Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1885, p. 3

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il i crand trunk rallwiy motno ka8 ttiqtccl kxpres 010 am 710 nui iaw uiaih 1102 m through bx3 chicago kltfss nd toronto kxp ssi ksiy sssl mall sptf lal does not it 1 between noma wi 8t latf turn l i8am l45 pm guelph slladj j time opclosino wu18 mlugwt 1040 ftuiiaud kiiixu ooiub kaxt1040 iwnand kpui kuphsh mill closes jktloi ri on vehuslay canadian pacific railway to all points con nkxskl time tjmllk s lways toronto to detroit chicago and hi nitoba slloilts ex pacific ei i cal ex toronto 8 10 son 1 35 pm i 10pui xtrefcivutojuu9 10 a 19 3 so sttupnias 13 us puj 5 23 8 63 detroit 3 45 8l fi 30 nu chicago 7 30 njii 7 55 s ttpm wihihpeg 7 00 bully excopt mondiyi tcjroutowmontrem quebec and barton limitoix i moutakx toronto s33att 7 55pu ottawa cotpxn j 17 am montreal a ki vj 8 50 quebec 6 30aw j i 9 50pnr fiost i ostou eontro edrollr guelpl i tomen dispos 1 niiw of jfih be disposed in private sale autatitage ijwi it c r pai juf on tin street lafnxi posts tt ie burnishing of the lamps them would beira decidsd iniprovenienk m street and sulewalk committee doubt to good a and a selves will please armuf ckl tho lth juiie hote this jo 3djlfello s 30niu brampton to streetsvillc jnncth m hruintou 7 22 am 1 w pm streetstillo jct 7 45 v l i brampton to orangeville and owen sound brampton 9 37 oui orogevillo 11 us jperson owen sound 6 30 pm 1c purchase your tickets by this nbt and popular v i from j e mcgabvint ticket agent acton ontario u iun 57 20 1jnb i here aiiv ifyt goods at geo ii yn dj afitoi i besides my well selected stockof w itches clocks jewellry bpectacles silver vare i keep in stock tie best setectibn to in acton of stationery inote pape c per quire to moc envelopes fi per package to 20c mourning envelopes andtaper sfcbool books slates school bags scrib bling books pencils pens inkiblesjd testaments a large stock wedding and birthday presents fancy jtoodstoys birthday cards ac c i the leading store in acton for jh s class of goods give us a call geo hynd8 actoa ont ill tll street4 but is merch ai spend lanibi back drains for mi m secure storey buildi ig kinds shoulc d liis wo i ing for acton chief at milwoil on icionm mrtxs thtiisdivmorsrso may 1ft 1883 crumbs provided by ior i ie ever thoughtftjl free ss reporters tl goods script gloye descrik equip bsy llshed montl t utes c ebbnge annouirces that he has tleplaniug mill irf messrs w h li tod is prepared to make boiltraeju or dres lumber of nil 3lrebage isalpractical man and m harding grobev has seourod ol tin i sale iu acton of the celebrat- lou r of n ieklin s 8 peed vale mills 4vd 1b jiwparetl to hiifiply all oijs iiikl mr ju nidk ins popejrty was it ut the sale innt ividayv there is n 1 1 j dod property in the lot aiid no vs jjodf es of guelph have for an isxoursicvto toronto ou hiie they lavoarnittgod for acton to oifttheiiiaiictvillbeu tickots to all for 1 fof the ixnmdtrip from here s miitlniig should hi done this season wnyjdf sirinkling mill and maih nie dual is not only an annoyance iu cause o considerable loss to the tjuis who h ive their- goods exposed xchingc moralijses thus dont ijour money for mottoes of save my until jou have cleaned but the aid aud iisinfectel the vaults and dlwjerafdoesnt care a continental i pi i fourth department the fire hall having bedn suitably httiod dui for a soltolroom bihool was open ad therp yesteiday moning indov the buper intendenqe of mibb lizzie forfar the new ly engaged teacher of that lepartment the little ones are very ooinfortable here ai d being centrally looatdiit vill beconveniuit for them and will relieve parents- of tupc iety f happy man give a niau tliis iaste for good books and the means of gratifying it and you can hardly fiil of making a h ippy man you place him in coutact with the best society jn every period of hii tory wiilt the wisest the wittiest the teuderest i the bravest auu the purest charaoteris whlih have adorned liumauity so says sir john hersohel aud being true as if i happy men ought to bo on the iuoreasej tlio advertisement of john b aldeu publish r iu this issue is worth the atteution jot nl loveiuof good books 4 little dandy speight carriage painter re it- ut cesb nfifholof krin nmitlioljof krin was tried before si ipj rpvc storey yesterday morn- issaultir g bis sistei mrs armonab and fine 1 5 and costs or 30 dayis lawjion took hin- to the castle ye jteruay af tert con apjil e of h rktj tipnj soj prism it was of it ai a it is i i jetini with welldeserved prosperity t i re ults of advertising are yery striki igl ishpwu iii the following paragraph from list peeks diijjhin potl weeks ad- lie njullitnlt pts efforlsarc f only anil i have said we