Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1885, p. 4

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t j tj nftshvr onxtso ai tm if 1885 fci yj bfsrvj lyi fvtf it i ft i aft- to thb front thje bugle etvll is sotindwl ihnll i vssomble lads asaeinsli ito to the front with right roqtljvill ind make the traitor i utmole d eud your ihoraea bo danger shirk 3jiplu the bud riepejfuss tt r pioneers liad harder wojk to whfthjmehoines tor us a eiigo pirujco alberts cituens s shot down like vicious cattle a3 engft voter bvtlieiicnnterb felled at duck lake battle n it for aggrandisement ye ght sorxlcspots will obey t j it iriicniber that your c uise is right istftrch to the front vwavi lkjp ltfufloji 1st april 1885 japanese wise sayings t elllno secijets tb thy i oryaut ii you hatel a man let him live i s fcnw tue new seat oh the old iv lay tomorrow bs all you wish i e yen ft qurmay brake at bis pwugdte i iig two graves before crirsing n upigh bor 1 hesilent man is cjet n worth t to lie is a wise mauwhejeahpreach ajsbort sernbh i i j 1 mm who leuds iauey to his frieud shell never see either his friend or his money again waning auc comfort lady writes i v as enabled to re mdve the owns foot ai id oranoh- b the use of holl 3wya cc rn fctire c ithi iw who have tri aft it hart t ie same oxper ieu 3e- y xi maker o matter wjhere pas i lameness or sore s eiists fssyards fellow oil tal en o ilied will jivo imrnsliatfe relief jind a fivf care njuickly hows its nso j i a dceldjd bit ykrdjrjyellowo jui 8to v that will and t h miscellaneous j k riakl or kata virtue j ii ho comrri m and v4llkuownburdbk it i i iiu of tb ii best bjood pnrineija and kidkyieguiatrtrsiu thb vegetable world am the com pound kuowu as burdock bk o i bitters osrcssoh wondorful power in dist bos of th blood liver kidneys and aoh 1 j- k heaiiy beeoiuiuendrllen jjaceb a ei ipey of jcannamorc states hfrhas to ken burdock blijod bitters great boi oflt iu a linkeriog oomplaint adds that ho would gladly reoommond oii jv 0 g fauisj duttoiv certifies v f ir soineyc r my wife has tyieu troubled with dyspepsjia and has tried ouo thing after another ceoomruendei with but little or io effect til advised togivo imoqrogors sue 9dy cure i trial binoo tuiur the first bat lo i have noticed ia decided improve- went and ca i with confidence rocornmeud it t be one o if not iho best medibine ex- tab l ior dy sj epsia this invaluable niodt- i t for livorromplniut indigestion kidney cqniphunt 1 v t if spring at hand warijn weather ft grand millinery open eng friday satitrday xml igftb i i k m neurafea pain sortoesor nternail y for eold sore throat i etc it lis equally i n fallible by lack qf opeu air exercise aiid the wnt of 6ufiiettt care in tlie matter of diqt e whole physical mechaaism oft m tie- ayerji skrsaparilli us the prober remedy t take itt thksprir of the ye irtoj purify th 3 blood it vigofate the system excite the livcrjto a itiouand restore th liealthy tone aind wrorv ill 1 touches thb sprit every uihe when appliedior rji rlarri 1 iatoitj enoss right fitalu bfe patent the mos valuable ii iscofery pateiited i it ibdern ittte3 is tha of the best blood pjarifier sjijd liver and kidney regulator known ve refer to burdock bloc d bit- tsre whichiis making 4o many woiderjnl 1 c es aiid bringing i he blessed b jon of teajth to so many people halls hair renew zv renews cleanses irigfcteus and iurieqrates the hair and restores fadjed or rayjllairto jts y onthi ql color and j uftre lgople gray hihr prefer to n ie the renewer rjather tl an p o- liuni toti eworld tl rough their hlealched jocfe3 that thpyare becoming agis3 ajud passing on f decay- 5 j mcgregqv and pari e carbolic curatd is uvaluawerf or wounds sores salt ts bun scalds tnd festers a a heal and 1 1 tifying d ressing do not be mposcdoi with othev useless prepe rations recoinnlen ledto be m goojd ijsednly mfc jurefjord- iarkes qirbolic