iitfii grand trink railway mtfced i6lau kxpress 71buii rmw uiiul uoftiuinl tliroughb5ty vin q0ikowbt rest 1447 mm xprossllu n m all j 545 pm ioclj 630 will kke their cwcsb k xprciw jdoim not i stop le twfccn g heir pi toronto j 1lw i i tifcyci0wkomuatii 1 ooing west i0jii and sstr cklus i v english mail dole ntlmh am on avedueiday l canadian pacific railway wxpkxsku timk tahlk r tf rohto tordetroit chicago and mauitoba stlotasex p6iflcex local ex torouto i- 8 loaon 125pm 4 wp 8ettaijuum0 s 3 10 5 30 stthomns j 13 05 lun 3 85 8 33 detroit i 3 45 8 30 osoajui clleago i t 30 aro 7 55 3 43 pjm wuaipog trw daily except monday toronto to montreal quebec dud boston limited ex moulted x 8iliaiu l 7 55pjm 17 aim the side evalk4 this sanvn ii r iforyeatijithe sidewal a reno a btate i f repair m i stifeet ftiid 8i i iwalk committee hands lull ihj looking after rally lnvvti 1 lot beeii ia general appearance of lai t wetj one of jc u lipfod sports men cliartits ispeigul khota very baud some lo in- a bird rate t se en in tese parts it 4s larger thaii a goo se fnd hasj beautiful spockiec plumage j v- mr w k smith h4 boulevarded the street oil the least side of tie improvements of tl js nature on the btreeta t end very imate rii i ly to enhance the toronto if ottaw montreal ouoboc boston brauiptou stroeutillo brampton brampton orange villo onren sonne 6 07 pm coo aim 8 50 50- pin 8 soajiu x brampton tostreetsville juuptiou r uiptou 7a3ani u 4 04mjm j 7 45 4 25 i to orangeville and owen sound 3nm 11 03 i osojun 10 20 parkuae i your tickets by this new n popular lib from j- k mcgabvis tictet assent actonntrio 5 43 pjul our i i r les at ceo nynds acton besides diy well selected stock of watches clocks jfewellry spectacles silverware i keep in stock the best selection to be found iu actpni of stationery note paper from ic per quire to 40c envelopes f rem c per package to uocv mourning envelopes and paper 1 i i school booksslates school bags scru- blingbook pencils pens ink bibles ajud testameiits a large stock wedding and birthday presents fancy goods toys birthday cards ac ttc the leading store in acton for this olass of goods give ns a call i geo hynds acton ontji it ttim mm bm ty wn at- if j tp rj czz thrbspatjdofesiso mvy 7 1883 j i b r 1 crtjwnets for ibreakpad i vt j provided by the ever thpugritful pijee ress jreporters r i j arbor day a public holiday to-morrow- the lawns begir to assume their at tractive yernal tints i- j rlsnt it about time the conwratfon street cleaners were put to work the georgetown birhld thinks acton id likely to haveji cemetery this time litue falls creamery near limehouse will commence operatiobs on thejloth inst j guelphs rate of assessment for 185 i has been struck and is j mills on tie douar j m j haltwi kotven i druggists license is issued this yeair attention is directed to the generil agency cirl of mr j emcgarvin on oiir will visit acton sionally hotel or a con biuatip called vitalized without we pain adnse about i 1 aving inlay ontario least it action be ferret ted oit warn this public cern tbe our ii aders to be careful any i iealinga with the sanit irium head office 271 king street wei t tort nto we have posi tive proof of oub fraudulent transaction at and n it dout others could and wj feel it our duty to ly against yie con 7hich aiej irinoipa ty lxal and all jlnteresfang h r fiublisliinfj yesottnts andvalabe- cli a axj i rl woliuvt vrithiiiany botad foh- yur- in ix5 storian l u tlic 1mit i er- cisvvrk ior postage acostlybox moreinoney iu thisworld first hour r before the juce address ing ed beg to acton and to give first- boofpaint- g aud also styles as a to p ttst a i uvku b 4wi nfon acios nted ipn fall sales iful men- in wo to 75 nps and out- pon nntqbst it i inge dalofpairttl jvqrk14tr- 3 nd design finjgbtly bnths l05 15 cerit8per page colored er art work i ifleentsjiii first page reineiiiber xicklkis sale of real estajte wmonxt sifter ycjn hive planted your shade tree boating on our beiiutrful little spriii water lake west of town is now the attralc- tive pistime 1 aseriesof religious services ol some diameter bave beai in progress in jreens hall this week i miltbiis base ball club has alreadyja hicmnrrsliiiiof over nftvu tiere is actons enterprising teim i i- tlie shii says- tlie sirins show at milton wjis not as largely atteudedas usual tliiry stallions were ehibited i i jrom 5thc sh we learn that miltons assessor ftmnd 105 dogs in that town its notcurless town then aftet all the wm showers of the past day or two havie tended very materially to give vegetation much neededstart the board of education met on moil- day evening but no business requiring