t it mm is 1 tbjrda llojkiw hat 38 j 18 adan1 eeffress to judgment i miscellaneous ha strange as peopw grow qlder what iota i of sense they low j w and how they feet full t notions and begjiu 1 disease baldulwiij hidyjbe avoid kl by tho use of halts i ttf ttewpwor wljloh prevents the filling i ut reuewty restores dark co ol io pick aikd choose and start o such stkauge ideas add want r sohqtttttrithinjisdone i whyrwhatis felloifc to live for if he nvr oau have any fup now there arp fathers aud mothers asgol as rood cjatt be i j but thev fretif a boy goes coasting forfear t hell run into a tree i i they ftlettffcljoy goes skating for fear hfeml mi of thehahvanl stimulates it to giowth and luiuiiaurjo it 1bo fa ledger grey he ir to its original aiifljwlicaliy sujfes nearly every ihekaulp l ghiuing does not take- a day or t remove neu ralgta hjeadaohe jf fluic auhoni toothai ilxcl ljimbago or irgetafall and theyre sure that hell come homo brok eu if he asks to play baseball and as for stealing ft ride as the big teaijns roll aloug aud as for a swjmvih the river if tlie oijur- rent be swift or istrom or climbing a roof oil a ladder or shiuntyig a good big pole4- vchy they lookata boyie he tries it as he had got no spul thev want you to enter a parlaf and how- like a grown upjinan xhey want you to niove witlioiit racket just show mo tlie fellow who can to come down stairs on tiptoes just creep ing as stall as ajmousej aud to keep things tjuiet ibid chilly as if boys never lived in a house f yvlieu you ojpeiv you eyes lin the morning 1 and are lying awake in bed theyd rather you ionldnt take pillows to shy at another ones ljead i theyd like yovtoj talk in whispers olpd neve t rant or shout 4ud empty- your jacket pockets bo tiey never would took bulged out theuin spite of all tliis nonsense theyll look in a fellows eyes as if you weire the dues who were fodliiilt and they were the ones who were wis e youd think as people grow older tliefy ought to grow wiser too but 1 wouldnt make such blunders ia talk ing to boys would you rheumatism but will dolt iustutly ahd without carrying your jit d in a poultice tor- day or using greasy i raimehts try n 25c bottle frtfni 3 limjogpriii druggie t 10 tlnld tlgmatiik tneri ark injtfcwthatjiavo neyor suffered itduiost miourable pain from toothache neural ia sndh an auuntcld disgust or days ing ot re drug s i will pepsia 4- seems about l-f- k- i rll rli l warning and comfort ayers savsapaf ilia has such couceutrat- ed curative power that it is by far the best cheapest surest bloodpurifier kuown fmi aldfjrmaft trlcrt ii esaldecman taylor of toronto tried hagyards yellow oil for itheumatisui it cured him after all other remedies had failed rpcad ton ii 1 you can depend upon hagyards yellow oil as a pain rehever in rheumatism neuralgia and all painful and inflam matory complaiuts it iot only relieyea but cures irer twrmtyf kw lr snffrrlbg j r- rev wra stout of wiarton was cured of scrofulous abscess that seventeen doc- torbcould dot enrei burdock blood bit ters was the only successful remedy it cures all impuritiesj of the system g a jswrci thejiecreltof beauty lies in pure blood and good health burdock blood bitters is the grand iey that unlocks all the secre tions it tores allj scrofdousdisease3 acts on the bloodj ilivei kidneys skin and sowelsii and brings the bleom of health to the palidcheek tw u reuabfe r n wheeler merchant of evertou was cured of a severe attack- of inflam mation of the lungs by hagyards pectoral balsam tcbis great throat and lung jheail- er cures weak lungs coughs hoarseness bronchitis ind all pectoral complaints i mlfijdartie headache is one of those distnasiug i j i plaints thas depsudrf it i6n nervous irrita- tioittbad cihinlatiop or a disordered state of the stoiniach juvei bowels etc f he i editor and proprietor of the canaua ifiibn- tyiaii was cured aftej yiears of suffering with headache and now testifies to the virtue of burdock blood bitters i injttdnt reliof as fluid lightuingis jlisiug ia til no of trouble xo j w ariplicfttion of fluid liilit now cyn un of j