Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1885, p. 3

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ipjwsssw pps vpk p m b3vf fills r i i 1 hftrn k rty kf 1 s jpt- f r- kr 14- is y if tottxaaau mixed ajfr express 740 cm pmhuiu 110 an tbroosb rxsisktt psoikl swjjb chlcaas gspim doa nl toronto trim or going vt8js ma qoiug emtlfljd an rnslieh mail clot i sis to iij 1 in jmbi itjp between qatlpa j it- vta 4 jqpm at eob rtiv afrn school testament and bi iha the new raadetalafiu stock swibuufc books drawing boplla slatespena inkbxopy 1 iooks piss books account book 4 euvstofaai and not paper alnrestockothyid silver plated croats snivel b spoon ad ifeka ratchet clocksljeweuery8pecacli856toiis wedding andlbirthdi y pieee its i ciw me l csll i 6ohynd8 acton f jpfaii ygfabsbat moasisp ffe 26 ji85 crumbs for be eakf lst ptovwedby tba jboor 9 luniihtftja free smfrjbjspotl hlpa jsss ai short testa- obhttaryi atii otoifeof hremliliuol i f event oocorrid on monday venin mily were the pioneer ot th tttage of aqton thai t adwnntime uauythii illy are passing away ahd naut now remsitas here ihe at htfa vjolnit the brat f tewwn as owe large vary small r will he fe i t society will be fhjpld instewarttwnon y saturday next the 28th jni t at 2 oclock rarmerand others i iterested in the proposed cheese factory si ould isake a care- rul petosal 0 our leading editorial annent fc tliat sujbject the figures booted arphsbd a gold school idrain- u iread oar foarjlb page beautiful days now a id nights considerable itlnebs amopg her at present saturday endr jjfebwiary ia soappy month jits been to the rewadotvetwbn ofjtbe qia rrwot will be pnwibbed at basted vfltingj on the scott lot taket place today in the counties of sorttumperland and durham chatsworth is to ba e a newfepaper conducted by sir g blytl formerl r of the markdale expositor ihad a dream thrpiher nigt land behold-r- further info tnation gladly given by alex b the ice at the rink is nspleod d oon dition and our young pec pie seen to be enjoying the skating this rinter a ifie mile aiatiujf race- for medal will take placein g aelph tpi norrc evening w speight and ther pro minent skaters will enter the oont t remember the count sabbat convention which open ii tthe tow n hall this morning an interwting tim is in btore ail axe welcome to attend i the ordinance of bapl ism was istered to fonr applicants o i saturdaly even ing and two on sunday e eniug las in the baptist churchhefe byti e be v mj book a meeting ofthebosed of directors of the township of esques ng agrilltural ver ppfve audience in the methodist jsaajmoth aucjuoa bale i messrs enickhn a boii aunounce by laisge posters kn extensive anition bale oft hottes irdpubolents ao towte ilaoe oii their premises miu street aofen on bat odaymaroi7uioommenoing at 10 am sharp thik sale will command the atten tiptt- of farmers and others and the lonj ust pf articdea pffered will makeitannter astig sale vfm hemstreet the populai auctioneer of this place will wield th hammer during the day i jobjaihopeajfor kejrt feek a j man rttslied into- nelson a mobaei establishment yesterdaj and excitedly en quired john can ytoulpgive me change for a five certainly replied the genj ia mcbae who ib always ready to tonfer favor how wsl you have it auythini willa here it is then fallrigh john ilgtye ou the ye next week wi cannot vbuph fpr the truth of tke above ahd don really believe friend jolmooul be caught with that kind of chaff but thafa the way the istorys told aocktantcn loti- weregret to learn that on fiday evening last mrdaniej kinsman agent of theop b in this town met with ah aocident while enjbyjnga skate on the skai ing rink he was going at a rapid paoe around thej rihfc wheii he rkn qpon the stub of a oigar causing him toj trip and fall injuring him ef badly fot a few minutes he waa juriable to get ub and today still feels the effect of the fall parties should be cares iulnot to throw their