Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1885, p. 3

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6w in- fcxpreas aotni jw uithwkjb thrown kxsj3stta spkilo3iui chic ttotxtt wbbt iiprs9liu7 eipresl 80 kxproi 890p tit i t a ji s45bu special p n rhtciwo lsxpross dot not mop betwoon god ih unci toronto j ftmkovcsxkumlls tiding wes915 w jkiinq eftstlxs aan and 10nui knklish roajtcloscs at lty am on wednesday f to aoum eugjjwta the t inmffcujklity t to oatviue u canadian pacific railway rsast aits wrnkfi toronto ottawa montreal quebec hoston ous i of learning wk will nrriy personally or by thoparconago a tiie wmgniiii vhkii comes to hand iu new form rbt it as near fhkk press jn osknsktj time table 1 toronto tp ifctroit chicago and mauitobk stxiottsex raomoex loe torouto 8 10am 1 25 pm loiiim stretsvlutjniia0 s 19 j3 80 t stthomas li w pm s io s 55 detroit a 46 si b30 c80am ottpil j jo 1 djuly oxcopt monday toront to montreal quebec and boston mtulted k j montreal ex ssaui 755 pall gotpju j 5 17 am ii 8 50 p 6 30nhu v umplh 8 jmajh branuit on to streetsville junction co hraumton i j 7 s2ani i 4wpi strectsvulcjm 7 45 i t 2i brampton t orangevifle and owen sound brampton orange vihe- owen sound f t our s and ant if ion i 4 04 piii 9 37 am 11 us 1 c sopni 5 43put g57 40 20 pure lase your tickets by this newaijb popjular lin -fkomi- rte mcgarvin ticket geni acton ontario wall pi per wall paper m geo hyuds call in an 1 see tho largo stock of sain pkof wall pper and borders the larg est stock to tktrom va- can spit any person attioo bynds actou dealer in jewehery stationery school bookg and fancy goods give us a cull j of dog wtibhould due sicha sjst in pcci ojie or twjo ys froj r enland desir farinin and willing to herein with farmers ii i tf ib vioini yof aotou ajpply letter to ston 1 i bk8 very wisely tags in aoton and i wout l prove beueflnial oiir conioh iiitro- may to bo placed revwjpifiott rieid fialbraith has now rnilaf t his flm jovoj the appear mce as possible tho vitktiviai irifilit m way and interest- est journal auc noli able to stand alone 4 v alfred audrew i b tk agent of the jftfa thodist h ttrch g lelph conference preach od a vrv loceptab o sermon on 8nn- dayschooltopici in the tfethodjst chujoh last rv uday inort ii jll isinbtitjite lessons wore ja veryj wbrfliy and hejpful char acter i rthe uunual incetin tholhaitoii gamo uidfish prqtectiv 3 association has been 1 eld this follow ng officers wore elected w mcjlepd 1 resident w m watson lstvie j jdurrav 2nd vice judge millar 3rid viue tij wheeler secteasj i r4tors i h speirs jos fiarber jr jaklltfattliorfs arid jfjbuck a very interostiugtnd impressive l-e- eeption service was held in the methodist chnrol last suiday evening eighfilcu candid ites were received njo f ulumember aliip ai doccived the rightmud of fellcrtv- ahip four persons were publicly received by letter froivj other paetors at the sano time the ordinance of jjaptism was per formed upon two adult v hsye received i rofn mr james mclntj re iugersoll a cip of his musings on the banltp bf cauaditn thames iu- cluding poems on local canadian and british subjects and even s ac the little volume of j2i5 pages is n tally bound has gilt edg es and piresen ts an 1 1 tractive appear ance mr mclntyres poi ms will compare very fa ffably kvrth the p oductionsof the gatj renoitn ciqii rit rcss ipoet bf tihttjay tames gav tiicssiav monsinth april 33 1885 strated istory classics x- the weeks raking6 whlci are priabpally local and all interestuu ftc n arbbrdav will isere tiiis whee aer publishing ige30cent8r and valuable isuch 4 book iprice-ifeifrt- kderra wander fees with many lly bound con- ttalue canbo hi ni tnrrd tie i r if to ncbtjostfr lj the bestlit- lmqvb books payment isher new tori birl srtiiow risjoiinditii in the welkin the moyiit forest is again fcn- riired iheres crit in the old mau vet i lit iisth triptioijs in a vr- llrttlafc- vk