uoverji apprcoiatod bv the publico l have tullxn as are determined or like uoutei paiusi to them ijilf lltl i to follow itonflo ihovory ottor aithouah our fiiendjlhnyo said wo could uot do an i intirel y oa8l triulcj wo imvd oommifcted oursolvts id it and ojir snecosi far exceedb our n iost sanguine oxpe stauoni the only vay is to boaono siwcosgf ally istobtrictlyadlieretotheoiily truq avsteul of dolng business hiiving thovfiry lowest prices for goods md giving no orcd it and by havlug that prloo far below aijiy t thor store ns an inspection we quotpstclf astonish ugly low prices for our goods as toihakeonronnonontssay that we can nol 16 ag wo odyevtisu now wiiatiffdo say yb i have of our goods all out goods am marked in omo and poo and jndgo whether niir statemebts are rolinible or not as glance aud kuov isold at k imcgarviitb toiej j 2 dolh v upon dollar isirequontly spent on the fail li f ioooinincuihtious for articles entire iorihiess xdt so with afoi lgrogor s speedy cure you aro not askod to pure lias e it until its merits aro proven call at j k mcgarvina drag store and got a fiee trial bottlo aul if not convinced iurjj yuuof the m oral forms of dys- liver complaint wq are not fl prices for wo o shov what w a are doing etc no nmtter of how log jitajndidg it posts you nothing soldii alsrfro 5k and 1 bottles sec testimon- u perspns in your owu town 39 the dqcka and uortetsierfac io cents such arc a tlnil out thatnt hi hlnnphf ymplobiabih urc the symptomsare mqisturo lrkeperspir- ation ntenso itching increased by scratch ing vry distressing particularly is if piujwdrnis were ctawltugiu aud ho rectumiihe private parts are at night someti mtsjittectcd 11 laliopd to continue very s rioii results may follow bwayes oistm itis a pleasauj sure cape for ttter ituli salt also crusty skiii diseases cents i jboxea 125 dress mi syayyesoi pa old by druggisttj llheum all scaly entby mail for 50 in stamps ad- philadelphia 50 they iinigorat and restore of our price will all our prl c past had t at tho present time mowtboaet 0co48 6ao prloe aad oaia 0al7- convince any one at in our tidvcitlsfinciit we quote the price of oino marlti that a child if be knows lotturs can rend at a rcspousiblo for tihe chogilu felt by those who caimot cpmpeto with us aro bouud tij koopricesfdown lot them say or fed as they may just- the lrqn the king of the dry goods avo give yofptoa black aud 4olorcd gros grain bilk at 45c s100 gros grain silk for 75c l85k3ris grain silk for 9o j 150 rioh heavy mevclleaux tor 55 isc cash rnoref9r 50e lovely lot of all wool cashmeres worth 35c we aie rushi ig off at 20c pemius that cost dsewher618o wo eell nt 12ac corsets ijs follwos 1 75c for 50c 5c for 85c lsjc print for oc 30o cottoijade only ew of tho hues but our stock is all equally cheap socolmealoiig and all limes oijr word is for good cheap goods for the public parties desirous o zrtregh on hand all j h e a l hollo wat ihfor a ll u s pills and ointment e3 the p illi x s- turify tho blood correct all disorders tf the 1iveui stomach kidneys and iiowei ompldiuts iucidcu to is au infallablc a prize selul s cc fur l t au rece ve free a costly box of goo is wliich will hel you to more money right i avay than anything else in this world all oi either ses succeed from first hour the b oad to fortune opens before the worke abfeolutely sure at ouce address tnret co augusta juaiue uei d for working people seudlocents pjstare aud ejwill mail you free a royi 1 valuable samp e box of goods that will piiyokiu the way of making more inone in few days tlau you ever thought possible atauy business capital not re- quirec yisu can live it home and work in spare timeouly or all the time all of both i exes of allagesrjgrandlv successful 50 cer ts toi5 easily earned every evening that ill wjio want work may test the busi ness ve mjike this unparalleled offer to all wl o aic4 not well saiisfied we will send 81 to pay ifor the trouble of writing us full j articulars directions etc seit free immtnsejgayi absolutely sure for 11 who start at i ncp donate delay address strssfx a co