Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1885, p. 2

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1 u ttott fiti ttss taciwiuiii morning tsterrkwibr 8 1885 altiauoe haw issued intherii i notss and comments the goveruorgeueral accompanied by lord mclguitd now on his avy from eng- laudwill visit manitoba and the north- west territories alter opening the provin- if cisl exhibition at london r it isannonneed that the canadianpaoinc railxroy telegraph system whl shdruybe thrown opes to thepumio it is said that the western union company endeavoured to get hold of the companys line but the effcfrt failed i hon g w boss minister of education hopes sooritoseeshorthaudlwriting taught in our public schools this may be a hint for teachers to prepare for an additional qualification the idea is a good one7 we think the belief ia growing among the military and other friends of gen gordon that he really escaped alive from khartoum and succeeded in fleeing to the equator so strong has this faith become that a mission has been organized to sejarch for and secure him the work of preparing the mission v fox its enterprise is now almost completed a jury of twentynine men representing every nation that took part in the antwerp exhibition have passed a resolution that the cereal exhibit from canada surpassed that of any other nation the king of the belgians being desirous of expressing- mb taanks to canada has requested sir charier tripper as representative of the dominion to accept the grand cordon of the order of leopold the toronto world advocates the recall of our present copper coinage and substi- tute it with an issue of nickle pieces like to the one two and three cent coins of the united states coppers that circulate m canada are bulky of all shades degrees sizes and nationalities and avoided when- ever possible a less bulky regular and certain substitute like our neighbors nickles would be a great public conveni ence r it seems very funny that hotklkeepers throughout scott act counties grumble mow because they get fined tor selling liquor before the act was voted upon they said- it icould not be enforced of course manylof them endeavor to make it difficult to enforce but they should not squeal so natd when they are caught play ing their own game the act is in force iu this county and if persons do not wish to be informed upon and prosecuted not per secuted they should wmply with the law true the cholera is yet a long way off t but its rapid spread and marked virulence in spain should- e effect to warn the people of this country thatnow isthe tjme for energetic preventive measures it is the opinion of scientific observers that the scourge may reach- our shores probably next summer the i iland towns and villages have less to fear from the threat ened visitation than pi ices not favoured with our pure braciui atmosphere and other conditions conduci re to robust health but even here the enforc ement of stringent sanitaiy regulations ill not be amiss there are other plagues than the cholera which can be best guard ed against in this way prohibition gpnyenticm tho ontario bruiioh ot the iforainlon 6ftlltor a convention church londstsetmethodul toronto sept hi i a la the 1 sxeoutive feel it imperatiyo t b at a convent m of the lira should b held to the act officials consider friends oil prohib receive reports of tike wording of and the relational goyevumenl to the matter of cnf aroenu ht to the duty of tempert uce mn undsr the oir ouniatanoos also b mature a lioy for the future guidam e of ten perance electors and to takftsuoh farther steps as i may be necessary to offset i he assault of the liquor party iu the next general plectionl anotlierw rlda exposition it l m aoti vthe scott aot in toronto at the oeutrtd i esby teiriaii church last weekbev mr mjood make a stirring ap peal for prohibitioii making fepepiat refef- enoetothe attenitt sobii to b made to carry the scott am in toronto j his text was proverbs xxi v 11 and 12 it thou forbear to deli vkr therhi that are drawn unto deatl and those thajt arready to be slain if th m sayest behold we know it not doth not 1 it that pbndereth the heart consider it aud i that keepetbf thy soul doth not he knov t and bhall not he ren der to every mau acoording to hi a works the key noto o e the text said jthe preach er was an answer i my brothers lesper in the affirmativ countable if he f c r are drawn unto death to the old question am the answer being man will be held ao- rs to delive them that mr muleod