i j wif swf v in i iewi in- f l 1 i raitray tiie totw ttotsaicasr mixkcaj4 qnntti 1105 itm 8eola cut mm tiorsawem kxjiroes kpre8 ksnrew mali 953 jjiu i sjienj vol clcs1mi vulhl mu3 ui a33 om mill mb v outsat lhmu t1 18tltl 0bitl i 390m k i r t3pi weduttidaj canadian pacific railway r l tv lux rom as conlesrt trie i toronto tp detroit chicago ami maulto1 i stlour e rrclflc el loo kt htnftsriujjun0 10 aj 3 s0 stthdivnisj laibjua a s y chicago 7 80uui 7 55 j 5 45 pni winnipeg w pally except iloudnj toroitto moureul quebec mid boston r our toronto ottawa montreal quebec boston llmlttllex 0 w rim gjoajm skin j brainpton to treetsville jc nction hmaoton tlsam 4 04juii sjtreetsviuejet 7 15 fcifi bjnrptoji to orangeville and pwensoiiii- bfnpt6n osijoui bi3fr oriagevulo 11u3 j57 oeusouji oajjuu 10 90 purchase your tickets by this hew jand 1 popular line 7 rfisom j ejmcgarvikj tifcket agent actph onfario 7 tfcelatej robert little esq j v idhufciitjittkitj isfjtkf toitvjsrstv or ifcutjv tho subject of this sketch was born jt voplvich coiimty of knt engaud on theth of february lij6 his fatherri uobeit littlei aa boiii in tho pfiriahjof wesb uther berkshire scotland and died in ei uesihg haltou couuty ou the 2ad septeibbeb185i his mo sher marion ball j olfiiswf d 1iptjbtop v cmtjb j wtwbjmiu the parish of 3tow ediuburh j shiro aud also died iu ewiucaibg in wl the tjlder mr little outcrod thu uoyal j koot artilleijy in lhdh aufl served about 32 j yearsj7of wiiieit he kiwutjiu caiiadu i i at it early ae mrjjitle evinced ataste i xor bobka whiijh was fostered by his teach- or mr henry sliirtin who kept u private achool in brompiou which he attended for two jears prio to removal to edinburgh in edinburgh he attended the arthur street academy for one year and afterwards the lancastrian jsciiobl for three years jbr 1818 the laucastriaii nijjht bohoolwks es- tabhsiied in kciiuburu with three masters aud tjivo assislftnts mr little was t he moutroal l 1 7 55 pni 17 am 8s0 0 50pjul 8 30ji5 w notice to parcuts teaciiersnnd scholars the new ggecoid book ontario keadeiis acton pii will be fa stock 4t geo hynds april 1st cull at geo jlyiids for yiiur school books and stationery hynds a bigjsfock of school supphes audfjiu lines m stationery always ih8 ns a call i geo tyymb actou i- jubiorj assistant and was then only thirteen years 6f age at this early aae besides at- tqudirfg the academy us i a sludentdurihg uie day and occupying the position of teache in tho jiiight school he rose at 6 am ojid walked two miles w stocicbridge to givl lessous in arithujoi ic to ouo of the clerks of a merchant there for which he receivod half a crown per week for iub services in the night bchool his reintinera- tion was the sanie amount j lr aboit the bepiunii of 1600 he was up- pointel first of three ass stent teachers in the sessional soljool of st andrews parish under the biiperivisiou of rev drs clark andc awford here hei continued until his removal to canada with his parents iu 185 whilst j occupying the above situ- ationthe attended lectufei on natural phtl- sells cheap ies and fix ock gv is and iles -x- aiit if p uj0 m osoph and iriatlilenuiticfe arts mid obtained a liplo jects he alt greek knowd teacher of tuok from mr ales i- tiicrsdu jleoflsisu arin 188 3t crumbs for b provided fas bjr thei ever thouihtfui- pwle pres reporters another wek of winterbpribg weather these wheat are tring dys fjr the fjitl andoariied a wide reputation for sneceikful tekchi 3g in one class the fol- ruth mjsy do- ijjr j lowipgj wellkiiown gentlemen were pupjls t j- plssica nhisarrivijl in to a letelr of iutrodiction t the thfen ministerj of st by whpm he was jintroui gale jrincipaiof knox dollege throiigh f j himijir little was recommended to the t j late 1jevl piter fergusonj of the scotch in the school of na for these sub- lea- oiia in latin and mackintosh a well- in endinbarghi into he presented rev dr barclay ndrews church to the late mr blockhsqui sing and waj appointed teach er of8 s jfo o known the 2nd of august 185 here miil the cllose of aa waterloo 6n he remained lx- jvhen he re moved to s s xp 1 ligny so named by pprietor bu bakcrj 6ai- kimi sjo- t fc of the pairui- i iis f avprtd tb- jryatrocaie fclas andi arbor pay wluitsboutaquvus birthday tlebda liou eutlemtin twe iijirfult henl of jtlie t s oat beingsown yet gor4ehiir4 operatipfis are mjit- piogresj ing psrticalarly rapidly a couple of tramps were guists at ttle poiicj cells on