Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1885, p. 4

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fcv i 1 1 1 i i 1 1 is if he ctitti jree f resi tncrsdi- mdjnxiijia aboibt 18 1885 i i i i naekiasbbpokefolt beihve youriel before folk and dmu bebaoj inde to tuo an kiss me ae before folk it i nae through hatred o a juss tl at i sae plainty tell ye this by t ah 1 tike it sae amiss jo be sac teased before folk bwaveyourscv before folk whan were alone ycniao tak aue but nent a and before folk x e tell me that my face is fair- it may be sae i dimia cafe but uer again gatfc blush sae aair a ye hae done before folk ye ttll me that my lips are sweet sio tales i doubt are a deceit at any tate its hardly meet to prie their streets before folk buw gin you reajly do insist that i should suffer to be kissed gae ret a license from the priest and make meiyoura before folk behave yourse before folk tf ani when were ane baith flesh and bane i jijbu may taken ten before folk old papa always tefcds required- ajjo d cjitlmrtlo medu national tills vi 1 npt disappoint y0l freomalis worm powi lorn and bpeedv to remove worms or jaduits tho reijsou why disoaijo is eel from tjio system by bjurdjwk blood bit- teps is bojauso that oxceflenf remedy aots if u ii r a core for bashfulness sydney smith told a lady once that in the early part of his life he was very bash- ful she was very much astonished and asked him how he cured himself his answer may bi useful to some young readers why he said it was hot long till i tnado two very useful discoveries first that all mankind were not solely employed in observing me a belief 4hsi all young- people have and next that shamming was of no use that all the world was clearsighted and soon estimated a young man at his just value this cured me and i determined to be natural and let the world find jpie out v qunilrnple a fourfold mamipr the bowels the liver idiioys driving out all gulatiu every organio tho dif covory of tho are safe sure from children koijre great jajne mi of jttjfr goods bo boon ex pell- thatjis to say up- the blood and the bal humor and funotion jnsttintauoous pro- the ess of talkilug pliotograp rahta beenquiokly lollowedm theniedioal vorld by a perfect lid instantaneous revc edy for all acute i ivies and pains as neuralgia toothache rheumatism etc thii valuable remedy is called fluid ligh thin and is sold at 25 cents a bpttlo by dr mc garvin druggist oil ictlug hl hi if you are troubled wi th naotivo liver your complexion will hi at how frequent sick headache aching shoulders dizziness weariness irregular t owe s other serious complain bitters regulate the liver and all the secretioup to a healthy jicticju far its soothing and oh the scalp an for tho vention of dandruff ay no equal grateful influeuoe removal and pro ps hair vigor has it restores tided to its original dark co growth of the hair and or stimulates the gives it a beautiful soft glossy and silken appearance ayers sarsaparilla if who need a medioine to build them lip iucrease rejuvenate their whole designed for those pui ify their blood the r appetite and system no other howd your lier in the comic opera of tho mikado his imperial highness says to mafse to somerestent each evil liver a running river of harmless merriment a nobler task than making evil livers rivers of harmless merriment ho person king or layman could take npon himself the liver among thetuicients was consider ed the source of all mans evil impulses and the chances are ten to one today that f if ones liver is in an ugly condition of dis- i contenti someones head will be masted be fore night hows your liver is equivalent to the inquiry are you a bear or an angel to day ninetenths of the pure-cussed- ness the actions for divorce the ctfrtairi lectures the family rows not to speak of murders crimes and other calamities are prompted by the irritating effect of the inactivity of the liver upon the firain fothergill thegreat specialist says this and he knows j be