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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1885, p. 1

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fr ppfpf j- tetyysiitsk v ii a ft fat j 4mirt -m- thm af a 1 ill i rl actth to w t rrw prco f yv 10 vi ho tct fly sly- iterny lvbt i 5 evklk thvslabt mousing fipr fre pjjess pqweif wlnttng hcu8e ti tkfjacoiij ontario terms thofkkkibkstvwiube seut to stiyscribcirs postage psrd for i19d per an- naln in abivauoe s156 if not po paid no papc discontinued tileall arrears arepaid expipt at the opijion of the publisher ajivkrlimno kftes4cattsual advertiser metals a 0tt8eriiieferthefltinerr tion am2eutis each subset queut insettioncashj professional cards 1 iflliiv drlessixp4r annum 1 square fia lines 851 per annum payable in six i imojtithsf torn da of iniiertiv any special kotlcetne object of wiricbjlis to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company l to be j considered an advertise- moiut the nuniber of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil j j i coxjiaatxlkalks ouc ioluuju oueyoar half colniuiroue year quarter column oue year ou ixjlujilri sixtujonths halt cpliiiiin 6ix mouths qntterjlunip six months oufefcolumn tmree months half colhhiu three mouths qurtsr wtumn three months vdvertigiuients without specific direction vill beinscrtwl till torbifl knd chargod accord ingly transitory aftvrtniients must be paid in advant ghaufffil for contract uivrcrtiscinents uust be iu tlworahttbr 9 lu ou momlavb otherwise tliuy willgie ielt over until the followiug week h v istoore i editor and proprietor fiarabwanoa m w llli ii v trffc isle- ivii ami ut jiiii iifi of irn pav- vhy 0 u asiirtio j- vcrr jucnvcf tif janiirrib atisiriess directory hi ldfefey m b mi c p s r gradittt of trihit iollece mem- bor of college cjt physicians and onrgeons tfffice and rfesideuce at the head o frederick street jtbn hemebsxeh md c jcmenibei of- the cheke of physicians and surgeons oif ontario pliyateiauv surfieen iocouclileiifr qlkb jmul tt befeloencertiamrbelli llarav ac tjs bi on special attention given to tbedis eases of w men and children l sr -r- it- iftit l-i- aixiraiiittlv lira i ini y wich roprieroe bpisnbtt dentist peorgetowu ontario i c jtckinlay l d s surgeou j3l djuti4tgeorgetownront nsestht uew syski l t nitrous oxide gas com rnonly cijl d vitalized airl for extraotinf tethwithuitjiain have administered ii over a thoisand times in toronto withonl ahyjvjl reiultsv having been demonstrat l or and flrsftical teacher in royal collet of dental ftunoons toronto patrons maj deiieud iipoif rtceivin satisfaction jivany eperitions performed office one door south of baptist church intiesi5 dental operations gas for fotiifi o vitalized air or nitrons qside piiibless dental operations cbhaves tkvi blogk clnelph v ppcr wyndham street is viiue vtas dealef u m granite ami everything uions at th pjertainilpglb ceuietky jvork the received first prizqs at provincial ex- ont jriufei- ivory dentists soutl xv 1iist cormij king aud yonge streets toriiatol ontaris- finest and best be teeth 55 to 8 5 gold fihiugs onethirc rates leave ojircr for teeth in the mpjrn inj canihavc thera the same day iwir hayubedu administering hords vitftlszei air for the iinless estractujgo teeth dui injithtspastyeiir regardless of what othjert ietv sa i ernes rfrhcrc rra lijgikot arm itia rfrr v ci ri k xohn lawsqn graduate of on if- tarsovvcterinam- oollegetoronto veterinary surgeon acton ori ofrlcii in keuiiy bros boot wud shoestore resf deuce iujthe rear horses examined as to spundnejis and bertincates given all culls nbt or day promptly attendj- ed to teitms easy have new york cou received source 26 xoxnitloiss on approved itotbsi notes discounted and interest alldwili on deposits c co tok brokers 1 toronto ifembars tcronto stock exohaisffo city the clibol books i z j used inj the and couiftiy schools iiitau thy yoi h are in stock at for summertide kmma alice itkownk sweet siul ofithe summer ys- iudtptiijent direct wire bv which inuous stock quotations arc rapidly than by any other on mars in all isecurities dealt in on the torbnjfco mpntrpal new york stock exchanges also execute orders in grain and provis ions on the ch oago board of trade daily cable quotations i of