Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1885, p. 4

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mm ci i u v suy aweet day tor thou art fair ilw iaud full andjjalm giwned through all4hygoldeu hours swith lbves freshest putest flowers bwengin ewiths unshakkn powers v in soptfa bright biln i rstiy what ohauoe and ouaugo may wit i as yotu glide away now is all so glad and bright now wo breath iu euro delight now we smilein fates despite stay with us sweet day ah site cannotmaynot stop all things niust decay so with hodnd heart nud will take the joy that lingirs still take the pause iu strife and ill proo the passing day t the interesting items a sad secret neglecting a constipated ooudition of bowels issure to bring ill health aud gijeat suffering burdock blood bitters regul ate the bowels lii a natural manner purif j ing the blood and promote a healthy action of the stomach liver kidheysand bowels jlollok yj pith rthe hervesoflltr ease may v suchasti correct thp ays med ffllll wkatlea if troubled with an unhealthy sljw hoaliug sore use mcgregor parkes ar- lkolie cerate you will find it invaluable for healing cleansing abd completely moving your trouble kthe blood is of order take with it a few doses of jlc gresors speedy cure from j k mopar tins drugstore v i 1 i y i sll re- cut 2 uld llghtatiie there are but few that have never suffdred almost intolerable pain from toothac he neuralgia or like acute pains to tl em such au instant relief as fluid lightnin j is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be ta jen ordys on application of fluid liibt iost cures soldnt j e mcgartrjms drug store houtncafspul invalids distracted by indigestion and discouraged in their ses rch for its remedy should make trial j of hi3 i ne verf ailing medicine a lady lon a martyr to dyspeptic tortures writes i hat hodotways fills made her feel as if a b ird- en ban been taken off- her her spi rits formerly low have jeatly improved her capricious appetite has given plact to healthy hunger her dull sick headicha has departed and gradually so marvellous a chinge has been effected- that shst is altogether a new creaturfe and agaii fit for her duties these pills may be adi nin isteredwith safety to the most delicate 3jhey never act harshly nor ido they aver induce weakness they rightly direct de ranged and control excessive action y summer daj s strain tjlio feeble aud decriplt aud dis- utuato ujuless soi noj restorative purifying pills be found to isorderhjig tonde icy hollow- e gives potency i ohe nervous system mifch is tbje bourcs of all vital movemetts and presides over every notion which m v n tains the growth and well of the bo if uecossitj how lonj boldjiiijlic als from for coughs cdlds bronchitis and all lung and throat troubles there is no prepari tion of medicine can compare witb bickles anticonsumptive syrup it riever fails to afford prompt and pertrianetit rjief it removes ad soreness and heals the dis- it immediately soothes the most troublesome cough and by promoting expectoration removes the mucus which stops up the air tubes which causes dif icul- ty in breathing thereby gives relief to that depressing tightness experienced in the chest public speekers and singers will find bickles anticondumptive syrt p of inestimable value as itpeedtly and e fectr ually allays all irritation aud husking in the throat and bronchical tubes and ve4 power to the vocal cords- rendering the voice clear and sonorous j if parents wish to save the jives of their children and themselves from such anxiety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bi tlhn anlicawxanptit syrup and whenever a child has taken cold has a cough or he arse ness give the syrup according to d xfect- s 4 j46 ions reasonings on debility iii h crnsty skiul diseases sent b conts lores 125 in keeping spring tweeds worsted coatingsiand series at the 1- bieifljj bsid jfpe out oarmeats are ssalo forfoai fitting and in tho latest artistic 3oaiflrnb being no ona caii over estimate the thenerves well strung or the easn with whicli these pills aoconi plisbtha t md tliey are the most un failing a v i lotes to indiges iou irregular circulatiii palpitation snk iioajiaohe aud oostiyjeiies8 and have therefore attain ed the laligejst sale aud highest roputatiou mcrltpravtu dollar