Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1885, p. 1

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hp ja -the- w ptukwnki every tmvrsjday moaning ivrirhtti l j j l free fwfesl power printing hmse mtt 8f best ictos oxtmuo j tkhmsvtbp fixes pbkss wikjba seutto sulribelts postage paid tor lij0 per u num in aijlvaie floo it not so paid no paper discontinued till jail arrewrtf aro paid except at thfr option pf the jjublishet avbrttsisa rjitesi causual idvertise- p mentis 8- cens per line for the first inser- tion and a cents per linetor each subse quent insertion cash professional cards 10 lines or ues iloojper anuum 1 square w lines 500 per annum payable in six tnontlia from date of insertion any special notice the object ofjwhioh is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual company to be considered au advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by the spape occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil isassassiltfgfi let terms jhlh in artvuiicc lume x number 46 up cton contbxct atea i mldo 33 00 20 00 3500 90 00 la oo aooo is oa 700 ouocolvuuu ou year half column oue year quarter colulniipue year oaecolumu six months halt column six mouths quarter colnmu six months one column three months half columu three mouths quarter column three months advertisements without- suoeillc directions will be inserted till torbiil ami charged accord ingly truisitory idveribehieut must be paid in advance i changes for contract advertisements must be in the office ty 0 a m on mondays otherwise they will be left ovej until the following week h p moore i editor proprietor st qui ttottbhome firstthe world afterwards acton banking coy rey christie co bankers- iton ontario gtmal hankjng liulmtvs transacted 13 ft hid looii il- iflowmc ami jhbowv raw fries tautia fill httor fm tzuhlici to i mfrtinswith nbry ox1y u i hcil aiuiw idop nntl edimc of ai 5 wapac- nisnliiiie div6fet nrislle ks- iiirty years flasigrreni ithvsoife jiujilc err- hich ttry a uuy be ijraucillv- is ol cfctt i to icw tori me rrses ebpditens teed in tie gkwe ii iecynd xt visiter 4 city office etccinpanjr iieeby nail 1 iekt i zdicjxe imllejinitc i rlalloi nuil iuiillj ultttr- i i 1 i i m e qiialil d tiveoijjtub j r i the lir f tlnow into t ements for w i me 1 estified thai 4 1 kn rttldred j i ivcjy other 1 t b 11 v 11 j houaehojii 1 tumow i t h i iiejis kfeapdajt b beet as alro jb and every j s ofc-iiojlb- -i- i oxffjrd l m- tljh4 i box still it bv0centf ti propoctif ii i ibr i jyu tu tjjfr 1 y i tciccs sold- i j m- iprelonluo bkiit scs- if tlc yhmou i i mhr r kc klecidmi 4 felrovi tvlif wl r- r i- iojsrat i 4 flk m l k rirjils pt lfii-i- i llrji ibssi tifeiim ibsbhk f asrsjil business directory ttt h lowri jl b m c p s t t graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of ebybiciians and i surgeons office and residence at the bead of frederick street acton 3e webster mdm of the college of physicians and surgeons of outarici physician surgeen accoucheur omue mill st residence cvmphells hotet acton j n brspeoial attention given to the dis eases of women and children j 1m l bennett dentist georgetown outario 4 gmckinlay ltozp l0axtss ok approved jn0tb8 noiel discounted and interest allowed ondepobits e m special acency aotoa out aoton ontthursbay l tion mr m tpnitiay moknino may ah the school books i used in the city ahd country schools 1 i jare in stock at bookstore bell telephone company messages received and transmitted- jat lower rates tbautelegraphing i ill line steamships tlcfeetsr- issued to all poihts of great ibritaih and the contineutt very- l lowest rates- buy the tickets v here if sending for friends l drs surgeon dentist georgetown oriunses the newsysiem of nitrous oxide gas j com monly cilled vitalized air for extracting teethwithout pain have administered it oer a thousand times in toroiito without anv evil result having been demonstrat or and practical tercher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto patrons may depend- upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed office one door south of baptist church allfless dentaloperations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at