Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1885, p. 4

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acssterru- r ia jpibjkjktlfonnisii attik3o 185 m i the 1jimple8 game how aiicaijtdonaaia those dimples iu yjiur check and bent toy head tow down to hear i the iittii roaiaphsspoak 1 ose dhnttlcs in ity choekf she said woulffl o rauly like to4ui6w i vywirew wasnt always there aj yeifliejkdidut grows itwia wlieu i little girll sat beneath j a ct big twee j a little bird canto down an bans aprettflsojis tome au ostibefore jhe blew away hcrtiaefltneoue two free an eterj thnp he tissed 30 hard tic left aihdle iu me hut nijclitwt tare ou know- -j- it didnt hujrt a mite vi8bj the pirdi would turn adin an sippfo lac tophjht k used by wo 4 mother dri oe worm exterminator siyeh relief by rota ving tlte pause utvo il jtialand becou uollowayra lorn cute destroyi of porn andy arts root and brat obi who thon would on luro them with bui h a cheap and effootual i emehy jyithln reach ifmlowan iff eakouiug wekther tho sultry minimer days rtraiu the nerves of tho leehlo aiii decrepit and dis- paso may even uuto uuiloss somo rpstorativo duohaa these nmtyiug pills be found to eorreot the dis ordering topdeppy hollow ays medidno gives potency to tie nervous system whtel the residents sister mi miss qlerasjnd on the rostrumsome thoughts iaggested by her lecture iii junei 18i miss elizabeth cleveland present mutri sss of the white house deliver ed au address before the eltnira n y female collie which the presbyterian ecungtlhitipm aounced great compliment to au excellent woman it wasntitel altruistic faith and for her illustrate u she took chedidja first wife of mohamrupl who ws rich and iuuqi older thai h 1 was when she married- him when asked in laterjeaxbjwby he did not put her awaj and takea younger wife he replied that le loved her best because she believed in b m when all men despised him cheilidjb faithmade mohammed there is falith id god faith m self and m humanit the first produces til others faih in lmimiuity believes thtir life is worth living and worth bavipg y01 i will have ntacbhunger aticl thirst wd crave affection when the bloom of youth i supplauukl by the ashen hue of age wis cry alouii for uelp in infirmities ma- needs come because those on whomivomen rely though themselves powerless toreheve them of their iatolerableaches pains pros- ttitious pleepless nights of agony anfldays of ilistreais because flfuie narrowness o itheir code auii selfishness of their pur vrefetrajhuthcm froni resorting very ilisresaiug pwleularly at uight ejjins as if pinwoitns were cialing in and i he private parts are 1 oil 1 1 lie rtctuih uelimes iiljeotoil 11 tdlowed taeputinue willis may folio wl saynes i pleasant sure ure alt6 ry seriiiud intmesr i cetter lleli salt uheura all scaly njsty skin lisees rent by maij for 6x1 lints 3 bi xeaitss in stiiinpsj ad hen dr s aynb son pi iladelphia pa soldiliy druggists iv jpose r agencies which xnajy lift women to a plane of greatei nsef uluem to a nobler life l j ijiany a womjan lacks the faith of ched- idja flf they had faith in their own re tierw of physical power confidence in the person atjexperience of others wonldfollow s and instead of a race of suffering mortals slaves to the prejudice of thbsewhose only interest in them is tib nded by their professional fees we shonjld see nobilit of station reinforced by nobility of mind aid robustness of life jhe power to rid themselves of theche pains and desperate despair which afilici them iain woman add ought to come promineni among thp greatust lijjuoveries by thuinanyouresjit hasnlloct- a ii mcgrcjir speedy cure leads the van si ibjected to he minutest chemc al u nalysis it has been loudd to contain ino ofrithose ujjurioiis it gredieuts eharacceriiing the ftf- i omi tqaasl havea countless amodntj oj testimony someone