stubs orauything elboontbe ice ft is dangerous to those skatiug bramion times jdemiseof a former besidenter i we are called upon to record the death of mrs margaret mcdonawsridqwof the late alex mcdonald which took place on friday last she was 72 years pt age at the tiirie of her death thej funeral service was conducted by bev mtu lairdj ou sunday afternoon at three oclock in j evening mr laird preached a sermonl havingspecial reference to her death thej forward part of the church being draped iri black out of respect nto her jmemoryj iw adpertifier the deceased lady waa for vicinity many years k resident of this tarwuns jlniputiomst miss ella fryers the talented young elocutionist appeared before a binall but x n k almost instantly died s tiii m- legions during her sfckniss and without ddtjbt the ac4a8comnr ted in a rjoment of inaanity j hne of theleadng m dioal prs otionera of the county of halton i oted for livelo- qnentflowof language tbus addj eased a jpatieut of the other day wfe iwas a igerniaij mystagnmso roaeillatii m of the eyebalkhanfpfleptifoi m affedtii id of the jcarejoellalar samotwi ttoeofj the astodnaedconloqlkedit sort of iya ind apt iajciq english for me jtf a v jamm on fact and wiirbear investigation i the mt forest bep i iroviajj ai bespoke of it it is tea ibfuuy r riftta well fjlled with spicy an newsy natter and tiiait platform isbting adhered to what more can one wish i da news lost etween spej aide and a short time ago a good christy st 1 the- party finding the alxr e will be ewatdi ed with the bat i found oi my heat on my arrival home by applying to allermany y r frank j j tbeinamesofbevbb cookj presi t dent and b- ijttle esq vice prsmentji rwereflmjttedfrom thejfe of offteirap pointed at the annual m ting of tjh 5 actoii branch bible society in last weeks issue the salvation army held a jubilee m heir bartacks jlast ffida evening tha congregation was very large filing the building to its utmost ca acity ii is the intention of thfe i army t hold mother jubuee tcmorrbw all are invited -j- dr webster states thit twosdwing to the pearsir weather h experiei iced iii toronto last friday night he was unable to accompany the party f young people who took in swaree it the rlen on monday evening this explanation ought tobe katisfactory v- tbehappy editor of ihe oakiillejj fcicninowmeeteiisfllovcitiasnflwith the following gushing paragraph r qh its nice tohe a father dot t you wishme j joy 7 its apparent lm aparient of a bouncing baby boy 8h ike brotl er and i accept congratulations f the new eresbyteria a chnrd t glen e t williatas wai formally opi pad lasttabbaih and the f6llowinfevenini a grant enter- tainment was held in fie chtiptibniall proceeds of which went ato the maiding i fund ijnite a number of actouj people wdro present upon- botbw casions -r- the skating race betsjeen spiightjlof i actojtand dawson of s baf orith 1 leld n the georgetown rimvwai won byt peigtit 1 the latter has proved to 1 an ali lete tn skates whom aqjton ma y feel prjudof ayealthouh quite a disp nice from acton jtillije always glad to leao n of oui young haltcnums victoriesq ileilk in depend iwt hmri j okeil haibilton fats 4 suffering with feyer since thebirth of j i child a couple of wjefeks aj o oh s itui f fat in the absettce of lie j nurses ihe tamed her jhusbanda raze r aqd out a deep j 4- gash across her throat from wlncrr she pt anty 8 8 oonveatkm th sabbath school convention whioh 6pia n fmth1noruing at 10 volook promiaeflittowf the best ever tip excellent pro- number of sabbaf febl be presentjj an exe silent cw of vlocal vocalists and musicl b wulproyide excellent musio fori the aeaiionb tiifl chiwren will sing ap- propria te hmns m theirmabs meeting on friday afternoon and the peopie of aoton r prepared to welcome thej visitingdele- totes t their homes hh the usual hearty weloom e peouliar to this- nc rthern parti of ihfe oeiinty all te sessions ofv tlie conven ion will be open