tuesday evening abstract of receipts and eivendlturtis of public school nidnies iu another column trodtfishing comuieuces 1w6 weelcs from tobiorrow byj if the p reck gtjt thawed ojt s plowiug comuiuueed in this vjdiniy last year on tiie i3th april it will j onsidcrably later tlian that tint spring we are in- receipt of a htndy tittse pricket calender from the ofliceof that fik him j quat j school school i the adjpiuing section was called bras he was teacher of this for nine yeara vuijt up a capital dr jribertsdn exml revvfk j lajijuaw hamilton wjm laidlaw kar- ristefrj toronto d mcgihbou barrisif hmiltoii and p pew ur oireeve milton he was appbinttt priuciuul of- acton pub- j j ik- scliool iu is 33 aud continued in that position until 187 1 in which yearhereceiv- j ed thejuiianimout appointment of inspector of pitlio schools for tie county his term as principal herei was fi most success ful onfc his exealleiit tiict of imparting instruction to hijs itipili resulted in the laying of superior founcatious for future use lib his pupilp waily of whom now oc cupy promiueut ppsitiuns in the professions aud business enterprise fit home and abrpatj tu jtdditiun tu th office of comity luspec tor he was alsof town mspector of the board i of education of j milton and oak- ville jajudiu 1875 at the lamination of- the jthe finoral last friday wfta largely at- teudod by couf rereos rriend toaoheisi and oitizaub the- services were conducted by llev 1 b fjamoroii his pastor assisted by rev dr torrauotiquolpli lv it- t ilaidjaw hamilton and rov wj pigott actoh tiio floral offerings woro uumor- 0u8 aiid of vory neat aud appropriate- db- sighs tho pair bearers wore messrs p henderson banker acton col campbell kelson john dewar barrister milton j d j mckinnon public sbhool inspector brampton i l e enibroo principal high sphoil whitby auq pr w h macdonald toroito j af er the funeral aiiieetiug of tho friends and associates of mr little was helllin tho council chamber mr w h storey rseve occupiod tho elmih and dr robert son milton acted as secretary the meet ing was addressed in fihort speeches re ferring to the life and actions of the de ceased by itevds k j liidlaw hamilton d b caineroii w jligott actoui aud messrs embree whitby dr uobertson milton ool campbell njsleon dd chris- s toronto r coates burliiigtou p m cleau inspector public sciiools algoraa arob campbell nassagaweya and w h storey acton these gentlemen spoko of mr little from their personal acquaintance of him and heartfelt sorrow aud pain was expressed by all at his sudden removal from earth they each spoke in tho highest eulogistic terms of his attainments aiid of liia character public and private as a pro fessional man and a chribtian he was a truo soldior the son of a loyal british sol dier ho was always ready for duty his work is done anddone nobly and well messrs d henderson john dowar john warren and d j mckinnon were appoiutr ed a opmmittce to draft resolutions respect ing hib lamented death from whicm the following aro taken 1 that this meeting has to express re gret at the loss sustained not only by this community and countybut by theprovince at large in the death of robert litle who during the past fourteen years has most conscientiously and efficiently discharged- the duties of public school inspector for the county of halton having been for twenty years previous one of thempstpaiu- takinig and successful school teachers of theprovince 2that this meeting desires to convey to mr littles sorrowing widow and sister the most sincere sympathy of the commun ity in their present deep distress and to express a hope that they may be comforted and sustained not only by the knowledge that their departed husband aud brother baa left behind him a name that will not be forgotten while tho present generation lives but also by the sure uud certain hope thatj jio is now of the blessed who have diecrin the lord who rest from their labors and whose works do follow them a memorial service was hold in knoxs church last sunday morning when rev mrj cameron breached a very appropriate sermon from the text- there remaiueth therefore a wt to the people of god hebiv i tj e druggist stationer acton h iv bogkto inform the public that the ww ontario tteaberb prepared under the suiierintetulouoi of the minister of rducutibn and uiitiiorized by him for use in jhe hchoble of ontario are now in press bocxk i jparts i and tt are now in stock ami will be followed uin 1 