will say to you go ou and you will- conquer how do as your sistorshave done haare far thin jouriindisputabeesperijepees we want ipbre life and fuller and need all tuejhelprwjfxauet man would fail were ituot fot hc chedidias there isjnnchn good drgtstiou to keep a woman sweet and lovable ihere is rnero in thorough action oif jthe great- blood purifying organsjthf livir and kidneys for they are deranged wojnen can not have the physical comfort so craved ahfl prayed for to secure this ihdjielp they need the help that thons- ancouiave ilreatfy nsedaiid to whirti they say they owe all they possess is warners safe enre 1 maria c treadvrell stam- fofd coup president of the state womans christian tehiperance unioni well know u leader says it te the od1 thing w hi ch jseenied to reach my case thes nini rejqdiced thousands have blessed tbvworll becausei they havte become ched- jdjas who have ftit it their duty to declare their own faith aiid to inspire their sisters with confidence in tne extraordinary up building energy ojf this wonderful discovery miss clerelandrhas evidently an original and fertile rninjdand we are indebted to herinetihjglectore a few tboughtsf rom which he havfe cgpied for a test but ol which tliio above suggestidhs hiave grown l y- 5 1 4 aprineelyfortaae a mail may possess the fortune df p prince bvt can be ve possess happiness without g sod health to secure which the blood mm it be kept pre and every organ in proper it u action bardock blood bitters -1- purify tie blood and regulate all the organs v ika a good guarantee h bi cochrau druggist lancaster pia writes that her has guaranteed over 300 biottles of jbardock blood bitters for dys- peisia bilious attacks and liver and kid ney troubles in ho case has it disappoint ed those who used it in canada it givfes i the same general satisfaction 12 j hegreborpceily care i fj it is po palarly admitted ewfery where that mcgregors speedy cure is the safest rnc at reliable a idby far the cheapest remedy lor jscdnstipftt cmi4ver complaint indigestion impure i lood loss of appetite and si similar roubles if is pot necessary tp take a grt at quantity before any result is roducedij a few doses will convince you of its merits trial bottle given free at mcgaryuib drug store 42 1 aetuntlon i annnpjaralled sensation is being created all over ontario by the wqnerful and un- infflednialiner in which neuralgia tooth ache hheumatibm bacaclie headache b removed by but one application of elmd lightmng ifo offensive disgrfsttug drugs need be tikeiaor days it is an instant care try a 25c bottle from j fi mcgar- vteprogt 4 dnbr deceit ed ilaf apydrflggie whb wiir jtiy to je y ao takenyhing in place of acanwe it is cntet hnrus withouj at it fihf ail mi lutensi is tbtfc bourco 0 inovemeuts a id presides over every lotion which maintains the growth aud wellbeing of tho body isfo puploan over ei timite the necessity of k jopiug the nerves etlbtruug brjthoeaspw th which theso pijls aeconi plish that end they aro thoj most uu tailing antidctes w iudigestiot irregular circulatiofii alpitation sick headache and coatiycuos andhave there ore attain ed the largest salo and liighest rcpntfttion mfrjlljovm j 1 olar upoil dollar is f 1 equeut ly speuton th faith ol leooiuuienilatiuns or articles auiirely wophhssi xot so witp mo irjgorssdetdy ouro you aro not asked jo jurohise i u 11 tlits hierits 1 re proveu call at j k mvlsarviui druj stare and jo n free trir i hntile and sf no rconvinoed it pill eure y 111 of the worst foi ns of dys pe sia livet complaint etc u matter of howlong atanding it costs yjii nothing 55eld in 50c a ul liiottles see tostimon ui from perionsin vur own tqwn itching if hcjiisyuiploni aiu lure the syuiptouimjre moisture ifke perspir- air vital vlkf ulap 8tartetl a rebpllion but not against tiny phvj ticular i ndivf dual or 3 qverti nie11 1 but against the