Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1885, p. 4

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1- r hu ever thtt ftl ahssr ma 7 bjb vallate w the weather may tcibaji five tifnateter the weather may be 4 tf the touga ye wug ai the smiles y wear thats mami the stti i shine every v here y atf the world ol gloom is a wotrld of i leei j iwfth tl bird iu the bush an tiieudih vhlwi i k c inthfctev ir the weather nay he he lte ter the vreathei may be l vhte rer the weathei may bo say i he white ier the wthetoay be ye in bring the bprina witfr itsjjw en an lgb3v an thi i gijass in the grove where tlv show llifes cold att vc i warm your back with malm j jf h ai ye k tat your heart i fikeanoldfli eplaoe whafew the weather may be sajs he whatever the weathe r may bo jiinw whtteom riley warning and comfort x sare toonqntr themtst troublesot le congb- is sjure to yidi timely treat 3 with- haj yards pectoral fcalsani phasantto talb arid safe foif ytjungor old j is tbbro anything nore annoying than baywyonr corn sjtepj ed upon it there anything more deltshtful than getting rid of it bfolloway con cure will do it try it nd bo convino id i ttir cheapm and best iou a mxmut of its pjrjty and- concentrat ed strei igth and great power over c isease bnrdoc k blood bitten is the cheap at and best d od cleansing 1 ouic known for all dlsorde red conditions of the blood 42 iworins canse feverii hucss inoaui ig and rostlesl uesa dnrins sle p mother graves wprnii j jstermiuator is pleasant sine and effecthlj if your druggist has cone in stock jet him to procure it fitr you areldfattvj a caard of sterile in a receni letter states hat ke met wit li an accident some time a o by which one ofjhis knos was severely injured a fevy fepplicat ions o hagya rds yellow oil afforded immediate apd complete relief 42 j ace b lobbkman 13 nffato n bays he has be mi nsiugdr thomas kcteclric 0 fbr rhi inmatism he 1 ad such a lame back he eou id not do anything but om bottl- hasvtc use his othi expression cuied hihi np- he iinksit is the best thing in the 7 nwurketj i f 7 fhtrc lo kecfr ii kve it in jonr family thebes remedy fotao idents and emergencies for burnm scalds buie3 soieuess sort throat group rueumitism cliilbltiibs andpdin or son ness of all hint s is that mirvelldus hiahn t remedy hagyards yellow 3il 42 v perl ect soundness c f tjody and mind is posstbeonly with p ire blood heading medici 1 authorities of all civilized mntrie endorse ayers sarsaparllhi as the lest wood- aarifymg medic ipe in existeice it vastly- increases the w irking and pnuctuel power of both hand 1 raiiu a pribccjy fortune a nan mav possess the fortune of a bat can never possess hippines c in mon cause uf disease is ob i ructed per siiratioiji oi i umo of cat abing cead cougl n i colds sore throat etc thbduod hut if allpvtid to t ohrse geiit rally prpyb tbelttwn tho frminoi of i ore dangerous dikouses f netenthb of t ho coiisuni 3tive3 date their a b iotion from 1 1 nogleotod dold and the disei i es that are kustd by v bt feet diunp clot lies or expo- urearb mtne numerous thai ire generally jone of the mis t- offioaoloas i iiediuities fjor till diseases of 1 1 e throat and klov atiticonattiopuve srup a free and easy i pobtota ion tho lungs from viscid phlegm ungs is bin it picmote l vhich free jy changius the secretions fro n a diseased a heal tti y stiito merrt irovtu uolbr uioii dollar ufieque fje faith iitirely f lelminmuiiillitiiii it will uurt psiaxu llow long i sold in 50t ilsfrnm p itcliln tjlie ay in iliow luliiise itcliii prince witbodt gooid health blood nast bekept pre and even- in pro er action birdock blood put iy the blood and i egnlate all thi organ 42 mctireiters r vliat commonly if uttenc iu tine are easily illy spent on for articles oythltss kot jo with mo- jregiirs siioutly cmo you ic not asked i purchasil uiuilils lneri s aro proven qiill tit 1 j k mcllarviud drig store and jilt a free uiil uotuu and if etc nut convinced i rnis of dys- no matter of taudingj it costsf oi uotbin ami i fiottlos ce testimon- town 99 ytiuof ilie worst or cunp jllie w iljaint ilns