took strong prohibitic ri ground contending for the right of the community to interdict the liquor traffic and argiung that both in oanada and the united states prohibition hadbeesuccessf ll wherever honestly ad ministered talrpnto world rr ptjreilype wo are pleased learn that there wih bo opened this au unu worthy rival and successor to the i agiiiflcent worlds lis position held at now orleans the ilast win ter and spring those whose good fortune it was to visit that grand affair will never forget the world of wealth the rioh aud rare exhibit ttie startling evidences of undeveloped and heretofore almost un known resonroesof thii hemisphere i there represented it was tbe first practical op portunity of the people of this country to become thoroughly imbued with a know ledge oftlie great almost unlimited extent of the agricultural horticultural and jy esquop iiig 1 kstray otoay d u ioutlijirenilbosef thesubwhbar o pu c t mit thp aoth augubt a qoar pig ftbout thl eeta mtha ola owiier will please iirove aponsts aud remove jambb 8kydbi lot 82 coil 8trayhd xvmb utotjbe prcmlseb ot the bubecrlw lot vlzh 1 1 tho oth con esquoblng one twofyear- old grey helfir owner can have the saoiie 1y proyhig iropcjrty paying bhargob and taking her v j james macpherson 1 esqubsjng po for sale i al with whom cting people axe individually or yely acquainted irren lis is week visiting friends paragraphs res our beade j couec miss jessie in georgetown i mrs w p brown isvisitin friends in milton and nassagaweya miss maggie sicklin of guelph is spend ing he week with friends here mrs h j hail and monteith of berlin visited friends i d a cton this w jek mr john headersdnleft on tuesday to continue his co irseat upper canada col- legei i mr m broker of listowel was the guest of dr mc garvin a cojiple of days thidweek j j mr and mis a e nicklin went to guelph on sat irday to visit friends there mrs nicklin romaihs for a wek or so mineralogioal resources of tho western continent suclv knowledge becomes tlva basu of en terprise the forerunner of the institution of new linos of traffioi aud exchange the openingof hew markets for our products aud manufactures of new fields of industry and development to realize the full fruits of the work inaugurated by the worlds lixposition a new exposition company composed leading enterprising oitizeus of new or leans and of the mississippi valley has been organized with a capital of 500ow under the name oth north central and south american exposition they have purchased the plant of buildings and pro perty of the worlds exposition and will open on the 10th of november 1885 clos ing aprjust 1880 j the hew company begins iw work under the most favorable auspices with a pro perty complete for j exposition purposes originally cobtiu 81400000 purchased aiid paid for with apple funds in is treasurjy and with applications from ojd exhibitors and new ones already flowing it j railroad fares will be aitange upon tne basis ot riot to exceed one cehlj per mile from jauy pmnt accommodation in the crescent city thanks to the ekperlenoe af the past season will meet the requireraei ts and satisfaction of the visitors crops and the good times will encourage in immense attendanee jt ox townline erin in a high state of u icualvatibn well watered 12 miles jrom buelphj flrtcloss stono houso bank biirn 00x40 easy terms to b gb6d purohoaer 1 j i ja4ies matthe aetou aug lijth 1885 acton ws m miss maggie mcmillan and kirkwood os brampton friends at cedir greek farm this week c otmty school mr j s deacon ot wo xistock elected to f the responsibli position a worthy appppttwrrtt at the county conlicil on ljuesday seven candidates presented themselves as applicants for the position of inspector of public schools for thi i county rendered vacant some six months ago by thejdeath of tile late b little ejq the following are jthe candidates messrs chadwick s atford deacon woodstock mccaig tockwood mccnl- joch st tatharines 1 lejtillan toronto robertson smiths fabls and ijurnbull clinton each candidate was the council as to his r sspective qualifies tions experience and vn wsas to ihe best methods to be adoptee in fulfilling the duties of the office at the conclusion of their addresses the elec ion was p roceeded with as follows chadwick deacon mocaig mcculloch mcmillan bxbertson tjurnbull totals as will be deacon was the aswe are pleased xi tbe general impessic u was tha b all the gentlemen who prcseritc d themsel res were fully qualified for thfcpo sitlon and that any