ruinous prices charged by othei houses tor i k- rh t a dry goods gocries boots and shoes ordered clothmvready made clothing safe and gapsgetitspurnishings prints white and r dot hftviui didpnoed of hl old utoiik and hcinjf r eterihinwl in b bitty rlo lip injr drv jnbrig house in ihp cltyiniir buyer liiis thb tactohes and wbrohoitwhon lliis ooiitinentj ootlo and yvohllen fahrwaar below nnythfiir kirown heretofore and grtall buyers hive no ncoess out liiiropoahi buyer was sept some mopths miuounco out stock of lwd- or l be isst rlireo montli beeflvisitlny jvlinre he has been buying the 1 andlnp towlifih thp ajo to tvapce and britain niid e now svr5oqpo 39 itching incieaseil by scratch- to the alpocuk vjorthless dpecitiis daily offevcd i4li ibliu bv tytpurediciit possesses nr ulautability to the various i complaints it which it hiisbcen coiupouuied ilbcicy isbbr established bjijesti monials imrly renejvecl we nro therefore confi- 1 nt thut v htve apreparatipd which we itiffer to the public with this assurance xluit it will lie found not only a nlief but vt absuude ettfe for dyspepsia livtr com- aint indigestion constipation and im- ire bloid free trial bottles at j e f utiai vios druj store 0 cottott shirtingo hosiery eieforoidery 50 medica 38 ivtu blla nett tbeatlliljtjr perhaps he most extraordihjarj success lit has be in- achieved in modern medicine las been at ained by thodixonj treatment pr catarrh ont of a 000 patients treated inriuj the last six mouths fullj- ninety ar cent hu ve beeucuredof thia stubborn lalady this is none the less startling heu it if remembered- that pot five per j jut of at euts presenting themselves to le rcgujia practitioner nro benefitted v bile the patent medicines and other idyertised cures- never record a cure it all sorting y tne claim now generally bjlieved by lithe mmt scientific ieu that tlte disease is dutoithe presence if liviuspiirasites in the tissue mr dis- u lit oiice adapted his cure t 1 heir exter- rtinatiouiis accomplished he claims thecatarrl s pratically cured and the ermaueiic fya unquestoned as mresfeffect- d by him fpiu years ago are cures sftll doolie else- has ever attempted to cure jatarrh in this- manner and nio athertreat- leut has e er cured catarrh the appli- atioii gf tl e remedy is simple and can be done at h me and the present season of the year is the most favorable f r fe speedy 1 hdperma lent cure the majority of cases i eing curec i at one treatment sufferers bould cortespoud with messrs ah dix- l sok 305 king street west toronto canada at d enclose stamp for their- treat- ze on catajrrh montreal star nov 1782 whom evirybody knows a3 tho manager of tho sttcoessftd largest hotel enterprises of americ 1 fays that while a psi nger from kuw york ou board a ship going a onsd cape morn in t jo early ilays of emlgrat ion to cnl- irornia he learucj that one of the officer of thsvcsvl had cured hluiielf iloring the toy age ot uu obstinate dtaeaio bytuojiaox ayeis srdapamla since the 1 mr lepvxi has reoommended avers i aitsvr aiulla in many similar cases and be has never ydt heard of its fail ure to effc ct a radical core some ythrsagoone of farm laborers 1 raised his egj owhjgjtojtbe bad state of h s blood an ugly scrofulous swelling or lump- a ipeared on the injured limb ilor rible itchag of the skhi wlthj bjinilng and darting pi iu through tlie lump nimle ufa almost in olerable thaileg bedanio enor- motuiyen argedand runiildg ulcers jfornied discbargtig great qaan titles of eiiremoly offensive 1 latter no treatment iraiofiany avajl tfntl the man by ir ielaikdis dirg- tfon was supplied with iaveesj sabbapa- rib4tsflrch allayed tht palu and irritation 1 heaica the sores removi d tho swjollliig and computel rtored tlie lliiib to usi mr lnt uio has personally used ayers sarapaiilla for rhcu natlsm wltj entire success and after cajttal obsenution