tpm dollar is frequently spent on the faith of rccouimeudtitions for aitiolos entirely worthless not so with mc gregors spsedy cure you aire not asked to parch ise it until us merits lare proven call at k mcgarvin8 driig store and get a f re ti ial bottle afid if juit convinced it will ci i e you of the wqrstjfarms of dys pepsia 1 1 v ir complaint etcino matter of si anding it costs you nothing and 1 bottles persons in your owi town itch bk imlrs symptoms nndtarc the sj njitombaro moisture likeperspir ationin no itching incretsed by scratch ing verj distressing particularly at uight- f pin- worms were xawjingin and about thk rectum the private parts are sometim si fleeted li alloedtocodtinuo very seri iu i liesultj may folloiv- vswayes oistmej t a pleasaut su re cure also for tetter itch salt rhejum all scaly sbepstimonr 29 a fine assortment of spring ats also on haijfd extra the dominion boot 3 shoe store keiaisrsitr bfjios he now their sptiug slock complete in all lines ami iivo offering the public value in the following j cents boots and shoes v ladies shoes and slippers boys shoes in creat varietv boys shoes in great variety phiidrens shoes of every kind rubbers slippers trunks etc alwajs instock good assortment our ordered work gives the best of satisfaction repairing neatly and carefully pferformed we oan suit yon call kenney bros py mail for 50 stamps ad dress dl wayne sox philadelphia pa sol i 1 y druggists so prdiiiiiei t among the greatest meitica discover fcs by the many cu -csiithabalfect- ed 3teg eijvfts speedy cure leads the van subjecte 1 1 the minutest ehemfoal analysis it has he jn found to contain one of those injuridui ingredients characterizing the worthies specifics ilaily joffered to the public j e cry ingredient possesses a pecul iar adap ability to the various complaints for whic ii has been compounded arid its efficacy a being established by testimbnials hourly ri ice ived wej are ihereforeeonfi- dent that vehave a preparation which we can off elite the public with the assurance that it v ill be found not only nrclief but imahaoii it ure for dysjiepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation aud im pure bit 03 free trial bottles at j e mcgatvti drug store 33 under this title a great deal has been written and yet the sptstance of the en- tire subject lies ina hutshell oriather in four words mpuritjf of tlie blood this is the source of debilitjjor weakness shatt everaiaybe the proximate or immediate 186 of the misfortune and they a-entj- rous when holloway directed 1 is at- idntiqri to this important and not mfre- qoent state of ailment he fbund numerous itheories existing but instead of bei ag led away by vain idisqnisitions he restricted- himself to the consideration of what nature requires for the maintenai ice of health and8trlength in the hunian sj stem as he said the stomach must reduce s food into a wholesome pulp which in due course is converted by admixture with the ibhe secreted by the liver info amilky sub- btonoe from which the nutritions portion jistakeu up by the absorbents ofthe wwels arid conveyed through its appropriale ves- eel the thoracic duct to the heart through which it passes to the lungs and becomes blood circulating through every part of the system whose weat and tear it repa rs re- news andinvigorates if u be pure if this be not the case then the body wistesi ievery partof it shrinks for want of nntri- mentthe vital stamina fail and t lere h general debility or it w lis this jaccnrate and simple view ofthe i ubjebt which led to the composition of those pills vhich the world has gladly accepted from jhoiloway and found to be such a jierfact restorative of broken arid dilapidate 1 con- istitutionsfrom whatever cause rjioceed- ingliwbmher the result of unbridlec liceh- tiojosness and vice or the conseauei ces of t exhausting and poisopous mineral medi- bines fortunate for bumanty was t is day when thomas holloway inanguratid his new mode of treatmeit how maiy loy- fag parents have sincet then blessed i inj f pr the preparation of a mdicihe whi h ar- jsted the grip of ijeath when it was fixiiig jts inexorable telou in the hearts o their 8ind dahghtewhich jestore pris health amiskength to worn crgans aa it were gave a new lease of life to apparently doomed irrevoca 1 to ng decay