hudsons bay and oth 3r stock toronto street wellington marble warks q jeb1 6 st guelf h john h hamilton proprietor j forrnjeriy mcquillan hamilton bookstore tl toavat mcleani barristers solicitors notaries convey aiucers ac c35ionej to loan joiuci town hall acton i a mowat wa mclas liibition guelpji the jiveisternfair and all local exhibuiobis for eceilcniit 6f material anil superiorit- of workmanship yonr oiiiers are solicited- j ber shingles anbylath lensirnthl desires to inform the public be had npwonhsrict and uill krcn in jl line of iiue andheuilock as well as other kinds of lumber also first and second classpine shingles v lath theuo that stock a goa having purchiilie tuc toal busiuess of mr c s smitl i am i opared to supply all kinds of stove cc al 1 novo also a good stock of wood harflwoi xl vvsh ifedar and mill wood at reason able pries wacxl and cori delivered james bhown in cold b s goodtllie rriater solicitor notary publie ax gtokoeloto sactos in mrs secords block iuufi pffice- johni day architect gf flih oxi pkiiii queens jhotel block markjt sqiiare j ielh business college lph ontario 3 hhiijii- fail lijlw am iihtbithr llii b ain laidiiaw co i 3 baiihisxebsa iaoliareas omksovfer imperial bank 24 we lingtoh street east entrance exchanj alley rtbronto j jonx m a mastps wiotixmlviijlw gkohgk kirtelf 1 be q idi i stvniij us itlils r he liver si blow iulo mtnts fur rtme- iestictdihal tiu restored evti other tatents secured l tor invention henry ttrist joitawa casaba uieaira practice inb patent no pay wood day sblls cheap new goods beadelets bracelets bracelets new stock beautifal patterns mathies i fwatdhes watches waltlinm and elpu in gold mid silver cases gold rings lockets etcietc just opened b savage nenr ctries new drug store iifeliml iible spirit ii je is abroad in tlu south wind we hear it we thri ii tte the ohantxf 4 the brooks and the showerf in silver accord calling up the ywun- lowers tho bluebird is buildinji her leafcurtained mosque next door to the orioles j airy kiosk and the redhammer haunting the toll cedar spire drops diowh to her nest r nurimw ofjire i the quaint eottatfe gables j thetjardeus aod closes aro wreathed andovemui i with w great flush of roses and tha halmbreathing brihaids rock low in the breeze to the drowsy mellifluous droufof the bees sweet sutumer blithe summer her coming rejoices pv bquij like the music of tabors aud voices f j i while ckjreworu and paiujirawu and tlearfutrowed faces get back somo vapue tonc of yontnslougvanished graces tliewoilands responsive tuke up the glad chorus and wake their green banners triumphantly oer us j till the old exultation j leaps ip ineach bosoilt and life es renewed ji and onr hopes bud aud blossom thank god for tlto suunliitterh for the fervor and sweetness of summer that yields us t the harvests eompletehoss for the cloud that oershad jws the ruihthat rejoices the glai earth gives lhauki now carrie ssii iisteriiilaw as thy with ier myriad voices t pk rofqr t gui o feers young men and women tie beitfircilitiesor acquiring a com plete ti aining or business pursuits bookkeephil comiijercial arithmetic banking actukl business practice busi ness correspondence penmanship com mercial taw telegrapliy shorthand caj- igrapby or tjrje writing freuch hygiene and physiology are taught by the most practicil and interesting methods the staff cmuprises six experienced teachers and lecturers i the various departments are elej nntly fitted up ivith the latest aud best ap jarafcus for business college work studen l may enter at any time or aeopy of the annual college circular address m maccormick principal hills i carriage thancisnunan if successor to t f chapman- bookbinder st georges siaiit1e guelph ontarij account books of al kinds made to order periodical of every description carefully bound i ruling neatly and promptly don j j i w ml hemstkeet- llcessei amineeii for the counties of avsellingtou ahdlftltou orders left at the foeje phess office acton or at ny residence in acton will be promptly attended toi terms reasonablp monky xolloax vi o money to kianouj the most favoi- ablc tor us and afcthe lowest rates of in tirst i l auuis of is500 and upwards- paitiim ihoasehold i il tiimorj i otiglis hitis and all iieatabaiso anil every jka