to vi sitors whether they ai b delegates or not 1 hoso who have gospel hymn books are requested to take them it is expected that r james men- zies w irden of the county r will ot oupy the chair todi y and mr r coates burlington preaider t thereafter bible oomty committee m ietlng the ixecntive committee of ihe aoton branch bible society met in tlie council chamber on friday last i p esident b b cookir the chair the following collebt- ors wer appointed to solicit subscriptions in aid c f the 8ocietyi and n port result to the trei barer on or before th i bth march north mill street acton iiss campbell and mil is swan south mill street acton missjarvis and miss m nioklin east of acton i j bsqueeing johnshiwandarchd mann louth of acton in eiquesing john mcbae ind john mcdonald west of aoton in esqt esing fred townten 1 and samuel brown in nassagawoya and on town line d mog regor and james mcdonald in erin lit and 2nd lines bobt kennedy andwti ii worden erin 8rd and 4trr lines jiisl warren and james e sny- fler erjn 5th and 6th lines peter mann and di henderson conn tittee directed the tr aaurer to ap portion all collectiens be1 ween b 4f- and u g society equally v aidj instructed depositor to sell at a red iced price a number of bibles which have been in stock for a length of time and somewhat soiled on mot on of b warren so onded by job- fyfe it was agreed to send lie collection forl88out before holding an niial meeting with a view if possible to we sure n larger attendance at the meeting purely personal paragraphs eeepectmg pepj le wll our beaders are indiv dv collectively aoquali itecl church on wednesday evening of last week the entertainment conikted of readingbby mjb bryers and music by the church choir- miss bryers showsevidence of more than ordinary talent as was shown in the rendition of asleep at the switch beclaimed the drummer and thej creed of the bells it would be difficult to say in which piece the little jlady appear ed to the hest advantage all of heir pro ductions were goodand received the hearty applause jthby deserved should miss bryers ever again pay acton a visit she without doubt be greeted with a full house ft jprogress of a former aoton han i i the brampton time of last week says i livery stable keepers like other business men are enterprising and joseph allen of oiir town i is tone of that stamp during the past i i weeks lie lias had his d stable pppitethe foundry torn down and a new and jooinmodirjus one bniltjin its place the bmiding is70 ft long by 34 ft widej dividetfintoja large driving house stable and harness and feed room below with a large hayloft and good sized hail above the stable has the new patent hay rack a usef ol invention in preventing jwaste of feed and has also the waiter- works in connection he is also a lover ot good horses neat and most fashionable rigs and has added considerable tortus stock in the way of cutters pleasuresleig is buggies and harness and today can urnish as neat and comfortable rigs as cou dbe wish ed for we aire pleaaedtdnote the sneees i ofonroldfrieqd miss tfaoim mootk is visiinjt friends in toronto dr k e wkbstkk speur friday even ing will friends in toronto dbmtgxnvin of markhaid spent thurs dav anil friday o last week n acton miip jb beh and miss lawkbncb of orangeville are visiting frier d in acton bev t a moobe of dikn bo visited hi acton friends monday and tuesday this week a messrs john mcgiix and hxqvb jcawbon left on j tuesday for cheyenne wyoming territory mb dohjrpcbww and wfe of brock j b pearson ville were the guests of mr a few days last wek messrs john hekdebbosahd jas smith wl o are prosecuting their studies in tov ronto spent saturday and 8u iday at home mbij b maipuhsjof tor into formerly of the ojld firmof wumoti- siagurn drug gists milton was in tewnon tuesday last mr jas hekdersok of mikoniandmr bobt mabshali of broadiewnwt were the guests of mr d henderkon last week miss goiuxjn who visitec mrs