lateron by the ijhird and fourth books br sure ind bw your reader ediatcly by th e second 15 jsok iirid f0m j e mcjgibvln new spring goods daily arriving at j fashionable h west end we arc preparing toshow a maguili- cent htock this season lades will find it verv interesting to iexamitie our stock bucham co oellcus insurance journal tk tfudgrt to- j chiefuperintenut of idncationof on roup we are in feceipt of budgets if nebras ka papenvtbis week from mrs rl s -rin- itrong ivanhos neb and mr j it warren acton thanks rrcv j sicolliug preached i patrioti and very appropriate sermon on the sub ject of i war in the method t churdfi cakes c c tc qunlity my to give every solicited d mavx last sunday cveuiu the time forluuseliunting if you ovu or iab retaken volirairesent hi3ideii- you rejoics if ndt you haye has copwj cause to groan in ejpirit owing to the- ijlnees of the editor dull ing lhe pat iew days the usml careful supervision- of local news ic has not beau huri tariohe was appointed senior acting in- spector of parry sound aud algoma dii trictsj- in- which territory he assisted in orgauikiug a perect and practice school system mri littles folrteenj years inspectorate of thisitoauty ha i been attended with the most satisfactory results as shown by tie great i improvement in the schdols the j school ibuildings imd the jteachers employ- edjhis work in this as in his every other undertakings has been j most thorough systematical and efficient in the early ing will show alajsw7 soi 37 to george j days qf bis office while endeavoring faith by use of which in otherwise dull subject given to this issue if the fiiei pies dwellin houses are as- scarce this spring as usual we are told that thefp were fifteen applicants for a bose whicli happened fo be vacant a day or so last week j v in coirisequeuce of the wjirlike diep spatches from afghan respecting war be tween england and russia bith wheat and flour have taken nn uriward rise iu price already an acton stamstress inaldvertentiy left a needle in the back off a ypuug lady customers dress and now a otohwiu id oregon p jaretkanh 4 j lafs per acre- the best ceuntrr sp nfoir mtjlemail w girveminnt er ibfr bomnimi tf ilwfsote lobzt tuas m foieiet iu 1bb t books od tb 2 otfbera laiitor jk md crrefchasb- 5tipbltaay psl- s fcst wjs i nt vfii i 4p sel2e4t wfffolji t5 tbjmrii r wttb03 t um den qeath of tbeirlitfie 6ne is all te imdre h j- fi -j- ijh f i bestoqd foremost m iueve eftlnq y of e stomach 88 themina tohoktx friendflf the family especijkllyof the younj lady has his arm ilonefijp sn arj ica i mr h l ross c f georgetown writes us f that he has a halfbred holstiji heifi three years old which is giving iio potindk o milt daily mr ros invite iuveatiga tioiijas oftbe truth of siis stater ient 1 rjwdjexteudoflrjsynil atlhes- tmr and mrsl thlmas duucjailin tliedeufhofitlieir pulyj chilj a iiioslj interestmgi little boy about siii months bid- it is otiv a few wtzks since mr duncan and jbeixig ahiiostentirestrttngeri the sud- particulnjr j audisol fully ti perform liis dutie land to elevate the sclools of the countr tothe standard laid dbwn by the minister of education he ineti witli consjiderable stern and uu- friendl- oppositiob on thfi part of mejnbers of boafdsof trustees but thoiigh strict in the performance of duly ibis kindly dis- jwsitiop and- geitle forbearing manner cenqudred and today bisltllen enemies are amongj his wannest friends find take a just pride iin the rrformatipn wrought out through his fnstramentalitv i i iu 1880 mr li tie compiled the advane- ed gejgraphy row in use in the public school foe this excellent work he neither lookedifor nor rec jived any i remuneration modest wa 3 his uatjure tbat hewould l- ijv keenly felt infeiftect sheebu m jt wjjuld be will for fkmnerm a id mutu- cipal officers to niake ajiiotieoi the face- that a recent orjdeivinomicir iiiposes a fine f s200 for rfehibvin aunfetedfthei i froniauyifarniyardandlbuilding unless by thefiuthoiity of the minister dl agricul- ture di6easied shf ep must be slaughterid by the corporation aiid the owner conipe ij- aatei i i- i 1 hst albans annual vestery meeting ai the annual estery meeting of sti il alli lis church a ton the folic ring offi ieitjtwe elected ivt the present year clnicli wardens phuperkinb and jgeij hyuls lay dolegates benjainii hablett and w t srriyth s s8nper ntenden i oeoigehyndb li irarian gebri 6 havij untl lurtberliotiw i service will i ie held y n the