wv th t v a i thw8tmrst may 2 is5 thj br6iprqapedt fall v he at ge lerally reported i i a lood condition u streets and sidewalkb the committee of the municipal council ruperintcndiiir the street nd sidewalks made ntourof inspection fast week they- id doubt fouudia good deal to occupy their attontsou and e suppose the imjjrovfi meuts oon teuvpkted v pull pretty heavily upoii he treasurers purse striugs the estimates of thb committee for the y have not as jet been brought down council but will probably bo preaeuted at the meeting nextj tuesday afew words of i advise to the committee 1 from the fakk pess for consideration before the report and estimates are finally completed might not be amiss there is no denyiag the iact that if the committee o to tyorjt to renew all the sidewalks tvhicli arc uotin firstclass condition with the work which is absolutely necessary the expenditure for this year will be more thu is warrantable- now the streets- and side walks generally iu the eastern portion of thq municipality are in a very good- con- ditwir haviug received the bulk of attention from theepmmittee for several years and j we think it is due to the residents ol the i west endto be treated with special con sideration wis season main street road way requires a good deal of careful rcpairv ing aud tfcesidewalk for the most part is in a rather iindiffereut condition here then after tlife personal wants of the members of the council themselves have j of course been attended to the majority jf york should iu our ophriou be perform- j l ed aud the other sections be allowed to re following iia hun thoioutv niahed by of thelgt the repot tv basec a o 1 itiroau f industries for may st mary of the report of ou information j fur- g5 i correspondents under date i thedrc light at send time last fall made it difficult to get wieatlaiid into a good state of ti th especis liy in a olayey soiland growth at flritwa ilbw aud uneven but with ai teo 3y ten iperature and warm showers t lircughout part september and the whole cf ootober the young plants pushed f rw ufd rapidly aud the reports madoby cor respououts of the bureau at thebegiuniugof november showed that the crop tad then almost promising appear ance iu e rory part of the province snow fell early aud laid late anil the winter was of the 1 nig eat steadiest and coldest on record j at i ho reports received iiowj show that the wh at vyaa almost iu as good con dition oi tin i first o april as on the first of november fortunately the rain fall dnr- iug the iui er was very slight so that tho snow die nc t pack m the ground asit ofteu doesaud 6ceptiuj in hollows and uudor heavy be nk talougside the feucesuo smother ing effectei were tc be seen- the greatest jappareu a image lowover lias been caused by the j ar frosts and northwest winds of april a id lie low temperature of the first ten days ot slay bitthe plants remain firm ly root i ii all soils and the opinion is gen erally o ipjr jssed tl lat with favorable grow ing wea he r a speedy recovery will be mado escepti u iu some localities of waterloo county r ieretl re wheat was killed by wiuter ix jjsurejind of durham and nor- thunibe rli i id win re it was drowned but by april aw 3 s ubwueavlaud has been plow- all end jittv uitihg j ed upl l 0 is auy likely to be the only 1 insect tests of tie wheat that are even mainfor one season jjth some requisite by respondents are the repairs i hessian lly and tbe wire worm and thesp the free fbkss does not advocate that miserly economy which would withhold the money necessary to make our little town plaee attractive to- the public aud equipped i with those conveniences which render it a pleasure to live in an enterprising town but wei think the street aud sidewalk w- mittee with a little careful economy i should be able to put actons streets and sidewalks into very good shape this year for not a cent more than five huudred dollars j able iocaliti s lias beei by w ine frii cond ti ii i i si mt j v notes and comments delos r davis the colored orator of esses who has passed a successful ex amination at torouto for admission to the bar is the first colored lawyer in canada the british are withdrawing from the soudan and the old malidi aud the new mahdi are fighting it out between them selves with the chances in- favor of the new i- i last year about 2700 selfbinders were sold td the farmers of the province and a material