55t3et-ff- v m 1isjf cpstnix avitiv 2rt 1881 j- thj3 oejgbtert wueyg a new cemetery for acton how ilea tw to being an established certain ty than ha ever liqretotgtie been the case n csmplia ace witlt ti petition signed y aho ut y pronertyowner the council on 12 evening introduced a bylivv to se by wy of loan uit sum of ono thoi a- arid dol ar for thepwoliaseot land for a public c entytery thisibylay is-publish- linourcmhmus tlus week the electa m iiiftxedjforjskndav 18th may it isj ipopdsod at the time of voting tli at fvo t select froni a number of prop a ies off red this one he or she desires to be purch ed denoting the saineoii the ballot i the cot ncri will then purchase for a ecu e- tery iht property receiving the largest nu n- ber6f yosjthis plan must certauly- meeti ic vishea of all it is fair aicjl reasonable and will remove many of th elbjectio as present on former occasions theory fact that large number i of those si rongest in their opposition to the bylav previously are among the petition ers wm id seeui to warrant the success of the by- law uow beyonij a doubt j the necessity for a cemetery is uuqu- turned and now is the time for aotiou we might rightly pause and consider if there existed any dbubt about this but there exists no doubt a majority of the propertv owners realizing this- necessity bave petitioned the council and the council are aoteeding to their wishes let the 355s5r355h a 8vr of loan thoua rfcfse by way um of one collars to- pay thdmrcha84 rvtolneyof larid for a public the iviluke cemetery for of acton and for the improvement of the sane wliofeas the muuioipti council of the villfirt of acton hive been petitioned to seoure lud for the purpose of a public comet tv and whereas the pu chase mbuey bviav be successful arbor day we a e pleased to state that the council haaagajii taken a favorable view of the imports nee of planting additional shade trees onj our streets j following bur sug- of last iweek thev have instructed wil1 r j for tlie pjufpose of payiug t sjjdd laud and im- will fuirp au ftovinbjthc saine it will bo necessary for ttye said muni oipal connoil to raise the sum of ono tli ousad dollars aul whereas it will require tho sum of nintj five dollars to be raised annually by spei iial rate- 3n th i wlolel rateable pro perty c f thoi vjilago c f ac ton for paying tho saiddtbt af ine honsand dollars as hereiut iter mc i tione 1 and yiiercon the i mount of the whole rateb o prope y of the said village of acton accordu g to 1 ho last revised assess- iuent rail of tli aaid viliago of acton is one h indred md e ghty seven thousand two h lindred und lliirtynine dollars i aud wherea the r mount of tho debt of the sai villaga of a stou is fivo thonsaud and twenty dotlarsj fqr priijcipal aud the sum of nil for ilitore t and wherea j for pnyiug tho interest aul creating a yea- y sinking fund for payiu thosaijlsuuiof one riiousand dollars it anuu il special rate of one hbtanddfy8kiuj hculdhig sensations spoiling of the ankles v vague iefiliugs of unrest frothy or briokdiibt fluids aojd stomioh cbing loins v cnujipsj glowiugiiiervouaness bwinki sjirenesfipf the bowels v dnaccountthlo languid feoliiigs v hhort breath and pleuritic paius v one sido ltoadaobu backaoho frequent attaosof tho blues 1 fluttering and distress of the heart albumen and- tube oasts in tho water fitful rheumatio pains and nouralgi 7 pjoss of appetite flesh and strengt i constipation alternating witli loosen ss of the bowels abuudant pale of scanty flowofdirk water chills and fever burning patches of skin then totj eil vd bruriit8 disease ot the kidney i the bore symptoms are not develo ed iu auy order but itypeur disappear and ro- apear until the disease gradually gets a firm grasp on the constitution the kidu y- poisoned blood breaks down tho nervi us system and fiually pneumonia diardka bloodlessuess haart disease appopli ty paralysis or convulsions ensue and tt en death is inevitable this fearful dise ise is 4iot a rare onesit is airovervday