Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1885, p. 2

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feiw98sfessi8ll e- 1 j- v- fv i c my their co faronr o lecuuariethodjft to their spl en thisr prenii olywliat the explained 1 v donot wonderthat thecirtiitoh feels jdly- beetuise of the resolution iifcontly j iadopted nnd published hy tlvo hftltpntem- perauce alliance we nre ul surprised that it is trying to matal u rowers imagine t that the tcsoliitiou r wliolljl nnollicia aiul consequently of no importance iu the issue of last week the editor states ho f jwill feel oblijtedto us if we will explain the jmalter tohim it is ourcnstoin to always attend to such courteous tvqnesta hence vre explain the whole matter three years j 1 ago tomorrow morniugtlic scott act came iu force iu this county aud throughout ttiatwitirc period the clnigijnoh has dene litsutmostj to render that lawi ineffectual j nopossible effort has been spared fair and i unfair means have been resorted to the law has been wilfully misconstrued or else the champion is grossly iguoraut the inspectors have been treated with despicable weauuess the police magistrate has been shamefully villifled aud personally insulted and altogether the champion course has been so farfrom upholding that which- is lav that it has jiairopiwtnnilies to give encouragement to laifessaiess aud general dnioializatioii xowau this from a pri- vate citizen vnonld hardly be tolerated and when it comes from those in the employ of the county itself it is unbearable the publishers of the champion aro iu official relatioil tthis county and the meaning of the resolution referred to is that the people u this countv are determined that these persons bread shall no longer be buttered with county pap or else they must cease their unreasonable opposition to ft measure twice carried by- the peoples vote and constantly growing in their favor we hope this explanation will not be misunder- stood 1 regarding the insinuation that tlie rtisolu- tioii was not the work of the alliance we would like to ask the chpinphm ii it has never learned that between the sessions of bodies similar to the haiton tenoperance alliance the business of such bodies is con ducted byau executive committee which has offieial authority aud whose action is regarded as iuebby the body they represent now this was the character of the resolu- tion referred to mid it has the weight not onlyof the executive coninjatte but it is nfioafsed with the authorityioi the county organization we kuowits hard on the champioi but it is an illustration of a principle taught in a good old book which we are afraid the champion does not rever ently studyiaud which says that the way of the transgressor iis hard but we will whisper a word of caution here toourcotem and trust that it will carefully consider its actions unless the champion ceases its wholesale itiisiepieseijtatioii aud insulting j course of the past it has not heard the last 6f that resolution and it may be that men who arejqst as capable but also lawabid- mg will find their way into tlwse ofrcidl week when th its town vhixmpioi liasftlpuk and lab isciissing lomp difference w nedtogiyoiib wlutit thought however wo would expoot crfr0m tlie chain uoteni it tni i sharp bio v lotlungilwt ind of attr ckhasheeu porsittod hi by it 1 since wo ftlmtover tfoimnencejcf to ki ins been for the inorals tho purifying of ciiaraoter tho treugtliiu lias not bei of tho toniptod tl iv slow to support 101 ttandihg tro meaningless insinuations and wilful misr presentations of t irocirt mpiou welwilv con iiiuo to advocate c very measure loulated o overthrow wron j reduce suf- ritig aiuing lujppiness in place of misery jofoic agaijj roferriug fo lisas a snivel in goodygoody contemporary we advise tho cartmiiim to how from its jown hose the gathered mucis of just tlrttie jyeanvnifd give us some sound and logical argnmeuts in favor of its pet heoryanti- scott act fifstiaitle general middlton meets riels polices anda stubborn fight nsuep rebees routed ths for chairs nowwarmed by the i chflmpji editors lire slackei was again of tlie otal casuulties on the volunteers side in he engag ment is put down at 12 killed ind uli wov nded the enemys loss appears o have b en severe and includes gabriel j 3um6ntthe military man of the halfbreeds iis death io the outl it is pr ioue y hat the re re manv 4 p t v mi i the champiqns qourse it would seem that tliejmilton cuimpion has every week a certain amount of invec tives to publish against the scott act or any of the acvs supporters against whom the editors conceive a dislike its cdhmins have been the usual medium through which the antigcott misrepreseutatibus aud malicious utterances have been itoade public and it haji been ever ready to lend itself to any project calculated to hinder the efiect- ivenesiiitthat