secobb last wek as stated by us was ofjfergus instead of elpra and jr a da lighter of bar rister 0 obdos of that place the members of the canauiarij press as- sociatio n who have been visiti pg the worlds exposii ion at new orleans toturned home this wesk although a very pleasant time was bp nt and the southern weather was found talmy and congenial hey all cana back pe rf ectly contented to p lake the north their permanent homes t enow it was sunday e guelph- htrald is responsible fo when the bells in th ereut church towers were ridgingov their last notes on sunday morning a unusual- sight could be witnessed near tt i market an erarnqs farmer4and oi possessed of no ordinary amount of jt telligehce drove along ontario and neevie streets up to the market square he lu abicfartnbleigh andagoodlookiiig tearjk of horse the grangerlooked rathernoi plussed as he drove past the groups f churchgoing people svhoj iwith books i i were hurrying to divine bervice th i market was ulllooltiug as it always is o i isandaya aud when the farmer drdveov j to a suitable stand on the auan i pearance of the 8urrpundingb greatly enhanced he wondered lrill didnt joome aiongand askj bket or m jt was mr mel h strong irish ascent waj ibg a diatjirbirice in pork circles the fatowatted long fnd anxiously ni l ejven jphilpotjte spanking bay and vepe ableookiiigdiyer or dan ihomson aticfeimhoviin sight ee jloofii 1 ih the bottom of his sleigh on hit thre the a- vas n i why ai i got y n3iewit t ot crea dead hogs that made and breathed a long deep si b thej proprietor of the queen b- le had been tfe- motxma arid look for gabe tl br were happy thought te farmer and ii he were dead he tniht le happy too find not sittingin his sleigh itt thib bleak fmrnary inprning no piip wanted o buy ids pork and thu i he w forced to ret oji home without eer kno r- ing whyiiiwasere wasno marl set yeste r day i ij rr i v- a4piifam onnoing the dpeiiibgj of new ceh erk say pleasurai gjbip mmaia d inj dared lwhom rot ifybirihi tfmningfiund mjother jrayi s vorm offootual when jpai ssssj oomfort dreharel exter- tryitr givetheni mlnator ikfdanro and and mark th i improvement in your ohild ihfittihg t oos and slides pause oprus houowaya c om cure k tlw artiole touse get a bottle at onoe and cure your corns htfmeinentau ration i withwormh horse isgaljed scratched or and lathe daily cut jor httsaii ugly sore apply mojsreor 4 tdrkescarboho cerate it is undoubl edly tlio uneatlioaling ana oleanbingapuoah6u for ft be euro you get mcgregcr i parkes sold for 25c per box at j emogarvjusdrug store 31 thilera preventative in order toj withstand jholera and such like epidemics v perfeot purity of blood and the prppir aotioji of the stamaoh are required to insure that eiid in the- cheapest ulost available und complete hjannerju8e acgreg6rs peedy cure for dyspepsia and impure blood there is no purer safer i r more reliable remedy in existence for indigestion dyspepsia cos- tiveness ptc ask your neighbor oi- tpy person wlio wa8 used it sold by j b- mogarvin tfrlul bottle gi von free 31 flnld llabtnldk all sufferer j from that terriblq torment neuralgia cifi be made happy in one moment by a single application of fluid lightning briikiy rubbed on painful parts and without t phg any disgusting medicine day- after day with little or no result fluid lightiiiug also cures as eitectuaily toothache lumbago rheumatism head- ache anc isoily 25 ceute per bottle at je moarviiis drugstore j31 i poctoriii tijctoria pucloria thegretri remedy foruo jghscoliis bronchitis soiv throat inhneasa horseuess and all offec- tiousof the lungs and tlirpat or ulieat pectoris loose is the phlegm unil bivaks up the cough j5 cents per buttle dont give up until vou have tried pectoris al druggistsauit general storekeopcrssell it iluld llbblnlns thereare but few that have never sjtfered almost intolerable iin from tonthache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an iustar