ljsttt hnio cxfokdi 1 ai-r-jld- hxaw 9d c ents n uioporfiorj tnl t u edicincjs ii fiire hot ho w londoii medicinffjij- flatvah jbj lqiwat 3 rohnjdatey isuccossoritotlioihpson s jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 ee cent mortjges pnrchasedmpuy j mortgages andothcr secant conveyancing in allitsbranchis properly and neatly done charges lo farmland cit property for sale lis7 with farmsforale sntito all parts of tie dominion to intebidirigplircliasers and ci ii culated in europe jeuropeati capitalis wanting farmsufiqutfcrlo will be sent di- rectiond throngh onr european ogeiieiepi farms i wanted or our lists correspon dence invited jflice near the post onliie guelphjont i tip stove beppt good assortment on s loves cheap for j ash tinware of all ktnds at b01t0m prices eavetroughing a specialty rev theodore jacksons pips tv i chestek eveletui the ocspeicht m 4rr aities uesirg their wa63jgons otters eto repi jnted or revarjiished aud made equal to new on shortest possible notice and at lqwest prices should leave their orders at once with mrj j a speight under- taker qnd carriage builder or with c id speight and put up on shortest 1- notice first class material only used i a call solicited j chill mill 8t guelph loth 1 mmjl good mo uing mrs rankin said cherry voi of elder vtahton i am an early caherli fear but k ib husiuossand uotpieasuw that brings me hero this morn- ing- i vj- i wont vjid step in out of jthe sun jmd rest a few rifr utes while you tjell me what important liuiiness gives me the pleasure of call frcm you said mrs rankin vwell ycu see said the elder whenlhe liadgot cor lfortably settled in the cool sit ting room i iim making the rounds of the church me tnliers to see how jve to lodge those who are coining to ithe conven- tion how many can you accommodate t i hardlj see how i can take any said mrs rankiii thoughtfully iyon see my j brother mrj hayden who is a delegate from arlibifton will be here with his wife and that tajkes my only spiire bedroom but i coujcl board two others if you could find spme ipwe where they could stay all night why thai v ill answer adi iirably ihave just comefron mrs presootts pppositj and shei said it was jimposfable forher to take any to board as her girl had left and she was hardly able to work for her own farailyi but she had a spari rooni which two could ceupy if they would go to a hotel for tlieir meals so between the two houses we can aoqomniodate a pairpf fumes of tobaoco arcuot so offensive to me as to mary i have hadto call a cab to take her home after encountering a party of young men on the street with cigars woh sisif thatsthe case ilguessleau pass theafternouii with a book aiid forego the pipe while- 14111 here i never smoke at home except on sundays when i have plenty of time oil my hands then i thinklyou mustbetvery wicked biiid mrs rankin for that is the very day you should keep yourself clean ind pure but her motherrtnly gave her a kiss for an answer and weiit into the library to find h book and a cool ace to read it in and mrt rankin accompaniedby h r biater-iii- law went up ti theimrsery to the children j harry has often laughed jibout your many lectures to hiin on usipj tobacco i do not like the smell of it either but have hot the courage to admit it som timeav i guess few women really like it belt young ladies are often afraid to say so be fore the young men for fear of losing some of their societv for niv part i should prefer to put the yuestion tobacco or hie oiie or the other but not both i shall yougoouttothemeetingtonight asked mrs hayden or will you have to remain witlrtjie baby oh yes i can go i have arranged with i mrs johnson my old nurse to come and j fake carjof the baby duriiigthecoiiventioii bo i cai lxi free tj attend i have been so confined jto the house the past winter that i am locking forward with great pleasure to ihis outing shortly after thearrival of the afternoon train elder tauton appeared with the ex pected clergymen whom lie introduced as the- rev theodore jackson the popular preacher of lennox and the equally pop ular preacher ofavqndale the rev herbert spencer though any acute dbserver could see that the elder clearly considered that the first named gentleman was the better man of the two they are the best