Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1885, p. 3

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kir- b lies er- i ceo hyms cton wanting aii extra quality of note- na envelopes should call at geo i acton j ins men wauling cheap envelopes pons ink pencils mucilage blot- v- f teagew day books blank nte rjxscipts call at geo ilvnds we keip 4hergest and bebt stock of stationery in uavnj wwldiur and birthday prosuita spec- itacles from 25 to3 the cheapest store aeon for ihe above line of goods geoi hynps denier in jcvelry8tationcrv school books and fancy good the weeds rakinqs wnioh are prin ilpauy local and all infc mating oourity oounoll the september council was held tucnsnvv monxixa skrtknmu s 1885 grumbs for breakfast lus linci s 1 cut jesh to too iccs for to kied bwu has and the bing liredl inres fling irect ing by the lathi- tilers ijoiu- jfrorn im all i needs lere is irou lid idie iu provided 4 by aha ever thoughtful free press reporters h v- 4iuu icssiou of the cointy n tuesday although considerable time v as spent in utatra inac tion of general com toil business the prin cipal matter demanding attention was the appointment of u niblio school inspector tvt the comity a stated elsewhere mr js doaoon late riuoipal of tlio pubiio and model schools of woodstock was the j choice of itho council the thistle crop o the highway anyone who dri cs into the country just ndvwill beimpros sed with the jfaot that tho law regarding thistles is very many sections t jr it it i lakery to give if s who i wiu lompjly vill one flour lyday 31168 t notice laity li kinds mixed tm 1 ninth month september warmer weather this week milton brass band is coming on well toronto exhibition opens nest monday the hny evenings are again coihiug to the f oft 1 now for- your extra fall advertising merchants people are wondering when we arelio have a tluvw the salvation army meetings are held in the open air now board of education next monday e veri- ing auumportant meeting dovt yffu cease to remember it is theatsf jo for dou t you forget it the social party in the town hall monday uuingwas pronouueed a success the fixk press to january 188g for twoutytive cents now for new subscribers guelph school children are all being vaccinated according to local legal enact- merit mr john hardy of esquesing reports his yieldof wheat this year to be 65 bushels to the acre the telephone poles still remain uri- paiuted notwithstanding the promise that they would be hop picking commenced on monday the crop is not more than an average one iu this vicinity j p keper grocer rof milton wasfmed s100 and costs last thursday for viola- i tion of the scott act a gentleman jrom mosborough ihas bought the late col crays business stofsixeivttr iaa gold pen lost black gutta percha holder finder will ibe suitably rewarded by leaving at post office harvesting operations are pretty well i over seeding will conimence this i week on some farms hereabouts threshing now engages the farmers attention both as to yield and simple the voters list for 1885 has been print ed arid is in the hands of the clerk there are 261 male voters and 29 laities on the hst acton cornet band gave a free open- air promenade concert last wednesday evening oar citizens appreciated it highly the fall assizes for the county- of halton will be held at milton on tuesday 15th sept hon justicegait will preside about fifty of our citizens attended the prohibition camp at milton on sunday a smaller number was present each day of the camp nowdoth the schoolboy scowl again while hanging on the fence he growls aloud but all in vainjjschoolhath once more commenced fall wheat is turning out well the outting of canada imperfectly enforced in lis is the fault of farm ers thistle inspectors arid township coun cils what is the use of having a law if it is not carried outr the legislature has provided a way it remains for those in terested to carry out its intentions j meeting of fire insurance agentb a meeting of tin insurance agents jwllrl be held m the c nice of the bdget 29 wellington street toronto on juesjaay loth septembor at eleven oclock am matters particular y affecting fire iusurance agents will be sub nitted and ibis hoped that a permanent orgauizajtion of sueh agents will bo forn ed as thje meeting will be held jduriug the term of the udustrial exhibition a favorable opportunity is afforded for a good gathering- i lager at the wat rloo tcrumament the waterloo cuiomwethus dscente on the sale of liquors at the waterloo baud tournament not only wore all the li censed bars in full blast all day and most of the night but ample facilities were provid- ed for the thirsty c n the ground beverages innocuous aud otherwise being j dispensed in