Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1885, p. 2

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csai v mnth im tklwuut monxifco mat 7 1885 v another battle col otters coluimn has an en agement with indians a victory scored home the business bra isa ted by our visage jpathera a theii last fie tlng winwk may 54 despatch from siwkal chewjp landing via swift curret t i per couricrrwho arrived tliia evening from bafttlefordlbrings news of another battle fought witltf indians on pdjimdmakers n berve oil suuday may 3 a hying column of i 300 ma under k otterj attacked the indians who were 60 strong at 5 oclock in the inorning tl o fihtjagted till 4ioon t our loss was seven killed and 12 wound- j he enemy lost 100 killed aud wounded qollxttter covered including the eugage inent 70 miles fought the battle aud r tarne4 insidetjf 30 hours th men behaved magnificently tcnthek pirticrukps saskatchkwvx lamnqmay 5 further particulars of col otters battle indicae that the indians fought with coolness aud bravery but they were poorly armed many squaws took part in the fight and behaved as courageously as the braves i although exhausted by their long march col otters column fought steadily fyr seven hours by which time the indiaus seemed to have enough and retired for a short distances otter took advantage jf thib to drawtofe men back for rest and re freshment ilfia believed that the first blow t as been struck of a long and blood indiaii war i cejiimibiletoss calir ciailkes crossing nw t via hrsl fout mai- 54the weather is fine gen midd4todtwad still in cainp at fish creek when last heard from gen middleton telegraphs fine weather at the front and the troops all in excellent health the sorihcote ariuve8 j tie northcote so long looked for ar- rive9 it 3 oclock yesterday afternoon she landed a company of the 40th and one of the 45th j all under capt bonuvcastle and fwent on down to fish creek she has oil board two other convpauies of the mid- j land battalion under col williajns m p j with the gatling the northcote ground ed several tirnes and broke her capstaiiu while frying to get off the saskatchewan kent kb wr aa jfpioers s jiawoepj council met last frit ay oeuiug mem bers pre tent thq ioe o a id com oillora eenderst u pearson au 1 stephenson i last n eetings minul es oc ntirmod the si th report of tl ie fi ianoe commit tee wab j resented as f o lows x k to the jff ami cfotinci j your c dmmittee on utuc o have e min ed the a iditors repor anddetailec state ment and find tho sum i prepared with due care by t he officers apt ointed to am lit the muuioipi 1 accounts of he past year your committee re sommend ihat the report ai d statement b 3 approved c f and that the accounts of the treasun r and collector for said year be declared finally audited i nd allowed j your committee re somipend that the clerk publish tho auditors beport iu tho acton fjtbe press in t ie usual way your c immittee wou dalso recommend that- the treasurer on i coouht of the death of one of hissurities be requested to urhish renewel 1 knds all of which is respectfully submitted d hekdkrson1 r 1 jble reporl adopted jv j a by- jaw to appoin a po aidkeeper was iutroducd and passed tlioinas llastoii constabln receiving tin appiriitmen moved by j b pear ion seebnded by d hendersun that mr j imea graut be iu strncted- to procure tf vo hundred maple treesin ood condition at o cost of seven cents each to be deliye red it mr w e smiths harn by nine o jlock ajn on friday 8th may carried the bylaw tosettli the reiuuubration of officer of the muni sipality introduced bylaw no l v x a bylaw to raise by way of loan the sum of one thousand dollars to pay the purchase money of land for a public cemetery for the village of acton and for the improvement of the same has risen two feet and is still rising solves the supply difficulty this at a forn er meeting wis salaries 1 sed as follow assessor tjiirty ollars per fivei dollars collector tweht nam auditors five dbl cler and treasu per anuu ai selec tors of jurorj- per annqm collector of statne per cent returning officer day chief constable ttvveijty annum pessed aid the euuum er au- ars eagh per uinum er eighty idollars ouejdollalr each labor tax fifteen 4 two dollars per dollars per sub annum council constable j weii tuesday evening council met this evening lowing motion was pas ed moved by d hendprson w ismo id that the court of revision for 1 he current year be advent of the scott act j 1 the j scott act iis hiauguiated in the various counties ahd by the various rhotel- keepers in a multicipjicity of ways some reasonable many unreasonable but the following is the most