Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1885, p. 4

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fciaslirspkj 4 tniusi moiixixo skrtkitnkh 3 188 rl mi what makes a man i not numerous years nor lengthened lifei kot pretty children mid at wife not pins mid chains aud fancy rings nor any suchlike trumpery tiling not piiej cigar nor bottled ivino nor liberty with kings to diuo nor coat nor boots nor yet a hat a daudv vestor trimmed cravat noralfthe worlds nvealth laid iu store nor mister keverend sir nor squire withtiues that the memory tire nor ancestry traced back to will wljo west from normandy to kill nor thousand volumes rambled oer v not latin gr ek nor hebrew lore not judges ro e iwrviftyor8 mace nor crowns tl at deck the royal race these all ujiitpd never can avail to imake a single main a truthfjul soul a loving mind full of iffectiou for its kind a spirit firm crectaud free that never basely beudsa knee i that will nojt bend a feathers weight ofslavbvjschanoo for small or great that woly speaks from god within qit iieverniakea a league with sin l that snaps the fetters despots make and loves the truth for its own sake tha worships god and him alono j and bows no more than at his throne 1 and trembles at no tyrants nod a soul that ears rfo one but god h and thus can smile at curse or ban tlis is tho soul that makes a man j lftris6ii a campaign secret given away in the campaign of issi the two candi dates for governor in a pivotal western state arraugedior a series of joint discus sions both men were popular both of fine appearance and were so well matched in mental force and as orators that the con test between them promised to be a mag nificent one for several weeks the scales balanced evenly but one day the brilliant republican can didate came up ailing he seemed over come and spoke laboredly the nest day he was even less effective later he was compelled to ask his opponent for a post ponement of certain appointments which wagranted before the campaign ended he had abandoned the fiefrtaltogetqer meantime the democratic candidate con tinued his canvass seeming tdgrow strong er cheerier and more effective with each succeeding week he was elected one evening in december while entertaining several gentlemen he said j will tell you a campaign secret which gave me the election with the opening of my camgaign i began caring for my liver i knew that a disordered or torpid liver meant dullness and possible sickness i took something every day- when my op ponent began failing i knew his trouble to be his liver and felt like prescribing for him but feared il i did so he might beat iue i grew stronger as the camgaign pro gressed often makiug two speeches a day even my voice to my surprise did not fail ma once all because warners safe cure kept me hial trim exgovernor jacob of kentucky also made a campaign tour i undetiprecisely similar circumstances and i saya hejtept up under the exhausting strain by use of the same means rochester union e t s w5 fciiiiim warning and comfort always required a good cathartic medi- cine national pills wilfnpt disappoint you j what is a dude inquired oneirl of another it is a delusion audrastare was the response as they passed one oh the corner worms derange the whole system mother graves worm exterminator de ranges worms and gives rest to the suf ferer itonly costs- twentyfive cents to try it and be convinced to ihe kesene when all other remedies fail fpr bowel complaint colic cramp3 dysen tery etc then dr filers extract of wild strawberry comes to the rescue thus writes w h crocker druggist wajerdown and adds that its sales are large aud increasing mrs ohearn river street toronto uses dr thomas eclectric oil for her cows for cracked and sore teats she thinks there is nothing like it she also used it when her horses had the epizootic with the gry beat results do not be per suaded to take any other oil iu place of dr thomas eclectric oil i ayers ague cure when used according to directions is warranted to eradicate from the system all forms of malarial dis ease such as fever and ague chill fever intermittent remittent and bilious fe vers and disorders of the liver try it the experiment is 5fe oneand will cost you nothing if a cure is not effected jtherlopray fears the despotiding viewsi the weariness of sonl that many complain of woald often disappear were the blood made pure aud healthy before reaching the delicate vessels of the brain ayers bar- saparilla purifies and vitalizes the blood and thus conduces to health of body and sanity of mind a dnngeroui iuiiilltloii one of the most dangeroiis conditions is a ueglected