cerate by 3 e i igurvin druggist sold are thetwiiigleswnich rack thei iiscles and joints iofltie rheu rheiim purely j vegetable bold ajb 13 mcgalr iins drug store trial bottles gir3u free j 86 merit proven j 1 dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on li faith of rceouiinetnlfttiona for articles oriircly worthless not so with mo ngers speldy gure you are not asked ii lurchase it until ita merits are proven cull at j v mciiatviiis drag store and ttafreo trill bottle kud if uut convinced it jiiil cure iju of the worst forma of dys- b3i otclno matter of wloug standing it costs you nothing sj11 iu 50c and 1 bottles see testiirion- ul j from pei sons in vour owulqwn 29 itcblne fllcssmplobiilnre fhe ay nip corns are moisture likeperspir- uu iuteui eitcliiug increased by scratch- very di itrksingj particularly at uigh jtns as if in- worths were edavling in and out the nectum the privite parts are 4metunesitected unallowed to continue ry serioui rcsultfhiay follow swavites itxfsiest is apleahautsarr opre also jr tetter itch sat rheujm all scaly usty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 iits 3 boxen 1s5 in stamps ad- ei svayn soiphiladelphia sold liy druggists 1 58 rrouiiaeit anion the greatest medical sooveries by the t lany cures it haattct- a sfcqitgir speetly cure leads the van ihjectedt the minutest chemical analysis has been found tc contnin one of those iijurioasiinijjredieiits ehoractcrizinp the vorthlcss specifics daily offered to the mblio k eryingredientpossossjs a pecul- sir hlaptalility to the various complaints r which i has been compounded and its ificacy isbeins established by testimonials inurly received uejiire therefore corifi lent that we have a rrep which we an offer tq the public withjthe assurance hatit will be fouud not only a relief but ti afjlnte care for dyspepsia liver cqta- iliui indigestion constipjition and im- idre biond freo trial bottle9 at j dgaiv fins di rut store j lymans a egetable liiii ssfe7 mm ixlosrex ruciations ck thein itscles ani rnatic kc rthrop a discovery and dysp ptic eurcby proimot- in increased actio 1 of the kid aeys by wliich thb blood is m rrettectually depjnrat- cd renojjes throngh the naturar chalnel certhin aiirid elerpei its in the ci rcujatioi which proijlnce rheumatism ahdgont ht medicine is also a fii ie loxative aitibjilion medicine and genere 1 corrective j mr wr lazier bailiff c belleville wdtesl t find j thomas echctrjc oi thaibest i ledicine j tayie ever lisel in mi stable j have asetl it for braises scratch es wind mffrnud c ita and in e eryj cas it gave tl 0 best atj faction we use it a a h6useh ild remedy for colds b irns ic and itia perfect pkriacea it w ill riinov warts by paringtbep down and applyin it ocoaaiqnaliy j htjllow isfi pills wre the medicii ie most i repute f o z caring thje multif ariouc maladic which attack humanity when we j and col weather gives place to more genial ten peratures in show these pills never fail toafford relief jn all the disturbances oe circulation digestion and nervois enerf which at times pppresi a vast ppr iou of tl i population urifter the wholesor ie purif i i ingand strengtherjirig powersexerted ly theses setlent pills the tongao bqeomii cljbftn ti e appetite improves digestion is quickeni d and ass moation rendered pei- f ect i e olloway a medicine poe besses i tb e highly e itimable p roperty of clet using t e whole m asa of bloo i which in its renbvat d condition carries purity stre igth and vigonr toie very tssi ioe of rthe bod f daax r of delay f j if weiwerejillow ed to look intc thof ntsi e and jaee ithe fatal c mseqaences t mt folli v aniejgl6ted cold bow differently would olt r course be conld v e realize oar d inger ho v bpeedily we wquld seek a cure but wh 4any it is only wl ien the monsi er iibmi e has fastened its fi ngs upion our lungs thi t iirt awaften to our folly what lls a jaejtected coii tr