sensible and commen- dible plan that has come under onr notice and those hotelkeepers who followed mr tacks jexample will deserve and receive the raspect of the public the walkerton telegraph sys mr i j tuck the well known- and popular proprietor of tucks hotel cranbrook township of grey one of the oldest and j best kept hotels in western ontario issues a circular to his patrons from which we extract the follow- ing manly and commendable paragraph in thanking you for past favors i would respectfully intimate that in accordance witt the canada temperance act after the 30th instant no intoxicating liquors will be sold in our hotel after that datle the bar willi be supplied with the choicest tsmperainjce beverages and the finest brands of imported and domestic cigars but strong drinks jtwill positively not be sold kb advance will be made iri rates and farmere and travellers will find comfortable accom modation at this house at heretofore moder- atechargest j rockwood nws from ourmen correxpondent sowing has become general although tin vfrobti is not all out of the ground yet v r t 1 the indians have removed from here they dida flourishing basket business here dnring the winter very manyhave lost their potatoes in pits qwing to the unusual severity of the winter ordinary precautions were iusuflirl cieat mr r stamp who was so badly injured be falling through a bridge on the g t r last fall is still unable to resume his place v i- on the line j j- beferauce was madesome time ago to an accident by which mr john mcqueen lost two fingers in the gearing of a machine mr mcqueen has suffered much from the accident and it has become necessary to amputats one of the remaining fingers he has tie sympathy of all in his misfor- tnne r the present g t ir strain servicb is not so good as formerly 10 fact eyery change madebjj the company in the past six years has tended i to the inconvenience of the local travelling public if the company continues to remove passenger trains a good- stage jine would run them out i preseritationjand addresses were tendered mr and mrs alex mcmillan a few even- ings since their removal hence being con- temptedj their departure from our midsti will be leeply regretted for in all that pertained to the interest and welfare of the place mi mcmillan ever took a ready and cheerful part mrilcmillan was promin- ently active in ttetfornaation of thetrebby- terian congregation under the pastorate of rev d btrachan and iii arrangjngfor two services j each sabbath instead of one as formerly under his- able principalshipl rockwood academy was a most occesslal institntipn until ihigh schools became y freely established from this academy have graduated many who now occupy posi- taons of honor and trusi both in canada and ithe tlnjted states j jr -7- it is rumored that lolrd dnfferin has re 1 signed tl e viceroyalty 4f india presuma uy beet use jaf tue gveriiments back- downttp adjourned to meet agjiu on tcesday e hold in the council bhabbei 2nd june af 8 p ri ind give due lotice of stme for receiv ug corapla ints terminati oh tlie u h j lay counci then adjourn id import in tr anuotmctment builders ontractdrt an 1 all ware bes r iu mind hojvsbn ware at c ity prices allc of mr the friii robert allan lof a in on mcdox the wiffe mcdonj wife 0 daught rockm brides the 5th revg of the daughter 39 vear first seconded by meeting of the agai cbjjqlis the la in nasi of mr peter in acton mr ponalc sagaweva on 4th may mcdonald of a son on both april the mdljpnald of a the ljiodr- at mother bbwe may by c rock of ljaptist churcl 1 of mrs ax tab tie miry thegravb baowx lt liis residence liear actoji alev h bnwn esq iijjf mouths bexxkt in matilda bennet fehocson krin bennett bnu aged 10 yeai in acton daughter of mj- and 2mbntis on tlii 3rd may kate donald ferguson aged look boots boo and ladits slippers from 55c ip at hosonj post office acton miscellaneous from 75 hats fyfes if yot suit j fj you h you purchase hardyjare fcs is the plae tc avc a ham llut to y dollars per when the fol- on tuesday that- the clerk anc that the time nst assessment carried to farmers who need hard- is selling hard- may the wife son iidence of the avfemie acton on -rkv- r b cook jighani fonnerly acton to janet mcleod acton- ed iis years and the lfct mav jiary hterof mr thbs he ts ijoots shoes mniense selections s next door to the cents to- 250 at j wautanojby dui able and cheap go crack when orbiiots and shoes cheaper tl an at horsonsi acton hcotc 1 enpiislijanc canadian suiting lrejt variety at t6e bastjend cloth in t tore j fffe acton hard are e h ard ware hbw- sons is th 3 place to go to for cheap hard ware not id