symptom ptfiiiihar ur tiettet rusty ki i disease jove 1 ntaiiio liy die urti sieiuy cure s iniltnrc j inoisiuic likeperspir- s iucrenaodhy scritcli- ug very i isticssiuj pirtlcol trly at night teems as if pin- worms wtrcci iwlinginand ilioiit the reiituin the priv ite parts are iiiuetiiuts iiftvctod 11 illoyv d tocuoiioue ery ieripi srooulis uay fullow vswaynes istmest isi plot sant siivi cure also lieh allrlinun all scaljv to secure wbach the organ bittern a totl u itrantcc h cochran diiiggist laucasi er pa writes that he has guaranteed oipri 300 bottlqof burdock 3biood bitters i or dys pepsiai bilious attack and liver a ad kid jiey troubles in no ase has it dis ppomt ed those whoased it iu canada it gives the same general satiafictiu 12 speeily care outs s rresur a sll priiniii ijscoteric miv sajuitud it lias lice ljliui vrthkss ililk- i ir vdit ir whieli rciy i iuiriy rec lent tint in ifftl- i flllt it wi 1 1 o cure fir nt irv marl for 50 in stimps ad swaye so philadelphia liy drnyiists 50 g he greatest inedica iiivuy cu eis it hasalloct- iii test ib imciil nualysb olheini tuiii it contain liiiviio sprtiiiiii fry in lilv to iel have 1 x 1 1 1 1 lit jjureillo iteaivui s druv store that has 1 een acln iuisbeeii trained tor catin h out inrin th past si jjer ceut iiavd bee it lf pbpnlarly admitted everywhere that mcgr 3gora8peedy lure is the saf st most reliab e and by far tie cheapest retnedy for constipation liver complaint inc igestion impure blood loss of appetite ftfujusr troubles it is not jiecesisary to takes great quantity before tiny leanlt is produced a few doiite will convi ice you of its merits trial bottlo giveli free- at mcg4ryiusirugstre7 42 l v atliuparallsid seiuatiob is beius created all over ontario by ihe wonderful ansl un- eqnalled manner iu which neuralgia tboth- ache rheumaiisroj uabkache headiche s remjpved by but on j application of fluid lightning nooffensiybj disguertiiig drugs needle taken for days it is am instant cure try a 25c bottle from j e mc0ar- ih iruggist j 42 ayers cathartic plills are suitedtoeyery age being sngarcoatpdjifliey are jeasj to take laud though riidd and pleasant in action i are ttiorough and seardhing in effetjti heir ofscacinahdisordevsof the btamashand bowels is certified to jby emi neht phvaifcians prominent clergymen and many of our best citizens i deqt bci dreelreil beware of any drugg st who will try to introduce yon to take a sything in place of mcgr gor parkes p rbolic cerate it is a marvel of healing fprjjiipres cuts burns itc- fafamily shordbe without it it 7hasrh equal get mdgregop pariies and htvenq other only 25c per box at 3jcga rviiis dhig swrej j42 holiwafa wfoantwyintenrheunja- tism and 3out these purifying and sootbi i remedies dperve the iarueat at- j tentioiofaiiperapnaiiabljetogoutsciatsca or oth ir painful affection of the- muscle i nervei bf jotots the ointment should be applic 1 after the affected parts have beii patie r tly fbmted with yarm water when the fui igueutfhould be iligently rubbed upon i he iailjteent skin opiess the friction caasqi pamvi hollowas pills shquldbe aimuli aueoui tojinuuish pain re- duce i tflmination and prtfy the bipod tbp jtreatmiut abates the violence titd jeeaens the frequency o gout rheumatism anil all spasmodic diseaies vhich spring bam hereditary predisposition or from any aeadrota fftknetw ot htina4 i 9ntal mstitutapu tbe malady while niilady vviien it i cent of p the refill while tlf f idertiseii at all generally neu that of livin on at oncje perniauer one of those its i cwaiterizinp the iltiilv oftred to the l tho var oris complaints it has litijeii conip minded and its iuiiiei1 i ihlihiml testimonialf n are tberefore confi i pripir it on which we otbij public xit i die assurance i lie found not oik a relief but ijvspipmi liver com- consii million and im- trial bitles at j b iigeiiii 1 lrre this is remonil itieuts p ir jirac patent cares stiijtinu believed parasites tliecatarrlt k priticajiy cit rlthajisew tftttue5it perhap the ltrbrt extrai re unary success sved ni n io ieru medic ue jy the i ixon tfeatm mt of 2000 pttients treated