one of them would hv made a good in spector it was coni led howe rer that mrdeacon possessed th its in some respects superior to others and hat he mide very favorible impressions is showhi by the bftllol x i wcliavepleastjrein dp gratuli ting the county council upon htir appointment believing thatthey have jecuredthii services of a gentleman highly qualified for tbe position one whose en ire aim 4 111 be to advance the interests of the cause of educa tion in the county and to attend carefully and conscientiously to e rery detai i in con- nectiomvith the variou duties of he office tie schools of haltori uiye always occu pied a jiigh position v e shall ex ect that position to be mainteimd inspector invited to the several baamts 1st 2nd 3rd ith 0 1 i 5 4 8 2t 1 0 0 14 14 address d 7 3 3 1 0 0 14 5th 0 8 1 3 1 i- 0 14 above our nominee mr voriis throughput and howj was fihall r elected m tjry ti h harding rooer forflonrikn visited irierids in the week grimsby hi s house is ilr ellis tiikas great pride in his trotter wienwill sle do it in 3 minutes tfr parson has a nice situation in tor- onto selling llime for dr robertson of m lton 3ne of the miss maggie are visiting mr nelson tj moore leaves day for albert institution jie instruction mrs abran last week months wijih next mon- cpllege belleville at which ntends taking a course of matthews returned home after spending a couple of friends in brcdkjyn n y toronto and either points j sirs eli sn yder and daughter of guelph here a couple of j days dur- theywere e route i home camp whichjthey bad ox- tended for a week or so liraehortse news from our pun correspondent larvesting i3 nearly over great demand for water lime he new tlkird readers arie used in pur scjool tfiss mcmi ian f rom brampton is visit- inj our city dr jjallas s busy fixing up the masonry of the kilns 3ach drawjkiln burns aboht2000 busfiels of lime per wsek che salva ion army held an evening sei vice yesterday tfr greyscii talks of going to manitoba hered for sale drawkilns is being used this away by- the there was no week for burning water limfe so as totoieet j thi demand che men meet at mr niiskells store to di cuss temperance politics c scott act discussion toniht lop picking is quite a rage now iqilite a number of jhildren are pifckitlg thej large bos full for cio cents mr john newtou has beeb having a new fei ice put np this week which adds to his all eady neat premises limehouse with its pon aud- rocks is qiiitej a romantic place to visit especially at this seasp i of the year rev j r ipp wus calletl deith of his brother hence se vice in this methodist church yesterday we hear that something about the se curity prevunted mr cruwshaw from m iking the i ale of his house at aoton to th 3 salvatio l army vfr wripht who lives between acton an dolly v irden kilns hadjtwo unwelcome victors last veek who took away with th m ail ovi rcoat under coat boots c m martin i ouud the parael on the rail- ro id and returned to the owner it ap- pears that ai mr william debbie was go ing to acton on the railroad he met the men who asledhim for miuey which he refused ti ey followed him for a- while but fortnnat sly for himjboou turned back as he had qc ite a sum of 8 money on his person aug 31 1 185 s bock tkealtae residence of the brides father on the 2j6th august by the rev i strachap mr john g lyall to lois jrobinson youngest of mr alex r hill alf of lyau hi4 at jthe gtr daughter rookwood mm s m suits iai d overcoats a t extremely low rates and made in- latest tylet be sure to call and gee them j ijyfe acton cheapest pirstdass music in the unitedstates look ot this i list of some of the most popular music puhlijshed printed onthe best heavy musio diaper good dear print full sheet music size and the same as gen erally retailed all over the united states at thirty to seventy five cents per copy our price is five cksts per copy or by mail one cent added for postake we give the retail price but reinerabertour price is but five cents we will send catalogue of 1000 best selling pieces published free- dont pay high exorbitant prices when you cariget tle same music for about oneeighth the price see the following sdsms alice where art thoi t adgels ever bright andfair answers blue alsatian mountains bridge seed hjiseaf seed wheat rphe subscriber oilers for sale a now vai-ie- 1 tv of pall wheat for seou it ylolflfil 40 bubhels to tho aero last year and tho amount threshod froni20 acres tbla year is 031 buajbdla this ib a nlie hoardlesb wheat straw stiftjittihftfl