drop in wages was the result this year the manufacturers are preparing i to bupply 8000 self binders there is talk of the coming of cholera this season to the continent of america be this as it iaay every community should make surest the purity of its water supply of ithe removal of decomposing animal and vegetable substauces of the absolute cleanliness of backyards and vacant lots and pf the integrity of house drainage wherever organic matter animal or vege- i table js undeigoingdecomposition whertv- er there is stagnant water the several varieties of bacteria are found and the ii specific germ of disease may be easily fostered and developed in the air the water uie soil and in food and excreta p i ja riel is tbbev defeudet by the two law yers who recently movedheaven and earth to excite racefsytnyathy for amurderess of the most heartless type he is to be made oat insane his sanity may be an interest- iiig question for psychologistf a lunatic who can undertake and engineer two re- hellions against the canadian government and againstjthe british empire is akijid of a lunaticjihat miist be held accountable forhis deedlt it is for others t show how a man can be- by the same advpcatespar- adedas the champio u of liis rflielp and ofjhis ehujrch and as an irresponsible lunatic if lie is insaiie his election as president by jiis own kindred declares them insane also ivunest j r at last after a long protracted struggle the scheme for reclaiming and preserving from desecratian the land in the immedi ate yicinitjjof xjagarajfalls the ameri- can side his been accomplished on the 15th of july nejet it will be thrown open to the public aspire 1 public parkforall time the americans haye been sometimes re proached with u too exclusive devotion to niaterial interests and adisregard of msthet- ic considerations but in this instance they hove shown a worthy desire to preserve the great international wonder from being vul garized byj its surroundings iu the mean time canada has done nothing or rather has permitted tlievwork of def acemedt 6 go oii unchecked i 0ngrtulations fiorr miscellaneous j r i try t h hnirdlug gr for fiouf and lka hats from iu ceiits to 260 fyfa8 plants j m fomloy hok con stautly on liantl a nice seleptibu f varieties of liouse plunta abou th of tlio week hojvill biiow the largcf t and finest assortment of the season orders for bedding plants j promptly filled fcrhloy scot oil uuiiish and caundian hreit varitty at the knst kiul clotliini tore j fyfe a of on i ice creani jce cream and cool driuks i have opened my ice proam par- lor for tlio season and am now prepared to supply bvorybody with fino flavored and delicjous ico cream at all hours- pionio parties or families supplied at reasonable rates j m fernloy suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latost atvles beburo tooalland roo thuni j fvfo acton an kvtlilcruiiin tried it exalderman taylbr of toronto tried hagyatds yellow ml for uheiinalism it cured him after all other romedies iiad 1 r f failed lf yon want a nobby durable and cheap suit jfyfes isthejplaco to go j rev f bolton of melrose n y writes 1 am- glad to state that when my daughter was severely- afflicted with catarrh in the hoad she obtained complete relief by using the pillow inhaler during a few weeks let the afflicted s6curo one twp havediuiej very liktle harm the rts oii clover are generally favor- 5jiingfrbitshavehurt it in sbma thee oyer of last years seedin lint very slightly injured either or spri lg weather ees ar 3 generally iu a healthy lori 5 lansdown to the brave soldier boys filli jtjgh gen middleton new advertisemonts iiol sk lot for sale- thk uiulcrsigtied offers for salo hlsiliouao land jot on main street it is a largo housei con tains nine rooms also kitchen aud wbodbhed is well adapted lor n tenemout or boarqiiir bouse good stable on tlio promises liborar terms vjipbell w iipriuut piano for silk rf ukdersionkd has for bald a german j upright piauorosewood caso ivou octayes iu firstclass cooditiou hs just boon tuuod also a no 2 kayniond scvriiil machine apply to may 13th i haslktt hot anddry bkin boalding uoiisatioiih swelling of ithe ankles vague feelings bf uurest frothy or b riokdust fluids acid stoma m aching lbimj cramps griwiug nervousness stratigb ijoreness of the bojwels uiiacoounti bio languid feiliugs short brparh and pleuritic pains one side ueadache backache i