t relief as fluid ligbiitug is an untold blessing in tiiiie of trotibli disgusting offensive ipcdioines to bo take n thecradli mcnaib in erin on the 1 7th iust the wife of mr d b mcnair of a daughter orr 1 h oakyjlle on the lith inat the wife of mr 0 b orr o the independent of a son the grave mcdosald in orangeville inst margaret rfelict of mcdonald esq aged yekrs fobbebiu acton infant daughter aged 7 months rf the- 22 ad inst edna f mr el ward forbes adamsiiu aqtou on the 23r shah w wil 3 of mr ezra g6 years 6 months heifijeabos at the boyne ndkrsonv the 16th inst william tjhomas infant son of mr john henderso a aged 1 year ex j- was observed jurdeh on his- a neighboring party ot acton xcose me ham so kcoustomed to wearing rubbers that i find it difficult to get along without them was the polite ex planation of due of actons young men as while walking with his lady from the sta tion the other evening he slipped and fell dnjthe sidewalk a short ti lie previous to this th same young man laboring under a little way to vanls the station in village i 1 tl ere was a sleighing young folks awaydbwnih nfelbon pb friday uightlast perhaps you wsre not aware of this but there was two loads of them aud about i ihe toughest looking crowdt4iey were toowl euon saturday morning they began to arri fehome in sections a couple reached home y train and reported tha he bal ance lid started homeward about six oclool that mormng a pprtionj of these reache sihomeabput 1030 while tfiferernaiu- der of the party struck town shortly before noon they sayithat itjwas no wonder they a hooked tough when the leader of the pa ry gotsof ill that ho 1 lad to be put to bed or days i ooapplicitiotof fluid jiubt- iag curoa aid ul j k mcgarvifis drug store 29 i semi to know everyone should know that hugyards yellow oil wiil give prbrnpt relief- applied externallyi will btop any pain- and talen internally cures colds asthma croup sore throat arid most inflammatory complaints bickle anticonsumptive syrup is a combination of several i medicinal herbs whiohexert a most wonderful influence in curing pulmonary consumption andall other diseases of the lungs chest and threat it promotes a free and easy expectoration t and gives ease oven to the greatest sififferer coughs colds shortness of breath nd affections of the chestattended with weak ness of the digestive organs or withgeneral debility neem to vanish under its usel no other remedy acts so readily in allaying inflammation or breaking up a sayero cold even theimost obstinate cough is overcome by its penetrating and healing properties when children are ueoted with colls coughs inflammation on quinsey and sore throat vast impoi among child the lungs croup this syrup is of ce the number of deaths n from these diseases is truly llf i now jtliat the holidaya are bvjer find the faiiilikjare mjaln disunited and scat teriid over tkeijandvlliq friends at home should ait for a dozen beautiful artistic cabinet atst h 3 lls studio mstacdlv xl to bc id to distant loved ones nothing will lie iiionv appreciated by thenl old photos cdpled enlarged aria framed in good style cheap 4 a fot of lovely frames on bnod are invited to inspect tliem vdu i asee my and jnsel new combined musio baok c w hill good a8sqrtmekt on stoves cheap for cash tinware of alil kinds at bbttom prices eavetroughfng a specialty and put up on shortest notice first tlass material only used- oallsolicited j o hill mill 9t r- on the 13jh the late alex d inst jeru- adams aged trafalgar on alarming it is so plvtable that a child will not refuse it aud is jut at such a price that will not exclude the poor froinits beue- fits- j 32 well an ever lottie howard writes from buffalo y my system became greatly debiliaiod through arduous professional duties suffer ed frera naiisea sick headache and bilious ness tried burdock blood bitters with the most beneficial effect am well as ever proiuueut jiiuioug the greatest medic a discoveries