church every t iday eveaing at tb0 p in w j pigott b x inouiabent the we r which are principally local and all interesting real eitate sale mr a w greeus said of real estate iu ioungs survey last saturday was owing to the very stormy day but fairly attend ed a number of the lots were disposed of however at very good prices as the follow- lot no 35 to jacob mas- havil 959 no ja to joseph lasby 370 no 48 to john cameron s03 no 19 to j james mc- tavish870 no 67 to john armstrong w0 no 68 to john p worden 8g0 the house and lot on maria and agues streets were not offered sabbath school services i kext sundky morning rev alfred an- drews general sunday school agent of the methodist church will preach a- ser mon to the sabbath school scholars and teachers next sunday morning this will no doubt be an interesting service a pub lic meeting will also be held by ijev mn andrews on wednesday evening 22nd inst when matters pertaining to sabbath school work will be discussed tho agent will have with liitu a number of diagrams which beautifully illustratev the tabernacle of moses also his chart bible chronology er 2 lower wyndham st cuelph ji lt is very gratityuig to it hai the esq not allow his uime to publicly appear in connedtiou theren ith last spring h was eliosenby the mini ister of educatior in conjunction with- mr bryant of gait collegiate institute and mrembree of whitby high school to preparp the new series f ontario school headers this wsrk was i just about com- pletedj aud the piblic will shortly be per mitted to learn hew carefully the task was performed as i iustrucior of y equals and those most warmly attached to him afe his old pupils- as ail inspector path lie had few among ibis fel4ow-inspec- tora tud was sc acknowledged by ttieir heperformed his duties in an admirable inaune- and bis services in that capacity were waiibly appreciated by the ministir of educitiou aud particularly by the at s dr ryei son- mr liiitle was a lifeio ig and consistent memb r of the pi esbyteriaiv church his religion was of it quiet luobtrusive char acter and was carried into every detail of his evtry fifty life he stemed to possess much of the mind of christ and evil thoughts appeared nevei to occupy his iniufl uthough at timsa he engaged in pleasant social cm versat on he was never known to gie xpreftsioii o acarelesb or frivijoi s remark mr little married on tio 23rdmay1886 to sarah eldest ilaughterof tbe late 8 b joluiuju esq who eajrvivea him no cljildreju bleosedjtbeir uuibu is made botli iuterebtfug and profitable the vacant inspectorship the office of public schcjol iiispector for this county being rendered vacaut by lamented death of the late it kill devolve upon the county council to appoint a properly qualified successor as soon as practicable it will of course be impossible to secureau iuspector who will fill mr littles shoes in all respects but care should pe exercised to secure the best mnai eligible for the office in tho county in qur opinion the gentleman best qualified forthe position is dr ch luskj of the oaiyille high school and we feel satisfied that the council will make no mistake whatever in giving him the appointment the dr is a halton man has been a very successful teacher and in his association with lhe teachers aud other officials of the county has continually enjoyed their re spect and confidence a sessiou of the cointy council will shortly be held and we sincerely hope aiid espectj that at its close we will have the pleasure of congratu lating dr c hlusk p s 1 i ani attractive publication cfbdeys ladys bookf or may is a number of which the publishers may ba proud it opens with a very attractive steel plate frontispiece representing a beautiful child whb holds a spray of vine leaves the face is a charming study of juvenile beauty and brightness christian reids twopart serial an instrument of separation opens in this number and the winning little story of beautys child is happily ended linger gray skies is concluded thi i moiith tiiiong the short stories are jeanchon a slight misunderstanding and hertwo loves which go to make upjan interpstiiig budget of lighflitersture all of the departments of godeys ladys bopk are well conducted and conipjeben- sivls mes4hj h haiileribeek fc co do noil iuteiid i however that there sliall be ahy diminution in the zeal with which tbey prosecute their admirable enterprise it is proposed if possible to make gpdeya laclys bopk still more attractive and