and piecemeal disso ution drif thewieone class of disease more h otbersln wleb hollowayvfil s hate een most successful t is general 1 fyility ksferjmaaiue fen doctor 12 speight son acton undertakers carriage fakers ifcc w 3 begta auuomico the opening and mantle fihbw tatiu id that we are showing of our a mag l s5hb- mi rooms a fl cent stock we wish it to be distinctly uudi irstood that the stock we show is tlie prod ictions of our gwii milliners and not impor ed for the purpose of misleading parties int i ijac- ing orders- i our own millinprs are equal to o uy en gaged anywberev either in the wholef ale or retail trade l 8ucham clo 0ueiph new gbops cheafoods from ar jnepiued to furnish gverything in their iiue the best casket to the plainest coffin on the yiioitest notiiee aud at lowest tfras u3ta11 cnllsf either night bij day promptly attened to satis faction gnarau teed in every cae i a firstclass hearse for hire cava ibha xb1v tkrithevt perha s the most extraordinary success that has bt en achieved in modern medicine has been ai tained by the dixon treatment for catarrh out of 2000 patients treated during jt ie past six months fully ninety per cent hivd been cured of this stubborn malady this is none tin i less startling whenit s remembered the t not five per cent of a ients presenting themselves to the reg lh r practitionibr are benefitted while ie patent medicines aud other adverlib d cures never record a jcure at all starting with tue claim j now generall r i elieved by the most scientific men thb the disease is due to the presence of hying jpirasites in the tisseje mr dix on at ot ce adapted his cur to their exter mination this aocomplislied he claiuis the qats rr l is pratically sured and i the perman dc y is nhquestone as cures effect ed byhi in four years age are cures smll noenejblse has ever atttmpted to cure catarrh iii this manner apdiio other treat menthe i vr cured catarrh- the appli cation o 1 1 ie remedy is sii iple and can be doneial lome and tlie present season of the yeaiis the most favorable for a speedy and pier napent curethe majority of cases being ct red at one treatment sufferers should correspond with messrs a h dix on s 3h 305 king street west toronto canada and enclose stamp for their fcreat- ize dri cktfrrh monlreavstar nov 17 82 sweareinn positioiitoastisfactoiily fill orders fur ivugnmis curriages sc u every description in reasonable time good workmanship orid tiistclttss inateriala iways used we have also a splendid lot or furniture both cominoii and extra quality cheap pifyou will pay us cash we wiljselliyonanythinglin our line cheap j a 3peicht manager at thk i mammoth house georgetown mcleod 1 63battoa garden london and 246 st jataes st montreal ground gcitntifieall if from clear and pure fehhbu or optical glutm speelfdly maiiuffitfurud for the mrpoc tliey are without exception bed adapted to tore the ravage of aye and to retain perfect vimoit they are cspeci recommended by the most eminent fioulty uveiy pair oi spectacles aiid eyeslhsscs is marked b l sole agent for a oton specialty the managers of the millinery dressmakiug chauged but have secured ufcbest talent extant leave their ordeis brints and ginbbnrhs in all the latest styles extraordi kinds including chicked shirtings cottonajjeu greynnd wiitecottona iiigs cottonades a iid all canadian fjoods we bnydirect frt m the mills and sell them at wholesale prices our ordered clrlthiog und gents furnishing department plete stale gentlemen ms come with the utmostconf denceand leave their ordert 1 variety jaqicts we have x large variety pricesrightl- and we will suit th m ui price tyle fitworkmaiiship ah an immense stock from 12c upwards boots and shoesj headyniado clothii g we have a large stock and we are holding a clearing sale until we reduce the stock great bargains- we will give a good suit for 4 ffe have the uu moat 6oufidenceit asking the patronaic of the public w j will sell yqu goods at away down bottom price i reg ally drtjggtst mccarvl whom erbrybody knows as the successful uianagirof the ren r t ingest hotel enterprises of am4riasaj5 that while a passenger frpm kew y irli on board a ship going around cape horn a i lieearly days of emigration to jal- ifornia hi i learned tliat onejot uie offlcera of the veii tel bad cured himself during tbe yoy