irequent attaoksof tlio blues fluttering ajjid distress of tlio heart a albumen unfl tube castla in tjho watorv fitful rheumatio pains and neuralgia loss of appetite floah aud strength constipation alternating with looseness of the bowols i abundant pale or scanty flow of dark water 1 chills and lover b irnini patches of sisiu then x brights disease 01 the kidneys thd above jsyinptohii aremot developed iu anyordor but appear disappear and re- apear until t o disease gradually gets a firm grasp on ho consti iutipn tho kidney poiboned blood breaks dowhl tlio nervous aystem and fi lally piibumonia diarrhps bloodlesaness heart i disease appbpfexy paralysis ot convulsions enbue ifettlfeju death is inevitable tips fearful idisease is not a rare ones it ti an bvei7ay ds- order and olkims niorp viotims than auyj other colnplaiht j it mu it botreated in time or it will gaiuj the inaiteryv dont neglect it war- neks 3afe cube has cured thousands of bases of tu worsttype aid it will curb you if you will uso it promptly and as dij reotedi it is the only specific for tho unil vorsal- i belogts jisgise am f nurseries i hlwh ilargebt in the fximinion auiis salesmen wanted lo begin canvashiug it once on fall sales steady imploymeut to successful men j good agents are cirpiug from ho to 7 per month and expeiisjs teyms and out- lit free adilrcss stolje85wellilttton xnkskhvmus toronto ontt jet nearly now card of rilvmis he underalgupd licslr is to hereb camoto hlsaid in- his nisfortunq biro in rabuilduihis blncksmiui si- tini established in busiu ss again r 1j cordial thinks to al tlioso wl o so kindly exvreis his and assistbd- op and tfet- jsmith re ard to their copdition msy may io the following corres- between his excellency the cf 1 i honpril tr toinrlnwnp and fcedaf si per sijuare a so a iuvkjt quantity of lailreueroi lora ijfnsaovne auu ooaotaiikiridsrfromiaa lou up to 4uo a co prtino diort stives and hjcadiug to tho tradblaiuottom prices r thos fapronv miin st vrest acton poud govb majbr gj sneral middleton will be read with mucin iaterestij to general middleton via quappelle n w t accept my hearty congratu lation s i i your success you have had a task c f i sceptional difficulty please tell your ta iant oldiers tbatias tho queens repre ei i tiye here i febngijatulate them on their bthavior jiot only in this action but durin 5 le toils and hardships of the ad- van the first of casualties is i fear heayj wounib with my sinjeere sympathy is witli the shall be glad of any information 13 add they this hat as regards the officers soldiers are mn lanfillowxk to hi excellency the marquis of lans- dowi ej- on the part f my troops aud my- self 1 ijeg to thank you for your kind con- gratt lslt tons on our sucjeess and apprecia tion f the difficulties we have labored un der 1 hd coming as they dof rom the queens repnseiitativej heightens if possible the pleasure with which they are received by all of uii aud ii trust i may be permitted to shinules 0d wood nhe undevsiuued hns for le itfjdendid stock x of firstc1ass shiulos no 1 cedar 175 rsquaro nbl iiue itljopor s uare no 0 mooke departmental examination july 1885 is accordance wilhthj sti tuto aud the generl regulations ot thoedu tion uepart- uieut the jul exainin itions for the county of ofhaltpu will he held a follows for arimhillon o hlchrhoo lnnt thehifih school oakville and th s public i chool milton on thursday nd july i t 9 am for third ilast noiiprotesfii nnl teachers certificate ac the sain i places ou monday gth uly at 1 pm f or secttafl tlass nonprofesi ioual certill- cates at tlte samu places oy wednesday 8th july atllkte jm for first iflrtiw gmile v nc uprofesbioual certificates at tho normal school i toronto aud ottawa op wednesday 15th july ft 130 pm it is indispensable that nil cnudk atcs forteach- crs certifipates notify tho insp ctor pro teui brampton plo not ater thaa lstjune thoir mtenticfn to prcsi nt themselves for exam ination forms of n tico can bo obtained at once on application to my county inspector every application foi admission to tho tea ere examinations mus the accoinimnied by a feo ri hly deserve your approbation lire yoiir excelleuby will have heard that our i ucs3 hasbeen crowned by the sur render f mr riel i hear the wounded loiug well all at saskatoon fiied iit0n gardupuys crpssing nw tvilkl i5i j day dro vn ng accidents on the bay both occur- alout 430 mg wli jas wh