insasure twice adopted by he people of this county and declared con stitutional by the highest court of the british empire this paper has been so determined to champion the liquor party tbkt it haw stooped to the most unfair com parisons aiid inconsistent course we have seen the same issue declaring that more liquor is sold under the scott act than was under the crooks actauuialso clatnoriug for compensation for those liquormeuwho by the cbtt act had their business taken from thpn we have seen the sarnie issue tell of accidental deaths resulting from liquor in license counties but saying noth ing about the blame while every sudli death or accident in this county was caused by the scott act wehaveseen the same issue complaining of- the hard times- throughoutthe country and bharohigthe national policy as the cause while iu our county the same hard times are charged to the scott act ithas dealt with every phase of the liquor question in just this manner giving to its readers an illustration of the old adage m the glasses you wear cole everything you look atj and also constantly reminding them that uuto the pure all things are pure but uuto them that are denied is nothing pute but even- therr mind t is- defiled the i cliampiori hasbeen so long resorting to this unmanly method of argument that it now irnagftiesit an upright method while the straightforward and uhdeviating course of this journal has been dubbed snivelling- and goodygoody this kind of attack reirrinds rs that amolig a certain class of moralists orrather immbrftlisks there has ever ben a disposition- to belittle whoever oriwhateieijhas aparer bbjecti in view ii fipereon whethisrjaeditdr or otherwise ianfully declares himself a isupporter of inorality ind an upholder of riitousnes tbeyare greeie hy thesje jiersons with sorhe sue an expression asf goodygoody if j these cefeudterb of right should present bu6h arguhbntbas the itnroorilists i cannot refute tley cry namiyaarnbyor nivelhnj or anything lse that comes liftboy see aaijjgly considpri uch bspreb- hionsequi ijent tfliinewtiig th argnmini jebe4ted ad vainly iniig niijgthe kkfy jiffliejut j djoase4or jtl emselves fifo ysrtiifc f i fftrdo are iimapraliaw jon and earing a s hat riel lim than jose he xtreiiiely upplied hpughi several sentries on k fyfa ifvviu mit j fy you hi sou pnrch jheaper thin at howsons acton scotcli kntrlishiand anadian suiting- reit var ore j f their way at timlbto give vent mm liit they will mm pion for that ow it now elevation of 0 fftkk puksk aiid notwith- byldw m a bylaw to raise by way 6f loan the sum of one thousand dollars to pay the purchase money of land for a public cemetery for the vttlage of acton and for the improvement of the same new advertisemonts oook and ilolisemfld i iltanted by 3rd may cook aud hotmoiiiaicj yv apply to l mus john hocio guuhjii iiorsr lot toit sale film undorslsuud oltors for bale his house and 1 lot oil main ntruot it 1h it large houso con- tnlnb nino rooms also kltchoa and woodsliodi le wbll lulaiitc j for a tenement or boarillng houao obod stnldo on tho picniisos liberal terure apply to i dwtcampbelii eek or more interest had been in natters pertaining- to the north west rebell on everybody seemed to knov that nothii g would be done liutil the troops from the est joinedgenmiddletonsforces and they w ould proceed towards the rebels position n friday howve matters took a seriousaspect andbecauseof a fight near fish cree c in which the rtbels were de feated eve yone gave their attention again to the rebellion the following despatch was receivxl j winnirtt- man april 24 the rebels advancing from a coulee near the river opened fir upon the scoutfj led by major boulton he latter returned the firewhen the rebels i emonnted and retired to a place of ambush gen hiddletou at once de- ployed his troops in bkirmwbiug order a battery- coildnot at first feel the enemy with their guns so good was their shelter eventually however the bittery got into iposition an 1 rained a raking fire among them two house iu which the rebel reserves- were secluded w redemohshed the rebels next blade a d ish and fought tlie 90th at close iruartersbi it they were forced to retire the fightsvas ii indian style on the part of the were always concealed behind the indians were exceedingly ind the war whoop yell could be rebels wh tlie trees combative heard distinctly some distance off they rallied tim and again keeping up incessant fire for fihy an hour subsequently the ed on the part of the enemy but esumed shortly after noon the shingles and wood rpll k mitlotsikiioil iib for selo a wikuilid etock x of flrnttiab8 shliibles no- 1 fodar 6175 poistiuare no 1 tliio ifloopor sljaro no 3 jcdarilpor square vaibo a lariju fiuantity of wood of all kinds from 125 a loud up to 8400 acord prluii bhorti ktavoaand hoadintj to the traduat bottom