Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1885, p. 3

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h rtu trto the jloit- wri oisiltlig j llg tilt ilmilllsj to whjeh the lii and we now jnwr the ft already hm lio effoc s of showing uip tho grand ootkouast ufcj gsproko 710 tw pm ftaillmift ijm through ex 5 special 953 chta two express d km uot btop boi ww itorouto tmkj iciwbrkti maili toiiik wust 01s frtti oiufi kiu mm amljuiptm iuslifhmail rlcs x wvlim i w canadian pacific railvr i 10 all rokils east a it 5 ve j condlxien tjmk table toronto to detroit chioago and manitoba ipost in 0 atari luir progress in ivairoiij miay t pt tvrios arc co fanitvmis friends fhsmftvl stock lvnc iiiniiivthe iams0n pacific jji 1 25pjic a 19 v li 05am 5 25 2 45 8 cm tsonia 7 55 winnipeg daily sxcopt stxouislhx toronto l 10 tia fflrtavultun9 w t sithom dtttroit chltago toronto toronto ottawa miatroal quebec ltotou tomon brampton to uramiito street ton ivte kspress rxprcss kxpresa special liipiu sf t 5 i p in vloudsj real quebec t ud bbstb 1 mmitc 1 ex s 25 a tu i g 07 1 ni c oiu montreal 1 is silt ojsb streetsville jijmcticii oovt 7 15 brampton to ora agville and6wen brampton os am oraugaviilo if owen souiftl 6 3 po pifckase vour tickets bv thia new and j popuiialr raoa j e mcgaityjsi ticket agekit acton ontario and aoticeito parents teathprs scholars the new secbud book ohtkrio rekdjsrs will be in stock atgep hvndi acton april 1st call at geo ihymv for ibur bj5i1 books and stationery ifyudt sells clie a big stock at jjchool supplies 8n unes iii stationery always in rtock us a call 1 v geo llyndi ictou irian i ugpi bisrrui sue ph cd a 1 ay st 75p tjoeilllx s4p 6ot 10 so suiid tu lik e s- i mp iuli 5ff tern tecray monxisji amu 9 195 i crumbs for breakpa31 prcrlded by the ever thoughtful pjee j pre3 reporters 1 j tvere marchinjjibu to war now for the spring frcshet lsrufis over for another veari thi tailliiietv good friday openings today passed off quietly jhort the niaple sugr aeoson is likely to you ietu crinins a- miorai kciaeuibsr gjreuui aula ot baildiug on satordayt lltt jrs is in rthe town bell should be tolled du ri ug funeral 4iour tomorrow r 0 that was quitei a forniidabie sinbw storm we had on fidoi friday iuornin a ood manv dbueu of eiegs were wafe- boused on sunday in private storehouse 11- t 11- the- iinuualivekfy meeting of st bans churgh iwas j held on mjonday e in 4 i sleighing is donti for thiospijiug thirbs been pbput three months of- a cbntinuqus run of it r the g t it raised train which tcfr u- ilio it 0offin id io satifv erriige4 ivl i lmafeririilvays wqniility eheip jheap p oods has been ch litg jommed xii cing ihe diy erljijoft acton o ts3- 1 m edto 615 am some of thq farmers are td complain of the scarcity of fjecd for hjtir stock 1 firdt ihduder and ligbtuing of was notiped here lat afternoon the giciaa i ahady greet spots here and theje wh jias iljbappeared the owttera of tidudry ctstlarsrin tbin thinklthey can itoll the council wherd so drainage 13 neebssaryj acton conpany no 6- of the battailiou have been drilling during thur4 shjwing ub ere the subw he captbhuitz jpast ifeek uadec cplauanahd the local boad of health- has jvirk before itr hnportaut work requifinj im mediate attention no v that spring 13 0 p n f j comjileted the painting and papering the the health inspector his eyidtnily 1 residence of geo ai bailey a glance overlcjoke4thathisguiidgheup of si able thro lgh the roomsshows the good taste of offal ti1m is deposited ori mflrstreeti iot j the artist every where displayed the ceiliigbpf the parlor and diniug rdom aie deco rated with borders of differelit designs far from his office t board of bducation will meet ii ihe nest mori lay eveni ig 1 council chamber all the members arjc efjuestecl to be ijea- j p ent at eight ocluik sliarp the annual dog tax coufiib ivill likely lie heard at council meeting sc me of th se night introduce the tag syjstem gejnfie rnedjfind settle ihe nattor rfjhe childrei in the pnblic scliojolb wetfi5i8mi8ed on thursday t fternoolt j or ils4atie way o iilil ciiiaeo a makiii ve pery ourbre a inagiiificeiil tfilrning rilersa j riepartrnfutb are h eiiiriiileqcs-and- siaiiies- of all coitoiif shirti landaiill thein it lit a infreconi- tiyetlirir orders laqta weha i ity pricea rkbt j ingwlebuliwe iwchaflriitlieut u goods at away i i r- u hdusj l jif hiisti tire hester holidays the iehools redpaned on tuesdays inoruin 7 wi lieft at the ovii tali so lie time 3iteastou the obliging caretaker wi pleasod to restore it tthe owner the sal vatic n arpiy s ran is are fill u up evsry week tljey had a jubilee