the office of cbhayes ld s tovelks block i gnelph out upper wyndham street riggs t ivory dentists south east corner king and youge streets toronto ontsrio finest and best set teeth soto 8- gold fillings onethird rates leave orderl for teeth in the morn ing can have them the sameda ve have been administering hurds vitalized air for the painless extracting of teeth dur ing the past yerfr- regardless v wliat others may say tohn lawsoni graduate ofon- tlv tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont officer iu enny bros boot and shoe store resi- denc the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given j all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms asy l iawiat mclleak i barristers solicitor notaries convey ancers c emohey to loan office tqwii hall acton j a mow at w amcleax canadian pacific h ry tlie- cheapest and best rbufce to all points east and west see time tables sloney saved tj7 dealia with j e mcgarvin acton ontario day sells cheap v nm nun 14 1885 cox co stock brokers ijjttfrwto j- udaljers toronto stock exchaaffe hav independent direct wire by which nev york coiitinnoub stock quotations are teceivtdmore rapidly than by any other soni ce bav and sell on conjtnission for cashor on laiigin all secitritiea dealt in on the tdibiitoimontreal ne york stcick exckankes ajlsoi execute orders in graiti and provis ions the chicago board l trade cable quotations of hudsons bay ier sto k toronto street sgoodwillie g barrister solicitor notary public geobgktows acros air acton office inmrs secords block john day architect gcelm ont office queens hotelblock market square 3 ain laidlaw fe co bakuisiebs solicitous j ofhces over imperial bank 24 ayel- lington street east- entrance exchange alley toronto john bux qc c a mastev wiliiuilauliw geouob japilk patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa canada 20 years practice no patent no pay ellingto quebec st guelfh n marble works john h hamilton proprietor pirjierly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite jand everything fertainingto cemetpry work ltecived first prizes at provincial ex hibition guelphy the western fair and lll loc il exhibitiqus for excellence of material an superiority of workmanship your onl ersj are solicited tj1ranci8 nunan successor to f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelpli ontario account books of all kinds madeto order iperiodicals lot every description carefnhy bounds rtiling neatly and promptly done w m hemstreet lumber shingles and lath rpilleijudersikied desires to inform the public 1 that hebas now on hand and will keep iu sto i 8 full line of pine ami hemlock as well as bth r kinds of lumber also firstaud second clasj pine shingles jjath i codl wood ugl s fjniui i am iirepared to supply a good gtoi new goods bracelets bracelets bracelets new stock beautiful patterns watches watches watches waltham and elgin in gold and silver cases goiidrjgs jliockets- f etc etc 1 just opened b savage near petrics now difus store helpii hills tin 4 stove depot good asortm ent on stoves i cheap for oash tinvare of xvll ktnds at ibottom prices poetiy an old provejrb poutingmy darling becauseit rains and flowers droop and therainisalling and drops are blurring the window panes and a moaning wind through the lane is j calling i crying ahdvishiug theuky as clear and roses again on the lattice twining ah well remember my foolish deai tis easy to laugh whbn the snnib shiniug i i when the world is bright ana faii and gayj and glad birds sing in the fair june weai tber i apd summer is gathering night and day her golden chalice of sweets together when blue setis answerthe sky above and bright stars follow the days declining why then no merit to smileny love tis easy to laugh when the sun is shining j but this is the time the heart to test i when winter is near and storms are howl ing aud the earth from under hef frozen vest looks up at the badsky mute and scowling the brave little spirit shouldrise to meet j the seasons gloom and the days repining and this time to be glad for sweet tis easy to laugh when the sun b shining p we knowthat toiling re oicing sorrrowing