tis- order and claims victims tuan hny other comulaint it must bo treated in time or it will giin the mastery dont neglect it war ners safe cure 1ms cured thousai ds of cases ofahe worst type and it will cure you if yon will use it promptly and as tli- rected it is tho only specific for the bui- versal brights diseases jtett advertisements hkttle voir uk oux vrtttrmra tlioy will bo to fir 8tiou of ine reeve to proclaim friday 8th of may an arlx r for this municipality t this hasbeei compbed witb and our citizens are ret nested to spend some reasonable portion f the day in planting suitable shade ttees on thestreets adjoining their premises the mi lister of education has proclaimed the san e day arbor bay for every rural andlrilhtge school subject to the appixival of the tttstees and recommends that suit able sliide trees such as hard and soft maples elms basswoods walnuts rbutter- nuts lirches or chestnuts be carefully planted by or in presence of tlie pupils of the schools this is a most commendible project and will no djmbt be carried out by tho trustees here i i j tnocjuncil is arranging for the delivery the evening before arbor day of a large yuniber of trees aud these will be judici- onslv sensed out to citizens for streetplant- ing freej of cliarge we think jt would be a good idea for all desiring trees for that occasion to- leave the number they will want with the municipal clerk as by this plan the cbnncil can act with some dree of intelligence a io the total number to tecure half of a mill h the dollar iu addition all rates to be levied iu each year jbe it therefoo ens oted by tlie municipal council of the yillage of j acton 1st that it shall hi lawful for the reeve of the said village ol actou to raiselyway of loan from a jy per son or persons body orbodio3cbrixrate vhqinay bp wiping to adyauae the same upon the credit of the dcbenlnres hereiuafi er mentioned 4 su icer of the said poses and with 2nd of money not t acceding in the whole the sum of one tt ousaiii dollars aud to cause the saipe to be paid iuto the hands of the reeve jo cause to be made for be roqiirednst less dollar each and u whole qunonut tuie sad sum of one thou- t the said debentures tlie j seal of tho said be signpd by the said sand dollars ajjd thf shall b i sealed with village of acton and reeve i nd conn teraig ned by the treasurer of the aid villi se actons parliament taiisiicts a volume of important busiaess peaceably and with i r goodijeeling a cemetery a certainty counc il met on tvfesdoy evening membjsrs present h storey reeve oouncill rs henderson pearson and steph enson the finance committee presented its usual re xrt recommending payment of the following accounts 512 5q0 lbepor tbos cliok lamplighter on act ttjos eiiston meals to tramps 17 io adopted the in after lof uoc iik the public scho il l- it u l- fpr a aehoil room granted bylaw lnrfju lioui 1h lot oh muiii btruot it 1h u ttiiiis iiino ropnis also liitchoii and vropdshedi is well adantodlforii teuouiout oriljoardliik house i oood stablo of tho prdinisoi laboral tor ns aiiily toii i d vv oamp jell a ljj iuitiibtoat tuu imi1eritfjuii4 arc jiwul y ft uotlnot that their niobhiitk must menwca irstra ijl nljcklln iijin ckltnt80n iioisea 101 rphio uiulurtlkiiutl oltuik fin- kitlo his lioutioodil riz liotiflix that their niobhiitk must lioscttlc 11 nfijklli ii inioulatoly otuerwl ilucod in ollw hauilh or colljsbtibii sliincileh ad u h flhl unlottiul iiar for hnlis iv bnltsiidlcjl istock 1 of fiihtllnss hbiiirleit ndf norsquaro no 1 plrte ijl00 pdr sfiuare o3 cedaijujjorisquaro also a iwuo mi- n u25 a bail ui staves mid hoadiiig to the a cord prlmq short tnuloftl bottom rricok i tndsrc stobpk factohy mulu st vtotaotn ijl rus ivan tkd of 406 new brttbsels border flfeand hnen fc ineau ukeutn alulbro to advortioeyaruis f or bale iu over 100 nowsptiiicrs in cantuiit for six months ooiumenchigionijirst of april as beeing 1b ijo- lleviug ascortaiii our terms thij names of the papers auil whoro