natured looking of the crowd i assure you said therelder in a loud whisper to mrs rankin at which both clergymen look up enquiringly you see said4ie filming to them with a laugh i i was instructed to bring only those who were good natijredyou are to be divided between families one family is to jioard but not bed you the other is to bed btft not board you see i am afraid- we are giving a lot of trouble said mr spencer inolie in the least said ma rankih but onr houseis not large and our family is we are happy to board you while- you have only to step across the street to mrs prescotts aud she will he happy to bed you as eldertauton expresses it well im sureno extra amount of ood nature is required toj put up with sucli an easy and pleabant wav of spending our time when outside of thenieeting house we jirih get intimately acquainted with twro families instead of one said mr jackson i tliink we are more highly favored than therest brother spencer turning toliim as he spoke elder tauton exedsed himself to attjeiid i i i to other duties andafter shoeing her guests into the parlor mrs ratikin went to super intend the getting of mi early tea jou sitting down fco the table it happened that mr jackson was given the seat at3irs rankins right hand and beforethey ihad hidjwrite np twice as liavingausmokejas bh i hope not t notlabcribe the pci is tiine to prepare far but half an hour to k lid not approveiof i habit i can istudy sermon aftr lcl without it wgjpenot brother do tobacco ihoiild he given to tm holy spirit bui it bhe meeting it wanis 1 e opening and sb ayiilg they all tun je jtowirdeithe house iftjmrs raftikhtto heir were preparing fqir is the pieetiiig you njiuiit tryand keep mjr tackson as much asjpiibjble j from my in- mediate vicinity it tv ill never do to let hi inow how repugnant i the filthy weed my hostrilsj ray duty as hostess must- lone regardless of tl e inconvenience hfs pipe causes me tjjcy are calling us iowii and make myl souses says i will xinie later on and sei d charlie to me well said mrtrsukin when he liap oiued his wife weriin a nice fix witii hat parsons pipe whats to be dpne ydh sant absent yourself f rora the table- every lay like you- did toiiigpthewill noon eu hsct something is wijoiig f 1 we will put in the leayesjof the estea- iion table and letsonij of ithe children- eat vjtlf us and you cail take hipi at your end if the table i think ai i that distance his perfumery will nqfc leach me at the closeof tp irieeting mr jackson indjmr spencer vtevt escorted to the resf ience of mrs preicot si and there left fi he higlit with fhe parting instructions hai breaifast wulcl be ready next mdrn- ng t sharp eighf oclock mr jackson df not fail to notice the hange made in tlief table next morning lot supposed that tile children were placed icar their mother ii order that she might iittend to their wa its easier and for leveral days no snspic on pi the discomfort lis pipe was causing fei eredhismind- mrs sankinwa8 a brillhut conversationalist tnd was always surrbuided by a circle qf riends at all thesocial gatherings several imes hadtherev tlieodore jacksoin tried o enter those chariul circles hut invari tllyi found that hisi jiresence seeraedto reak the charm i do not quite uiidtjistaud our- hostess i klrj rankin he rerif to his brother clergyman one night us he sathy the open vindow smoking his retiring pipe she seefns to be able to converse on ahy i ubject brought forwa i biit when i ask- i id her today if lie i proved of the plans or home missions sh i am not inter stymie of mrs creel mv belief that all 1 egan to discuss the i nans bonnet it is vqniaii are frivolous may be so replie fi mr spencerstill never thought her fivolousllrather took ljier foran earnest chr i 3tian women she is all things o alhmen probably yet you certainly haije a better chance of j adfiing her character than i as she is more i i your company than in mine but it happened thiut mr jaqksonwas to stameredout c- 23ted in theni and ijid turned to that sjly hattie west and im ript h vllan bahser sho j wjojidetf has opened a barherjsliop in the biiildii g rietrly opposite sttre1 od giovejpaotpr mtji street acton aujd soucits the patro i- a t the phbiic h fbia victiiiigi evei y departnlent of the businesa wil becjouflnc