anc i rowned boating thre persons lose their lives in thle bay kt toronto drbnto may 25the queens birth- belebratibu here was marred by two during a sudden sguall ch sprang up two young lads named y r plumber and win hozacltr le rowing home bad their boat capsized bffore assistance arrived welsh was drowned another boat containing wm tarltonj gei llandall john harper and two girls eti a farmer and jennie mcewen was cat gh f in a squall and eapsized tarlton ba ids 11 aiid the girl mcewen succeeded in catching hold of the capsized boat the gir f irmer threw er arms around harper ani i pth sankaud ueverrose again priv ate i 3 eiddleton of c company infantry so ioc 1 jumped into a boat and succeeded wil h feat difficulty in rescuing the other th ee the girl mcewenbeing unconscious of two dolilars or if the candidates wishes to writu at the second s svell as tjho third clash cxaminatiotip of four dollars to be remit ted by registered lettorlor post office order candidates for the high school entrance ex amination wishing to write at oakville will betid notico bv postal card aio form required to mr nj wkllwood bajhm h8 oakville po ou or bofore khe l9th iilst those wis ing to write at milloh will scud sim ilar notice 1 3 mr hliiiy gkay 1m us mil ton po i t all cntraute candidates must p ace their draw- iiig hooks iu the hands of the pre riding examin er on tho mc ruing of t le first daj of the examin ationb every page nnst he cirtified by the teacher as huing out rely tho cvndidateg own work and the date of xecution honld as near ly ab possible be indie ated th ire is no fee re quired from entrance candidates p s inspectors of ice bralo itoh 8th may t q j mcki non inspectorpro tern co haltoii m fcs w ct- m t- e- v 3g- ij w kt r r the scott act cirrie4 in prontenac rejected inking8tpni kisogrps may 21 the total vote polled in the 1 was 786 for the sot and 839 against it j t many polling places ladies were in tlie vicinity distributkbg gcott act literature j the refolt of the voting in frpt tenac was tlie passwe of the act by a major ityof 400 tjtere juliwent places liepon yetbw jul the yote in them is small t the majority cannot be matwally changed i very sub- cmiohj recorded with the exseptioh of one wolfe jsland lias given amabbrity for tlw act i interesting items otjh harding grocer has secured ftr 1 of the sale in acton of the celebrat- roler flour of nicklins speedvale mills gnelph and is prepared to supply all cus- tones 1 i fit id lightning does hot take a lay or ar he nr to remove neuralgia headache tiotliaeha lumbago or rheumatism but- will 0 itinstaiitly ard without carrying yc ar head in dpoultice for a day or ubing gr sat y liniments try a 25c bottle from j mcgarvinj druggist 46 mi s itpbert hooper bf kiuloss county bf bi uoe iitaietter -sas- i have been t rallied with dyspepsiti aud liver com- p aii ts for a rrambcrbf years and an glad u say to the public as ly ell as friends thoit s cjg regots speedy cure brought me arour 1 ad am now all right thanks to ms- g tej ors speedy cure hundreds of like ti tsti tnonials are frequently received and are daily proving that this is truely a v on ierful remedy jcuring sluggish liver i ili us- headache and costiveness where alfdse fails sold at j e mcgarvius i xu 1 store triul boltles gi veufree 10 ayers clierry peeboral ko other complain ts are so in idious in their attack as those affecl ing the thr stx and lungs none so ti fled with jy the maj irity of snffer- ers the ordinary tough or cold resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex posure is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness ayees ohebby ijectokai hns well prov m its efflc icy in a forty years tight with threat and ltm g dlseagesana should be taken iu all cases without delay a terrible cough cured in istjr i tobk a severe cold whioh affected my lungs i had a terrible cougband passed night after night without sleep the ubotors gavo me up i tried ayeus cheiihy ec- tobal hich relived my lungs induced sleep ni d afforded me the rest necessary for fue recovery of nvy strength by the continue 1 nse of the pecronala perma- pent eun 1 was effected i ara how ou years old hale aud hearty and am satisfied your cueuuv pectoitat saved me hoiiacr faiebnomee eocklr gliara yt july 15 182 cr nip t a mothers tribute vhil ili llio country last winter my llttw boy ili re e years old wiis taken 111 with croui 1 