on n y c f wkriu wcattieras jha itliuosa of iiiumorojh biok yards around towi icieani t ciiziii uud givo thb health tuiipeiitor no chajuoe to earini big salary u matthi wp j is lay iuj down tlio tnaterlatjfor his lowjbokerj oven it xyih be built in rear o llui shop it the east end of thd ibsidettqo mr mathowa ox jwots to have tpo ba eery in operation by the lrstof my kovj shiltoi bja goprgetowii pros oiled fery accept kble soriuons ih tho metfiodist jchlirch ioi t sunday his dis couraes were j though ful ml scholarly the had upociul iefueuce to easter and lidujatfon tho services were weir at winded 1 -c- i we have before ua thefirat ibsueof the cancdian lou journal a iieat little maga ziue of sixten- pages beautifully printed tasti fully urriuiged and overflowing with niatiei interesting atvl important to beo culuirists it is publh hod a beetou ont by jlessrs u a ion sj a co gentlemen ofleigthend personal experience as apiar ists and being tho only publication of tho kind iiv ontario will no doabt meet with grati fyiug success the jtikekei raking wjiioh are principally local and all interesting ji i 13 dogs male and ipality which have i the municipal assessment mr w pi brown t le assekof has just couvjeted his labos and hiihded in his roll from itj cotumnjs we lejaru ttiai the assdised valud 6f property in town amoint3 to8io30i0 tersoial property 19 taxablo ihcoiie s700 total 173r88l there are female in the muni hontst ownivs vniif is h the lfjiki prks riceiywl thu following letter last eyening j disvtiu iii april 0 1885 edit or free press acton out ikir sm-j- john alia 11 a stone cutter and ve jcbutlractor js lying dingerously ill with dropsp at xbrth fepot street here bays he oelong to acton i write to let his frierdsknow yours iruly iipbroweb marble find granite dealer waare unacquaiutec with any stonecut ter telonging to aotou of above name if hehks friends here tl ey bhould certaiiiiy minister to 1 ihe poorni ua sufferiugt the popula boute j si ice the cpr opjointed a local ticket j agent for acton in the person of mr j e j megarvin ijuitea larj o volume of passen- j ger traffic has taken place betweenpoihts cast and westonneotel by this road to niany places in the west within the trov- iiioepassengcr8 can reueh their destination frorq two to svq hours sooner than by any ptlie- route and for this reason it is the i favorite road with tianv travellers in j ordet that our readers may be made fully acqijainted with the time table of the vari- outes of the c p l we have lrranged i the compiuiy i r the publication of tlie ijame and all changes which may occur will from time to time be noted i be tiiis ous wit 11 vjre ivhsmall red woollen bretkfast shs wl jtceived iu toronto and the volunteers order- i i j- i i m i ti- ago j ed out the grip printing and publishing ii bej- company produced a large twelvepage full inforniation of i kow jithe time to have yiur name mt oiiilie ti509snieit roll bettei to look fitter j it fibnwheu itwilibnly cost yon a- word than 1 se time utiteuding courti 1 of revis on and incbiting otherunnecessary troub e 3d ajiy and fervent have beep the pray offered iip in thqrclj and the hdme during j fche past week or ten lajsi ft succesakpd safet y of i the nol le vief enpj sra of oar country w 16 hive been sent to i lie nortbjwjwt to p otect our bel ived cai id du 4ud ri isro peaci 1 witl in her u rdef jv f srs citote for i he the vacant icouncillotehip vs ahuouueedj by poster and in our las issu a meeting of elec his was held in the council chamber st noon on monday to elect a candidate to till tho vacancy in the j council can aed by thb death of the late councillor smith the reeve addressed j the ijudieucei stated the objector the meet- ing and hoped thet underthecircumstauces there vould be no- uuseemlv endeavor to ijiihg alwut i an election contest but that j some suitable citizen wouldbe elected by acclamation j llri anthony stephenson blacksmith was then proposed 1 messrs w hemstreet and jolfyfe and being the only nomination within the hour the re turn ng officer declared mr stephenson elect sd tliis is mr stephensons first election 10 the position but though of a iiatairuliy quiet dijjosition he 1ms always taten some interest sn municipal affairs and ias done his share in assisting to im- provj the appearance of the place he will we have no doubt prove a worthy and comiwtent member of tho council i mee ing with siuccesa tl ere is nothing in the world which so clree s a rhotlier heart as the knowledge that her son jwho is just commencing in the realities of life on his own account is meet- itig with success the following item