prioe i thos c sioohe factohy main st wviit acton wantki r anted a jiesident agent in eveky vilhifie town and city in tho dominion i a few travellers to sell our now alrgftfl ma- oliineb for making air gab 50 per cent cheaper than coal ehually ns rood no flro or power ro- uirod mudo in all sizes from 13burnrlp tolooo or private houses stores hotels factories mills streets mines otcjiddresb cavapun am iasmachink jiio co 115 st rn nviiis xnvierstj 15ly mpntkkai pq arbor day vill prove a great discouragement iws j 4oable that all thelfighting is not yports received yestorday state illioii is spreading and- there lfbreedsand indians hitherto leaceful v ho ure now becoming ugly cien oimdieton has made every prepara- moves forward very cautiously rprise especially j as it reported ins a niiicli larger force with there was formerly reason to sup whereas tho municipal council of the villagoof acton have been petitioned to secure land for tho purpose of a publio cemetery and whereas for the purpose of payiug the purohaso luonoy of said laud- and im proving tho same it wilj bo necessary for the said municipal council to raise the suiii of one ihousaud dollars and whereas it will requiro tho sutir of ninotyfive dollars to bo- raised unuunlly by special rate on tlie wholp rateable pro perty of the village of acton for payiug tho said debt- af one thousand dollars as hereinafter mentioned aiid whereas the amount of tho whole rateable property of the said village of acton according to thelast revised asspss- meut roll of the said village of acton is ouo hundred and eightyseven thousand two hundred and thirtynine dollars and whereas the amount of tho debt of the said village of acton is five thousand and twenty dollarsfor principal and tho sum of nil fcliiiuterest and whereas for paying the interest and creating a yearly sinking fund for payiiig the said sum of quo thousand dollars it will require annual speoial rate of one- half of a mill in the dollar in addition to all rates to be levied in each year be it therefore enacted by the municipal council of the village of acton 1st that it shall bo lawful for the reeve of the said village of actoutty raise by way of loan from any person or persons body or bodies corporato whomay be willing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures hereinafter raentioued a sum ofmouey not exceeding in the whole the sum of one thousand dollars aud to cause the same to be paid into the hands of the treasurer of the said village for the pur poses and with the object above recited 2nd that it i shall bt lawful for the said reeve to cause any uiimbor of debentures to be made for such sums of money as may be required not less than onij hundred dollars each aud not exceeding iu the whole auiouiyt the said sum of one thou sand dollars and that the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said village of acton and be signed by the said reeve and countersigned by tho treasurer undersigned has received of the said village j 3rd that the said debentures shall be j made payable iu twenty years at furthest from the day hereinafter mentioned by this bylaw to take effect at the office of the treasurer of the said municipality and shall haveattached to them coupons for the payment of interest j 4th that the said debentures shall beat interest at and after the rate off si x per cent pec annum from the date thereof which interest shall he payable annually on the first day of december ju each year at the office of the said treasurer of tub villageof acton 5th that for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for- the payment of the said debentures aud the interest at the rate aforesaid to jbecoine due thereon a special rate of one half of a mill in the dollar shall in addition to all other rates bo assessed raised levied ancl collected iu each vear lost lost lost rosj oiirsfttiililttji nth hint biwoen beli- li iietb hotel and tho fitlt dopot a ladyb gold watch and chain suitably reward will uo given if thb under will leavo tlmui at tho- krkk pbks8 office settle vouit atlobnt f alli ludebtbd to the uudonslinod are lioreby liotvllod that tlidlraucotihts must bo settled wth mr a v nieklin iuiinddlatoly otborwlw thoyivlll bo placod in other liandb for collection e n1cklin son t meir brussels oaret jnevr brus3 border and linen crumb 01bis ster and uhlan b tipestr5rorder mew gs proclamation im compliance with a resolution passed at last meeting of the municipal council i hereby appoint and proclaim fridaybth may a plulic holidayt for this municipality and request every loyal citizen to spehd part of the day at least in planting shade trees on the pub lic streets trees for above purpose will be supplied free of charge by the council at the town hall on above day w h storey reeve reeves office april 24th 1k5 real estate sale valuable property