is not dise ise of ii throat iind lungs bronchitis as hmaj coi iptijai and ms ny ijther diaei ses if 1 1 a it is worse than modt ess to 1 iact a cold and it isifoliy not t thavo so 1 ie jjopd rf ineiiy ajalltible for thi s f riq at 1 it pbotbb most efflckcidis for a diseases of the throats 1 a is bickles antiomsuniptir is jtfti this jniitoscimpojsed if tjicwrl hicajm rt timi 1 1 i6rw imnrikin curlb ansuiijpt or ih and j ibiiectoratiun iilariifli he disc i ji citakkua xett tbeithent perhaps the most extraordinary success hat has been achieved in modern medicine las been attained the dixon treatment or catarrh 6utif 2000 patients treated luring the pait sis months fully ninety lier cent havtbcei cured of this stubborn mtdyt this is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent of patients presenting i thcmbelves to the regular practitioner arle benefitted while the patent j medicines iand other idveftisefl cdres never recoijd i a cure at all starting j with the claim now generally believed i by the m03t scientific men that the disease is due to the presehcb of living parasites in the tissue mr jix- on at once adapted his cure to their exter mination this aicomplisljed he claims the catarrh is prutically cared and ithe permauency is unqaestqnerj as cures effect ed by him four years ago arb cures smh no oneelse ha3 pver attenipted to cure catarrh iii this manner and no other treat ment has ever cured catarrh the appli- ation of the remedy is simple andean be done at homo jnd i the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy ind permanent cure he majority of eases being cored atone treatment sufferers should correspond with messrsah dix on a- sonr305 king street west toronto canada and enclose stamp for their treat- ize oncatarrh montreal 8lar nov 1782 ytterp issisilifirii yfi ayers vfcit r vvir llv tiniii it liitf it cumui 1 iva lreiincgs of- v 1 rich jitf iiiry lit- ilolrctl ki iniy bo iliukeiicil i 11 1 buuluess often vj i j f llic hair and stimu- hki ric irij siitirwtu lo vigor it ii fiavi iriivs pinl and ilaiiitrult anil j lk- ovjry iijoice lvculiur to ithu ji i 1 1 ijlir4 hair llrcsnink tlio vdst ij r iitiiir j ii onlaliis riulllieroil uor ik1 rlj ibe li ic soft ulussy and s f ii i- iinoe iiiil iiiiparta a dulljte fljulibli itud liistn icrfuine i jlncpjlviliiki wrluis from kirly ol hijj 1 liii lui my liiilr vpmuieneca fiiii mi in ill 11 nhoit time i became icirlv i i iuw part of a boltleoi aviits llimt viait wliicli stopped the fal lnof li i ii timilkiirtcil neflgrowtli t im iiiv l iiil lilllllirfpnning vigo oliy iiifl tui jitviid lliiitlnit tor h19 lv ar p birsiiii vioubl ua bcii cniiroly iiill 1 j v iiwrsjiiroritojo ilia hiearih avium iimitviroa iii 11 iiinjt hxiikiv prmmjiition for the uaik 1 speiift if it fiuiu my owp expttlencu 1 usv prciiuumiii grovth iiv iialr aid luikt3 it g niiviaiiit fl jlm vloollin al 10 a giiro iuro lor iliiiihulli not- within ji unovlelg iina lib preparation over fallild to give entire ktlisfuctiunv mb axrrs ifiutiiaiun leader oi tlift ccclriiiht fafrlkiirn paiulljr of scotliih vioalislit writcsi from itnilnrifauftl6 lin kver siiico my hair begnn to give ill- i very erjjeuce cf tbo cliivogfs vtloli lloetliftg time procureili i have ukcil avmi mjuib i yiihin mil iio have bei nwe to maintain mi niiptraiij9 f yomlifujiicsi a matter of consiicrabli en uciihcuce to ministers b ti- tors actors niil in fnct every one who 11 o iu ilio eyes oj the publlo i jri 0 a piiescott writing from 18 bm r churlmtoiei ifass april li 1882 gajs- f uo years ago about twotulrds of my u ilr a4mir 1 iiaia i u mencci iml innljontln montuiny was complttly covered vrfltli eholrthalr lit liasc6iitlmiud tbrmv an4 ftinwiu good ss befttj it fell ii rgnlnrlyiwit buone boi tie tlie vioou but now use it occasiomul as a ilrefeliig- -t- t we have liuqrtreils of s5mtlartstlmoii al to tb eflleaey jof a vrni iiaib viaoii ft nceils