published- ree businoiscariv in niiotlior coluuni no clmrge unluss farms bo bold wrlto or cnll it offlco torpartlcularr tohs udalev i i siicocssorto tofnpsqu jfitkckson wamjkd t mw tapeffcry parpetv ewtap qrumty glottis- nejw- ster and i uhlail ilugs mw p lace gurtaie nv7tbl r 8 wibw colored flhichesse y new goloridd axipin- draas in i new chinos form ikinkuir uas 5u ier ceiii cheaper than ebal onimiy8 rood nojlro or powor ro- ilr u- villajje for the pur the o ject above recited that it j shall t lawful for the said unilier of debentures any r such turns of money as may thau one hundred t esceeding in the 3rd that tlie said made ayable in twe from tlie day hereinafter mentioned by this 4o take effect interes at abd after cent p r hnanm frotn which nterest shall on the first day of e eceiiiber in each year debentures shall bo ity years at furthest at the office of the said municipality and treasurer of tli shall h ive attajched tio tliem coupons for the paj nieut of inter st 4th that thfe said debentures shall bear the jrate of si s per tw date thereof be payable annually miscellaneous i -j- luts from 75 cents to 250 n j fyfos j if yoti want a nobby durable aud clu ap suit jfyfcs is tlie place to go rthe largest and cheapest stock qt boots shoes to select from is at nelson mcraats scotch euilish and aiiadian guit up jrett variety at the liast end clotliint tore jfyfeaoton suits and overcoats at exiretnclyliw rates aud made iu latest styles re si ire tooalliud soethem j tvfe acton 8ure tolonqnrr the most troublesome cough is sure to yield if timely treated with hagyarls m 12 quired miulb in all slzeflfiom j5hirnrk tolooq v for privnto librtfiub btoreliotels factories mills streetn mines etc addvess canamjn am oas stacinl mfc co lli kt frnncoih xuvjer st 15ly mbjjtbeafj 1mj in till tia tter of the guardians or fin isiant cimit llkceaiell irtsliii benjamin william nicklin pectoral balsam pleasant to take v safe foryoutuj or old alulci siil c th best safve in tin- vmld for cu ts at the fikeof the s village of actoi 5ti that fir sinking fnnd for debentures and uforesji d to becoina c rate of que half thep thppayn die in addi rfou to all4thr fates be assessed raised levied ai upop a i th rat villae of acton d collected iu each year able jjroperty in the said dadi the continuance of ctli tiiaf this and coiije into o day- of jlay a 3 1 and e it fuither municipal council tl electors of tlie si id v above bylaw shall b hours ofnine oblock ofa the sai debent ires r any of them id treasurer of tho lrpase of forming a ent of the said iutfirest at the rale ue tjiereon a special mlhn the dollar shall bylaw shall take effect iecat on on tlie twentieth 5 j enacted bytho said at ue votes of the uage of acton ou- the takfiil between h the jirf t v w i- t- ji 111 i the use of tjj engine room wan referred to jmpveti byt b pearson jieconded by i headers jn that tie- street audsidewali conrmitt be instructed to lay a sixfot t sidewalk froin tlie street along side the jqwrrlni 1- to the engine rooni door for tl e use of tii sjschool children whio are to occupy bvirooiu the samefai ba completed by li t 3ay- cjarried jthe bkrlaw to providejebr appoiritmer t of a chief constable and one or more coi- istiables was introduced ead thereiiuire 1 number m times and pasmdyflie names tf rifqhn lajvson v s teniserted as chic f cojnstablq sndtfojfes eastoans constabh in conkderationof a petition- signed bf eiglity two property owners- it was move byd henderson seconded by a stepher bon that leave be granted to introduce i bylaw to raise by way of loan the sum c f one thojosand dollars f the purchase icf a cemete ry and for inspvoving the same and that the bylaw fienow read a first tioi8-rjirriedv- byla vread a first iiriie jmoved by steplienson seconded by e htoderinatbylajbefead a gaeoml time and ttiat the couricii go into the com- rattee of the whole on- tiib same counci i in committee bonsidered bylav agreed fc i voting npon the same on mpnda wnmaj and for publication of