t- cjd in fitetjibttle m j 11 c i d fpr working people send 10 cents h r postajjie and we will mail yon free a roya valuable sample box of goods that wul pi t you ui the way of making more money in i few days thsu yoti ever thought possib eat any business capital not re- quired yon can live at home and work in spare 1 jme onl or all tlie time all of beti xes of ill ages grandlv jsaccessful mdn s tjo 55 easily earned every evening thatf 11 who v ant workj may test thebusi hess v r make this unparalleled offer tp allwh j are npi svell satisfied we will send si tiiay for tlief trouble of writing us fuji p irticnljii s directions etc sent free imrnei isei pay nbgolntely sure for all who start it once dont idilay address stissop fe co portlandijjlalue irish tweed suitings- beautiful de8ign8 12 different shades t 10 p eta o oioice plovor testis for twenolfve fef lopfttobt ooboice ve8taw08mdi fertwebtjrflveteih 20 bwtttiftil viadiv or- bedduiff f poris dollar senfircatloguetofunqigmasi n peljcughont j shawacrundy mtrohant tailors ouelph lentsfor stle ii 1yebohants and otbeni tvi for change can be sapph tltyatthe ifbepb jgcopibts wlflrany qn m- i ly clergy nicely yes tha will suit us both avheu aie they to arrivs saidfmrs rankin- they will come on tuesday some by themorningtrain and somety ithe afternoon train as the convention opens tuesday enening all wbo are coming will probably be here by that time and they will remain till the following monday i hope you will send us some who are not hard toj please and who will not object to tlip divided hospitality never fearf i will explain matters arid sencryou two of the best tempered parsons in the lot and with a pleasant good morning eder tauton went in search of wre temporary homes for- the large num ber who were expected to attend the con vention i tuesday morning found all in readiness for the visitors and the- iuorniug train brought among others the first instal ment of mrs rankins giiesta mr hayden and wife after the cheerful dinner had been discussed and they were about to en ter the parlor mrhaydeniturncid tojttr rankiuandjbtlid i a i say charlie have you got a pipe about you i forgot mine i uevertfiink of ampk- ing except wjlien i have nothiug particular todo i lucky for you that 0u did forget it dont look fci dpipe arphnd here sud mr raukihj with a side look at his wife jspuseuse i urmy mary dopb not keep up her old disliheto the pipe yet i thought she weuldgk over that after she was rr ar- ried- j 1 v x yoii buppoae i would have man ried charlie if he used tobacco if he had e- eiy other good i man could posseis and snioited that would turn me against him i fnirfy loathe the smell of tobtac00 cr liquor ei ther j ii iievep 3id inue said mr bankin ilftntj uevr htl a clcsirotoj ao so bojttbo been at the table te n minutes mrs hay den who sat at her left observed her face flush then turn as pal e as death whats the matier qshe whispered vare you sick yesv will youtjike my place at the table and rising sh hastily excused her self and left the room after tea was over mrshaydeir ran up- stairs toieuquire tlie zmee of hersuddeii ilhiess and found mnti rankin sitting by the window but still very pale wlnkflver wae tie matter mary i thought si re you wer s going to faint faint if i could get over it so politely asfainting i should be happy it is niy stomach that is rebellious but- what caused it persisted mrs hayden have you up nose sister mine that you ask that did yoii net perceive that the popular preacher has been perfumed with tobacco smoke either by some one on the cars or oarri look out of the whir dbw i when all iiad rose from the table mr rankin took his guesi sout to see his garden which though small was iii excelleiitj con dition at ter a ge ieral survey of the grounds they oanie to some rustic seats beneath a low spreading- tree wiat a grandphcefor a smoke said the rev theodoro jackson drawing a pipe case from hispooketj i suppose you do not indulge in this luxury- brother spen- cer no i have iiot done so yet i am thank ful to aay i hardly doiisider it in keeping with a ministers calling v i do upt agree with you there my good brother i think tobtlcco is one ofthe good cresturesof godj aiid enjoy itaooqringly i heartily wiwi the eminent divine who jsaidi he