ajt- tentioii iappeared on the docket- i a bajse ball club has been formed n georgetown with a membership of twenty it is tobe knowtfas the atlanticsi j j messrsalex secordand thosi perr- man are just completing neat and shbstaji- tialfeeees in front of their premises j i main streetatjmclams blacksmitii shop akd opposite mr win hemstreet ipropeirty requires repairing very badly j i tb4 telephone pen are in town again putting in instrumentsf or new subscribers and i uninng the speciahme to limehouse cadet maggie start of the salvation army here left for port hope on friday she is succeeded by cadet annie turner there still remains some obstructions on the streetsr to all of which we call the attention of the officer m charge of this matter thistf desinng shade trees for planting on the street to morrow will be supplied at mr w e smiths barn on john street opposite kr storeyf residence call efttl this is may 6o gentle bewitching may the month of sprmg flowers and ver dure and various other things but the frott s not all otit of the ground yet and thp is ma three hundred aud twenty one shade trees were planted on our streets iwo yea 8 ago this week by our citizens wehoie arbor day toniorrow will show as good a record a local gardener has lettuce up the beed of which was only planted last satur day it was scratched up by his neighbor b chicken shoou the chickelw j another manufaptory for milton tb old novelty works have been leased bjtlie sons of fr j r mitbliell and will be ast d by theuiaj a fauiiug mill aud building it i s rnmoid tli at ii passenger coach will be i ttached to tin fr aighturain which brings theinorhing iiapjrsfromtorouto this w uld be very icquvenient for those of our citizens doing bjisji ess in cruelph a xew bidewalk isi badly needed oil church street bttweea jviuow and maiu streets mr pea sou will be justified in followjiui the exai upleif a 1 his predecessors and sect ring gooc side val itjiccommodation iu coune stson wit l his pf perty acuif has beeii ery unfortuuate in losuig preeminent mei the acton fkek pukss las bceu kep iiusy on obituary notices- ptil be ntter p his is really the- case ai d it is c ur m wf ul duty to add another to the lis this w ek the fpurteeith a unial report of the ontario institutkn foi tli b deaf and dumb is jubt received th sre are 282 pupils at present ttteijaing the irisjtitutioni fourof these ait i from op ricou ttt j as follows c gillom broklteji johi jlinton kilbride jolm b newell mill on and bose wil- lotighby geot iwn the followib froi 1 1 le bruce herahl isp sample of tai a pa a raphs printed in those cojmie wl ere he scott act came iuto fore e on ifn ay last arrangeforpic- niciug a id pjeast re psrtijs for the ensuing week o danfle r of t lie weather itr will be one o the dry st w 18 on record arid the probabilities ire tl at it will continue dry for t he riextj hree ei cs mr ale ililpmi laii late principal rockwood aoatlroy hits disposed of his propertj in rocl wood j if his candidature for the i s iu4 lectoi at i is favorably re ceived ly the comity council he will be come a imaneni resile it of acton mr mcmillan is a yieryivri by gentleman and would i lake i a fmost every re ipect store i should close at 8 ip at we ulduj t it be a good idea fcr our nier ohauts to juaugnrate tho ekrly oltwiitg cys tern for the summer ugaiu their o and themselves require some time for rest and ijeoreatipn arrange for a general elgt oclock olosiug hour p s i aapeotpr pro teni mr d j mckinnotir p 8 1 for peel who has been appointed by the warden to act as inspector pro ftu for hal ton desires lintlit to iaxhe will beluvppy to meet with trustees teachert or others who may wish to eon suit on school matters at the following times and places r saturday icth may 10 am to pniiat the eofunty building milton moikday 18th may afternoon at the public sohool apton eridayi 29th may forenoon at the pub- lio school oakville afternoon public school burlington mr mokinnon will not attempt to com plete tjie inspection of the haltonschools for the current half year but will endeavpr to visit any school the trustees of which for special reasons desire it xfficial oorrespondence should be address- ed tfebrarapton po death of another prominent resident we have frequently been called upon of late to perform the sorrowful duty of an nonnoug the death of prominent reerdents of acton and vicinity and this weok an- other is added to the list by the demise of mr alex h brown of lisquesiug just mkmli wmgsi m car den ff fishing rods and tack a good variety seeds reliable h field and flowei 8ed9 including turnip mangel rapo hungarian 6tcc kinds wjlxwt your houses with ready