onward th ough life he goes eachmomk g sees some task begun each even ng sees its close something a tempted something doe has earnet a nights repose god bless the laborer god blessl his corppffittbtv his littletin pail i j norobe as full of love arid all loves s ubsbciations a iveet it is filled epli motniug ftfil tjri jff a ueet with food and may thp food never few understan 1 how truly the little pail is the in lex of the prosperity community he more thickly we them in the str sets the more prosperoi is do ve are growing o 1 it us feel kindy tow trds the little tin pails wholelirtmberfrlft m w batterfly vfyih of earth oneday v m ajrtjngb toe itribmer what shall it be billy p squbbt i ilfc dangupitl totbegan and bewailed 8 jf in searolipf flowerets gfty i i he lighted ttppb an amber brown whipri glitfienng jeave8 alasj when tolkwbljeberit hto dojniri t was not hbntinoliteii gold j he flew tb a blossom with patewhite ireall torest him a balmy hour itbmowcpncbwe4bnttoiybrea8ir a stone was jbbat passionless flpf then ipying rabyoup b4ipa o r in the petajrf6ffovelie8tteau f the carmine stained tis iimis lips and dap cupid indign jbtjfleou l j j tssf p l r j- farewell farewell to the fldwerslof earth i goloandmaafble are tinted tfix i tllaway to the riealms thift jvemtfbirfiii i4jqb wwwsk mldp mm m and qti e stdry the little tin pails uy iissmalkjik kenxedy j deal kindly tov ards those that bear t iem for labor is the truly honorable t hing among men there is nota neatly gr ided lawn a pretty garden lor a welltrained tree that does bottellofit it builds nag- nificent cities and creates navies and bridges rivers unci lays the railroad t nek dud infuses every purt of tlreflyingloc imo- tive wherever a steamer plows the w ives or the long canal bears the nations ir land wealthi wherever wheat fields wav and the mill wheels turn there labor is the con queror and the king the newspaper wherever it spreads its wings bears w th it toiling hands shouli i not the inipress of the laborer be well fed should be n6t be well housed wife and the world bhoul true poetry ab than anyothe matters not in li e toils manfu contentedly hkviug purchased this cool business of mr c i am prepared to supply oil kinds of ave also a good stock of wood haalwtood ash cedar aid mill wood at reason ably prices twqotl and coal delivered james brown bu licensed auctipneei forthecoijiities of wellington and haltoii orders left atrthelfbee pukss office aotoii or at my residence in acton- will be promptly attend to terms reasonable moyto loan also moniy tofloan on the most favor able terms and ijt the lowest rates of in terest in suhis ois500 and upwards johntjidailey jtsjioclbssor to thompson jackson money- std loan property at 0 per cent lmortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyaiibing in all its branches properly japd neatly done charges low farms and cty property for sale list with farms sale sent to all parts of the dominion tb intendingpurchaaers dnd cir- culated in jburdpe european capitalists wanting faring in xjutario will bejsent di rections through our european agencies tarma wanted for our lists correspon- jdence invited office near the pot office vignelph ont ttanlan barber shop j p worderj has opened a barber shop in the juildibg nearly oppnisite stqreysjmt gjpve factory jxtiil street acton and solicits the patron age of the poblic in this vicinity every department of tbebusinessiwill be conduct ed in firstclass style cfivi us acall -gxblph- siness college gu elpri ontario a specialty cffers youngmen and women the bes tf acilities foracquiring acom- plete trainiuj- for business pursuits j jot kkeepiug commercial arithmetic bankng actual business practice busi lies s jorrespqpdeiice penmanship cpm- mercibil law telegraphy shorthand cal- igi ip lypr type writjng french hygiene anl ihysiology are itaught by the most pn ict cal and interesting methods the sta ff comprises six jexperienped teachers anl lecturers the various departments an el jgantlyi fitted np with the latest and bei t a pparatus jor business college work st idt nts may enteriit auytiine i 3rfor a copy cjiithe annual college cicular address i mjmaccormick i