age of aii obstinate disease ty the use of ajers sarsaparfllaj since hi n sir leland lias recommended aveiv i jvitsapaitilla in many similar eases m be ling never yet heard of its fail- hire tjo iffi ct a radical cure f 1 sumi y ars ago one of iu lelasds farm uboje s jroised iis leg bvcing to the bad slatec this blood anngly serofalops swelling or lum j a ppeare4 on the injured limb or- rible i xl ing ef the skin with burning and dart in piius through the i lump made life alhiost intolerable the leg became eior- nibosl eilargedand ruimbw ulcers formed dikchagig great quantities of extremely otfansi re natter ko treatment was of any avail t at 1 the man by mrj lelakpsuirefl- jtiau vas supplied with atebs sabsafa- lulta wl ilch allayed the pain and irritation healed thu sores removed the swelling iind cojnpl tel f restored the lm to use iyers sarsajirilla for st eu matien with entire success and after an f ul- observation declares that in us bel ef there is no medicine in the world equal 1 0 it for the cure of ili ver disorders gout the effects of ulcli living bait bheui 11 soresruptiohs and si the tarloi g orms cf blood jilseascs we 1 ar mrcttpands pirmwalontoin rite wlu in ly desire further 4vidoncolbriard the e jtriordijiary cinatlvie powers of- iteiti sinsapabitu tajseehlm perion illy e her at his mammoth ocean hdcl ig rai chor at the popolar 7elaiu lt to iroadv ay 27th and 28th streets kew yo i mr 1 ei urns extensive knowledge of j the good d ne by thisjmequalled eradlcatojr of woofl o sons etjables hint to giro inquirers niacin alt able inibrmationi j pmefabed drlc ayerico t y i swell mass souijjrakldroaiuto 81 ii bottles for 0 caution each pll of the myrtle navy t is marked t d b iii broiiz letters none other genuine ffi hirh pjctfi rr lands j in minnesota north daltott hon- i tana idaho washington and oregon wr from take aperibr to pngret sound at prices rinolna ehlefljf lroml2 lo 8 per 8cre m bto loyeire time thliji the beit countrv lor ieoorlng fiood homei now open for settlement fre were ib the bj jivsurafe h all the eayrnond shuttle machines fi are fitted with the patent ij ij atitomdc bomn fflnder ir rr 1 y h chas raymond g wanofactubep i fl guelpff j onf akio j v v i e praind agent acton 4 beantifol work of 15f pors colored plate and 1000 ii- tastniljona jtvlth dertipfions of the best flowers ard sregetajjw prices jbf stint anil plants and bow to prow bemiffinted tn epjrliab nfid german price only jo ntsrblch may bcdtdurted front first ordqr it toils wliat ynu trijhtifor the garden and how to get liuftad ofjrijniilneto theprocen at the last niotncnt to uj whatever eeel8liaipen to ire left i pen to be left over mtinz with vilntmeht afterjweelb rf wnitinir buy okly s seeds at heapquaktns i james vicr rochaster n y i s manhood uow lost how kcstorfd treat c5iti6niofprculverwell8 celo- svc htve recently pttblished a new jitionfof drcuiirerwell8 brated essay on the radical aiul the mammoth is bouurlthis season to eclipse al its rormerjefforjs in the way of selling goods cheap iu showing a large variety in the gctup hyle and cheapnessof their millinery tl e correct thing in tho style make and rice iu dressmaking jvvq have u new large and varied stock in rill the latest noyelti es in njillinery our dres goods stock is how very largo including silks satins ot iomausj etc i a magnificent silk tor 27ac worth 75c l- s in the millinery and drchsmaking departments wediinpand mourning orders i tnd majntle departments are ladies c n comej wjtl confidence and iiary clieap staples of- all cottons shirt was never- 111 a more com- mcle0d andrsoin 1 mammoth for reaping and mowing machines lard1ne maghi no qua no grit m will earloagor tl an auyother oil i roil fvli at- drug store and c t hill 33 0 acres of government land free under the uomejtcail and timberculture ljw nqw5 81 acres ob kobe thaw 1 tie pnbllfr unds disposed ot ln 1s88 forinern puclfle eotintrv books and upi lent phkbldticrimiihe xombettl paclfle coantrjrt ie rsurpsdxandu tor 8aleanj the mtm government lands addrmscha8 b ivndeilbooks jn no trirlirtg sense ut thebet literature 0 the world presented iaepccelientxtrid attractiv 3 f onii tit pr ibes so low as to excite universal jvonder lijjfialty of stnitaitd histoby qontainint ia ie voi moi imperial octavo good typej mth numerous fine