portlanb maine ski u c b hall grayvijle 111 says i have sold at retail 156 bottles of dr thmas ecleciric oil gaarantieing every bottle i must say i never sold a medicine in my life that gave suchj universal satisfaction in my own case with a badly ulcerated throat after a physician penciling it for everaldays to no effect the eclectric 6il cured it thoroughly in twemtyfour hours and in threatened icroup in my children this winter it never f ailed to rajieve almost immediately as age creepl joii apace the- various functions bf the body grow weaker in their performance oldjpeople who suffer from increasing indigestion torpidity of the liver and constipation j should give reuewed 1 to the action of the- stomach bile- f lecreting organ and bowels with northrsp lymans vegetable discovery and dyspep- j j i ic cure from which aid is liever sought in vain it works wojiiders asa blood purinerl v if a tew grams ot common sense could bf infused into the thick noddles of those who nerpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stoniachsand bowels with drastic- purgatives they would use the t highly accredited and healthful laxativeand tonic northrop lymans vegetable pis oteiysmd dyspeptic cure which causes good digestion to wait an appetite knd healtiitajoth j- j- ill the virtue of carbolic acid for heaiug cleansipgand parity iugrfs well known- but f roni the iruuiy niddes of applying it the public is uucertaiufhow best to use it to meet that want- mcgregor 4- parkes carbolic cerate lis prepared anfl may be used with coirfideuce do not be misled take only mogregor parkes cartelic cerattixsold at j e mcgarins drug btoreactou i 1 46 mrt kobert hooper of kiuloss county pf brace in a letter says i have been troubled ynth dyspepsia aud liver iom- plaints for a number of years and amglad that mind mc- ike and to say to the public as well as friends tfcgregor speedy ure brought me a and i am now ail right thanks to gregors speedy qure hundreds of tsstimopiais are frequently received re daily provink that this is trolly a wonderful remedy curing sluggish liver buiparhaapbjand costinspess lere 11 else fai s0i4 j vcgaf vjn fifes- 3 r i 1- 3 j 4 l fi vl bragsiori tl akkoa new theithent perhaps the most extraordinary success that 1 as been achieved in modern medicine has tx en attained hy the dixon treatmeut forcttarrh out of 2000 patients treated durin the past six months fully ninety per ce at have been cured of this stubborn malac yr i thifj is none the less startling when it is remembered that not live per cent if patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner arc benefitted while 1 the i pa tent medicines and other adver ised cares neyer record a cure at all starting with the claim now genenllyibelieyed by the most scientific men t lat the- disease is due to theiiresence of living parasites in tie tissue jfr dix on at ince adepted hiaisure to their ekter- miuat i on this accomnlislied he claims the g jarrlkds praticully cured and the permx iencyts unquestoned-ascuretieffect- ed by irrffl fom years ago are cures sill noon ese hw ever attempted to cure gator li iiitliis manner and 110 other treat ment aslever cured catarrh the appli cation of the remedy is simple and can be done 1 1 home and the present season of the yeixs thejmostfavorable for a speedy and p rmanent cure the majority of cases being i uried at j one treatment sufferers shoulc coirrespoud with messrs ah dix on fi son 305 king sjtijeet west toronto cauac i and enclose stamp for their treat- ize on 1 catarrh montreal stat nov 1782 ingsevil was he name formerly given to scrofuls becaise ofajsnperstition that it could be cure i by a kings touch the world is wisali niw and knows that scrofula t e e rcniudv for is famous lortiuut aud glandular swellings and 1 ma liifacturcd o 73 new oxford and mc sold al ils hd dwilliamson cq to he ilth debilrtateil constitutions nntl are ii valuable iu all cmnles of all ages for children and the aged they aie pifcelew olintmbnt 1abtie8 indebted to me qxiense had legs bad bioasls old wountij sores alul ncejs klicuniatieiu ior