also knows that to pre vent such catastrophies nothing equals warnerjs safe cure renowned throughout the world as a maker- of i each evil liver a running river of harmless merriment preparation so well mcjets touches the exact spot years irbne of constant ease joseph busau percyk writes to try dr thcjmasj eolectric oil induced for a larjieness which tii or four article i blessing thomas years and ever used eclectric oil name bbt in everythin failures very many persons- cholera and kindred sumhier complaints who mifht have been suvedjif proper reme dies had been used delay in getting ja bottle ojf dr id kel- loggs dysentery cordis 1 the medicine tnat neyer fails to effect t have used it say it thoroughly tubdues th use the safe pleasant and effectual worm killer mother graves worm exter minator nothing equals it procure a bottle and take it home have yotftried holloways corn cure it has ho equalfor removing these trouble some excrescenses as many have testified who have tried it let mesee said a minister pwas filuiifout a marriage certificate and had forgotten the date this is the fifth is it not no sir replied the bride with ssme indignation this is only my second advice to mothers are you disturbed at dight and broken o your rest by a sick child suffering aod crying viith pain of cutting teeth if so tend at once andget a bottle of jr win- ilowssoitkiiiti syrup for childreiu teething ite value is incalculable ii will relieve the little sufferer immediately de pend upon it toothers therg ib ujp mistake about it it cijres dysentery and tiiarrhoea regulates the istojnach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces in- i flammatrdoaud gives tone and euergy to the wjiole systemi mrs windowsoothiny 8yri0jor gliitdren teething is pleasant to the taste and isithe prescription of one of the oldest and besjtjfemale nurses and phy sicians in thti united states and is for sale by all drnggist8 throughout the world price 25 ceuts a bottle 44 hollotcain- ointment and piluevei useful the afflicted by illness shouldlook their disease fully in the face and at once seek a remedy for them a short search will convince thij most sceptical that these noble medicaments have afforded ease com- fort and bftentimes complete recovery to the most tortured sufferers the omtr ment will cure all descriptions of sores wounds bad legs sprains eruptions ery sipelas rheumatism gout and skin affec tions the pills never fail in correcting and strengthening the stomach and in re storing a deranged liver to a wholesome condition in rousing torpid kidneys to in crease their secretion and in reestablish ing the natural healthy activity of the bowels holloways are the remedfes for complaints of all classes of society why suffer from weak nerves want of- appetite and general debility letting the loss oi sleep and rest impoverish the sys tem md thin the blood when such a really meri iorious remedy as northrop lymans quiiine wine may be had at any drug store this article isrecommended by the highjst members of the medical faculty in casts of indigestion general debility loss of appetite and neryous affections of all kinds it is alio specially beneficial to children and delicate females and to busi ness men students and those who have much brain work we would say never be without it it willstrengtheayoii keep your- system in regular order ind enable you to buccessfully grapple with thejwork you have io do it is pleasant fo the taste and contains nothing injurious to the most delicate constitution remember to ask fpr thehinine wine prepared by nor- jbrbp tliyman toronla and we are sure j you will be aatisjuedf that you have full tfalue for your moneyv druggists ell it i i k pain and disease carbolic cerate is sores salt rheum cuts burns scalds ani fepters as a heal- mcgregor parkes i invaluable for wounds oar great sorbin and many fcurdook blood or gray hair ovek one hi five hundrb ou tliurfdny first tfcopcu at golden lion r sale being determined to sell all onjr