it sceme 1 ns if he kvould die from strangu lation jne of tlio anilly suggested the ufla of aviu s ciieiinv pectoual a bottle of which vwis always itcpt in the mouse thjs was tried in small and frequent closes and to our delight in lei s than half mi hour tlio iiylo patient was breathing easily the doc- tor saidj that tho henitv petobal hrtd saved mv darlings ife can jou wonder at our kraut udo sin serely youre if mii8eumagedxev 163vfistl28tust new york may 10 1882 i have used ay sbb ciienpytectonxii a my family for si veral yean and do not hesitate to pronom ice it the most effectual in my family for several yean and do not hesitate to pronom ice it the most effectual remedy for coughs aud colds we have ever tried aj chase lake crystal mln 1 march 131882 i suffered for elg it years from bronchitis aud after trying manyreniediebwithuo suc cess i was cured by m use of ayeus c-hfsi- nv pkctohal joseph aldeki cyhaua miss ap ril 5 1882 v i ftaiinot say eno mh in praise of ayeus criertt pectoral believlne as i do that but for its use i she aid long slnoo have died from lu lg tronbles e bbaodokr pales uie texas j iprll 22 1882- no ei se of an afl bctlbit of the throat or tutogb fljtlsts whlcit aiinot be greatly reuevekl bjtthe jase of ayei ts citemr peprobai juid it wl8 always wre whentlie dteease is tu t alrfady beyond he control of mediclnej pee abed by 1 dp jo ayeri co lowell maes soubyuudrttggliu revised bible ww- igm vifi l si f m 31 p- m uryrt r 13 l t l j t1 black tjtos crraim spsck isbia mirilevis fiie tabliers jet nail head gimp gaillakd braipitrimmin baloon oriental s ripe satin and yelotipjpave eaiies lopfcint fbr the most jpasliionable gods are always sure to cieei thf n every line in qul immense display ur to drps be clock keep in ad matoh eagh and every shadii pro slfyels commands the admiration pnceftloo 13b 160 2ite 280 3 35 a limltted supply slls oseap day omuoslse tui1hit op catarrh and consumption if air charged witli dements loul air will kill continuously air chained elements ously liscmsecixiiting when breathed with remedial ivill cure when breathed continu- thf pillow srihaier is an clegniillr made hair ijiillow cinrged with remedial eleinenis ilie viipor ofwhicfl tlie pntieit inhales jill nfeht long whilst sleeping jji usual it caiinot cet out bf order ami u perfectly siife to the tnost delieale jit willlast for years and serve any n urn o it iifptrsous iu t family in suc cession it halters dojvn tilie stronghold of catijrli bronchitis ksthnia and j consamptiba and niak fe v pciinaneiit cure by a continu- ou applj ution of healing and curative air directly ti the diseased pints sufferers from any of the abnveuiejiilioiied diseases are urgei lly requcstelto send us their ud dress a id aoopajje pamphlet will be mailed to tliein froo wliicii wilt give a complete history of this njondcrftil discov ery and the principles upon which it works together with a long lint of testimonials from thiso who have used lit and who now rejoicb ibipeifect health i do pop delay for the loilgor a disease 1b allowed ti run unchecked the slower and hardejr il is to effect a curd thireis no uieilicino tslren into the btom- ach 10 douching nr snulling nor anything disapilccable about this treatment it has never beenknowh to fail send voii1- inline ami writent jto inspecting our stock who caa appreciate elegant design department and secures fbri us the praise flown j theirlj of every person aiad exceptional tlie same theres no doubt we have iccured sjind are jniaiutaiuing our reputation fori jerson ean se store and it codducting an cdblishmcht where an ect reliable jgools ofany deschptiou usuill found iu a firstclass dry goods time kifow thattheyarepur yqod value omm basin r tb about it gtj nu srrvkyo john dvi 3 p ijsj ash c e guelph ocders for surveys by mail or telegraph pro nptiybtteuued to office hi days block luelph lvfaslliu wastkd alt sidfnt agkst in eveby village toy n andciry iu tho dominion also a few travellc re to sell our ew air gas ma chines for making air gas 00 per cent cheaper than coal equauy us good no ore or powtr re quired made iu all sizes from 15 burners t 1000 for private houses stores hotels factories mills streets mines etc addresb canadiak ai t gas machine mfg co 113 trancois savior st 15ly i mdntlteafj pq best value the market affords the hast end clothing store l address plainly is pubt7 lahal r agencr loxjion