luustn tiunstlie whole riclily bound- in fine cloth ornamented the followinje ceebratediworks unabribgedf i ghicen s ijireer hjstory of the english jseopuc c vulyiiks histoky of tho french kevotution creasys fifteen decisive batsles of the world schillers ihstort of the thirty vbab8 war harper ci bkothebsi lowestprice forjthese fotir great worf b if 1450 m price is 250 postage 4 cents extra a wbnd irhook in more senses than ione the idea otput- tingawork like this at only 250 per copy seems preposte ous ami ye there is wisdom in it for every rxxiji will want i and it willt uis be the means of advertising and introducing the numeroi s othet valjuable books which the publisher ipu r ting forvvar christian at work newyork city ft isltrujv a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern m chaiiiral art that such a noble volume can be furnished at 1 0 niitlf a cost whether we admireitslarge proportions beai i- tiful binding fair page excellent paper numerous and stril ing iliustratfons numbering nearly 100 au areflnt-oum4- cliritfian ojpwsiire chicago 111 1 i tlbuall y of standjliii poetcontainihgin orie iuporial o jtavo handsomelv bouwl volumef bootis100 pages bou r- geoisard rlrrvier typo leaded tho f ohowiworpunabrided coinplctlo 1netfcal and dramatic works urns moore elsewhere obtait- postage 31 centi tsco ooai lictn idciiiitl wnrkbof robert totti ioettbal worlcs of thomas equally gooll editions of tjjese aire not fmefor iiest than 450 myprfce 20 kieg3a qaotjse lihifi jjlr lpruianentcur3vitlioutinedicine of nenoubdebilityi mental and fhyeical incapac ity impcdimentsi of jlarriagc tc resulting from excesses j ipriee in a sealed envelope oply c cent or two postage stninps thecelebrated iutbor in tliis admirably es say clearly deijitmstfates from thirty years snecessfnr practice that alarming conseqneuces may bej radically lenred without the dangerous use of mterqftrmedicjnes or the se of the knife- pointing ont a motle of cure at ouce simple cer tain ah efictuf 1v means of which every buffereivriojnnttof what his condition may he may cure himself cheaply privately and radically this lecture should be in the liamls ot every yonthnd everyiriau in tho land address i tlie ciilvcrwcll 3iedicai 0 a 4iinn sfxew vorh pot office box 450 i ga house hofcle stock laririj crosse 1 wayne co mich savage sabnum use si k imported ipercherjdn horsiest all stock selected jfrom the pet of sires and dains ot established repit tatibn and registered i in too french and anicripan stud books istanpjhowe v is beantifully ifituatied at the head of gbose im in the oetroit hiver ten miles below tbe city and is accessible bv raifrpad and ficambcct isitors riot familiar with the location cinv cih alcilyj office 53 canipau- buildinsr andnn escort will accompany ib em to the arm send wrcaialoprlic iieebymail ddres sace fcesbhuii detroit mich worth their weight in cold illustratfep j history poetry classics library of classic pr sj in one imperial oc tavo volume of about 000 pages handso ne type and ine cloth blndjnsj crnamented the folfowing famous essay sand works j macaulays essays on mito 1 john stnori m1u on ubortj p g haroertons the intel ectnal life herhert spencer on edacati n great thoughts from greek authors great thoughts from latin inthors i complete essays by ixrd bi con j complete tetters of juniu irvlngt bip van winkle an other sketches washingtons farewell and 3ther addresses haeanlays life of frederlckthe groatj i the above cannot bexbtaihed frpn any other pnbnsliuig house for less than 10 nly price is 175 p istage 80 cents this is indeed a woriderboofe in the amoui t and valuable quality of its contents the woricer is how such a bops which is a library in itself canbespldat such apricet-jet- odtst jsecorder pittsburgh ru j your historicalwonderboplcf zsi a wonder a wonder volume of c er 1000 pages with injany j how an imperial octavo ihustrationsclear type fin paper tainirig four standard sold for 250tbensojn j lqssisg co ii dom coupon trill bt received 1 1 lieu of 25 cents mfh toward tho nkffcijrrc price of ellmr of alive jworki i f sbt within teh darsf rom dote ot zbvbn i o this paper mention nameof tiper thsqtferlstoseeure jonr prompt responso and indlcto tto pajring ty vertlslng frnedk nis loopage catalogue sent fee the bestjlit- eratare of the