declares that in his belief there is 110 uudiiiue in the world equal to i f or the cure of liver disorders gout th effects of high living salt bhcuni sores eruptions aid all the various i onns of blood diseases we ban jlr uhmij perm ssionolnvlte all who mi y desire f iirthcr evidence iu regard to tho e traoidinary curative poviers of ayees svitsaranilla h5ni person ally elihe at bis maminoth oeian hokl j long brat cli or at tho popular j imuj hole broadway 27th and th streets 1 ew york mr leii isds extensiye unovth dgepf the food done by this uneqrudl id en dlcator of blood pel nhjs enables him to git s inquirers aroeh tbio ible lnformatiopj fsgpabsb 1 1 tirickvevcolme lmas soldbya ldrnggtati tysj 1 wtt esfiiri and we are determinded to turnish dowii below any other house in t ly nssorted and liuving been i terras for c a 6 ii we are reap tbe benefit and we invito a goods with other houses to proveihe tmtlituliiesh of bur asserj- tions of selrinac the q 3st s oottonam gloves -i- b iiug useful 10 tlie people al tiincb tely ou thia fuut tlr with rcferutico to the ahoye i shall he niost happy lo meet uy njlinerous jfneudi f nm nassiigiiweya erinaotoii eic and having a far larger and better i assortec sttjck liiau has been fopud 111 the tirtu bine 1 left it 1 can with the fullest confidence ipvue tin ppblic to visit the lion now ujjain tho the best store in vvestern outarhr 1 aa j d wllliawidn tfuolph march 21th 1885 i i i j i thoj above goods at prices away lctirude onr stock is uow ful j i j j irehased on the yuost fuvjorabl lesirous that our putiviis ma coniparisiin of the prices of oui best goods for tio least money wu wish to call t hi attention of the ladies ami vieinilvj to our wg- t 3st- d43 of tiattbsday prieay sattjedat 9t4 10th am llth 0e- april t- 1 and we cordially invito you to call and inspect our stock as we feel assured we can plsee before you the choiqesfc j and most complete assortment of millinery and of acton i 0pes1s6 fiflinery goods that opportunity of care has htc 1 i selection of for the spriiifj deasoii and this department is under first 01 you will have an sbeiujr ti spocial n exercised be ouj- stock the management of iss and eisiipimirxeilsrcibsid remember our bemembbe ordered clothing department uutler our own special management we guarantee first class uud the ipwest possible prices a good uit to remember our famous 50c tea nelson mcrae 8c co for if the same goods were i ngtit qv ei i lit he buys from them at and m i he hiigeehhl brussels carpets selling at 91 1 tiir house ope door west of flughsnn street 01 hamljitpn april mh 185 ncillinsters opening days perfect fitting garments order for 1 1 at ptete with the uowost mid loveliest goods and at the same time tho eljiea jest in 61 phe prohrietiirs of the liou are determined that nothing shall stop tl iii iuu uetulfujilvu 11111 uuiuiiijj aunii ayww v b givingjjood oheap honest goods their jialronijdiayat what tliey wih- hiichiirged que diillurfoi illplajaiuat theiion for 75 fonts jvajjch closely keep in mind phe 1 now couic set inspect and judgo fortyotrrselves aud go home hapiy j d williamson o eir progress ip ntari elsewhere the r t our goods are new goo cpeappojfsp iarge variety at thi mammoth house i i i georgetown mcleod l anderson clliii ilii i avo tjie mammoth isuiidlhis season to eclipse all its former efforts in thp way o in slmwing a large varety in the yei irp tyle itud chmbuess ol j jorrect ibinginthe style malc nipricp ju dnsa making w avo h new large and varied btmdt nf all lhu hiiest noveliiea iii tiiillitiery opr dress uiindsistouk is iiuw very large iucludinh silks satius oitoniuus etq a liiajjoificeut silk tor 27ic worth 75c iu j the millinery and dressmaking departments wedilincifiilmpurning orders a specialty the iiiamiijirs ot the iniljliiiery dresmaking uud maiitletlepartnieptsate clluigvii but havo secured