oar success i encccssfully ie very lowest tly other store ijpponeiits i iecnt ionic iiu or not as liu refill ttij ic with uv mav just ram silk for 75o cish- g off at 20c ifollwos 1 ttotade only t ne along and lco b b ib t- 4 tf call early iod8 lustomer i thereby save my v it i fine springweather now the late spring prophets maea hit tliis time j mr anson sinith is building dition lb his residence the capenters painters and ti4smiths are busy in all directions j following actons example guelph is observing today as arbor day first sitting of- the court of bevision will be he held- tuesday june 2nd yisitorjibjacton say it is a clem tidy and attractiviittle town and it i 3 butter aiid eggs are very low in price now butter is 12c to 13c and eggs 10c mr w h storey is having a nsat new fence erected in front of his reidene spring work is booming f am lere are busy and merchants comparatively idle mr e sicklins family will remove to their new eome in gnelph next veek our citizens kenerally are tskingan interest in furbishing up their premises the annual report of the audit rs will be- published in these columns next week tue excelsior bakery deserves csedit for the excellent bread now behi turned out three or four brick lipases are i l course of erection in youngs survey east o youug street owing to the illness of the principal the senior scholars are not in attendance at the public school mr kotert wallace is having his new- ly-aluireid- residence at the foot of bower avenue completed this is an unusual spring it snowed on the 8th 9th and 10th may nnd was blizzardly generally messrs stafford kobiuson ar getting out some fine free stojiefrom their r uarries it is in lively demand tobv law business wasliyely yesterd if the may- sitting of the fourth divjsk n court was held judge millepresided mr b w phipps ontario foi est con servator has something to say tooui readers respecting treeplanting this week the salvation army annointes a special attack upon the strong olds of beelzebub in the barracks here to- light- mr e w hill is- exetjuting ime ex- cellent work in lifesize crayon jortraits they reflect much credit upon the artist rl g matthews new bakery will be conipiefed arid ready for business low in a few days- he has had a fine oven erected the georgetown herald saj s the i goepel army bombarded acton last -sun- day first weveiheard of ft brol heii who told yon cemetery bylaw election ni ixtioh- day we need a cemetery vote for the bylaw and the best and most lesirawe property i the champion did coiisidera ble wrig gung tvstiug and turning you kpqw in rte last issue but it cant jbrrigjje away from its guilt y 1 the tfnre will spojn be heie hen the festiverfly vrifl crawl around oui ear and his w surel papers x but- wi- ary hn egg of mr the cthi the oi her if an and v j ur jstab ie aucton sale an plem ati lc will be hell on the premises of mi i tobertseden- mills in tuesday ljthbltly an i kten mt ship- je drufi mes juoore nas mken into partner- ii hit satchel and burse ousiriessmr uess tant meet vm m3aninlate proprieor of acton lid stationery stoie tlhisnewbusi- rclnises to be one of the most impor- 1 1 hi country its superior productions sucw s 15 o jj r a neelauds advertise g wh or iizej bn ir ee rm- gdodfreshand reliable garden field and flower seeds including turnip ki mangel rape hungarian tc c fishing rods and tackle a cood variety your houses with heady mixed pains the largest aiid beht stock lumber of- lhexohiiiohzn mpntiealrijproduces our dp- new factory of the canada a former issue copied our f beaixlmoib a- cos newly eather titnqery here wilkiuson s iconoclast pub- ntfbrd is now issued seni- e fcimoctast is a mobtenteij- 1 and fills the place for which bed admirably the issuing iriionthlv is an evidence thot aree 1 iii the pit for ja girl aud the following week presented him with a daughter will doubt the value of news- asad fertisiug meeliums j iiin a hen never lays a golden egg ian es butler coqiper has anbrdin- fch lays the niost extraordinary tuid construct on tbatweknow ilerpreseuts u with one of these y which wis doubleyolked k mr c c ceived lastlweek fropi the speight manu facturing co markhjam mejjf the finsst little rigs in the shape of a baby carria je thatwe have ever seen it is in realitj a miniature phaeton with cjanopy top ant is built of the best material in exactly he same style in every particular as tho feu- lay siiso of carriage iti is handsomely i painted iii beautifully contrasting colors iij splendidly trimmed and upholstered tnci throughout is a model of superior taste nnd skill tho carriage wasj built under the superintendence of mr jji speight the happy grandfather of the little lassie who is to be its occupant to say that friend charlie was prouclpt tliis