from the correction ville lb wa news tells one mother mrs- m christie acton of her sons progress chrisjie tjie pnawa paint er who made those tasty signs that mark the dfficetjf drs miller mcqnitty dr thornton and lawyer kiggenshas just intniorlbffl 1 1 tlio following resolution was paused at the vestry meeting in st alhans church on monday ovotiint wliereas bur hoa- venly father in his divtuu providence imth called to rost our well beloved brothdr and associate fneud in christ charles ii smith we tbo ilionmbkint yftrdoll8 and vlostry desire to expresis burjdoop sense bf the irrepurable loss the parish of st albans has sustaiuoil by hid sudden removal from ouroirolo for many years he haaifaith- fully served tlio parish as a vestryman warden and lay delegate and wus over ready to promote the interests of tlio same by his earnest counsels groat liberality and doepminded pympathy his sweet ur- banity ofmanuors ever won for him tho entiro respect of j tho community qmong whom he resided bo long tho sincerity of his christian life and walking before god was weli illustrated by that quietness and confidence which inark a all times the etirnostnosb of the principles in which as 11 christian ho had boon educated and trained as a dovotedson oi tliochurch of hisfather and uow that ho ialcalledto tho rost of the sure and certain hope of a joyful rcsurrec- tiou we the members in session desire to express to his bereaved family our heart ful sympathy in the loss sustained pray- that tho god of j all consolation will heal their sorrowiug lilefarts resolved that a copy of tlie above ininute be inscribed on tho books of thdouuroii and pubtishod in thcactou flirt pkcks the dominion churchman and he evnngtiical churchman signed on behalf f thu cojigrlegationj rrv w j pigoott iiicumbcut john pkjusixk gm ifvmps piuirch wardens another promineit citisen gone only two weeks ago this morning wa were called upon to notjthesudden death of mr cbsmithoneof the foremost men ofaoton and today it in our sorrowful duty to chronicle the demso of auotdier- prominent and roost respected citizen iu the person of mr robert liltlo public school in spector for this ijouuty which sadeveui ocourred yesterday morning about half past one mr little was confined toliis room but one short week at the advice of do- w h macdonalcj he came homo from to ronto where he has for somo months been engaged in the iompilation of tho new serie3 of school readers last wednesday evening accompai ied by miss minnieswan he was very ill on tho train and if vrs with difficulty tliat he reached his residence jqo had arnplc medical attendance both local and outside but his overwrought frame failed to withstand the inroads of disease his trouble was typboid-pueu- monia the death of mr little is ii pro- ivincial calamity he will be sadly missed 1 jt- 1 in actojnj his position in the county cant bp as efficiently filed and the severance of his connection with the education depart ment of tlieprovincu will loavoa gap which no ordinary man dan close for years mr little has been performing the work of two good mcnand we think he has a3 certain ly died for his country as any soldier whose the battle field we all lonely and borrowing widow there are no children iu her heavy affliction aiid eyei the event sympaihizoa his end was pcaco therefore a rest to blood ever stained mourn with the heart acquainted with deeply with hew there remiineth the people of god we will refer more particularly to the life and labors of the deconsed in our nest issue purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our reaiders are individually or collectively acquainted mk laimkkt g t hi operator fergus visited friends here this week mr aowhki in of torouto foituerly of acton wab in town last week miss sauah vaswck of seabright is visiting friends iu acton and vicinity of highgatu spent week in acton and iv the mu joux n ki several days durin i vicinity messrs john hoiin and j wlyon of guelph left for a trip to australia on monday i mus emiuil moohl and master s h moobk have been visiting rtvt amoohe of drumbo daring tho past week mii pintv sixoili accompanied- diy a follow student of st catharines collegiate instit rtc sperit e aster vacation at bis home here mi alex mcuokiln of limehouse left here with his family yesterday iiiorning for east wolf kansas we wish them a safe journey and prosperity in their new home wb had a pleassnt call last week from mu t j snrhujt formerly of the mil ton jvitj friend statiret has just re moved to loudon wo wish hiru every success there and finished with a nicely executed center ovjer the recess of the