Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1885, p. 3

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li l m at geo hynds acton i reside my well selected stock of watches clocks jowellry spectacles bilverwwe i keep in stock thejbest selection to bo found in acton of stationeryr note paper from 5o per quire to 40c envelopes from 6c por package to 20c mourning envelopes and paper isohool books slates school bags scrib bling books penoilsi pens ink bibles and testaments a large stock i wedding and birthday presents fancv gpodsxtoyi birthday cards ac ac the leading store in acton for this class ofjovjds give us a call geo hyndsv acton ont jktat jjfri rm tiirstow jfonrho jest 4 183 crumbs for breakfast provided by the xver thoughtful free press reporters trbljmsjkb rakinqs iftiso ick v during the wbek wood preach edonj cool weather two or three days this week xevv fences seem to be all the rago in tvu uow u now thejbon of th bnav lawn mower is constantly heard evergreens can be bafelj planted later thairdieciduous tnjes the farmers busiest quarter of the ear is inst commenced wool is being purchased on gnelph market at 17 and 18 cents l mr j e howbou has a new and at tractive adv in this issue fifty cents will pay for the fniie pukss toauv address to she end of the ear sixth month june the month of roses and poetn thejeaf v month of june these arc the days when sheep-shear- 5 ingjjs at ir height the wool season will now open the fragrant perfume of the lilac flow criug currant and blooming fruit trees pervades the air to for closing lias arrived a e have received from mr w j moofe of sydney australia a budget of australian papers i he has our thanks- make no haste to be rich remember that srnall and steady gams give conipet- ency and tranquility of mind the town bell now tins at 6 pm notify our merchants that the time i onnmiation will be ad- sunday evening a st sb0 oclock tho now will deliver a sermon on clijristiau friends are cor- j pigott ban liiciim- services will be conducted ill the mi 1- ioes n i methodist church uet sunday by calm a local preacher of eden mills j irew dr torrance of gnelph will occupy the pulpit of knox church here nest sabbath morning aud ev emug the milton merchants are up in arms against the depredators who pensist in tear ing down and defacing their posters rev geo abbs of glenvvdliamspreach- ed veryacceptable sermons in the method ist church last snudav morumgncf eveu- isiii we extend our thanks to mrs philip henjstreet peck mich and rev chas crawford virginia city nevada for copies of american papers orr efficient cornet baud paraded mill street on mondav evening discoursing sweet music abmirably rendered j our citiaensppreciate ibis owing to a slight relapse mr moore i was uuable to resume his duties at the jpubfic school on mondaj j as expected school will reopen next mondav at county couiicil yesterday mr ales watch re prtnjolpally local and all interesting oonjworatiori senrloea atrookwood the right rev charles hamilton lord bishopof niagara will dy conseorate the new st oohusbhurch rockwood next sunday morning l 11 oclock ho will preach a sermon n connection with the serv ices oonfirmatioi the rite of holy ministered text albans chinch at bishop of ni igara the occasion dially invited bent quarterly ccjmmunion the usual quarterly communion bcrvices in connecting with knox churcli were held rev p strachan rock- fuday aud roy mi sutheilaud if fingal on saturday aud sunday tl e adminstratiou of the leids supper to commiinicauts took pace ou sunday morning no campti is yeai it is said that olviug to the great expense o the north west war there will be no volunteer canp alj niagara tins summer halton baalhou lome rifles expect shortly to receive new uniforms requisi tions for vh ch are being sent to the militia department this week the new dress will certainly be appreciated sunday school ptonic the fried is of the ciewsons coiners sunday sch xil are making arrangements for a picnic on dominionday proceeds in support o tho sabbath sohool a pleas- ant and uite resting time is anticipated and from our acquaintance with tkeicrow60h comers f rie ids we know they w ul do their best to niaki those who attend enjoy them- selv es banquetan t jubilee the salvo tiou army here intend holding what tlieyar a pleased to term a mammoth banquet aniljnbilee ou thursday ilth iust a 1 ge immber of officers and soldiers fior i outride corps will be preseut procession heat led by the guelph sana tion army t rass baud a banquet in the afternoon and a salvation meeting in the evening will foijm the attractions tjie officers and soldiers hero are looking for a big time