suuimer stiick as at the eiidoftiiis monlhl j mr williamson sails for the british markets i ndked pieces lovelx alicadia muslins th ati3 atftl 6 cents a yard wcrlh 12i cer i pieces double struck in nil shades 124 cents worth 20 cent summer fijilks in endless variety 42 cents wswa up business h b mccajthy having dedidedto give lp jk2st33 deess satjtebn silk gloves from 25 cents 300 dozen of tijie best josephine kid jifcovs 5 cents price is no object ii the this want it its record of forty triimph over dis- 1 1 was oubled me for three found it the best ha been a great to me frauds nay imitate dr hie n appearance and j elsp they are dead anuuallv from cure acts those who promptly and ing and purifying dressing posed or with other u eles recommended to be as kood do not be lm- i preparations use only mc- gregprit- parkes carbcjlic cerate sold by dr mcgarvin just the th ng i w j j guppy dru jgistl of newbury writes dri fowlers wild strawberry is ijust the thing for su timer sickness i sold out my stock three tinie3 last summer ithere was a good deinand for it dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is infallible for dysentery colic sick stom ach and bowel complaint oo xof e elaj do not delay if suf ering any forniof bowel complaint howe ver mild apparently may be i he attack but usedr fovers extract of wild straw lerty it is the old reliable cure for all forms of summer com plaints that require prompt treatment ask your druggist and ill dealers in patent medicines rev t g fallis dutton certifies for some years my w re has been troubled with dyspepsia and h is tried one thing after another recommei ded with but little or no effect till advised to give mcgregors speedy cure a trial j- ince taking the first bottle i have noticed i decided improve ment and can with coi fidence recommend it to be c ne of if not th 3 best medicine ex tant for dyspepsia tl lis iuvaluable medi cine for liver complaint indigestion kid ney complaint is pure y vegetable sold at dr mcgarviuh iprug store trial bottles free kiwcs i j fyas thi name f orrnerl given to scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cured by a kings k the world la wiser npw and knows hat scrofula etn only be cared by a thorough purifica tion of the blood if this is neglected the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after gener ition among its earlier symptomatic levelopments are eczema cutaneous eruptions tu mors bolls carbun sles erysipelas purulent ulcers nqryous and phy- evil rrsnsf-sjsaste- slcal collapse etc if allowed to con tinue jbhemnatlsm scrofulous ca tarrh kidney and liver diseases tubercular consul lption and vari ous othal dangerous or fatal maladies are produoedbyit ayers sarsaparifa isiheonlypovierfulat always reliable bloodpurifying medio tie it is so effect ualan alterative that it eradicates from the svstem heredltai jr scrofula and the kmdved poisons of ontagious diseases and mercury at the same time it en- riches shd vitalizes the blood restorli healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating theentire s vsteni this great i regenerative medicine lis composed of the e nmlajsonduras lsarsqparillavrhh ytuow dock stiu lingla the iodides o potassium and iron and other ingred ents of great po tency 0316x0117 and i iclentiflcally com pounded its formula 1 9 generally known to the medical profess on and the best ghyslciahs constantly prescribe ayzbs abbapabilla as an absolute cutq for all diseases caused 1 ly the vitiation of the wood itfs concent rated to the high est prachcablp degree far beyond any other preparation for rhlch llkeeffects are claimed and is then fore the cheapest as well as the best bloojl pmifyingmedl- cine in the world ayers sarsaparilla prepared by dr j- ayer co lowe kan analytical ci emistfj boldly all drugglgts price 1 six botudforjjib 8es dry goods king no old goods kept here sons twjbed suits at 500 the wotfbsb of all j d williamson co ealth fo all k hollows s pills and ointment they in complaints