but a trial la conviu e the most it jtl- cal of lis values r r uepablsb rijpricayrac fhi byalldr 4 vn wl in our show of lilliuery anil fancy goociy this jrinjr i be farin advance l any diiiay lierfemfohslibwn aclon we ifave taken gical jniins iiliselecjtjiig all tilt newest and choicest goods- we lriveall tlie jnovel- tiejs ijish pes and slntw gods and trlninijnsf we keep oidy thoronghyexjieriencrtjl milliners and gjtaraii- les our work and p ie equal to tlie best in can ami in spection kindly invited j m4 tj btjs i if i ij call on rip wc are showingi10000 wrtb of n w spring goods cheaper thin ever b 4 in canada 110000 varj8 of nev diess prims atui sajeens ifi ail qitjalitio eolors shades anti prices i we will r to please you and give you a spbndici bargain inspection invite special values in white ind crrey cottons impossible lo bvat plcsitse call and coinptire ur 6 and 7c cotton with any other cotton iu the povinec we have ii large slock f co ored ajnd black silks satins satin idcvons ami marvalt ouxs and a full as- sortnient of dress aiid mantle trimmings fur this spring casbmereh and fashionable dress goods to suit the most fast itfi r h l b atenidu8tprmpcasl f fou 8ale- by f vy s smiith i i i i i the watch and ojock house of guelpli jfbr repairing tiie i inest adlbest atohis smith ri facilities winii s extra new goods chea goods large 7s be la iiutiful ous embroideries at 2 4j tint 6 cents a yard res of every description pink jlar iina blue and black sateen corsets fqi- que dpllar y n l hook out for our spring circular in b few days g b grififin wr o is unacquainted with the geography of thi3c0untr see bf examinikq thi8 map that the at the i mammoth i house oeorgatown hclp anderson tie mammoth is bound this season to eclipse elung goods clitiu in riiowing a large viirety ii the ijct up ityle i rid cheapness of lul yi nme iinii price inpire amaking we novekiia in tuilliu jy our dres iis oitomausjtq j magnificent nmer effoiis in the way of wlb by ita mali tine and branches it readies chicago joliet peoria ottawa i in illinois i davenport musoatlrte chicacio rock island pacific r bains tha great central line affoids to travelers by reason of its jnrlvaled geo- srephloal posl on the shortest and best route between trie east northeast and southeast ant the west northwest and 8outi west his jlteratlj arid strictly truei tha its connect one are all ofthe brlnolpal lines of road betwee i the atlantic and the pacific i y by its mali tine and branches it reaohes cn la salle ilencseo molin and rock island in ii washington keokuk knoxville oskalooaa fairfield des moines west liberty iowa city atla itlc avoca auttubon harlan outhrle center and council bluffs in iowa callctln trenton cameron and kansas city in missouri and leaven worth and atchison in kansas and the hundreds of cities villages and towns intermediate the i i t great rock island route as it is familiarly called offers tv travelers all the advantages and comforts incident to a s iriooth traok safe bridges union depots at all connecting points fast express trains composed of commodious well ventilated well heated finkly upholstered and eleqant dat coaches a line of the most maonii 1cenhorton reclinino ohair oars ever built i ffullmani latest deslgne land handsomest palace sleeping cars and diwnq cars that are acknt wledged by press and people to bef the fine8t run upon any road in the oountry and in whloh superior meals are served tb travelers at the tow rate o seventyfive cent8 eaoh i three tl ains each way betwejen chioago and the missouri river twp trai n8 etfch way between ohioaqo and minneapolis and st paul albert lea route a new and direct line via 8neba arid kankakee has recently been opened between new pprti news richmond cincinnati indianapolis and wa fayette and council i luffs st paul minneapolis and intermediate points vii through passengers carried on fast express tralife