monriis fully ninsty icuredtf his stubborn none tli j less startling cred tin t- not five per igseiitnij i heinselves to itiouer are- benefitted medicine and other never word a cure with tin claim now bv tho most scientific the dtsease is du tcdaptel his cur 5 nimttion this accomplis hel he claims cyjis nuuestoaec ed by liin fpur years io is cures effect- cre cttre3 sill xo one eho has bver attempted to cure catarrii i l tlrisiiikuner and io otjiej treat- nent has ever cured catar h the apijii- ition of ihe remikly is siriple and caube done at home and the re seut season of the year is thenkfet favorable for a speedy and pormifneut cure the n ajority of cases being cur 2d at one treatment sufferers diould co resjoi4 witli mes a h dix on sqs3q5 iing strecit vest toronto canada undcncfjcise stam idr their treat- izo bnoatarrh if mreal i nov i782 spring at- hand warra wea sure to follow 12 er gribf 13 millinery ieldjly satuftday april l0th uiii qtri sliowofihilljiiery mulffliu g will he fitr iu tijvmmce any clisimy in acton we lave taken jneal pain in select iiiif all the newest and ilioicesi ooiis we liave all the nvtl ties iih pes ky straw gckis and triiiuningsi we keeionl thorongliy expeneiic mil iiiers uiidiiaran- tee our work and stleeuul to ihe lxt in canada in spec ion kuidly invited loads the van b4 ii but b 4 i oods this spring heletdbe shown waving diipoiied of his old stock and lieliir ijptcrmlned io beasbither1ollid lead ine pryunnrlb house in fliooity nnrluiycr 1ms for tliolaiil thivo mortjw been hsltlrig urn ifafltorier and wnroliouseron this oontuieiit wliure he has heeahiying the loadjnp iloitn- and woollen fabrics lar below anytbiujr known heetofore hi s buyers have no access our kuropoah buyer was sciit some uiontlis ago to fntico anil announce our stock of 75ogdci ijeplele with the nejvosf and ii of th j0d vvit h of n w ii canada 10000 icall on us we are showing 10j spring goods chrapertliiiicvt- carjk of new dress prints and colors shades aiii prices we will irv to please yon bargain c inspection iiivitek spicial values in white ind grev tlotfohs inossiht sateens in a i quaiitien j and give you a spl ndio lobeat please eall and conipare oitlrig and 7e gott ivitlv any ohier rotton in the povin qj i ni loveliest goods audatthu same lime tlie cheapesvin ontario their progress in patrons may at limes tely ou this fiiiit trjatiwhul tlioy will lioclwfkell lno pidljirfc r elsewhere thev tho proprietors of the liion are determined that uoibiiig sballstop being useful to the pniple bw giving ood clieap lumest x ods their till wi 1 obtain at the linn for 75 couts i ii rl liui gtielph march 21tli 1886 i watch closely ke new couits sie inspefaiid judge fur ytiiuseh es and go home jiajipy j d williamson co i to which the britain aiid wc no i in mi juitliat our goods an o meet ii v unnerous fneud j with reference to the aboyel shall b most linppy frim nusagaweya erin acton elcand liitving ajfar liikur and bettjjr jassorted stiick ihtiu lias been fuuii 1 in the lion sine i left t lun with tlie fullest cmiliilence invite tin public to visit tbe liim now again tlietlie besustore iuwcsteru octtarit j- a new goods cheilp 33 we have a large stok f c oied and back silks din satin dc an muvuh is and 41 full as sortment of dress and mantle triuinnngs fir ihis spring cashimmes and fashjfndle dressj goods to suit the most fastidious i j beautiful euibroiderihh at 2 1 alu lares of every description pink cardinal blue ami black sateen corsets lor one dollar i j j i look out for our spring circular n a few days large yaxier attljil4 wi l liamson goods v t naaaa laaatiaaaiiasafaa hjik aphighpintsw 3 a 3 qcf4 v 0iferi9uvct6fe b- ailtho shiittli- machines fij are fitted vith t3jecit i g atitopiatte bobbfe wifir ffij illllllllciilji ier fill g mihmiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiitiiiiiiri chas ray manufacturer stelph owtaftso k r one beratlful iroi fc of j50 rnprn colorrd rtjtennrt wflo ji ll drseriiitlons of the lctflmvfk and bltntioiu wi ventahlra rjic eg 6 ceiits a yard til v l ammpth is bound this seasoif to eclipse all ts