the most public manner those whoj say the scott act annot be enforced and therefore we ouglr to hold fast to our pres- ent excellent licerse law might i profitably enquire what that law was doing just there dont support peiuers- we urge our citizens and niot particu larly the female portion of thern to give travelling pedlers and drummers a wide berth buy whit you want from your local merchants vhose good faiih and re putation are alvays at stake and who contnbute to thg jmpport andgniwth of the town iu dealing with them our money is kept iu circulation in the community and moreor less of it s shre to come to ns in some shapeor otl er let it- be bor le in mind tha in a successful toyu we must recognize the orrimuuity ofj interests among all citizen an accident i onsaturday lir john beunett of the bossin house wts returning to- acton after being out in nassagaweya on some si wing machine business and when near the town hue bis horse bee ime startled in sbm uu accountable way and plunging forwai d mr b was drawn over the dash board i bthe ground he clung to the lines and succeed- l ed i over tn cluugto ed in bringing th horse to a staindsti 1 but considerably braised himself his was bennett was confiued to his days but though the skill of d was considerably braised uitpse waggon was somewhat damaged mr for s iveral lov ry he is able to walk about again aii outrage at milton last monday night some fiendish erson or persons smashed in the shopiwind jws of messrs hollinrake son mdkay bros and the windows of the office ofj mr iv- d brothers by aiming a showef of stoies at each these ger tlemen are all prot linent in the scott act movement mr bi ithers being secretary oe the county temp rance association tie villains who this senseless act the same gang which amused time ago in firing revolvers at jh l w i the cenjetery and otherwise deface ing the memento placed over the estirig place of deceasea loved ones we hi pe no stone will be liift unturned by which the scoundrelswill receive just puitishmsnt ides idy lph il lamen bite i etc lh mf n tai sore iggists at the best druggist foil x0obtxtm 00 defeated the hamilton club on the cricket grounds hamilton on friday by three games to one budgets of papers have been received during the week frotri mr alva stafford kausascitymrsps armstrong i vanhoe neb and mrs p hemstreet peck mich thaiiks fred sturdy of guelph who abduct ed miss carr from guelph eight years ago lms been released from penitentiary hav ing served his full term less reduction by good conduct thefkee ppess job department is executing orders this week- for customers in odelltown quebec bluevale palmerston and brookville our work excels and the public know it steeve galbraith has tuihed up again in the newspaper ranks he is now pro prietor of the wingham time an old love of past years the thneg will now be he newspaper of wingham i the advocate is a new jeurnalist candi date forpublic favor in fergus the ad- rocau is neatly execnted and its reading matter is of an interesting cnaracter mr coram is the publisher the staff of the fbee press desire to express their thanks to mrs john speight for ay basket of splendid red- astrachau apples the boys all appreciate mrs ss kindness and enjoyed the fruit the first third and fourth departments of the public school opened on monday owing to illness in the family miss jsliey teacher of the second department is still at her home in mount forest the woodville exprau oongratulates acton upon being the recipient of the th rteeu acres of laud presented by dr mcgarvin for a ctimetery and wishes woodville possessed j dr mcgarvin the star lacrosse club endeavored to arrange a game with rockwbod on acton grounds bat have failed the rockwood team refuses to play off its own grounds again this season joes gope to jiis home in theeast i mr tlroinas ebbage builder has just completed a neat and substantial front 1 fence for mr i francis tom is the r favorite fence builder and has erected about 1000 lineal feet of dressed fencing i in town this summer the junior stars liod a lacrosse match with the j uuipr01ymphic8 of milton in the park here lasi thursday resulting in three straights for the home team the little efcapa did some remarkable playing ou both side and the game was an interesting one are perhaps from imong the art interchange the art interchange of august 18 lias a beautiful study in color of golden rod and oardinal flower size 18x10 a bold and effective roso design in black and i white iovsbreen pauol full size anovol mubl- oal pattern jhowing various musioal in struments and musical measures for piano cover decoration two plaque derigna- ono giving lilacs the other magnolia leaves buds and blossoms auda mobt exquisite