world i ajj the lowest riees rer 1 nown b oka sent for examixatiqw 1 efore dp a ym1wt handsomely bound 1 historical w arks of great value can be lldi thesistorian on reasonable evidence po box 1227 john b a ud en ptibli shen 303 pearl street sew tajtis week fwm c ma bales already of t ie cheapest there have been 42 packages of new spring and summer goods opened up this w making 250 c iusefuloodsavftr offered to the public by this celebrated house besides several large shi mehts now afloat and m the looms of the mauufaqtm era to repm the jresen en- ormoutstocks as they are sold off new supplies will tie coming forward weekly until j inejso as at all fames to enable the ladies t get the ve ry latest itylfe at the mghtj 1 the sto kfcontains a full assortment of the iftest nofelties and consists of ovi r 260o00 vorth of the most desirable goo is at prioe far lowei than tbi y coul ibe for if the same go ds were bought on credit but watbins pays the cash down for his goods and saves a nicejprofit between the manuf a jturers pnees and thd redt ced p ioe he buvs fromtbeu at and inthe large eaah discounts he obtains from them six cases of new dress goods this week anotherbal of ifew pints this week t woeat esof new table damfflks from sept land and ireland this we three cases oi millinery goof 8 week a case of french laees this f eek udnhing many noveltm 3 ant tber cmdof muslins tlis week a case of hosiery this week two cases of ladies gents and cbjldrens glasgow this vet ki 1 lafbslot of those celebrated slig tjy damaged white cambric hant kerbhiefs just m see the slightlr damaj ed heaohid table d trnask w iich is seul ing at onethiid 1 jbs tlmn it is worth be sure to see the stew washing silks they are h auiiful patterns and aelhng at from uo to 0 cents k large lot f new 1 mess c ooda house one door 1 feet of hughson street on king street fcpwt hamilton april 10th 1885 tho name is sure tc just arrived pure issed for the cash down at less than hslfltheir value they measure 31 luc ties in width will wear well anjd are selling off at onl y 10 bel case of swws 1 mhroidery ip this week two cases containing muslins andgmghams u hb 1 week five bales of carets matties and ma as arrived ms jee l of le curtoidi two cases of brass polep and pole ifcds for flaigmg cnrtains and a ci se 6f very superior carpet sweepers to ban ilately the bestinaeslof brussels carpcte selling at mli the best tapesiy carpets offerlnp at 7c the patterns tend styles of watkins new carp its are oh irming this 6f good fait li address europe most fashionable and in ally r york tfee jeason vrtjsjrisztivi j five the flight thisincoisipajlable medici sli an- secured for ithelf an imperuiable fvutc krourjjtuiu thi world for the alleviation tii ciircaf moitjiiataic to which liiimanfty i har the piuls ffeb tic u nam jil pajjerj ox rsptj co in pa raent i tl e trp j son3t one hnlfc mate adv 11 kill nb ul qufenti lonii 12 m iltbi tliri iud iocpti mm jve tw r n m bj tneef jl piuiiy teuaie akid iinprovethe quality 0 theblood theyjiiesistthedigtstive eigaii clejinse the i i stomach and owltls increase thcseclretory powers of the live brace thenervdnf system and throw inl 3 circnfatioti the purest elements for ustaiuing and irepairing the frame tliousdudy of persons haveleatitiea thnlt by their usejalpne they have been restored to health and sfrjength after even other hieaus had pioyed unsuccessful li 1 v y h air t thejofntnient wiubefoiiudiiivaluftbleinevery housholtl in the ctireofopen sores hardtuuibrs i i jt bad legs old wounds oouelis golds sore itihroats bronchitis aiidall disorders of he throat and chest as jlao gout hhetnatism scorfula and every kind of sfc n jisease r manufactured jonly at pr6fessor 6ii0 ways establislrmcnt 5s3 oxtokd stebet london arid sold at ild 28 0d asm y 22s and 33s each box alid pot audi panada at cents 90 cgnls artdslso at i helarsizes u cautltnltvl lve iio agent hi tlie uhtted stalejy nbr are iuj medicines sold theve ptivchslsitauliould tbcjrforc loofete the lab lion life pots and bgkes jf the address i4not l33 oxfoifl seret cordon thev aic spnridus the trade mink of my satdredicinesis jregistrereov a ottawa and aiso at wasii incton j 1 signed tqmas hollowly 533 oxford street jondon- t i m 25 jr j sfj5 orl

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