priucipal an1 put up0f shortest notice first class material only used call solicited i j chill miiis cloth haul cabbiage it to imyimmfiv paintinc ccspeicht l j i j t jartis esiringltbeir ieish twe1j3d suitingh beautiful desklns -in- w 16 rei t prici si sbouli leave tl eir orders at oi ce ivitfl andci agflopy 1 2 different shades s m etc lie jaiutei br reva bisbed a id made equal ue w on j hortest wssible ibtice a id at eight tjnder- uder f with ajjefeifffct shaw grundy mtrehbni tailors oiial ph ilic b nioy ibe found on a le at geo p iptn fiswpll fc oa vei rpa ta ml- about six oclock iu the aftenioou a pas- sengeb tannpt walk through the quietest street in any city without j meeting men each vitli a little tiui pail in pis hand as the bearer sxvings it at his side and raps itagaint his large- buttons one can readily know that it is emptyj wjtere has he been what has he been boing what is the pailfor one maynot be able to see anything in the pail hut affjr all it has a pleasant story in it early in the morn ing that pail is filled i before she breakfast things are washed and putaway ills placed upon the table by a goddj iiidustrious wo man who rose befcre the sun to prepare the morning meal anl bathe and dress her children her fingers and feet have jbeen busy all the morning and now she stops all other work to see the laboring husband off to his work and prepare his noon meal for hhn the bread and meat the large piece of pie the gingerbread the pickles and perhaps some dainty bit which she has saved for the man she loves are placed in the little tin pail one after another until it is full andthe lidiplaced sfcugly on he the laborer stands by and loojsson when all is finished he gives akiss to the young est says a pleasant good morning to his wife takes his pail in his liahd and away he goes i j from that- time he disappears for the day no one asks where he goes and few know he swings the hammer or pushes the plane or practices some other handicraft indoors or out he toils all day for bread and clothing for himself and family his i arms are strong bis heart is courageous andtiis mind is content the rich roll by in their carriages but he cares not lazy idlers attract bis eyeltpr a moment but he despises them when noon- time comes and the long whistles sound at the shops he drops his qrk arid opens his little tin pailj down goes the meat with the true zest and the bread tastes as sweetly as iuanna for he has the health which labor brings atlast he readies tlie bottom and biseyes moisten as lie seestberea pieceof fruit or some little deiicaov which the kind wife has smuggled in unknown to him something which has costjher selfdenial isnt thata sweet meal xvfith his appetite and with the sweet associations which em- balm it it is a feastfr tlie jgods thelwhistle feoimdsagainl and again the istrong hands ajid courageous heart are at work the day is now epm the wane but be fgrows little weary for there is a warm place in jiis heait that the fire on which- iwilling labor depends his eye is lifted to the chock hour after hour during pauses in his laborand lioten falls the tardy indexjnntil at last the stroke of six rings out aiid the whistle of releade for the day ives its welcome blasts isefore him are twelve or fourteen blessed iionrs of rest the rough haiids are wsshied the shirt sleeves rolled down land -buttoned- the coat put on the little tin pftil taken from its hiding place and he is in itlio jstreet again now the streets are full of little tin pails they are carried by men who have selfre spect whclive manly lives who earn their bread and owe not a mn the little timpail swings carelesslyat their side the celebration of a days iaboriachieved of hard mojney hardly won a thousand chil dren run to meet the little tin pails and beg the privilege if carrying them into houses and tenements scattered all over the iity- in five hundred of these the table is already set put aud at tbefire sits the neat ly dressed wife and the hissing teapot await- ingthe husbands return behold thefam- ily grdupj gatherejl around the evening board i before those healthy appetites bow rjbiokijubeviands disappear and then the good wife washes the