engraving entitled at the brook side are among tho othor attractions of this iksue price 15 oeiits publfshed by wm wwwlock 87 89 woat 22nd strooti now york i y- the mjlton camp m owing to the iuclomeucy aud general unseasonable naturo of tho woathor muring the past week the general attendance at tho prohibition camp at milton was muoh 8mallerjthau last year sunday jnowover being aftne warm day tho number present was very largo and is said to have exceeded the attendance at any previous meetiug since the pleasure grounds were opened the programme wab carried out ab announ ced each day the addresses andsermons were of a character to influence aud eri- oourage temperance workers to coutihue faithful in that cause resting assured that success would ultimately crown their efforts the concerts by the froth club of buffalo partook too much of a comio character to be appreciated at such a time and place a damp luxury for the lome rifles col allan informs us that he has secured rubber blankets for all the med of his battal ion this will be a great comfort to the bovs and they will cc rtainly appreciate the endeavors of the enterprising i colonel in the r behalf now clothing has arrived for the volunteers and they present a really fint appearance iu it the tunic is made of eal clothi black with scarlet pipings- it 13 closefitting and is ainarked and ap preciable improvement on tho old baggy tur ics they have been forced to wear during the past five years there will now be some enc ouragement for recruits to enroll them- sel es and we hope to see our loyal young me i take a lively interest in tho formation of i firstclass company to go to the front fro n acton ou tho 15th inst col allan ca it schultz or lieut neljsou will bt pie ised to receive the names of those whe des ire to become members the boys wen oui for drill last friday evening and wil meet again tmorrpw evening and nexli m nday evening in the drill shed dril in tructorbupkley will be present fridaj art 1 capt schultz on monday on which ev ning he wjil give out balance of clothing to ihose whehave riot been sensed ct ampionship base ball match l match for the cliampionship j of tho co mty was played in- the driving park hee last friday afternoon between ths w lite oaks of oakville and the acton ci lb which still holds the championship tl e game was an exciting one throughout during the first five innings ithe oakvillp beys took the lead then our boys went in to win and this they did decisively main ta ning the lead to the finish following is the score by innings 123150789 a tons 1 0 1112 6 3 15 white oaks 3 2 00 3 0 2 2 012 acton played only eight innings base hits actons 3 white oaks 4 umpirermcdermott oakvillo j the teams were composed as follows -j- a tons storey henry dillon white yi ilds kelly bamshaw marlatt lee hite oaks ward coty n wardel c rnwall kelly t wardell tuck will iams buzzard errors were liberal on both si les principally in the field the battery 0i each was of a superior character for er 27 n mf lkhssffcbffsfew bollert loer wyndham street guelph ontario perp trated itsel some the monu- ovelly is wliat the world is after wlint took th fanoy and pleased tho popjular mind of yesterday lias lost its clnirins today tliedomuod isevorfor something liew particularly is this the case in wearing apparel arid tho eucqeshful oatererin the great cause of dry goodb is he who antici pates the wants of the public and thou supplies them antiquated styles are worse than useless new textures new colorings i new combinations of shades are produced with a rapidity baracterlbtiu of the age and the mer- ihant who does not keep up with these ijhatigesliad better try some other busi- ess unr loads of last years styjes will noyor do the pubiio want the no west the freshest the prettiest this is what we aim at lit no 27 large quantities of the fall goods have keen opened during the past week and are daily arriving and my stock tor the fall of 1885 will be found very at tractive i plane no value in double- loaded advertisements readers are bilrtelted i am sure with that kind of thing i believe in always doing better thau 1 advertise i will therefore sim ply exteud a cordial invitation to call at no 27 whether you want to buy i ornot and we will show yoii novelties in silks and satins novelties inj dress goods novelties in velvets and plushes nftveltiiw id mantle clotlib novelties iri cloths and tweeds novelties in millinery novelties in mantles noveltiea in fancy goods novelties in every department at ly 2qr stoxe no 27 ldtoer wyndham st ibjfilve irotj hot and dryskln j soalding sensationb swelling of the ankles vague feelings of uiiirest frothy or bnokduav fluid i aoid stomach aohing lc ins cramps growing ngrvoumesb