bay window is a andscape which shows excellent con cept on and execution it consists of a promontory under tlie misty lee ot which is a ew sail boats beyond a glimpse of a brig it sunny sea cut off by nearer foliage all is done with taste and mr baily is well pleased with mr christies work j can idian enterprise in less than a week from the time thti report of the fight at duck lake was re- i j illusirated paper giving it j the i mtbrealt in thenojwest up to the time vveek xljfey had a jubilee on j- of gc ing to press beido8a twopago pic monduy niht rtis ru morel they jivej ture of the departure of the wlnnteersfrom purchased theongregatioual church or iftorcuto outlie 30tb march and incidents a penliauent baf raflloj j- j coniected therewith four pagesare devoted l j 1 1 31 to sketches of the engagement at duck wu hope ouri merchants ind busiuss i -r- lake iotl carletou the town of battle- i ld t ti u li 4ij- i ford and the fort in ivvhich the police and of the late r littleesq by slosmg ilieir i t j j a jv citizshs are ibeseigedj and other scenes of placed of basmesb during the time the ifpn- eral iiiu pfogresij tbtiorrow i iriteijesti the illustrations are well execut ed a id are printed in j tints the letter- presi 11s largojand clear andthe paper heavy and oi good quality tlie publication does grea credit to our canadian artists and prin era eshecially when the very short time at their disposal is considered a special artist accompanies the troops and will from tipie to time send sketches of iutei est en route and theiiitention of the poblishers fo issue the illus tratedwarnewsyy during thecam paigi we cordially tlieii dashing wish them success iu enterprlieiv tit the front as it is grand millinery opening o11 friday and saturday the 3rd and 4th april and on friday and saturday the loth and 11th aprif we shall be pleased to see our patrons and friends come aiid iiir sgect the stock mpluoi andehson co georgetown 0 m druggist stat begato inform- tbo jiublib that ioner acton ont the inew ontario readbrsi prepared iiideij tlie supelrinttijihlcnv of the miiiistcr of education itiid utitljijrized by hinv foiv rise in the sclroojs of ontario- are iiow in press j ib jthe book inpts i and ii are now in stock and will bo followed immediately by the second book aiid later on by the be sure and bu phird and fourth books i 1 yyourreadeit from j e mgarvix e r 27 lower wyndham stl guelph it is very gratitying to havo friends and when on occasions j 1 one becomes in an eepeial manner the recipient ot their good wishes and expression of encouiugement the path of lite docs not seem so stormy after all nothing so helpful as kind words j since openingriy new dry- goods store at no 27 lower wyiidham street wehave bean favored with the attendancii of crowds of friends tvho have 1 givenus their patronage colip- led with expressions of coiili- deuce and hd wishes we to shall make it our endeavor make our new business worthy i of such confidence we invite all the readers of the free i j press to eomoandaeeusj- our stock is very comprehensive we have fitted up the most tit- tiactivo millinery show rooms in- the city and whether hi millinery dressniakiiigi glojth- iirg or staple and fancy dry j goods we ave ready tq serve all to the- best advantage so eoine and see us and bring your friends as we do not v 1 sell on credit you will get full benefit for castu- i r bollert 27 lovyer wyndham st d guelph ho per candies j im has always led iii the confectionery trado in acton and owing to this he controls the bulk of custom but ho is npw ina position to surpass eveirhis own fbr- mer record his latest attraqtion is a line of firstclass i mixed candies 1 5 cents a pound jthis quality of candies is often hold or dotfblo tho monev- always fresh and fcood and below cijty and fiood prices extra choice cjgars always in stock- acton friu it depot j m fernley 1 post office tfriildine actou gaution each ptltg of the is marked t 13 iu brouze letters none other i genuine 1885 the has also against dry igcfps- grrqceriesi boots and shoes ordd clomgeaady wy in the great nofthweef and the irvr n stajrted a 4ebelli6n but hot against any par ticdlar ibdiyidualor government bit l rj made the ruinous prices charged by other houses 1 f4 m olotking iriats snd isfmfriisliihgs wmtfiaiid pirlnt 1885 spring ispring is here ogainand soareslu3li aujii rimd wet feet und colds you nil need boots and shoos the cradle mcglivhbos atospririge on the 1st april the wife of mriwin mccutcheon of a son j mclheiisonrlu lisquesiug on the 2nd april tlie wife of mr robert mopher- bonof a son 1 i i thegrave j fissbkiu erin