tea things where tbeyistand and the little tin pail is oleanly wiped outarid polished off for thenext days dont be sat catioiior allow greek book uu 1 7- use 8 speak am 1 3hould he not have the best xirettiest children in the 1 not the man who proc uces all that ive h iv to eat and drink and wear be honored to ub there is nore ut the laborers life and lot mans under heaven it what calling a man toil 3 if ly honestly efficientl and lie little tin pail shou d be a badge of nob ility everywhere and ii i the good time cor ung it willbe 01d bill mehigglii was an irishman and that was all right bjdt he was a drunken irishman and that was all wrong butat last bill joined tiietjemperanc societyand took the pledge not long after billy went to saw some wood jibr a saloonkeepet in totypi and as the- day was cold he went into the saloon to warm his hands aiid his toes biily said the saloonkeeper areni you cold inside surei am said bihyv i thin drink they leave you dont-tiiey- them temperance folks said the saloon keeper y- j e ant very thick yeer right said biuy f v qv ow billy saidithe baloonkeeper witb a twinkle in his eve wouldnt yon like a drop of something iwarm it shant cost yoji duything j j billy wiped his mouth with the back of iiis hand the haua that had figured irij the i taking his obligation and slowly going toward the counter said wont ye teutl i i v i no no said the salooukeeper rubbing his hands and sir illiii through his eyes what shall it bebilly cowld waterfbaid billy with a wide e v i shall sefk this false ear hpo morel tsvjji wonle 1- i selec what b oys should enow sfied with your boys him to handle a latila il you are sure that he write a ri pid business hand spell all the words he knows ho write good english edu- or can varieties v to 1 write a g od social letter 5 write a g iod business letter 6 add a col linn of figures rapidly tjmake out m ordinary account 8 dedijct 1 a per cent from the fae of it- i jgi 9 receipt it when it is paid 10 write ai ordinary receipt 11 write ai advertisement for the local paper 12 write a notice or report of apjublic meeting 13 write ai i ordinary promissory twite 14 reckon 1 lie interest or discount pu it for days moutlfs or years 15 draw ar ordinary bank check 16 take it i othe proper place in a bank toget it cashe 1 17 make ii it aiid correct enterics in your daybook and ledger 18 tell the number of yards of carpet required for y ur parlor 19 measure the pile of lumber in your yard 20 tell th i number of bushels of wheat in your larges bin and the value of it at the current ra tes v 21 tell yon something about the great authors and si atesmen of the present day 22 tell yoi wjiat railways he would take in making a fe ipjfrjbm boston to san fran cisco if hecaud all this and inore it is likely that he jiifficient education to enable him to make iis own way in the world if youhavei uoretiine and money to spend upon him a 1 el and good give him higher englii b give him literature give him mathems tics give him science and if he is very ve y anxious about it give him a little latu i or greek or wliatever else the course he iritendspursuing in life de- maikls scho l supplement every misery n ijssed is a new mercy the eyes of in ii iare of no use without theobservanfc power devotion sweeb ips all that courage rbust endure of all wild beiits preserve us from a tyrant of all tai ibfja flatterer he that is much flattiered soon learns to flatter himself he who tells hisiown secrets will hardly keep anothers fear is far more painful to cowardice- than death to true courage the covetous man pines in plenty jlike tahtalus up to his chin in water and yet thirsty j for love and leiutyaud deughfi there is up death nor change their might excels our organswhicb endure no lights being themselves obscure h sfhby nothing is ever tjone beautifully which is done in rivalship ubr uoblyjwkielfipidppe in- pride j j no man lias aprosperity sohigbbrfirm but twoorthreewpiidscan dishearten it j humanity is never so beautiful as wfaeb paying for forgiveness orebie forgivingian- fcther i i asllraiht shot it beats ail whatj skill some people can attain said smith j r why i saw a fellow down town