ini is famous for goufl i glandular swellings t mamifactul i 73 mew ozfok andaie sold iit is ud sold elsewhere at 8100 t tliih salo when yon come to our city beware of going lo hose secnudliandstoijes come direct tq at cost and parties dohirous of fieouriii bargains will find it to tljiei and select bofore the stock bec4 shiob fjubfncjsb in acton will offer s cjntireswck j y i have a full stoc of irbsh j sprin3 goodi on hand allof which will be offered at prices wliinh astonish every customer the pills purify tbv bloody correct till disqrisor of the liver stqmacii kidneys ad bowel8 vigorateand restore to health debilitated constitutions and aio iuvaluable in all iiidentiil to females of all ages for children and the aged they are priceless i i ihe ointment is an iiifillabjo remed- for bud lens bad bi casts old wdumie sores and ulcers it and rheumatism for disorders of the chcstit has no equal fob soee the0ats eronceitis coughs colds ud all skiu diseases it baa no rival joints it nets like tl charm ami for contracted and stiff parties indebted to nib will please call and sptt j expense- i leadingho m q 48 kig street east jjlakb a special ed only at thomas hoclo ways establishment i street late s33 oxford street london en 2s 9d 4s cd lis 22s and 33s each box or pot and may 5purchaser3 should be hid or all medicine vendors thoukhout the worid ookto i lie label on the tots and boxes if the address is loudon they are spurious 53s oxford street the jast end clothmg store fastlonabjle tailoring- fine brussels carpets fine tapestry carpets j fin wool carputs j ifinecocoaimattingsl best engjimioilciollism yds wide best linoleums 4 vflids wide finej laeecuitjiiiif fine madras curtains fine tapestry curfaiiia i fine tu fine k fii best quality best pahernlowest prises r j mc 4a king 11h under own advantage to call early ims reduced ailay time table grand trunk railway 01n01uht ooing wkst mlmd 010 ain- kxprcss 1247 am exilross mj 710 am kxprcks iueam- pass mall n02am mail 545 pin ithrough kxfi7 hin spccm sfjopm lacconi coach jjiio pm accom coach 0 am chicago exliress doeanot stop irtihvcen guclph lniid torpufo tijik ot closino 31aits tipliig west kuoain auii 580 pm oolub eisf in40 am mid 520 pm eiiklfsli mil closes at 10j am on wednesday canadian pacific railway i to aixioints l ieast and ttest conlfenkkd timk table 8 so 0 sopiin 8 so aim their accounts and thereby save imcarthy esale and ret 3 il carpet dealers hamilton ottawa moirfreal quebec iloktou j brampton to streetsville junction lirampton 7 22aaiili ioliiin lgtreetsville jct7 15 4 25 7 brampton to orangevilfc and owen souhd brampton 0 37 0111 5 15 pm orangeville 1105 i- vtj sll rt 001 ik of oilman curtains ipestry- coverings me kurniturecoyeriugs- fqq curtain psles ltinechaiii bauds best qualify carpet sweepers beat quality sprng rollers- fino stair rods fine shade poles toronto to detroit chicago and manitoba i tstlouis ex pacific rx local ex toronto 8 10 am 1 25 pm 4 10puk stretsvillcuii9 10 bih 5 20- sttjhomas 12 05pni 5 25 8 55 dbtroiti 2 45 8 30 0 aiji chicago 7 iso am 755 ulspin viunlpbg 7 00 daily except monday i j toronto to montreal quebec andbostonl i limited kx montreal bx toronto s25am 7 55 pin 517ajm limited kx s 25 am 0o7pm 0 42 g w am i qwen sound 11 05 0 30 pml 120 purcliase your tickets by this j jew lanp opuiar line je mcgarvin ticket agent acton ontario tijeet east hamilton farmer fok reaping ad jmqw1ng klchines use spyii tweeds worste coatings and sorees at tn 1 east end clothing store 0ur giirmontsiro mado ferfect fitting and in tho latest artistic designs j a fibe assortment of sfiring hats also on hand or s e s speicht son acton undertakers damage makers c are prepared to furnish cverytbiilg- in their line from the best casket to the plainest coffin on tho 3a11 calls iitic night or day promptly 1 in every case firstclass hearse for faction guarantee o we are in a position to satisfactorily fill piiltifor wagons carriages c of veryidescription in reasonable