could thaiik godjior a od cigar do you nbt smoke either str 0 ax consciences ahqulcl be when we appear bankihf then i mu it enjoy my hertstxl before the lords tpblp think how much ebo mrs rankin m anbther light it was i i nncuhced at the riday night meeting t iiat sacrement woqiou be administerejd at tae close i of divine sprvice uext sunday i loruiug and thatlirouier jackson would assist the officiating ministers on satnr- 6 ay eyeningi aftr tie ministers had gone t mrs prei cottsfor he night and they vere seated in the pawor enjoying the j re- f ashing breeze ihat came through the j opeudoor mrs haydfen noticed mrs johii- sau the nurse leayingthe house is she going hohiol she asked of mrs llaukiu i j i yes she likes to spend her sundays- at- 1 ome when she can said mrs rdnkiji i then how are yo goiug to getj out to neeting in the morhiug ifsheibiiot here i am not going ptjb so can easily- mind ihe child myself replied mrs raukiu nonsense maryj returned her brother you surely are uotgping to stay at home tomorrow after attending all jthe meetings so far aud mr jackson going to assist too well thats just why i cant go jrother dear how cou4d i take part in sueh v sabred thing and have my thoughts and eelings so much taken up with the bodily lisepmfort i would hq in i think mary islrihtto stay atliome laid mr rankin jl jtiiow her failing an would certainly be uneasy during the few noments she would bh in close prpximity omr jackson j v ido you call it afj iliugpake up mrs layden m always t mught satoringa vile labit but for aj minis er to snroke sdlncessr aiitly as does jour j d stiiiguished guest jl bink it is positively fioked why garrie said jier husband i knew yon were so much against the i labit before mary must have converted on to her w ay of ttij iking i do not need hey tp show me how low j be habit makes oue lsok i am sure if mr jackson cnld see himself as o hers see him ith his feet elevated above his head puff i ag awav at a cigar oi pme ho would feel isgu8ted with himself- i haveoften tboifght lately do we all c ohsider how clean our bodies as well as indies aiitbe man keep tiisiddy puii w wilfully anil dehfle ith tobacco i xthinifr thlis is wuec4 ithat should hewell considered i never thojigirt ofit in that way bejfore aryaid her brpther andif ihswjong for one pian to smcike itis fer airmen and going over to mrs eahfcih and taking ber hands taijhe skid t here pripise yon mary befbre your hufeband and myirife nteyer to use tobacco again- i mi iiqtso muchaddicted tojtke hahivthat it mli he hardtp bieak off hut if it fas i would so vtherewasanpthiar person who promised the samejthingiiotigh silently mr jack son discovctiotfproparing to rciire that be ba forgotten his pipe having left it on the lnautle m mrs rankins diningoom andiorpssedthe street to get it nist when those m the paclpf began tlieir discussion and htekriug hisi name mentioned he almost unconsbiously stopped to hear what was being said of himself and af tei stopping sonient found it impossible eitlierto enter lefevefthe- hall he was bo dumbfounded at this revelatipu of liiniself how had he f alien hetlie hopnir preacher whom peo pie delighted tohonorto be discussed in this way this then was the reason mrs rankin turned from him to his brother clergyman in their little social chats tills i wasthe why she iwasnptmterestedmmis i sions howmanythings he could see nowl were dope io as to hide her dislike to the habit- sr rnkih always suggesting thatr he come to the garden and smoke while he read the paper mrs r4nklu s sudden dl ness the night he arrived and the subse quent changes at the table all this flashed into his mind as he silently and qmckly recrossed the street without another thought of the cause of ah this mortification his pipe nextmoming mr spencer appeared iat the breakfast table alone and to the sur prised inquiry as to where mr jackjpn was announced the factthat he iiad accepted a pressing iuyitation to occupy tho pulpit of a friend in maplewood a thriving village some miles from town the invitation had heen given on saturday but he had not do cidedto accept tillhe had some one else ap polntedto fill his place at the mornmg ser vice here aiid he had- started early m the morning to be therelin tune foi the mom ing service this