new turngout would be jdrawing it j mild indeed may it constant use score years tocdme change of proprietorship mr benjamin haslett has disposed of liis store and dwelling and stock of dry gpods and general groceries to mr john nelson of kockwood who take i possession ma few weeks by this pm chase mr nelson has become possessor of c ue of the finest little stores land carefully selected and well keptstock8 ui the country everything is as neatandiidy as a pin and system ler fades all mr nelson is a successful busi ness man oind will do his best to serve- the wants of the public iu tins linescarried- by him he does not we understand intend going into the tailoring business wlylch he conducted in rockwood mr haslett in- tendsrenioving to the st tesbutis not yet positively decided as to location we are sorry to lose him and liis estimable family froni acton but all will join with iijs in wishing him success i actovtelephone exchaige owing- to the strenuous efforts of the local agent the business of the bell lele- of paints oils varnishes etc in town- and nt the lowest prices is at mccarvins drug and stationery store e r cures bheumat magn etig oil cs neuralgia lame weigl iid at put a quarter of a pound arid jijrejd inches one way and 8 inches mr butler would like to know in these parts can surpass this i o ready io receive the samples weeks rakings whpjc4 4 principsily local and all interesting i m res erved auctioh sale of stock im- wuij heinstveet atictioneer ding business jkles moore has tken ii se fieo f mcgtjni j will take the management otfthe bnsh is i jnd mr moore will devote his-at- tentimj more particular y to his tannery busii i d wg look now for extensive growth and i 1 apcement in the acton satchel and pursh works iu messrs moore mcgtir- viii c iinu uviiuiuv nw iww uvmv and 1 1 ic jissful men of bt sineis possessijig ampls sipitaland the t net and enterprise neces t a y for more than ordinary success and t in re is every- reason to believe such ii maketywrisay fliiuga oneueverj hesirs in sunday school jl messrs j d pimsoii i co of the lion guelph aregiying awa y beauti ful 3 cent sheet niiisic to all who cfjll took in amttecure a copy rk number of daiigerowi hol appear in tjltjajsidewadmand call joudlyj ir the at tention of tle authjoritiea ve bj ive heard oitio mint beiig severely burtb trippiig in these holes wm i lpcaiit edi ifli favor wherever shovn mr have combined two clear headed iriil be achieved smiti blacksmith bhop burned it is two veais aco this week since any built in was destroyed by fire in actqn then a old stable on church street ivas- cons iin d yesterday niorning about fisho mr j smiths blachs nifh shop on elgin streel v as discovered to ie onj fire and in less h in half an houi the jbullding a id cont i it 3 were destroyed the buildingw as a tei pirary structure erected a few yeird ago i t byders shop was destroyed and luch value origin of the fire in the stock was wortii about 2i0 ranee mr smith is a young man f just engaged iu few inonthb ago ill phone r here lias grown to very satisfactory proportions and the exchange has now a very respectable number of sub scribers there are fifteen connections as follows cejrlral office mcgar bills drug store wi h storey factory nelson mcrae a coomcc adton banking co biuk moore amcgatvin satchel factory h- p moore free prjsss office f do residenie beardmore co tannery wdbeardmdre reiidenct james campbell roy ni exchange hotel dr lowry residence dr webster- office james biiown mill toronto lime co liinehouse several of the latter although subscribers have not been connected yet but they will no doubt all be in a jiosition to hello within a few days the toronto lime co limehousebelongsto aiton exchange arlor day a success our people have reaion to congratulate themselves upon the suaiess of arbor day and onr little town in considerably iin- proved through its observance as suggest- ed by the fuee pukss the council secured a number pf trees and served them out to citizens for street planting free of expense two hundred and six trees rthe majority of them very superior ones werq supplied and nearly every one of these were taken away by nine oclock and citizens continu ed callingtorl them throughout the entire day fully five hundred trees would have been planted had they tx en obtainable as it was the number provided were planted in every part pf the tow i the wisdomof the cotmcil in taking this step is ungues tioned and theiraction is appreciated- by all although the merchants failed to ob serve the day as a pullic holiday a good many of our citizens did observe it and after planting their quota of tres spent theremainderof the day inrakinglawnsahd gardens and in tidying up their premises generally i arbor day of 1885 was a