cihfitauis- etf etct i to ils wokk i vieitbiitcurine nediiuilyjfyma lefoirihiug7 pnoiketob fckavd jltton papeh brut tnce k taped tape i pedlonhawk jy a bill pasfead by the local legislature no pers jn or tlw aigent for any person or pereous not resident ni- the county noughtful prbe j shall on and after octobf r 1st 1885 sell i or offer to sell without 1 iceuse tea dry goods p jewelry i expose lamplesjoij crumbs for breakfast provided rfress reporters- tiie 3 usfi is flying again the iillbw catkins are in bloom houas to sell ee adv columns actoi fro 1 rrthe i4tji of may fells on sunday this year crocus latds are peeping above theeaith igaiu we- eauratulate fyou chief of police lawsou four night agniki decide hexe iou will plantshade tieekj nor shall thpy carry and pattern of such goods to any person within the county who ib not a wholesale jor retail dealer in such arbor dayfriday stb mjiy jgoods wares orruorchandze odcerts are alreadv on the tapis j n sp r j 1 j tie- trustees of acton 1ublic school j have arranged to ipen a f urth department j in tlje f re hall in iionuecti m with the town lmrirghis place will in ake a very com- j fortablt schoolrcioni is- csntrally situated and consequently easirct access to the juveuil scholars who will attend here new funitnre is 3eiug plicediii position and it i j expected that by the first of may a new teacher will have leen engaged and everyth ngne in r iadiuess for opening n t- j it n l bealeitate sale the b will soon appear ou tlib mr jj off for saje the streets again i wholfi 0 hia rea five parce ftg that iitcrosse club be organized j follows 1 kesidenqe on main street and ijiripg fom- acres of land 2 five town- lots on ing is jtftasabi v- oiid wituiu tliei millstret o fouracre iiark lotoji main irpprstioji limits- i j horisejoiejkus are jiepiaiug to take up triinns in fflie cells on tuesday v east of oominuion services i tho last quarterly meeting for thj p na mit ooolosiastical year will beheld in the methodist church next sunday lovj john hhawi of toronto expresideut ot the toronto conference who occupied tl le ul pit so acceptably on the ocoasiou bf the church anniversary in februarjwlll preach morning and evening the j sac ra mentot the lords 8upper will be adm in- istered iu connection with tlio mornng service who he was our readers will rememlfcr a letter iu he ft pjtkssof flth iustratatiug that john allan contractor supposed to belong to acton was seriously ill at daiyill 111 upon seeing tho item coljallan cbnplui ed that the person named was his brother and a telegram to danville confirmed his sup positions the col left by uextj moruin a traiu for danville to attend toihis suffjr iug brother and did everything pofiaible to relieve him the sick man died howevsr oirsunday and the col retmiisd ho no yestertlay spring time has come ready or street i market garden 15 acres foot of mill titfect ijthc farmj 25 acres south the mill s and iirpets j i i i if very vatnablo ailit desirab e proiicrty 8 i he welcome notes numerous spring- l i l j will no lloubt sellioniandidmepnces j i sale will take phce onfriclav th may at two oclbcl a eaicl on garbage filtuc iiii jiatii and parasols uow supplant the ime for eleaning up the refuse of the fur ckiw and heavy wraps of aweepj the loiif winter has arrivei i and pur citizens il i 1 j shouldexertthemselvestbljavetheirpremis- cfdetj 3iuggiejstark of gueluh hai es thoroughly cleansed fiiow may be pure bsen jiod o the salvation arniycorpi j itself mint- it has a pecnliir habit of accu- niiilatiiig dirt and rubbish and when it disappe irs in vpriug it leajjes private yards and put lie streets in a deplorable condition we have had kboutlive months steady winter and now that the snow lias to a j great etent disappeared the licocssity for here -su- jpni tamrvii reujodehin of hi t iroperty with the n be few tli j spring owing to the raise iirthe price of flour jreadjis now hold for twelve cents per j