in acton nstructions l from k i ward nl to offer for sale by public auction on the premises on friday 8th may 1885 commexlisc at tli jsu the following real esfcito uituate in tlie thriving and enterprising village of acton 1 residence on main street with four acres ofj land stone stable sheds j ac this is a very comfortable two storey frame dwelling of ten rooms andiiis now occupied by tho owner hard and soft prater am ple accommodation for both horses and cat tle in the stable i i lace curtains ne blac j silksnewblaqksa14ilmer new colored dudiesse sajtin new colored w new tussore silks plain arii roche r freaicli n h 9 i materiiil m we extend cdlrdial invitation to eyelly ladt to tapsfoy caipetyf new new a madi diiess 331 mm ei show roqm 3n or after thurspaiylsth wheii fire will make pur fiibti dispay oj lond on mo in i v write to us fbrtsamples of anything yqu frant ip it is not convenient to paak a personal msit c ith provisions- than was first hots were fired at the qappelle tuesdav morning hut the rebels lid not approach within riile shot s also verv strongly fortified and defiant as well being better- npijj the rateable ifioperty iii the said than firo acton during the continuance of the sd debentures or any of tlfeui gth that this bylaw sliall jake effect and come into operation on the twentieth day of jlaya d 1883 j aud be it frirther enacted by the said municipal gouncil that the votes of the electors of the said village of aston on the above bylaw shal bs taken between the hours of nine oclock iu the forenoon and five in the afternoon on monday the eighteenth day of may a d i8s5 at the town hall iu the said village of acton look boots boots boots it shoes md ladi slippers imijiense selections rom 55c u at howsous iiext door to the ost office acton lvisgellan bous in 7 oeuts to j230 at j vant a nobby durable aud cheap es ishe place to go j ive a hard aiut to crack when ise hardware or boots and shoes 2 five towri lots on mill btutt good building locality i j five acre ul lot on main street beautifully situated for ii private residence market givrdeit foot of mill street 15 acres of the choicest garden jsil about three hundred fruit trees on ihq premises as well al3 small fruits two fides of this property are ixjrdefed by the mill pond whiclris frevh spring water 5 farm land 25 acres all hvgopd state separately and the privilege of terms imide edward nicklii acton or to of cultivatioii fourtceii acrevsffail wheat in- the ground j this properu will be offered fpr sale both in bulk giving purchasers inlying part or ivjhole i known on aj plication ito ii e nickliu k guelph to ai wmhems reet auctioneer april 21st 185l hiiicrloo svv walter liiitoi of waterloo hagyarils yellow oil has doia in his family his wife beiug cured of gal louse lumps tliat other medicines failed to remove he also states that a neighbor was jvrites that great good in matthews hall iu the said village pf i promptly relieved of bhcumatim by tha acton and that johnc hill of the said same remedy village of acton in the county of haltou iety at the eastfend clothini feactoa hardware hardware hardware how- ious istli ivare- no o eadidg fea surts ates and to call and t place to go to for cheap hard- d- stock remember quality is the ure at howsons nd oyercoats at extremely low nade in latest styles be sure seb them yfe acton important auuouneeirfeu to farmers buildeirs contractors and all vho need hard ware bear ware at ci iu mind howsop is selling hard- y prices sure io tonqucr the mbs t troublesome cough ib sure to yield if tamely treated with hagyards pectoral i ialsam pleasant to take and safe for yo ang or old 42 kefnei iber howsqn takes the lead in good teas we defy competition in a 50c tea either u green black or j japan try them audi le convinced i if a lew rains or cnmmoiij sensecouldbe nfused into the thick noddies of those who serpetnall al i avery and good dig ihealth jan joth forheahnfl inovingyojir troaw of order tjikewitli joedy c orcgor rins djrug -ic- f and- alternately irritate and weaken iheir stomachs and bowels with drastic- pcrgattvesj they yrobld use we highly cat adited arid healthfjol laxative and tonic nqri hrop lymans vegetable dis dyspepiictnre which caubeff stion to wait an appetite and 23 mlial toilo r if tipuliled with an nnhealthy slow healing sbie use mjgrepor parkes car bolic oralje yoii j wib lindjt inyaluhle cleansmg and completely re- if the blood is cut ita doaej of mc- ire from i j e mcgar store j 2flt shall he deputy keturniug officer at the polling place at matthews hall and that j e mcgarvin shall be deputy returning i officer- at the polling place in the town hall in- the said village of- acton and that the clerk of the council shall sum up the number of the votes given for aud against the said bylaw at the hall hi the said village of acton on the same