misled pasus the lai gest jand beat stoqk i of paints oils varnishes otc in totiand at j ibelowest prices is at ri mccarvins drug iotosr er e pilm 0 jbeatrtlpul i kew ana stationery store fsirubl e citizen in i d s surgeon wednesday may ishin1o see him profes- so by calling at agnews inislei tiitrousjoxide gas i of an lestbetics commonly air jcori extracting teeth weiti s mounte i police secru tfl a spe rial train con ceding the recruits for the isprtli west- mo tiritedpolice passed throush acton jovfr the g t r about noon on tluirsday last tpey numbered bout 230- they were joined at guelph by eight others they werela tine looking lot of men j the new bishops frsf visit the right rev chnshamtltoii m a the uewjlyconsecrated bishop of this dio- cease p albans church contirmjation will be 1 eld rakings lrposes making a viiitation to st church acftjii aid st john rockwood on i sjund ay june 7th and cdusecff ttoifc servirses prices a iaton iy cobiindruni has mnie ricll relative ljftyuua ool- wilrieh ybtji at e spending iii piiblisiifag books for the peo tie at nominal ur taste but v if so admire y read his advertisement i wont tl e aldliiiepublishers be glad when it is gone spquerried a j rominent law yer con erning jthe lateral y revolution mr allen replies that there is neither rich relative nor philanthropy in it ihat th books pay good pro its even at his unhearc of low prices by the immense sales th jy secure elsewhe e sabbatli school institutes y the executive of the sibbath school associa ion of the county have secured the ser ices of rev johu loewen gejir eral siecretary of tliealihatdi school as j sdciatloii of canadat3 lecture and coh- ducta e eriesof institfil es ii georgetown on may 10th 11th and 2th milton 13th 14th laid t5th oakvile 17th 18th and 19th ft urlington 3iatj and jrme 1st and 2nd cf mpbellville june 3r i 4th and 5th the ihtitufe work wjll commbnciach day at 4 and 7 30 p m as rev mr mc eweii onducted a nuniher cf institute ex ercises during the sessions of jhe annual convention held here in february he will not visit acton on this visit to the county we hope the sabbath schocl workers will attend 1 hese meetings as nuch benefit is to be dc rived outside j the corporation this occurred last thursday evening a year ago last fall mri brown was taken with a severe illness- from which he never completely recovered since that time he has been an invalid suffering from a disease of the brain mr brown was born oil the farm on whioh he died in 1841 here he spent his life aud was looked upon as one of the most successful farmers in this section hotook considerable interest iu municipal and educational matters and has for a number of years occupied a seat on the board of trustees his school section hebecame connected witlv the methodist cliuvcii the church of his sainted father in boylicodand has always been a consistent mernler and uberal supporter thereof he was a member of the building committee whicl superintended the erection of the fine i lethodist church iu this place apd for many years has occupied an official positi iu in the church he attended the quarterly servicesilast november the last time he was the fatheb of six children all of whom with his sorrowing wife sur- tive 1 im they are left iu very corpfort- ible c rcumstauces fiuaucialiyj the fpn- ral o l saturday afternoon was attended by a large concourse of sympathizing friend i and neighbors bdv ji s colling conducted a memorial service bn sunday evenii g his text was taken from col iii4 christ who isourlifey upon which an apiropnate aud convincing sermon wai founded purely personal paragi aphs kespectjjig people 4ith whom our readers are individually or i couectively acquainted i slit alkx mcmillvs aud dn dnvikx of rockwood were hi town on monday jmn and mrs hcon gamebojof stratford visited acton friends during the week coimcillor isiiosn was at council meeting on tuesday evening the first time siucehis illness mri john brxmu of the brampton ban- nerstaj visfted friends here over sunday ije cal ed at the fiut phess office mn jjirs e coiiiias left on tuesday looming for gloversville x y to take a situation in a glove leather liianufactory our respected towusiuan mis it enkii sox we s confined to liisigoin fcliree or four days during the week with asevere cold we are pleased to be able to state however that he is how convalescent mn i c stoveij represeutiugthe lon- doii life insurance company is in town thiswejsk mn stovkl is an old an sue- ceasf ul newspaper man and has a word of encouragement for those of the craft where- ever he goes ma 1 iiomas t mooitk principal of tho public school has been sufferingduriug she