strange soreness of the bbwols unaocountable languid feelings short breath and jpletiriiio pmnb i one sido headaohe baokaohe frequent attaoks if the blues fluttering and distress of the heart albumen arid tubo casts i i tho water fitful rheumatio niris iind neuralgia lobs of appetite flesh md strength constipation altornating with looseness of the bowels abundant pale or scant y flow of dark water j j chills and fevorjl burr ing patches of skin then i yq tr haye urlgmg disease of tl e kidneys i i the above sympjtoms at snot developed in any order but appear dii appear and re- apear until the disease gradually gets a firm grasp- on the cpnstituti mi the kidney- poisoned blood breaks dovn the nervous system and finally pneuintnia diarrhoea bloodlesbiiess heart disetse appbplexy paralysis or convulsions msue and then death is inevitable this fearful disease is not a rare ones it is ar every day dis order and olairas more victims than any other complaint it must he treated in tim or it will gain the mastery dont negl sot it war ners safe qure has c ured thousands of oases of the won t type ind it will cure you if you will ubo it promptly arid as di rected it is the only specific for the nni- yersal disease bkights a sacrifice o- frames mo jldings l x cc g w hill photoartist has a large stock of i lush md vejvet pic ture frames and moaldinis of all kinds- which owing to irisp ropbe id removal from acton be desires to distose of at once 3heavhole stock is marked down to prices at and below cost now isj the time fo big bargains in fine goods and i would lil e all my old custom era to participate in tl em call and exam ine stock mi ca you pricda 3c bflll iooi b ij j twjiisii pain m oils yarnishttis turpentine eeadkinixed paitils of all shades kept in stock atmcgamrrs drug siorei r r buloiir coal oil at jif cgarvinf sldrug store uail it mcgrarvins drug- and stationery stire for your fancy jroods buy your drugs at mcgrarvins drug strtre wher get them jure and reliable at reasonable ts5 9 ooks itionery school requisitejs of w kindjjli ept tjmcgarvins drug and stationery store do nat forget tlfeplace- nf i v actolsl crebat i feargralists halr dn dey goods house please mark the place a nateur miss yvllllams qoncert postpo led miss clara williams concert ann mnced in last issue has been postponed nnti 1 next tuesday evenin 7th inst in the town hall georgetown respectiuf miss will iams superior a aility the folbwin press notices will be found interestin new york ierwsays mi bb w illiams has a voice of a beautiful and synrr athetic qnalityther trills with the flute were like those of a bird in bishops old soi g lo here the gentle jlark benediits cirnival of venice was full of beautiful exe ution boston hone journal says miss williams several numbers grven at the recital here ware rendered in- th s three languages english german j and italian and fairly captured the immense andiepce frightened by the cars if jon friday last dr freerilan ind his iriao of georget own were driving in to town and- had started to cross the g t i track here immediate lyafter the lliam express had passed to t le depot not nbticin i that a freight train tear by was about iomove out the noise of the freight enginefright- ened the hors which began to rear and plunge- and tramping the carrage too short one of the axles and i whs el were broken off the man jumped out to quiet the animal an i when in front o it the horse raised its head suddenly andj a tooth caught the man in the forehead cutting an ajrtery and tearing the flesh and skjn pretty badly the flw of blood wasquenched and the wound stitched up surd the party went on their i ray j i j yes ton can md profit by it j cautafford to advertise it costs too much so so why donlyou put yonr- goods into a shed or a back street because jit costs something for a ni store in the business part of the town use bid dry- goods boxes because you caruot afford to put in nice attractive couuteib put up no sign because signs cost something spend nothing in advertising your business be- causelt i costs too much then growl about hard times because people go to those who do idyertise instei id of spending time to hunt jou up no wc nder on cant afford to i ads ertise when yon dont let people know vbee you are i nd what you have to sell and then yotr trsjde is so smallthat wlen yoii do havj a ianstomer you are comp tiled to put a large margin on what ho w vnts or yon cint afford to live dont eiivywourenterprisiig neigh bors whoaifrertibe when jyou feee stores full ojf customers f hile clubs mr mcdermott makes a were e j a empty butrwt ke tip and go ai id dolikowise very hood umpire his decisions n pidly given and decisive every time thi cakvilleboys deservedno thanks for tlie