white hot given to lodge aud is very hardy 1 one dollar 11 per bushel i j j bbadley codar vale ijarm georgetown aug 21st 1885 special notice all parties indebted to the undersigned will please cjiw and settle their accounts by the 1st september as i oxpoot to loave acton flbout that time i cwhill pbotograplier uoisi lotfoksaile rti undersigned pfjors forsalo his bousiiand lit on main street it is a large boms con- odbfl ug if teruji tains hino rooms also kitchen aud woodsqtd is well adaiited for a tenement or hoarding house good btablo on tbo premises liberal i i apply to dw campbell 3 bridge brook cuerrykipi clang of the wooden shoou dream faces esraerelda i j r inhfndmbxtai chop sticib wait black hawtwaltz com flower waltz queens lace handkerchief baquet galop home sweet home shepherd boy warblingsrat eve uouo j and 1000 other songs and instenmental pieces asclier handel bluiiienthal iadams carew lindsay dolores j horn imolloy hutchinson levy deliilq walsh cooke btrau63 bichards slack wilson bichards ica equally as good as the above only six cents copy post free send foracopy of oar m ileal journal 125 per year sample copy twelve o nts in sending orders always seid cash jost- so in our to office order or postal note as we get many btamps we cannot use them also all cases mention the paper you saw advertisement in sp we may do justice those papers address that furnish fas business j h thomas publisher i j albany- miscellaneous feditj m ivrnley is prepared to take orders for frnit of has extra facilities satisfaction of all a rare chance valuable farm -and- village property fob sale one ok the finest farms in tho county iof halton situate within ouohalf mile of tur flirjfty laud enterprising village of aetou contiaining u00 acres known as tne brown homestead also 25 acres well tlmberea with cedar tiuibejr tile villago property comprises comfortable rling ho5j6e and store on mill street i iirticulars apply to w p brown acton qile cajada citizen and temiebaxce iiebal1i danadas great prohibition paper tbrthenpcst nmt his betif edited by fs spence sixteen pages weekly on flue tffned paper terms lloo in advance citizen plblishixt co toroule wanted wanted a resident agent in every village town aiid city in the dominion also a fewjtravellers to sell our now aircrm ma chines forjmakiug air gas 50 por cent cheaper than coal equally as good no ure or power re quired made iu jail sizeb from 15 burners to 1000 for private houses stores hotels factories mills streets mines etc address canadian am gas machine mfc c6i jjlo traacaisxavierst i 15lv i i montrealp q y ill kinds in seasou and for filling orders toihe all ordereleft with him will be promptly attended to hats from 7 cents to fyfcs the virtue of carbolic acid for healing known but ing it the to cleansing and purifying is well from the many nudes of apply pnblic is uncertair how best to use it meet that want mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate is prepart used with confidei ice do not be misled at j ufused into the ti perpetually ami weaken their sto take only mcgregor parkeft gaijbolic cerate sold at j e mcgaryius drug store acton j 46 ifiyou want auobliy durable aud cheap suit j fyfes is t ie place to go i if a lew grams it couimonsebse could be iok noddles of thoe who alternately irritate and nactts and ibowels with drastic purgativts they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative aud tonic morthrop lymaus vegetable dis bvery and dyspeptic onre- which causes good digestion to wait au appetite and health on both t 32 scotch english and canailian saitiug greit variety n uij mut liid jlothiii i tore j fvfeaetii w but to do if troubled with an tinuejilthy slow healing sore usemucjivjror parfcea car bolic oente i you will find it iiiviluuble for healing cleansing ami completely re moving your trouble ilfilio ulooil is cut of order takewith it few d oses of mc gregors speedy cure from j m mcgar vins drug store 29 bent nud comfurl lo tlicgnfrcrluk browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in tl side- back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago knd any kind of a pain or ache it wilrmostsurbly quick en the blond and ileal as its tjcting power is wonderful browns hohseblild pan- acea being acknowledged as j lie great pojn reliever and of double jtlie strenith of any other elixir or liniment in the world should lie in every fumiy handy for use when wanted as ii really is the best remedy in thej world for ci mipt in ihe stomach and