kidney complaint whenyou buffer from weary aching back weakness and other urinary troubles apply to tho back a burdock- porous plaster and take burdock blood bitters the best system regulator imown for the liver kidneys s torn achjxridjb o wels i frnlirm sennon tho uitfnl season of the year is prolific with minyformi of bowel complaints such n diarrhoea idyientery colic cholen morbus choiera infantum o as a s tfegnard and positive cure for those t distre sing and often sudden and dangerous attac i nohihgcan surpass that old and reiial medicine dr fowlers extract of wild itrawberry dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial is prered from drags known to tlld pro- fession as thoroughly reliable for the cure of clmlera dysentery diarrhoea- griping pniim and summer complaints iti has been used successfully by medical prac titioners for a number of years with grati fying results if suffering from any sum mer complaintit is just thftmedioine that wulure you try a bottle it sells for 25centsi f interesting itema hnvd and soft corijs cannot witlistiuiil holloways corn cure it isoffeotmu over tune get a bottle at onco and bo iiappj there lyii kxcns there is no excuso for tho munij- pal i sallow weary looking females thrqiigh6i t oiii- land vaey jbiuvlick blood bitters will regufste their tronlles mid relief their health strength and vigor nt bo small cost a sfnrr thhik a lsio jure for si miner coinpliuuts- irocure fiiom your druggist ono 37 jioe it bottle of ir fowlcrb extract df wild strawberry and uso t ccording to direotioi it isjbifalliblo for durrhoeachoku m r bus oauker of tho g tonmcli and bove8 ami tolera infautiun ioh oiktl scarcely a family exists but that soine member is suffering with bad blood and poisoned secretions 1rbni constipation giv mg rise to rheumiuisra scroful4 erup tious catarrh and c thgr complaiiitd iudi oang lurking blood poison which a few bottles of burdock blood bitteijs would eradicate from tho system thiiliscdvery of the instantandoiis pix cess of taking photo jraphs has been quickly followed in the medical world by f perfect and instantaneous remedy for ill acute aches and paiiis as neuralgia toothache rheumatism etc this valuable remedy is called fluidlightning aud is sold at 25 cents a bottle by irj mcgaryiu druggist mcgregor it paikos carbolic cerate is invaluable for wounds sores salt rheum cuts burns scalds and febters as a heal ing and purifying dressing do not be lm posed on with othe useless preparations recommended to be as good use only mc gregor it parkes cr rbolic cerate sold by dr mcgarvin important a inoun er at i i clement 1 hb star grocery yoiji cuq buy goods caeai than at any otht place in he county of hilton and aiiy pro its all all your hardware hoots and shoos we can ipell yon for less money than yoii can buy ihcni at anyjother place west of toronto oil other leii art heythes smiths forks rakes biirjey fork rnles hpos sec barb wire for jeiieinn sizes klways in stock maahin cinds of machinery in peerless lnbricntin everythiilig else iiv hardware bots and shoes tliau vou over bought theni before hol place in ontario we a re bound aimilj and ve intend to handle hi come aijd buy your giving to do the trade ouil quantifies of tjoods si also garden spade h up business b mccarthy jlayiug decided to give up his booaf business a full lillft of glfl8b ill cry oils for reapers mowers and gaud lardittfi anil or groceries cheapeir in jour j life pure paris green cheap kev jf g fallis dutton certifies for some years in v wifehas beer troubled with dyspepsia an 1 hasuriedohe thing after another recou mended with but little or no effect till adv sed togive speedy cure a trial since taking the first bottle i have noticnka decided improve ment and can witl confidence recommend it to bo one of if nitthe best inedjicine ex tant for dyspepsja tiiis iuvaluaible medi- cinjfor liver complaint indigestion kid- neyicomplaint is rarely vegetable sold at tr mcgarvins drug store trial bottles free ldricc to mother are youdisturbi d at night and broken o your rest bj a sijk child suffering aqd crying with pain f cutting teeth if so send at once and gt a bottle of jr jli- tloips soothhxj syrup for chili niv teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it motllersthere is no mistake about it it curesdyseutery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic- softens the gums reducesin- flaminatiod and gives tone aud feuergy to the whole system jrs winxlovfusoothinri syrupjor children tetthhuj is pleasant to the taste and is tne prescription of one of the bldestand bcs female unrsej and phy sicians in the united states nn4 is