the by lasmn t le ee pbess m required by law jjioved byjfi hendersdu seconded jby j bj ears m tsat there6v be instructed tc pwilaim as arbor dayj friday the ti 5fty anithajtla committee consisting 6l tfie mem rs jof the cdiujcil be appointee jo fjrnis l alljcitizens deairbuii of plantiiij shade te as a the stiieeti suitable trees tljexjefor frei jo charge sid planting to b njadrthi riation and sujperintendenw of co mrtteecarrledr jcjfmici adidatned f mi 3m il wptoh 3vs hasontered upon itef t4eav hpnblictttieii 1 0 pied lijis ieditpriatpasitn iti in mattnews hull in acton and that john various pective said by iii the forenoon five in the aiterucou on monday the eishteeiith day at jii a a d 1885 i at the town hall in thje sail village of acton thej siiid village of c hill pf the tl tjii aitucatjiqn will bo made to tho surrogate court f the county of hnlton before tho judu in chambers at the court ttouso in tao ton of miltjou after the expjration of twenty days from the first publication herooi on behalf of jaiiks hksby nickiisot thojvillageoi acton in the county of haltontiiijler for an otjder ap pointing tho said tnnies henry ickliu guardian of william john ickliu george jtobert nicklin jouathun kqlly nelson siekllii infant children of tho jsaidllifujaniin willinm nicklin debenwd james henry nicklik bj- mowat moliin his solicitors dated ot actau thiflmtliday of march ad 18h3 d n a0rainsilk tussldre- silks r plain an brdche french ml 31 ij cordial invitation d notice to creditors i iv tin jtyrifn or charles sidney sw j tkckasei not1ck itj hehkby oivknpursuuu pr clrap 0 provibioilb of chtip107 kso aud onti to all creditors and olherhavliig th to the 0 vict village jf acton in the county of haltou shall be deputy retu minp oflicer at tho polling place fit rows hall and that j e mgirvin shall be dejnity returning officer at the pollir g place in the town hall hi the said villa tfofjactouand that the clerk of the ootn til shall sum up the number of the vptes givenjfor and against thekaic bylaw at tha hall in the said village jfi acton on t le skjne day at the hour of six oclock after the polling of the votes and inrther that tlie ti me and place for the app intment of pi rsor eto attend at the polling pjlaces ori behalf of the res- parties jpron otiiig and opposing of the v tes by the c council chamber in- 1 at eight oclock p m of may ad 1885 law und at the 4aid summing up erk shall be at the aid village of acton f tliesixteenth day 4 tak6 notice tli nt th j abbveis a true copy of aproosed bylaw ivhioli will be taken into consideration by iheocouncil of this municif ality lift r bm i rriojnth from thefirst publication in till acios fnki pass the date of i irhich firs tpullication was thurs day the twentytiird clay of april a d 19bh a ud that lie v tos pf the eldctprs of the said municipality tvill jbo taken thereon in tho hall in the vill ige of acton and in matthec onmon s hajl iiithejaid village of acton ay theei htee iheoou ceme largest iiitncer of seleci6ly igojq4oil nolice ithdayof may ad icrenoon 1885 at line ocickit tho l e mqaevin i cerk f th s municipality of the ailae acton dated ud acton the waiky j r firstdnyof april a di 1885 j i- and i irther ta te iio sice thaat the tirne of the voting for i aid byliw each voter entitledj i b vote tl erefc r sht uibenjjedt a ballot bi whioh hi o ihe slidll mark the piecoorjplotof lajdpelor ihe desired lot to selsct as theiroperty for a ndtb containing the oai bhtjh jbo the one r i briiises soros ulcers twit kleiun ktr soresiitctter chapped hands chilblai is corns and al s6ia eniptions and pi si lively cures piled orijio pay rcijuircil tt is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaclmu oi money refunded price 25 ennt per i x for sale bv j e mcgarvin fl patronize home merihaiits oentlemen if you arc in waul of a p feettitting suit or oycrcoatcail and ipsp our goods wo have an immeusc stock select from and wc guarantee perfect- ti i stylish cut aud firstclass workraansl every time