stock remember quality is the leading fei ture athowsonfs suits land overcoats at rates and to call andsee them i pvery and health on extremely low made in latesi islyles be sure if a tew grains ot comlmonjseuse could be infused in o the thick n jddlfes of those who perpetually and alteriately irritate and bowels with ronld use the fal laxative and weaken tlieir stomachs frastic p irjjatives edited and he hjghly ace tonic jnotjthrop lymans veiretable dig which causes appetite and 23 dyspeptic good digestion to wai an lioth m b- whereas the municipal jouncil of the village of actouiiavo been petitioned to seourelaud for the puriwse xa a public- cemetery s and wljeroas for tlie purpose of paying tlie purotiaso mouey of said land and im proving tlie it will bo necessary for the said municipal council to raise the sum of one thousand dollars and whereas it will require the buiu of ninetyfive dollars to be raisediftiinually by special rate on tho whole rateable- pro perty of the village of acton for paying tlie said debt af one thousand dollars as hereinafter mentioned and whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of tho said village of acton according tothe last revised assess ment rollof the said village of acton its one hundred and eiglityseven thousand two hundred aud thirtynine dollars and whereas the amount of the debt of the said villago of acton is five thousstnd and twenty dollars for principal and tho sum of nil for interest and whereas for paying tho interest and creating a yearly sinking fund for paying the said sum of one thousand dollars it will require an annual special rate of one half of a mill iu the dollar iu addition to all rates to be levied in each year be it therefore enacted by the municipal couucil of the village of acton 1st that it shall be lawful for the reeve of the said villago of acton to raise by way of loan from any person- or persons body or bodies corporate who may bo willijig to advance the same upon the credit of tho debentures hereinafter mentioned a sum of mbuoy not exceeding iu tlie whole the sum of one thousand dollars and to cause the same to be paid into the hands of the treasurer of tho said village for the pur poses and with the object above recited 2nd that i shall bu lawful for thci said reeve to cansp any number of debentures to be nmde for such sums of money as may be requ red not less than one hundred dollars each and not exceeding in the wholerainiotnit the said sum of one thou sand dollars aud that the said debentures shall bej sealed with the seal of tlie said village pf acton aud be signed by the said reeve and countersigned by the treasurer if the said village 3rd that the said debentures -shall- be made payable in twenty yeurs at furthest fromtee day hereinafter mentioned by this bylaw to tafie effect at the officii of the treasurer of the said municipality and shall have attached to them coupons for the payment of interest i j 4th that the said debentures shall bear interestat aiid after the rate of si x per cent per annum from the date thereof which interest shall be payable annually on the first day of december in each year at tlie office of the said treasurer of the village ofylctoii 5th that for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the payment of the said debentures and the interest at the rate aforesaid to become due thereon a ispecial rate of one half of a mill 111 the dollar bliali in addition to all other rates be assessed raised levied and collected iu each yea upon all tlie rateable property in the said village of acton during tho continuance of the said debentures or any of them gtb that this bylaw shall take effect and come into operation on the twentieth day of may a 1 1885 and be it further enacted by the said munici ml council that tho votes of the electors of the sajd village of acton on the above dylaw shall be taken between the hours cf nine oclock in tho forenoon und five ii the afteruooik on imouday tlie eighteenth day of may a d 1885 at the town hall in the said villago of acton in matthews hall iu the said village of indjthat johiic hill of the said of acton iu the county of halton shall be deputy returning officer at the- polling iptace at matthews hall and that j fy mbgarvin shall be deputy returning officer at the polling place in the town hall in the said village of acton and that the clerk of the council shall sum up the number of the votes given for and against the said bylaw at the hall iu the said village of acton on the sahie dav at fho hour of six oclock after the polling of the votes and further that the time and place for the appointment of persons toatteud at the