fwmoreeetalledlnfprmatlonseemapsond folders whloh maybe jbtalned a weh as ticket h at ajl principal ticket offloes in the united 8tates and cjanada or of r r cabled- j vlcepiestl oenm managed lewdi e st john chicago reduce the stock grent hiiaiiis wo will cive good suit fur most ixhifideuce in- aakinp thepalrcnatre of the puhlic we will- 1 till y uown dottuin prices their millinery- tile correct tlinpin the btylp iiuve a new brgijaud varied stuck hi iill he luvxc odds stock i is how very large- including silks sat silk it 27jc wortlh 75c iii the j mijliniry and dressinaking departments iveildfntr aiid m iliruing orders specinlty tlie miiiiiiits o the uiilliuery dressmaking uud mantle lepartraenu ari rhinged but have secured the best talent extant ladles eau coni6wit ij confidence and leave iieir orders j j j brintx and ginghama in allthe latest stylcsi extraordinary cheap j staples oi al kinds iucliidinj cljecked shirtjngscntonades griymnd white coitrins i ifjottons spirt iugs cotioundc8 uml all catridinn goods we buy diettfroni the iiirlla atad soil thejniat wholesale prices j j j onrjordercil elhlhlng and gents furnishing depailnent was inwerrlii more com plete jstete oenjtn men iniiy come with the jintic t ciuifldiiice nrd 1 ivo theirorder- autl w will suit tlem in price tyle fit woikinaiis lip and variety 3aihets we hayi mi immense slock friii 12jc uiwards itiiots siml slipes n laige varirtjy prices right ueadytnade clulhiiiir we liuve a lnrgi stoek and wc nie holding a cleaiing sale until wl 4- mclegd aniierso ago- mammojh eousej m east snd clc tiling it or spring t 4 we have the ut in goodb at away 1 a fine display of i ed worsted goat ngs anseea a east end ckthiag store 61 i i t out jarmonts are iffafto perfect fittine and ia the latjast artistic i designs 1 a pine assortment of spring hats alspoq h4d 0 le b e foiriiiily i jhi3harnihigh fimjshg igiv y t 1 v- all the bayuonti rlitithe mivcliiuea i aid flttdd iitli tho patent iantori0c bopk wildj lillluiiiiiiiiiiiijuiiiiiflltlllllllillmiiiiiihrhl jj cha8havjviom imawulfacttlrei hi guejph ontario jjji r craiine agent aotoa l bentifnlwort oflm paf colored rintc ul lj9 it- mtrauong wltl descriptions or tlie lii fruncri ami tnteblm price i of seeds iml elant and lmw to ctoir ixan prtmed inenyllbh nndigirman frire onlylo jents which mn be dejilcted from firpt urdei- it tetla what y in want for the garden anil how to get t instead of ram line to theprocerv at the lat minrnt tii wy wbiver seeds bappcrl to tie left ever ireiirir with ilqppoln after weeks of wnitlntr brv oxia wcksbeknslatheaiiqtjartefe james yick roelisster kiy- vjtf prajqd iy- tveiaveroeeutly publifheq a new iiih1 eaitiou of itr culvtt-vicltscelo- hjl bratcd essay on inc radical and f i liermancnt cure iwitl out incmiime of nervous jdebtlity mental aua physical incapac ity impedlinenti of marriago etc rosiiltraa from ox esses i jseiprlcelin a sealed euveloiie only c stit or tfa postage stamiis f- the celebrated atitbor in tljis admivntil ee- iayicjeirty demohstrates frbjp thirty eais polntibkoutin mode of cure at onrc sivuplsy jcer- tatn and eleetual by means of whichs ery tufldror no mutter what liisonditibiiiujp be mycnre himself chcaplprivatilyaiiiirauichhy tqis lecture slifiuld bo in the bauds ol every- youth andeyetyniaii in the juiid i address h e tlue otilvirjvcn itua coi i -r- 41 ann sisew vorh p6s6 0ffirobox45l 1 i 3i iv stock -farrri- crosso tie wayne co mich savage 1 lfasnum peopeietjoks ptr6denoaai imported -f- y j ferbhenn lrse au stocltisslected i trom the ret roiir rrtl rrfc of established retvitation rnd rtgiiteicct in ilji french and a raericin stud tccis fj y isvknd hcme isbsutifulty ritiiatcd at the i crrv rf ci- iii h the detroit river ten nifcs 1 rvvti l iv ti isaccessfblcbv railroad rrl sffirl cri a iifc not faniiltof vnh the btation mv cl rj tvr- sjcahnmj nuimiutnrkiim f t i rrnsprrly hira lothe anil