i it has some influence our esteeinedisoutempprury the acton frenprfs informs its leaders that the bylaw auharizing the council to lftise one thousand dollars for the purcliase of land for a n iblic cemeterv has been carried i by a haudsomeriajonty after bemgdefeat- ed ou two f rmei occasions the editor of thefnu pi tssif trove hard for the success of the b l iw k ithonzing the purchase of the muci unedad neyv burying pfbt but not m jv ain- 0 d eill fmlept iijtnt court o revision the fist neetmg of the couit of rev ion wa lid on tuesday evening only iwii apjeah we made one by di mc- garvin theothbr by the g t ry author ities bol b lau ing too high assessment the jatt er ipp hants findmg they had no causeof cm iph j ut withdrew their appeal mrs s a jecoi d was also preseut and re quested tha thejassessmentof her property north of mi 11 sti eet be lfeduced the court adjourmd t imelit neiijtuesday evemug induction c f mil ilster au adjou ned i meetint of guelph piesby tery w a he id aifc nassagawey a y esterday for the purpos i of j ordarning and inducting hon jedtq ip rev mr blair 1 ry attlie r ha nd j m the smiling aoe of katnre a trip during the past week through the counties of hajton peelwentworthwater- loo and oxford reveals t4 s the fact that the crops are all in a niott promising condi tion better appearmgfields of fall wheat at this season of the year conld not be de sired the spring grajnfrare pushing rap idly forward and the meadows are showing op exceedingly satisfactory the late rainsjcombined with the warm and genial weather hae brought vegeiajtion iorward at a rapid rate and the earth is covered with a mantle of green without hreak or blemish it is difficult to realiae that only a fw weeks have elapsed since all were grumbling at the continuance of wintry weather and now thatvegefction is a ut advanced as usual at the 1st of june we sbouldta 1 feel ashamed with ourselvuir the impdtieuce the exhilirtol f the indictiiiirv dr torrance guelph presider rev mr roie of knot church elora nenched the induction seiinon rev m came on a ton addressed the minister aid rev m macaulay cneff addrejssd tie congregation the appoint mentof re mkblai is generally satis factory pamtul aciideni an accidmt ot a vewbenous and pain ful nature occjred on tuesday to miss elizabeth camaon an elderly jady sister of messrs don ild anl james cameron miss cameron i who risides with mr d cameron lias for some time been a helpless invalid bu latejjv he riad been feeling bet ter and labile to sit u day while being asbi a bhort time each stedto her bed on mcmifoan of rockwood wis appoinfedlfresbjtuajn cluich nassagaweya at public school inspector to fill the vacancyl jl1ii caused by death of late r littlej esq- -i- there are too many chddren of tender yearvon the streets to a late hour at night the constable shonld take a round some night ardgivethe delmquiutaa little per suasive advice it is at the seisoii of tue y ear that the city clergyman loses his voice or finds that heisenjoying indifferent health and recommends that he be sent to europe or the seaside for recuperation licenses on billiard aud bagatelle tables in oakvilk have been placed at 980 and 920 for hrst and ecoud- the li cense fee m acton is fixed at about five times that amouut aud ai a consequence we are not troubled with these nuisances purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted mr and mrs john stephenson are visit ing friends in orillia and vicinity mr and mrs h p moore spent several days during the week with drumbo friends key j s- cplling left yesterday morning to attend the annual session of the guelph cjorrference at owen sound i messrs jesse ketchum of duudalk and seuecag ketchum the famous editor of the orangeville- post visited friends here this week mr james campbell of the royal exr change hab been ailing for some time aud w e are sorry to learfa that he is now con fined to his bed the friends of mebsrs w j moore h f hill aud p mdarthur who left foraus j tralia in april will be pleased to learn that they have arrived safely atfsydricy and are in good health and spirits to tlile pastorate of the tuesday byf a couple dfj friends she slipped falling leavdy on tin edge of the bed fracture dl erile tthigh dr lowrysetthe fractured 1 nib t nd did everytlung iwssible to rehei e he e ufferer owing to the ill ness of he patimt thi injury is one most serious lacrosse club drgamz id at a fargely attended meeting oiituesday club was evening thi foiihation sf a lacross fully cousileiec and j strong club well officeree w as oi ganize the officers are as folic rs presi lent d w ilill vicerei h p mbore secty-treas4- j mj fernley captnn