forniej- effdrtsi in be way o selling goods cheap in- showing a large variety iu the jjcf up jtyle and cheapness of tbtir milliuuy the correct thing in ihe style make id price m dross making wf uiive a new lare and varied stock n all lib litest iiovltics in siilliiicry purdreii goods stock is now very large including silks satins ottomautj ej a wagmficcni silk for 27c worth 75c in the millinery and dressmaking dcpariiiientwweddiii nd luiouiflihg orders jjepartinefitb art c b griffin t the presence n ihe tissue mr dix- 1 o their exter- surcd and the two tett us a marvelous story folp ib fnotkyonrt ucuusmm sly father resiles at glover v t holiasbeena great sufferer from sorof- lua and tie inclosed letter v 11 tell you wfeac- a juarre ona effect ayeirssawaaiilw bar had in tils case i think i is blood must ktre pojtatiied tlie humor for at least too years i at it didnpt show etci pt in the form of a sen nluus sore on tbe wri it until about livo jo s ao from a tew sj ots which ap- pircil at that timk it graudal y spread so as to cover hisientlre body l ajssi ire yon he was terribly inlicted nadan object of pity whob hebcgai using your medicine tow there are lev icn of jiis nge who enjoy i s good health ur ir- iir 3 1 could easily ijiin fifty jiersou v o ot lc testify to the facts i i his case vjcura truly v i tmllttg it is both a i pleasure and a duty fvr mo to statd to you the bennflt i hare dejived from the csoof ayiifs arsapanllrt six tnnn lisaeoltsfis complrelrcovf red witv a terrlbl hiinior tnd scrofulous sorts jio humor iuwif anfincussant and iutoierabio ltchiiis itiilithe s dtj crackek jo as lo cto tho wool to flow in many places wbencrer i moved mygulerlngs weie great am ny life a bt rden 1 iiiinenced the use of the saicsapnifjta intapril last and havo used it regula rlyslnce fliaf tlmel my condition began tc improve at once ithe sores haro7 all heale i and l eel perficily well tn every respect- being n v able vp do a good days work all hough 73 reanpf agi many inquire iwhatluu wrought stichjtcuntn mycaseand ii ten tli mi as ii re hero jrled to toll you atebs 3ab3apabjlla siorer vtoct 211882 renin gratefully hiniju fuilurs atebi sabsapauilla cures serofnla and all scrofnlt u cqmplalntacrycip elai icrtpaa bsngwerm notches sores i alls tt mprs and eruptions of gkli u it cl are tbe blood of all impa rities all s digestion stimulates the action of he boyi to and thus restores vllalijy and trwgofi ns bio i hole syjein nnmxedvt dr j0 ayer co lwmm msly iubnihii nliicihlwftmv i i f v who 18 unacquainted wivh the ceocraphy of this country wilv see by examinino this map that the house georgetown cleod anderson 8 and tlaiits noil hnw td priw prlhtid in eneiwi and gtrmiin- price ooly 10 itwbicaniiybedeuicted from firt order wis frhat- on nmv for the gardcnand bowta get i loitead of rm nlnp to tbe frrocpn- at whatever ls liappen to bd left over irxelinc with umppoliitmnit after weeks of waiting buy oxlv nrsps skkde at heanquartteiis james vicr rochsster n y drserlition9 i jofseras z lafl mcountto specialty i i the managers of the milliiicty drjsssmakii g undniutiljlc changed but have luivc llicii brdcis jiiigs cotionadcs hvholesale prieeft i oiirlordered ilte stlite ge reduce the stock noat conlidencc lown bottom pricjes secured the best talent exlatitp ladien brints and ujiiliams in al the latest stylesextraor unary chcapj staples of al jkiiids including jheoked shirtings coltonadfs groy aiid white comoiit cottons shirt hud all canadian goods we huy direct roni the inilli and stjll them at tilotbitik and jents furnishing tjeparl uiei l whs never in a- flioi-e- com a ltitmcn may come with the utmost ciintidence iind cave tbeir qtder and we will suit them in price- tyle lit wnrkmhiiship ind vhriety carjiets we bay an inimeiise stock jnnri lsjc upwards bliiits and shoes iu laigejvaii ty prices right reivdyihhdeclnlliing we have a lirc stock anjtlvve are molding aclearitig sale unlit w great bhruains we will gjive a tfnoil suit lr4 we have the nl- io askiih thy palronaueof tie public we will stell iyjou goods at awn can comb the east end clotiing store