send iirrjiko 1 yitait address savage faksuu dcrot mch i worth their weietht in cord 03hatton gardenlonlonand 216 3tl james st jlontreal r i v i j c round stint tiflcully from clear and pure pebble or optical glawu especially manufactured for ike purpose they are without exesptiwy best udaptetl tore- fhy are especially a8bragt tore th ravages of age and to retain per feet virion i rec mmendcd b y tht most eminent facility every pulrol npcctncks and eyeglasses is id j b marvin x t sole agent for acton ont arlfedtbl miagist i f nor fiklng j haintlton wch 12tbl880 i a large bjiantity consisting of si pnekages df new goods have arrives from the european manufacturers lately coniprising lalrge assortments of milliaery goods slan- ueb buule t imrrjin8 drcsj goods ashmeresl serges valentino ololiib mozilinliique albatross jersey ulotlib- trrebto r yetjlutt s lnaiim sirues muuins and prints in many of tiemolteapenthap eaer befor hi wulinin t watkins sutcetded in clearing r u u variety victoria ai d funny liordered ie now selliujjoflat bricebthat astonish customers uemgnt not oveithalf tlielryeal vali there aie 83 bales f the largtststylesof carpent rt celt ed already tliisspriiig fnim theterv bitbnt- w fsh msnufacjfrerp none of which hpd tti pay the advance durt so they will bn sold off vfery cheap lots oftlie verj uest hvelnune brmels carpfets selling off at only bliw jolifi crciitlev sons andijiher tupcrlbr tokera bet tapestry carpets selling off at 75o tobig lliinketa inaikeil down to exjattlvi half ptices theynnike j i- j hbve bffeirmaiged tjewu will be sold ofl at reduced phoes mkuyofthein are wbrih about twice vhit they are in irked now i the oiieabeduiiln hiird tiine ostln ubautls of ctislomerc feel tho necessity of making thai ranne no as far as possible ii bu 3plylng their want jthen and frorrrthe wllknnvvn repulthtion of tltfi celehmtid house they come kubwina thai tliey cannot do better any w he jo elo jucanada during the los three months the bales at the bfelitibotibc have intnwidmofe tl e13000 tiver the enmsponditg five mor thi si year ago this shows jpdisputahly that hard times drives 1 irgeitra uuinber ai customersto twshoiisp so that tfiey will ibe sure iotoake tlie most df tlielr miney thfi ladies wiltploose eall and see the largfl stock of fcew goods 1 emembar the eras ieast aud hugbsolti streetjianr mind the mimeis i i- m r pills ointment tfiij incomparable memcjne as secured for itxetf ai impertihable tjmc hrgughout tin wvrtqfor jkf alleviation aiid etireof mphdimqea lo ichich ijumnnily if itijir the pills ality purify reiiulbietfutliiiipiovi- iheq ality cf choailood thety assist lhediiiiitve oijiub cleansethe fe i stomach aud uo ts increase the seirot6iypower of ibe xsyer iiracetlie iiervoussystenif and iliiiw bjiio he circiiliition the purest k niepis ifor ustainiiig and repiiiliug the tninie j tbousaudsitif persons have ustified jlmt y their liseliiiie they hiive iittu lohealih and mrengtli after cytiy ojjier intjaus liad proved uusuccbbsiui ithe gintment ivipl befouudiiivaluftble in eyerytlouse m the cureof opuuijuicsirltiiil tuuii 1 fvv- vn nl uoi 1w iliid 4 tegs old wounds ooaghs crlda stve tiuottts brtnillitis anl rue rs of the throat iitui tieit fit gjiut rhehimatism scoifula uir very kind of skiii disease i f hiiuuf a ctwed only iit piffctfor iiii1 ways esliibliminuut 5s oxltild street l0do unci sold tit ul 28 9d 4s gd 22i ami 3gs eai h bov pntaidit canadi at ob unis 8fjwiits ana 81 50 andthi larger mzi bin piopdrlu n tsucionon hve no nsehl iij yip united stan m n i are my nielitinei6ld tre iurcfiastrs shojold iurfou liftik to the label on the pntgaril boies jl the oadresi isnot 583 ovford 8tiet lowdcn toeyatebmiuout j r the tvade maxl of my8atd mediciriesis registr ired at ottawa and also t idgtou m vash stgmd thomas hollofvis ay i us oxford streetlohtiqn v 4 1 ii i

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