the best talent extilnt ladies eini comewltii confidence and lfave lieir orders 1 vfji5 lffi r t2 ffid 4g w wmi- f p5i fivztft m ihm f 355 aaaas iiaaauaa jhigh arm high finish 5 7 soij if rt umfctfe slttiemnchiucb jl allthebatnonj j aro flftod wi bh tho1tciit j orntic b ibbitf fflflder g jltirilllll1lllllilthllll tiiiliiiiuiiliiiiiiin j char raymokd fi j chas ifayrwowd r y i lianufictorer n quelpjh j ontario mm m mm ix n if gxim j en t 2 ct on inlhi theyf 7kxma aiu3xtdl3 tmi ffl mlas how lost i4w r ccntlv jublif jei new jlcnivtjwllb cele- brated ileeey on the iairston permaneri nn without medicine bt til and phveical incapac- tntriage etc resultuie mi win nervou i debility men itylh pe4inieut9 of from ej esses rice in a seulej euvelopconly 0 com or twjo postage stamps tni i i elebrated dutbi say fcljaorly demonsti eqcu s poi tail briuts and ginghiims in ill the latest styles extraordinary cheap j laplei of all kiiilsincliiding shirtinijs ciittoiiatbs grey and white cntlotis goltotts bhiiv ijis cuttoniidtb uhd all cahtidiau gotids webny direct from the mills arid sell jthem at v holeqale vriees j ou r ordered cloilunn and gents farniehiug department- was never in a mpje com- lite fctate geiituraen may conil with the uimntt ciiufidijiive and liiiv therr orders nd wiu will suit them in pritti tyle irt wnrkmnnship and yariety carpets ive havfe ii immense stock from 12jc upwards boots i uud shoes u ipige yai-ieltiy- rijsht headyjmado clolhiiigwe have a large stock nndwe are holding a clearing sale lufilwe reduce the stock great buruaiiis we will give a good suit for 4 we hay i the ut most confidence in kskinjj the patrohane of the public we will sell you goods ataway ilown bottom prices i mcle0d abberson co mammoth house the bast j id clotiiing tor fa8im0jjacl0ttag i a fine display of 1 spring tweed3 worsted coatings and serse at the i uast end olothing stored our garments are ia4o porfect fitting and ia tho latest artistic j daignis t taaybetjfthctfiliftomflrrtorteri what yon want ftnithe earaenpiiff howtoget i cf mnnlngto thek rtcery t tie tot moment to tver beerts noppenc o be left over meetlnp wttb rtnwnt after weejd wwmtingj bdy oslt tjuinss vich rochester n y we have edition of ul practice tha t alarm his cosequeurs 1 without the dangtrca cs or the nee of theknif cure at oiue simple eeiv by- means of whirb every duffe re no mutter wl at his oiiditiou may be huvy n re himself cheap lyprivatelyfndrauicallj may m radically ciuc liseof internahmeiljeii gout a jnodeot oin a fi njaid effectual this lecture should yont i irid eveiymno i adui ess tie ciilverv te in tile haud lthe iiuid reich erj au stock selected i of established reou i french and america isu ri in this admirable e- aifcs frcito thiity yeuri i mpnl r r of eveiv sbffioel tove r4hayl imaji i f- h so vsa iiit olitep k ti rcrses the retjcl rfcpnd dims n arid ffgiaeicd in the sud boolf 0 her ot tic cf gfok ilet vet ineel idettoel souiidl auf edtoj is beautjfally la the detroit riverjp n rrnles btlov ifce cn v and is accessible bv- milrjo a nnd fq yuilors notrailhr wiih thefc cation irny crfhi citvriftjce 5scatnniu bulvdibs nndon csmjl will c6nipany n llor camlqqrne lice by ffiail jutium dctroil mich tljim to las arm address savace i f wortl their wveisiw in gojiri a pine afeardent of spring hats als oniiand tpills large shipment of goods there have iveu it packages it nt sprine itnd summer goods opined up tbisufk making sj3sau9 gl4wii j ft qrouttgmehtifieiiilyfiromclear and ur itobfoa and 218 st jamee st muitreal vision manufulhiruior thk fiuipike they aic mtkoui cmeptwn best tajtiijjtety tore tcrkthravipesof recommendai bymiiiwstmninoitt faculty i j liveryiimiropectnrlfsaiirt eyeglnstiesis marid bt jjemc0byi5r o pebble pr opticql jtcms eipeficilly tkei mle agent for dbfgglist acton ont this week from europe rpg rigbio eoufee useful goods ever