success and we hope to see miy as successful in future years i 1 purely personal paragraplis respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted 27 lower wyndham st guelph thursday may ilth 1885 millinery department start out well and keep ou increasing your speed never alaekou and if you have a defi nite object in view you are sure to attain it at pur first mil linery and mantle display jtwo weeks ago the general expres sion was that for variety artis tic desigu and general good taste our millinery display was unequalled in the city now this was very gratifying still vle have kept on improv ing new designs have come to natyi newcoloisand com binations studied aud arranged and today we show a finer se lection of millinery ttaii at our opeiihiig miss maiiny our popular manager who counts her friends and customers by- the tliousauds has never so fully received the appreciaitiou of th0 public as du this season note if you want correct styles leave your orders with miss manny no 27 low er wyndhani street dressmaking depart ment miss johnson our manager who bias now been catering to a coiitlinually increasing num ber of customers for th8 last five seasons in guelph has earned for herself a reputation for honest work fahltless design and correct btyle together with th e most accommodati ng atten tion j we invite ladies to try this departmeutancpcopfidently assure them 0f satisfaction we have just received special lines in fancy summer silks of marvellous beauty and godd value also special value iu fltenoh dee8s goods back stiff joints and chilblains magnetic oil cures chapped begtoihfor a first should hot fail delay but ceme kands- frost bites burns and s alds sciatica etc magnetic oil is a most useful remedy for both man i al d beast magneticoil is splendid for oughs and colds sore tbroa i and croup magnetio oil is sold by all druggists at 25 cents a pottle md is actually the best liniment known insist oh your druggist giving you the gej uine magnetic oil m 0rbt ii jt1be- m m alns ealton dey goods house mi i tojst njsver beb0ll in oayada were gfjqis offjerkd qtieapcae i sc them thig hirt spl indj up pardsof tour hu mi slius and lawns beautifu patter is in color spring intro now or never a tlio residents of hal ton jl that i sta ah mt to leave acton short ly and those desii ing ii we are offfsilng ing mm 9i twq v i -v- j ngs that were formerly worth 2t e we are belling for lajci cottons a yard adds i mdd quality at j and 6c y embro iderya at p ma 5c wo rtl i loe printkat se and ndred patterns select froni creae go jda at 8c and upwardr cream and ilixnedetsr we have as choice a 6tock as can be fo ind in anyrcity and wp ire doing the trade- we j tind it pays to alw ays lceep the b at and most stylish gpois an we sincerely lhack the lad esjofactonanr v litfe at c and upwarchi t lt i vicinity for their hber 1 patronage this such we ate greatly encrabed hji cat effdrtb in j ucnga finer class than heretofore kept ii acton of dry g jods and millinery white regatta shirts cellulfjld qoiilars stylish hats photograph o co 1 at puce dont t tie r ish cabinet 200 from 92q life size uriyon poitraits made from or a sp jclal sitting tsec my and easel iicm business for hitn- and this drawbt ck severely felt the community syjm with him in hii loss this is 1 he acksmith shopdestroyed by fire gon e site the first about eighteen or years ago the second in the spring and the third yesterday morning one of the finest baildrng sites for a busines in town and we hopesocn to seijt used for that purpose j- ustrated war newb grip printing and publishing co dent us the fifth number of this now ixipular illustrated i paper thisisfeue we cjjmpider to be superiorto any of jthe numbers both iu artistic merit and subjjys illustrated it i cjentains a graphic illusjjb tion of the bawebf fish crek is cpnipiled from a photograph of the and authentic iformition obtaifi- jtjtie frbnt page bdntainj an excellent equ it ian picture of retieral middletoh ank c apt wise ad c who hadiwo hon shot under hin in this recent en- gagi n snt at fish creek the supplement whi ii a double iiagecneides srves special met i n as it js withpi t doubt one of the finp 1 1 pages of artistii i litho jrapby ver pr u ed in canada lib pres entaagrpup of jl el ieaders inl tcting jlonis i eil bea i i r big bearlwbi fcftp and gal rijel dui o it the paperj i at 15 cents pr cop i o jtaiuabie either fi qui local booksel lew mii chaiilie hill pf peru has been jvisitiug acton friepds d iring the past week or so i mn j e mcgapvrx of the new firm of mboiik mcgarvrk let on tuesday even ing- for mbiitreai op a business trip mhs a a secoud sii and vmiss minnie secpitdhaye returned lnjime after an extend ed visit with friendsin hamiltonandwater- cloth1ng department