es peoially utilitariau so that it may meet imd satisfy the e very day wants of women in every station in life frieiida and when on occasio one becomes in anj especijal manner the recipient j ot their good wishes and expressions nt encouiagementj the path of lite does not seem o stormy after all kothiiig so helpful aa kind words h since opening iiiy new dry- qoods store at npj 27 lower wyndham street we have been favored with the attendance of crowds of frieudis who have given ua their patronage camp led with expression of coim- deiice and good wishes we shall mako it our endeavor to make our new business worthy r of such confidence we invite all the readers of the free pirtess to come and see jus our stock is very compreliensive we have litted up the jnost at tractive millinery show roomjs in the city and whether in milliuery dressmaking clot ing or qodds alii to t magnetic oil cures rheumatics neuralgia lame back stiff joints and chilblains i- magnetic ohj cures chapped hands frost bjites burns and scalds sciatica etc magnetic oli is aniost useful remedy for both man uud beast magnetic la splendid for coughs and colds sore throat and ctonp maguetic oil is sold by all druggists at 25 cents a pottle and is actually the best liuiment known jusist on your druggist giving ypu the genuine magnetic oil acainst pry i ijta alsjs eitjarted a reblelliorj but not againut my tioular indiymiial or government but the charged by otter prices hotiseb for gfbcids qtoceries boots and smei orcjerdd gothmready mme ofottinig haas and csqenrniiings ifrints jwjiitre and i 7 tmgffim shirtiiiis oottoriadps bmloidery c 0 1 l are determinded tofujrnisia tbe above goods at prices avty other tlpusje iu the trade ourstofck is iipw ful- hving bejen purchased on the most fiivorible are desirous that our patrcpa jnay and we incite a comparisnn of th pricejb of our tions pf sellijngttie houses to proteihe truthfulness oorjr asser- i goods for and v 3r ie l i caution hi ii plug of thk lyiyrtle navy is marked t o b staple and fancy dr wc are readyi to servo tie best advantage so comeiiuct see us and brin your friends we do nbt sell on credit you will get fujj beliefitlfor cash 27 lower wyndham sf health in bronze letters none other genuine tpllsayi pter saturday 9th call i as tatel astj ndjimout important now that the holidays are over and the families are again dfsunited and scat tered over the land the friends at hpme should sif for dozen beautiful artlptlc cabinet the least money idiqity ia i atteutiou 1 mmm m actqn rir to our- 0 istjd liil 7 mi bjejeisrdsiid fhosl at- db wests nebvts isdtbaainte4t- hent a gua ranteed speclso tor hysteria dizzi ness eonv usiona fits tjeryws jjanralgla headache kervdas praatrfttion caused byibo w of tlcob il or tobacco wakefulness mental dedre6bionisoltemnof the brain feaultlaj lin torrhfeaeailsbdby overexertion of tho bjraih aelfabube r overiudulgeuco each box cdu- tainsjbne m inths treatment opa dollar a box brbuboxee tor five dollars seat by mail pre paid on receipt of price we guarantee six boxes to curefani case avith each order rtceividpy as for btx boxes accompauiea with five apllors we wiu send the purchaser pur written guarantee to rut uud tt e money if the treatment does not effect a cun guarantees issued bury by john c west co sole proprietor 181 lgswtot madison it chicago 111 soldbyj emcgjarrln hjlls studio mill st acton to end to distant loved ones nothing i will he more appreciated by them old photos copied enlarged and framottin good 8tyie cheap j a lot of lovely frames on hand are irmtqd to inspect thenu you ftihpe m and easel new combined music rack c w hill thi8 papers rertlallg bureau bpruce found on file atictea p cctrauummrbe c ft co newtjwper ad st whwe aanrtliilas forlt tk rkw yosk- ordered we i- i 11th op apeil jjluid we coijdialjy linviti jyou to i i m and inspect a stock m red wecanj pf ice before yolu the choicest complete assortment of millinery and inoiwl qqods that you will hajye an opportunity yf sseing as special care has bee n exercised j jh hei seiectipri of pur stock fok- the spring eeaatifn and this j djepjirtmeut is under the tnauagemjent of first class and i j f mv aiijiilinsrjiis remember our opening days -ipj- x bb a remember our famous 50c tea clothing peiartmenrnuder our own sfecial management guarantee u st ciasaaud perleet fittyig garmeiits at 31 ng lfejiart jwi tee iu st theiowesjt possible prices good suit to order for 1 1 1 wfcrae 4 co mm tnl