day at the hour of if oclock after the polling of the votes aud further thatthe time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the various polling- places on behalf 0 the res pective parties promoting and opposing said bylaw and at the said summing up of the votes by the clerk shall be at the council chamber iu said village of acton at eight oclock p m of the sixteenth day of may a d 1885 v v via hiits notice take nptice that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which will be taken into consideration by the council of this municipality after one month from the first publication in the aciox free peess tlie date of which first publication was thurs day the twentythird day of april- ia d 1885 and that the votes of the electors of thesaid municipality will be taken thereon inthe hall in the viljae of acton and in matthews hail in the said village of abton on monday the eighteenth day of mayavk 188o at nine oclock it the forenoon j e mcgarvin clerk of thomuiiicipality of the village of aoton dated at acton the twenty- 1 first day of april a d 1885 autl further take notice that at the time of the voting for said byiaw each voter entitled to vote therefor shall be handed a ballot on which he or sho shall mark the pieeeor plot of land heor she desires fr the council to select as the property for a cemetery aud the proptorty containing the largest liumoer of votes shall be the one selected by this couucil y x- roathe use 0 davidn m x s xmin- ras gq iri8lt0tb paris an bonnets and opacities gt3e13 i tj r 1ose tomqvf i he bovy 4 pills 6 pills jspeiucncc icilulacidc the projiir uvsc in i etch case ive coiieuratlsn gricostlivcnesis no remedy is- lio circctire asailefs pills thoy iusura regular ilaily aelte 1 and re- btoro the bowels to a health 1 dillon for indigestion or dysiieps aveb8 pills nro iuvaiuablo anil a sure c irer j heartbum ioss of ainettte foul stomach flatulency dizzinei b head ache numbness nausea hro4 11 relieved and cured by avers pills in jllvercomplaint bilious disorders aad jaundice avnits pili slioum be given in doses ikrgo enough to lexcite uio liver and bowels and remove cbpbtipatlon asacleaiieiiig mediciue in the swing- thetfa i pills aro unequalled worms caused by a morbid tindilion ot the bowels aro expelled by tuescj pills eruptions skin diseases jmd plies the result of indigestion or couetepation are cured by the uso of aveiis pillsi for colds tako avers pitts to open the pores rerabve inflamntory aecretlons and allay the fever for diarrhoea and dysetitcrk- caused by sndileu coldsj iidigestiblo looi tjo ayee8 pills are tho true rehicdy kheumatlsnij gout neuwgrla and sciatica often result from diges lire derange- ment or colds and- dlsappeat removing the cause by the use of ayei f pills tumors dropsy kidney amplaints and sother disorders caused byuebility or obstriiotioni cured by ayei jj- pills suppression and painful slenstruaf tlon have a iafo and ready remedy in aye rs pi foil aireelloiu in various latyjuages ac company racli prieliase i rfnniaufj ny or jj cayep co lowell mass sold by all drugststt 18 i wonderbooks in no trifling sense but the bst 1 literature of the world presented in excellent and attractive form atprices 30 low as to excite universal wonder library w standard history ntining jin oce volume imperial octavo good typewitli numerous fine illustra- tiocs tho whole richly bound- in fine cloth onwmentedj the following clebrated works unabridged i greens larger history of the english people i c1rlylks history of the french revolution creasvs kilteon decisive battles of the worlb schillers histobv of the thirty years wall h abpeh bb others lowest price for these four great works if jiu50 my price is 250 postage 40 cents extra i a wonderbk in more senses than one the idea of put ting a work hkehhis at only f 350 per copy seenis preposter- oub rand yet th ae is wisdomjin it for everybody will want it and jt will thus he the means of advertising and introducing the numerous 0 her valuable books which the publisher iaput- iting f orvnrdghrisidn at work new york cfyr it is truly a marvel of skill anda triumpbrof podernj me chanical art that such a noble volume can be furnished at so sraall a cost whether we admire its large proportions beau tiful binding fairpage excellent paper numerous and sfrik- iig illustrations numbering nearly 100 all are firbtrclajb chrixtian cynopure chicago 111 j r libilar y pf standard poetcontairunginone iuiperlal octard handsomely bound volume of about ijjw pages bour geois and brerjer type- leaded tbg following works unarhged i scotts otnplete poetical and diamatlo works tsnniilpo iwtlcal works of robert bums complete poetical worus of thomas moore equally good edition of tlieso are not elsewhere obtainj fjije for less than 150 my price 200 postage h cents j a tfllipom tbu coupon till