mr smith as cuttei contin ues to serve an increasing num ber ot cuttomers and lwith satisfaction to them as well as the department we have just to hand a special line of fancy j worsted suitings generally sold at250p peif suit which we make vtp for 81850 also english trowseriugs at- really- low prices we guarantee satis- factioii in eyciy case all cloth boaglit froni us we cut free of chargi otir prices are moder ate and styles correct finallyr-ffor- honest treat- mentj good value courteous attention come to no 27 lower wyndham street guelph beg to solicit a i my bakers assure all that n bread th class uowand avoid we beat 200 photos per dozen up the bid 1 pictures combined music rack c w hill d man n proprietor having puicliaied the bakery busj uesa of messrs e nicklima son ont nuance of die patron cal io- b wi jk3srisb003srgs on us for and ci and caps r goods thatyojtcanilelk on the best and cheavest wjack d i 1 i ann dry goods groceries anid b t them all- i try ifjs and b jj6kvincfei3l 5 f b rffin piles of bea jt age of all who have i i thoipast favored the n ith their be first y stock oje excelsior bakery with their patronage wpl bfl firbtclassand i coju a big range s i we aresh -0- muhi s shoes rv owing qf cholcr and beatjti from locents up h- special rang blfe oonpeotic nry or fi e of publication ford mn samcelmclaji foreman of the car pentering gang of saruii i section was hoine last week j he thinks oereniovng his fam ily to point edwajd we are pleased to le able to state that mn thos t mooke principal acton pub lic school is now outofj danger and- rapidly approaching convalescence the board of the metjhjodisfcdurch milton has presented rev d p bnbihotni aepm- vplinjentary address i- the rev gentleman has received an invit ition to brantford which we understand i ie will accept at the olose of thepresent ecc esiastical year m 27 lower wyndham st will always be f t personal endeai or customer satisfn tioh j3read delft uqall solicited think of it did you sever stop to think wlnita tireless i acton maroli3h l the grave honoen in eramqsa on the 9th may sarah wife of thorn is hodgen aged 58- years i remember howsou takes tl a lead in good teds we defy oobpetition in a 50o tea either in green bl ack or japan try them and be convinced events of all kinds all is grist that comes to the hopper ofa good lcjd il paper whyr if you undertake to write a letter each week tan absent friefid andtel i half the news that your local ifapet gives j you would give up in despair the sipposed pleasure becomes tiresome the letters shorter further apart and finally quit why the difference because witt the newspaper it is a business people jiii a live town reeognize and take pleasuie in giving the editor the news item j bu would never learn of if you want an bseut friend to have ill the happenings pi your towu you oau give hini all of interes each week by sending bim a receipt for notice in jcubijlitteuqf letter writer a good local per is day all adi ec after day week after week j reaching year j vmfl after viear it goes on- telhig of the mar- j i t i ii i iv xtoticeishehebygivenpureuanttotbe riajge8 buths and deatlis ud the coming j jj yrovislous of chaplot e rf andgqing of thej people o tlie town the 8 h late oftheyiliiijboi actoiiiu the county mpements nieetigbrwivals infact gssffium c7akes ooc ie best quality my will be to give every ftjl new sfr0m week 50ents e of choice ginghams fkomiooents tjr special lines in ispring hosiery fjl upward dress soods cite special linesllni spring gloves d mann 188u to creditor8 sp bcj al drives in parascls speqiai line of carpets ati a li speciallies in millinery and childrens ha spegia lties in ge mtns the fiiee pheks april ljth lrw ilvirbrsendby libit prepaid to meswa howat mclean actn po boueitorb fiiduna w smltboieadmlni itratrixofttoeatataand effects of tbeaam ilece ed onor hefore thnteehtli day of may a d shrdirsgeimd samames addrei ms and descrlptiotij toe lull partionlartoftheeclainw a lutementoftljeh- awuuu and 1 bp nmort of ue if inylheldbytb imacftmpanlediby a statutory eharatlonvtngbieliclffl and f nrtheruol lee 1 hereto g ln that inpiai- uiaiely after the i aid flfteenoi d y rf may ad 188j tiio obbets ot the sakd deeeaa g jrlll jhrate- trlbuted among the rtfes entitled thereto having regard on f to the claim ol wniob notloe shall have been g ven fsabevfoanlre4 and the said ai imtouttaotrwauuptwluwe for theassets or i ny part thereof dtmhhtttea to i my person wb se olannawttalj upt bar mm received at the t me otjtbe dittributionpfthe 8 ttowat acres rsfor aumjuistratlix spieoialtj anot jollc tori ji special mk c p lktmawk t clbtslng h4entfuma shades pjilces hilngs i beaijtmritrig r v- c mmm mmmmmmm

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