we know it will be to yi interests to give us your patronave as are satistied ve can give youbetter vnlui by at least ten per cent than firms from other towns cn offer you xelson ifc mciiai if a tew nnus cit ciiuinion seiise could lu- iufiised into the thick noddles of thoe wln perpetually anl iternvtelv irritate ami weaken their stomachs and bowels w drastic purgatives lhcy would use highly accredited and healthful lakativea tonic northrop t ly mans vegetable dl ivory ail dypepticiiire which cam es good digestion litwait an appctitc ah health mi imtli iluld ilghlnlug there ue im t fewthat have never sullei almost nit ilcrahle pain from tonthicl xetiralii or like iicllte pains to tli such au instant relief asfluid liglilliiig in untold blessing in lime of trouble disgusting offensive medicines to be lak ir iliys qiinaoplicatioiiof fjuid liiil rti cures sold at j e mcoarvins drug store 2d ailvlceto tiothcrx arevou disturbed at night and brokei your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting tee tli 1 f ip seud at ouce aud et a bottle of ms win slow soothing syrup fur children tchu y its value isr incalculable will relie n ihe poor little sufferer imuiediateiy de pend upjou it mothers there is np mista e about it itcuresdysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cur a wind colic softens tjlie gum reduces-ii- llammation and givep iodc atideuefgy to the whole system are windows sooilifiu syrup f of children teething is pleasant in the taste and is the prescription of ouo af the oldest and best female uurscstnnd ph- siciaus in tho united 8tates and is forisnle by all dniggibts throukliont the word price 25 cents a bottle 4 willi co do if troubled wjth an unhealthy slo healing sore use mcfiretror parkes car bolic oerite vou will lind it iiivnluab e for healing clqansing aud compljutely r i- moving yobr trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a few doses of m gregors speedy cure from j eimogi r vins drug store p nothing so siiddeuly obstructs the per- spiration assuddeu transitions j from heart to cold heat rarities the blood quickens the circulation und increases the perspin tion- hatwhen these are suddenly j ohebke 1 the consequences must be bad the tooi t icommoucause oj diseaseis obstruqted spiration or what cotrimonly goes by name of catching cold coughs colds sorle throat etc if attended to iu time are easil r subdued but if allowed to inn thjeir ow course generally ptove the forerunner of rhore dangerous diseases ninetenths of tlieconsumptivesdate their affliction from a neglected cold and the diseases tbat ar caused by wet feet damp clotbjes dr f sure are more numerous than are jjeuerah r supposed one of the most ofl icdetoq medicines fojf all discaises jot ujetjudftt an langa ib bickies antfcbnsumptivt jt pronibtei afreendeasy eirpectira ion wioh frtes thelunga from vlidm tuivn of mi tho twentyfifth day of march a d 1683 to do- liver or send by post prepaid to mcshits mowat mclean alctonpo solicitors fordiiuaw sinjththeadluiniiitratrixoftlio estate andleffects of the laid deceased on or before tho fifteenth day of may a d ittso tbeirtliriiitiiu nanesnnil iu idreises nnd description tlie full particiilurs of their clainis ii atatouieut of their acediiit jiiji the- nature of the keciiritics if any held h- tliciu ucioiapnuidd by a statutory declarltinu crifyin i uch elciioh j and funhcr iiotiii i iwrehy iven that iinyii dintely altiithu sid vifteeuth day of muyal ltbsrttie ntbijls of the stid deceased vill be din- tribuled oniony ilio parties eutitled thereto haviue regard ouly to thct claiiutiof which notice shall have bfcjn riven n5 above nicjuired and the silid administratrix shell not bo liable fpr the assesior any part thereof so dietri autod toonyperbpb whose claims shalluot have been received at the tne of the distribution pf tho gaidnsset j i mowat a- mclean i iactos solicitors for jadminisl iatrix april litb is 4ss i v jdo t wfevtt ldy to show rovl pn or aft j 16th bril when we will make