pains and aches of iill kinds and is for sale by itll druggists as 25 cents bottle 44 yuio d1dcd maybe foand onflleot inlptbrcllbowellft cos newspaj- lertislns bureauuo spruee stajvhere odn i mslif hmtracta majrtje made for it in hbw vi uif acop r art rl card to all vho are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness ear y decay loss of manhood ax i will send you a recipe thatwill cure you fbee opchabge this great remedy was discovered by a missionary inj south america bend a self addressed envelope to the riv joseph t ikmw slationvd a yorlguk oautio ach plutl of the myrtle nayy is marked t iu bronze letters none other genuine l t a vjegetable sicili haieeene ted to first suc- ir to its beauty was the first preparation perfectly cure diseases of the scalp and thi oessfut restorer of faded or gray natural color growth and youthfi it has had many imitators but noils have so fully met all the retjulrements needful tor the proper treatment of the hair and scalp halls haib besewee has steadily grown in favor and spread its fame and usefulness to etery quarter of- the globe jits unparalr leled success can be attributedjto but ouo cuse thi entire fulfilment of iupnmiiet the proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote coun tries where they had never made an eftortfor its introduction the use for a short time of halls haib resetter wonderfully improve the per sonal appearance it cleanses the scalp from all impurities cares all humors fever and dryness and thus prevents baldness it stimulates the weakened glands and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growfy the- effects of this article are not transient like those of alcoholio prepara- tionsbut remain a f long time which makes its use a matter of economy hojbthb whiskers tvill change the beard to a natural brown or black a dejsired it produces aermanent colortthatjwlll not wash away consisting of a singlepreparation itis appljw without trouble l f pbepaeedbt bhall cojnastaia he sold by all dealers in mediolnea roeallthi poems op scrofulous mercurial and blood disorders the best remedy because the most searching and thorough bloodpurifier u i i ayer s sarsaparllla scuty all druggists f 1 six bottjot ib oohamiisc m cue iknabii the jump f straordiriarry dema cid br early fall gdofde v do- u intimated in ot r last advertise tock is simply irimeuse surpassu i it hness and beauty of selection anything iv ar shown byus heietofore ladies are all up in arms aboii our- magnificent goods hence continued rush to our establish ment thepasl ionablewestenj is a regular stand by to th ladies no other louse in the supplying their satisfactorily as we do requirements on the 8th sep v e will make- our firkt grand display for tl e season and we c ordially invite j w up can do so to visi us oh that dayi w b will show a and ew stuff dress gpods hew silks and satins ifew velvets pltjshes nd velvetra tfew 6rocaded silks satins ijew jerseys i in great variety new yak lacjes nevvelveteens new straw goods new feathers- j 1 fe w millinery jilaterljals new hosieryik gbeat vaief y new kid gloves ondbessed our stock through ut is bound to ladles will find it a reatpleasure dresse amd ilease lo do 1 lusiuess with us this reason our fa iilijties i or meeting- the wants of cur custom rsare mlimited r m firstclass ihheps dressmafeeps magnificent tock through out to select from -oo- keep in mind our woqc cmliy cheap silks buchamcj fashionable west end jllress mantle and millinery hstablishment bargains libai the we r a ri der- gains ior binder manufactiired by a harris son co brantford rl- -oo- the mpt perfect binder made vacknowmged by farmeis manufactiir er8jageiit8j macbinists and experts to be the best bfnddrpn thecoutinent handles ah kihds bl croph with ease the only per fect folding jbinder in use the only bind er with doubleanglc finger and improved extension 1 tho only binder with iron- capped rollers the simplest binder in use n6 complications no adjustments neees- sary neter fails to tie cuts closer and cleanerfhan any other binder customers unanimous in praise of its capacity and ease of managernent a word regarding low down binders all machines of this class yet introduced cost just as muoha8 an elevating machine are much more complicated handle the cut grainwithtpipkers or tiders which thresh and bheh the grain have no room for sep aration arud require just as much power to- operate in nice standing grain not too tall and under fav6rable circumstances they canibfe made toido fair