pringtrsed worsted coating and chicago rock island 4 acbpc iv beinz the great central line affords totravelers bv re son of its jnrlvaled eo- jraphlcal position the shortest and best route between the east northeast and southeast atidth a wost northwfegj ana- southwest of road by its daln line and branches it reacheschlcaoj jptfct peoria ottawa it is literally and strictly true that its connections ate all of the principal lines oad between the atlantic and tho pacific i by its main line and branches it reacheatci la salle ideneseo mollnemd rock island irt illinois t ddvenport musoatlne wishlngton keokuk knoxvllle oskaloosa fairfield des moines west liberty iowa city atlantic avooa audubon harlan cuthrlo center and council bluffs in iowa j callatln trenton cameron und kansas city in missouri and leaven worth and atahlson in kansas and tho hundreds of cjtles villages and towns intermediate the i i great rock island route a it is familiarly called offers to travelers all the ai vantages and comforts incident to a smooth track safe bridges union depots at all connecting points past express trains coiposod of commodious well ventilated well heated finely upholstered and llecant day coaches r a line of tho most magnificent horton reclining chair cars overbuilt pullmans latest designed and handsomest j palace sleeping oars and pining cars that are acknowledged by press and people to be the finest run upon any road in the country andlini which superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of seventvfivei cent8 each ithree trains each way between chicago and the mi88ouri river two train8 each way between chicago and minneapolis and st paul via the famous j lea rowtlei a new and direct tine via sepeca and jcankaktot h ii feecmtjy been opened between newport news richmond cincinnati indianapolis arid la payette and council blufts 8t paul minneapolis and in termedlnto points t 1 ail through passengers carried oh fast express trains i for more detailed information eee maps and folders which may be obtained as wdl as tickets at all principal ticket offices in the unltet i states and canada or of est john oenl tkt passragii rr cable vloapref t oenl manager ingai oiktliinl hsstlniu of late cm i it is rtintli bi suietovet the am wahuim silks iprufeek gnrpi hm pe one door west oj huglimm sirt el on kin blrtel east the iwme is hfemfhort april 10th 1885 a fine dial east endlfci0 manhood how l st irow we liuie recently vubljf bed a utv edition of 11 ctuvu wtllfe t ele- ttatecl essay on tbt inutrkl and r ernianent cure iwitloul mcdli iiie of nervpusdelility mental aim phyiica incf jiatf- ity imjicai oueuts of jloiriage etc scwiltmc ifromex ess- asftprice iu a svaied envelope only t iwii crtwo posti re stamps i the celeb ated author in tbis a mirable ks- w cleailj demoijstratebi frcm- tbiityyears suocessfulliracticetbat alkiiuins onsiiiueneef maybe rati eelly cored without i ie dangerous lupe oi intonialnitxlitiriosir tlio nfe i of the knife ipointingoui a mode of ciuc rt onciiuiple cer tain and effectual by ilcpls q3iihilieverj- suflerorno matter what iils ouclitinn utrybe may cprehimself cberplyprivatcljiud radically 5cnisxecture sliould bn in the hands ft eveiy youthand cvcrymaii in tlie land f address the ifinlvertvell 3iefiitl co 41 inn st ewloik post cffieo box 4v r 1 li confidence and ftil v slaagd stocjc farm crosse tie wayne co savagu faknum priqntretobsr prlich ay of our gartaeits are mado pcrfot fitting and desigxs a fine assortment of spring eat also on hand so 6iaitlic store in tho latest- artistic phtoelasixsaxira imported perche6i vcrciis all stock selected fra tlie ret c rlrr rnc ns of established reoitajion rnd in ihe frencb and amsricjaj stud tools l isawd bme7 is beautifully fllifrtdj ctlrp leri crcrrr iir 1 1 the detroit uivcritpn nibs t ivv- tie tv end isaccessible b- mllrond rva cn vrrs not cimijnr- with tbelocntiob trrivi i tvrifcf- aclloii ruilclin- 4iiancl v vcnjrj iim tath farm seridiorc7ilie ilrltial addicss1 savage fiakftrei dciroa j ih i l worth their weigjht in colti 83satta aariea london and 248 st jjmes tl oatm