disorders of t lie cheat u has upequal it roib isore t2e0ats ee01tchiti5 coughs colds 1 skiii joints it nets like a eliarni be had of uly at street d all medicine vendors tliouglinut liie world purchasers should look 0 i he 530frd tlie dominion boot fehoe store have now tlieir bpriiig fftock complctcim value in i ezeisrtisr bjetob diseases it has no rivnl anil for contracted and stilt tllomashoiilowayseshlislimbut date 533 oxford street london enar js id 31s 22a and 3jssench box or pot aud mayj variety at till- mammotit securing bargains will find ifcto their owl advantage 16 cafl early and seleqtboforo tjie st jck becomes reduced i of which ill be offered at have a fqll stock op kxpreiuaih2 a111 midi sm pun sjlojmn cfticago nsxprossilooi riot utoji between giielpli pa torojrito timg or cijosino ma1ih i jfoing wost 1010 ajjijinil saiitni ioing east lowam anct5ii0iiin eiifiirsh lnairclosts at in aiu011 wcdncwlay canadian pacific rarlway i to hh lorxrs r east and- west- tonkkshki tijie umm ivill ploase call prices which astonish cvpry customer new 0ps cheap gkod jtoroiito to pctroltcliicago and manitoba i sitloulitex 1ocinujcx local ex- irollto 8 lojtjn i 25 iinl 4 10jini hrotsvillejuu9 10 i 10 30 sttbouitts laujiwu 5 k h 53 etroit sj5 8 t0 tj30m icago 7 30am 755 5 45-pm- iuntpcfe 7 00 j daily except mouda toronto to montreal quebec and boston limited ex montreal ex joronlo k 25 am 7 55pni- ottawa glotpiiii 17am- montreal im 50 quebec 0fj0ani 0 sopui- hoston t j s bramptof to btreetsville junction a111 it i 04 p11 settle 1 thbir accouirtsywid thereby sa m ib artfiy lirampton strectbvilrd jct 723 a 1 a brampton to oraigevillo and oveii sound bramptoii 9l7aiii 5 43pni orangovule 115 i- 0 57 owonboimtl tf3upin 1 lfl 3 purchi se yolfx tickets by this new alir d popular line label ou the puts and jboxcs if the iidtrcs is not strlet london theyj arc ipurious georgetovrn mcleod andersiin ufly the mammoth is bnuiid this season taeclipscuil its fotaer efforts in the way 0 selling goods ch ap iu showing ii large v liriety iu the gcthp ityle and cheapness of it ji their jlillinery i have u new laijj ill lines and ircoftcriug the jublic extra tho follouin i cents boots and shoes ladies hoes and slippers b6yjs shoes in great variety boyslshoes in great variety children shoes bf every kind bobbers ijlippers trunks etc ulways instock good assortment our orsered work iyes the best of satisfaction ilcpairing neatly and carefully performed we can suit you- call i kenney bros speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c ar prepared to furniah eveiything iu their lin from the best e casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notiee nnd at lowest termsj nred by a thorough purifies blood if this is neglected t throug ean aly be tlon sflthe the disease perpetuates its taint througu gem 1 at on after generation among its earlcr j symptomatic developments are ecjimja cutaneous eraptlons tu- mo 3ollsj carbuncles erysipelas pui dt mt ulcers nervous and phy- slot i c ollapse etc if allowed to con- tinu jheninatisnij tari kidney and liver diseases tul 3 solar consumption and var ons tb ir dangerous or fatal maladies are pnx ijicdby i is d 1 1 dnhj powerful and always reliaue blot p urtfytng medicine it is so effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the ysem hereditary scrofula and the sin ired poisons of contagious diseases and mircuryl at the some time it en- rkleb ind vltairzes the blood restoring bea t if 1 action to the vital organs and rejjheditlng the entire sygtem thlsgreat i generative medicine is m posed i of the genuine honduras saitipirfflalyrith fellow dock sttt linn a the iodides of potatsium and iro i and other taxi tentj to 1 aid other ingredients of grest po- tew j caret lilly and scientifically com- pon 1 le l lilts formula is generally known 1 trial bottles given free i sarsaparilh to tie medical profession and the best pby 1 cl ins constantly prescribe ayib8 saiwi aaujuasan absolute cure for ill diseases caused by the vitiation of the kx d li is concentrated to the high- art in ctical le