courtesy extended to him and they earned f r themselves the unenviable name of kickers as far as tho umpires decisiois v ere concerned especially when their for t ines began to turn i lteresting binder exhibitions the selfbinder has been brought to such perfection by the various manufacture rs t lat they are now ooming into very geneial use even the owners of small farms ccn- c luding that it is to their interest to inv st i i this laborsaving machine year by y ar i nportant improvements have been effected a ud the cordbinder is now considered a i erfect machine easily operated and con trolled by any fanner j j j during the i past week there have been xhibitions given by agents for a couplej of t he binders being sold in this section on iriday messrs morrison bopthroyd of guelph put tseir machine the minnesota ihief into a field of heavy oats on the arm of mr alexjmann and the work done vas of an excellent and highly satisfactory i harapter the rain was cntl clejan and ilose and bound into a neat cqmpactsheaf earing very seldom a straw on the figld some of the grain was unusually tall in4 leavy while elsewhere it was short and brn but the machine operated iust as licely and tied the sheaf as neatly in one is the other the interesting part of the test was that the maohine was drawn with sage by two horses and they were driven by a boy 13 years of ate who had never been on a binder before this machine has been generally well received byithe farmfers and a large number of them are now in use on saturday mr a f smith agent for harris son co brantford gave an ex- hibitionof what their now junior binder would do in a field of oats on the farm of mr robt warren near the gtr to look at this field one would imagine xi au utter impossibility for a machine to do any thing with it as the grain was lying flat on the ground in every direction and in a tangled mass representing the appear mce of a barnyard in winter i thelittlo reaper waded into it however aud although the ground was unusually soft it gathered up the disordered grain and bound it rapidly and in good order into wellshaped sheaves occasionally at first the machine vould chbke up with the tangled straw butl this was remedied and the farmers and others who witnessed the work pronounced tho binding of grain in buch a condition ai won derful accomplishment the junib is ai new machine and is likely to become a favorite i am still executing firstclass fhobogpaphs in immense quantitiei ani am prepared to fill every order in trie 1 est i tyle w- hill cosihonslnsi catarrh and vith if air charged element foul air wil continuously air cbt elements will cure whji ijreathed oontinu ously tktatmem oiisomption ney er ilefofte in canada iweke goods dffereb shirtings thi t we splendid q laliti upwards o muslins and la wrisjbeay tiful pdttejens ihcolir cream and whito at 7c and upwards great diseasecreatiug kid when breathed air i cbolrgel with remedial thepilloi inhaler are sea- grtjelph returns thanks to the public of acton aiid surrounding country for thfe very large and increasing volume of trade which they extenjdiug to us larger this son than it ever was in th his tory of the lion and while we think that we are not undeserving of yonrj most liberal patronage inasn6ch as we are selliug gopds at les prices than were evck be fore only ia au elegantly made hair pillow charged with remedial elements tl le vapor of which the patient inhales all ight long whilst sleeping as usual iii cinuot get but of order and is perfectly iafe to the most delicate it will last for years and serve any number of persons in a family in suc cession it batters down the stronghold of catarrh bronckitls asthma and 1 oonaompt on aud makes a permaheni ure by a continn- ou application ofjiealilif and curative air directly to the diseaseld parts sufferers from atfy of the nboyeil entioned diseases are urgently leqaeated to send us their ud- dress and a 50page pimphlet will be mailed ito them free vhich will give a complete history of thh ivonderfuldiscov ery and the prin 2iples ui n which it works together with i long li it of testinioniala from those who have us s 1 it ami wlio now rejoice in perfect health do not delay for the i mger a disease ib allowed to run uueheck 2 i the slower and harder it is to effect a cu re there is uo medicine taken into the stoni ch no douching or snuffing nor auything disagreeable about this treatment i it has never been known toi fail send your name anjl address plainly writeh to the pillow inh dler aeeaoy losion ont judwri to the trade and not that but we are selling goods at a nargm of profit which ft ttas always considered a man not do business on and soiild live but ifb we have an idea that it can busi- t8ines8 is