bi if the ay isowers uinxribf april powers tney will i j de lias eoniinenced temperance halj are to eoireajiiobd riiis jcomprises some and pricey the aud with it the time to get gardening by clearing away rubbislk alnd preparing bods for vegetables aud flowers the most important thing is toget good seeds thatvcan be assured only by ordering tlfem from reliable dealers robert 1 2 vs ns co harniltoa have areputation e tet d ing over thirty years a reputation they cannot afford to sacrifice by sending out n- ferior goods their seeds are jgrowu for them uuder spedal contraot and are sire to give satisfaction seeds eeut by nuil express or freight if you have j not th iir catalogue senoj for a copy v limehouse sparks front our own corrctpondtiit spring is on hand itoads are drying up i ia bruuette- around again ice is thawed off the pond mr newtons paint mill is on the grinf methodists are organizing a choir tho new lime company are griuflfig water linio meeting ijesf friday evening in the methodist cliurch to organize a sundi iv sohool miss steel misa trotter and miss warren were visiting friends jiere this wdek mr james sharp i reparing lime cars here at the stjitiiii mr grants children have been laid up with diphtheria they arc nearly wnll now 1800 uew ties are to be put in this 5 milo section of ruilroad this summer tho blanket factory here turns out lo0 p4irs of blankets each week tile demand isifully up to the supply there is some talk of petitibning tie council for some sidewalk here ifrom the station to the post offico at least lewis coventry is very sick with rhei- raatic fever he has been uuder the doc tors care for a week or two i key a laudrews delivered au interest ig address hero yobterday in the methodist church bn sun4ay schools their valce object aid officers and teachers required carry them on apdkkjtb 1885- uqck board ol esducatiqn tlie adji jurned meejting the work of tie session expeditiohbly tranbactect the bjard of trustees melj oni mondiy evening members present w h store w t brown j e mijgarvin and tlios c ill d mann propriet having purchased the bakery i nesi i of- messrs b niciarn i beg to solicit a continuance of the pal- age of all rto have in tho past favoreil the excelsior akery with their patronage my bakers will be flrstcjass and i can assure all hat mv stocklof tiusi- spn i ron brad buns cakes confectionery 0 0 to give every will always be of the best qjiality personal endeavor will be oustomer satisfaction bread i delivered c my oallsqlipited actou march 30th 18w i 1 mann l lit 27 lower wyndham 8t cuelph loaf iiijii ymnx- by orderi of gentral booth tambour ines dre lol becalled timbrels by salvatfpi army soldiers in future j after ifuclessfully leading die george town baud for over yearl prof zeiglei 4 has left to join an orchestra we have j added to our exchauglis he- beetoi i world it is one of our neat st and nevrsfeit exchanges vyar are quiet yet- engage nents are expected in up northwest today kngland snthtussia continue to wrangle a copy of he honolulu commercial ad tertivrisbefoe us it was kindly sent by mr w j dioc re when eh routfio aus itralia r bpriinsecmsto beve arrived in ery tilth wjiali welcpiiie it after the wiiitei vhichias peen tedious almost beybndpfe- hjdenti r mesijrt bell and v dynes hav pounnence 1 business in the house pdintinj aud paper jiaugin hne we wish then success i r j- f moore mr moore was moved to the chair the cow bylaw will now be stringent 1 y enforcec x a nitiial owners will save itheni selves troi ible by carefully observing iu jirbvisionsj i ithe georgetown tftraul luts reropved imore commodious quarters over creel nans factory- this is vihore convenient jrfntfor customers tpo tile onllia pudet says sixty ineniben i iave jbinedj the c et 8 inthatpdwi i iiice i october last wouldnt a branca o i hib organiiation thrive in acton line 1iul prebh is charged by som ah neglecting to report last minutes o until