various polling places on behalf of the res pective parties promoting and oppqsing said bylaw and at the said summing up of the votes by the clerk shall be at the hot aw try bkiu scalding heusntiona swelling 6f the ankles v viiguwieolings of uurest v frothy or brickdubt fluidb acid stomach aching loins 1 cramtig growing nervousudhs strange boronebb- of the biwelsv unaccountable languid feeliiigi bhorti breath and plouritiq pains v oiie side headache biokacho frequent attacks of the blues fluttering and distress of the heart albumen aud tube casts in the water fitful rheumatio pains and neuralgia loss of appetite flesh and strength constipation alternating w th loosonbbs oftho bowels abundant pale or scanty flow pfdarfc water chills and fever burning patched of skin thou ton bca brljriit8 diseiiseoi thclililucys the above syniptoniaaro not developed in any order but appear disappear and re- apoar until the disease gradially gets a firm grasp 011 the constitution the kiduoy- poisonod blood jbreaks down the riorvbus bystoniand finally pneumonia diarrhooa bloodlessness hoart disease appoplexy paralysis or convulsions euskie and theu death is inevitable this feu rf ul disease is not a raro ones it is an eery day dis order and- claims more victi 11s than any other complaint it must be treated in time or it will gain the mastery dont neglect it war ners safe cure has cured thousands of oases of the worst type and it will euro you if you will use it promptly and as di rected it is the only specific for the uni versal j3rights disease sjnonts ney advertise ook ani douse i aid wanted bv aril mftv alto cook mil hoiihcniaiil mrs john h 3g6 giielph 4p1rent1e wanted healthy industrious nbout 15 yenrs of tw hiisiiioss anvlv lit tlio vilpr 1 and intelligent boy tdlcarii the rrinting rklck ups lost lidst lost lost ou saturjay lltli inst between lieu nets hotel ami the ititi depot a ludyi gold watch and chain suitable reward wilt bo ll nlw srabsels carpet inew tapettry carp8t border new new 4- mairass buspel border fe ft d n jh nd lmen sicerl lacq curtains new blaa silknewbladk afebm mew moired djichesse i new colored airilsilk new tussore silks plain and french brpdhef dress lp given if the jinder will leave thorn at tho kbbe vhkss officii settle youk account all indebted to the undersigned are hereby notified that their accounts must be settled with mr a e nicklin iniyiwliatijly otherwise thev will be placed in bther imtidsltor collection b nlckjllx bon uollse lot for sale- rilhk undttrmgucd offers for sale his house and x lot on slain street it is a large house cou- taius nine rooms also kitchon arid woodshed is well adapted for a tenement or boarding house opod stable 011 the premises liberal terms applvto dw camlbkll shingles 1d yood i stbek 175 fvteacton j ire bect ni jd comfort lo the surrcrlog browns household patacea has no equal for 1 elievin pain hot 1 internal and external it cures rain irijiltf bide back or bowel sore phrnatj rheumatism toothache lumbago and my kind of a pain or ai he ft will mbi t surely quick en the bio id and heal as jti acting power is wonderf al brownae buseholdpari- beiig acknowledged as the great pain reliefer and of donbh the strength of any otier ejlixir or liniment in the world shb nld be in evejryia nlly handy for use when raated as it rially is the best remedy in the brjdfor crampg in the stomach i pd pains and p li is of all kinds and isfor t ale by allprujgi s ts at 25 cents abpttle 44 mm acton village rihk umluisigued lias for kale a splendid x of kirstclass shingles no i cedar per square no 1 iihe ljo per square no cedar oilier mpiiinj also a large quantity of wood of all kiftls ftoiii i126 a lond up to i100 acord priipe short j staves and heading to the trade at bottom prices i thosc moork factoirnfmain st west acton anteo wantkd a uesidfnt agent in eveky village townaud city in tho dominion albo d few travellers to sell our new air giis ma- chinesfor making ilr gag io percent cheaper thancoal equally oafiood xo flro or power re quired mode in all sizes front iobtirivsrs to 1000 forprivato hoiires stores liotpis factories mill streets uiirics o tc ajddress canadian am 6as machine mfo co 115 t francois xrivierst 151 y montlteal ift court of revision tphe court of ltcvisiou foivthe mtinicipahtvof 1 the- village of acton will hold irs first sitting for hie hearing and tie- teniiining of apjieals aaiust the assessmeut of uw thecounqil chamber on- tuesday 2nd june 2884 fli when materials batiti milli we extend a cqkdlil mltation to eviri ady to visit qllr i 1 showrook on or lthiirsdat j5te3 l aftjer aeil london models in hatsi wkto to o us for samples it