bofecelted tri lltuof s5 cents cash lowaiil a smyn prtc outaer at mbot works k i nt jritbtaica days from dote i 20vbb s thta paper monupn name of papir this offer is to secure yoa 1 polttt retpome and indicate the paring advertising mediums jpdpag catalogue stht free the best i erture of the world at the lowest pri s ever known boo for examination before jpaymenw- oi treasonable evidence of good faith address v john b aldemrrublishev p oboxlfsr 303earl street new iorltj burdocji r l o o d wll cufe or relieve biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache and every species disordered liver cut eu ii plug j bowel or tjiiilborn dizziness dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin uf disease arising from kidneyil 8t0ma0h blood kft proprietors u toaonta flbthebh pselfl r ri lawds in mlnnetota north dakota mpn- m na idaho washington and oregon p fomxabie saierloirtofoketsodiiil at prices ranging chiefly from j2 to 6 per acre ontolo jears this ii the best country tearing 8ood homes now open for settlement res pf government ee uqder the homestead runuure laws notk b 10be titan jrads disposed of id ib83 weriin the northern pacific country book and desoriblnir the northern ve tlslng bureou10 si ootnwttrt g sent fbeb lie connurt 1 bebgovernmi t- u u v u iobniland con r n ps r it sj panl mlnij jc conn try t is itailroad lands tor- sale and kjbhgoyernmijnt lands- addrebschas 5 io didbd uy la found odfuo ritgoo p io rnrcniowellioos newspaper akl- koi f of the e n ayy is harked ij iu brouze letters e other genuine houisb th illinois central r r -is- the srnri and popnjer eoute between cliieajgb the lake e jgion and the great nortliv est and new orleans and th resorts of the j- coast charftiing galf the new ilorida boat via new orleans jib erjvph atically the alio test to the south iby many many miles excellent corineo- tions to kir points in text s andcalifoinia throng sleeping can from chicago to new jtrl sans without cha igel formsre partachlajiniorniation respect ing about routesraiessic ivasdrpss ithos j jorwin j a s hanson goanojtlierneabsaeut qou yassagent chicioo j vicinity that we class satisfaction ing house eaintiui paper hanging u bell acres largest painting we thi untbeksigked beg to inform the people of- acton and are prepared to givefirst- in the lines of roof paint- calcimining and also the latest styles all orderf pro mptly attebded to r oyxes v fonthipl nurseries i ov3zu 400 in the dominion ucbes y iv xv h illustratta h1stor poetry classics yf ctiassic proe in oncimperiii oc- x avo volume of about 900 pages handsome type and fine cloth binding i jrnimettted the following famous essays ai aworfcs macaulaya essayg on slllton i jonn stuart mill on liberty p o hamertons the intellec jual ijfe herbert speicer on education j y gnpat tljoiunt fromtjreek ai ithors groat thoughts from ivatih an thor complete ey by lovd baco r complete tetten oif ktnnius irringg eip van winkle and jther sketches wajhinktonafareweu and otier addresses macanuya ufo of frederick the great the above cannot be obtaujed from iny other iubliliirig hojisefor less than 10 rrry nce is 175 postage 30 cents this is indeed a wonderbook in tl ie amount and valaable ruklity of its contents the wohdei is how such a book 1 ich is a library initself can be sold at sych a price-7-jfeffi- od strscprder pittsburgh pa your historical wonderbook jsja ondera wonder u0an uli btraticjris clear type fine paper handsomelj bound-con- taihrng f6ur standard historical wtjri s of great value can be bo dfor 8i50tbsssos j loslsgilithehjstorian j apditc s 3nd six cents for postage anilreceive free a costly box r of goods which will kelp you to ripre money right away than a oythjnfc else iu ibis world all of eitherses sneceed frprn- flrstliqir the broad road to fortune opensbefore the workers absolutely sure atjouce address tbue4co augusta- maine j salesmen wanted to begin canvassing at once on fall sales steady imployment to successful men good agents are earning from 510 to 75 per month and expenses terms and out fit free address v i i ncnsehtmen t toronto ornt t atinfebdhamcje ista- 1885- 0 journal of paint- ing efflbroiderv home art work liter- ature and- art with colored and design supplement sheets published fortnightly price per year 8s0o six months 105 tiiaf thibe monjihs s100 la cents per single copy j i a sample copy hwith fullpage colored plate anda catalpgiie of other art iwork x handbooks sent ob receipt 6f 15 cents in stamps address wm whitlock publisher 140 jfijaiau istret ne ydrkv v t-ii- ii m tord torol otti mori queti bostj brai ni wj proi deill lati othd li3j dayil audi larbl wutd tirnd sopi bejfel tioni vvoia torn upq riits i j uujl usua jnstj stroj vtki pilei tain i pron woull and s3 in el bin i disp r yea deirj eanl cesj faesl jku

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