we have only to explain thai ere nor minutes to report last weekj quiet walk through our oeicrowdo4 ry since the snow disappeared ie- m here iuikp is fully apparent the cbttera satufclay mignt bumi cotters hatiihiay night and ther pc ems pribe only tw a cents tenny sons iuoch alrdeu tv cents kawlin sons jeven great mona rchies reduced from 8 to 33and othei such character istic vi itories oif- the litiirary revolution causes a prominent literary critic to exclaim what isjjjlie world coming to the poor mail is on aji equality with the richest as far as b xiks are concerned mr aldens ad vertis amenta are always interesting read- liog ant movers qf good bobks will note one i in our c luiuns4lsewhere with pleasure jpubuastcbjoolyacatjona j a cha nge has been made iu the length of imidsnrjitnjjr vacatiou in the public schools iduriiig 1 ist session of ontario legislature the nev ltw reads as follows in rural districts the schools will elbse for the suni- merhol days on jtlie 1st friday in july aud reopen on the 3rd monday in august theothsr holidays ritiairj as before in cities own aud incorporated villages puhlie t ud highjbcliools also close on the lst fridayiof july and rebpen on the last monday iiraugnsk trustees can not re duce the holidays as before bthe vacation herd will exteiid irom fridjayrd of july to monday 31st august nearly two mouths this gun iner honje iigain there islno faci moroiajteiit to residents of actoi itjiajn that every fimily that has ever rei tiein acton for at lumber w years mid reur oved therefrom almost ibvariably returns again after an ajpsence of alew years if itks nosbible to so arrange this has vebiatedly opcuried land aaiui it is the cafc knd wt have njuoh pleasure in mmxuis read aud cojifirmed moved by v h storey secbuded by v p- bro4u that the jiroperty committie procure suitable furniture and apparatus for fourth depftrtinenx of acton- publ school carried moved by w h stcity seconded by ji hi mcgarvin that this board advertise fur a female teacher for fourth department duties to commence 1st may ata isalary of 200 per annum carried board then adjourned purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whopi our readers are individually or collectively acquainted mb and mas j s weaves of torontjo visited actoii and ijimehonse friends thjis week mk uud mils wm hbmhriieki spent sev eral days last week with friends in s1k 1- buriic mnalfben hehstuuet left last week fbr glpversville ny where he has received a good situation i aiinouhc ing that 1 1 leturued to their purchaa id the dri a tjctnet eals i nstm tive1y pause and wonder holl ii tit next j many feeshly covered graves wt dr nlj mcgarvin of markhu n and ins estimable family have old homle tlie dr has g and stationery business of mr jl e mcgaivin wljich he will con duct in futuie mr j k mcgarvin will now devote his wholo attention to his rail- rood ai d telephone agencies aud his uele brted i emerera bitters qjll of which lines hive exl ended to cousiderkble poporlioiis we trust tlie cliange will prove materially 0 prompuyi hftljiwict nry m afitablejto all concerned in days block q uotph a we are pleased to see that counclll r isjiosn is abje to be out again heispret weakyet however miis eriwuii mooiie aud master s 1 moobk returned from their visit to frienfls inidrumbo on saturday- rv and mhh t a moobk of drunibb arrived here last evening to spend a week or so with actou friends tmihs junkie stoiiey loaves qu the first bf mav to take a course in demill yoni ladies- college oshawa j iteslauatomfiiitto lehurrerins browns household panacea has no equal for relievinii pain both internal and external it cures pain in tlio side ba k or bowels sore throat uhoumatisn toothache lumbago aud any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quio eutlie bioihi ami heal nsits acting powii- is wonderful browns housclioldpa i- aeea being acknowledged as thergreit bain iteliever arid of double