is not jconvenlent tb personal we will mafee pur first ijpay of jparis and boiiets and es f any tiling 3rou want if x gtje3 i li 5 at iiiiir n ejoci i ij e council at eight of may chamber in said village of acton oclocfcp m of the sixteenth day a d 1885 notice take aiotice that the above is a true copy- of a proposed bylaw which will be taken into consideration by the council of this municipality after one month from the first publication iii the aoton fhee peksb the date of which first publication was thurs day thej twentythird day of april a d 1885 and that the votes of the electors of the said municipality will he taken thereon in the hall in the village of acton and in matthews hall in the said village of acton on monday theeighteeuthdaypf may ad 1885 at nine oclock it tlile forenoon je mpgabvin j clerk of the municipality of the v village of aqton dated at acton the twenty- 1 first day of april ai d 1885 and further take notice that at the time bf votiugifor said bylaw each vqte entitled to vote therefor shall be handec a ballot on which he or she shall niark ihe piece or plot of land he or she desires or the council to select as the property for a cemetery and the property containing ue largest numcer of votes ehajl be the one selected by fbis councii clerks office mav jtli 1ssv mcgarvin vnruii clkiik for the use op to move the 6w- el gently 2 o 4 pul thoroughly 4 vo 6 pillt experience fdiu deciffe the proper dose in each cote a few hints l the us1 riose t i for constipation or costlveneib no remedy is sd effective as ayees itts they insure regular daily action and to- v store the bowels to a healthy conditio d for indigestion or dyspepsia avebs pills are invaluable and a sure core heartburn loss of appetite ioul stomach flatulency isirilneis head ache numbness nausea are ail relieved and cored by ansas pills in ijver complaint buious disorders and jaundice ayekb pills should be given in closes large enough to excite the liver- and bowels and remove ccmstlpation as a cleansing medicine in tho sp isg theia pills are unequalled worms caused by a morbid c ndition ol the bowelb are expelled by these pills eruptions skin diseases nd pllegj the result of indigestion or constlj latlon are cured by the use of ayebs pills for colds take avers pills to open the pores removo inflammatory lecretions and allay the fever for diarrhoea and dysentery caused by sadden colds indigestible food etc ayeils pills are the true remedy ithenmatlsm gout neuralgia and 6clatlcapf ten result from digestive derange- ment or colds and disappear onj removing the cause by the use ot ateesipills tumors dropsy kidney complaints and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction are cured by ayersipilxs suppression and painful menstrua tion bare a safo and ready reijiedy in fall direction in various languages ae- company each package dr jcayerilcouwljma88 tsold bfitidirogit wonder- boosts in no trifling sense liit the best literaturp of tl e worli i presented in excellent and attractive onn atprioeiisoloastoexciteuniversal wonder libbart if stanpahj nistoby containing is one volume imperiai octavo good type with numerous flna blusti tidmcthb who e richlybound in fine cloth ornamented the following celebrated vor ts unabridged gbens iarjer history of th english people c 1rutle i history of tho french revolution cbeasys iftoondecisive batties or the world schiller history of the thirty years war harper b iothebs lowestprice forjthese four great works fel40 mypricei850fpo8tage46 qentsextra f x wonder1 ook injmore senses than one the idea of put ting la work lik i this at only 250 per copy seems preposter- ousand yet tl ere is wisdom in it for everybody will wantit and it will thue be the means of advertising and introducing the numerous c ther valuable books which the publisher is put ting f orward christian at work new york ity it is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph or modern me chanical art thit such a noble volume can be furnshedat so smalraost vhether we admire ite large proportions beau tiful binding f ur pagi excellent paper numerous and strik ing i lustrationi i numbering nearly 100 all are firstclass chriitiancyntsure chicago 111 lifllabyif standard poems containmg in one in perialoclat handsomejly bound volume of about f100 pages bour geois and brev iertypp leadedi ibe following works upahridged scotts complete poetical and dramatic works oinpicio poetical morlis of itoliertbnims aniple pocsoal works ofxboinas aiooro s- ejijiiilly goo i editions of these are not elsewhere obtaifi- iktfor lass th ii 150 mv price 2j00 postage iii eents illusth kist iiibrabttf classic