time good workmanship and splerdid lot or furniture both common used we have also nl shortest notiee and at lowes terms hi tttended to satis- ire and etra juiility cheap 1 is htll yon will pay uk cash w will sell you anything in curlinecheap speight manager firstclass iriaterialal ways 63hattn q frrouml kciaitijirit inumifiiviiirldf ii tore the rawriv- recommended hij th- jiverj pair ofj aii licindon and 246 st james st montrb fivm clear and jitirc pehhlc op optica glass especially iiiifjmi- riicij without ccciqifiin hast adapted to res itr hid in ntiiit perfect msion tlieij are especially nnt huiniid faculty slxuteidcs and liycjilsisscs is markid i l ibrtjggist j e mgarpn i olk agent for ac70n onfi larqine mac nagum no grit and trill wear longer tnan any other oil i j sole jianulaltirue i coqiil 3bror co mccarvins drug store ine oil toronto y rid pt hills w i iil lllll mammoth house c rlyillil filial h luihtiiiuu u t ii fjriilav 17th til salunhiv th dlscduijit off millinery already n h uly we slilil night the mantles on any ofj the goods being ordered on all other goods yvith the exception of fac tory cotton and pottonyrn tms is u irn tlie lfiidinsrliiisi qlolliinrmtiid oiir milliiiery ccssful cinv njii we tnkii tiis wiiitwr inipoi tjitid linssmaki i and oiderijd olotbin and lian is in allvlie rkpartnihns lincuisof redurijiur our stqrk to ni smviim lo v liocvei the sale interestin there his cli il arisii ill and other good mi- ijillind ml viiiviifr thatyou wil mviii ni drtss guilds linve li en uliyifh selling at 12j drvis r v- lots bt check und fittiwy muclin sizes in vliitemalljlk fjjnilt jxits of linen towelling iiiue phvdu well o gee tbes n iuii pets cheap a inrjre iiiwort unit ment and tho giili simlin i 1 l weeks the clertrlmrsulewill he street tlie ustme is itiii 2ic silling at 15c fihe frenchdressljoods at evaoily half tliei nl half pric special value a-i- half pries while cnhous at 120 worth ifie a speeiul lot of fiie tj6l- ynd another lot or extra wide towelling at 18o worth 10c liiwj hamilton jiiljj 3uth 1881 1 zsseeaam to everyone and evednef sficul know it line cliihinjj discnaul sile the dry goihm ktadymncc chtiiinjr carpels bfbtsand shoes tl ie pr in any place iiftcaiijiiaaiidiii innuy cies vastly ohj rmtlojiizcb is s for cash or produce met nf pirchasera of dry goods to tlie immense redwood price ante now beig ix ctly hnif their former prices the exlensive display of rellahle and vlv pnrchisirig nt thin pii a large iissortmeut nf black hud colored selling off very fast think of il ore i mil to vijry low piiuksi andj ire selling off very yhite quilts all white quilts at 750 tii iitrly 1 vlit4 cottons rtttacawi cirlains iij hirialnb special bargains in carpets mauy lots of brnsseu and tupefctrv cnrpetaj tj house fiirnisliiugs nt mnrlernte prices the sales for tho last siison l li public hive liiei nf sratfelm quality wliilo prices for tho 8ime ii jiin linued and euslomrin will do well by remudberiug this opportunity holiit the shon ible m dress silks iitj goods wort irnicr prices at v i wfa ohe ft sebnre bari milliiioiy material- ceiof ihognijxls ahead eod e c wests nerve axd bbaln theat- ent a guaranteed specific for hysteria dizi- sss convulsions prts neivous neiiralgia eailaclie nervous probtration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco wakefuluess mental dpuression softening of the brain resulting in insanity and leading to rniserj- decay and dqath premature old afe barreuness loss of power in cither sex invbluntarj looses aud sperma torrhoea caused by over exertion of the bainj selfabuse or overindulgence each box con- tains one mouths trealiiueut one dollar a pox or six boxes tor five dollars sent by mail pre paid oil receipt of price we guarautee six boxes to- cure any case with cqch order received by ufljfor six boxes accompanied with five dollars we will end the purchaser our written guarantee torefuud the money if the treatment doesjnot effect a cure guarantees issued quly by jqhk ciwest co