wit spefcht field capt h j morton commtiee bt management g g buckwell j lsjwson pratt j m fern- ley and w spemht the necessary eqnij ments will anive in a day3 s af tar whic i practice wijl be pro- ceedeq vit i we are ileased toseethe club orgamzjdmd vtish thi boys pleasure and success condolbnde atthehst mwtiiig f tke omcnil board of the met lodij chui jh thefollow mg reso lution c f c indol snee w is passed respecting the dea hjf mi alex h brown who was for yea s a fellosvoflic al liesolxd that as bilice oui last meeting god in lliscrufable wisdom bias re moved w leatb our bi other and cojofficial mr a1x a bj own 1 his quarterly official meetini in sess ai ass mbled desires to put on reco i ts ap drecia 10n of our lat broth efs moral integrity ce his faithfubess to duty in thvmaj y positions he occupied m oonnecliod wifl the nhurch for df many vears i nd of til 3 spin i of liberality which gharicl eri led fl fl eonc uct in bustoiriing the inl ion i tli eof it is with great satis- faotion tin t thi i meet ng has learned that ttw religun s ohn which was mr lrabcitafltf ata the vigoij of his vears as his s lecial jomfort and jupport gl i hi s jon affile ion and in the bon rfdeati to habere ved widow witendet twwaatfjdpathmnthis thegie of fher gre ri rkli ad aor row and we pky that x we ily i tber mav meoaftr bless s an 1 1 is tk herlet s childrepi vath his irii ids lifld udfwith evilastmg fife ami hi kppitt 88 l wot 2t- j lite ai u w 3 coulu cbbirmau 1 1 jijlk maitlfewhr s new fences t it is a gratification to us and wo feel sure it is to ovory other citizen as well to liotioethe desire for improvements in homes aud surroundings so generally evidenced in our midst this bpring our townspeople appear to be vieing with each other in the matter of building new fences and it has eeii a pleasure to us to note week after week the building or completion of these attractive improvements mr thomas ebbago seems to lead in tho feuco business and ho has built some really fine ones this spring he is now engaged on new front fences for mr peter monab mr john matthews and the pubho sohool residence property mi a e nicklin is also build ing a new fence wo hope to see the good woik continue tho canadian pictorial tho ninth uunibes of tho ctumdiuit pl- oriatoiid llhufrated win neus is before us it contains the following illustrations in the skirmish lino at batoche from a sketch by mr e w moinsou the 65th battalion mount roy al rifles at port arthur from a photograrh by cooke lieut col gray m pp commanding toronto field battery from a photograph by hunter co a zareba m the north west from diagram and description by the glolt coiiesponjent artilleiy shell ing the rebels at fish cieek from a sketch by mr e w morrison there is also a veiy fine giaphic twopage supplement entitled the bayonet charge at batoohe tho paper bells at l conti pei topyob- tamable i l om localbooksellei s and tho office of publication the second power printing press we taki muchpjeasuie in congratulating the milton sun upon the introduction iuto its office oj a fine new campbell power press bio watson s a newspapei manof vim and enterpiise and we are glad to note this evidence of prospei ity in itsirofeience to the above improvement the hun makes seveial bioad claims aud stiong assertions it tells its readers that the new press is the first standaid pojier piess within the borders of halton many a smile vyill be caused at tlnsstatement for tho peiple of halton are well aware that nearly thiee years ago the frei prlss placed a fine new and improved cylinder press in its office and during that time its large edition has been easily worked off each week at the late of 600 or 800 an hour while the woikmen in all the other offices in the county have been sweating and tugging away at the old hand pi esses at the late of 150 oi 200 an hour thp tin n claims respecting the bebt equipped job department too aia lathei amusing we feel satisfied there aieoneor two offices in the comity able to turn out work to compaie pretty favoiably with that of the sun the public say so at any rate we wish you unbounded success bro w but kindly make haste a little moie slowly when making your comparisons an event of a lifetime an incident of a very pecuhai character one of those remarkable events which are but seldom observetl in a lifetime occurred in milton the other evening our worthy and respected townsman mr d- hender son banker was walking up main street in that town when he came up with a party of four gentlemen standing at the corner of brown street leading to the jsourt house aud registry office mr henderson was cordially gieetted after which one of the