ground scien fiddly from clear and pur aiiyfuctureti for the ptirime ffieiare without exception pest torefh- ravage of age anrtlo retain perfect vfgion itlw arc especially recommended b thi most cmipmfr facility every pair ol spectacles and eyjeglassels is uisirked b fbeapest most fat hio lable arid really jthere have hfeu 42 packap8 rf new sprine ntitl sumnicr gohtfs oprnff up this wtjefe hjaking 200 esses and bales already of the usejtiilgoiidseveridfteied to tlie publicby this celcliraitbd ikuiisebtsiilesheviiit largp ibipments now all ormotib rtocks as they nrfl sold off ntrivjsupplies villilictiniiiig forward wekly uiltil june snss nt all house tliefetotk ctuitaiiis full noiipneui of the lateslj noveliice nnd jwiisists bf bvjer 250000 wm tli of thef most aefiirable gnpdsj rttprioed farhlwev than ibeyi forf thesume onds won iughi onriedit i jit v atkius tys un ensh donir his cfonis aud saves aline profit uttween the manufooii refs piues and the reduced pnees hebuxsfrom tlum tit anil in lliebijre eajh dimntiihb in btiittis fmni tin in six caiihsof new dress on ls tbisweek another bile o new pr nts this wcejt two pases of new tiibfi diintn-k- from scotland and iielai d this wieit i brt e ases of illiikrygiiolls this week kcneo french lsees this wejk includin manv noteliies antur cate of muslins tins week aiafeof h moi v i his v erk two casts of ladhg gents and ohildrens white aud fancy bordered cmihric haplkertbiefh jttmi belfsstand gihwiw thiswiek a laige jot of ihyte c lebmuti ijjbjli damiifid wlittettanibnc hindkerchiefojust in see tho tilightl damaged bfeaohelf table ansk which ia sell e mwryin sole agent fqr ictfm ont v e pebble they ire beautiful pal tern and si ihug at from u5 ti 60 dents a justarrivid poiihtmcl foi thitisli down alftss hau linlt khcir inlne they rm abtire 81 iuthes inytdth will a ear well and are selling o t at onlylloc bt stiyo tn see them a ease of hwits embroidery in tins niek twitareiitniiii g musbpsanl ginghams ii this week five hales of cnrpi ts matt in us md slut ts rnived tins week pase ttnns twoniinhdf bia6h pnltsand pule end- for huriiiiu curriaiiib and a duseof eiy supeitor jarpet stoppers to hand 1 pits sclliiigjiit 1 la tin hfst tipetiy crrpei oftcnuj at 75c tblc putterus and stjles of wtkms new carijeb our urui nf iiifhson rirt ol on kinr slrcel eist the name is i i thomas o or optical glassj pnecially ddaptetl to re- jwgmm lare lot ieb are chartuing this ihnkes of fiw frame seatiou thb right vstjfiftdsjt3 v li v of 1 few di ess goods ik4e3s3p this incqmpaiiabw ubblclse as secured for ludf an iiiijieriejiubfc feme hrouyhout the world for vie alleviation ad ctre ofm08tdueasestoiihichjimtaiiiimis heir fi the pills purify renulaie ajal llirprove hejq alitytft the blood theassjst stivc oi oleansetbe y stom atll aklnjl bowels increasefthcsfccietoiypiiwe li he liver liracojhenervo b isysteni jiiid- ihioty iulo- he circulation thepuicst el ments ior sustaining and repairinu the frme thousandsof persons have testified that by their use riloiie ibey have ft en resttwid 7 to liealjh tttid strength after everyotlidr 7 meaus had proved uiisuccestful lia jitj j- i b if uv ww- sv 7 20u r theolntiment will hefouhiiiivaluablc in every household in the cure of open sores hind tumbrs ballo01ftinftaoouilhiji 7 golds isoire thtoats ibrouchitis bud all disorders of the tjiioau uiiti gliesta8 alnb flout rhfuiiiutim scorfula and eveiy kind ofskindiseisk 7 r miniufacltired oulv at tnifi islir lioibf ways bsttiblishrtenti- 533 ostohi streetj london and sold a f li 2 9d 4s- issjand 33shsli bo an i pot aindiii ganind 1 at 3ii irtnt9o ceiits- and 81 50 andthi uigei si7tb in pioportiei ftgattio t i united state ir there pnrchivi rs sliwild tbeufurt leok tk the label on l he vtsaiil bixes if tli 3 address 11 not 33 oxford stim londta thev art spumous the thde mmk of mv biid jiediciluiis resistrered at oltawn mid nlfoktasl incton j v skned thomas hollowa 533 oxford street london j ir mi- iavc no aieci i thl ire ni medicines s41- st perj fori ord ur j proil iijeaa vsajrl qui m

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