off eted to the public by t nutjeleliratwl house besides ieveral large ilnpnieiils nov iitloat and in the lnotpkof ibe minufaotiirerh to replace up pielent en- ormoiis stocks as they nrtsnlttpff n mpplus will in coming forward wwkly uuti june fencs n all tinus to eiauf the lacies to get the very latist stylus jit the sight house thestotkramtainsa full assoiiipeut el the intesi uovi liiee and ronsisis of ivir 250000 wotth f the mosi dtsirable goods iitpncei far lower then they c mid lie lilt vhtkinapiys the cosh down for his ffoolt and snvos nnicoprofil between the manufnttiirers puces and the ledtictd pnoes dihtiiihiis he- obtains from theiit six obps of kew dress opmla tint weit anotliei bale of new prints tfus week i tavo leases of ntw tahls pamiisks from scol land ard irelor d ihihtteek thnetaeesoi millinery giods this week log t onethird less than it n wortlw just arnved pnrchused for the cash down at a case of swiss embroidery in this wek of we curtains two wtbeif bissb pol and pole etidr for hanuinic curitia and t cuse of very aupetlorxarnet swb flew to band lalely the besl mitk s of fivi i frame best ttjlpentry crmelsofferiupfllt 75c the patterns at king street east the name is l 200caes and 1 alep nhradj of ibe cheapest most fnsluoi ble an 1 really r ia pnse of ffrenchlwes tins vtuk inoludinu main tioitehieb aniher case of muslins this week acavenf h siiry this week two oasta of ladies qenu and childrens whiteand fney bordered cimhric handkerchiefs f r mi tielfhst abd glasgow thiswtek a large tqt of tlnrne celebrated slijihily dnmafjed white canbrio hnndkerchiefsjusllin see ihojsliglltly tlamaged bleached table danihk ntiiottjuscll besfireto sec the new wahma silks theyarebeauiifulpaltlrbb and stdhfag at from v5 to 60 cents a larjje lot of ew diets goods iibb than lmlf their value tlrey njeasnre 31 nchen in width will wear wjjii andare selling o f at only 10c bfe au o to sel them two oases oontnimi g muslins pnd giugbami in this week five bales ojf carpets afavtinira pud mkhs anivedthfe week a ease tbcomiajs p d styles of waljkins new oarpeti are cbftmiing thip beat on thfe jught afii especially 1 i mimmm d1ktment malbdl medlclxfr uperikhaile fe mi t i mo ill as secured for uqlf an krovghoutthe ifow i fur th alienation and- cure isf wosfrfiseftfic ii toiehichhumoiiuij is fdir the pills jajj 1bfld squaij lingtb atj johf i will 203 wl purity reiiuiaieup thpliiood they mjuhit t tiedigi sb ve o cleanse the stollai ii ioorease the sucret nniuii the nervous he cirpulalion this aud bowels iiy puwer- f i he liver yvtitii aviil tlniw into ptliett iiuitivts for sustujuiiipaud repairing the i ratuux thousiiuds of pc by their use aloiiu da healh mid hire ihuaushiul pro vet isims liavp icstlfttd fhil liey hiivf lirvu1 esiorcd itlf nflor etiry oilier iilihuccesfttl tllbcfouiiiliuliiiblcinttuoloiisliiohl in the cure ol oiil i iims haul bad legs old colds 9 in lino disoidors of the i gout hluum it kind of skin dibi i mmiufacuirrtl il wav a et iblijfi steeer lom mrtboiti n j 2s 9d 4- k i j2 pot and ul- cara andsi50 m d tin tcatuo ufliled stuit l there puivhisirb the lahd on 4 he address is nntti 3 thevan oppnous the trade mj r i- f iliipiove- 1 he quality cf iihi i j it i ac perip bound llilliiilb woiiads collg3l5r its bjijiulp hv iroii itd cln t at a n ktoifula uilil evoiy pi fioi hollo- ooll 0x1 oh d e at mnt a fori ftderj jr at i jromp im mil 35 i 1 1 li bi and 1 1 it so i hip 00 iamel hizcin pinpnrtk ii 1 e no if i thrs ire nry nildicli t8 old rhnufd tltufdo link to potsiaud bcxcs if tpq oxford stiuh londouj i of hij said meuicincf is registrered at ol aw a and also 1 1 wmk 1 ithrtnn wined ma ia8 hoxlo way 58aoxfor4trolondop sn m m m m m ii jer cq bap iecunl ropea farmj ivithi dpal htlatel ivautil rectioi wir lence snelt eaaol learly sfifis j 4 to i

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