tlio streng h oif any other elixir or liniment in- tie world should be in every family handy f r use when wanted as it leally is the best remedy in the world foi cramps iu tie stomach aud pains and p che- of all kind i audisfoi aate b til diuggistsat 25 cents a bottle batinbaii april 18th 1885 nbwabputiiclvertisirjjg first you will- always iuy ad- veitisemenijii this spaiue and 1 will esteem it ii great favor ityou will take the trouble to look for it and read it ad- vertiainig pays it pays tlie mat who svauis to sell to let th j public know what he has aiid where he is it pays the man who wajnfe to buy to become aware of the same tact hence adverusing is a means of mu t- between dbaler and v lioweveiionly nj- abk so long as it is done on the basis of a straignt up dnddpkvn statement of facts and facts only confidence in the truthful ness of statement mustbe maintained the com- muriity ii as ready to liail a lie iu m ac vertisemeut as in any other way and is likely to ac- corid it tjhe same treatment t pays to tell the truth even in- an advertiecment secondly i castno reflections on a singe man my experience u that the word of at least nine out of ten business men isqod still there is that odd otic and ins peculiarity causes poople to view others with tosav trie least atiir amountof suspicion now f uant to say this you will always iind my aclvertis 3 ment8 fec from bombastic ab surdities and statement- whicti the actu ill tacts do not verify ishall always strive to do a lifc- tie beticr thaut advertise thirdly i will esteem it a great favor if you not oil ly read but come and compare statement with facjt i do iin live pushing business 1 buy cheap and sejl- cheap and i am going to ad vertise it and whether in my advertisemetits or in stateluenis from over our counters my business is going to be conduct ed in such a way that the small est child is treated sis justly as the most experienced buyer nov umt tlio holidays are ovel and the f unifies are aeaiu disunited and scat tunil oyer thc land tho friends at limine should sit for a dozen beautiful 4 artistic cachet photos vi-v-vi- hills studio milil 8ti acton m to bin i o distant loved oies- nothing will lie more appreciated by them old photos copied enlarged and framed ingood style v cheap rs a lot of lovuly i ranies on baud are invited to inspect tliem you mrsui uly ni combined music raott aud easel t cwhill magnetic oil cures rheumatics neuralgia lame back stiff joints and chilblains l magnetic oil cures ci buriib apped hands frost bites and scalds sciatica ac magnetic oil is a mbsti useful remedyifor both man 1 and beast infaanetiaoii is splendid for coughs and colds sore throat and croup magnelicoil is sold by all druggists at 25 cents a pottle and is actually the best hiiiineutknowu t insist on yoiir druggist giving ybu tho genuine magnetic oil cajution each plug of the 1 rtle navy is marked tl ibi it m t l 0- spring to sitre to follow gabd fbibaft fe si ruday afbii our jthow 6 will ih acfoiii we have the ties kee tee be far in newest aul in sh pes oiily thoriiiigfal our work and s spection kintlly invited oalj on us sprhig joods carjij of new colors shades advm sfl u wm t- u si j if 1 r 1 i- i e v 5 m i- lis v xi 0lwincf 0tji jltli 1 miljiiiery aiid fatijij fyeds this spring ice of auydispay i ierelofpfjib taken great pani choicest ooijs we h ve allthe riovet- andlstrawgriodls and r rimniings we m xperiencmlmilliaers aud guaran- le equttf ito the behtin canada in tj jbtj r inrsetectfn all shown r we are shovying 10010 worth oif n w heajier than ever 4 felcanada 10000 ress prints and sateeiiif in all qualities ntt prices y f we will tr to j please yon and gtye you a splendid bargain insrectiitrjtuited pecial talups in white hjki crrey cottons impossible to eat- pleas eajl and eompaije our 6 and 7ei coiuojrr wit b aiy other tottpri in the piovince t we have a j larae stofik of cooretj and black silks satin satin ieyns