was all ery well but it seemedl to mrerankin ber sister in law as very sudden hpd ho heaid them talking the nightbefore canhe have- have we oflended him m any way i wonderj1 said mrs rankin hei face flushinf atlthe thought of his having heard them discussing him you certainly bvesot offended him of that i feel sure replied mr spencer for only this morning he said bpw thankful he was that he had come to this convention he would go home a bter man than he came thanks to mrs rankm so resfrassured ydii have not offended him but in spite of this mrs rankm was so ousttirbed in mmd that she deemed it best to stay at home that day from themeeting and shewas looking forward almost in dread t the time wljefi mr jackson would le ti rn from maplewood but when he did re turn no allusion was made to it and hut h the determined look on his palet faceshe was wrong in supposing he had overheard them b jit sbesoou noticed that his mpe was left untouched on the mantel i on monday mbraipg before the time came for them to depart on the tram mr jackson came to her and when bidding her gadaby thanked her- for the good she had done ihim 6ince he iuterfd her house wjithout specifying what that good was mrs rankin clearly understood that he had heard and was going to give up his pipeip consequence and though sjhe felt bii3rtrf ed tp think of how she had tpoken of him still she could not but feel glad that he had decidejd to give up smoking for while it is certainly a bad habit in any man it becomes soifiething more than that when indulged in bya minister i wj 4 i t j warning and qomfort the eapcst and best ouaccount of its purity aud conceutrat ed strength and great power over disease burdock blood bitters is the cheapest apd b8t blood cleansing tome known for all disordered conditions of the blood j2 pipe alone and stretching himself on thegardeu seati ijii beusrestinonjthe arihsof it he was sooii euvelpped in a oloud oi tobaccioism tke whfeh i while itmay hayejbeeh of spin bejiejnt to libe tree certalnljfdid iipjt i ivetiim- ft msnistjerial iwk irior adctito m dignity ording jand ffibheapjaml 1 km called tiie att from the winctovi mrs kan- miss maiy campbell elm writes after taking fourbottles of northropi lymarrs vegetable discovery and djspep tic cure f feel as if i weie a new person i had been troubled with dyspepsia fof a number of yea and tried maiy remedies hut of no avail until i used this colebrajjed pyspepticipure for all impurities of the blood sick headache luer and kidnev complaints cps iivenesji etc it is the best medicine known i eif tionof herfli8hbwjtirfg8 time haa note ifaw t jccidentiil a ilijard of sierling in a- recent lettet states tluthej met with an accident some tinie ago by which one of his kjees was severely injured a few applications of hagyiirds yildvr oil afforded immediate ind complettrelief s2 i m peterj kieffer buffalo says i was badly tjitten by hore a few days ago and was induced by a iilondwho witness ed the occuran to try dr thoma eclec- trie oil itre lieved the pain alnjost im- mediately aup ia four day s the wound was completely heo led nothing can he better for fresh woun lsa see that you get the genuine dr thomas pelectrio oil as there ar6 iniitf tions on the market 1 if i w licre to keep it keep it myo nr family the best romedy for accidents a id emergencies for burns scalds brui8is soreness spie throat croup rheum itism chilblains and pain or soroness of i lli hinds is that marvellous healing remeclj hagyards yellow oil 42 e abject sime has changed a good many i urifying was required of the priests in the c id time7before they entered the tabernaolei i magine aaron enteting into the holy of i holies with his breath and clothes smelkngl clftobacco now mary yoii au too hardi samher tirother that is going wo far with the the enervt on and lassitddo of spring time are but iuijhoatious ofithe sluggish action of thitlqioyewocfed wilt car donates acouin uljited by jthe use of heating food in water this wnattwpimijjlaj t m out medied by tho ui the best blood i t p x i of ayefs iorknowfiu i as a superb iiiir dressmgi ayerb haiir igcl ed it eradict t a eruptions a icllitcihipx4- nfoteb the repe wedowth sorely ptcyoiij i itsj isidfrife of rti

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