party remained thieedeputy registrars m the company a moments reflection proved that out of the live gentlemen four of them had beeu deputy registrars for this county aud also that these four arethe only geutlemeu now living who have occu pied this position in the county the names of the four are messrs w l p eager clerk of the peace for the county d henderson banker acton b 8 kutli- ven bank of hamilton milton and hugh campbell the preseut deputy registrar the fifth geutleman was mrd mcgibbou barrister milton ancj he was employed at a peloid in ins more youthful days as registry clerk m the bame office the event m itself is of no significance but- is one of those strange coincidences which are occasionally met with m the quiet walks of life aud which call forth a pass ing remark rockwood news froniviti uvh rjrreponduu the spring crops are looking well in this section i- mr d l liult is embellishing ins to st johns chuich by seeds seeds i seeds d reliabue qoodfpesh an jgia garden field and flower seeds j mangel rape hung property adjacent plantipgjtices acl mr j p collinp formerly of rockwood hat recently beeuj appointed head master of the lismore public school australia the people of wopdf old high school evi denced their appreciation of his services by presenting him with a pmse well filled with sovereigns and a flattering address upon his resignation of that position we are pleased to hear of mr colhag success ih tins far off land st johns church heie will be conse- uext sabbath by the bishop of niagara the exterior is now receiving the final fan- ish fencingud terracing and being done which vvhen completed will show the edifice off to good akvantago av lew of rockwood taken now would show very creditably besido the illustrations of picturesque canada it has at piesaut a very attiuctivo appearance m ii est anil couitort to the suffering browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external itjcureb pain in the side back or bowels spre throat rhounpatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blond and heal as its ncttpg power is wonderful browns household pun- acqa being aokfiowledged as the greoa pain reliever and of double ithe strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really ia the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and ache3 of all kinds and is for sale by all draggists at 25 cents a bottle 44 theicradle- sanus iu acton ou the 2nd june the wife oi mr g sands of a daughter including turnip 41 kinds rian fcc 4tc fishing rods and tackle a good variety i tl ipajhstt yoiil hoidos with ready mixed paius the largest and best stock of paint oiii varnishes jetc in tovyu tnd at tho lowest prices is at mccarvins drug and stationary store e r bollert 27 lower wyndham st quelph thursday may 14th 188 millinery department start out well and keep on increasing your speed never slacken and if you have adeti- mte objecj in view you are sure to attain it at our first mil linery and mantle display two weeks ago the general expres sion was that for variety artis tic design and general good tste oul millinery display was unequalled i iu the city now this i was very gratifying still we have kept on improv ing new designs have come new colors and corn- studied and arranged ins ai tonand binations aud today we show a finer se lection of millinery than at our opening miss jiauny our popular manager who counts her friends and customers by the thousands has never so fully received the appreciation of the jinblic as during this season j note if you want correct styles leave your orders with mis mauny no 2t low er wyndham street dressmaking depart- ment miss johnsou our manager who has now been catering to a continually increasing num ber of customers for the last five seasons iiv guelph has earned for herself a reputation for honest work faultless design and correct style togetlfer with the most accommodating atten tion we invite ladies to try this department audconfideutly assure them of satisfaction we have rust received special lines iu fancy summer silks of marvellous beauty atd good value also special value in french dress goods clothing department mr smi h as cutter contin ues to serve an increasing num ber ot outtomers and with satisfactioja to them as well as the department we have just to hand a special line of fancy worsted suitings generally sold at 2500 per suit which we make up for 18o0 also english 1 trovvsering at really low prices we guarantee satis faction in every case all cloth bought from us we cut free of charge our prices are moder ate and styles correct finallyfor honest treat ment good value courteous attention come to no 27 aper hangings