qui london models la hatbonies aind write to us for sat apfes m anjfthinf jfcbh want visit oifr -i- 1 ft tparis and mantles i real estate sase viimnii paoperty in acton the undersigned lias received insiritltiims from i edwaki xioklix to offer fo sale by public auction on the i premises on i friday 8th may 1885 owirxeixo at nvn pm the followi pei- tb3 jbaatse to r lialtliy btato one fromtt disease itir avsiiit 4pril21st lj the lg real estate situate ii thriving and enterprising village of aoton 1 itusidehce on main btreet with four acres of land stone stable hetls tve this is a very comfortable two storey frame dwelling of ten rooiiib und isiiow nee lpied by thoovncr h aril and soft iwater am- pic accommodation for both hcjrses una cat tie in the stahle i 2i eiveitmvii lots oil mill street good building locality i 3 five acre jpark lot mi main fitreel beautifully jbjituafed for icpri vite resid ence t marldet iurdoti foot of mill strejt 15 acres of tii dioiccst garden soil lbout three iinndid frbit trees on the premises as well as small fruits two sides ol this property are borlered by the null pond jvliich is fresh ring water ii iann laiid 25 acres all in good state of cultivation fi uvteen acres of fall vheat inlhegrouiijl tliis propurta- yilue bjtcvd for sail both separately jt nd hi bulk giving purch tsera the privilege of buying part or whole a terms iim1c edwarcf nictlin guelpli to acton or to known on applicaticn to 1- e nicklin wmkmsrhee j auctioneer abstkact the- anntat report of the bunrd of ilibiic school trusts of ac ton reboot division pr the year 1884 i i refjelpts balance frjnh 1883 legislative grant school ra per village treasj vl payments- teachers siilarieh gafetakora rnd sectreas fuel ikewbeats piuddesjts eepairt miscellaneous expenses balance oh band 8119 93 001 180 00 s15g6 93 thomas miw je ly mrssbaifer aprilil to halakie81 5 x ore pi incijlal ipta3isibtanti cireteke sfcg4i 5oq 93 8iftes h rw 1v- 40 56 30c 25fj 7fi 30 1205 pmqojiseey 00 wdnderbooks iu no trifling seiisej but tlie befc literatjure of tho world presented in excellent i tiid attracth e fonfl lat prices so low aato excite universal wonder lipbaryof standard history containirg in one volumo imperial octavo good type with numerous fine illustr a- tions the jwhble richly bound lnne clothj ornamented the folloiriijig celebrated works unabridged h greens larger history of the enoush people cirlvies histobjof tho fkench kevolution creasys fifteen decisive battles of the world schiheus iiistorv orthe thirty tfejes war haepee brotheks lowestprice for these fc ur great worijes is 1450 my price is 250 postage 40 cents extra 1 a wonilcrbpok in more senses tlianne the idea of put- tihga work liko this at only 250 per copy seimia preposter ous s arid yet there is wisdom in it for every body willvant it an it will thus bo tho nieans of advertising at d introducing tho numerous othelrvaluabio books which the publisher is put ting forward christian at work new york oity j it is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern aifi- chanicftl arwhat such a noble volumo can fce furnished at so small a cost whether we mlmirtt its large proportions beau- tiful binding fair page excellent jpaperiumeroub and strik ing illifstrhtions numbering nearly looall are fir8trcla6sf- chridiancyiiosurc chicago llllj libltalt yof st a ndabd poets tainingin one imperial octavo handsomely bound volume of about i 100 pages bour geois and brovier type lwjded tho followiag vrls ui abridged scotts complete pootfc3laihldrafttic vorks complete inetlfhl works of jtobert bni s complete poetical yforks of thomas mo ire equally good editions of these are not else where obtairt- cw for less jthan 450 my priijoofppsage 84 cents poetry classics library of cliasstc proe one hnperial 00 tavo volume of ibout 000 pages hand 30 ne type and fine 2otb wndtoff cniameatedi the folicwingfainonsessais arid worts i x macanliy j es3ys on mllto a j l 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