for sale by all druggists throughout hhe world 44 they invig rate and restore n eonplaiiilb inciilcntii kinds it is also nessmen student much brain work be without it it your system in re price 25 cents a battle j why suffer froni weak nerves want of appetite and gene al debility letting the loss of sleep and n st impoverish the sys tem arid thin the mood when suih areally meritorious remedy as northrop i lymans quinine wine muy be had at any drug e isrecommenled by the highest members c f the medical faculty in cases of indigestion general delility loss of appetite and nervous affectians of all specially beneficial to children and dcliccte females ankl to busi i- and those who have we would i ay never will strengthen you keep ular order aiid enable the work you to successfully grapple- with you have to do it is pleasant to tho taste and contains nothing hijurious to the most delicate constitution ileinerut er to ask for the quinine wine jpreparetl by nor throp t lyman toronto and we are sure you will be satisfied that you have full value for your money druggistsscllik kings evfl wastlienamefoitnerlygivea to scrofula because of a superstition tliut it could bo cured by a king s touch thejworid is wiser now and k lows that i tn only be cured by a thorough purifica- tion of the blood if this is neglected the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after feneration among its earlier symptom itic developments are eczema cutaneous eruptions tu mors boils carbuncles erysipelas purulent uiceis nervous and phy sical collapse etc if allowed to con tinue rheumai ism scrofulous ca tarrh kidney and liver diseases tubercular consumption and vari- us other dangercitts or fatal maladies are produced by it j ayers ihrsaparifa is the only powerful arid alwayt reliable moodpurifying medicine it uso effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system hereditary scrofula and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases tnd mercury at the same time it en riches and vitalises the blood testoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenatjng the entire system thisgreat regeneratrve medicine is composed of the jcenutne honduras 8arsaparttarth fellow doik sul- lingia the iodise of potassium and iron and other dagredjents of great po tency carefully and bclantlflcajly com pounded its for nula fs generally known to the medical profession and fthe best physicians constaitly prescribe ayiafl bibsapabilla as an t jjr absolute cuie for all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood it js concentrated to lie high est practicable degree far bpymd any other preparaoa for hlch wii effects are claimed anjd- li thereforecheheapest as well as thembest mood purifying medi cine in the world ayers sarsapar 11a preabtib bt or j c ayer ico lowoll mass analytical cnemists j sold by all dru jgists bott es for price 1 95 six is fam glandular at cost and under itage to call early partips desirous of securing i xrgains will find if to their o rbsh on hand all uf wh remember that 50c tea worth 60c j e hoason next door to post office he alth foi ajill 1 oways filljs aind ointment purify the bloud liveit stomach j correct all disor lei s of the kijvnbys and parties indebted tb me expense ir jl2x1d il acton will off6r his entire st dck railwt time tabl shoe vri advai and selqp t beforo the stock becomes ifeducpd f have a full stock of sprina elkvidl be offered at prices which astol vhl please call and settle tin sir tn h b ilrthy j nvc ik leading who uoweis itioue am are invaluable ill all i health debilitated tonstit i id females of j nil ages- koif children and tho aged they arcjpricelcfs the ointm isaniufailable lenicily for bud ixs bid uuasts oldv his for trout iiiid iiheiiinatisin toi flisordeis 0h soeb throats bronchitis swellings anil all suin diseases it has no riy iiinils sores aim ulcers lift liii chest it hasiioeipial 0ughs colds t and for contracted and stiff ipinls it acts like u eliarn mil nufacturiil only atthomajwfolloavj 78 tioir oxford street date ms- osforfl aud me sjild at is lid 2s d 4s id lis a2a an be had of all medicine vendors tlioug aaturchabors should lipk to the label on the pots aiid 533 oxford street london they nt ma it a iiuo brusels juipets fine tupcstlrv uiirpet fin wool caiihts fine cocoa matt uis bestenlihoilclo brt liiiiolelims i fiiit lace flue mudraji l esale and retail di 48 kiu street east ham ays establishment street london bagr i us each box or pot and may lit i he ivorid i5 xes if the address is not ii suijousr the ast lnd clotmng store i fashlonablktaieorina spring tweeds worsted coatings and serges at ihe east e