degreo far beyond any otht repar ition for tvhlch llkeseffects are fsi ned 1 nd is therefore the cheapest as t ill as th best blood purifying medi cine in the world yiernsrsapafilla prep jtedby dr l c a er i co lowafl haas ana lytlci 1 chemists 4ldjbyi drugrbts prlccllx bottksforfs all call8teither tiigbt or dxtjprbniptly uttonttetl faction guaranteed in eyerv pse a firstclass hearse for hire o tjatis- flaftwejarc in a position toi satisfactorily fill orders fur wagnons cairiubes e o every description in reasonable tiiuei gdod workmanship oud firstclass mat iialalways usll we haenlso a splendid lot or furniture botlifcijiniuori and extra juility cheap jktif youvvisipny us cash 4 w you anything in our line cheap recommended by the most london and 246 st james st montreal i 1 f g round scientifically from clear cn ft pure pebble or l optical glo especially maniftictured or the purpose they arc without except ion hcnt aiujked te res tore tha 7uvaybs of aye ixjuf farctiiiti perfect vision fhey ares especially wihwit facility every pair of spectacles ami kyoglasses in marked b l j e mcgain j drugrfolst soleaqentlvliactununt thousands of ladies visiting the theli ladies misses fans belts the corrects ihiug in the gc aiid varidd stock in all t oodds stock is u iw very largjc including si iks satins ottomans etc silk lor 271c wirth 75c in the millinery ad specialty the changed but ha leave tlieirjorderi briuts and t inghams in kit the latest styles extraordinary cheap checked shii tings cottonades greyai and all cai adiau goods we buy direc managers c secured tin kinds including iugs cottonadet ivholesale prices our ordered clothing and plcte stale q intlemcn inoy come with tlie utmost confidence and leave their orders and we will suit themin price tyle fit w an immense stot k from 12lc upwards be ots and slides n large vaiietytpnces right keadymade clol reduce the stock uiost confidence down bottom prices 4inom j 11 k mcgarviisi ticket agent acton oiftario u a gents furifislii ing we bayje o large stock in asking the patronatic o tyle make and price in dressmaking we le latest novelties in millinery ouridress a inagbificeiit rcssiiiakiiig di partineiitsweddinif and iinoiirnilig orders a the millinery best tuleut ex dressraakiiig und mantle departments are ant ladies can borue with confidence and slaplis of all d white cottons cottons shirt- from themiiis and sell them at ng dcpailm jiit was never in a more com rkmanship and we ari great bargains wo wi ii give a go jdsuit 4 j w have the ut- r the public wc will sell you goods mgleodjndersqnco mammdth house i hummer silks j jn splbndi d vabie it -li- th e- fashionable west the busiest house io the tra t r- 3ucham nore and variety carjjetsfwe have holding a cleoring sale until we at away oj u sis mp ishsiis f515 fthfe i aaaaataaaiaaaaaxia m aaaa the favorite aaa itaaaaa foe jbshigrtari fpltlt use mhigh finish sa iferrt uidfe allthoeaymond shuttlb machines i ard fitted with the patent i antoptlc bobbin finder jjiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihknii i chas raymormd j manufacturer 5 guetph j ontario r oraiiivjgoiitjaolioa farmers 10k reaping akb mowing ma chine slsk larchni maghiw ihan any other oil no eupn no grit and will wear longer soik jianuiac-rcilelis- mcooiil brqs co m ccaryins drug store qilid g tk hilli dresd goods silks satins parasols priilts ililacfe goods of all kimk s giay cottons sheetiugsi fjidcy gdodsj xadiesl bags pbrtmouies t dama iks napkinld and pauo covers in rawi ilk em broidtred wool piinted am pjain tidies in lpceeinbroiiterd satiuind silk velvet carpets wiudo blind8 and house furnishing qooda in almost endlew varietv quiltjs yarns ctel a magjiiticent stock of parasols direct f oni the europeau narketn ili great variety of prices ud quafitles in plain and laci sols cheaper than ever nice gingham dress g bds oidy i2jc nice wide prints 5o- better wid j fast coloredlprint r an iinniensu variety of the u west styles ofprir is giughdnjis dress goods silks sijathiff merve leaux anamo mini i charming lice curtains covered blhcksatinpapsmsandljwiljed