pat t week from a very serious attack of erysi jelas in left side ofthe jliead his case is i very critical one but we sincerely trust hej will again regain perfect health magne limehouse sparks from ovr own correspondent fishe rs are busy at the pond fish oruiis and bent pins are catchiug it factory 3- queen i birthday in aoton acoi driving paik aswciation have arrange 3 to hold their aunu il spring races in the i ark here on mondaj 25th may on which ccasion pnrses to the amount of 8160 i will be given in prises divided in purses us follows opeu trt open to jail comers a parse of u5 green trotopei to hones that have nevi won pulthi money a purse of 40 locl trot open to horses awned in acton isnce 1st maj a pursaj o 30 runnir race open to al a purse o 23 iu jtdditfon t tbio the aso- ciaticjn hae aa tug of war betwlei teams of ten men each fromifche townfeh ps of esquesmg ami erin fori the cbamfpimis of the two townships prize u0 aoton has a sleudid driving parklwitb a course of half a mile ingjwd condition and no doubf there will be a reatf iiflnx of vfeitoirs pn this occasion othel ames andl spoits ui y be arranged mr john lindsay is busy ploughing with ihis ox toani j mr- hyatt was married to miss lane yesterday afternoon j- i oiirn erchants are working in the iw mill for few weeks mr edynesof acton is to move mr sharps biouse this week several of the children ih the neighbor hood have whooping cough mr llhs expects to be kept at the station to the satisfaction of all concerned mr john moores saw mijl is running sawing lumber for mr liudsays barn mr hindis left here last friday for chingnabousj his family left the next- morning mr jhn martin has had the outside plastering of his house finished and is now putting i p a new fence mi thomas meredith left here tins morning for brampton wiere he intends studying for some time no ser uce in the methodist church here yesterda r on account of quarterly meeting services being held in georgetown mr h mry crawshaw of this place in tends bu iding two stone houses this sum mer bet eeeu beuuptts hotel and the g t r in ictou theprasbytenau young peoples literary association of georgetown and limehouse met last monday evening in georgetown for the last time till fall bock 27 lower wyndh cuelp svitiiiu y april 18th 1 85 6v- about advertising fiist yoit will always find ray ad- vertiseriient in this space andl will esteem it a gieat favor it yba will take the trouble to look- for it aud read it ad5 veitising pays it pays tbe m an who wants to sell to let the public kiiow what be bas and wbere be is it pays tbe man who wants to buy to become aware of the same tact hence advertising is a means of mut ual benefit between dealer and customer it however only re- maiu s valuable so loiig as it is done ou the basis of it straight up and down statemnt of facts and facts only confidence in the truthfulness oftatemeut mu8tbe maintained tihe com munity ij as ready to nail a lie in au advertisemdnt as in any other wajv and is likely to ac cord it the same treatment it- pays to tell tbe truth oven in an advertisement i secondly i i cast 110 reflections on single man my experience isat the word of at least niije out of ten business men is good still- there is that odd one atfd his peculiarity causes people to viey others with- to say the lastafairamountof suspicion fpw 1 want to say this you rll always find my advertise ments free from bombastic ab surdities and statement which tle actual facts do not verity i shall always strive to do a lit 4 i tie better tluvn i advertise thirdly 1 wijl enteemit a great favor if you not only read but come and cdm pare statement with fact i do live i pushing bnsinessi buy cheap ind sell cheap and i am going to ad vertise it and whether in my advertisements or in statements from over out countjers my business is going to be onduct- ed in such away that the small est child is treated- as justly as the most experienced buyer 3ures liheuma ics neuralgia lame back stiff j tints and chilblains icoil a ures chappejt burns and if icalds magniticgil is is splefldid for icoil hanks frost bites- 1j3 onaian a4rt w a big range aresho i 4 v5 m m ing this yielf ii i prints jprom vcentflupwajri 0p choieje adbeautifitl dress goods eom ifrfcents up eci v v i special lines in spring hosi sciatica etc a most useful remedy for both man id bekbt magnetic oil coughs and colds sore throitud croup special l iiiv special ealfc3b of choice plnghams frjom 10tents tip nes iw spring si ecjaldrives 1 parsoj8 special magnetic oil is sold by all druggists at 25 cents a pottle and is actually the best liniment known insist on your druggist giving yem the gei mine