jclotnin store- our oarmonts are made porfeet fitting snd in tho latest artistic dosigns a fine assortment of spring hats also on haind speight s6 son acton undertakers carriage hakers c epared to furnish every from the best casket to thet plainest cof on the shortest n all calls either wight faction jriiiifiiiiteed in every ease a first aarweare in n iinsil ion to satiijiactonly fill lcl time good workm very lisciiptith i reasonable used v ktll you will ini j- up cash we hiiig in their lino- and at lowest trrns i r jl or day pr class hears 3 for hire i c also a fijilenditj lot or furniture bo will sell vou ai 63 haters 5 dn ground nclcntfjirouij fro manvjtiirtnrrtl jiu a lllltttt ilil tore tltf rawly recommeiulid hij ik livery pairuf skr j e vmcgarvlln hi lit iknt fur a c ton ont dresjqoodslbusvn ni new fal new black cashineres in soft good value at 62ic a tremcii fleecv- lined jerseyh fi loves- new fancy flannel omptly ittended to satis- for avarijons tarriageh c6f ansliinaiidtirstcliisblmatcrialalwnys li common and extra quality cheap ything in our line cheap a spei6ht manager shij irion and 246 i i jvs105 st ssoaireal rlrnr mil ilirr pihlih or optical ilntm rtipecially ilimi ori without riyintiiii lied iiibiptml to rex- i i ndniii liirrvt iisiiii tlifij ire imperially hiill fiicdltij j whs aixl kyegisimscs in rlcs- mid shades h ni verity finish at dons stock of new zmmmm druggist j sjydsjvidi yards wide ttii- nine curtains tiipeh ry curtains ke a- specialty jf- try i flue 1ii icon h fine tapi fine fujiiitu fine c fini bstdi best puthbest patterns- west wis- j mckiy 48xlng j farmers for leaping and mowing machines use larding maohjljie 0l no gum no spit an will wear longer ihs4 u7 otner oil j f sole 51 an ufactdllekst- mcooliltbror co k0h ruk at grand oowoillas mixed jci kxiircsi trunk f aii wy coiso kvisi sjir si iush nniill ll tiiiondi kii aicoiii coiicsh li jiii imiuii li i in i fi tlj 1 il- cliicago kxpi and toroiito j time going westl goliitf hiist jo canadian cbxjii toronto to dot toronto btretsvillejuno 10 stthomas 12 detroit 2 inli ievery customer couiits and thereby eave chicago winnipeg 7 00 toronto to tl toronto ottawa montreal quebec uoston hite tjfivl cock mil eto bilw 01 closing mails 10 aiiaijltifpu 40 am iinilfljopjii a in reni fli iiu ho im swj a in en gueljih burhbii ihail 01 jbenat 10 hm on wednesday pacific raflway fi al poixth and vt est kskil t1mk tai11e bit chicago ftiid pneiflc rx l aimil 2jll 3 pm ti2 h stlpuis ex 8 uoi 1ji7 lllu a ppet dealers ilton lin curtains f coverings recoverinub ijrtoin poles chi in bdud8 najity carpet sweeperb bes quality sprn rollersj fjne stair rods fine shade poles manitoba local ex 4 10 pm 5 20 h 55 c 30 am 7 toaui 7 55 5 ispm l 1 jnday 1 boston jijoiitrcaliex 7 55im 5 17 aui b 50 50 pm h- 3d bpi brainptoii tostreetsvillejun2tiou 7 22aiu i 01 pm 1 4 daily except intreal quqlc an jiinmsil ex i h i7t1n1 c 17 pnir 112 0lam bramnton streetsviud jct brampton to brampton oriuigeville owen sound ipiirchase your tickets by n orungevitlg tnd ov 9 37 aui 1105 g30pni pw and popular ii e mcgakvin en sound 5 45 pm 0 57 10 00 1 his line east hamilton dm e c webt xebve and bi aix tbeat- mest a guaranteed specific for h ys teria dizzi- uess convulltus fits xervous keuralgia hoaitacho nervous prostration ca lsed by the use ol aleolidljoraobacco wakefuln sss mental depression bmteniug of the brain esulting in insanity and leacting to misery decs and death rremature old age barrenness lo is of power ineithersexiruybluntait loses aid sperma- iorrhceacaubijcl by overi exertion 0 tho brain selfabuse or joveriiululgeuce ea li box con- tains one moiuhs treatment one abllar a box or six boxes wrave dollarn sent- b- mail urel paid on receipt if price weuarau bee six boxes to cure any cao with each order received by us for bix boxes accomiianied with five dollars we will sendthe purchaser our writt m guarantee to refund the nibney if the treattni nt does hot effect a cure- j guarantees issued on ly by johk c ave st cd sole proprietors 1- a 183 west madison st chicago 111 sold by j e mcgarvin mcgarvinis drug store and also by d l schultz rc wood toronto q t hills etar vi s tiito ii succe fifteento i nro some wis ness three millinery trinities of pride j 25 cents atbisootitsau nd will cense on saturday night the at of august as s inmier itiul other trooh tn ltvose of so thtit lusewiss to avo li tleftiselj but there y t which we t t itle fote4 tiervsaiu bteains given t6iflfeot a lealaiioe aid prints avi 11 lie sold aw ne of silks and ends of s r yard worth four timps large arrivals of fall alnd mcleod jr mammqm immense ipmeftfspf 7rw goos