writ borders to match i parlors dining booms chambers anahftus j great at the halton dry goods aoto neer before m canada eke goo oepered h shirtings that wore formerly wotjijmc we are sel the newest and best stock is at cuelph the aciou ptople can papers and see samples of my borders at mr george rtynds fancy goods stoije acton mr hynds will sell tj it my price day blagnetric oil cures rheumatics backj stiff joints- dats b00est0be neuralgia magnetic oil cures chapped hinds frost bites burns aud scalqb sciatica etc magne tic oil liniment known insist on your giving you the genuinle magnetic oil now or jl that i am about ly and those desiring lower guelph wyudham street e fl i bollert for coughs colds bronchitis and alllang and throat troubles there is no preparation of medicine can compare with jbickles anticonsumptive syrup it never fails to afford prompt and permanent relief it removes all soreness and heals the dis eased parts itj immediately soothes the most troub esonie cough and by piomoting expectorati s removes the mucus which stops up tin air tubes which oauses difficul tly in breat nug thereby gives relief to that depressing tightness experienced in the chest pu die speekeis aud singers will findbickles auticonsumptrve syrup of inestimabl s valu 3 as it speedily and effect ually allay j all iiritation andhuskiness in the throat and b ronchical tabes and gives power to 1 he vocal eords tendering the voice clear and smorous if pareiits wish to save ths lives t then children aud themselves from such anxiety trouble aud expense le them procure a bottle of biculh antlconsu nptitx syrup and whenever a child has t iken cold has a cough or hoarse ness give he syrup according to direct- 46 vins drug a first and chilblmns lame is a most useful tii ledy for both man and ijeast magnetic il is splendid for cou hs and colds sore throat ar d croup i magnetic oil is sole by all druggists at cents a pottle andis actuallythe best druggist never beg to luform tlie residents of halton jto leave actcjn short- 1 class photograph should not fail to call at once delay but come the now and ajvoid jnsh cabinet 4 250 photos from 250 if r dozen iu life size cijpyon portraits made from or a special sitting wsee my new cjombined mijtsic rack and eabel what o do if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sol e vise mcgregor farkes car bolto cents you will find 1 invaluable for healing i cleansing and completely re moving yo lr trouble if the blood is cut of order t iko with it a few doses of me gregors s eejiy cure f roui j e mcgar cautio iu brori none oth 80 cheap as we alje o them this spiring splendid quality at 5 and ic enibroiderya at nd 5c wjrth 10c prints at 5c and upwards of four hundred patterna to select from muslins and lawns beautiful patterns in color 1 1 t h0itsb jst liug for 12ic cottons a yard wide dress goods at 8c and upwards jcream and white at 7c and upwards great bargains in gloves and hosiery dmlinsrery ijve have as choice a stock as can be found in any city and we are doing the trade and it pays to always keep the beit and most stylish goods and we sincerely thank the ladies of acton apd vicinity for their liberal patronage this spring by such we are greatly encouraged in oar efforts in introducing a finer class than heretofore kept in acton of dry goods and millmery j we qehstts 3 call on uelfor white regatta shirts celluloid collars and cljffs stylish hats and goods that you cabs i canreiyjon the best a d cheapest stock dry goods and boots shoes and groceries we 6- beat them all try us ad be convinced v j c b griffin 1 i the glasgow house w- i sifeblktiies we are showing this week piles of beauttfu new prints from 5 cents upward a big range op choice and i3eautiful dress goods i fromin rtfrts ttp i from 10 cents up h dont old pictures 0 w each vlitog of the myrtle nyy is jujarked t c b kcletters store will more money i than it 111 hy anything ilae by tor the best selling book ut succeed grandly to 29 tluxiitibosco4 ja i ai j- ttjwfujhjud m er cenuinl hill 9 n special range of choia f s gin0hams from 10 cents up special lines insplilng hosiery spr special lines in spring l0ves allshades special drives ljt parasols special line of di specialties in milineri- nd childrens hats bscbhttblflgmrimnmi than aji anything else anagenoy ibeginners iferms free tpojrtlanvtm4ine specialties in gentemens clothing w f specialties in genlttj furnislilngs specflal line ob layer k jaslw re4lit beautiful fruit another lot of that rrtjiwwi itsfi l arpeijsat a1l prices j i at0iebox4 iki j vljbhsimmmdmmmmtrt qctea z3 j s 1j t m hji mcl mm urn

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