sole rroprietors 181 k 183 west madison si chicago 111 sold by j emcgarviu ahookoflooprges tjue best bookforan advertiser to con- it contains lists of 11 ewspdpers and estimates of the cost of advertisingoaie advertiser who wants to spend onedouan finds in ittheiinj formation he reqniresfivliile forliim who wilj inyest one hundred thousand dollars in ad- r iduinp reippndence 149 editions liate been issued sent postpaid to any address for 10 centsl write to geo p kowell col newspaper advertising bureaut laaprucestprintinghouse sq new yorkji if- cr l iorcetown bfin a dfcpiinf sale luidlit loth flny of angisl made up 50 percent 3 25 io iiook is a largo oue nmiinontains all plantle material drtss material departments were neycr sue being a i illde room for our large fall and are as cheap as they enn he got jiper roit will be an immense anderson co- ecu white right house many jots flf ury gocdki millinery jintls nt sijclioitiemeiy low prices caniiot fail in coil pcmiilly hw prirer joloied sutiim at 5c per yard 1 lte filing of at 1 je tiroes goois worth 22vi emhruiderid- dress p wonderfully clitip several 1 firiil sk r at imineh t d- u ti h wi temnami ofioiir tr fr l ever m vvthlgeatnblwi iper than aiiv previous nosijpand82 tiyi3a4- e v5atkt x3st ily 125 a jiuroand seeti sererfuotioii 1 few very large he white cottons- il iiirlce iti will sms11 for tlionest four king street east near hughsmi ckacl the mort seulbtftil sum t 1 palua stumers lowbstf i j tour tripi per week betwem detroit and mackinac and bvery week dy bfitwen dietroit and cleveund 1 r i writefor our piotureaque mackinac illustrated oontakui toll farttonlarg milled tree detroit cleveland steam navicoi c d whitcomb gtn pass act detroit mich f eurerf oncesiinpie celr- pbintiugout a mode tail aiid effectual by means of whish everiv suffhor no matter hat his condition may b niacurehimsolfchealypritotelynuaraaieany lnsiecturo should bo in the bauds 61 overc yoiijth and everymau 11 the kind r address hie iiilverwtell uleilicnl n 41 ann stxcvok po4 office box 450 3 t 5ri1l i 1- w rmfchtiuvcniiiiei uuuux liaud com manhood iicw lost kowdrfstore vp hayefrecentfc puuisbcd aiu jr edition of dr crilveiweun celj ima rated ilssay on tjm radical ai uaj- permanen cure without medicine if neryous debility mm tal tnd phical iiicapa ity impediments of marriage etc resultiie frolp oxcesses pricoiu a settled envelope ouiv u cent or o postage stamp i i q t ie eclebrated author iuthis admirable e i- say clearly demons vates from thivtv veais successful practice tl at ajarming consequencusl llia radically cur d without dhe daiiceroi of internal medicines or the use of thcjtuif iiiiiicifii inimifolal ap wft sjjiso fits chl in jars acw ifulul ivitii fnrs iahds forh fafeoti mrnj liibtanimdorcjon iff lo isijrot sound ft 1 chlfefiy fom2 to b per acre iin 1 his i3 tlie best country lr3 soot ion itj npw opea lor settlement k- fe rtes or government g xianii l hi n t i d p iiimii iiiiwrullnvifawb jote in flirts dlsiosea of u 18s3 slll ilclllccnuiitry books and ilcfcrlliiiiii the northern llnlhoadlnnds for ale and it iands addrcsschas b r n p k lst paul ulan 1 c 1 m t f r i i i ii 1 j r 11 ii mli 1 m free j 1 w- one ie s j m ittvai 4 li3 u tinuocl option 1 oae jo halfcc fc qoarte t ohe ihi j jcasci first jiu scquei 1 reckoiii scale 16 adve y triiibe ingfyl in a4ti chin intbe theyijvi j 1 v w bei- o fred a a surgeo accouq 0hld hotei1 nbi eases ol a new syi j moniy 1 teeth w t strator t- s college rons mi if in any 9 acton t m each m i v- 91 vit vk for pn office oi toveh w toronb teeth- ratsi infticarj air for 1 ing the j may saj j dm tarj veteriml in enu deuce in souudnel ialll ca ed to m barrisj anctrg j a mj barrisj k2acto i tohi officj square oiiicj lington- 1 alley r joan 1 wvllii p he 20 yea imrall s st geo accou periodicl bound for the i orders l or at prompt valso 1 able ten twest i monej h anl has ope nearly mill strj age of tlj departn ed in firl

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