magnetic oili 1mpctant now that the holidays are over and the f athibes are ast in disunited and scat teredover thulaiid i lome should sit i beautif il it cabir et fl the friends at for a dozen artistic ry sloves a j it sha des v line of car pets at all prices specialties inmillinerx ani gtilu rens hatj8 speciaities in genrlemens clorfilng i specialties in gents i ornish ings special line of later raisins really beatltlful fruit att3i6 photos at- slls studio mill utl acton to cud to distai t lpv j will be more w i per box another eot of that famous r 1r onesi nothiug ppreciatedby them 6fd photos copied enlarged and framed in good style a h cheap iii- i mcraesc go in8 having purchased the bakery usi- i ess of m sssrs e iickuk son i beg tf solicit a ejont ge of a e ft 27 lower wyndham stj cuelphr notice to creditors r thl matter of charles sidney smith deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of chap 107 b 8 0 and 46 vict i 9 out to all creditors and other having t at the- cftqn goods h0ttsb vf neier before in canada were gojds offered d mann proprietor so c heap aswja- are offeyilig v them thts spring uance of the patron 1 who halve itne past favored the texcelsidr bakery with their patronage tmy bukera will bi firstclass and i can assure 1 11 that m y stctchj of r4ap tjns 1- gkes oqnfectionrbrfe f v r r r shirtings tatwereforirerly tfrorth 20c we areflelliug for i5f4 cottom ayard wide splendid quality at 5awd so embroidefrs at3apjt5oworti il-piiiitbat5oid- upwards of four hiind red patternsto select from y lrebs gjods atc and hpwirdfl liullins ani lawns hi autiful paftternsiii colore cream and y mte at to and opwards will avays he o the best quality my persona endeavtr will do to gte every cusjtomf r satisfa tion- bijeatd delivered a httejwz claims againat the ostate of charles sidney suntlilate of the village of aotou in the county of halton maunfacturer wild died on or adout the twenty flflitt daj of march a id 1885 to de liver or send by post prepaid to fttesan mowat mclean acton 1 o hohcitors for diana w smith the administratrix of the estate andeffects of the said deceased on or before tho nf wenth dayofmaya d 1885 their christian names and surnames addresses and desnrition the full particulars of their claims a taftment of their accounts aud the natuie of the securities if any held by tbein accompanied by a btatutory declaration verifying such claims and further notice is hereby glvdu that imme diately after tho said fifteenth daw of may a d lb85i the assets of the said deceabeft will be dis tributed amoug tbe parties eutjtlod thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above redaired and the said administrates steal not be liable tor the assets or any part thereof io distributed to any person whose claims shall not have been received at the time of the distobntiou of the sadm mowat mclean l actov solicitors for adminisfratnx april 15th 1883 acton maich 30 gall solicited vl d mann 0ittct85 health is wealth iszor may 411885 nmb rem smber howson takes the lead in good teat we defy competition in a 50o or butiio awoatiioii jdol not iuteiid to j tea eithe in greeu black or japan try uudejrtike any additiouftt duties we have as- choice a stoikai cap tie fpujd in city and we are doing the trade findhpiivs toalwajsken jthe best anftmost stylish goods and wftalncerely tua5ttbeladi4 6f j aoton andivictnlty for their liberal patrppa this spriiw by such we are grem encouraged in our efforts ib idtrpdn 3rng finer plass than heretofore kept in acton of drygoodej and- millinery r we i i obhstts fxjkrisrirsecijsrgs ils call on us for yv- isa them auc be convinced surveyor john davis p ls anp ce guelph orders for surveys by mail or telegraph promptly attended to office in days btock guelph j t e colivutsionsi fits nervous iche nenois prostrattoi use of aibohol or b bacco wakefulness depression soften ngof the brain rem insanity and leanl ig to mtoerydeelarr lattlre old ag barrenaesb frmi in ejlthet sex invofuntary losestob tains qi or six icea caused b ver exertion ofjhp or over indulgence eaah oft months treatment 0ne4our paidionlreceiptof iriee wegttoran to cure tuy case tvithkh order s for sl boxes a corapattl villlsondthepi robaielfo lemon ty ttrthe treal nsfqr wewi to rdfuifd effedt a cu o vefil iso i seuabu or overindulgence sauttjoftc a months treatment neatetr nv 3 dollars sent loxes aicorappnled with 4lti by 3c st ohlcai l7 sowbyj itmeof ouirantees issued white regatta shirts celluloid collars and cuffs s styw3h ueh nd caps jjoodstttatkoucan wjj na li n on thle bet and chapt stocic v diy goods j ajfid boots issoes ajtp groceries it i i j x r anp m n- 1- i 4i vis