lavitine parasols cheaper than ever only 7jc very finewide fist colored printsoijly8jc an immense varii goods of all kinds a large lot of tweeds selling at about tialftlreir real- value stnped and lieckedslnrtinis from locup sore to see the dress but mus hamilti may 211 large assortment just see the 10c ghirtiiie it wpuldbe- cheap at i2jc itui they are new and beautiful and very jcbeap very large assortments o t lidies haudsomenew and jjeaihtiiiil hand bags iveiv co in minnqsota north dakota mcn- tana idaho washinatoh andjoregon from llia i luperjor to pogrtt voaixl at prices ranging jchleftyfromi tosmr acre on 6 to 10 years time 1mj is the best country or securing good homes- rov opep lor seltlernent r b 20 acres of goverajmeiit k briitrvandfreeunaerthchoiiesail h b vfcifc j io8i843s r sp kkf- t i baiifot abitlw puollcjondi dispreed yf in 16sj were in the knrthfcm pacific country books and maps kent rbpe defcrlbliic the kpruiern pacific uhtwtiibialroail lands lor hale and i lajtbor laiid mfrs p k itjst paul mina aphd32 lleaiillfal work of 1m pnpfstcurorod plktc and 1000 ii- tjstrtllons vilh ocfcriplloiis cr ihr beat flowers aiid iegctabies prices at scfs and plants aid how to crow fee printed in english and fiemian price only 10 nta wwch may qc deducted from firvt order it tells what vouhyaut forthe garden and hoirloget i illttad of running to the grocery nt tlie last moment to ttiy whatever eeedij happen to lw left oter meeting with i isanpqlotment alter weeks of waiting buy osly ricmffseeds at hkadquartejis i jamsvick roclisfer n y f toronto m vr how lost how restrfel 5i hae recently published a view edfitmn of dr cnlverwells cele brated essay- on- the radical aittl lieiiianeut euro iwitlioutmediciue ot nervous debilitjy mental and physical incapac ity impediments of imturiage etc tcsnltuitc fromoxecsses j i jbbprice iu a scaled envelope only c ccut or two postage ttamps tho celebrated author iu thisadinirifble k say cleaffy demonstrates from thirty jcars successful practice that alarming cousequeuees may be radically cured without tht dangerous- ube of internaluiediciues oi- the uso of theknifc jointibgout a mode of euro at oueo simple cer tain and effeckual by meaiiaof which every sufferer iio lunitter what hts couditiou may bo may curehimsijjfcheaplypriviiteiy aud radically this lecture bhould be in the hands ot every youth and everlmau iu the land address j the cufterwcll medical o 1 ann st xcw vo post office bo440 ork purchase of white shirtings from 5i c uptqjthehiiest am a lunntifn naanfntianf rs irr lll a beautifu nssortmentof j j- i crctonsi greton fringes iahdgimb i w immeuse bargains given hi black cashrieres colored cashmeiesj meriiibej and dreis ioods gsand portmonies in leather silk and y lvejt in yarious colors an immense issoftment ofl v andstylish patterns of cafets in woo kidders tapestry brussels velvets and wiltons at exceedingly low prices and in the bjst makes- charmin patternsinfsf w rngsdeeontcdkwindotrmuds crumb cloth lin damask feftjkidder and tapestry blinds linoleum i floor oil- jloths etc do not go away wiihoutsteinc thv andoharmin designs in jtti draswindpwcuitaius lace curtains guipure d art ametamie french en rtaiub th charming stales of silk embroidered toilet and piano co fers direct f ron i leipzig this week do uot forget f fha wronnii t t pio wn irnnia will vtsttnn hjt- iu j r et bemg pntcba icd king ptnjtt east close to hugbson street im to see the new french lices from paris no goodb will be taken back that are damaged tbehameis 1 i best kept he mats nev tnbh m any wajr aft rnmi eavj c s land home stock fjarm crosse i e wayne co tiloh savage parnum pbotbbbtobs i k 1 r j- l t h 4 r a iil m m 4w v 3 m satrode no 26201167 imported an rcheron horses tttlm aom the eet of sirsnddam wjssr a and regiswrea mum wencb and am incaa stud books hilanp home foihtcuz wted a the head ef gfossb it iirfmri xvtt te n 1eow the city 5n ana steamboat msitors krsss sf telomjon way call at dry office ahsjc fan send for catalogue ftmhxmaii 1 1 y rm ii j 1 s i -v- 1 ml mliil its 1sts iiji mm