riwse jnvmhafxr t tavo volume of aboitt 900 pages haiidsoino iype and fcie vlom oictjiij onuunented tbjefolipnjngfamou3eriaysaiidtrorla blacanlnys esiay on slilton j r jphn stuurt mill oh llherty j p o hapiertons the iiitellectnal iifc herbert spencer on education great thoughts fromgreek authors- qreat thoughts from latin authors complelte essays by lord bacon complete letters of junius irvings rip van winkle and other sketches wasbin tons farewell and other addresses i maeatil lys llfe of frederick the great ithe abovssamdt be obtained from any other publishing htu8eforlesstblah10my price is 175 postage 30 ceiitk jthisisindeedavonderbook in the amount and valuable quality of its contents the wonder is how- such a look wnicnib alibrary in itself can besoldat such a price aleth- misi recorder pittsburgh pa your historical wonderbook is a wonder a woiiuer howan imperiaioctnvo volume of over lofi pagewith maay illustrations clear ypo fine paper bimdonlely bound cou- isl raining four standard historicalvoikaofigreattyut can sold for 850besson j lossiso llidbehistorian mmmmia i ill i wi ti4 coupon t this ccapon will be receive in lieu of 25 cents cash tra lisrnitg price brother ot ftbovq works if stnt within ten tbysironi tizu- ur 129 cftlt thtspaptfr mention name of paper thin offci is to eccutc vj pr respoaso cud indicate the iiaylnsiiilrertiinaiiiujaiiik 100page catalog uk ht free hcmil erature b the world at the lowest ices ever knivi ii rris sent for fimwixatiox before p on reasonable evidence of good faith addrcts yxlxl vi p o ioisis dautrion john b aldentrptwiser 03 pcnrl street x york a prize i biliousness- dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache and every species disordered liver dl ft i ness dropsy fluttering of the heart j acidity of the stomach dryness of ijhejkin uf disease arising from ruu liven kidney8 btrfu bowelor blood jg t mlibonn i so propr toronta iragow ee 108 843s ac eg ol ma coonttttt ie railroad lands for sale and the fbee government lands address chasb lambojin lhu cottvr h pjb lst paul mini sent niee thhipaper vortlbl ig purcau 10 spruce contra m mwbe mi r- t an oreji on 1 dakota won- m b fiora lnhe sudcrlor io paget sonnl i at prlcissoblnj chl rtvfrw w to 16 per acre onbtoj10years this is the best country it q j 4 now open for settlement ssil acres of oovemment lai a free under tlie homestead and taber culture laws note nor tobfi than ol all the pa lie lanas disposed of 1a 1883 the northern pacific country books and r j describing die northern n ny liofouiul onfllohtpco pi kjiiwell 4 0 newspaper- ad- raiwfw n navy in bronze letters ne other cenuine the illinois central r r the shjoit and popular ltoute between chicago the lake heglou and tlie great j north- est and- and tl -ib- n e w or the resorts leans of the coasi charming gui e sfew florida kotite via new orleinn is eiipliatially the shortest totlie sontn byii any many miles excellentconuecf tioii4 to jiill points in tetas and 6aiiforuipl through sleeping cats f rom ohicago ti nev orleans without change j jbr rnore partieular ipformation respect- ing about routes rates aovaiddress thqsborwin- a h hanson uounortuerulajiiiagontf geupaiisageirt 1 jjhicaool j cnioaoi send six cents for postage aud receivefree a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right awaythan anything else in this world allof eitherboxi sucfeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before hie workers absolutely sure at once address thcb co augustajiaiue j housed painting we this undersigned begto inform the people of acton ad viciniti jihat we are preparedto give firs olass satisfaction in thejines of roof paiut- ing house painting calciirjining and also paper hanging in the lateststyles all order promptly attended to d beliv p uy5k iibi j v1 j jm fonthill nurseries y acnesj largest rn the bominton iachk salesmen wanted to begin canvassing at once op fall sales steady imploymintto successful men good agents aje earning from 4q to3o per month and expenses terms and ou tit free address s j riuitbervmex i tcoronto ont nil the art interghanci 1 8781885 i v ahilluktiateahouseboldjournal of paiiit- ingi embroidery hbmeart work liter aturei ait i art i with colored and design supplemei t sheets published fortnightly price per ear 8300- six months 165 tral threl montnib 5100 iu cents per singlaeopy r- i r a sample copy with fulupage colored- j plateiand a- catalogue of other art wopc handbooks sent on receipt of 15 cents jn stamps j address wm whitlecfc publibhoji lio nassau street ngw york fj oii op j mi ria 4- i is i -b- l w v ip m t m ii fo4k

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