ai ivmaivalouks and a iullas- smiinenf of bressj andi mantle thinimihgs 1 for thi spring x wsk jashmeres iiiid jfashidnable dress roods to suit tfce i lv m f most fastidious beautiful enbroiiieries at 24 and t cents a yard laces oif every description ink cardinal blue and black sateen onsets for one pollar look out d r our spring circular in c ib v in bronze letters none the other genuine illinois central r r v-fhb- fashionable tit subveyob- john davis pl s f guelph ami c 1 orders for surveys by mo il 27 lower wynd ham st cuelph health is wealth rjc biuun the yiior and popular route between cjncajjo the lake regiou and the great north- west ajid jme w orleans andtlie resorts of the charming gulf coast the new florida route via neworleaus is emphalically the shortest to the south bw many many miles excellent conuec- tionsto all points in texas and california through sleepiug cars from chicago to now orleans without change por more particular information respect ing about routes fates c uddresb thos darwin a h hansok ieiinortncripai8vaciic gem hashagant i chicago chicago i the art interchange i878r 185 an illustrated household journal of paint ing embroidery home art work liter ature arid art witli colored and design supplement sheets published fortnightly price per year 8300 six mohths sl65 trial three mouths jq0 15 cents per single copy- i a sample copy withfull-page- colored plate and a catalogue ol other artwork handbooks sent on receipt of 15 centsin stamps addiess wm whitlock publisher u0 nassau street new york m i f jnurseriesi aches j larqefet in the dominion iaciies salesmen wanted 35o begin canvassing at once n f all sfite s bidy imployjnent to successful men good agents aie earning from 40 to 875 permnouthjand expenses terms and out fit free addiem stoessvllitolt rfiseniies i v toronto ont house paintiflg wei the undersigned beg to inform the people of aotou and vicinity that wp are piepaied to give first- olass satisfaction iu tlidhnesof roof paint ing house painting calcimming and also paper hanging in the latest styles all ordeip promptlv attended to ubell p irtmm millinefly opening j webej to announce the opening of t a few nays 1 in nv t plir v millinery and mantle stfo tv rooms tqat are showing a mi gv tiifcent sjooki j j- we wish iftobedistmctiulersi ithat the stock we iftiowis the pjoductii of our own milfineis atid not imported or the purpose of riiislaading partiesntoplr- ing orders j pujr ownmilliners are equal tkfauyiqii- i gasedapywhere either jrrthe wholesale retail trade bucham co guelph j- ie j 3e the r druggist sstjationer ajonont- begato inibrm the public that the onarlreadilfeb prepared uider the superintendence of le itiriiaiter of j- bducatibji and authorized by him fori ase in-jiie- sciiols of ontario are now in press t- 1 dn cj wests nebve akh mentya guaranteed speeifie for nisss convulsions fits nerfot headache nervous prostration caused bylthe use of alcohol or tobacco wakefulness mental tstoria dtiei- keurai rompay attajded to offi e depression softemugpf thebraiij resulting in insanity and leading to miaendecayaiiddeatb premature old age barrenness loss of power in either sox involuntary looses and 8pe torrhcea cuused by over- exertion of the b self abuse or overiiitlulgeuce kch bpx con 44 tains one mouths treatment ouedollar a box j job any case wltb eacn- order xeceivadj by ua for sixlboxes accompanied with five dollars wewiu send tbeirarcbaser oar written guaradtee to refund the money il toe treatment does hot affect a cure guarantees isshea only by john 1 c we81 co sole broroietohjiia 168 wesr dlsow st chicago in by j pmooarti u l i hrg r m m s booic t parts i laiit it i are now in stok and will bcifobowed immediately by the qecoiidsoofc audi lajtetfon by the third and fourth books be sure and buy ypur r sldm from j e rmers tol jjcsawte clanr mowing maohi ir j 1 i ig a 5 malsrt

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