseeand try is to like flints tooth powder the peerlessdehtif rice a novel j i ii ty abeanty attractive style c mpact firm superior quality if you wan white sweet breatp use ifc eeild in e- mcgarvin druggist 25 cts iaaapgrjrier ayers sarsaparilla i ctstdi rectly and promptly a single bottle will prove its merits tmany thonsands of people atei yearly saved from dangerons fevers by the exercise of a little time ly care iu properly cleansing the system by the use of this remedy v dry goods biggbyy if fv m x mm tesvw pa you see tszjs i ive kceriiu stock the usekeepers wlio an choicis oufmottp isto iari0tiw if goods are not whst i represent tbbm to be they ate sujjec k i the mm maij imte4 n m ir v vt rt he use f groceries we can particular about tea that celebrated 50o tea continues to lead buit lebrated j lfyoiroftnhotfimitoureelfat in groceriesjorjockery or anything in mjr line you will not parties wishing to buy wedding re8ents ji rill find si fine assortinenl of vassoiiet setfecrnitoxm glasi ltbuitediqtowu j pebttlina pecioria 1 pectoria tl e great retnedy forcdugjis coldsjbroiichiti s sore throat influenza horsenss and all affec tions of the luugs and throat or chest pectoris loosensjthe phlegm andbftals up the cough 2ff cents per bottle jdont give up until you have tried peot risy stf druggistsand general storekeepen sell it 23 hojlouaps 6mtmetk and pill this ointpient affords the shortest safe st and easiest path to soundness in all i inds of skin diseases scrofnloilsaffectiqhsi scorbu- tio miladies ulcerations eruptjans and in flammations ttherfrisjhothbgdelaierjous in the corapositii n of holloways 0 htment but on the oontriry its ingedients possess the most soothing purifying and s rength- enirg qualities so that it can be xu ed with perfect safety by persona of all ag sv the delicate skin of infants is not lrri ated by its application and it is equall apted for subduing the tedioi a ulceratio is hol- lowaya pilbi should jl e j taken wliilst his ointment is being usee in order that all baneful matter may lx expelled om the jsystem j prominent among tl e greatest medical dlscoveties fey the mat y lures t hi is aifect- fji mcgors speedy- jute leads he fan subjected to the minute it chemical malysis it has hien found to cihtain one f those bjurious ingredient characterir ng the wortblesb specifics jd lily offered td the phuicf every lngredw ntposseasei a pecul- imijaty to the vaiious cb nplunte frir wbhlt lieenc mi juiode and iti eisbhgbi heahjy test monials yjeyww jtiibrpfo tcohft 4entthatwebjveaparaaonwhioh we l wiihihe iimranot lii2apr v jiiji6fvt mmmt will find a fine assortment of vases coolers tea 8etsj fancy cups and saucers mussy tc of all kinds be sure yon see what bave sefore hv j ibgielsewheret i we consider it no trouble toliow the pebpleour bods rc sovtsll vill beujoi qoolfl u ohm u ohoap m my hrt io la tie trade rementber the place opposite haiton j gaq as house iwvillhiwel ewe ijooi t this plriice liatj anxi jaol fch haxre mftd in the price f wu eiifite stock 6 inw xjobdisi inxport 3d diifect i fae matitij factuters in europe fbr tjni seyonis trader iffe t ii t cl ajll wool grey flannels w j v canton flannbi i-t- uj allwpplca an iny j other presents or silver bnttet had painted goods iwiportanrf to the j inhabitants of lectori and i country haying purchased the stock and businebb of the nm if marshall eimond8on grocers and flour feed merchants mill strctop will pen pni i wl satur fsu i with a largfej btikik xtf fresh anc wellsi i which- havie been totiirht for oash iu a nibadyf and ill he sold at ppoes ybry rej o the net ir sprietrwillj dij hit utmqit ejjgriqiialiof ajiinrecfiate arid jeqj this he fee4s ipleta iu 8 eliciting liberal ntrojnage accoi died the t im latefirni if atodh weli a iall who ilgil prpunding our advertising space hr x i 30 ttf- r m m i6ffji ii vli 20 if vi v fiqoi 3s2bv- estcaniimnicott0ll bhirtin0 0 as mens shirts inddbawesi ii c ii f j mens feitt h ato newest ttlb i it it lidl eslulsier clottis ill ll 25i pre8nttpri0e v o is vvi p i03s lo 10 o n 0 15 b it 6v20 3 off j 3 50 iouf u 50 1 5 ott- 0 w i 075 qw b 80 i fovellbblooli- jnr v 4- tajtes ugiaf nave- mr i sayi mi rtlmi i will notailowj iii to give duotions are have made in every aepiitmentjihlpii ighoui otus- istahliabipent- hutj assur otr friends and patrons that never at thieii ifbgnofiment i al seasonuslhesa r i guelph have prjiceaof hew goodabeei cut mibs wc a t egted iiv t ntageous market iattrajtiver v j i ahid endeavor to lea8el the jpf acjii tw m mmmm ill i mm ifsl velveteens mantle cloths dress good sosie carpets laoe cu have all been mardajb the ki enes 0vo5- e80 ifflo s i ti mm mi eorpieliltof the weiinngrec lantvt- niiji fertawkhmfiat hufcwo- l i mfsm now doiugv mm lt par capes rsr i j i i- f-v- f-l- v r- tv ankmj 3va f i id bt ik islsiii -wr- rpble-woijs- ijanwja vo itt m iejintlatlvpeb jivenof 9 benii jvpry u k cdrd 7 j0 llyfeiisj osvstyi 18 iilsfife ip

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