work but for a generalimachine which is required to handler every variety tall and short lodged and standing no satisfactory low- down machineiifsjietbeeh introduced this has been the experience of mannf actnrersand farmers alike both in canada and the united states we offer to the farming publicone pmbraciugall the points riequired in successful binder and all the features desired by the most critical and exacting farmer the brantpprd junior is built on principles known to be correct and its construction for cutting elevating binding anu separating is acknowledged by manufacturers ahd farmers alike as he only true lalnd successful one f junior was introduced to flieet the wants of farm ers which were not met in other binders light draft compactness simplicity com- j 1ined withlsfrength ease of moving from field to field and uniformity of work in all kinds and conditions bfwops in the i unior every part that needs strength hi sit and all parts where there is pie made light wrought iron able j no strain steel and mullea the neiriest the the most simplest the surest the lightest fraught- the handiest and popular binder of the age in which weilive is the bra a i i iron are largely used tpord junior fmlth agent acton aug 29th 1885 -im- comiiieiicfe today the gfealest slaughtepng of gooc s ever before heard f lit acfton ptles and piles of beautiful dress i rf 1gular rices 25 and 3 stacks of the choicest and most immense ranges of hosiery gloves parasols at less than costrice no old stock the finest ringe of over 1000 boun no from 6 cents up having pui chased the above bakery fronimr d manx i hope to give satisfactiouto theiramerbus customerswho patronize it i thanking them for past favors ii will endeavprtt attend to customers promptly andobliguigly 8ndtrust that they will one and all extendto us iheir patronage i usejiothing bat the best boiler flour and keep it in stock i freshbijead buns c everyday alsosiam bread cafceofllkinds new yprk teaiscuitb qijda knd oatineal scones on- banc oi made to order at shortest notice loodsat 15 cents j cents beautiful prints white and gray cottons from 5 cents up they rethl cheapest guuds ever before offjerd in ajton clearing qui the balance f millinery ajd millin ery goods atj half puce i i also cleairijg dutgents fine straw hats at 30 per centlte8stihancojt f pis of bopts and shoes which we are less than half price d to clear out at i value as we the first of bargains of these ba weddi nghk es aspecialty biscuits and confectionery of all kinds icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour i i butter and egga taken in escian for breas at uuket prices mrs t- stathami gueiiph cjloth 1 beaut halu irish stjiltings ful designs ixr 1 2 different shades in sugarsthje cbea for sugars commence our august c till that time to not nth nrvoi shawgrumqy merchant tailors guelph est place in town annu 1 stocktaking on iron j offer you these fail to secure some romembeirioup farnous gains wljiile tey arie i going 50c tea neilso n mcrae co magnetic oil cuifes bheuniaticsv neuralgia lame back stiff joints and chilblains magnetic oil cures chapped hands ijrost bites burns and scalds sciatica etc anetic s a most useful remedy fbriboth man and beast t tetic oil is splendid for coughs- and colds sore throat and croup j magnetio oil is sold by all druggists at 2 cents a pottle and is actually the best li liraent known insist on your druggist gi vlng ybn tie genuine magnetio ofl 1 ewswtper advertlsuig bureau 10 spruoo lhnewyork t i tl r w 4 i i- i dealer in jel f thelob the fore i- nc4o merchant peogiij twentynv e rguel vaccinai ment mrjfc hisyieldlff to thl ac the paihtedii di tkeyrwo d hop oil i the crop is in tbjis vsp 4 pf floofandj tiorfof the rjt a l0ugbti storeaiisoj gold holder jfi by leaving h over si on soine a v ehreslj attention tiothasto tthevd ed and is iij are2sl acton i air prom evening 1 tlie- halton wil loth sent i abiutj prohibitipl smallernd tfiecamp nov while ha aloud but commen defiatedjtl gnunos gan ies to budgj dunng tha kaiisasci neb anc thanks jfredl edulissf j has beep fhgjseryi gooa condl rthe odelltos ana brooj pubkc i fstei in the inel prietor on of pastij new3psf 4the i date for i vocaie ii matter ia cdramhis t- te 1 express 1 for a apples kindness jhel of the owing tj teacher jier bom the acton i th rteen mcga wcodvil tthej arrange j ground teani again tl in the i lur complel fence favontl abont in towl til with t parkl straiyl caps sides

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