throw water from aibotile through auinch auger hole ten feet distant and every drop pt it passed through jtlie jhole without wetting the sides of course the feat ppssesses no importance excerft the careful praciice j it said mrs smith that it would be ja difscult feat howiu the worldedo ybu feuppobe ever learned to dosuch a thing mustjiaye belonged to a fire company didnt he no said sniith quietly hebelobgs to the mormon jchurch and acquired his skill by firing soothing syrup into his babies i i aiherojto deep ii i r surpassing even the deeds of pi owess ol t jlveryday ifer a few months agbthecojintry wis thrill- ed with the account ofairlvipi t the risk pf her lifei when the wkiriing flood ol the swpueii rivers was wretliiig reat bridges from their foiyidathms skipped along the ties of a western railway lantern in hdhd and saved a train from certain destruction the state of iowa awarded heiria- suitable r medal for her jnawery lh this instance ifc ws a child wbs awd the lives of many adults bat as a rujej the lif e of the child is in the hands hpider per- tons i i j in november 1883 a little ighfcjyearold son of danish parents was suffering with aiphtheria tie attack was no severe but he did riot seem to rally after the throat appeared perfectly well nanbea beadaclier and low feyel bcoeededthe soitt throav and and two or three days ftenfrards his limbs began t j swell mybiaaayj trie skin became very dry vomiting wastrel quent npsebl ieding waspersisttnt and nothing would stay in his hisstomkeh i was evident to our minds says mwthos schmidt jvife of the viceconsul of jderi- mark residing at netberwobd n j that spme mysterio is malady was working ruin m bis system bur physician laid he bad the terrible b rights disease to bur sug gestion that a certain preparation be nses he made no nbjecti6n wegave kimsix doses a day tv o teaspoonfuls at a dose in sweetened wialer it remained pppn his stomach and w itbin a week therewas mark ed topirpvemei it the bowels becamevregu- lar withput tl e use bf 4tbarticsana the nausea dimininbed io j three weestherei was a subsidei cp of the dropsy aid by ther middle of may thejimbsj were perfectly normal he 1 ad a good appetite and could take thee pirjts of milk daily by the first of may he waa up aud though lietiad spent six months in ipa he did npt feel patticn- iariy weak eu june be was out f eeig perfectly weil and in july he weighed eight pounds imore tjhan he did before he was taken siik 9day there is pnly a slkt- tuifavprable c mdition in hissysiem and the physician says we have every reason tb to belieyethe biildwill be perfectly well mrs scbinii it is certainly to he eongratu- lated on he 6od results which followed the use of wai nerssafe cureand 1 hesays v we feel borai 1 tb make this trolj wbnder- ful result kno rn and areperfebti y willing i to have this le iter published- g ratifying as is the resull wrought j it 1b by io means- singular for pusandsojchmenvjwhp seemed weak a ud puny have bad 1- v m necessary to perform i should tire nature chmged ajid futqrej ed bya prpmp 5 use of the samepi such disordeisj are transmitted 1 y md eh- b ricn servioe thus and thus again the days iw routir with 1 lon 8weti slp betweiin butter for profit j 1 test tht cows of the herd from time to time by ch lrningthe milk of each cow sepeirately i l i- 2 keep oil a day of every t week a record of the milk ield of each cow and the quantity of b iteir made from it 3 having ascertained which cows are npnpajing sell them off the farmland breed the bes opestoa pirre bred bnll of stock- well est iblii bedas buttermakers the common ows of this country re- quire on a averige twentyfive pounds of milk to prodi ce one pound of butter but by grading vpthe stock to half or three- quarters pure blood the farmer can- raise a herd of da ry cows which willgiye all averageof a ipund of butter to every sixr- teen pounds of milk without any redflb- tipn iii the q lahtity of milk yielded or in- crease ihthe cost of breedingjrafancei e falter tifh inutpn v a pe 7 plain questions a hietican befmgniir- why- i should ohi rches chaigeuor pews should we compromise with any wrong should poj itipssb corrupting j should