oil the 5th april mathias fisher aged 85 years i f wepoe in esquesiug on the 1st april john wedge aged 42 years besskti in georgetown on the2udiust the wife of mr robert benntt aged 38 years moiitox in acton 011 the 8th lnstj isa- bella infant daughter of mr jaiues mor- tjn aged 8 miiths camebon in nicholon the 5th instt mr andrew cameron aged 82 years i j deceased waajuicle of mr john warren deputy reeve s lirxieat his residence icorner churctt and wilbur streets on tlie 8th april robert little esq inspector publib schools county of halton aged soiyears ahjl 2 months tlie funeral will take place on fridayv leaving the residence atlialf pastone in ternment to bj made in acton cemetery s0 in gli r j ffbelkd ab ipkizes tor tho best foar leti en iiuendsbir using the flomllan- lomposition set the caxadianiflob- abdnbn 2spubllsliol petorborough ontiat magnetic oil cures irheamatics keuralgia lame iback stiff joints and chilblains magnetic oil cures ghnipeir hands froijt bites burns and scalds ficjatica etc i f i magnetic olt is amjast useful rcinedy for both man and beast i magnetic is splendid for coughs and colds soro throat and croup- magnetic oil is sold by all druggists at 25 cents a pottle and is actually thb be3t liniment known insist on your druggist giving you the genninomaguetic oil -and- aio prepared to supply you with every description of boots and shoes rubber slippers trunks ifcc at thejlowest possi ble prices i our ordered department turns out goods that please every time good work aiid good material always win customers j 1 repairing i promptly aud satisfactorily attended to lou are invited to call j kensey bros lstrteay terms for reap the be cott6t stdrtibgs cottonmes hosierf- jlovbs bml3p6ideryv i c c and we are defuminded to furhislithe above goodst prices away down below a iy other house in the trade our stock is abvv jkili ly- assorted ajiot imving jbeen purchased ron tlie tndit favorable a sh we desirous that our jalrcnsmw fitand we incite a comparisun of thepricea of on goods with o her houses to prove the truthfulness of 6iir ass tionsfsellinjjthe 4 i jhriri be0 sedds asimqiiey we wish to call the attention of the c io ladies of agton 1 1 0thlot3i etjblsid49 m 0n- mtwarnxl i and we cordially liivitoyottto important now tliat the holidays are over and the families arc again disunited and scat teredovcr the land the friends at honie should sit for tc dozen 1 beautiful artistic cabinet photos call and inspect our stock aswefer assured we can place before you the choicest and 1 m most eornplette assortment 1 of millinery and millinery goodsthat you will have an opportunity of seeinsr a special care has been exerpised in the selection of our for ithe apring season department founder the management of first glass aud fe xiejiieisrgeir- q torsion fiuenpsajp j using the flomllan in composition seti the canamaniflob- ibt and gottaoe oaimnbn iirpubllsuoil hy- f8anci8 mabon bents per yoar wests neiive and bbain triiat- mest a guaranteed specific top hysteria dizri- nabb convulsious fits nervous neuralgia headiche nervoqs iroitration caused iby tho use of nlcoholior tobacco wokefuhiess mental depression softeninsot thcfbraiu rosulttng in insanity and leading to iuisory decay an4 death premature old- age karjenness loss pflpqwer in either sex tuvoluntary lb ses and isponna- torrlnea caused by over exertion of tho brain selfcabuso orioverindulonco each bpx con- talus one mpiiths treatment oneilpllar a box orlsis boxes l6r flvo dollars sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price we guarantee sixboxes tooureany case with each order recstved by ustor sis boxes accompanied irith five dollars we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if tho treatment dcesi not effect acure guarantees issned only tyl john c west co sole proprietors 181 183 west midlson st chicago 111 sold by je mcqarvlu at h3lus stmdic mill st actoiji 1 end lo dikaut lijved oncer nothing will he more apprciatefl by them 1- old photos co tied enlarged and framed ijicood style ttilq or bed moy 1 founrtoumoatgcop ill 10 rflrcn bowcll ctos kevbpnpr ail- vcrtlslns bureau m spruee 8bwlier utlvfitlslin jtrlw8niaylniqdofdrltln kvv villi k ordered ojothin we guarantiee f 4tock and this eilziiirnshs remember our opeuing daysi loj- idmcood heap a lotjof lovely fr roes ou hand 0re invited to inspect them 88ee ray nejv- cbrabined musiejiaok and iirishl departmeituuder our own special management i fust clns and perlrtit fitting g irmeuts at the lowest possible prices 1 d suit to rer m remember xtorjjr muf f qvfep j

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