osi bufdqli lood will cure or relieve b1li0v8ne8s dy8pewa indigestion jaundice erysipelas saltbheuiih heartburn heatyche and dizziness dropjy flutterinq of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the wn from ery species uf dlciase prlsln i liver kl bovvels on olpod jlsoreredliyer k1dey8 8toma0h wwwssna 200 ftqqiiipremntsyhen tway send t j us 5 ceits postage and by roaily u will get free a iackaeof goods of larfie thatwill sttirtyouin worktnat will at once bring you m rhouey faster tban any tlii nig else iu america ail about the 200000 in presents with each box agents wanted every where of either isex of all ages for all the time oii spare time only to wor c for ns at their ou homes for- tnnes or all workere s hsolutely assured dont iolay h halikjri co portland maine j it housi paintin we the undersigned beg to inform the people of acton aud vicinity thjit w 3 are brepared to give lirst- class satisf actio 1 in the lines of roof baint- ing house painting calcimining aud also paper hailging iu the latest styles all orders p omptly attended to tt bell i p llvvks planing mill havrni uiade arrangements vjitb messrs v h storey sou for the continuance of 1 heplauing mill in the build ing formerly ccupied by the acton plow company we v ould inform the pnhlicthat we are prepare l to take contracts for buildinc -also- j- bsssxira iwoeing setiitg mdtcdisgjc withnbjtsess anej dispatch kindly solic itiug a share of puhlio pat ronage we are respectfully yours thos ebuace manager court spring tvqeds wo east vision i phe court of movision for fho municipality of x tho villce of acton i will hold its firi t stting forfflie li9aringand do- ieruiinit g of appeals against the 4 of 1885 ith e cou ncilch am ber easily un light it ii yerv easy to pate 1 cold- hut not so easyib jcure it unless y ou use hagyards peotoyal palsftm the h sj remedy for all bronchial aud lujij troubles oougbs throat ml l consumptive teudencies is- jlerks ofuce llay 5th 188a healtlji is yyealth at blght 6cux k lm mogaryin vlllaoe cleek db e c vfasts neuve and buaistbeat- hesi a yuarai teed specific for hysteria dizzi ness convuls ons fits nervous jeuralbia headache no tous prostration cansed by the uso of alcohol r tobacco wakefulness mental depression 80 iteninrof the brain resulting in insanity and 1 odiagto mispry decay and death premature ou agobarrenjiebs loss of power in eltiier ses nvoluntary 1 josses and sperma- torrhoeaaube 1 by over e3 ertion of thb brain selfabuse or xerindnlgeioe each bos con tains onotnon hs treatment one dollar a box or six boxes to t flye doliaas sent- by majl pre paid on reeeip dfprico weguaraateebiiboxes to cureany ca 10 with ca h order received by us for six box a accoinpan ed with five dollars wemuseudtlepurohaseronr written guarantee to refund the honey if the treatment does not offeet a euro gnarantees ssned oury by john c webt t c rrqpi ietors v1 m avest madison at c licago 111 fcjyldbyjhmctiarvin tt our darmetf are mado perfect fitting and designs s fine display of sted coatings and soreea at the i clothing store set 1 meno bran heat si burrpij was in the che tiseq ton 1 t three i preseii to rsl publia iuthl oong of next edforl banij tract and i gneld onm uess propfj stard imprj placf aud chur vicfr is the latest artistic 4- pinibiasortrnenii of spring hsits also on haird it a 48 sing street east jc large milt0n wholesale ttfjj retail dealers is carpets oilcloths linoleums curtains curtain materials uimiln poles cornices u i iv curtanj chains assels fringes furniture coverings damasks reps billiard cloth baize st bevl smi brie qui girls sold wen join ir rods stair pads ieu stbck ew patterns low prices rh j mckay 48 king street east hamilton r speicht cjadertaiiors carriage makers szc ars p- oii the shortest otiee ftnd at lowest terms altcals son dau be 1 s pist ontl acton i v epatgd tf ibrniah why thijig iuttheirlin e from thi best 0aket 46 th plainest coffin ofl frol x ol del either tiight or jay promptly attendetq saifit- 1 factionguarejuteed iu- every case a flrtf class hearse avery deseriptio i ie we are in a posit used wehave tsif you will also ion tosatifactojcily fill orders reasonable tivta qeod vir6rkmwislip ontl firsiclass materralfciwfty for hire to vvagjtous oarriageve o ci mmon aud extra quality chjeap a splendid lojlor furniture hoth pay jus c ash we will ell youanyl hjjng i mr line cheap j r peight mlinagr i