tin rioli should a 1 lanjjaye the suffrage wb uni formly iieglejts x- j slipbldcp pbratipns own tiie people shoqldide gbmibsed j should pr zermgjitsbe itteil- should pa ershicb cater tothe low iu stiubtsbe pular 0 other preparation so concentrates combines bloodpurifying vitalizing enr iug and invigorating equalities as ay sarsapariria qualityshould be considered when making comparisons many ladies admire gray haironj other person but few care to try itseffect on their own char na orrieed they since ayers hair vigoi prevents the hair from turning gray and restores gray- hair to its original color it clpans the scalps pre vents the founiakpu of dabdruff and wonderfully stimulates the growtls of the harr 1 i the virtue of carbolic acid for healibjg cleansing and purifying is well known but 6 from the many modes of applying it the public is uncerta frr how besttouse it to meet that wait jmcgrigor ftparke9 carjbolip cerate id prepare and may be used witb cbnfidfinci s do inot be mu lei- take only mfcgiegpr arke8 cerate sold atj jl e mcgarvins i rug store acton j first relief nitimately a iire these are the successive j efforts of one of the ttipst deservedly popular remedies in the jdo minion northrop fa lymans t vegetable discovery and dyispeptiercure which r forrhs an irregulat condition of ihe bokels and liver invigorates the stomach renews digestioij and clflanges the current of the wood from ablusbanaturbidintoa liire rapid and ferturiing stream if ion eri- tance or arise from childrens epimic diseases the e rii effects of which o tennroye fatal in later life the secret jftse ill- health of mat yi children li that neys nd liver are not perform ng plheir natlural work it was a bralvje feat of the bra girl who crossed the swollen stream on thp bridge- to save the lives sf thepassevgers 1- iatit isa braver deed a ad one worthy of wider recog nition which seeing the perils awaiting ing phildhood free from prejudice with a purpose only 1 o save by any effective mea preserves to uithe lives of pur children 1 i a metliodi sf preacher vaitiiig at the altar for the arrival of a wedding party in lieubf anprgi n voluntary requested that the copgrega ion sing something to wile awaythe tim l an oldflirotheir more act customed to 1 ading prayer meeting services than wedding cerernpnies struck up most inppportunelj gome cui my- partners in distress i chronic form my comrad bitters will d it s through this wilderness just as the br degroom and ushers marched up the aisle iprive- it a wa y drive awayj all- pojsonous humor from the blood before ii develops in ferof ula brsome f disease burdock blood v ivil a miamiltbnl iwarkwbrtb writes for weeksiwas troubled with a swi sued ankle which causefl me mucb pairf and iiubyance mr maybee of this p ice rmmendedarj tbpmas eblectric oil fr it rtrimitadborepbeb6ttl was iused i wabpured fjltis an artiole of reat valued beware jjfeiecinoj-eieen- 0iisi as jhey are imiiatibns of dr too mas oh vwv acure fpr remedy fprfpis oil taken interni to sphfli rliict oal than yandap jeiikiifmsii gg i atter aocoding fluid light ning does not take a day or an hour to nimpv neurakjia headache 1 toothache l imbago or rheumatism but will doit inst tiltly and l carrying yeur bead in ii poiaitice for t a day or using easy lininie lfa try a 25o bottle from jemcgarvinbrnggist n 48 easily tnnght y it is very ensy to catch coldj bbtnqtsb easy to cure ii unless you use hagyarjds pectoral bale im the best remedy- for ail throat bronciial and inng troubles coughs colds and con iumptive teudencii mrs rober i hooper of kinl of brucelm a letter saysr ittiave beeii troubled with dyspepsia aud liver gorn- plaiuts for a lumber of years and am- glad to say to the mblic aswell as friepds ihiati mcgregorsspeedy cure brought me liround and i amj m w 1 right tfitoks tomfe gregoruspe idy cure hundreds olike fetimpnials kre frequently iroeft aice idaiiy proving that- 4lhisittuy f i woriderful remedy curinigislugpsb liver ft siliobshjeadafhe and lie vail jblse fails s61d at p lergwi j j djcug store ttimself i tb6 grbat spurcepf conuttmwscer e m uas tbemorpcpm- asst vsii i v

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