at bxto kemember our millinery dress making and ordered clothing depjirtir cuts prices are lovr tlnin over for tlielast three weeks jvalkins of the utg it house lias been receiving his immense fait importations fiflin been placed in stock customers will find an iniraenseassortment of goods to piike their selections from and ltj beeif ioarht much under tbei actual value and will bft sold at extremely low plriies call early and see the f ada display of w goods an 1 ueen do niuuu uu j t display of black dress stuffs shown in soliel c ptbs bourette cloths cauyas clfth mmense stock of new colored cashmeres see the new co velvelteens including tho silk jfinished plush makes an el carpet sweepers anit other fljmsefurnishingsi c ill and see the new carpets- about 35 packages of other early and see theinew goods at nis 30 and 32 kiik strjiet east and the namejis hamilton september 3d 1s8 also m black newpatins arid monvllicux special a ttenn is directed to th4 enormous stock of ladies je sey are all made by the best mantle naiivifautuiersiii the world every lady should see them before the assnrtm int a treirendnih atock of riev man ie and ulster cloths an elegant assortment of new pric new white scanjet anil grey flannels new laoe curtains new styles of uoo is id drapery ahdfurnuurejrials new cretonues audprinis also mi immense stoc c of nfw carpete in woo tapestry brussels and wilton jligs ordinarily gh i prices- europe over 135 lanje packigei of new dry goods have itsio mas io w- ft house geo ore 1 cashmeres at 55c they an e tra wide and would be jaut assortment of new silk plushes jackets paletots mantles an is broken ladies jerseys ntal yak and fancy lace3 uoor mats crumb cloths ke e r goods will be opened up thi i voek ladies shbutd call stai iy down at iinheard- lks to he sild at the nionev winter importations co pgetgwn a book of 100 pages ahi bestbook lor an jioiai to con- tisiny sult b0 b experl- x otherwise ttoontains fists of newspapers and estimates oftnecost of advertising the ortyortiser who wants to spenil onp ilollar fludsin it the in- formation he requires while iorhim who will invest onemindreil thousand dollais in ait- verttsihg a scheme is indicated which will meet his- every requlienient or can be made to toso bj slight chariots easily arrived at by cor respondent h9 editions have been issued sentpostfpaid to any addrosstfor 10 cents avrite to geo p rowell 4 co newspapeu adveetisdtci bwreau 10spruccstprinunbhousesq now yort vhe kott dellgi tfta summer tour ftiuestmam itw satet j tmr tripi pop wee b8twn detroit and mackinaq and svaty wek d bttwmn it and cleveland wriuforou piofuresque maokinaiij lllusiiateil otmuinsrouparaeniari hadfre bdfrbit cleveland sleam navi cfc -manhood- how lost hou restored vo have recenth jsti- mated eseay pn llie radical and t n vi thoutmedieiiie of nertousdebthty mental and lhysica4 incapac lty iiiipedimonts of marria e etc resultmo from excebseg- k salricc hi a sealed cuve oj e durv g nnt or twj postiijle stamps tho belebiiited author in t lis admirable es- say qlearly- denioustratks irom thirty years successful pmctee thtt alare iin conscqueiices may up rathi ally cured with ut the daurons uso of nlerual medicines or t e use of the knife poiutinu out i a mode of cure a t ouce simple cfer- tauii qnd effectual by merns of hich every sufferer no matter what hb condition may be h h ltel atfd radicllly thwlectute should bo in the fianefs ot evei yoiithaudoierymau iu the li nd y addres the calvcrwcll medical o postofficeboi45o7 yoik published a new 1 any lots of goods have i nmense stock of colored i aud other fancy makes shown in choice shades 1 i olmatis these garments raided and plain also tbei ijte colored- and- black kid i kew silk ribbons isihtoh sqnares liiioleums j ml north dakota moil- i lina idahor washlnotofi and oregon am ti tkuins it 1 ljake superior 1 ces rkngiiig chiefly iron tlo yewums thlf fflf lands i opnsetjsotmd f2 to 6per acre er jist4 government l fre 1 under the homestead ina timber ullure laws vntt acres ol i moe rail jtaftvot nil th s public i i tuekorll ernpadll juaps wnt fb ee dewrttilne qie komhjt uambobnund ptnent lands addresichas h- comr n e bsf a or free oxkvkj invatj lij pel tinued j bptioiilj casua first ina sequent rcckonjj jicale blj advea will be j ingly in adv chsu in the they wi i her of i offil frede hi surge accoul orif hotet n eases l a new ai monly teethi ritratoj cohea for office j tovtll 1 -j4- td teeth raoss iugj cj hajje r uiji mtlf iuay veted inkj dencdj sound a11i ed tol i j al g j oj sul lih allel j 1 201 st gr fol orl or r prd a

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