conducted on ntebs principles at any rate we are trying the experiment in the interest of the public opean lines every mftil from our eur buyer brings news ot some picked up at slaughter prices which we y ill be able to give at figures undreamed of in the past we have as find it pi ys t hoij e a stock as can ue foimdin any city at do fall yqur agair n j i atabki1a eh tbeathest perhaps the most eit taordinary suocess that has been aohievedji i modern medioine has been attained by th dixon treatment for catarrh out of 2 0 30 patients treated during the past six rroiths fully ninety per cent have been on e 3 of this stubborn malady this ig none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per centof patients presei it ing themselves to the regular practitio n ir are benefitted while the patent nmdioines and other advertised cures ne f c record a cure at all starting with the claim now generally believed by the mpst spientifie men that tte disease i i ine to the presence of living parasites in t h s tissue sir dix on ai price adapted hi i jure to their exter minationthis accoii ij ilished he claims thecatairrh is pratici 1 y cured and the permanenoy is unquesxned as cures effect ed by him four years- ngp are cures sttll no one else has evei attempted to euro catarrh in this manne r and no other treat ment hois ever cured da fcarrb the appli cation of the remedy is simplfe and canbe done at home and tie present season of the year is the most fi orablefbr a speedy and permanent cure tie majority of oases being cured at one tr i atment bufferers should corresporid witl i messrs a h drx- on son 305 king n reet west toronto canadaand enclose s i amp for their treat- ize on catarrh motl eat star nov 1782 j- riot fail to visit the lion this and we will make it pay expenses over anci over their yours is i1ci dfor working pc ple nfcfci rmstace and i re w g- white ce fot at the a c to 1st s0 cheap as we them this spring offering i e formerly worth 20c we are selling fftr 12c cottops a yard wid ato and cc embtoiderys at 3 and 5c worth 10c r hundred patterns to select from dress goods at 8c and upwards otwni rints at 5c and milliisriem- d we are loin the trade ish goods and we sincerely to always keep the best and moststy thank the ladies of aeton and vicinity for theif liberal patroi age this ipriig by such we are greatly encouraged in our effort in nlroducing a finer chjsthan heretoforqkept in acton of dry goods hndv millinery i w ei5stts fxjblsrxsbgilsrlgis i call on us tor etjatta shirts xuloid collars and ctjffs stylish hats and we seat them all a goods that tocrfjan cap rely on the best and cheapest stock dry g30de and boots shoep and groceries 1 teyub and be convinced wv di i eib tic tge1t1 i a ftei 15 bo ortn ate as to win for itself thesecond place in number of pc licies issued and amount o itwbr done in the whole list of 36 life companies doing buflness in canada- as shown by rt iportp fpr the year 1884 flacel yout appltcation hi the hands of j velvet and plush frames selling out at less than cost must be sold at once to clear out stock c iv hill photo sendlooents postageam ye will maflj ypuree a royal valuable samp e boxof gobcls that will put you in thi wi y of making more money in a few dajfs tl tan yoi ever thought possibleat airiy busirief a capital not re quired you oan iye it home and work in spare time only or all the time all of both sexes of all ages grandlv successful 50 oerits to 5 easily ei med every i evening that all who wanj wo rk may test the host- ubrb wemake this ni paralleled offer to all who are not well si tisfied we will send 1 to ay for the tr able of writing us fullipartioularsi direc ions ete sent free imrriepse pay absolute y sure fori all who start at once don i delay addressr sunbon co portland maine lcjws sulphur soip should be found with every toilet i it p oleansiur arid heal ing h excellent position obttacned by 1 li fp assurance years of careful and energetic management the above co oapany lias been lt0nby general agent im mi griffin mutual qompany h p 1 core local agent ledlig wholesale and eetail carpet dealers b king street east hamilton fine br ussel i cat pets j fine apes fcrvk jarpets i fiiiwodlcirpets jj fjine cocoa mattings best english oilolo bist make a special l of enrflsh oilololhs ydswide bi sk onoumsri yards wide fiiie lace curfcains v 1 ine madras curtains fine tnpeidlry curtainsi fine turcoman curtains pine tapestry coveringjs r fin a furniture cover igs ine curtain poles fine chain bauds best quality 0 irpet sweepri best quality p pine stair fine shide pdlea best i pftteri is lowest i8 kirifi3trt east twmrtwjiimjriiiii sprag rollers bodsf mamllton iu i j

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