by the many ouro3 it has alfect- ed teoregoai upetdg cure leads the van subjected to the minutest luiemical itualybis ithas heen found to contain one of those injurious ingredients tsaractcrizinp the wbrthless saecifios daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul- iar adaptability to the various coninlaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that wo nave a preparation which- we can offer to the publjc with the assurance that it will befoupdihtonly relief bujt an absolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im- free trial ibottles at je 38 oaution each plug of the is harked fet infomiithe pub prepared bo nw uivjjjljhsb ff tl vl f lit athjifevr wjvct ni oil under th j education aii sohbols o e t wlhatthe fmw ontar sdjehiitelidenei if xfe autlioizecb hirriiforviibe ontarjoy iare n6ivfln i fevli and will are now in stock be fiillowel later on bv ojid bpol ce be sum and h i- immediateljby tiiesec the tiiird and fourtli bop fetm jiei purchased mr w groceries i h- imiij- m t g headers klinieter in the prfesp and ii mblilsr ssjsi i t of v and i h weiinteiid iving the public hie benet of bald purchafje wp have also put in i large uaiity bi bought jatrkok botftom we exten diizli isrid m m iki bronze letters other cehuint to all a cordial ihyitatioi i to before purchasl iig elsewhere i semesiiber the ploe bft9w pwisjteiid prices wfikir will be sold- cheapt r than the i cheapest pare blood mcgaivinsdrug store thos burnside would respectfully inform thqitsuaensi of acton and vioinity that he nasi opened a butcher shop next to mcgarvinsdrugstoreand is prepared to bupjjly i ji 1 iood beooril amoijjg the many thousand bottles of hagyards yi sllow oil sold annually in can ada not one ias ever failed to give satis faction ltc ures rheumatism colds and all painful cbnplaints and injuries iccubk f hoi symptems nnl cpre the syinpt jtrisare moisture lileperbpir ation intense itchingincreasedby scratcit- ing- very djslresslug particularly at night eeeuis as if pn- worms wdrectawlingin and about the reitutn the private parts are somfctimesnfiected ii allowed to codtinue very ssrioiib i esults may follow swav ses oinitmext in a pleasautj sure care also for tetter itch salt rheum all acily orusty skin diseases sent ly mail- fo 50 cents 8 hoses 125 in stamps ad drest dr s vayne son pliilodelilhia pa soli by druggists j 50 first of all ins poujtrly and canie in season if i having experience iri the trade i can assure all satisfaction and solicit a liberal share of custom meat lr deliyebed kv j cashfiiihes th08 burnside runnini debted to u yer thfee or qtlieisteff to ettje cqsfe df collofcior 3aa dtitpre ivr ll partlbise2q3pt tboi g ffeajrly i aijcounti are atjouce ranicis the canada jqitusisn vp and ttempesiajfce hekalu caaba qhbat phohibition papsh tjiijcrscapest anathsiiiest p editeabyr i fine tolled paper terms gheirn business collece gdedphoiitabio offebs youngmen and wjesj the be it facilities tor acquiring iwra plete trainir g for business fcursuits- i sixexper enced teaphera- and let turrs are permane3tly on the teaching staff the various depi rtmpnts are elegantly fitted npi with thej r lost approved p mratns f or cliege wbrki stdentd iayi a 2aox tion cwalooubyiugfallinforrutt- s it six niaifbtp any aildrifss pu mlg iiiioiisntefi i prtbppaj hea sixteen jacesweeklvdnf ins 91 03 in auvanoe eiuteud pedewant jib btiati gash- storee any firm which does a bnaixitibefjtiariii ot ieel as ppeaifla th 3 cash- man peti ft jttievi cash withj us ment a gi iiesb goti headache use of alq depressli h msanltyt m premainr 01d in either torrhceafc seuatiuset tains one 9 paid on t tbpurea tofemutttlfffl effeota ct re cymm madlwutt iicl bbopcrkcei ling djttij ten per ripe id t hanjl when eredit filrfind we have to o eitra extra i fiyi i per cents fe pay for co lecting mpnibsj in- re- fv v f ve t- j ffl cheaper an the mm ws

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